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Belgrade Media Report 24 January



Vulin: Organized crime group plotting to assassinate Vucic (Tanjug/RTS/Politika/Novosti)

Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin said late on Friday Serbian police had received urgent information about the existence of an organized crime group plotting to assassinate Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Vulin said the information had been obtained on 14 January through Europol and official inter-police communication channels. After verifying the quality and value of the obtained information on several levels of expertise, the Interior Ministry and the Security Information Agency, together with Europol and the partner services the information was obtained from, launched a "comprehensive action to uncover the identities of all members of that criminal organization, headed by Radoje Zvicer, a Montenegrin national for whom Serbia has already issued an arrest warrant," Vulin told a press conference. Zvicer is the mastermind and a leader of the Kavac crime clan who is responsible for drug smuggling operations and illegal drug sales, as well as for organizing and contracting several assassinations, Vulin said. "An investigation is yet to determine whether he assembled and organized the group on his own or had orders from his political leader. Until then, the Interior Ministry and the Security Information Agency will be informing the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime of all findings," Vulin said.

Brnabic: Vucic's murder planned in the first half of February, we have it in writing (TV Prva/B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said that Serbia received information that the assassination of President Vucic was planned in the first half of February this year. Being hosted on TV Prva, Brnabic said that she received notification of the planned assassination on Friday, 14 January, under the label urgent. “It is quite clear and unambiguous that the assassination of Vucic is planned, even with the time when the murder was planned - in February this year,” she said. As she stated, all services are working to prevent the murder of Vucic. “We got it in writing through EUROPOL, anyone who has the courage or any moral courage to make fun of this…,” she said. “But it doesn’t mean anything to me if we don’t prevent it and catch those people earlier if we don’t prevent them from entering Serbia or their hideouts in Serbia, then I don’t believe in any personal security. Because if you want to kill someone you can kill them. So we have to prevent them that much earlier,” Brnabic pointed out. She said that people from the region, EU member states and other countries are in that criminal group, reminding that there is a warrant for Zvicer from Serbian authorities and that she suspects that he is the head of the Kavac clan. “Our services are working to find those people and prevent the murder. In that information, Radoje Zvicer was marked as the organizer. I don’t know whether he is at the head of that criminal group, and I doubt it and I think that there is someone who is above him but who they are and whether they exist at all, that will be determined by the investigation,” Brnabic told TV Prva, stating that the notification was received in writing. “Everything I say can jeopardize the investigation and warn those people," she said. "For me, the primary thing is to prevent that and to protect the life of the President of Serbia,” she said. Brnabic said that she did not believe that Vucic would change his behavior despite the warning, and that he had his own plans and goals and did not want to be obedient in that sense and cooperate with the security services. “We must do everything to keep him safe. He has his goal and mission and he will not give up or change a thing. If the highway to Pakovrace is to be opened, he will go there to open it,” she explained. As she said, if something happens to Vucic, Serbia will not be able to continue like this. According to her, she is sure that it is not easy for Vucic, and that he told her: “Even if that happens, I fulfilled almost all the things I wanted. Serbia is a country that keeps winning, we have restored stability, we have a clear vision for the period from 2025 to 2030... One must die, sooner or later, but as I said, there are still so many things to do.” She told the citizens that Serbia is not a state it used to be in 2003, unable to protect its Prime Minister. “We are much stronger today in that security sense, everything we have at our disposal, as well as friendships with other countries, I believe this will be fine, but we have a difficult job ahead of us. We will save the president,” she said.

Vucic on assassination threat: I don’t want to panic (TV Pink)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said late on Saturday that a European country provided information on an assassination plan against him with names of people involved and other details, playing down the seriousness of the threat. Speaking to TV Pink inside a Stadler’s train, which Serbia recently bought, at what was announced as “an exclusive location”, he said: “I don’t want to panic… it’s not easy to do. Those stories serve politicians and journalists. It’s easier for them to talk about that than about such train… more clicks,” Vucic said. Vucic added he saw some seven names from different countries. “The information is very precise,” Vucic said, adding he had never met any of the people mentioned. He added he only read it and had nothing to say about it. “That’s the job for the institutions.”

Vucic: Sanctions against one side in B&H bad message

Vucic says no one - Serbs, Bosniaks or Croats - wants war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) but that Western sanctions against one side only are a bad message. When asked if tensions in the B&H would escalate, Vucic said he was confident all three sides would maintain peace together. “I am afraid of unseriousness, irresponsibility and a unilateral approach by the West. Sanctions against one side only - Republika Srpska (RS) or Milorad Dodik - are a bad message,” Vucic noted. He said Serbia must act responsibly as it needed peace and stability, being the fastest-growing economy in the region and the country with the greatest chance of accelerated development and progress. We must not miss that opportunity, he said.

