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Belgrade Media Report 18 February 2022



Petkovic: Holding of 3 April elections in Kosovo and Metohija crucial (Tanjug/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic on Thursday said the holding of the 3 April elections in the territory of Kosovo and Metohija was crucial for Serbia and that denying the Kosovo Serbs’ right to vote in them could have unforeseeable consequences. He said the right to vote was a fundamental human right that Albin Kurti was trying to deny to Serbs in Serbia’s southern province, along with all of their other rights. "We will not turn a blind eye on what is going on in Kosovo and Metohija - we have warned the international community several times, and the responsibility to exert pressure on Albin Kurti and Pristina to allow the elections to be held on 3 April rests upon it," Petkovic said. "It is quite clear that, if there are no 3 April elections, there will be no Pristina elections whatsoever in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and there will be unforeseeable consequences," he also said.


Office for Kosovo and Metohija: Several cars stoned from vehicles with the KLA flag in Kosovo (Beta/Politika/Novosti)


A vehicle with Kosovo license plates and a KLA flag on the hood drove through the center of northern Kosovska Mitrovica, and pelted several cars with stones, the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said on Thursday. The vehicle was spotted at the entrance to the Bosniak neighborhood and then drove with the KLA flag and sirens through several streets in the northern part of Mitrovica, in the direction of Suvi Do, and damaged cars on its way, the statement said. The Office added that four vehicles with KLA flags were also spotted in the village of Zupce, in the municipality of Zubin Potok. “These dangerous provocations come on the very day when Pristina marks the anniversary of unilateral and illegal secession and represents new pressure on Serbs, especially in northern Kosovo and Metohija, which is an obsession Albin Kurti and the Pristina authorities,” the statement said. It added that “Albanian extremists obviously intended to bring unrest to Serb communities and provoke an unbalanced reaction from the Serbs there”. “Such incidents are a reflection of the inability of politicians from Pristina, led by Albin Kurti, but also an indicator of a strong but futile obsession to rule the north of Kosovo and Metohija,” the statement said.


Ponos says his policies are civic and national (Nova S)


The opposition United Serbia coalition’s candidate for president Zdravko Ponos said on Friday that his policies include both the civic and the national. “My policies include both the civic and the national. That is who I am and I think that the opposition column is the same since it includes movements and parties with heritages of both left and national, the moderate right and the left,” Ponos told TV Nova S. He added that there is no dilemma about his being a pro-Europe candidate. He said that his political option represents the majority in Serbia. “That is majority Serbia and that is what Serbia needs – a wide spectrum of unburdened ideological differences at this moment,” he said. “We do not have the luxury of facing off over tax details when faced with the survival of Serbia. The question is what will be left for the public if these authorities remain in power for another term,” he added. Ponos said that he went to Kosovo earlier this week to send the political message that Kosovo is an important element of Serbian national identity and that anyone who wants to tackle issue of national significance has to deal with it. He added that the Serb List represent the Serbian authorities not the Kosovo Serbs. “My program in terms of the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations would be to solve life issues for the people living in Kosovo taking into account everyone’s interest, including those of the Serbian state,” Ponos said.


Eight opposition parties sign Agreement for Responsible Serbia (N1/Beta)


Representatives of eight opposition parties signed the Agreement for a Responsible Serbia on Thursday, at the initiative of public figures who have rallied around the Responsibility Appeal. According to an TV N1 report, the Agreement consists of two articles and eight paragraphs. In it, the opposition representatives pledged that they would not attack each other during the campaign, that they would cooperate in monitoring the elections, not make post-election coalitions with representatives of the current authorities, that they would facilitate the independent work of the judiciary and the media, lead the country towards the EU and stop projects that damage the environment. The signatories also pledged that they would support the opposition candidate in the possible run-off vote in the presidential election and, in case of victory, support the nominees for prime minister and Belgrade mayor of the ticket that wins the most votes. The agreement was signed on the premises of the Network for Democratic Dialogue by representatives of the Social Democratic Party, the Free Citizens Movement, the New Party, the Democratic Party, the Concord United Independent Trade Unions, the Open Civic Platform Action, the Freedom and Justice Party and the Civic Democratic Forum. Freedom and Justice Party leader Dragan Djilas stated after the signing that the opposition had united, that he had not witnessed any dissonance, and that he would not enter into conflicts with opposition parties because the regime is the common adversary. The president of the Social Democratic Party Boris Tadic said in an interview with N1 that the signing of the agreement was a step in the right direction and that he hoped it would define the currently undermined relations within the opposition in a different way.


