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Belgrade Media Report 11 February


Brnabic: Invitation to French companies to invest in Serbia (Tanjug/RTS)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic began her visit to France today with a working breakfast with representatives of French companies organized by the French Senate and MEDEF International. Brnabic said that Serbia is planning even greater investments in capital infrastructure, as well as in environmental protection, and that she expects an even greater presence of French companies in Serbia in the next few years. It is a great honor for me to be in the Senate today with the largest French companies. This is my third meeting with the Union of Employers of France, and after each one we had concrete results, both in favor of France and Serbia, she pointed out. She pointed out that she is proud of the results that the Serbian economy has achieved over the years, pointing out that during the 2020 pandemic, a minimal drop in GDP of 0.9 percent was recorded. She said that the level of our economy remained practically the same as before the pandemic, adding that in 2021 there was a great recovery, that GDP grew by 7.6 percent, which is one of the best results in Europe, and that expects GDP growth of 4.5 percent this year. Brnabic pointed out to French companies that Serbia is an economically and fiscally stable country and that it can additionally invest in infrastructure and the field of ecology, which is also a priority of the government of Serbia. She pointed out that the greatest potentials for further cooperation between the two countries are investments in the field of environmental protection, noting that Belgrade plans to build five wastewater treatment plants.

According to her, great potential for cooperation exists in the field of energy and green transition, as well as in the continuation of investments in infrastructure, especially road and railway. She stated that, in addition to the Belgrade subway, they will also work on projects for the construction of a railway corridor, with the support of the EU, i.e., the European Investment Bank. She emphasized that the relations between Serbia and France are excellent and getting better, and one of the key things that contributed to that was the visit of President of France Emanuel Macron to Belgrade. As for the political aspect, I want to thank France and President Macron for proposing a new methodology for accession negotiations, which we accepted, because we think it makes more sense, Brnabic said. She stated that, thanks to the new methodology, Serbia opened four additional chapters at the Intergovernmental Conference at the end of last year, i.e., a cluster concerning energy and the green transition. She expressed hope that during the French presidency of the EU, which began on 1 January and lasts until the end of June, Serbia will manage to open Cluster 3 and thus come one step closer to the EU. She emphasized that great things happened after the French President’s visit to Belgrade – Air France returned to Serbia and introduced a direct flight Belgrade-Paris, while the French Development Agency opened its Office for the Western Balkans in Belgrade. That is how we got the impetus for new French investments, said Brnabic, stating that the exchange of goods has increased by 36.4 percent in the last five years. According to her, in 2021 alone, trade amounted to €1.4 billion, with 80 percent of all French investments in the region ending in Serbia. Brnabic said that two large French investments also contributed to the excellent bilateral relations, with one concession for Nikola Tesla International Airport, which was awarded to the French company VINCI. According to her, the second is a large public-private partnership with the French-Japanese consortium for solving one of the biggest environmental problems, not only in Serbia, but in Europe, and that is the Vinca landfill. Senate Vice President Roger Karoutchi sent an invitation to French companies to invest in Serbia, because that will increase foreign trade in favor of both countries. He assessed that there is room for strengthening economic cooperation and that France does not currently occupy a large investment space in Serbia like Germany and Austria, despite the climate that is very favorable for investments. We will work on new partnerships and connections, and you have the key to success. I hope that we will increase our cooperation, the Vice President of the Senate told French companies. President of the France-Western Balkans Friendship Group in the French Senate Marta de Cidrac said at the working breakfast dedicated to Serbia that she is very happy because Prime Minister Brnabic came from Belgrade especially to meet with businessmen from France. She reiterated France’s support for Serbia on its EU path, expressing satisfaction that France had defined the Western Balkans as one of its priorities during its EU presidency. De Cidrac pointed out that great potentials in cooperation exist in the field of environmental protection and energy, expressing satisfaction with the fact that the government of Serbia has defined ecology as a priority because it fits into the process of approaching the EU.

Godfrey: Disappointed over Brnabic’s accusing US of financing ecological protests (Nedeljnik/Beta)

The outgoing US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey has stated that he was disappointed with Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic’s accusations of the US, about it having financed the environmental protests in Serbia because, as he said, millions of dollars had been paid toward Serbia’s reaching the goals it has set for itself – to advance toward the EU faster. “That is why I was very disappointed when I heard those accusations. I was particularly disappointed by the fact that they were spoken by Prime Minister Brnabic, who was a great partner in several projects,” Godfrey said in an interview with the latest issue of the Nedeljnik weekly, adding that such statements were beginning to resemble the start of a political campaign. Godfrey expressed concern over ethnic nationalism and the glorification of war criminals. “I have been talking about that with officials and I would like to see what they talk about being implemented better. It is fine to commit to something and it is nice to talk, but I would much prefer to see that carried out in practice,” the Ambassador stated. He also expressed concern over the situation in the Serbian media due to polarization, but also because, in his words, the media are being used to gain an unfair advantage, to attack political opponents and to spread false information or disinformation. “And that should not be tolerated, and we must not tolerate it, especially not in the run-up to the elections,” Godfrey said.

