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Belgrade Media Report 26 January



Belgrade and Brussels are committed to Serbia's EU perspective (Tanjug)

At the sixth meeting of the EU-Serbia Stabilization and Association Council in Brussels, where the EU delegation was led by EU foreign minister Josep Borrell and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi, and Serbian by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and European Integration Minister Jadranka Joksimovic reaffirmed the EU perspective of Serbia, praised the country's progress in the reform process and outlined priorities for work within the Stabilization and Association Agreement. 


A joint statement issued after the Council meeting reiterated Serbia's commitment to the European perspective, welcomed the opening of Cluster 4 in December 2021 and Serbia's ambition to open new clusters, based on further progress in implementing reforms in the country. 


"In line with the improved enlargement methodology, Serbia needs to focus on fundamental reforms. Progress in the chapters on the rule of law and fundamental rights, as well as on the normalization of Serbia's relations with Kosovo*, remains essential and will determine the pace of accession negotiations in whole" the joint statement said. 


It is emphasized that "progress in the area of ​​rule of law has been noticed" in Serbia, and it was agreed that the country will continue reforms, especially in the field of justice, fight against corruption and organized crime, freedom of the media and war crimes before domestic courts. "Participants agreed on the importance of the proper functioning of democratic institutions and strengthening overall confidence in the electoral process as essential to democracy and the rule of law" the statement said. The Stabilization and Association Council welcomed the results of the referendum on constitutional amendments in Serbia and discussed further steps in reforming the rule of law in the country, as well as in line with EU standards. 


EU-Serbia Council participants agree that Serbia needs to engage constructively in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and work "in good faith and in a spirit of compromise" to reach a comprehensive legally binding agreement that should resolve key outstanding issues between the two sides, and contribute to regional stability. 


"This is crucial for Serbia and Kosovo to be able to move forward on their European paths. The participants reiterated their strong expectations that all agreements already reached will be fully respected and implemented, with a focus on establishing the Union of Serbian Municipalities." Regret was also expressed due to the statement that the authorities in Pristina did not allow the holding of a referendum on constitutional amendments, unlike the practice in the past" the statement of the EU-Serbia Council reads. 


The Stabilization and Association Council also welcomed Serbia's active participation and contribution to joint European military missions and operations, as well as Serbia's preparations for participation in EU civilian missions. It was especially emphasized that the rate of compliance of Serbia with EU foreign policy decisions increased in 2021, and the participants agreed that Serbia needs to further strengthen its efforts in progressive harmonization with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy. 


The joint statement of the EU and Serbia also emphasized the need for meaningful regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations in the Western Balkans, including the resolution of war crimes. 


The participants also agreed on the importance of implementing the Green Agenda in Serbia, with a focus on plans for energy and the fight against climate change. The launch of the Common Regional Market in the Western Balkans was also supported and it was concluded that only with inclusive regional cooperation will the potentials of the European Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans be fully used. 


Brnabic: The visit to Brussels was successful, the talks show how committed the EU is to Serbia (Tanjug)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic assessed the visit to Brussels as successful, stating that the meetings she had with officials show how committed the EU is to Serbia. Ana Brnabic met in Brussels with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Council Charles Michel, the newly elected President of the European Parliamento Robert Mazzola, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister, the Commissioners for Enlargement and Justice. 


"It is something that does not happen often and speaks of how much the EU is committed to Serbia and how much attention it pays to the reforms we have implemented in the last few months, including the referendum" Brnabic told reporters. She added that everyone, without exception, congratulated on the success of the referendum on changing the Constitution in the field of justice, assessing that it is important for the area of ​​the rule of law. "It was a hard day, but certainly successful. I think that all this shows the status of Serbia in relation to the EU at the moment" the Prime Minister added. 


When asked what position the newly elected President of the European Parliament Roberto Mazzola has on enlargement, Brnabic answered that her position is in agreement with the European Commission, and that is that the enlargement agenda is one of the most important things.  


Brnabic said that she thanked the MEPs for their participation in the inter-party dialogue, and added that she would have a new meeting with them on Friday. She also said that she had invited the new EP president to visit Serbia. "What is also important and what that attitude towards Serbia shows is that her first official meeting in Brussels as the president of the EP was with a delegation from Serbia" Brnabic said. 


The Prime Minister said, on the occasion of the statement of the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell that there is no place in Europe for a denial of genocide, that she did not find Serbia in it, and that she had not heard that the statement was sent directly to Serbia. 


Asked whether she talked about it directly with Borrell at the meetings and what was her response to that statement, Brnabic said that they did not talk about it at the meetings. 

"But I really did not perceive it as something that was sent to Serbia, I perceived it as a general statement, part of European values, something that is important for our entire region and the entire Western Balkans. I certainly did not perceive that it as sent directly to Serbia and I do not find Serbia in it" Brnabic told reporters in Brussels. 


Josep Borrell said that there is no place in Europe for the denial of genocide, for the celebration of war crimes and war criminals. Borelj said that at a press conference after the meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council of Serbia with the EU, stating that there is no place in Europe for those who publicly deny genocide and undermine the integrity of neighbouring countries. 


Joksimovic: Positive tone and wind in the back from EU officials 


Minister of European Integration Jadranka Joksimovic pointed out that Serbia received a positive tone and "wind in the back" from officials from Brussels for everything expected during the French presidency, and that is the opening of cluster 3, for which, as she says, the EC has already made a recommendation in its annual report. 


At a press conference with Prime Minister Ana Brnabic in Brussels, Joksimovic said that the visit to Brussels was positive and fruitful. "Today we had one of the most important formats in the relations between Serbia as an acceding country and the EU, and that is the Stabilization and Association Council. This time we raised the level of our participation - with the participation of the Prime Minister and High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell. "Precisely because everything that Serbia has done in the previous period, especially in the area of ​​the rule of law" Joksimovic told reporters in Brussels. 


Joksimovic added that the referendum on changing the Constitution in the field of justice had a positive impact in Brussels, adding that the process of preparation for the adoption of laws that would implement those changes is now expected. "We presented our plans, and that is not to stop to work on other clusters. We also discussed the green agenda and all other issues that are important for the European path. I think the general conclusion is that the visit was positive and "It gives us the wind in our backs to speed up the reforms" ​​said Joksimovic. 


Brnabic: Serbia has never progressed so swiftly towards EU (RTS)

Serbia “has never progressed at such a great speed toward the European Union as it now does” Prime Minister Ana Brnabic stated in Brussels on Tuesday. 

Brnabic said at a joint conference with the High Representative Josep Borrell and EU 

enlargement commissioner Oliver Varhelyi following the meeting of the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Council. Serbia has, in the negotiations acquired “a momentum 

which has not been seen before” she said. 


“In December we opened cluster four and four chapters within that cluster, we succeeded in making a revolutionary step forward by the fact that the citizens had voted for the change of the Constitution, for an independent judiciary and independent prosecution. We will not pause notwithstanding the elections” in April, said Brnabic,  She said that Serbia would work on opening Cluster 3 in June, and then another cluster by the end of this year. 

