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Belgrade Media Report 14 January 2022



Vucic asked for Serbs to return to joint institutions and protect RS interests (RTV/Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serb member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Milorad Dodik assessed in today’s talks that peace and stability are of critical importance for the entire region. Dodik pointed out that an unprecedented political and media campaign is being waged against the Republika Srpska (RS) and the Serb people in B&H, not only in Sarajevo but also in numerous Western power centers, the Serbian President’s press service said in a statement. Giving an example, Dodik highlighted the celebration of the RS Day, followed by the most heinous insults from Sarajevo and the mouths of many Western politicians, who presented an ordinary event attended by regular and legal police forces of the Republic of Srpska as a threat to peace, whereas the genuine threat to peace by Muslim paramilitary units, the Green Berets, and their gathering in Sarajevo and Buzim, was not even mentioned. Dodik underlined that it is nearly impossible for the Serb people to fight for justice and consistent implementation of the Dayton Agreement due to the unilateral and biased approach, primarily that of the US. Vucic assessed that the US sanctions against Milorad Dodik and other RS officials represent a dreadful precedent and that they can only produce catastrophic consequences for the development of relations between the three nations and two entities in B&H and beyond, in the entire region. “Sanctions have always brought only a problem, and never a solution,” Vucic added.  Considering the weight of the position of the entire Serb nation, and particularly the inappropriate and unjust pressures on the RS and its leadership, Vucic asked President Dodik and all political forces in the RS to participate in the work of joint institutions in B&H and to protect the interests of the Serb people and the RS in the best manner. Vucic pointed out that every decision is up to the RS leadership, but that he also invites Dodik and all political representatives in the RS to consider his suggestion, as it is clear that some political factors that substantially jeopardize the stability of the entire region through untruths and insinuations are endeavoring to assign the fault for that to the Serb people and the RS. “My request to President Dodik and all political factors in the RS is not a request to agree with anything or to vote for anything. On the contrary, my request is that the table where the RS representatives should sit should not be vacant and that they should fight in the best possible way for the interests of the entities and the Serb people,” Vucic underlined. Vucic offered to present his proposal to Dodik and all institutions and political representatives in Banja Luka. Vucic and Dodik also discussed the significant financial support Serbia plans for the RS, and that the teams of the two presidents and the two governments will speed up talks and inform the public as soon as possible. They also consented to hold a grand assembly of the Republic of Serbia and the RS, including a joint session of the two governments on 27 January, when strategic economic projects and further improvement of cooperation in all areas between Serbia and the RS will be decided.


Vucic with Kosovo Serbs; Rakic: Serbs want to the referendum (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met today with representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. The Head of the Serb List Goran Rakic told reporters after the meeting with Vucic that the conversation lasted a long time, because the topics were serious and concerned Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and the most important one was certainly the upcoming referendum. “the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija want to declare themselves in the referendum and demand basic rights, which everyone has - to enable them to turn out for it,” Rakic ​​said, emphasizing that he expects Pristina to obey the Quint countries, which said that the referendum must be held in Kosovo and Metohija and that the EU will show its true face on Sunday - are the calls to Pristina “just an empty story”. He said that the Quint countries had clearly and loudly told everyone in Pristina that the referendum must be held in Kosovo and Metohija. “This is something that the EU is asking of us,” Rakic added. “On Sunday, the EU will show its true face - whether they are for the EU, Serbia’s EU accession or it is just an empty story. That is why the EU responsibility is greater,” Rakic said. He said that Serbs are ready and willing to go to the referendum, and called on all compatriots to go to the polls in masses and decide according to their conscience and discretion. “The Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija are asking for nothing but basic human rights. To vote and to be elected. This is not something that others do not have, these are guaranteed human rights,” Rakic said. To the acknowledgment that Pristina allows a referendum by mail or in the Liaison Office, Rakic said that Serbs are not second-class citizens and want to have all the rights that Albanians have. “The Serbs do not ask for anything special except the rights that everyone enjoys. Let the referendum be held as before with the mediation of EULEX and the OSCE. We call on them to get involved and open polling stations,” Rakic said.