Serbia, Equatorial Guinea on path to strengthening cooperation (RTV/Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met on Thursday, at the beginning of his official visit to Central African countries, with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Equatorial Guinea Simeon Oyono Esono Angue. Addressing the press after the meeting, Selakovic said that today is a historic day for the relations between the two countries, because for the first time, a foreign minister of Serbia is visiting Equatorial Guinea. He said that the people of Equatorial Guinea in Serbia have a reliable friend and expressed confidence that the two countries will benefit from mutual cooperation, exchange of experiences and improvement of economic and trade exchange. Last year, as he reminded, the two countries raised the level of economic cooperation and they should continue to do that, but also to cooperate in all other fields. That means that we do not support each other only formally, but that this cooperation is of effective importance, that we support each other in international forums, in international organizations, in matters of multilateral importance, but also in matters of bilateral interest, said Selakovic. He also emphasized the importance of raising the level of diplomatic cooperation, as well as cooperation in the field of agriculture, and expressed satisfaction with the fact that Serbia has the opportunity to help the friendly people of Equatorial Guinea with 30,000 doses of antiviral vaccines. The two ministers signed a number of interstate agreements: the Agreement on the Abolition of Visas for Holders of Diplomatic and Official Passports, the Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between the two Governments, the Memorandum of Cooperation between the two Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the Memorandum of Understanding on Political Consultations. and a Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Cooperation. Selakovic also met with Vice President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue and on this occasion underlined that the two countries are bound by traditional friendship and that it is a duty of new generations of politicians to renew and develop this friendship. The Minister informed his interlocutor, who is responsible, among other things, for defense and security policy, about the capacity of the Serbian defense industry and the positions of Serbia as a military neutral country. On our part there is interest in improving cooperation in the field of defense and security, military cooperation, military medicine and police cooperation, he said. Selakovic underlined that good political relations, dedication to the same values, the support of Equatorial Guinea to the preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia are an excellent basis for strengthening bilateral cooperation at all levels.

Visit to Equatorial Guinea very successful

In a statement released by his Ministry, Selakovic said the visit had been very successful and that his discussion partners had given recognition to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the government and the people of Serbia for what Serbia had accomplished over the past eight years.

Selakovic said he had spoken with Equatorial Guinea's president, vice president and FM and that the meetings had also been attended by the country's ministers of security, agriculture, health and social affairs. Although geographically remote, Equatorial Guinea is a country that is actively supporting Serbia in the fight for Kosovo and Metohija and for protection of Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, Selakovic said. "The President of Equatorial Guinea visited Belgrade over 40 years ago, but expressed a readiness to visit our country again," Selakovic said, adding that the country's vice president was due to come to Serbia in the first half of this year. He also said there were great opportunities for boosting bilateral economic cooperation and that he had also met with representatives and employees of Serbian companies operating in Equatorial Guinea.

Ponos: “Trained dogs” released, owner responsible (N1)

Serbia's presidential candidate of the opposition coalition United Serbia, retired general Zdravko Ponos, told N1 late on Thursday that it did not matter which party nominated him since, as he said, it was a technical issue. “I expressed my readiness to be the coalition candidate; whoever proposed it first is a technical issue,” he said. Commenting on the tabloids’ claims that he was a “NATO general” or got rich while he was the Army of Serbia (VJ) Chief of the General Staff, Ponos said that he would not respond to that. “And some things can be interpreted not only as an attack on personal dignity but also as a threat to family safety. I’m afraid someone let ‘trained dogs’ do that. And when such dogs bite someone, then the owner is always responsible,” he said, adding that “we know who can let those dogs. I mean Aleksandar Vucic. What his media is doing is inappropriate civilized behavior”, Ponos said. Asked if he thought Serbia could become a NATO member, he said he saw no point expecting something like that from the current political generation. “But that does not mean that we should not have the best possible relations with NATO and its members,” he added, dismissing accusations that he was opposed to the doctrine of military neutrality. “I have not heard that from political opponents, and I do not take the tabloids seriously. I am a supporter of the policy of military neutrality,” Ponos said. He added he would have his team of advisers and would speak about them during the election campaign.

Speaking about what motivated him to accept the candidacy, Ponos said that “it’s not about a career. Someone of my age doesn’t need it. I was quite successful in what I did. That is a challenge I didn’t ask for. I responded to an invitation from a group of opposition parties. I wanted to contribute to the opposition struggle as my civil duty. I will run that race with the support of everyone. We will win that race”, he said. Ponos also clarified his earlier statement that if the government changes, frustration should occur, but not revenge. “I think my commitment led the regime to attack me like this with all its means. What this regime is doing is not their voters' fault. None of the voters committed a crime by voting, and they should not be afraid to go back to work after the election. But those who did other things will have to be held criminally responsible,” Ponos said.

Opposition en route to securing 17,000 supervisors at voting stations (Nova/Beta)

Free Citizens Movement (PSG) president Pavle Grbovic said on Thursday that the opposition's efforts to secure 17,000 supervisors at voting stations were going well, and that this was the number needed for the upcoming elections, stressing that all opposition organizations are truly committed to the task. "The Free Citizens Movement is not a powerful organization in terms of infrastructure but I believe that we can make a significant contribution and that we have already done a lot to popularize the civic duty of defending votes through various, and I believe good campaigns on social media," Grbovic told the Nova newspaper. He said that the United Serbia coalition led by the Freedom and Justice Party, People's Party and Democratic Party which the Movement was a member of, and the We Must coalition which gathers the Don't Let Belgrade D(r)own movement, the Action Open Civic Platform and Ecological Uprising movement have solid communication. He said this atmosphere could produce a victory in elections in Belgrade and presidential elections, as well as a very serious result in parliamentary elections.