US, British and German Embassies dismiss allegations of financial support to protests in Serbia (Beta)

The Embassies of the United States, Great Britain and Germany dismissed on Friday allegations that their governments have been financing political and environmental protests in Serbia, insisting that these claims did not reflect their partnership with Serbia. “Without reservation we reject any suggestion that our countries, or the organizations through which we provide technical assistance and support, are funding or directing actions specifically targeting the Serbian government or any of its policies, which includes the financing of protests,” the three embassies said in a joint statement. The three Embassies went on to say that “since Serbia’s transition to democracy, the United States, the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany have been among its most generous and reliable partners and friends, providing assistance and funding totaling well over three billion Euros.” The joint Embassies’ statement said they “are clear and transparent about this assistance and our goals: support for reforms, good governance, democratic development, green transition and prosperity. Significant funds under this assistance have been allocated to the government of Serbia or distributed in cooperation with the government of Serbia and its agencies. These goals support Serbia’s proclaimed policy of advancing in the EU accession process, as well as support for reconciliation and stability across the Western Balkans region. We unreservedly reject all suggestions that our states, or organizations through which we provide technical assistance and support, finance or direct actions, especially against the government of Serbia or any policy it pursues, which includes financing protests. This is a harmful accusation and especially difficult to understand when it comes to organizations that have been supporting and working with the government of Serbia – and the parliament of Serbia – on their reform programs and development of democratic institutions”.

Djilas for Ponos as opposition’s presidential candidate (Beta)

Dragan Djilas, president of the Freedom and Justice Party, proposed on Saturday that Zdravko Ponos be the opposition's candidate in Serbian presidential elections. "I believe that Zdravko Ponos can beat Aleksandar Vucic. He can unite Serbia and unite the people," Djilas told a session of the party's Steering Committee held in Novi Sad. He added that it was confirmed that party vice president Marinika Tepic would head the ticket for the parliamentary election. Rade Veljanovski, an official of the Civic Democratic Forum, said Ponos was not capable of achieving significant results as the opposition's presidential hopeful. "I think Zdravko Ponos is a decent man, but I also think that he cannot achieve significant results in the election," Veljanovski told Beta. Nebojsa Zelenovic, one of the leaders of the opposition group We Must, said former chief of staff Ponos could do well in the presidential election only if the entire opposition agreed on him as its joint candidate.

People’s Party says learned from media that Djilas wants Ponos for president (Beta)

The People's Party said in a press release on Sunday that it had learned from media reports that the Freedom and Justice Party's Steering Committee had picked Zdravko Ponos, who is a member of the People's Party, to run for president. The People's Party statement says that according to a coalition agreement signed on 26 November 2021 with the Freedom and Justice Party, Democratic Party and other political organizations, the joint candidate for Serbian president in the coming election is to be selected by consensus. "Since talks with our coalition partners have so far not produced an agreement on a joint candidate for president of the Republic, we agreed to order two professional and independent public opinion polls to help us make the best choice together. These polls are under way and their results should be presented to us on 25 January," the press release noted, adding that the People's Party would continue to follow the coalition agreement, and all other agreements, and not take any unilateral steps.

New US strategy in Western Balkans: Fight against corruption according to political criteria (Politika, by Dejan Spalovic) 

Summarizing one year of work, the US Administration of Joseph Biden obviously introduced changes in its approach. Apart from maintaining its anti-Chinese and anti-Russian policy, it also introduced new models of making an influence on authorities of countries which are carrying out independent domestic and foreign policies, Politika writes. “The adjusted strategy envisages a more frequent application of fight against corruption, unlike past violent removals of authorities worldwide, ‘colored revolutions’, mainly in Eastern Europe and financial support to parts of opposition in this region.” The US mostly targets politicians who are not in favor of liberal capitalism and who advocate sovereign policies. It seems this part of Europe “is a synonym for fair financial transactions” and that this “fair economic happiness” has been disturbed only by a small place Laktasi in Bosnia and northern part of Kosovo, i.e. that sanctions were imposed in a selective manner. US Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar recently said that corruption is an obstacle which represents a challenge. Suddenly, USA started worrying because the region is not making economic progress and because youth is leaving their countries, Politika writes. Diplomat Zoran Milivojevic said that the US Administration is applying this ideological approach based on democratic-liberal concept and added that the fight against corruption is one of elements of this approach. Milivojevic claimed that this is the element of “purging the political elites and systems in the treated countries, unless the approach is a selective one”. Milivojevic argued that the best illustration of this concept is (Croat member of the Presidency of B&H) Zeljko Komsic and election of the Croat member of the Presidency of B&H. Milivojevic reminded that the US Administration relies on human rights, fight against corruption and fight against authoritarian regimes, which is in line with efforts to bring back the USA to the leading position at the global scene and have it stand against interests of Russia and China. Commenting on the announcements on the appointment of a resident legal representative of USA who will be working from the US Embassy to Croatia, Milivojevic said that this is yet another proof that USA will try to “wrap up unfinished businesses in the Balkans and finally realize integration of the region in the western sphere of interests based on the platform of Euro-Atlantic integration during the first administration of President Biden”. Milivojevic concluded by saying that USA is counting on elections in B&H and solving of the crisis in Montenegro. President of the Center for Research of Globalization Dejan Miletic said that the measures resulted in the worst situation in the region in the past ten years and he reminded that the dialogue on Kosovo has never been further away than now while, when it comes to B&H, institutions are not functioning and additional inter-ethnic hate is being created and it can grow into more serious conflicts at any moment. Miletic said that this all proves that the policy applied by USA is counterproductive “and it is definitely not focused on stabilization of the region but on escalation of conflicts and renewal of hotspots. Perhaps USA, for some of its own reasons, wants to preserve the potential of conflicts in this area”. Miletic concluded by saying that USA should change its approach if it truly wants this region to be safe place in future with peace and stability as the precondition for attracting of investors.