The government will continue the reforms “with the same enthusiasm” she continued. “Rule of law, reform of the public administration, economic reforms and the green agenda, these four areas remain our key priorities in European integration” Brnabic said. 


“This is a good momentum because, in December, we opened a cluster of four negotiations chapters, because this month the majority of voters in the referendum approved the implementation of the constitutional reform that should further strengthen the independence of the judiciary” Borrell said. “It is important to maintain this momentum for Serbia to 

implement the necessary reforms, including the pending ones on the rule of law and media freedom” he added. “Recently, we have seen that the alignment of Serbia with our foreign policy decisions and positions has increased. We really hope that this finally marks a sustainable and tangible trend and that it is also backed by concrete actions” Borrell said. 


“There is no place in Europe for genocide denial, there is no place for glorification of war crimes and war criminals. And also: tolerating or even publicly supporting those who deny genocide, celebrate war crimes, or those who undermine territorial integrity and 

unity of their country, not only threatens regional stability and regional reconciliation, but it is also not compatible with European values and aspirations” he said. 


Petkovic with Davenport on the situation in KiM (RTS)


Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) Petar Petkovic met with the head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo and Metohija Michael Davenport, with whom he discussed the overall situation in our southern province, with special reference to Pristina's recent ban on holding a referendum in Kosovo and Metohija. Petar Petkovic informed Michael Davenport about Pristina's continuous efforts to completely annul and abolish all political and civil rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, which was also seen on January 16, when the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina decided to prevent the holding of a referendum on changing the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. 


"Daily statements by Pristina politicians that Serbs in KiM will continue to be banned from voting in the elections called by the Republic of Serbia, especially in the April 3 elections, raise additional concerns and threaten with unforeseeable consequences the normalization of Belgrade-Pristina relations" Petkovic emphasized. 


The director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija pointed out that the campaign of naked violence and repression against Serbs in our southern province has been on the scene for months, pointing to the fact that attacks on the Serbian people, property and our cultural and religious heritage are almost daily. And that the recent developments are one in a series of pressures, which should discourage the Serbian people in the struggle for survival and the realization of their rights. 


Petkovic reminded that the Serbian people in KiM have so far, with the support of the OSCE, had the right to vote in the elections called by the Republic of Serbia, emphasizing that the OSCE Mission is responsible for organizing of voting in KiM on April 3 and enable Serbs to exercise their civil and democratic rights. Petkovic assessed that the OSCE in KiM has a significant role in establishing the rule of law and a safe environment for all citizens, and expressed the expectation that this Mission will continue to act in accordance with its mandate. Otherwise, the latest events threaten to completely annul the progress made in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but also to lead to a serious threat to peace and dangerous destabilization of the region, which Belgrade does not want at all. According to the statement of the Office for KiM, at the end of the conversation Petkovic welcomed the beginning of the work of the Special Adviser for Non-Albanian Communities within this Mission and expressed expectation that that in the future the activities of the OSCE will be aimed at protecting and guaranteeing the human and civil rights of Serbs and other non-Albanians. 


Selakovic with Davenport: We expect that voting in the elections will be possible in KiM (RTS)

In a conversation with the head of the OSCE Mission to Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), Michael Davenport, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic stressed that Serbia supports their work, that it is crucial for the OSCE to maintain a neutral approach, and that we expect Serbian citizens in KiM to be able to vote in April in presidential and parliamentary elections. 


The head of Serbian diplomacy said that Serbia supports the work and activities of OMIK in the field of protection of the rights of non-Albanian communities in KiM, but also pointed out that our interest is that they be further intensified. 


He stated that the issue of the return of expelled Serbs and other non-Albanians to KiM is especially important, reminding that in 22 years of the international presence in KiM, only 1.9 percent of internally displaced persons have achieved sustainable return. He noted that the engagement of OMIK in cases of violations of the human rights of returnees, as well as regular reporting on these cases, is extremely important. 


The Minister warned that incidents and provocations, such as the case of Dragica Gasic or those in the north of KiM from September and October last year, have the potential to destabilize the fragile security situation in KiM. At the same time, he expressed concern that 136 ethnically motivated incidents against Serbs, their property and the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church in KiM have been recorded since the beginning of last year. 


When it comes to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, Selakovic said that our side is committed to it and that we are convinced that this is the only way to reach a sustainable solution, but on the other hand, the representatives of Pristina are not ready to implement the previously undertaken obligations, and that such a unilateral approach significantly complicates the dialogue. In that sense, Minister Selakovic also referred to the unacceptable position of Pristina towards holding a referendum on changes to the Constitution of Serbia in KiM, pointing out that this once again restricts basic human rights for Serbs in KiM. 


Davenport on holding elections in Kosovo and Metohija: OSCE ready to help (RTS)

The OSCE Office in Pristina announced on Twitter that it had informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and the Office for Kosovo and Metohija (KiM) about the work done so far, as well as about providing support to the rights of non-majority communities in KiM. The head of the OSCE mission in Pristina, Michael Davenport, reiterated the organization's readiness to help collect ballot boxes for the elections called by Belgrade. 

According to Davenport, the OSCE is ready to help "with the consent of all relevant institutions". 


Stefanovic with the envoy of the British Government for the Western Balkans (RTS)

Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, who is on an official visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, talked with the British Government's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach, about the current political and security situation in the region. Emphasizing Serbia's long-term strategic commitment to maintaining the status of a military neutral state, the Minister pointed out our country's efforts to develop and improve relations with all partners, in accordance with its own interests, and to strengthen global, regional and national security. He stressed that Serbia seeks to develop good neighbourly relations and remain a strong factor in regional stability. He also informed the British envoy about the initiative of President Aleksandar Vucic "Open Balkans", which, as he assessed, unequivocally confirms Serbia's commitment to building a stable, secure and developed region. 


The Minister expressed concern over the unpredictable moves of the temporary institutions in Pristina, which are aimed at intimidating Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, but also pose a threat to the stability of the entire region, the statement said. He reminded on this occasion that the formation of the so-called Kosovo Army is in contradiction with all international acts, it is added. 


Special Envoy Peach welcomed Belgrade's commitment to dialogue, noting that the United Kingdom fully supports the views of EU High Representative Miroslav Lajcak on the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. He expressed support for the European integration process and expressed concern over the possible destabilization of the Western Balkans, adding that the United Kingdom would strive to maintain its neutral position and interpret events in the region objectively. Stuart Peach pointed out the importance of Serbia's role as a factor in preserving regional stability, the statement said. 


SNS says will run as single party in Serbia’s April elections; SPS: We will see (Nova daily)  


Ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and its leading coalition partner Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) would run on separate tickets, while SPS would support SNS’ leader and the head of state Aleksandar Vucic as a presidential candidate, the Nova daily reported on Wednesday. The daily said Vucic decided it based on opinion polls showing the parties would have better results if running separately in general and Belgrade elections. The move followed other opinion polls suggesting Serbia’s opposition stood the most realistic chance of winning in Belgrade. 


Later on, Wednesday, SPS official Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, said her party would discuss whether to run separately in the early general elections in April. After SNS decided to run as a single party, without the Socialists, their main coalition partner, Djukic Dejanovic said that “of course, we will see how we will do better.” 