EU, US call on Pristina to allow Serbs to vote in referendum (Tanjug/RTS)


In a joint statement on Friday, the EU Delegation to Serbia and the embassies of France, Germany, Italy, the UK and the US welcomed Serbia’s 16 January referendum on constitutional amendments, calling on the Pristina government to allow Serbs in Kosovo to exercise their right to vote. “We believe that these reforms are a step forward towards Serbia’s alignment with European standards and will support Serbia’s EU accession process,” the statement said. “We have encouraged all Serbian citizens to take part in the referendum and believe it important for eligible voters to be able to vote in elections and referendum. We note with regret that the Kosovo government has not allowed the OSCE to collect ballots of eligible voters living in Kosovo for the upcoming referendum in accordance with past practice. We call on the Kosovo government to allow Serbs in Kosovo to exercise their right to vote in elections and electoral processes in accordance with this established practice,” it also said. In conclusion, the statement also calls on the governments of Kosovo and Serbia to refrain from actions and rhetoric that increase tensions and to engage constructively in the EU-facilitated Dialogue. “It is important that both governments achieve progress towards a comprehensive agreement that unlocks the EU perspective and increases regional stability,” it said.


Vucic: Gratitude for Egypt’s understanding for Serbia’s positions on the Kosovo and Metohija issue (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Thursday received a farewell visit from Egyptian Ambassador to Serbia Amr Aljowaily, thanking him for his immeasurable contribution to advancement of bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields. Vucic said he was pleased Egypt had been represented in Serbia by a diplomat with great experience and a multitude of ideas, which has resulted in greater closeness between the two countries, the presidential press office said in a statement. The parties noted a need for a resumption of the work of a joint committee on economic cooperation, as well as a need to sign a series of economic agreements such as a free trade agreement to create a legal foundation for strengthening the cooperation. They said agriculture, tourism and health care and the construction and machinery industries were among the sectors offering the greatest possibilities. Vucic congratulated the leadership and the people of Egypt on the major development projects accomplished, and thanked Aljowaily for having devoted great attention to boosting cultural cooperation. Vucic said he hoped he would have the honor of welcoming Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Serbia in the near future. Sending his regards to el-Sisi, Vucic also expressed gratitude for Egypt's understanding for Serbia’s positions on the Kosovo and Metohija issue, the statement said.


Selakovic calls on citizens to support constitutional changes in referendum (Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic called on the citizens on Thursday to vote in favor of constitutional amendments in the 16 January referendum. Selakovic said that voting "yes" in the referendum was voting in favor of a "more organized judiciary" and making "the most direct personal contribution to progressive trends in the society," stated the Foreign Ministry. He said that independence of the judiciary represented democratic heritage and that, by amending the Constitution, Serbia was not only responding to the demands of the European integration process, but also making "an important step towards the more efficient protection of citizens' rights and more efficient institutions," the statement reads. According to the statement, Selakovic has "condemned all attempts at creating confusion" among the people regarding the purpose of the referendum, since the decision being made is "solely about important changes in the judicial system."


Djilas says elections boil down to choosing whether or not we want a normal life (Nedeljnik/Beta)


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas listed 80 items in an op-ed for the Thursday edition of weekly Nedeljnik which he says are being voted for or against in elections on 3 April, but that it all boils down to the question of whether people "want a normal life or not." In the article titled What Are We Voting for on 3 April?, he says that citizens will be voting "for or against Rio Tinto," "for or against checking the origins of property and the confiscation of illegally obtained property from politicians and public officials," "for or against purges," "for or against poverty as a way of life," "for or against the killing of the domestic economy," "for or against a special prosecutor for fighting corrupt public officials." The list ends with "for or against a president who asks to be killed by small mice," "for or against a system in which citizens have to beg the president for everything," "for or against this kind of Crisis Headquarters" and "for or against a just and stable Serbia." "Each of us could extend this list. Because, essentially, everything boils down to whether we will vote for or against a normal life in elections on 3 April," Djilas says in the article.