Power meets B&H Presidency: Focus of B&H need to be reforms (N1

USAID Administrator Samantha Power met members of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, Sefik Dzaferovic and Milorad Dodik in Sarajevo on Friday. On this occasion, Power called on members of the B&H Presidency to be leaders in solving and not in creation of problems. Addressing a press conference Power said that today, B&H is on another crossroad and maintaining 26-year-long peace is called into question. In her opinion, Dodik is the one who especially contributed to creation of climate of tensions that can lead to risk of escalation. According to the reporter, Power said that Dodik represents danger for B&H and for the entire region as he raises tensions in B&H. Asked how the US observes the situation in B&H, she said as very dangerous which is why the US is present there. Power said that keep insisting on return of competences to Republika Srpska (RS) may endanger its sustainability. According to Power, if RS withdraws from state institutions, this will not function and this will not be good for citizens of RS as this represents alienation from the Dayton. In her opinion, this could really be problematic from the perspective of people who are part of B&H and this could be problematic when it comes to sustainability of RS as such. Once again, Power said that the US remains committed to B&H reminding that the US was there during the war and the US remains present in B&H nowadays. Power added that the US is committed to the Dayton Peace Agreement that she characterized as “a living document”. Speaking about the recently-imposed sanctions to B&H officials and are they working, US Ambassador to B&H Eric Nelson reminded of the case of former leader of PDA Mirsad Kukic as an example that the sanctions are functioning, by saying that he resigned to this post while his party decided that it is important to keep its identity. Nelson said that the sanctions really make sense and added that they observe the sanctions as a measure of distraction towards those who would support destabilizing activities and high level-corruption. He added that the sanctions are also a call for action and a call for action primarily towards judiciary that at this moment, is not taking part in fight against corruption which in his opinion, makes citizens of this country really frustrated. Asked will the USAID suspend some projects in RS due to actions of Dodik and asked about possible new names on the US list of sanctions not just in RS but also in the Federation of B&H, Power said that the USAID continues its projects that already begun but they carefully choose partners who have nothing to do with corruption.

Dodik expresses gratitude to Power for projects in RS, argues US officials always have hidden agenda of removing him and SNSD from political scene (ATV

At the meeting of USAID Administrator Samantha Power with B&H Presidency members held on Friday, Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik reiterated that the RS remains committed to the peace and respect of B&H Constitution. ATV reported that Dodik said the meeting “went properly”, but, addressing the media in Istocno Sarajevo, Dodik said he knew the US officials had a “hidden agenda” to remove him and SNSD from political scene in B&H. “We believe and we are absolutely certain that the US diplomats and their officers working here have a hidden agenda, trying to support primarily illegal and unconstitutional work of the (B&H) Constitutional Court, and now, through the support to the High Representative (HR) who does not exist, because there is no decision of the (UN) Security Council, they are trying to create a situation that does not suit and is not in line with the interests of RS and Serb people,” said Dodik. Dodik also said the US was directly interfering in the internal affairs of B&H, mentioning alleged fight against corruption, because that should be done by local judicial institutions of RS and B&H. Dodik told media that the US officials are pressuring B&H prosecutors to initiate any proceedings against him, because the sanctions on the so-called “delayed wait” have not brought concrete results. “She definitely talked that these sanctions against individuals, including me, have a delayed effect in a way to allegedly allow some time to change position and behavior. This means that if I listened to them and their requests, and did what they wanted, I would the same day, the same moment, stop being corrupt. At minimum, it is not serious, even if it comes from the US,” said Dodik and reminded there were no proceedings against him in the country or the region. Dodik also commended on the announced trilateral meeting with Presidents of Serbia, Turkey and Croatia, and said that the meeting was opposed only by the Bosniak side, together with SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic. Dodik said that despite the sanctions and threats by the US “RS continues with its activities to return competencies that were taken away”. The reporter commented by saying that Dodik also gave a lesson to journalists on media solidarity related to the US sanctions imposed against ATV. “What it wants to continue here is to eliminate Milorad Dodik and his political party and to prepare the victory of the opposition in RS. I guess it is clear to everyone. What they are saying against ATV Banja Luka as well, I have never heard you react about a media company being placed under sanctions. But of course, it is normal, only when it is in RS,” said Dodik. Dodik also said Power had confirmed to him the USAID would continue to support projects both in the Federation of B&H and RS to which he tanked noting that he wanted good economic development, but primarily peace in B&H. During the press conference, Dodik said that he was unpleasantly surprised that Power did not have time for RS officials. He said: “I believe that what the US is doing here – in terms of support to Muslims in B&H and hidden unitarization, centralization of B&H – goes to detriment of the Serb people and RS. As elected, responsible official in RS, I must confront this and I am doing this. This is why I was sanctioned”. Dodik went on by saying that he does not claim that there is no corruption in B&H – as it is present also in the US – but he argued that this topic is used as pressure and as an excuse for sanctions. Speaking about statements of military officials of the EUFOR and the NATO, Dodik said that there is no need to deploy foreign troops in Brcko or anywhere else, adding that media spins on the alleged conflict in B&H have thus, became past. Dodik underlined that there is no war and no one is threatening against the territorial integrity of B&H. He reiterated that RS has no plan or any movement for secession. Dodik said: “We are not implementing secession. We are not doing that. We stand (firm) to our policy to respect the Constitution and to secure what the Constitution said it belongs to RS.” Dodik explained that following harmful decisions of the Constitutional Court of B&H and the law that former HR Valentin Inzko imposed, there was nothing left for RS to do but to continue with activities from the conclusions of the RS parliament. Dodik stated that despite of all, they understand and they welcome the invitation of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic adding that the RS is struggling for the Constitution and not against the constitutional order. He argued that the current interrogations in the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H related to that are nonsense. Dodik announced that the ruling parties and the opposition in RS will meet as soon as possible to discuss this issue as well as the call of Vucic to return to B&H institutions. Dodik again offered to reduce the B&H Armed Forces from the aspect of resources and manpower, adding that RS continues with the process of return of competencies. Asked when the RS parliament will discuss laws on the High Judicial and the Prosecutorial Council, the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H which he already announced for December 2021 and then for January 2022, Dodik said that media should ask the RS parliament about this. However, Dodik added that drafting of the laws is underway and the next session of the RS parliament could discuss the documents without stating the exact date of the session.