Last October, the SPS leader and the Parliament Speaker Ivica Dacic said the coalition partners should run together in the 2022 elections at both levels. 


Aleksandar Sapic, the head of the New Belgrade municipality, who with his ‘Spas’ movement recently joined SNS and became one of its deputy leaders, will head the city’s candidates list on which, according to Nova, there won’t be current Belgrade officials. Sapic later confirmed he would lead the Belgrade candidate list, adding Vucic suggested that. 


Serbia’s parliamentary, presidential, Belgrade and some local votes are due on April 3. In the 2020 elections, boycotted by main opposition parties, SNS won 60,65 and SPS 10.38 percent of the votes, running on one electoral list. 


Democrats’ leader refuses to run for Belgrade mayor (Beta)


Democratic Party leader Zoran Lutovac has turned down the proposal of his coalition partners from the United Opposition of Serbia to nominate him for Belgrade mayor, Beta learned from the coalition top officials on Jan. 25. According to Beta’s sources, in a meeting attended by leaders of all political parties and movements gathered around the United Opposition of Serbia, Lutovac thanked all for nominating him, stressing that a candidate for the post should be a non-partisan figure. “Lutovac stressed that a Belgrade mayor should be a non-partisan figure, that is, that the ticket of the United Opposition of Serbia should be led by a team of experts who could produce significantly better results than any political figure” according to Beta’s source. 


Djilas certain Vucic will be ousted in April elections (Beta)


Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas said on Jan. 25 he could assert that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic would “really” lose the elections called for April 3. Speaking to N1 TV, Djilas said that according to polls conducted by the party over the past 14 months, 

Vucic would lose the vote. “He (Vucic) sees in polls that he is on the verge of losing the elections, which is why (Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica) Dacic will not run so as not to jeopardize Vucic’s victory” Djilas noted. Djilas also said that retired general Zdravko Ponos was the best candidate for Serbian president, adding that a large number of intellectuals and citizens had expressed their opinion of him. He underscored that Ponos was a candidate of Serbia’s citizens desiring a change of government, noting he believed that the People’s Party belonged to this part of Serbia. Djilas also said that before unveiling the name of its candidate to the public, the Freedom and Justice Party had presented him to its coalition partners, stressing that April 3 should be the focus, rather than “who has nominated whom or when.” 


Bosnia and Herzegovina  


EU HR Borrell replies to group of MEPs: For now dialogue is option, EU has instruments if the situation continues to escalate (Dnevni list)

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell replied to a letter of a group of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), who requested from the EU to use sanctions against politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) who endanger functioning of the state institutions in the country. EU HR Borrell replied by saying that he shares their concern and that the EU is continuing to exhaust all possibilities in order to help B&H solve the political standstill through dialogue before resorting to other options. According to Borrell’s letter, which is in possession of the RFE, process based on dialogue would enable B&H to overcome the current standstill and at the same time create the necessary room for the country to turn towards a constructive agenda, in line with its European perspective. Borrell’s reply stressed the EU knows that a quick way out of the crisis needs to be identified and that all initiatives that question unity, sovereignty and territorial integrity have to end, because stability of the country and B&H’s integration to the EU is at stake. The EU HR added by saying the EU has at its disposal a wide range of instruments and that the instruments remain available if the situation continues to escalate. 


French MEPs Mariani and Juvin: Sanctions to individuals do not bring anything good (RTRS)

Sanctions to individuals do not bring anything good, and there are many examples in the world that back this claim, assessed members of the European Parliament (MEPs), Thierry Mariani and Herve Juvin, while being guests of Tuesday’s edition of RTRS current affairs magazine. They oppose sanctions as they are illegal and not in line with the international law. As such, these sanctions are counterproductive, the MEPs concluded. Juvin said he is against any unilateral decisions and sanctions against individuals, for which there is no clear explanation. Mariani said when he heard about sanctions against Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Milorad Dodik he first laughed. He said Dodik was sanctioned for simply presenting his ideas. 


Croatian President Milanovic: If someone votes for sanctions against Dodik, he is traitor; Izetbegovic is trying to buy time so that elections in B&H can be held according to the old system that discriminates against Croats (ATV)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Tuesday the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). Milanovic criticized SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic over obstruction of electoral reforms, and showed contradictory position on Republika Srpska (RS) saying that the RS should have been “militarily destroyed”, but also admitted that the Croatian Army was the aggressor, i.e. in 1995 it was positioned close to Banja Luka. ATV reports that Milanovic noted Croatia also ratified the existence of the RS in Dayton and that potential European sanctions against the RS or Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik are against Croatia's interests. Addressing the media, Milanovic said: “Hundreds of thousands Serb in B&H vote for him. He was not a war commander. Therefore, I cannot link Dodik to that. Thank God that is the case, because the others are much worse than him. He is an interlocutor, and he is not a chauvinist”. Commenting on the potential sanctions by the European Union (EU), Milanovic said: “If someone from Croatia votes for those sanctions they are a traitor for me, if someone from Croatia (votes), on behalf of Croatia, then I will represent Croatia in the European Council, then we will not vote for the sanctions. I need interlocutors. Bakir Izetbegovic is rigging them and is lying to them the whole time. He also knows the elections are to take place soon, and that the elections will be held under the old system that guarantees outvoting of Croats. It is happening before our own eyes”.  


Milanovic said that Izetbegovic is trying to buy time so that elections in B&H can be held according to the old system that discriminates against Croats. “Time is passing, the election is coming and will be held under totally untenable rules” Milanovic assessed. “The Croats will be robbed” Milanovic says, unless the electoral system is changed to prevent the Bosniaks from electing Croat representatives in the highest state bodies again, he added. Milanovic added that of vital importance for Croats in B&H are relations in the Federation of B&H (FB&H). Milanovic claims that several important positions were stolen from Croats in last elections, adding that people holding these positions are the ones who will vote as Bakir Izetbegovic and Zeljko Komsic say. He emphasized that Izetbegovic has been buying time to exhaust Croats and describing their proposals aimed to enable this people to elect their representatives as stupid. As for marking of the RS Day on January 9, Milanovic assessed that it is a bad date for celebration, since in the past it marked the date that preceded numerous crimes. 


Cubrilovic: Dialogue is needed to solve problems in B&H in consensus; RS officials never mentioned war as an option (Glas Srpske)

Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic said in an interview with the daily that it is necessary to open dialogue and seek solutions to all problems in a consensus, which is why he convened a session and invited the political representatives of the Bosniak and Croat people who have their representatives in the RSNA. The only item of this session’s agenda would be political-economic situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), he added. “It is a duty of this generation of politicians to talk without proposing a solution in advance and to reach the solutions in meetings that would suit the largest part of citizens of B&H and have the longest expiration date. I don’t see why the start of that dialogue wouldn’t be here in the RSNA and final stage at some other place,” Cubrilovic suggested.  