RS parliament adopts Law on Immovable Property, Draft Law on RS HJPC; Opposition and ruling majority exchange accusations (ATV

The Republika Srpska (RS) parliament adopted the Law on Immovable Property, which is used for functioning of public authority. The RS parliament also adopted a draft law on RS high judicial and prosecutorial council (HJPC), so the RS is one step away from getting back what was taken away from it, commented the reporter. Among other things, the law envisages establishment of the RS HJPC, the regulation of its work, organization and competencies.

RS SNSD representative Srdjan Mazalica said: “This law significantly improves the independence and autonomy, efficiency, integrity, responsibility of judges and prosecutors in the RS. It included all the recommendations of the Venice Commission that are not included in the Law on the HJPC at Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) level.” Several members of the RS opposition were again absent during the voting. The RS opposition did not want the international community to blame them, noted the reporter. The RS opposition and the ruling majority clashed over the absence of the RS leadership during the session. PDP representative Igor Crnadak commented: “Where is Milorad Dodik to stand at this podium today? Let him insult us, we will endure it, but let him propose this law. Where is the President of the RS, where is the Prime Minister, where is the Minister of Justice.” RS SNSD representative Dusica Solaja responded: “Why would they be here? You miss them because you have nothing else to say, but you would turn this into an argument with them and that is your point. You did not say anything about the Law itself. You did not go into the essence of the Law, but it does not surprise me, because I know what role you must play today and we all know.” According to the SNSD, the RS HJPC was forcibly taken away in 2004. For PDP members, all this is a futile job and waste of time.

RS PDP representative Perica Bundalo commented: “It is quite certain and we must admit that after the entry into force and enactment of this law, a constitutional review will follow before the competent Constitutional Court, and we can already assume the outcome.” RS SNSD representative Igor Zunic accused those who do not want the RS parliament to adopt competencies of the RS, as they were written in the RS Constitution and B&H Constitution, of being the ones who talk with Escobar, Konakovic, Becirovic and Suljagic. The draft law was submitted for a public discussion, which will be conducted within 60 days. It was written that the HJPC is an independent body in the RS, which consists of the Judicial and Prosecutorial Departments, and will have 11 members and the status of a legal entity. The ruling majority says that the RS has the right to adopt the law on the RS HJPC, and that it is necessary, while the opposition calls the entire process “a farce”. Bosniak representatives even mention a ‘coup d’état’ when they comment the adopted decisions. The Draft Law on the RS HJPC was adopted and after a public debate, there is a possibility that a proposal of the Law would be put forward. SNSD representatives, which proposed the mentioned legislative solution, say the law was necessary and that it is a precondition for the rule of law and the protection of rights and interests of all citizens of the RS and B&H. Mazalica reminded that opinions of the Venice Commission, the Council of Europe (CoE) and recommendations of the European Commission (EC) were respected when making this draft law. He further explains that these opinions were respected in a way that two sub-councils would be formed in the RS HJPC – that is the sub-council of judges and the sub-council of prosecutors.

PIC Ambassadors hold urgent session (Dnevni avaz

Members of Peace Implementation Council (PIC) held an urgent session on Thursday, after the RS parliament adopted the laws on RS HJPC and RS property. “Recent moves by the RS entity authorities to introduce a Law creating a parallel HJPC are a clear attempt by the entity to unilaterally assume the constitutional responsibilities of the State, which would represent a violation of the constitution and legal order of B&H. The adoption of an RS Law on HJPC would be incompatible with B&H’s European integration process, constituting an unacceptable interference in the independence of the judiciary and signaling a backsliding of the whole country on European standards in rule of law.  The implementation of the RS Law on HJPC would create an unconstitutional body, jeopardizing the fundamental legal rights of all B&H citizens, especially those who live in the RS. The establishment in 2004 of a single, State-level HJPC was a pivotal reform in modernizing the B&H judiciary in accordance with European and international standards. The role of the State HJPC is to foster professionalism, transparency and efficiency in the judiciary while advancing impartial, independent, and effective administration of justice throughout the country. A professional and independent judiciary, free from political pressure and influence, is key to developing a fair and democratic society. All authorities in B&H should advance decisively on reforms related to the rule of law and the fight against corruption, which are essential to regaining citizen trust and advancing the EU accession process. The Peace Implementation Council Steering Board Ambassadors (SBA) urge the RS to abandon these unconstitutional moves that increase the scope for corruption and focus instead on improving the existing institutions in a constructive way. Specifically, the SBA encourages representatives elected from the RS to the B&H parliament – and all other elected representatives – to adopt amendments to the B&H Law on the HJPC in line with European Commission recommendations. The amendments will strengthen the integrity and improve transparency of the judiciary. Working towards improving the B&H HJPC would best serve the needs of all citizens in line with the 14 Key priorities of the Commission Opinion on B&H’s application for EU membership. The High Representative and SBA will not allow any actors to undermine the DPA. The SBA will take necessary responses in coordination with the High Representative, taking into account his competences and instruments to ensure the full respect of the DPA and the sovereignty and integrity of B&H.” PIC SB issued a joint statement on Thursday, which was not joined by the Russian Embassy. RTRS reported that the Ambassador of Russia to B&H failed to attend the PIC SB session. The statement issued by the Office of High Representative (OHR) reads that High Representative Christian Schmidt will not allow undermining of the DPA.