OHR: High Representative supports efforts of EU and USA related to electoral reform in B&H; EU Delegation to B&H says electoral and constitutional reforms are of crucial importance on B&H’s path to EU (Oslobodjenje

Political leaders in B&H are faced with a new round of talks on the electoral reform and US Special Representative for Electoral Reform Matthew Palmer and Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst will soon arrive to B&H. The daily reminded that the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) agreed on the final proposal of changes to the Election Law of B&H and partial changes to the Constitution of B&H and leader of HDZ 1990 Ilija Cvitanovic recently claimed that this proposal was harmonized with representatives of the EU and USA. The Office of the High Representative (OHR) told the daily that “elections are the foundation of democratic authorities and the goal of the electoral reform is to strengthen the integrity of the election process, improve political pluralism and responsibility and to have it carried out with respect of basic freedoms, in a fair and transparent manner”. The OHR stated that the High Representative fully supports efforts of EU and USA related to the improvement of electoral reform: “He is convinced that, if there is good will and true attempt to reach compromise, there will be necessary majority of votes in the parliament of B&H for the adoption of the package of electoral reform by spring.” The EU Delegation to B&H and the Office of the EU Special Representative told the daily that the electoral and constitutional reforms are of the crucial importance for the path of B&H towards the EU, just like it was stated in the Opinion of the European Commission. “This reform should end discrimination based on ethnic affiliation and place of residence through full implementation of the court practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Sejdic-Finci case. Also, changes should secure more fair, transparent and democratic elections by solving the shortcomings listed in recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR and GRECO of the Council of Europe, as well as in the relevant opinions of the Venice Commission,” the EU Delegation to B&H stated. The EU Delegation to B&H said that any possible solution must be in line with jurisprudence of the ECHR and applicable international standards and no political or legislative steps that would make the implementation of Sejdic-Finci ruling more challenging should be undertaken. Finally, the EU Delegation to B&H reminded that efficient functioning of democratic institutions of B&H is crucial for the country’s progress on the path towards the EU while blockades lead to delays in implementation of these reforms: “We remain dedicated to facilitation and providing of support to this process which is in the local ownership.”

Izetbegovic: Electoral reform talks are good, US’ engagement should be used to B&H’s benefit (Hayat

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic called out SNSD leader Milorad Dodik for causing the crisis. According to Izetbegovic, B&H is in a deadlock and the sooner the Serb representatives return to the institutions of B&H, the faster a solution for the situation will be reached. With regard to the visit to returnees in Podrinje, Izetbegovic underlined the need to communicate with people and he also stressed the importance of harmonizing the structure of the RS police in a way that Bosniak police officers are hired to work in Bosniak areas, to ensure safety of returnee population. Asked about the upcoming electoral reform talks, Izetbegovic confirmed that talks are good and they should be carried out. “I do not believe that it is possible to reach a solution in this situation. However, we will not reject the EU or the US” Izetbegovic said. In his opinion, the things are not progressing at the moment. He welcomed the fact that the US, as a major power in the world, got engaged in B&H and introduced expanded sanctions to Dodik: “I think that painful sanctions are yet to follow”. He noted that this is the first time that Dodik is mentioned in the context of corruption “and some documents have leaked”. He concluded that the US’ engagement should be used to B&H’s benefit.

Serb representatives dismiss Izetbegovic’s proposal of indirect election of B&H Presidency members (Glas Srpske

Glas Srpske carries reactions by the RS political representatives to the statement by SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic on changes to the Law on Election of B&H. Namely, Izetbegovic said he expected the Serb side to accept the same arrangement they used to accept before and that they now gave up on, which is the indirect election of the members of B&H Presidency, which he said would make everything simple. Head of the SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac told the daily that indirect election of B&H Presidency members has never been accepted in any arrangement, adding that Izetbegovic made this up. She also said that Izetbegovic was creator of the current situation and is now trying to put the blame on others. Novakovic-Bursac also said that the crucial changes to the electoral legislation in terms of the implementation of the rulings by the Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights are solvable but only if real situation and legitimate demands of all constituent people and the others are accepted. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic also said that consent for indirect election of the Presidency members never existed. He finds it problematic that Izetbegovic is interpreting the will of the Serbs, adding that this creates the overall problem in B&H where the SDA leader is imposing some of his perceptions on the Croats and some on the Serbs. According to him, there is a unity among the ruling parties and opposition in the RS on the changes to the Law on Elections. SDP’s delegate in B&H house of Peoples Denis Becirovic deems that accepting the HDZ B&H’s ultimatum regarding the Election Law would mean a “high treason” of B&H. He stressed that no politician has the right to use their “wrong assessments and moves” and jeopardize the future of B&H. He added that no official is allowed to accept further discriminatory and anti-European solutions in the Law on Elections.