Asked if this is why he invited the leaders of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic and HDZ B&H Dragan Covic to address the RSNA session, he replied that talks are necessity. “RS doesn’t want war, none of its officials, no media outlet, no elected official have ever or any place mentioned war as an option. I invited them in this context, especially having in mind that they ignored invitations by the RS President, who was inviting them earlier in line with the RSNA conclusions” he stressed. Cubrilovic also denied that this session would discuss the conclusions from December 10. Instead, he added, this would mean the start of much needed dialogue. Responding to the reporter’s remark that the opposition complained about learning about this invitation from media, Cubrilovic said that everything was done with the RSNA’s rules of procedure and that he used his competencies as the RSNA Speaker.  


As for the statement by SDA’s Adil Osmanovic, who indirectly said that SDA leader is not likely to accept the invitation, Cubrilovic said that this is attempt to find a way not to do anything “i.e. denying B&H and not recognizing its institutions.” He stressed that this was a bad excuse for rejecting the solutions to the political crisis in B&H. “They reject talks because of the December conclusions, and I am asking them why they have not responded for months to the call for dialogue” said Cubrilovic, recalling of conclusions from May last year when the RSNA proposed opening of dialogue between the RS and the Federation of B&H. He assessed as disgraceful the calls by the SDA and DF MPs in B&H Parliament for the annulment of the RSNA’s conclusions passed on December 10, especially because it arrived in form of an order. He said that the only way to solve things is a peaceful way. He also noted that both the SDA and DF actually represent the same option. 


RS opposition on Cubrilovic’s call to Covic, Izetbegovic to attend RSNA session: This is Dodik’s order, he is inviting his coalition partners (BN TV)

BN TV reported about reactions to a call of Speaker of the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) Nedeljko Cubrilovic to leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic and leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic to attend and to address MPs at a special session of the RSNA that he will schedule for February 1. According to Cubrilovic, the session will be dedicated to the current political and economic situation in B&H and their participation would contribute to developing dialogue and finding the most acceptable solutions for B&H.  


Representatives of the opposition in the RS reacted by saying that Cubrilovic invited Covic and Izetbegovic without any consultations or agreement with political representatives from the RS or with heads of caucus in the RSNA. Besides, representatives of the opposition in the RS reminded that the special session was not even scheduled yet which is why in their opinion, Cubrilovic belittled and undermined the reputation of the RSNA by working on his own. Representatives of the opposition in the RS also expressed doubt that leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik may be involved in all this because no one really knows the reason for sending the invitation. According to representatives of the opposition in the RS, this only indicates that Dodik, Covic and Izetbegovic are coalition partners.  


Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic asked what happened now so that Cubrilovic humiliates the RSNA upon Dodik’s orders and calls on Covic and Izetbegovic to show up at the session, reminding that over the last couple of months, Izetbegovic was a persona non-grata in the RS and the RS should have formed its army. In his opinion, this is Dodik’s request that shows that he “owns Cubrilovic and all these parties.” Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic stated that the invitation was sent to coalition partners of SNSD with whom they should reach an agreement on returning to work in the B&H Parliament. PDP Vice-President Igor Crnadak told BHT1 that he does not understand what Cubrilovic wanted to achieve by inviting Covic and Izetbegovic to the RSNA session. Crnadak considers that the RS-level ruling majority is only humiliating the RSNA. SDS Vice-President Milan Radovic considers that SNSD, HDZ B&H and SDA are using the atmosphere ahead of this year’s general elections to convince the people that the situation is not good in an attempt to improve their ratings.  


Kavalec says elections will be held regardless of outcome of talks on election reform, calls citizens to elect politicians who will secure prosperous and stable future for B&H (Dnevni avaz)

In an interview to the daily, Head of OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Kathleen Kavalec said that the authorities of both the state and entities achieved little since the last elections and she encouraged citizens to vote for leaders they believe could secure a prosperous and stable future of B&H in the upcoming elections. Kavalec added that the elections will be held regardless of the outcome of talks on the electoral reform. “There is an urgent need to restore full functionality of institutions at the state level and to focus on the implementation of long expected reforms for the benefit of all citizens. One-sided attempts to withdraw from institutions at the state level, which were formed by talks and parliamentary agreement, are destabilizing and unacceptable” Kavalec said.  


Asked whether there is danger from worsening of the situation, Kavalec said that politicians who rely on inflammatory rhetoric and rhetoric of divisions in order to win votes are exposing the community to a risk: “Glorification of sentenced war criminals, denial and relativizing of crimes create the atmosphere of uncertainty for all citizens. Political and other public persons cannot afford themselves to ignore consequences of negative climate that was created by use of irresponsible rhetoric”. Kavalec also said that it is of crucial importance for elected and appointed officials to reject this kind of rhetoric, act in a responsible manner and work on prevention and alleviation of tensions in the society.  


Asked whether imposing of sanctions against politicians is sufficient to get out of the current crisis, Kavalec said that the current situation can be overcome only through a serious and constructive engagement of B&H leaders. Kavalec reminded that she had a chance to see many communities throughout B&H in which local officials are working together on development of economy, improvement of services and fight against corruption and she noted: “This ‘we can do it’ stance is needed at all levels and voters appreciate it very much. Unless and for as long as all politicians adopt such an approach, B&H will continue to face high emigration rate because its citizens will be searching for better preconditions and more stability and safety somewhere else”.  


Asked to comment on talks on the electoral reform, Kavalec stated that the election legislation should be revised in a comprehensive manner with respect of decisions of domestic and international courts and implementation of recommendations issued by ODIHR, Venice Commission and GRECO. “The OSCE Mission and ODIHR are willing to assist in these reform efforts. Unless new election legislation is adopted this year, 2022 general elections will be held in line with the existing legislative framework. In any case, the right to vote is one of the most basic democratic rights of citizens” Kavalec concluded. 


HDZ B&H leader Covic: Constituent status of people, legitimate representation and competences of FB&H HoP are minimum below which they will not go (FTV)

President of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic met with Croatian Minister of Traffic, Infrastructure and Sea Oleg Butkovic in Mostar on Tuesday. Commenting on the changes to the B&H Election Law, Covic said that the constituent status of people, legitimate representation and the competences of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of People (FB&H HoP) are the minimum that they will not go below. He stressed that there will be no trades or negotiations on the Croat national interests. Covic denied claims that HDZ B&H will sacrifice the competences of the FB&H HoP to ensure him a place in the B&H Presidency. He believes that the proposal of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) for changes to the B&H Election Law fulfills the demands of all verdicts issued regarding the Constitution and Election Law.  


Covic also said that there is no possibility for reducing the competences for the FB&H HoP. He stressed that the stance of the HNS is the legitimate representation of peoples with the constituent status. He said that the main priority here are the Houses of Peoples at the FB&H and B&H levels and the B&H Presidency.  


Covic confirmed that priorities remain on the HoP, the Presidency, and the implementation of all decisions of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the B&H Constitutional Court (CC) in this regard. “We will see through the talks if some things can be done differently”, he added. BHT1 reminds that the HNS presented a joint proposal of the parties from this Assembly for amendments to the Election Law and it pertains to the HoP in the FB&H and B&H, the B&H Presidency members – direct and indirect election, and increase of competences of the FB&H HoP and the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA). According to the HNS’ proposal, the functions would include those from the rank of ‘Others’ besides the Croat, Bosniak, and Serb functions.  