Cvijanovic: PIC is once again trying to find ways in which it could make decisions and act on behalf of domestic institutions in B&H (Nova BH

In the first reaction after the session of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC), RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that “it would be better for them if they had initiated an internal dialogue, helping the process of reaching a solution – which would be acceptable for all and which would relax the relations”. Instead, she says, the PIC is once again trying to find ways in which it could make decisions and act on behalf of the domestic institutions in B&H. Cvijanovic called on the international community to incite Bosniaks to speak with Serbs and Croats so that finally B&H can be organized jointly.

Stano: EU is ready to use all instruments to help B&H overcome crisis; FAC to discuss situation in B&H (Dnevni avaz

EU spokesperson Peter Stano stated that voting in the RS parliament in favor of the law which stipulates forming of a separate high judicial and prosecutorial council in the RS represents unacceptable violation of constitutional-legal order of B&H. “Adoption of this law would have serious impact on the rights of citizens in the RS, deepening the legal insecurity and instability in judicial system of the country, seriously undermining EU perspective of B&H. European Union calls on leaders in B&H an especially RS leadership to stop further escalation and instead secure continuation of serious dialogue about all unresolved issues within institutions at the state level. EU is ready to use all instruments at its disposal, in order to assist B&H to overcome the current crisis and secure that the focus of the country is completely redirected toward reforms and its EU path,” said Stano. “Upon the request of the EU High Representative, the situation in B&H and activities directed towards undermining of unity of the country, will be discussed at the following Foreign Affairs Council,” said Stano.

MEPs Burkhardt and Koster call on EU to show solidarity with democratic partners in B&H and impose strict sanctions against Dodik (O Kanal

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Delara Burkhardt and Dietmar Koster called on Thursday on the EU to show solidarity with democratic partners in B&H and impose strict sanctions against Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik and his close associates due to the political crisis in B&H. German MEP Koster stressed that tensions in B&H are high and the country has been facing the deepest political crisis since the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) was signed, noting that all parties with nationalist-ethnic approach contribute to that but primarily the Serb nationalist forces gathered around Dodik are responsible. “We condemn activities of political actors in the RS led by Dodik to divide the country and form Greater Serbia,” German MEP Burkhardt stated. “With his withdrawal from the state-wide, democratically legitimized institutions, he is promoting the concerns of the citizens that the state institutions of B&H will be dissolved and the entire republic will be destabilized as a result,” Koster said. Koster stressed Dodik’s drastic rhetoric on the occasion of unconstitutional marking of 9 January as the RS Day has encouraged his supporters, which led to nationalist and Islamophobic attacks. He warned that the situation is still very concerning and that citizens keep losing trust in European institutions. “Europe has to show solidarity with democratic partners in B&H by imposing strict sanctions against actors gathered around Dodik, through strengthening the Office of the High Representative (OHR) and support to those who want to improve the state – not to those who create divisions,” German MEP Burkhardt stated. In addition, the statement covers the matter of the Election Law of B&H, and reads that reform of the Election Law must follow the principle that all citizens, regardless of their ethnicity, are guaranteed all democratic rights. “Short-term concessions to Dodik's rhetorical escalations are not effective,” concludes the statement.

US Embassy: Creating new HJPC will allow criminals to prosper and corruption to flourish (Dnevni avaz

The US Embassy to B&H issued a statement commenting the adoption of the draft law on high judicial and prosecutorial council in RS, which was published on their officials Twitter account. “Today RS political leaders took a step to undermine judicial transparency and accountability for corrupt actions. Creating a new HJPC for the RS entity will allow criminals to prosper and corruption to flourish.  It will create an unconstitutional body that will jeopardize the fundamental legal rights of all B&H citizens, especially those who live in the RS. We hope all citizens participate in the public comment period.  Let your leaders know that you demand transparency and accountability in governance,” stated the US Embassy.