Izetbegovic: Bosniaks are afraid what will happen if Covic and Dodik are elected in B&H Presidency (RTRS

Radovan Kovacevic, an Advisor to Serb member of the B&H Presidency, said that the statement of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic that he is afraid of the situation in which leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik and leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic are members of the Presidency of B&H is reflection of Izetbegovic’s rejection of Dayton B&H. Kovacevic underlined that the only thing SDA and Izetbegovic have been doing is breaking of B&H apart and attempts to achieve in peace a wartime goal of Alija Izetbegovic: B&H where only Bosniaks will have rights and the RS does not exist. ATV carries that Izetbegovic recently stated that Bosniaks are afraid what will happen if Covic and Dodik are elected into the B&H Presidency for the same mandate. He assessed that Dodik is to blame for the bad relations between Croats and Bosniaks in the Federation of B&H and he plans the secession of RS for the next few years. Izetbegovic also said that the return of competences to RS is an attack against B&H. Kovacevic said that Croats have been unable to elect their representative in the B&H Presidency for three mandates and Bosniaks have elected two representatives for the B&H Presidency except one. He said that this is clear to Croats and this is why they insist on the fight for the respect of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) together with RS. ATV notes that High Representative Christian Schmidt will present a report to the German Bundestag next week. Schmidt has insisted more often recently that the RS political scene will be able to function without Dodik. MP of SNSD in the B&H parliament Sanja Vulic said that Schmidt does not have the legitimacy to discuss this. She stressed that he is illegal and illegitimate, since he was not appointed by the UN Security Council (UNSC).

US Senators call for review of approach to key reforms in B&H (FTV

In a letter addressed to the US Department of State, US Senators, Democrat Jeanne Shaheen and Republican Ron Johnson, called for a review of the approach to key reforms in B&H. "We are concerned that our diplomatic efforts to support the required electoral and constitutional reforms in B&H are not bearing sufficient fruit. We ask that the State Department review its approach to ensure that our strategy is both inclusive of broader B&H political institutions, including parliament, ministries, and other state institutions, and robust enough to achieve our goals. We believe it is critical to maintain deep engagement in the region and to counter the malign influence of China and Russia" Shaheen and Johnson stated in the letter.

Inzko confirms ‘non-paper’ on change of borders in Balkans existed, claims it was stashed in his drawer for four years (Necenzurirano/

Former High Representative Valentin Inzko gave an interview to Slovenian media, in which he confirmed that famous ‘non-paper’ on reshaping of borders in the Western Balkans did exist. “The famous ‘non-paper’ on changes of borders in the Balkans, which some in Slovenia encouraged, has been stashed in my drawer for nearly four years,” Inzko said in the interview. An excerpt from the interview was published by Slovenian Prime Minister Janez Jansa, who was speculated to have been the author or co-author of the document, on TwitterKlix reminded that Slovenian Necenzurirano portal published the ‘non-paper’ in April last year, i.e. the informal diplomatic document on ideas to break apart B&H, merge the RS with Serbia and merge Kosovo with Albania. Klix also noted that, as this was an informal diplomatic document intended for communicating of different stances and initiatives in an informal manner, the document had neither the heading nor signature. Both the Slovenian Prime Minister and members of the European Council denied the existence of this document and Klix noted that: “Judging by the latest statements of the former High Representative, the entire case still has not seen its epilogue.”

Dodik: B&H is a failed project - Croats, Muslims and Serbs should separate (El Mundo/Nezavisne

In an interview for the Spanish paper El Mundo, the Serb member of B&H presidency Milorad Dodik said that B&H is a failed project. He said that the best solution for the country is for Croats, Muslims and Serbs to separate in a civilized way. Dodik, said that B&H would not survive for the same reason that Yugoslavia did not survive. Dodik said that the country is comprised of three constituent peoples, and two of them, Croats and Serbs, are very dissatisfied as Muslims want to create a unitary state in which they would be the dominant people. He added that his position was not aimed at secession, but rather in finding a different possibility to separate in a civilized way given that B&H is a failed state. Rejecting claims that Serbs are prepared to instigate another war to achieve their goal, he stressed that Bosnia and Herzegovina exists as a state only because of pressure from the international community. He said that the first thing that is needed is for foreigners to stop running the country, calling it the only colony that currently exists in Europe. He further noted that the European High Representative Christian Schmidt has no right to introduce a law in B&H. Dodik concluded by saying that B&H is a failed project that it is facing a severe crisis, one that did not arise yesterday, but has always been there.