BHT1 reports that SDA demands the opposite from HDZ B&H i.e. reducing the competences of HoP in the FB&H and B&H. SDA’s demands include prevention of the decision-making on the executive authorities and on the laws, which were already adopted by the House of Representatives (HoR), in the HoP.   


Covic reminded that he said earlier that it would be pointless to organize general elections in line with the existing Election Law. Many interpreted it as possible blockade of elections that should be held in October. Through negotiations, we will see if some things can be a bit different, Covic told reporters. “But I said earlier, when it comes to the constituent peoples, the strategic position of constituent peoples, that constitutionally overriding role of the peoples in B&H will not be negotiated, and we have, I presume, showed that in the last year and a half” Covic emphasized. Covic stated that there can be no trade with the Croat national interests or the equality and legitimate representation of the Croat people. 


Stances of B&H political parties ahead of new round of negotiations on election reform (Nova BH)

The US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Matthew Palmer and the EU’s Angelina Eichhorst arrived to B&H to mediate new round of talks between political factors in B&H about amending of the Election Law of B&H. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stressed earlier that along with electoral legislation, other difficult issues should be solved in the same package. He underlined that either everything or nothing will be solved. Izetbegovic expressed content with the fact other pro-Bosnian parties have similar stances.  


Reporter reminded that due to blockade of state institutions, SDP refused to participate in negotiations about changes of the Election Law. Our Party had similar stance, but they accepted to participate in the new round of talks after it was promised that their proposal of amendments to the Election Law of B&H will be discussed. Our Party’s Damir Arnaut explained that among other things, their proposal implies one President of B&H and reduction of competences of Houses of Peoples.  


Also, opposition parties in Republika Srpska (RS) and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) insist on technical changes of the Election Law claiming that it would prevent electoral malversations. Izetbegovic said that what they proposed up until now – and that is erasing prefixes and unblocking of the FB&H – is a good start. He said that we should not make the officials bad and characterize them as those who are conditioning and pressuring, adding that they primarily want to solve the Croat-Bosniak relation which is in his opinion, a good thing. The reporter concluded by saying that it is difficult to say will relations of Bosniaks and Croats improve as HDZ B&H does not want to reduce the role of the HoP which is logical because keeping the current status enables them to rule over the FB&H. 


Sejdic: HNS proposal of election changes does not resolve issue of judgement in ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case (N1)

According to the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) proposal, Bosniak, Croat and Serb members would be elected to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency, who would be representatives of the constituent peoples and the Others. After the direct election in the Federation of B&H (FB&H), the members should be confirmed in the FB&H House of Peoples (FB&H HoP) by the Bosniak, i.e. Croat delegates, while in Republika Srpska (RS) this would be done in the RS National Assembly (RSNA).  


Asked if this resolves the judgement in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case, one of the appellants, Dervo Sejdic says that it does not. Sejdic says that constituent status of peoples cannot be an “overlapping” constitutional category. This is nowhere written in the judgments of the Strasbourg court, on the contrary, he stressed. The choice model itself is also complex. The members of the B&H Presidency in the FB&H would be elected from those cantons which, according to the 2013 census, have at least five percent of that constituent peoples, and thus the FB&H HoP would be filled as well. The so-called electors on the basis of which the members of the B&H Presidency would be elected would correspond to the number of delegates in the FB&H HoP, and only one delegate would be decided jointly from those cantons that do not fulfil the five-percent rule. Simply put, the Sarajevo Canton (SC) and the Tuzla Canton (TC) would be of minor importance in relation to the election of a Croat member, as well as, for example, the Canton 10 and the Posavina Canton (PC) in relation to the Bosniak member.  


SDA did not comment on the specific proposal that came from the HNS B&H. Without reducing the competencies of the Houses of Peoples on the FB&H and B&H levels, there is no continuation of negotiations for them. N1 poses the question if an agreement can be reached regarding the Election Law. Maybe, if the international community (IC) offers a new paper that should guarantee the rights of Croat and other peoples and citizens, but also that it is implementable, that is, that no one feels defeated, because it is still an election year.  


Sejdic presented his proposal of amendments to the Election Law, based on which ethnic prefixes would be removed. “The proposal also stipulates the right of every citizen above the age of 18 to run in the elections. The fourth Caucus in the HoP – the Caucus of Ethnic Minorities and Citizens – should also be formed” Sejdic added. 


B&H Presidency Chairman Komsic addresses PACE session: Some political forces want to create new constitutional arrangements and electoral system with deeper discrimination; Neighbouring countries want to achieve wartime goals (O kanal, N1)

Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to mark the 20th anniversary of the admittance of B&H into the Council of Europe (CoE). He reminded that in 1992, B&H adopted the Constitution of the RBiH which contained basic principles of liberal democracy and market economy. Komsic added that the declaration of independence caused a reaction by neighbouring countries and they tried to undermine and remove any existence of B&H to take over parts of its territory. He stated that these policies go so far to deny the existence of a Bosnian nation and they show their national identity through ethnic one. He stated that he is of Bosnian nationality and ethnically Croat, because nationality is the expression of belonging to one state. Komsic assessed that the term people with a constituent status and ethnically based voting are used to destabilize B&H and stop any progress. He said that political leaders in B&H decided to stop all processes in B&H and to return the country into 1995 with stories of the rights of people with the constituent status, competences of entities and the denial of genocide. Komsic added that neighbouring countries participate in this directly and their goal is to achieve all wartime goals through peaceful means. He said that the main method for this is the change to the B&H Election Law and B&H Constitution to create a system where neighbouring countries will have control over the decisions in B&H. Komsic called on the foreign officials not to be lured into negotiations and diplomatic talks whose goal is to harm B&H.  


Komsic called on for implementation of all the the European Court of Human Rights ECHR’s judgements in order to achieve equality of all citizens in B&H. He also called on for harmonization of competences of all Houses of Peoples of Parliaments in B&H in line with recommendations of Venice Commission. Komsic called on members of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly not to accept all political and diplomatic rhetoric aimed to inflict damage to B&H, adding that such rhetoric will be easily recognized because it is in opposition to ground principles of the CoE. He stressed that instead of evolution of political system in B&H, 26 years after the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) was signed B&H is on a path where some want to preserve ethnic political system through regression and distancing from democratic principles. Komsic concluded that such system generates corruption in all aspects of society.  


Komsic stressed that the way the constituent status is defined now does not allow people without this status to be equal. Komsic added that entity voting is misused as well, as votes of the minority can be used to block any decision or law. He explained that this is happening in B&H right now, at both the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and B&H level. Komsic pointed out that the policies based on the principle of use of the constituent status for achieving different political goals currently prevail in B&H. Komsic warned that such policies represent a dangerous game that led to a systemic discrimination in all spheres of the society, and the result of such policy is failure to implement five judgements of ECHR about discrimination in the election process. According to Komsic, such situation has caused “many pro-European laws to be on hold, money from the European funds to go to waste, and the damage that all citizens of B&H suffer”. The Presidency Chairman added that in such a system where affiliation to some of the ethnic communities, as an expression of exclusiveness of ethnic policies, “there is striving to gain control over all resources, businesses, public procurements, all sorts of privileges, profits and benefits”. He concluded that, with such policies, an ambience suitable for existence of large-scale corruption is being created.  