OSCE Head draws fierce criticism from Serbian opposition leader (N1)


The Head of the OSCE mission in Serbia Jan Bratu told N1 on Thursday that the conditions exist to hold fair elections, prompting Dragan Djilas to say that his words are scandalous.

Bratu said that an OSCE observer mission found that the conditions exist to hold fair elections in Serbia, adding that there are a number of recommendations which have not been implemented.

We are not at the end of the process but things are much better than in the past, something has happened in the meantime. We don’t know what the final outcome will be but we see that the process was good, the OSCE Head said. How do you get progress and improvements by not taking part or working in the system? That is what you have, turning your bank on the process will change nothing, he said. Djilas reacted to the Bratu’s statement saying that “it is one of the most scandalous assessments of the situation in Serbia in the past 10 years”. He said that he doesn’t see what changed in the past few months since Bratu discussed the situation in Serbia with SSP officials. “That was when you said that you can’t do much, that the authorities stop cooperating with the mission every time you criticize them. I understand that but what you said today about the situation in the country which every global organization views as negative in terms of freedom, human rights, corruption and crime… This is an embarrassment for you and the organization you represent,” Djilas said. He also asked if the OSCE Head noticed that the opposition has little air time on TV stations with national frequencies and the demonization of the opposition, citing the example of the 20 minute video by an activist of the ruling party targeting journalists and opposition leaders. “We here in Serbia realized long ago that no one will help us in our struggle and that a vast majority of the international community prefer Aleksandar Vucic,” he said.




German Embassy to B&H: Bilateral funds for B&H will not be allocated to RS (O Kanal


The German Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) confirmed for O Kanal that the German Government still believes that the destructive policies of Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and the RS cannot be left without consequences. The Embassy confirmed that it is clear that Germany will not allocate bilateral help for B&H to the entity that actively works on the destruction of B&H. They reminded that they advocate sanctions at the EU level as well, as well as changes to the allocation and distribution of project funds. It was announced that more restrictive individual measures of the EU will be discussed as well. They will target those who bring into question the territorial integrity of B&H. The Embassy stated that they are working closely on this with their partners.


EC: Varhelyi’s statements on B&H are in line with stances of EU and EC (Nezavisne


The European Commission stated on Thursday that all messages on the political crisis in B&H sent by EU Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Oliver Varhelyi were “fully in line with the stances of the EU and the Commission”. Commenting the letter signed by 30 members of the European Parliament and addressed to EC President Ursula von der Leyen, demanding an investigation against Varhelyi due to his alleged support to B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik’s actions which undermine stability of B&H, the EC stated that a response will be sent to the MEPs who sent the letter. EC Spokesperson Eric Mamer stated that the EC will respond to the MEPs in a timely manner. He reminded that dealing with the political crisis in B&H is part of Commissioner Varhelyi’s mandate.


Kukic decides to leave post after US sanctions imposed against him (O Kanal


President of PDA Mirsad Kukic announced that he will leave this post following the imposing of US sanctions against him. This decision was made after leaders of SDP, ‘Our Party’ (NS), ‘Justice and People’ (NiP) and NES discussed the issue with representatives of PDA. It was agreed that Kukic will withdraw from the post of the party president after the party congress on January 24 takes place. Leaders of the parties that form the ruling coalition in the Tuzla Canton (TC) expect this from other high-positioned officials of parties and in institutions who are affected by sanctions. They added that they will not cooperate in the future with political parties led by officials who have sanctions imposed against them. N1 reports that Kukic said he did not want to cause political or any other damage to B&H, and he would not be an obstacle to the uninterrupted functioning of the TC government. Kukic said that resignation is the only rational decision: “It is my opinion that if anyone is a friend of B&H in a given moment, who can assist it, those are Americans. It is the most rational to accept their decisions,” said Kukic. The daily noted that when it comes to the resignation, it is necessary to say that last week Kukic met with SBB leader Fahrudin Radoncic where the agreement on his withdrawal was reached.