United Serbia submits election list (N1/NSPM)


The United Serbia opposition coalition submitted its list of candidates for the 3 April parliamentary elections to the Republic Election Commission (RIK) on Friday. The list was handed in to the RIK by Party of Freedom and Justice (SSP) officials Marinika Tepic (lead candidate on the list) and Dragan Djilas, Zoran Lutovac of the Democratic Party (DS), Janko Veselinovic of the Movement for Change, Pavle Grbovic of the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Sloga United Unions leader Zeljko Veselinovic and the coalition’s candidate for mayor of Belgrade Vladeta Jankovic. Activists brought in boxes of documents with the required signatures to field candidates with the coalition’s slogan Fundamental Changes on them.

United Serbia brings together the SSP, DS, People’s Party, Democratic Union of Vojvodina Hungarians, the DS, the Party of Macedonians, PSG, Sloga, Movement for Change, Free Serbia Movement and the Vlach Party.


Djuric with Escobar: Serbia will always be devoted to peace (RTS)


“Another productive and friendly exchange with Escobar on current bilateral, regional and international topics. I underlined that Serbia will always be devoted to peace and stability, looking towards the future, new goals and accomplishments,” Serbian Ambassador to the US Marko Djuric wrote on Twitter after the meeting with US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar.


US State Department: We welcome Serbia’s position on Ukrainian crisis (VoA/Tanjug)


The US State Department welcomed Serbia’s call for a diplomatic solution to the crisis between Ukraine and Russia, noting that Russia and Ukraine are not the same, but that Moscow is the aggressor, the Voice of America reported. “We welcome Serbia’s call for a diplomatic solution, and as President Biden said, Russia should choose diplomacy to avoid war between countries that are so historically and culturally close. The United States and NATO, as well as partners, are working hard to find a diplomatic solution, remaining open to constructive and serious diplomacy,” the State Department said.




HDZ Croatia against EP’s amendment on B&H and assesses it as detrimental and irresponsible, noting that it comes at a decisive moment of sensitive negotiations on legitimate representation of Croats in B&H (AJB/FTV


The European Parliament (EP) has called on the EU Council to impose sanctions against Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik and his associates because of Dodik’s secessionist policy in B&H. HDZ Croatia as a part of the biggest EPP bloc in the EP rejected the amendment on B&H and assessed it as detrimental and irresponsible, noting that it comes at a decisive moment of sensitive negotiations on legitimate representation of Croats in B&H. “Instead of calling for the electoral reform and respect of Croats’ rights, through ambiguous formulations the amendment insinuates that Croatia as a regional actor has detrimental role in B&H. This is a policy of actors who openly accuse Croatia of destabilizing agenda in B&H, so it is particularly unclear that MEP Tonino Picula is the co-signatory of the amendment. The HDZ/EPP Caucus regularly rejects such accusations and supports constructive approach of the Croatian government with a goal to preserve integrity and achieve full equality of the constituent peoples,” the statement issued by the HDZ MEPs reads. FTV reports that MEPs from Croatia voted against the sanctions with the explanation this is not the moment when such moves are useful, and it is important to resolve the issue of the Election Law now as well as to lower tensions in B&H.