Komsic argued that the concept of “constituent peoples” is at the heart of the problem in B&H, adding that while the Constitution does contain this term, it is not legally defined. “That is why it is important to say that when those ethnic policies in B&H have exhausted all other tools to control their ethnic community, they reach for emotions and empathy within their communities. This is achieved through the production of fear, which ultimately forms a system conducive to corruption and denial of the rule of law. I believe that we share the same opinion - such a political system has no place in modern Europe” Komsic said.  


Referring to the fundamental values of the formation of the Council of Europe, human rights protection, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, Komsic reminded of the 2019 Report by the European Commission (EC), that legally defined the requirements for B&H to be granted the EU candidate status, noting that after that, political actors who advocate “disappearance of B&H’’ decided to suspend all processes. “Today, when the need to amend the Constitution and Election Law is being discussed, aimed at implementing five judgments by the ECHR, we again have the occurrence of political forces that do not intend to implement those judgments, but through the expression of political manipulation, create new constitutional arrangement and electoral system with deeper discrimination, that would be hidden behind unequal value of vote of citizens of B&H. Unfortunately, the neighbouring countries are directly involved in that, whose goal is clear, achieve all wartime goals by using political and diplomatic means in peacetime conditions” said Komsic. 


Komsic’s speech at PACE session met with harsh criticism, his attendance assessed as ‘misused option of speaking on behalf of B&H’ (Glas Srpske)

Glas Srpske carries comments on the speech by Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on Tuesday, who spoke on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of B&H joining the Council of Europe. The author comments that Komsic spoke via ‘zoom’ application as he recently tested positive for the coronavirus but he used this opportunity to reiterate his stance that B&H needs to be set up on the civic principles. He also assessed that the constituent status of peoples and houses of peoples are tools of the neighbouring countries to keep B&H dysfunctional.  


Constitutional law professor Radomir Lukic told the daily that he does not understand how can Komsic say something like that. “This is either historic arrogance, humane rudeness or Bosnian fundamentalism,” he noted, adding that the constituent status of people is actually what keeps B&H alive and prevents its division on ethnic bases from happening. He also assessed Komsic’s stances as “completely dysfunctional” and as the “main obstacle to live properly in B&H with mutual understanding and respect of identities, specificities and interests.”  


Head of the SNSD Caucus in B&H House of Representatives Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac, who is a member of B&H Parliament Delegation to PACE, said that this was Komsic’s narrow political stance and that he misused the option of speaking on behalf of B&H, while violating its Constitution. She told Srna news agency that everyone got used to Komsic usurping various positions. Novakovic-Bursac noted that Komsic’s internet connection “naively got lost” the moment he was supposed to answer to questions by MPs, right after his speech. 




Croatian President says Ukraine should not be part of NATO (Hina)


Ukraine does not belong in NATO, and the situation along the Ukraine-Russia border is a serious crisis behind which stands primarily the dynamics of U.S. internal affairs, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday. Addressing the press Milanovic said that Croatia would in no way be involved in the crisis if it escalated and that there would be no Croatian soldiers in that scenario. 


Ukraine does not belong in NATO, the Croatian head of state said, adding that the European Union had triggered off a coup d'etat in Ukraine in 2014 when the pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych was ousted. 


Western countries are warning about a growing threat of Russia's invasion on Ukraine, and therefore some of them have started to evacuate their diplomats from Kiev. On the other hand, Moscow dismisses the claims that it is preparing an attack on its southwestern neighbour and insists on guarantees from the West that NATO will not expand towards the east or set up rocket systems along the borders with Russia. 


Milanovic believes that there are ways to preserve Ukraine in its entirety or 99% of its territory and to provide it with economic assistance. However, that country should not be part of NATO, just as, for instance, neutral Finland, Austria and Sweden are not members of that alliance, either, he said. 


The ongoing crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine or Russia, it is connected with the dynamics of the U.S. internal policy led by President Joe Biden and his administration, the Croatian president said, adding that "matters of international security reflect inconsistencies and dangerous behaviour" by the U.S. administration. 


Milanovic says that the hawks in the Democratic Party as well as the hawks among Republicans, "who until recently justified the play-safe and peaceful policy" of former president Donald Trump towards Moscow, are now mounting pressure on the Pentagon and Biden to take a tough stance towards Russia. "All that is happening in the antechamber of Russia. One must reach a deal that will take account of the security interests of Russia," said Croatia's president and supreme commander of the army. If the situation escalates, Croatia will withdraw all its soldiers, he said, adding that Croatia has nothing to do with that crisis. 


Milanovic again criticised the engagement of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic in Ukraine. 

He labelled former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych as "a swindler who sat on three chairs", adding that his ouster was a coup encouraged by the European Union and the administration in Washington at that time. After the overthrow of Yanukovych in 2014, "the story was as follows" Milanovic said: "Ukraine is going west, it has nothing in common with Russia, the customs union with Russia and former Soviet Union countries is bad for Ukraine, while the EU will be a land of milk and honey." Eight years later, "Ukraine is still one of the most corrupt countries in the world, stagnating economically and it has got nothing from the EU" Milanovic said. He added that the confrontation with Russia has also produced detrimental effects on gas prices. 


Plenkovic apologizes to Ukraine for Milanovic's statement that it is corrupt (AJB)

At first, I thought it was some kind of Russian official speaking, the Croatian Prime Minister said. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic apologized to Ukraine for the statement of President Zoran Mianovic that it is one of the most corrupt countries and rejected the President's statements that he would withdraw Croatian soldiers from Ukraine because they were not even there. "As far as I know, there are no Croatian soldiers in Ukraine" Prime Minister Plenkovic told reporters, adding that the contingent of the Croatian army that was in Poland had just returned. Milanovic's statements are unreal, his statement about Ukraine as a corrupt country is insulting, he said. "This way I apologize to Ukrainians, on behalf of the Croatian government I apologize to Ukraine, one of the first countries to recognize the state of Croatia" and which currently has occupied parts, as Croatia had, Plenkovic said, Hina reported. 


When asked explicitly whether Croatian soldiers, NATO members, would take part in the operation if there was a conflict, the Prime Minister answered with a counter-question: "Where did all these theses come from?" Croatia's policy is "de-escalation of tensions, prevention of possible conflict, support for the territorial integrity and territorial integrity of Ukraine" he said. Croatia's policy is also a contribution to "Croatia's experience in the process of peaceful integration of Podnavlje" in the reintegration of the occupied territories of Ukraine, Plenkovic added. 


Croatian Minister of Defense Mario Banozic also confirmed that the Croatian Army does not have any soldiers in Ukraine. "The closest we have up there is Poland, meaning four officers, and the procedure for returning Croatian soldiers is not that simple" he said. "It is the parliament that is doing this on the proposal of the president… Once again, the public is being manipulated" said the Minister of Defense. He reminded that NATO membership brings both privileges and obligations. "We must be aware that we are a democratic society, that we are a member of NATO, you have certain privileges when you are in that alliance, and you also have certain obligations and to conduct foreign policy in this way is very irresponsible" said Banozic.  