US Embassy condemns incident in Buzim; No comment from Office of the High Representative; Vucic says he is not surprised by lack of reaction (ATV


The US Embassy to B&H condemned the events in Buzim, after an inquiry by ATV. This happened after a group of men wore green berets, military uniforms and war flags while shouting "Allahu Akbar" in Buzim, and after former Commander of, as the presenter said, the so-called RBiH Army Hamdija Abdic ‘Tigar’ stated that a scenario like the one in 1992 could happen again. These two cases are being handled by the police. The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement which reads: “The US is committed to peace and stability in B&H. We condemn rhetoric and activities that promote divisions, including nationalist extremism and hate speech, no matter where they come from. The US is concerned about reports of provocative activities that happened in Buzim on 11 January.” ATV sent an inquiry to the Office of the High Representative (OHR) but they did not receive an answer. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was not surprised by the fact that foreigners ex officio condemn all actions from Republika Srpska (RS) quickly, but it is being waited for the reaction to what is happening in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) for days, or it will not happen. Vucic stated: “When we recruit the Green Berets and when we take walks of armed people who do not belong to legal bodies, and I will not say to whom they resemble, whether it is the Taliban or someone else in Buzim, there is no reaction.” The Una-Sana Canton (USC) Ministry of Interior (MoI) confirmed that the police are investigating everything that happened in Buzim two days ago. The statement from Abdic, in which he said that a scenario like the one from 1992 could happen again, is also under investigation. The USC MoI issued a statement which reads: “The USC MoI did not have any announcement. We were not informed about the meeting nor did we follow it. In the coming days, checks will be carried out on that occasion.” B&H Deputy Minister of Defense Mirko Okolic said on Wednesday that the case of all those who wore legitimate uniforms of the B&H Armed Forces at the gathering in Buzim will be investigated. It remains to be seen what the USC police investigation will lead to, but also whether the judicial authorities in B&H will react, concluded the reporter. DNS leader Nenad Nesic demanded a reaction from B&H Prosecutor’s Office, noting that events such as the one in Buzim must not be tolerated. The daily reminds that B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik also criticized the incident in Buzim. Security expert Dzevad Galijasevic stated that all gatherings of paramilitary units such as the one in Buzim are controlled by SDA.


Vidovic, Petkovic, Dragisic, Karan summoned for questioning by B&H Prosecutor’s Office in relation to attack on constitutional order of B&H (N1


The Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has summoned RS Minister of Finance Zora Vidovic for questioning in the capacity of a witness, in relation to the case related to an attack on the constitutional order of B&H. Vidovic said that she will answer the call for interrogation and she will say that the RS wants to restore its competences in line with the Constitution of B&H. Vidovic added: “I will say that we did not violate anything and that I think that we should not be a case before the Prosecutor’s Office.” Deputy speaker of the RS parliament Milan Petkovic was invited by the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H to testify in the case of investigation of the attacks against constitutional order in B&H. He said that he will testify as a witness on Monday. RS MP Marinko Dragisic from the United Srpska was also called for interrogation. Dragisic said that there was no attack on the constitutional order, adding that the RS seeks protection and decide change of the Constitution and the Dayton Peace Agreement. The daily learns that Dragisic and Secretary of RS Government Sinisa Karan have been summoned as well. Vidovic stated that she will tell B&H Prosecutor’s Office that the RS is restoring its competences in line with the Constitution of B&H.


Izetbegovic on current political, security situation in B&H with representatives of the B&H Association of Generals and unilateral moves form RS: Institutional response is necessary (Oslobodjenje


Deputy speaker of the B&H House of Peoples and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic met on Wednesday representatives of the B&H Association of Generals. The officials discussed the current political and security situation in the state with special focus on unilateral acts of authorities of the RS that undermine the Dayton Peace Agreement and jeopardize peace and stability. On this occasion, they pointed out to the importance of providing institutional response and strengthening capacities of state institutions. Izetbegovic welcomed the call of the association for setting a single political front for the purpose of protection of interests of the state of B&H.