Dodik says that law on RS HJPC might enter into force 90 days after adoption (RTRS

Addressing a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo on Thursday, leader of SNSD and member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik said that the law on the RS HJPC will not wait for a year to enter into force. Dodik stated that SNSD will propose reduction of public discussion on this regulation from 90 to 60 days, and that this law should enter into force 90 days after it is adopted. He emphasized that the RS resumes with restoration of its competences, adding that immovable property and HJPC are some of competences the RS will certainly restore. Dodik expects the international community to respect the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and not to impose their policies and attempt to make threats against officials with imposing of sanctions. “What the EU has to do with it? Are we member of the EU? What can they do, fail to support projects? That is ok. This means you are buying us and that your help was buying of us? We thought we needed to adapt to the EU, i.e. to Brussels administration. The EU is noble idea, but Brussels administration is spoiled egg in this idea,” he emphasized. Dodik also reminded that SNSD’s proposal of law on abuse of term genocide should be discussed at the next session of B&H House of Representatives (HoR). He stressed that the RS does not accept the law imposed by former High Representative Valentin Inzko, because Inzko could not be a proponent of any act in the parliament of B&H. “In this regard, we will not accept it even as ground for discussion,” said the leader of SNSD. He stressed that the law imposed by Inzko will resume to be a problem concerning relations within B&H. The member of B&H Presidency emphasized that the situation in B&H remains complex due to aspirations of Bosniaks to create a unitary B&H. He stressed that the concept opposing this one is B&H as a highly decentralized country as it is defined by the Constitution. “This concept is advocated by the RS and political representatives of the Croat people. This is evidence of the fact that on one side we have a foreign factor and Muslims, while two constituent peoples are on other side,” stressed Dodik.

Dodik also stated that other two members of B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic have been presenting untrue claims and undermining relations with everyone in the region. Commenting on Dzaferovic’s statement that the RS will disappear Dodik stressed that it is more likely for B&H to happen. He went on to saying that B&H does not exist anywhere but in their heads, because Bosniak politicians do not respect B&H institutions and present their stances and stances of SDA. He also accused Bosniak leaders and opposition parties in the RS of close cooperation. Dodik explained that Serb employees in B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs employed by Foreign Minister of B&H Bisera Turkovic are selected in cooperation with leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic. Commenting on new failure of Bosniak and Croat representatives to reach an agreement on changes to the Election Law of B&H, Dodik explained that he did not expect them to reach the agreement. Commenting the statement of the leader of SDA about possibility of postponement of elections, Dodik said that everything can be expected because B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) is under control of SDA. He went on to saying that SNSD is prepared for elections, adding that at this moment they have support of some 34.9 percent of voters in the RS and they expect this support to increase to 40 percent by elections.

Dodik told a press conference in Istocno Sarajevo that B&H’s territorial integrity is not endangered. He believes that the goal of warmongering stories, which are spoken of across the world, is to stop the legitimate positions in the RS. Dodik noted that he sees no willingness for dialogue in B&H. At this moment, talks are being led on possible changes to the Election Law of B&H. Dodik said Muslims and Croats are holding talks but he says no solution is offered. These talks will fail, as well as all other attempts at organizing dialogue in B&H, Dodik concluded. Dodik said no solutions are reached in B&H “because the Muslims do not want that”. They want some kind of international interventionism, and not domestic solutions, he says.

Covic sees nothing disputable regarding formation of RS HJPC (ATV

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic sees nothing disputable regarding the formation of the RS HJPC. Covic pointed out that everything that is in accordance with the Constitution of B&H is not problematic, including the adoption of the Law on RS HJPC. Covic reiterated on Thursday that the RS is an unquestionable category. Covic also said that everyone must know that the RS institutions have been part of the B&H Constitution since Dayton, no matter how someone views that. Covic stated: “I am sure that the representatives of the Serb people, that is, all the citizens of the RS, will decide on the future of the RS, and not for sure Dragan Covic or someone else. On the other hand, while we have the RS in the Constitution, I will absolutely respect that. After all, in the next elections, the representatives of Bosniaks and Croats will make every effort to become part of the institutions, and RSNA, to become vice presidents of the RS, executive authorities in the RS, etc. So, I do not know where the problem with the RS is in 2022.” Dodik was quoted as saying: “Covic is a rational man. He showed that with his approaches, not only towards Serbs and the RS, but also within B&H.” Dodik stated: “He was elected by a party that has the majority support of the Croat people, and it is quite certain that he is trying to ensure that his people are respected and that the rights given to them by the Constitution are respected. It is obvious that this does not suit the Muslims.”

Komsic: HR must annul unconstitutional laws (Hayat

Reacting to the RS parliament’s adoption of the draft law on the HJPC of the RS, Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic said that the HR needs to react and put an end to such unconstitutional activity. Komsic assessed that this is yet another of the failed attempts of Milorad Dodik. Komsic stated that this is an attack on the constitution order of B&H. He said that it could not pass without the High Representative annulling it and that there must be a reaction of the B&H Prosecutor’s Office.

Osmanovic on RS parliament decisions: This happened due to lack of strong and concrete action of OHR and HR Schmidt (Nova BH

SDA Vice President Adil Osmanovic commented the RS parliament decisions and said this happened due to lack of strong and concrete action of the OHR and High Representative Christian Schmidt. Osmanovic believes that Schmidt kept quiet for far too long, and that is why these things happened and nobody was sanctioned for unconstitutional behavior.