Western countries are warning of the growing threat of Russian invasion of Ukraine, so some of them have begun to withdraw their diplomats from that country. Moscow, on the other hand, refuses to prepare an attack and seeks legal guarantees from the West that NATO will not expand to the east or install missile systems on its borders. 



Krivokapic: Government ready to sign Fundamental Agreement with SOC (RTCG)

The Prime Minister of Montenegro, Zdravko Krivokapic, says that, from the government's point of view, the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church is ready to be signed. 

Zdravko Krivokapic wrote on his Twitter account that at today's session, the Montenegrin government expressed its absolute readiness to sign the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, as soon as possible. "This process has gone through several phases of harmonization and from the point of view of the government, it is completely ready for signing" Krivokapic says. He adds that members of the government are familiar with the process of harmonizing the content of the Fundamental Agreement between the government and the Serbian Orthodox Church. 



Krivokapic: Minister Radulovic works for minority government since September (RTCG)


Since September last year, Foreign Minister Djordje Radulovic has worked intensively for the minority government, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said, commenting on the possible removal of the foreign minister. That Minister Radulovic worked for the minority government, the Prime Minister says, is as clear as day. "Numerous contacts, numerous trips testify to that. I am a man who gets information. There is no information about any meeting, any member of the government, that hasn’t reached me one way or another" Krivokapic told reporters after the conference "The Importance of Media Freedom for Chapter 27 and the European Integration Process". 


Abazovic: I don't care about dismissals, they are a reflection of helplessness (RTCG)

Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that he was not worried about the changes in the current government, assessing that they were the epilogue of weakness. In his words, it would be logical to have him removed from the position of Deputy Prime Minister, but he is not going to make any drama about it. "Everything is over with the government on February 4. Now, in that impotence, you need to dismiss someone. If they think that the changes contribute something, there are no problems as far as I am concerned. If someone by illegal actions wants to affect the constitutional order, especially in the security sector, in order to cause unrest in Montenegro, it will have an adequate response immediately" Abazovic said. Personally, he says, he does not recognize the threat to the constitutional order. He also said that the question is whether people who are, as he said, specialized in creating riots and causing quarrels within the citizens, would be involved in everything. "In that case, I think our reaction should be adequate." 


DF asks Abazovic: Seek solution within parliamentary majority, there must be no cooperation with DPS (CDM)


Last night, the leaders of the Democratic Front, Andrija Mandic and Milan Knezevic, asked the Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Civic Movement URA, Dritan Abazovic, to respect the electoral will expressed in the August 30 elections and that only within the current parliamentary majority can a new sustainable solution be sought. They discussed the way out of the current crisis and their unchanged position that they will vote for his removal in the Assembly initiated by Zdravko Krivokapic


"Mandic and Knezevic informed the deputy prime minister that any agreement and cooperation with the DPS is unacceptable to them and the coalition For the Future of Montenegro, which we think should be the position of the coalition Black and White" the statement said. 


Abazovic, they added, told the leaders of the DF that the current situation in the current government is unsustainable and that this government will be removed and that he has full understanding for the position of the DF, which will vote for his dismissal. 


"But also, that Abazovic wants to continue the talks, looking for the best solutions for the election of the new government, primarily within the existing parliamentary majority, and that he will do everything in his power to reach an agreement." The DF will continue talks with all other subjects of the current parliamentary majority in order to stop any possibility of the DPS returning through an honest conversation and a new agreement" the DF said. 


Krivokapic's Cabinet: Session of National Security Council not held, Prime Minister to schedule new session (CDM)


The session of the National Security Council was not held yesterday, due to the non-appearance of five members of the Council, despite the fact that the session was organized and adjusted to the obligations of most members of the Council, said the Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic's office. As they announced, the President of the Council, the Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, will schedule a new session today at 4 pm. 


"The following members of the Council appeared at the session: Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, as President of the Council, Minister of Defense Olivera Injac, Minister of Finance and Social Welfare Milojko Spajic, and Director of the ANB Dejan Vuksic. The absence of five members of the Council prevented the adoption of the report of the Interdepartmental Commission for Analysis of the Results of Coordination and Operational Coherence of the Intelligence and Security Sector and the Bureau for Operational Coordination, related to the events in Cetinje from September 3 to 5, 2021" the cabinet said. 


As they point out, the adoption of that document is a precondition for removing the secrecy mark from the report, which would make the public aware of the content of the report as a whole. "In that sense, the fact that five members of the Council show obvious irresponsibility when it comes to considering the current security situation in the country is worrying. In order to be completely transparent, the President of the Council, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, will schedule a new session at 4 pm, with the same agenda, with the basic goal that Montenegrin citizens be fully acquainted with the content of the report" concluded the Prime Minister's Office.  


North Macedonia 


Nikolovski: With the current government, the foundations of the state are being destroyed, early elections needed (TV Sonce)


Early parliamentary elections are needed more to Macedonia than to VMRO-DPMNE, because VMRO-DPMNE will win whenever elections takes place, but Macedonia must not waste time. With the current government, the basic foundations of the country are being destroyed, there is a leadership that is ready to negotiate everything, and corruption is like that of Colombia and Ethiopia, Aleksandar Nikoloski, vice president of VMRO-DPMNE said on TV Sonce that the citizens are living worse, and the catastrophe that is happening to us can be stopped and changed only by a change of government. 


That is why we demand early elections to change things, and the philosophy of those in power is to steal and have a catastrophe, but outside the make-up is good. But that make-up does not work because the situation is catastrophic. Many people cannot meet their basic needs. One only needs to go the grocery store and see what can be bought with 1,000 denars compared to before, to see the prices of fuel, the price of oil, sugar and bread which is almost twice as expensive. It is a complete increase that is happening and people with the same salary can buy less and less. With this government, the energy crisis will only get worse and the citizens will live even harder until next year, said Nikoloski. 


Nikoloski pointed out that precisely because the people had it enough of the crimes and incompetence of the government, they punished them in the local elections and voted for changes that are already happening in the municipalities where VMRO-DPMNE won. 


Changes and projects are happening. The mayors of VMRO-DPMNE, the whole team delivers much more than before. There is a clear picture of where we are moving, the mayors of VMRO-DPMNE show that things are changing for the better. We presented a program for each municipality, the party stood behind that program and we have a responsibility for how it is implemented, said Nikoloski. 


Borissov: Don’t repeat our mistake, immediately resolve the most difficult issues in Bulgarian-Macedonian relations (Republika)


Do not repeat our mistake, but immediately solve the most difficult issues in Bulgarian-Macedonian relations, such advice was given by the leader of GERB and former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov to Prime Minister Dimitar KovacevskiBGNESreported. 


The meeting between Borissov and Kovacevski was held at the headquarters of the GERB party. It was attended by two former foreign ministers, Ekaterina Zaharieva and Daniel Mitov, as well as former Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Doncev


Borissov stressed that the entire democratic western world welcomed the signing of the Agreement on Friendship and Good Neighbourliness between Bulgaria and Macedonia in August 2017. 


Do not postpone the key topic for the end. That was our mistake. Important issues related to the history and hate speech must be addressed immediately. Take the bull by the horns. Resolve them immediately, Borissov told Kovacevski. 