Dodik: Positions of EP on B&H show that MEPs do not know what is happening in B&H (Srna/RTRS


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik stated that the positions of the EP on B&H show that MEPs do not know what is happening in B&H, that they have the wrong information and that they are probably getting their information from the media that have been exclusively announcing a war in Ukraine every day for a month now. In a statement to Srna, Dodik pointed out that the EP has demonstrated such a lack of democracy that for the first time he seriously questions whether European values exist at all. "I was roughly tried without anyone asking me anything. No one came to the RS to see what this is about. And what is the worst, none of those parliamentarians who raised their hands looked at the B&H Constitution, available on the Internet, because if they had, they would not have taken the positions they took, nor would the qualifications that have been heard be heard. Can 504 serious people think that a country is falling apart because one man is critical of it and are they serious if they think that roses will bloom in B&H only if they impose sanctions on anyone. Instead of trying to talk to us, they decided to talk about us. In such conditions, it is clear that the positions of the parliament could not have been different. With all due respect to European institutions, I do not intend to give up on legal and legitimate political activities in the defense of the RS," Dodik was quoted as saying.


Other RS politicians comment on EP’s move (BHT1


RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic commented on the situation by saying that the move by European Parliament to impose sanctions is meaningless, because they were never productive. She adds that RS is still committed to an internal dialogue on all issues. Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) believes that by sanctioning and accusing only one side, the political situation in B&H will be further radicalized. "It would be important for us that Brussels observes this situation evenly, realistically, and that one side is never to blame in B&H," Prodanovic said. Advisor to the Serb member of B&H Presidency on foreign policy Ana Trisic-Babic told the daily that the amendment was a “daily-political move” by MEP Tonino Picula and reminded that the adoption of the amendment by the EP does not represent imposing of an obligation for the EU Council. Trisic-Babic argued that any decision on imposing of sanctions must be made unanimously, i.e. all EU members must support it: “Several ministers, including the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Minister, already said that they will never agree with sanctions”. Member of SNSD Presidency Sanja Vulic said that the EP’s decision to adopt the amendment is shameful and added: “They do not know what Serb spite is. European and world powers are making the RS grow stronger and more powerful on a daily basis through violence they are carrying out against all of us and against Dodik.”


Dzaferovic welcomes EP’s decision (FTV


Call for sanctions by the European Parliament has sparked reactions in B&H. Member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic welcomed this move by the European Parliament, saying it is important that the MEPs recognized and rejected Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik’s “rhetoric deceits”, as well as his “pseudo interpretations of the Constitution” used to deceive the international public. Dzaferovic emphasized that Dodik rejected dialogue in institutions as a way of resolving disagreements, so he turned to unilateral moves aimed at destroying the constitutional order established through the implementation of the Dayton Agreement. "It is clear to everyone that Dodik is a threat to peace," Dzaferovic was quoted as saying. Dzaferovic called on the Council of the European Union to issue sanctions against Dodik. It is important for actions of RS to be clearly called secessionist, says Dzaferovic.


Magazinovic: EP’s move is powerful tool to shake up sluggish European administration; NS: Sanctions against Dodik must be efficient (N1


SDP MP in the B&H HoR Sasa Magazinovic stressed that the move of the EP is a powerful tool to shake up the sluggish European administration. "In my opinion, the possibilities of conversation, rational conversation with Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik have long been exhausted. He shows every day that he is a man who knows only force and therefore we believe that such activities are the only ones he can understand," Magazinovic pointed out. Our Party’ (NS) welcomed the European Parliament’s decision, stating the next thing expected is the action by the Council of the European Union and that the “sanctions against Dodik must be efficient”.


Nesic: Aim is to leave RS without any kind property (Dnevni list


DNS leader Nenad Nesic commented announcement of delegate in the RS Council of Peoples (CoP) Alija Tabakovic (SDA) that they will submit a motion to the Constitutional Court of B&H in order to assess constitutionality of the Law on Immovable Property (of RS). The daily also reminds that SDA has stated that the forests and the agricultural land will have to be registered to B&H. Nesic commented Tabakovic’s announcement by asking if ‘they’ think that the building of the RS government and the RS government’s administrative center in Istocno Sarajevo belongs to B&H, stressing that ‘their’ intention is clear – to leave the RS without the right to any kind of property. Nesic went on to say that ‘they’ are using the political levers of power through the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H, which is why the RS must not give in and must stick to the RS parliament’s conclusions and not allow adoption of any decisions in institutions of B&H until the issue of departure of foreign judges (in the CC) is resolved. Nesic underlined that everyone is clear, including the foreigners, that the CC of B&H does not make decisions in line with the Constitution of B&H, instead it often takes political and unconstitutional decisions.