Dodik: Russia has never been imposing solutions as Western representatives (RTRS

On the occasion of 220 years since formation of Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and on the occasion of February 10 – Russian Diplomats Day, ceremony honoring Russian diplomacy was organized in Istocno Sarajevo. Member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov, Serbian royalty and number of other officials and representatives of number of organizations laid flowers to monument for former Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin. Among other things, Dodik said that Russian diplomats in B&H are example of how to respect international law, adding that diplomats from the West should follow this example and respect international law, the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and the fact B&H is community of two entities and three constituent peoples. He stressed that Russia has never been imposing solutions as Western representatives, primarily High Representatives. Dodik reminded that thanks to Churkin’s veto in the UN, the UK’s resolution aimed to proclaim Serb people as genocidal was prevented. Dodik pointed out that Russia respects B&H’s territorial integrity and the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), as well as what they agree on in B&H, but not in conditions of imposed solutions. Ambassador Kalabukhov said that as witness, guarantor of the DPA, Russia advocates respecting of this agreement, equality of constituent peoples and rights of entities in B&H. “We have been attempting to develop relations with B&H at all levels. I hope people in B&H will understand goals of Russia: respecting of international law,” explained Kalabukhov. Kalabukhov thanked Dodik for marking the Russian Diplomats' Day.

Papandreou: Imposing of sanctions against RS is not good method (RTRS

Milorad Dodik and Ambassador of Greece to B&H Dimitrios Papandreou met on Thursday. They agreed that any increased military presence of other countries in B&H and the region would be unnecessary and detrimental. Papandreou assessed that imposing of sanctions against RS and its political representatives is not good method. He emphasized that former High Representative Valentin Inzko opened Pandora’s box, adding that it seems some want to open other one by imposing sanctions. Dodik also met with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Italy Benedetto Della Vedova. Member of B&H Presidency from rank of Serb people emphasized that the RS strongly advocates constitutional B&H and not one that occurred through interventionism of foreign factors.

Negotiations on changing B&H Election Law continue in Sarajevo; Stances remain same; Izetbegovic mentions option to move elections for November, December (O Kanal

New round of talks on the electoral reform in B&H hosted by SBB B&H and NiP on Thursday ended without agreement. Negotiating sides insisted on their previous stances and concluded that reaching an agreement on amendments to the Election Law of B&H is impossible without mediation of international officials. There are also announcements that the general elections planned for October could be postponed. Addressing the press conference after the talks, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic stated that it is necessary to give up on something in order to achieve results, stressing that he does not want to give any details on the talks as details presented by participants in the talks have been blown out of proportion and then accusations between negotiating sides start thus creating an unwanted situation. HDZ BiH leader Dragan Covic said: “We do not longer have the right to seek some solutions. I am sure that we will opt for resolving everything through two constituencies in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) in case that this does not end up satisfactory.” According to HDZ 1990 leader Ilija Cvitanovic, postponing the general elections is only a proposal for now and this proposal was not discussed during the electoral reform talks on Thursday. He stated that it would be very irresponsible to expect that Croats accept a compromise in which they would not be defined by name in the Constitution of B&H.

NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that the talks have opened a number of political topics like what people who are not members of any ethnic group or people who come from the rank of Bosniaks who live in RS or Serbs in the FB&H for whom we fight for should do regarding declaring their affiliation to certain ethic group or that they are representatives of some of the constituent peoples. SBB B&H leader Fahrudin Radoncic assessed that solutions are not possible without strong international mediation by the officials from Brussels and Washington.

Activists of the ‘Restart’ association held a protest outside B&H parliament during the electoral reform talks on Thursday. Protesters said that they have been following the electoral reform process since the Neum talks, stressing that they are against the engagement in the process of amending the Election Law of B&H as B&H already has its election law. They were wearing banners reading: ‘Angelina Eichhorst – persona non-grata’, ‘There is no alternative to civic model’ etc.

Komsic changes his mind about visiting Kosovo and Metohija; Kovacevic claims Komsic is hypocritical (ATV

Chairman and Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic changed his mind about visiting Kosovo and Metohija. Radovan Kovacevic, the Advisor to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik, commented: “He now claims that he gave up the visit because he does not want to contribute to the additional division in B&H. This is completely hypocritical, because if it were true, as he says, he would never have planned such a visit, for which it is known in advance what the reaction from RS will be and which will seriously damage B&H's good neighborly relations with countries in the region.” Kovacevic also noted that B&H did not recognize Kosovo as an independent country thanks to determined and principled policy of the RS and added that “for B&H, Kosovo will always be solely a comprising part of Serbia”.


Croatian and Greek PMs call for defusing tensions between Ukraine and Russia (Hina

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and his Greek counterpart Kyriakos Mitsotakis met in Zagreb on Thursday, calling for defusing tensions surrounding the crisis in Ukraine and supporting the international community's diplomatic efforts. “We advocate de-escalation of the tensions between Ukraine and Russia and between Russia and the West,” Plenkovic said at a joint news conference. Mitsotakis, who paid his second visit to Zagreb in the last two and half years, added that their joint position was in favor of defusing the tensions. The two PMs discussed economic, energy and defense cooperation. Plenkovic and Mitsotakis discussed developments in southeast Europe, particularly the situation in B&H. Plenkovic reiterated that Croatia advocated the limited amending of the B&H constitution and electoral legislation to ensure that Croats are on an equal footing with the other two constituent peoples in B&H.