Field: We will not allow division of B&H (Dnevni avaz

UK Ambassador to B&H Matthew Field stated in an interview for the daily that the UK supports the US sanctions against B&H Presidency member Milorad Dodik and others, and that it is currently considering its own options. He noted that different restrictive measures, including sanctions, are on the table. “We will continue supporting B&H institutions and working with our international partners in order to make sure that any negative actions have consequences. Sanctions are not a magic wand, they cannot solve all challenges this country is facing, but they can be a useful way to strengthen the mechanism for sanctioning mechanism for those who believe they can go unpunished” said Field. He underlined that judiciary system must be the response to all violations of laws and unconstitutional activities at any level, and that the system needs to fulfil its obligation towards the citizens. He reiterated that elections remain the best way to remove unsuccessful politicians and added that it is time for persons in power to be held accountable for their actions. According to Field, the current political situation poses a threat to stability and the future of the country. He warned that the RS is headed to the dangerous path of divisions which will only isolate the RS, and the citizens will pay the price for actions of politicians who raise tensions and mistrust. Field emphasized that citizens deserve better, and they deserve more responsible leadership from their elected representatives. Field reminded that the Peace Implementation Council condemned such behaviour of B&H politicians and called on leaders to build the atmosphere of mutual trust. Field noted that many citizens are scared, and underlined that he can understand why. In his opinion, the attacks against state institutions, including B&H Armed Forces, represent a deliberate attempt to draw attention away from failures. However, combined with the hate speech and divisions, such attacks are dangerous and destabilizing. “I will speak on behalf of UK, although I believe that this is true for all our like-minded fellows, partners and friends of this country. We cannot and we will not allow the malicious actors to divide this country or to walk back on the progress achieved in the past 26 years,” Field concluded. Commenting the issue of possible boycott of the 2022 General Election, Field said that elections are the key indicator of the democratic heath of a country, and boycotts do not suit the interests of citizens. He underlined that the election must take place in October and that citizens must know that their vote matters. He also reiterated UK's support to B&H Central Election Commission and its efforts to improve the transparency and integrity of the election process.

Grlic Radman: B&H needs changes to B&H Election Law (Hina

Croatian Minister of European and Foreign Affairs Goran Grlic Radman commented on the Election Law of B&H on Friday and he stressed that B&H needs to conduct an electoral reform before October and general elections in order to prevent Bosniaks from electing representatives of Croats in B&H institutions. Grlic Radman said that the current situation in B&H is politically not sustainable and has no perspective. He added that he believes that the improvement of the political situation in B&H encompasses the soon agreement on the changes to B&H Election Law. Grlic Radman concluded by saying that B&H needs to become a state where all of its people with constituent status are equal.

Izetbegovic: Croats and Bosniaks do not have a single reason for conflicts, while they have hundreds of reasons for cooperation (Vecernji list

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, speaking of B&H’s relations with Croatia, said that B&H and Croatia used to have good cooperation and then came disputable and insulting statements about B&H by former Croatian President Kolinda Grabar Kitarovic and current Croatian President Zoran Milanovic. Izetbegovic added that Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic does not do such things and he will do everything to strengthen the position of Croats in B&H but in Izetbegovic’s opinion Plenkovic will do it in a way to relax relations of B&H and Croatia and especially of Croats and Bosniaks. Izetbegovic argues that join interests should be agreed upon and it is necessary to speed up processes and initiatives that both countries benefit from. Izetbegovic future stated that it is time that the two countries start to talk about open issues such as the issue of Trgovska Gora or B&H’s access to an open sea. As for the conflict of Bosniaks and Croats in 1993, Izetbegovic said that it was completely unnatural and unnecessary and it only brought suffering, destruction and mistrust. He added: “Actually, Bosniaks and Croats did not have and do not have a single, important reason for conflicts, while they have one hundred and one reason for cooperation. First of all, B&H peoples are indisputably of the same origin, a similar mentality, language and a system of values. Our main problems and interests are common and these are partly the current topics over which we are getting exhausted, while the main danger for all of us is the departure of young people from B&H.  We are approaching that point from which there will not be recovery… I will base my policies on the stated stances, and I have always advocated them, as well as on readiness and advocating of forgiveness, reconciliation and understanding to the second and the third side.” Asked about establishing of the Croat-Bosniak alliance, Izetbegovic said that the alliance should gather all well-intentioned ones in B&H, but it should be started from re-building of trust of Bosniaks and Croats. The journalist noted that Croats object Izetbegovic for his statements according to which he speaks from the position of a someone who gives something to Croats, as if these things to do not belong to Croats as an equal and constituent people in B&H. Commenting on this, Izetbegovic said: “Everything that Bosniak representatives can give to Croats is understanding of their demands, which are within the framework of the Constitution and which will not lead to further ethnic divisions… What rightfully irritates Bosniaks is the blockade that HDZ B&H made in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Of course, that everybody has the right to demands, but they cannot be reached with blockades and pressures, unifying of two against one.” Asked about the concept of constituent peoples, that in the journalists’ opinion Bosniaks politicians increasingly deny, Izetbegovic said that SDA does not deny a Dayton concept, but it asks for respecting of the Dayton Constitution, which legalized this concept. As for the stance of SNSD leader Milorad Dodik on this issue, Izetbegovic said that verbally Dodik does not bring this concept of the constituent peoples in question, but he annuls it in practice. Izetbegovic explains that there are almost no Croats and Bosniaks in RS and in the RS authority bodies. According to Izetbegovic, Dodik took everything from Croats and Bosniaks and he will support Croats only in a way to cause a dispute between them and Bosniaks. Izetbegovic added that Dodik encourages Croats to fight for the third entity but he did not offer a single square meter of RS for this purpose, he deprived Croats and HDZ B&H of support to changes to B&H Election Law, changing his mind regarding the indirect election of B&H Presidency members. As for changes to B&H Election Law, Izetbegovic believes that a compromise must be reached, but he does not believe that this is possible in the next few weeks. He added: “As far as SDA is concerned, we are ready to accept some of the models according to which the election of the B&H Presidency members will rest on the majority will of constituent peoples. I say majority and not 100% because the B&H Presidency members represent all citizens and whole B&H and they must depend to a certain extent on votes of voters who are members of other constituent peoples and the “Others”. The extent of this will be determined through talks and negotiations. Of course, implementation of the ECHR’s judgments must be secured at the same time, which is the obligation of B&H on the EU path” He expects from HDZ B&H to accept as enough what the FB&H Constitution prescribes, while he expects from the Serb side the minimum, the indirect election of the B&H Presidency members. As for the possibility of the new war in B&H, Izetbegovic said that if the peace agreement in B&H is pulled down, the peace will be pulled down as well and not B&H and he added: “For this reason we need unity of Croats, Bosniaks and responsible Serbs and all forces that want to preserve peace and the reached level of progress.” Asked about the role of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in all of this, Izetbegovic said that Vucic wages a controversial policy and he supports B&H and the DPA, as well as Dodik at the same time. Izetbegovic added that recently Vucic asked Dodik to return Serbs in B&H institutions, but he did not call on Dodik to give up on destabilizing and separatist activities. Asked what is the alternative to Dodik and his policy, Izetbegovic said that it is a big coalition of all responsible political forces in B&H that would recognize and articulate the wish of huge majority of citizens in both entities and that is peace and accelerating the economic progress of the country.