Konakovic criticizes PIC for too mild reaction to RS parliament actions, says he would talk to Dodik but not shake his hand (Glas Srpske


NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic stated that he does not understand why the Peace Implementation Council (SB) reacted so mildly to the latest conclusions and actions of the RS parliament. “The US Administration is the only one who concretely, fiercely and directly reacted,” said Konakovic. Speaking about Milorad Dodik, Konakovic said that he would sit down and talk to Dodik about the situation in B&H, but he would not shake his hand. “This is a man that I have nothing good to say about,” Konakovic concluded.


Zvizdic informs UN Secretary-General of current developments in B&H; Guterres: UN monitors and strongly support B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path (O Kanal


Speaker of the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Denis Zvizdic has meet with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in New York. Zvizdic informed Guterres of the current developments in B&H, issues related to anti-constitutional blockade of the state-level institutions, and said that all economic development processes, strengthening of the rule of laws and positive steps B&H has made on its path to the European and the NATO integration have been suspended. Zvizdic also talked about the RS activities related to taking away the state competencies, and attempts of property appropriation. Guterres said that the UN monitors and strongly support B&H’s Euro-Atlantic path. “He said very clearly that the UN, and he personally, since he comes from Europe and is familiar with our situation, fully support the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of B&H, that the architecture of borders in the Western Balkans has been finalized and that there will be no changes of borders in that region, as well as that we all need to truly address the issues important for the European integration, economic development of B&H, keeping young people in B&H, and, of course, creating environment of the legal state.” Zvizdic and Chair of the B&H parliament delegation Safet Softic are participating in the Parliamentary Hearing at UN in New York on sustainable recovery and global plans for the future, within which Zvizdic met with Guterres. “I specially referred to the undermining the judicial system as the fundamental institution important for strengthening of the rule of law, as well as the fact that, due to continuous tensions and blockades, there is a stalemate on B&H’s path towards European and NATO integration,” said Zvizdic.


Escobar once again admitted that he closely cooperates with RS opposition in order to undermine Dodik; Reactions of RS politicians (ATV/RTRS


US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar once again admitted that he closely cooperates with the RS opposition in order to undermine Serb member of B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik. He stressed at the hearing before the US Senate Subcommittee on Europe and Regional Security Cooperation on Wednesday that there is a plan for B&H and it will be implemented, adding that “through joint forces we try to prevent Dodik from inflicting damage to B&H.” “Our hope is that Serbs will return to joint institutions. Until then, our goal is political talks with leaders of the RS opposition and others to make Serbs return to the negotiating table and to prevent Dodik, whether through the political engagement of sanctions, from inflicting further damage to B&H institutions,” Escobar stressed. ATV reminded that Escobar said a similar thing before the US Congress at the end of last year, when he called on the RS opposition to reject Dodik's policy regarding withdrawal from joint institutions in B&H. Although they denied that they cooperate with Escobar, representatives of the RS opposition left the session of the RS parliament at the time to avoid the vote on important issues. Commenting on Escobar’s statements, DNS leader Nenad Nesic told ATV that he does not see undermining of B&H in actions of anyone in the RS. According to RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD), the right thing would be that primarily local actors in B&H hold a dialogue. Cvijanovic stated that representatives of the RS act in the B&H joint institutions in accordance with the conclusions of the RS parliament. Cvijanovic pointed out that although he is aware of that, Escobar decided to choose a side in an unprincipled way. Cvijanovic added that functioning of the joint institutions in full capacity should be a matter of agreement between domestic actors, without the interference of foreigners. "I would say that this is unprincipled siding with some, in this case the opposition, in order to reach certain solutions about which there is obviously no consensus in society. Because if the opposition had the majority support of the people, they would be the authorities," Cvijanovic emphasized. SNSD’s Sanja Vulic commented that Escobar only confirmed doubts that he has great connections with representatives of the RS opposition, noting that they actually do not have any kind of vision on what to do to improve the future of the RS and its citizens but their only goal is to get to the power. Advisor to the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Ana Trisic-Babic reminded that the RS has clearly set the condition that without the withdrawal of the imposed Inzko's law, there will be no return of Serbs to the B&H joint institutions in full capacity. "Representatives of the RS in the joint bodies have not even left those institutions, but continue to work in accordance with the conclusions of the RS parliament," Trisic-Babic said. Head of SNSD Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Snjezana Novakovic-Bursac said that by interfering in the internal relations in B&H, Escobar is violating the Dayton Peace Agreement. Novakovic Bursac said that it is clear that by saying that B&H needs to go beyond the Dayton Agreement, Escobar is in fact advocating centralized and unitary B&H. However, since his comments on regional cooperation were more realistic, one can hope that US administration will accept the fact that the main problem in B&H is not an individual, but the practice which is contrary to the principles of the rule of law, said Novakovic Bursac. NPS leader Darko Banjac reminded that "Americans are no strangers to trying to change the political situation by force, not democracy." RS MP Natasa Kulasinac stated that Escobar has now mentioned cooperation with the RS opposition on two occasions, which shows what the opposition is doing and proves that the opposition parties follow the orders of foreigners. SP leader Petar Djokic stated that the debate in US Senate represents a direct interference in B&H’s internal matters. United Srpska leader Nenad Stevandic stated that Dodik is not the problem, and that the main issue is protection of collective rights of constituent peoples.