Abazovic: I am in favor of the DF being a part of the government forming process (RTCG

The position of the DF is that they would like the government to be constituted within the parliamentary majority, that it has a limited term, and that some issues, such as elections, should be treated as priorities, the president of GP URA Dritan Abazovic said after the meeting with the representatives of the Democratic Front. Abazovic said that they presented the priorities of the minority government, and that the Front emphasized important points, such as the census, which should be conducted by the end of the year. Abazovic thinks that there is a serious majority in favor of forming a government and supports the DF to be a part of that process. "I can't say that it will happen, but I would like it to," Abazovic said. As he stated, they would not mind if people like Democrat MPs Dragan Krapovic and Zdenka Popovic were ministers. The leader of the URA reminds that yesterday he sent an invitation to the leader of the Democrats Aleksa Becic, but the party did not respond. "We have had talk swith everyone, excluding the DPS, but it is not a problem to talk to them either," Abazovic said.

Sehovic and Abazovic talked about the minority government (CdM

The president of GP URA Dritan Abazovic and the leader of the Social Democrats (SD) Damir Sehovic met on Thursday. As CdM finds out, the two of them exchanged opinions on the political and program priorities of the future minority government, should it be formed. According to a CdM source, Sehovic used the opportunity to repeat in direct communication the publicly announced positions of the SD on that occasion, which are a precondition for the eventual acceptance of the party to be part of the new parliamentary majority and the government that would form it. The preconditions that the SD insists on are that the government must advocate for a civil, European, Euro-Atlantic, anti-fascist and secular Montenegro and must not do anything contrary to the Constitution and laws of Montenegro, its interests and the interests of citizens. As CdM finds out, Sehovic told Abazovic that he had already publicly stated his views, namely that the SD expects the government to have a clear vision of the further development of Montenegro and that it must be based on a clearly defined work program.

Mandic: Abazovic says he wants agreement within parliamentary majority, consultations with Djukanovic next week (CdM

One of the leaders of the Democratic Front (DF) Andrija Mandic states that the leader of URA Dritan Abazovic at yesterday’s meeting assured him that they want to reach an agreement within the parliamentary majority. Mandic points out that the DF cannot accept the government comprising the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). “Despite all harsh words exchanged over the past days, we’re obliged to find a solution,” Mandic said. He adds they know that negotiation talks with all members of the parliamentary majority were held, noting that the Democratic Montenegro is the biggest problem. “They want to discuss the matter with the Democrats as well, but no positive response has been received,” Mandic said. He continued: “We want to reach an agreement and find a solution. We don’t want to disrespect the will of citizens who voted for us and we don’t want to cooperate with the DPS.”

Krapovic: My priorities are not the Fundamental Agreement, the Open Balkans and the Census (CdM

Democrat MP Dragan Krapovic assessed that the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the GP URA Dritan Abazovic and one of the leaders of the Democratic Front Andrija Mandic have the same priorities, namely the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, the Open Balkans and the Census. Krapovic says that these are not his priorities, although he believes that Montenegro should sign the Fundamental Agreement. "Andrija Mandic is on the positions he was on. Its priorities are the Fundamental Agreement, the Census and the Open Balkans. Now a paradoxical situation has happened, that Dritan Abazovic, who says that the DF cannot join the Government and characterizes them as a destructive force, has the same pipes and priorities, and then of course, consequently, Mandic supports such a thing. This is completely normal and logical. I might not prioritize like that, although I am also in favor of signing the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, but my first priorities are not the Census and the Open Balkans," said Krapovic. According to him, there have been very strange shifts in the political scene.

Markovic: Fundamental Agreement and census should be dealt with by strong, not minority govt; Bulatovic: It’s deceit of citizens (Pobjeda

According to DPS MP Dusko Markovic, the political crisis in Montenegro is serious and severe. The situation in the institutions is extraordinary, Montenegro is internationally compromised. “Montenegro is no longer talked about as a leader in integration, Montenegro is not asked for advice, it is shunned. This crisis should be resolved in the elections, and we must reach them with a government, but not the one headed by Krivokapic,” said Markovic during the RTCG’s talk-show. According to him, the interim government must have urgent program goals – stabilization of institutions, unblocking the work of institutions and economic rehabilitation for investment development, strategic, difficult national issues. They concern the Fundamental Agreement, the Open Balkans and the census. “A strong political government should deal with these issues”, Markovic pointed out. Democratic Front (DF) MP Predrag Bulatovic said that they did not want the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) in the minority government because it had ruled Montenegro for many years, and because it was responsible for the bad situation in the country. “We know that the DPS leader and the President of the State, Milo Djukanovic, has had certain contacts with factors within the parliamentary majority for a long time and he has achieved what he wants,” said Bulatovic. He claims that Djukanovic had an influence on the change of the electoral will of the citizens.