According to the Constitution, the new Prime Minister cannot be appointed without elections (RTCG

The Office of the Prime Minister of Montenegro responded to the announced formation of a minority government. The Constitution of Montenegro, as the supreme law, does not leave room for the President of Montenegro to propose a Prime Minister-designate twice during one term of office of the Parliament, especially in a specific situation when he once gave a mandate to the current Prime Minister to form a Cabinet, which was supported by the majority of members of the parliament. Article 103 of the Constitution of Montenegro clearly defines that the President of Montenegro, only after the parliamentary elections, proposes the Prime Minister-designate within 30 days from the day of constitution of the Parliament. The current convocation of the parliament of Montenegro was constituted on 23 September 2020, which makes it clear that the 30-day limitation period, defined by Article 103 of the Constitution of Montenegro, expired more than 450 days ago, and that the President of Montenegro no longer has the opportunity to propose new Prime Minister-designate. If the President of Montenegro, after the potential resignation of the Prime Minister or the downfall of the government, proposed a new Prime Minister-designate to the parliament of Montenegro, he would unequivocally violate Article 103 of the Constitution of Montenegro, which would create the conditions for the parliament to immediately initiate the proceeding before the Constitutional Court of Montenegro, in order to determine the responsibility and violation of the Constitution by the President of Montenegro, which would be irrefutable evidence that the President of Montenegro violated the Constitution, and thus could be dismissed from his position. The current Cabinet can only be reshuffled with the current Prime Minister, while any change of Prime Minister could only be possible after the new parliamentary elections, says the Prime Minister's Office.

Montenegrin Prime Minister wants new elections (Nova

It would be necessary for the citizens to once again state their will at the early parliamentary elections and this would be a much better solution than the formation of a minority government, Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic emphasized. He stressed that the idea of the deputy Prime Minister and the leader of United Reform Action (URA) Dritan Abazovic about formation of a minority government was a “treason” of will of the people. “I have had a hint what Abazovic would do and I asked him about the potential treason, but he said that he would never betray me. Of course, this is a treason. Not for me, because people come and go, this is a treason of will of the people that has been very clear and shown on 30 August,” Krivokapic said. He added that, except URA, he saw the other culprit for the current government crisis in Montenegro in Democratic Front. In terms of relations with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, he said that it was “correct – neither better nor worse”.

Krivokapic to form Christian Democratic Party, coalition with Democrats possible (RTCG/CdM


Montenegrin Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, whose government is counting down its last days, is to form the Christian Democratic Party to run in the next parliamentary elections. He gave as a hint the possible political cooperation with Democratic Montenegro. Minister of Economic Development Jakov Milatovic solved the mystery called the Christian Democratic Party, which will be formed by Krivokapic. Asked whether it is certain that Krivokapic will found a party, Milatovic said for RTCG that he assumed that it was a logical thing, in line with the current events. It seems that a new political coalition has already been born. It is no surprise if we know that the Democrats are almost the only political entity that still supports the current Prime Minister.