Plenkovic: Additional efforts should be made to reach agreement primarily between Bosniak political parties and HNS (N1


Prime Minister of Croatia Andrej Plenkovic participated in the 6th European Union-African Union summit. Plenkovic and European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, among other things, discussed the situation in B&H. Plenkovic stated that additional efforts should be made to reach an agreement primarily between the Bosniak political parties and the Croat People's Assembly (HNS). Plenkovic pointed out that more efforts are needed in the coming weeks to reach an agreement on the B&H Election Law, adding that it is crucial to go to the polls according to the new Election Law, and not to go to the polls at any cost which could then again lead to situations in which the Croat people feel bad. "We are friends, allies of B&H. We want to see it in the company in which we are now in Europe, in the EU," Plenkovic said, adding that as a friendly and neighboring country, Croatia will help B&H on its European path. "I once again call on the leaders of the Bosniak and Croat political parties, especially before a meeting of the Croat National Assembly in Mostar on Saturday, to try and resolve this problem in a fair and constructive way, and Croatia, as a friendly country, will help Bosnia and Herzegovina on its European path," Plenkovic said in Brussels. Ahead of an informal EU summit on the Ukraine crisis and an EU-Africa summit, Plenkovic met with European Commission President Ursula Von der Leyen, discussing the extension of the deadline for the use of EU funding for the post-earthquake reconstruction of Zagreb, the situation in B&H, and Croatia's journey towards membership of the Schengen area and the euro zone. "Our position is clear: it is vital for the next election (in B&H) to be held under a new, fair election law that will ensure legitimate representation, rather than hold the election at any cost, as a result of which the Croats might again be left feeling bad and the state would not be functioning well," Plenkovic said.


Concept subject to change: CdM announces minority govt structure and envisaged ministries (CdM


The minority government concept proposed by URA and its leader Dritan Abazovic has 18 ministries. CdM announces which ministries are planned by this concept, which is not final and is subject to change. According to CdM, these are the following ministries: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration; Ministry of Education and Sports; Ministry of Science and Digital Society. Also, the concept includes the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Culture and Media, and the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights. One of the new ministries is the Ministry of Tourism. The minority government structure includes the Ministry of Economy, Urbanism and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Health, but also a new one – the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare. The government would have the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Defense. The new ministries are the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Transport, as well as the Ministry of Ecology and Environmental Protection, and the Ministry of Public Administration. This concept is subject to change and will depend on the outcome of the negotiations and who will be in the minority government.