Outstanding issues should be resolved as a whole, which requires a certain framework, which in turn will be related to lifting of the veto by Bulgaria and holding the first intergovernmental conference of Macedonia with the EU, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski told a press briefing for Macedonian reporters after Tuesday’s joint intergovernmental session of Macedonia and Bulgaria held in Sofia. 


As MIA reports from Sofia, regarding the possibility of separating the questions from now on package 4 plus 1 after the short name Macedonia was resolved during Petkov’s visit to Skopje, Kovacevski noted that the questions will go in one package because each of them has its own dynamics of solution. 


As the Prime Minister pointed out, in resolving political issues with Sofia, we should adhere to the Resolution adopted by the Macedonian Parliament and supported by all political parties, emphasizing that the points should not be seen as difficult and easy if there is a willingness to reach a compromise. 


The Macedonian Army is preparing a plan for possible participation in NATO intervention in Ukraine (Telma TV)


Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska told Telma TV that the country’s position as regards the issue between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Ukraine is that the country fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. 


From what we get through our communication channels within the NATO structures and from what the public is informed, is that diplomatic negotiations are underway for a peaceful settlement of this dispute. We, absolutely, as a state, support such a course of events, ie we stand for a diplomatic solution to this dispute, Petrovska said. 


Regarding the obligations of the Macedonian Army as a NATO member, in case of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Minister said that the engagement of our army, as well as the armies of all other NATO member states, is defined at the conferences for generating forces that specifically on this topic are held under the coordination of the Supreme Command of the Allied Powers. 


At these conferences, each member state makes available forces, units or equipment according to its own capabilities. At this moment, our army as part of those structures has an obligation and is already preparing analyzes for the possibilities for our potential participation or engagement. The decision for eventual participation is prescribed in which procedure it is carried out, a decision of the Government is required. Such a decision has not been made yet, says Petrovska. 


Reaction of the Russian Embassy in Skopje: We are surprised by the statements of the Macedonian Minister of Defense (Republika)


The Russian Embassy in Skopje reacted on social media to yesterday’s statement by the Minister of Defense Slavjanka Petrovska regarding the possible involvement of the Macedonian Army in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, if requested by NATO. 


According to the Russian Embassy, this statement of the minister is “surprising”. We are surprised by the statement of the Macedonian Minister of Defense, Slavjanka Petrovska, regarding the deployment, ie the potential participation of the Macedonian Armed Forces in the potential Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Russia has never threatened the Ukrainian people anywhere and has no intention of taking any aggressive action. In other words, we will not attack, invade or hit Ukraine. As regards the Russian troops – they move through their own territory and have every right to do so. As for Ukraine, Kiev continues to stubbornly evade its obligations under the Minsk Agreements, which include establishing a direct dialogue with Donetsk and Lugansk and including a special status of Donbas in the Constitution. Consistent and full implementation of the 2015 Minsk “Package of Measures” as an alternative solution is a necessary condition for resolving the intra-Ukrainian crisis. We see the risk that Ukraine will become more integrated into NATO, even without gaining formal membership status in the Alliance. This is what directly affects Russia’s security interests. Achieving a turnaround in this situation is the focus of our attention. This is the basis of our proposals for the provision of strong, legally binding security guarantees by the United States and NATO, reads the statement of the Russian Embassy. 




President Meta explains decision to hold elections on March 6 (ADN)

The President of the country, Ilir Meta has explained why he proposed March 6 as the election day, emphasizing on Tuesday that March 6 gives the opposition more time to be better prepared. This was another retort between Meta and the General Secretary of the Democratic Party, Gazment Bardhi, who accused Meta of favouring the majority by choosing March 6 as the date of the by-elections. Meta explains in a social media post that there were two options, either February 27 or March 6, but if he chose February, then they would accuse him of favouring the Socialist Party.  


"Regarding the other lies of the MP Bardhi, that apparently, "The sudden decree of the elections by the President had a purpose, to put the DP in difficulty", or regarding the lack of consultation with the political forces for the appointment of March 6, 2022 for holding by-elections in 6 Municipalities”, we inform anyone who has an interest, that: 


MP Bardhi knows that the President of the Republic functions according to the Constitution and the laws of the country in force. The President of the Republic cannot decree an election date according to the desires of political forces. When they take place is dictated by the Constitution and the Law. 


MP Bardhi knows that according to the Electoral Code, the Law on Local Self-Government, the President of the Republic decrees the date of the by-elections only after he is officially notified by the bodies recognized by law for the created vacancies. According to the law, these institutions that have the duty to notify the President of the Republic are: The Council of Ministers and the Central Election Commission. 


The President of the Republic was notified for the first time by these two bodies (CM and CEC) only on January 17-18, January 2022, and this only after the President requested this official information. We explain to MP Bardhi that for the by-elections, the minimum and maximum deadline, within which the elections according to the Electoral Code are from 30-45 days, starting from the moment of announcing the vacancy. The whole process of notifying the President of the Republic by the Council of Ministers, the CEC and the Constitutional Court, for the early vacancies created in these 6 Municipalities has ended on January 20, 2022. The President of the Republic, in consultation with the CEC and at the request of the latter between the two most possible dates February 27 and March 6, 2022, decreed the maximum deadline of 45 days, ie March 6, 2022 as the most appropriate date for holding by-elections for these 6 Municipalities, without a mayor. 


This is precisely so that the CEC, which has the responsibility of organizing them, and all political forces have the opportunity to carry out an election process and campaign that is as good and appropriate as possible. The President did not consult with any political force, but held a meeting with representatives of the majority in the Albanian Parliament, to fulfil the constitutional obligations regarding the date requested by the CEC and the responsibilities that the Parliament has in this process.  


Mr. Bardhi must understand that the realization of the elections in the maximum 45-day deadline, ie on March 6, 2022, facilitates the work of the CEC and helps the competing opposition forces the most, giving the maximum deadline recognized by law. If the President had chosen the minimum 30-day deadline for setting the date of the by-elections, which coincided with February 20, 2022, then this would be in the service of the ruling Party. The President favoured the opposition forces and not the ruling party Mr. Bardhi!" Meta writes. 


President meets head of Armed Forces, focus on Ukraine conflict (ADN)

The President of the Republic, Ilir Meta, at the same time the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, met this Tuesday with the Chief of General Staff of Albanian Armed Forces, Major General Bajram Begaj. Ukraine conflict has been the focus of the conversation, about which the Head of State provides information with a post on social media. Meta writes that they have shared the common concern with all NATO partners about the threat of Russian aggression against this friendly, independent and sovereign country, as well as about the implications that this threat, in flagrant violation of international law, may have also for the whole of Europe and for the Balkans region.  


" I had a very fruitful working meeting with the Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces, Major General Bajram Begaj. We discussed the situation in and around Ukraine. We share the common concern with all our NATO partners about the threat of Russian aggression against this friendly, independent and sovereign country, as well as about the implications that this threat, in flagrant violation of international law, may have for the whole Europe and for our region. In this context, I underlined the importance of the most effective coordination with the Alliance, as well as taking measures to continue the reforms in order to further strengthen our defence capacities" writes Meta.