Democrats set out conditions to take part in negotiations over minority govt, they want written guarantees (CdM

The Democratic Montenegro has revealed its requirements for taking part in talks over the formation of a minority government. The party led by Aleksa Becic claims that they’ve always supported the agreement within the parliamentary majority and wishes to preserve the will of citizens expressed in the latest parliamentary elections, held on 30 August 2020. The Democrats require:

  1. Every party to commit to not forming any kind of a government or a parliamentary majority with the DPS or their coalition partners from the former government, except for the parties representing minority nations;
  2. Withdrawal of signatories to the DPS’ proposal for dismissal of the government and written guarantees that they’re going to vote against the DPS’ proposal for dismissal of the government;
  3. Written guarantees that they’re going to vote against the agenda envisaging dismissal of Prime Minister and Parliament Speaker.

Opposition MPs signed: Proposal for Becic’s dismissal submitted (CdM

The proposal for dismissal of the speaker of parliament Aleksa Becic has been submitted for the parliamentary procedure, and was signed by 38 opposition MPs. The parliament of Montenegro, during the mandate of Becic, was not a place of essential political dialogue, which is why it failed to fulfil one of its basic functions and accelerate Montenegro’s European path. Dominantly due to that fact today we are witnessing never greater political and social divisions, which threaten to destabilize the overall environment in the country and block its basic tasks. Becic has failed to effectively initiate and end any important political dialogue that should have led to solutions that would unblock important state institutions, especially those in the field of justice. DF will vote for Abazovic’s dismissal (CdMThe Democratic Front MPs will support the initiative for dismissal of Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic representatives of this party stated. “We believe that it’s going to represent a step forward for overcoming a major crisis which has been staggering Montenegro, best reflected in conflicts within Zdravko Krivokapic’s government” the statement says. The conflict in the so-called expert government, they claim, “must not determine or affect the agreement of the parliamentary majority.” According to them, the political stalemate can be solved solely by the agreement within the parliamentary majority.

Maddocks: If a minority government is formed, it’s a decision of representatives of people – that’s how democracy works (CdM As I said before, if elected representatives of the Montenegrin people decide to freely form a minority government – it’s their choice. It’s how democracy works, the UK Ambassador to Montenegro Karen Maddocks said in a statement for the CdM portal. According to her, the solution to this political transition should continue through a democratic process. “Whichever government in power, this country needs an outcome stable enough to ensure further reforms. It includes an inclusive approach to the political negotiations and certain level of compromise.” She continued: “Leaders of all the parties should focus on political dialogue and calming tensions in the society.” Weber: Formation of a new government a legitimate move (PobjedaHaving in mind that the government of Montenegro is not supported by all coalition partners, a no-confidence motion – being in line with the Constitution – suggesting the formation of a new government capable of functioning is a legitimate move, the German Ambassador to Montenegro Robert Weber says in a statement for Pobjeda daily. Weber further says that many factors, among other things – whether all political entities are going to accept such an outcome – affect the political stabilization in the country.  The important thing is, he adds, that everything’s happening in line with the Constitution and laws, inside institutions and not in the streets. He points out that Berlin is going to cooperate with any other future government which firmly holds Montenegro on the Euro-Atlantic path. Political forces to work on reducing divisions in Montenegro (RTCGThe Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) is concerned about the increasing polarization of the Montenegrin political scene on the issue of national identity in a country that has so far managed to largely limit such tensions. The PACE, as they say, calls on various political formations and leaders not to emphasize this polarization, but to help reduce its intensity. This is stated in the draft report on the monitoring of the member states of the Council of Europe, which was made by the PACE MP Michael Jansen and which will be considered by the Assembly at the session from 24 to 28 January this year. "In relation to Montenegro, the Assembly welcomes the constructive cooperation between the authorities and the Venice Commission in considering amendments to the Law on the State Prosecutor's Office and the draft law on the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Corruption, "therefore calls on the Montenegrin parliament to ensure that the five new members of the Prosecutorial Council are appointed on the basis of their expertise and perceived as politically neutral," the report said. It is pointed out that in April 2021, based on the reports prepared by the PACE rapporteurs for Montenegro, the Assembly adopted Resolution 2374 (2021) on post-monitoring dialogue with Montenegro. EU urges political actors in Montenegro to lower tensions (NovaThe EU urged all political actors in Montenegro on 21 January to take steps to lower tensions and address the situation in the country based on consultations and consensus. “Montenegro has democratic legitimacy. It is a democratic state, and it should resolve its problems in state institutions, not in the street,” the Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro Oana Cristina Popa said. The EU's calls come in the midst of a political crisis which culminated following deputy prime minister Dritan Abazovic’s motion of no confidence in the government of Montenegro, and the latest proposal of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic that the parliament’s term be shortened. The German Embassy in Podgorica joined the EU's appeal, suggesting that Montenegro should use its institutions to address the situation.


VMRO-DPMNE will submit a proposal for changes to the electoral code and for early elections to parliament (RepublikaThe opposition VMRO-DPMNE party will submit a proposal for early elections to the parliament today.  The party is proposing changes to the electoral code, and abolishing the rule that the opposition needs to have its own officials assigned to several key government departments 100 days ahead of elections. The idea is to be able to speed up the elections, and allow them to take place in 45 to 60 days.  Another proposal from VMRO is to abolish the current six electoral districts in favor of a single district. This is a key demand from the smaller SDSM coalition partners, who want a chance to compete independently. It remains to be seen whether this will be enough for them to opt for early elections.  SDSM and DUI are rejecting the request, and seem intent on trying to push forward with a new deal with Bulgaria, which is likely to badly undermine the Macedonian national identity.