Plenkovic: Croatia is against any kind of separatist tendencies in B&H (HRT1


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic (HDZ) stated on Thursday that Croatia is against any kind of separatist tendencies in B&), adding that Croatia wants the cooperation with B&H as a sovereign and functional state in which Croats have equal rights the same as the other two constituent peoples in B&H. At the press conference after a session of the CroatiangGovernment, Plenkovic informed that he held a meeting with Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic and that they discussed the situation in B&H and preparations for a joint session of the Croatian Government and B&H Council of Ministers, among other topics. Plenkovic added that they also touched upon the amendments to the Election Law of B&H and ensuring equality of Croats as one of the three constituent peoples in B&H, which he assessed as crucial for normal functioning of B&H. Plenkovic stated that that Croatia wants to cooperation with B&H as a sovereign and functional state in which Croats have equal rights the same as the other two constituent peoples, adding that Croatia’s contacts with representatives of the international community will be on this basis.


Pupovac: Peaceful reintegration helped restore inter-ethnic trust (Hina


Serb National Council (SNV) president Milorad Pupovac said on Thursday that the peaceful reintegration of the Croatian Danube region on 15 January 1998 marked "the peaceful end of the war in Croatia" and helped restore inter-ethnic trust. The peaceful reintegration was based on two peace agreements - the Erdut Agreement, adopted as part of a wider package with the Dayton Agreement, and a document adopted on this date in which the UN Security Council approved the mandate of the UN transitional administration for the peaceful reintegration of Eastern Slavonia and defined the status and rights of Serbs in Croatia and their institutions, Pupovac said in Vukovar. He said that the peaceful reintegration had not only brought peace but had also helped restore inter-ethnic trust. "The restoration of trust between the majority Croats and the minority Serbs was a prerequisite, then as it is now, for the democratization of the country, emergence from the war and ethnic conflict, and the return of displaced Croats and Serb refugees," Pupovac said, noting that these achievements were sometimes valued too little. He said that the peaceful reintegration, the Erdut Agreement, and the Letter of Intent had also laid the ground for mutual recognition of and cooperation between Croatia and Serbia. "That is very important for Croatia and the Serb community and for the relationship between Croatia and Serbia." Those who have in the past years been hoping for "a peacetime Storm", trying to deprive the Serbs of their right to use Cyrillic alphabet and expel them based on criminal prosecution for war crimes, are actually working against the peaceful reintegration and the commitments arising from that process, Pupovac said. He noted that Croatia, unlike some other countries of the former Yugoslavia, had emerged from the war as a reintegrated country thanks in part to people who led the peaceful reintegration process on behalf of the Serb community, such as the former Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) leader Vojislav Stanimirovic, for which he said he never received due recognition from some political circles, except President Franjo Tudjman.

Speaking of the anniversary of Croatia's international recognition, which is also marked on 15 January, Pupovac said that it was firmly connected with the issue of minority rights, especially the rights of the Serb minority. He recalled that international recognition was preceded by the adoption of the constitutional act governing the rights of ethnic minorities, adding that all countries that had been advocating the international recognition of Croatia had demanded the adoption of an appropriate mechanism for the protection of minority rights. The head of the Joint Council of Serb-majority municipalities (ZVO) Dejan Drakulic said that the peaceful reintegration process was still ongoing because some issues of importance to the Serb community remained unresolved, citing autonomy in education and certain status issues. "Our task is to emphasize the importance of peaceful reintegration and the need to develop a more democratic and more tolerant society," Drakulic said. The SNV and ZVO held a meeting in Vukovar to mark the anniversary of the peaceful reintegration of the Danube region and the international recognition of Croatia. The peaceful reintegration process began on 15 January 1996 when the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1037, establishing a transitional administration for Eastern Slavonia. Retired US general Jacques Paul Klein was appointed transitional administrator. The process formally ended on 15 January 1998 with the UN handing over the administration of the region to Croatia.