Constitutional changes to vetting approved, parties respond to international calls (Radio Tirana

Constitutional changes to vetting approved, parties respond to international calls

In Albania, the parliament voted by an overwhelming majority (118 in favor and 4 abstentions) on constitutional changes that allow the extension of the mandate of some Vetting institutions, the Independent Qualification Commission (IQC) and public commissioners. These changes were proposed by the socialist majority, and their approval required at least 94 votes (two thirds of the parliament), which became possible after the decision taken today by the Democratic Party led by Mr. Lulzim Basha, to support extending the term of the Vetting institutions until the end of 2024. The vote in parliament was immediately welcomed by the US Embassy in Tirana, as well as by the Delegation of the European Union and the OSCE, which had made repeated calls for the adoption of constitutional amendments. Critical of Justice reform, the Democratic Party has so far avoided commenting on the issue of extending the term of the Vetting institutions and even its representatives have boycotted participation in meetings of the Legislative Council and the Law Commission where several sessions took place on this issue. Only today, Chairman of the Democratic Party Lulzim Basha, after a meeting of his parliamentary group declared that their vote will be in favor. "Today is not the justice we want, but it would be even worse if a process started with the intention of ending with a justice that does not protect but punish corrupt politicians and organized crime would remain in the middle and thus, the European integration of the country would be interrupted", said Mr. Basha. The decision of the Democrats comes while two days ago, the Embassy of the United States of America and the Delegation of the European Union, made the last call to the Albanian deputies, through a joint statement, to support the extension of the mandate of the Vetting institutions, underlining that "this is not a party issue" and that "the vote to extend the vetting is a vote for Albania's future in the EU". Former prime minister Sali Berisha, who is also supported by other Democrat MPs, spoke in strong critical tones about the Justice Reform, and the catastrophic consequences, according to him, brought by the Vetting process, controlled as stated by Prime Minister Edi Rama, then openly alluding to an agreement between the majority and Mr. Basha. "Only 24 percent of Albanians today believe in Justice Reform. Only 7 percent of those who do not vote, believe in the pseudo-reform of George Soros and Edi Rama. Did you know that the Reform is one of the main causes of ethnic cleansing in Albania," said Berisha. According to the legislation in force, at the end of the mandate of the Independent Qualification Commission, its competencies for the re-evaluation process pass to the High Judicial Council (HJC) for judges and the High Prosecution Council (HJC) in the case of the Prosecution. While the functions of Public Commissioners are transferred to the Special Prosecution. But as the Venice Commission notes in its Opinion on the issue, such a thing would jeopardize the standards and practices followed so far. For the Socialists, the proposed change has only a regulatory effect to guarantee the continuity of the process. "The proposal in fact consists of a deadline that does not affect the essence of the Vetting process, nor the standards required by such a process. This means that the essence of the transitional constitutional provision does not change. It is just a good management of time and the completion of the transitional evaluation by the same bodies that started it", explained the chairwoman of the Law Commission Klotilda Bushka. Currently, the term of functioning of Vetting institutions is June of this year, but according to estimates, by that time, more than 25 percent of prosecutors and judges, will not have undergone a re-evaluation. According to the proposal, this deadline will be extended until the end of 2024.

Soreca: Historic moment! This was a vote for Albania's future in the EU (Radio Tirana

EU Ambassador Luigi Soreca reacted after the Assembly voted in favor of extending the vetting deadlines. "The parliament showed strong inter-party determination to move forward towards membership! Congratulations to the deputies of the political forces who voted today for the extension of the vetting, a crucial historical moment towards the completion of the justice reform. This was a vote for Albania's future in the EU. It is important that vetting bodies continue their work, with the highest professionalism and integrity, to ensure a successful and rapid finalization of the process. I welcome the important decision taken by the Assembly on the DP proposals for the special parliamentary commission on electoral reform, in accordance with the OSCE recommendations, as well as on territorial reform, preserving the achievements achieved so far," writes Soreca.

Zingraf: This is a vote for Albania's future in the EU (Radio Tirana

The Ambassador of Germany in Albania Peter Zingraf has reacted to the approval of the vetting deadlines by the Assembly. Through a post on social networks, the German Embassy in Tirana brings the statement of Zingraf, who congratulated the deputies for the vote. He further hailed the fact that the parliamentary opposition enabled the majority decision by supporting it constructively. This is a vote for Albania's future in the EU, Zingraf further writes. “Ambassador Zingraf spoke about the decision of the Assembly. The Albanian parliament has clearly expressed today its will to move forward towards EU membership. I congratulate all the deputies who voted for the continuation and conclusion of the verification process of all judges and prosecutors, and thus for the reform in the judiciary and the rule of law. I applaud the fact that parts of the parliamentary opposition enabled this decision by a qualified majority, supporting it constructively. This is a vote for the future of Albania in the European Union."

OSCE: Completion of justice reform crucial (Radio Tirana

The OSCE Delegation in Tirana welcomed the vote in the Assembly to extend the vetting bodies until 2024. In a Twitter post, the OSCE wrote that the completion of justice reform is of key importance, adding that the OSCE presence will continue to provide full support to Albanian institutions. "The OSCE Presence in Albania welcomes the inter-party decision of the Assembly to extend the mandate of vetting institutions. This vote recognizes the fact that the Constitution belongs to all Albanian citizens, and we commend the convergence between the opposition and the majority. Completing justice reform is crucial. It is equally important that all political forces continue on the path of reform in this spirit of mutual respect for the good of the national interest. The OSCE Presence will continue to provide full support to Albanian institutions, based on its mandate and our long-term cooperation. We also welcome the establishment of special commissions for electoral and territorial reform. The Presence remains ready to continue assisting Albanian institutions in implementing the OSCE / ODIHR recommendations," the post reads.