Abazovic: We don't have to have a minority, we can have a technical government (CdM


Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazovic said that his perception was that Montenegro was reconciling, emphasizing that it was not easy to form a government. Commenting on the negotiations on the formation of the new government, Abazovic said that we do not have to have a minority government, but we can have a technical government or a government that will only prepare for the elections. "The fact that we have protests in the streets is a good thing. Because our democracy is growing. The protests are peaceful, in the beginning there was nationalist rhetoric, but then it was a mix, it was not known who was organizing the protests, and now they are organized by one political option," said Abazovic at the extraordinary press conference. He does not see, he says, that the protests are overly massive. "But even if they are, it is our training for democracy. "As people can act institutionally, they can also act extra-institutionally," he added. Commenting on what is happening around the proposal of the prime minister-designate and whether there is a majority, Abazovic says that "it is not easy to form a government". "It is not an easy process anywhere in the world, especially not in societies that have a very modest political culture and democratic transition. Nothing spectacular happened in the previous period. We are trying to find solutions, which have so far been initiated only by GP URA," said Abazovic. He called on other colleagues to offer solutions and "find some kind of compromise that would allow the country to move forward". "I do not see anything extraordinary happening. The bad thing is that we don't have a government, I hope we will have one soon. "If we do not manage to reach a majority, I do not see a problem with the mandate being returned to the citizens and that they decide in the elections on who wants to represent them," Abazovic pointed out. Speaking about the deadline for negotiations on the government, Abazovic believes that the country has a lot of work to do and that it would be good to agree quickly. "And if we can't agree, it would be good to quickly state that we can't," he added. Commenting on the allegations from the protest that the electoral will of the citizens is being betrayed, Abazovic points out that the will is being tested in the elections and can only be characterized by the people who voted for GP URA. "People who voted for the Democrats cannot do that. Many thought that we would sell Montenegro because of a handful of authorities, but we did not allow that. They thought that we were the only party that would never overthrow the government, regardless of whether the government does things contrary to the interests of the citizens, that is not true either. I repeat, our political decisions will not be made by other political entities. If they are going to protest, that is their right. As far as I am concerned, I support them, I am ready to walk with them," said Abazovic. Abazovic emphasized that he believes that no one will obstruct the work of the parliament and schedule a session for the election of the new government and the new president of the parliament. "I think that, compared to two weeks ago, we are closer to the final position on whether what was our idea can come to life or whether another model should be sought. I believe that even if a consensus is not reached for 49 deputies to elect a new government, I believe that this majority will exist when important issues are voted on. We are trying to find solutions, everything that leads to greater stability is acceptable for URA," stated Abazovic. Answering the question whether it is acceptable for him to form a government that will have the support of 41 or 43 deputies, Abazovic said that it would be great if 49 or more deputies supported that government. "If there is no such agreement, there may be another agreement. We don't have to have a minority, we can have a technical government or a government that will only prepare for the elections. It would be desirable for the consensus to be as wide as possible," said the leader of GP URA. Speaking about whether he is still in the position that SDP and SD should not be in the government, Abazovic said that dialogue is the most important. "We talked to everyone… Everyone has their own perception of what is important to them. If someone says - "if the DPS votes, I will not vote, or if the other party does not vote, the DPS will not vote", I think that it is in the zone of political primitivism, that you deny someone the constitutional right to vote for something," said Abazovic.