Ruling parties to raise the issue of no confidence in the government (RTCG


The current government has received a clear message that its time has expired, and the minority government is a reality for all those who wish Montenegro well, said the leader of the Bosniak Party (BS) Ervin Ibrahimovic. He thinks that the latest statements of the leaders of the ruling coalition clearly show that they are ready to raise the issue of no confidence in the government. He called on them to do so. Montenegro is in an institutional, political and health crisis, stated Ibrahimovic. He said that Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic was not ready to follow the European processes, because he said that he would not dismiss the ministers who, as he stated, received a "red card" in the parliament. "Minority government is a reality for all those who wish Montenegro well, who want prosperity and who want Montenegro in the EU," Ibrahimovic said. He stated that the BS Club does not plan to raise the issue of trust in the government for now. "If you have heard, from the addresses of the strongest constituents of the current government, they are dissatisfied with the work of the government and that they will raise the issue of no confidence in the government," said Ibrahimovic. Asked if he thinks that will really happen, he said that there are responsible people in the ruling coalition who wish Montenegro all the best. "I think that the latest statements of the leaders of the ruling coalition clearly show that they are ready to raise the issue of no confidence in the government and I urge them once again to stand behind their words and that the last minute is to sit down and start talks and solve problems," said Ibrahimovic. The memorandum of cooperation, which was signed at the end of last year, is a large capital in, as he states, divided Montenegro. "I believe in this Memorandum and it is a great asset for our country. This Memorandum is a good foundation in some political practice in Montenegro, so that finally the parties and the authorities and the opposition can sit down and talk for the benefit of the citizens," stated Ibrahimovic. He says that all those who share European values ​​are invited to sign the Memorandum. "It seems to me that this is a good and responsible path, so why not form a government where all those who share these values ​​would be represented - these are civil, secular, anti-fascist, European Montenegr,o" said the BS leader.

Asked whether the DPS was behind the Memorandum, Ibrahimovic said that Montenegrin citizens and BS voters were behind it. "Behind this are the BS, Albanian representatives, URA, Civis, SNP, that is, all those who said we have had enough of narrow party interests, the citizens of Montenegro deserve a better future," Ibrahimovic said. He also said that the minority government would not be a reshuffle of the electoral will of the citizens. "If that doesn't work, we can go to the early parliamentary elections, we are not afraid of the court of citizens," Ibrahimovic concluded.


Minority government until the election a good solution (RTCG


The President of the Croatian Citizens' Initiative (HGI) Adrijan Vuksanovic said that the formation of a minority government, which would prepare the elections, is a very good solution for overcoming the current political crisis. He also said that HGI is ready to go to the polls at this moment. HGI welcomes signing of Memorandum HGI welcomes signing of Memorandum. Vuksanovic said that the Government has been dealing with itself since its formation, and, as he added, it should deal with citizens and their problems. "One of the solutions is a minority government that would prepare for the next elections, which is, I think, very good, and the other solution is, of course, the new parliamentary elections," Vuksanovic said in the TVCG morning program. He reminded that HGI welcomed the signing of the Memorandum between GP URA, CIVIS, SNP and minorities, because, as he says, it is a platform that can be important for reconciliation of various political structures in Montenegro. The fact that, as he adds, they are not the signatories of the Memorandum, because they are not a parliamentary party, does not diminish the significance of that document for HGI. "As far as HGI is concerned, we will, from our positions, support and work on the affirmation of that document, because its content is complementary to the content of our program principles," said Vuksanovic.


A day after his dire warning, Nikola Dimitrov calls on the EU not to allow Macedonia to suffer another defeat (Republika


A day after his ominous warnings that Macedonia faces pressure to accept major new concessions to Bulgaria that will undermine the Macedonian national identity, outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov appeared in the Parliament, before the National Council for European Integration, to discuss the coming French Presidency. In slightly more diplomatic tones, Dimitrov said that the “Macedonian case is the most drastic test of credibility for the EU policy toward the region”. If we succeed, the success of the EU will be good for the region, for Macedonia and for Bulgaria. The failure will also be a defeat for all the states in the region, and for the EU itself. The stakes are enormous, and I hope that the announced summit near the end of the French Presidency in June will be in the context of knowing that another defeat will be too costly, for all of us involved in this process, Dimitrov said. Previously Dimitrov advised for a cooling off period in the negotiations with Bulgaria, saying that a bad deal now would be worse than a rushed deal that would endanger Macedonian national identity. He accused the DUI party and especially Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani, who is expected to keep his post under the next Government led by Dimitar Kovacevski, of being willing to accept far too many of the Bulgarian demands.


SDSM and DUI are likely preparing another referendum as an excuse to impose a new treaty with Bulgaria (Republika


Comments from First Deputy Prime Minister Artan Grubi raised the prospect of yet another referendum to give away the Macedonian national identity. Grubi addressed the shocking revelation from outgoing Deputy Prime Minister Nikola Dimitrov, once a loyal associate of Zoran Zaev and signatory of the Prespa Treaty, who warned the nation that the new Government that is being installed is preparing to make major concessions to Bulgaria that will undermine the Macedonian national identity. Grubi, who is an ethnic Albanian and therefore less concerned about the Macedonian national identity, insisted that the new Dimitar Kovacevski cabinet will protect Macedonian identity and that its Albanian members stand “side by side” with the ethnic Macedonians. Grubi also said that the voters will be asked to approve or reject any deal with Bulgaria, hinting at another referendum. This did little to reassure the public. In 2018, the Zaev regime held a referendum on the Prespa Treaty, which imposed a new name and redefined major points of the Macedonian historic narrative, affecting the national identity of the country. Voters rejected the referendum, and it failed through a massive boycott – just 37 percent of the voters turned out, and a large majority, especially of ethnic Macedonians, expressed their anger by staying at home. Still, the Government imposed the Prespa Treaty on the country, insisting that the referendum was a success because of the 37 percent that voted, a large majority cast “yes” ballots. Zaev used what European Commissioner Johannes Hahn referred to at the time as “Balkan tactics” – arrests and blackmail of members of Parliament – to get the votes necessary to impose the name change through Parliament. This greatly undermined trust in the democratic process and adds to the cynicism with which the public receives Grubi’s declaration.


Pendarovski postponed meeting with representatives of Macedonians in Bulgaria because of the pandemic (


In an obvious attempt not to strain the situation before the visit of Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov to Skopje next week, President Stevo Pendarovski postponed indefinitely a meeting with representatives of Macedonian associations in Bulgaria. The reason for the delay was the coronavirus pandemic. Although, for example, the pandemic was not a reason to delay the visit of Albanian President Ilir Meta to Skopje a few days ago. President Pendarovski announced two days ago that he would receive delegations of two Macedonian associations from Bulgaria, OMO "Ilinden-Pirin" and OMO "Ilinden", at their request. In the request for a meeting (which will be held as soon as possible, Pendarovski said at the time), they mention Radev's meeting with representatives of Bulgarian associations in Macedonia (and one party). The court in Strasbourg passed 16 verdicts in favour of the two Macedonian associations, but neither of them has been implemented by Sofia so far. According to the site NovaTV, eight representatives from the Macedonian associations from Blagoevgrad, Goce Delchev, Sandanski are to come to the meeting with Pendarovski. According to reports, this meeting with Pendarovski should take place after Petkov's visit and after the holding of a joint session of the Macedonian and Bulgarian governments in Sofia on 25 January.


Bomgartner: There is no deadline for negotiations with Macedonia (


The Ambassador of France to our country Cyril Bomgartner, in his speech at the session of the Council for European Integration, revealing the priorities of France during its presidency of the EU, said that France will have a constructive approach in this regard. "Regarding the enlargement and membership of the Republic of Northern Macedonia, there is no specific deadline for this topic, because this deadline depends on the intergovernmental conference that will mark the beginning of negotiations and at this moment it is impossible to set an exact date," Bomgartner said.