Serbs can come to power, everyone can 

He added that the government of Montenegro fell, among other things, because we did not want "some other families to replace work, the activities of certain families in the previous period". "Whoever voted for Black on White did not vote for something like that. If we are going to work on the system of justice and economy, our support is unreserved. Let others form a government, but on clear principles. And if they want us to be there to help create a majority in which the mechanism from the previous regime will continue, then what should happen will happen. Brave moves will always be made no matter the cost. "You cannot change society with decisions that are cowardly," the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out. According to him, Serbs can also come to power. "This is their country, as much as mine and people who feel like Montenegrins, Bosniaks… Everyone can come to power. At this moment, we have to do a certain bypass, in order to get a political government after the next parliamentary elections. We had a schizophrenic situation before 30 August - a country that has never changed its government in history. And now we have a strange situation. We have an international community that wants us to make a majority that is functional and could push the idea of ​​enlargement, and now we have to find a solution that must relax relations. And after the parliamentary elections, let the parties that have the most support rule," said Abazovic. Commenting on the DF's announcement that it will block the state, Abazovic says that if those blockades are not a good message, if the blockades are short-lived as a demonstration, that, he adds, is not a problem. "But if they do the opposite, they will do the most damage to themselves. Security authorities are ready for the announced gatherings and will treat them in a way that does not heat up the atmosphere, but people who organize rallies should know that they cannot cross a point that would require the intervention of the police or other bodies. I'm sure my colleagues don't want that either. "My recommendation to them is that it would be good for them to support the minority government, they probably think the opposite, but that's what it is," Abazovic said. Commenting on the meeting with the leader of the SNP, as well as the fact that they discussed the personnel structure in the future minority government, Abazovic said that he meets with Vladimir Jokovic every day. "I understand the SNP and I appreciate them a lot. In my opinion, everything is human and acceptable, we are looking for the best solution. Jokovic told me that the bodies of their party on the Main Board will make a decision whether they are ready to participate or not. We would like for the reconciliation of that party that was underestimated by this government, it would be fair for them to be active participants in a new government," concluded Abazovic.


Abazovic talked with the Democrats (CdM


The leader of the Civic Movement URA Dritan Abazovic met with officials of Democratic Montenegro, CdM has learned. It is assumed that one of the topics of conversation was the minority government, but it is likely that they also discussed the protests organized by the Democrats. It is possible that one of the topics of conversation was the unblocking of the judicial and prosecutorial authorities. Abazovic also talked about the formation of a minority government with the leader of the Socialist People's Party Vladimir Jokovic. In the previous days, Abazovic met with the leaders of the Front, and on the same day with the president of the Democratic Party of Socialists Milo Djukanovic. Abazovic also talked with representatives of minority parties, and URA representatives had meetings with representatives of the SD as well as the SDP.


Picula: New government should turn to Chapters 23 and 24 (RTCG


The rapporteur of the European Parliament (EP) Tonino Picula said that it would be good if the new government turned to, with the stable support of the existing parliament, the areas related to Chapters 23 and 24, namely fundamental rights, judicial reform and the fight against corruption and organized crime, Picula stressed. He said that the authorities in Podgorica were responsible for the progress on the path to the EU. As he pointed out, it should be seen how the election of the new government and its first moves would go.


Mickoski met with EU Ambassador David Geer (Republika


VMRO-DPMNE President Hristijan Mickoski met with the EU Ambassador to Macedonia David Geer. The discussion focused on the political and economic situation in Macedonia, our stalled EU integration, and the geo-strategic developments in Europe. Mickoski said that Macedonia is faced with a lack of reforms under the current government, poor management of the economic, energy and healthcare crises and a high level of crime and corruption that pushes the country away from its European path. Mickoski also objected to the frequent abuse of the Parliament procedure meant to fast-track laws that align Macedonia’s political system with those of the EU countries to pass priorities from the agenda of the ruling majority. “The government rejects constructive criticism and amendments submitted by VMRO-DPMNE even though they would benefit the citizens,” Mickoski added.


Energy crisis: Macedonia begins work on a power line to Albania (Republika


Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski attended the ground breaking ceremony today of a power line that is supposed to link Macedonia with Albania. The line will cost 17.2 million EUR and work will later include expanding the Bitola relay station, which connects Macedonians main – and struggling – coal generating capacity. Albania is the last country we are not interconnected with. This completes the process of our energy connections. we already have five such links, two with Greece and one each with Serbia, Kosovo and Bulgaria, Kovacevski said. Kovacevski insisted that during the energy crisis, Macedonia has seen the smaller electricity price increase in the region – after the government decided to hide the cost by funding energy imports directly from the public budget and not through the monthly energy bills.