DP factions rule out compromise following violent clashes (Tirana Times


The two factions vying for control of Albania’s main opposition Democratic Party have made it clear there won’t be any compromise, following violent clashes Saturday at the party’s headquarters. In rival press conferences following the clashes, faction leaders Lulzim Basha and Sali Berisha said the other would have no future role in the party’s leadership. Basha’s faction, which controls headquarters and has legal oversight over the party as the courts rule the other faction’s claims, went further on Tuesday expelling all leaders of the rival faction from the party and suspending several others among Berisha supporters. Those expelled include current members of Albania’s parliament and two former presidents of Albania. The reaction from those expelled was uniform – Basha now leads an NGO, they said, and it is they who represent the real Democratic Party that has support among members and activists. Basha said that former Prime Minister Berisha’s use of violence and destruction of the headquarters building has officially ended any association with the party.  He added that Prime Minister “Edi Rama’s regime” is the one who benefits most from Berisha’s actions.  "The Democratic Party will be rebuilt, and will return to majority, to power,” Basha said. Berisha told the media in the courtyard of the DP headquarters the Basha faction was working with the government, and that the transition body Berisha leads represented the real opposition. "No one can stop our efforts against the destruction of political pluralism in Albania," Berisha said.


Basha faction expels Berisha, ejects 10 MPs 

Basha's faction took measures against 28 members of the PD Rebuilding Commission, the transition body set up by the assembly convened on Dec. 11 by Berisha, to lead the party until the new elections, but which is not recognized by Basha and the institutions his faction holds.

In addition to Berisha, the immediate expulsion affects eight others, including former President Bujar Nishani or three MPs - Flamur Noka, Edmond Spaho and Albana Vokshi. Another 19 officials were given immediate suspension from membership as well as other functions in the party. In total, there are at least 10 MPs, who are now no longer considered representatives of the DP, according to Basha's faction. Some of the expelled or suspended MPs have reacted on social networks by saying the decisions are invalid, as they say Basha and the institutions he is using to make decisions are no longer valid due to the decisions of the 11 December assembly. "These are desperate actions coming from Basha, and I can't understand why the insistence on this alternate reality, which is completely different from what DP members believe," Luan Baci, one of the suspended MPs, told local media.


A divided party 

Berisha and his supporters, which polls indicate make up a large portion, if not a majority of the party membership, are vying to officially take over the main opposition Democratic Party after Berisha was expelled by Basha from the parliamentary group due to Berisha’s public designation by the United States as inadmissible due to significant corruption. Berisha supporters held an assembly on 11 December and a membership vote that sacked incumbent Democratic Party leader Basha and replaced him with a transitory ruling body until leadership elections can be held in the spring. On 8 January, DP headquarters turned into a battleground between supporters of Berisha and supporters and police protecting incumbent leader Basha, with calm returning and protesters dispersing after a massive police response. Berisha supporters had called the protest to take over party headquarters after they held an assembly and vote in December to remove Basha from office. Basha and his supporters do not recognize the vote and the assembly held by Berisha supporters. Berisha supporters tore through doors and broke windows shortly before the start of the official protest scheduled for noon after they were denied access to the building. They were met with iron-reinforced doors, then chemical irritants thrown by what appeared to be private security inside the building. An attempt by several people to climb the stairs to the second floor was met with Basha supporters who beat with clubs at least two men, leaving them bleeding, television footage showed. Police then intervened in force, with massive amounts of tear gas, quickly pushing protesters out of the area.


Meta meeting with Becirovic: EU membership for Albania and North Macedonia, contribution to peace consolidation (Radio Tirana


President Ilir Meta in a Facebook post announced the meeting he had with the Director of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies Zijad Becirovic. During the meeting, they discussed about the negotiations of Albania's membership in the European Union. Meanwhile, President Meta also mentioned the membership of North Macedonia and visa liberalization for Kosovo. "The meeting in Skopje with the Director of the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies Zijad Becirovic is cordial and very fruitful. In the open conversation I emphasized that the opening of membership negotiations in the European Union for Albania and North Macedonia as soon as possible, as well as visa liberalization for Kosovo would bring concrete and very positive contributions to the consolidation of peace, stability and security in the region, as well as for the prosperity of our citizens. I gladly accepted his invitation to share these views in a conversation with honourable representatives of IFIMES in Slovenia," Meta wrote.