Rama: Albania was highly praised by the US officials (Radio Tirana


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama praised the official visit and meetings during his 4-day visit to the US. While sharing some photos from several meetings, Rama says that the hospitality was excellent and the evaluations for Albania were very positive. "The visit to the United States was substantially rich and nationally useful, the assessments for Albania were very positive everywhere, while the hospitality was simply excellent," Rama wrote. After the meeting with the American Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, the Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with the Albanian journalists who accompanied him on this visit. The meeting was held at the Albanian Embassy in Washington, where Rama confirmed that "Blinken had given his consent to continue this initiative". According to Report TV journalist Ermal Qori, Rama has claimed that Blinken has given 100% consent to the Open Balkans project, while he has not commented on Sali Berisha's announcement, saying that this is Berisha's own merit and no other influence. Despite the accusations made by Berisha that they lobbied against him. Regarding the meeting he held with the Mayor of New York, Eric Adams, Rama said that his presence was due to the ceremony organized by Albania in the framework of the celebration of 2-year membership in the UN, as well as due to the friendship we have together, underlining the appreciation for our country. Another point discussed was the field of military defense, where there will be new developments. "Defender will be repeated in 2023," said Rama.


Peleshi: Albania ready to increase its contribution to the south-eastern borders of the Alliance (Radio Tirana


The Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi is participating in the two-day meeting of the Ministers of Defense of the Alliance countries, which is taking place at the NATO headquarters in Brussels on 16-17 February 2022. Although the current crisis caused by the deployment of large Russian military forces on the borders of Ukraine has attracted the attention of audiences around the world and is a very high point that after the Cold War, the agenda of this meeting will discuss many other issues, important as: New Strategic Concept; Strengthening the Alliance's deterrence and protection; Defense Expenses; Fair sharing of burden between the Allies; NATO - EU Partnership; etc. Peleshi, in his speech emphasized the unified position of Albania with other Allied countries that every country is free and has the sovereign right to choose its own path in the security and defense alliances, as well as the orientation of the external policy. He also mentioned Albania's role as a co-host with the United States in the United Nations Security Council on the Ukraine issue. Further, Peleshi stressed the importance of maintaining solidarity and cohesion that the Alliance must always show, but especially at this moment. He did not leave without mentioning and appreciating the irreplaceable role of the Strategic Commands and other NATO structures, in the mobilization and permanent readiness to guard the borders of the Alliance countries. For this, Peleshi drew attention to the current contribution of our country within the Alliance, as well as the latest decisions on the possibility of increasing the contribution to the south-eastern borders of the Alliance, according to the model of Advanced Reinforced Presence in the Baltic States (EFP).  Regarding the development and implementation of Defense capacities, Peleshi reaffirmed Albania's commitment to fulfil the Defense Investment Commitment that the member countries undertook at the Wales Summit in 2014 to achieve the Defense budget by 2024 in no more less than 2% of GDP. Peleshi paid special attention to the drafting of the new Strategic Concept of NATO, assessing the time that is coming as quite appropriate and important, for the fact that the security situation and risks around the globe are developing in quite unpredictable and chaotic way. In this context, Mr. Peleshi demanded that the Balkan region be given due attention in drafting the new NATO Strategic Concept.


Rama congratulated citizens of Kosovo on 14th anniversary of Independence (Radio Tirana


Prime Minister Edi Rama congratulated the citizens of Kosovo on the 14th anniversary of Independence. Rama accompanied his congratulations with a video showing moments from the Kosovo war until the declaration of Independence on February 17, 2008. "Congratulations to all Albanians on the blessed day of Kosovo's Independence," says Rama. In November 2005, the process for Kosovo's final status officially began. Following comprehensive consultations, on 2 February 2007, the international special envoy for the status of Kosovo, Martti Ahtisaari, submitted his proposal to Pristina and Belgrade for Kosovo's conditional independence, a step that led to the creation of an independent state. After several rounds of talks, Kosovo declared independence on 17 February 2008. The Declaration of Independence of Kosovo was made by the then Prime Minister of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, members of the Assembly of Kosovo, and the President of Kosovo, at a meeting held in Pristina, on 17 February 2008.