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Belgrade Media Report 25 February 2022



Information on Serbia's position on Ukraine is incorrect; Everything will be known at 18.15 (B92


Some media reported that Serbia will not accept what the EU asked for - to support the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but that is not true, has learned. As B92 find out, such a decision was not made at all, and the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will address the public after the session of the Security Council, which is scheduled for 4 pm. The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, will address the citizens today at 6:15 p.m. Vucic will address the public in the Palace of Serbia, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced.


On her Twitter account, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic announced that placing false news was causing enormous damage to the state of Serbia. Some Belgrade media reported today that member of the Serbian government, at yesterday's session attended by the Serbian president, decided not to accept the European Union's proposal for Serbia to condemn the threat to Ukraine's territorial integrity, ie appeal to respect international law.


Serbia rejects EU suggestion to support Ukraine territorial integrity (


Serbia’s Government refused to accept the European Union’s suggestion to condemn all endangering the territorial integrity of Ukraine, i.e., to appeal for the respect of international law, the reported on Friday. It added that the decision was made late on Thursday at the cabinet session attended by President Aleksandar Vucic. sources said Belgrade would not condemn Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine and that a majority voted for the decision at the Government’s session, with the ministers from the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Vucic’s party leading coalition partner, abstaining. The sources said that the meeting did not discuss sanctions against Russia.


Vucic is expected to present the decision to the public later in the day. He would first have another meeting with the National Security Council and then with the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch to discuss the situation with Ukraine. The Union has repeatedly asked Serbia, as an EU candidate country, to harmonise its foreign policy with the block. Belgrade maintains that obligation comes at the end of the negotiating process and says it wants to keep good relations with Brussels, Moscow and Beijing at the same time.


Serbia opposes the suspension of Russia’s membership in the CoE (VIP)


Serbia is one of only three European countries that oppose the suspension of Russia’s membership in the Council of Europe (CoE), VIP has learned from diplomatic sources, late on Thursday. At an extraordinary session on Thursday, the Council of Europe adopted a decision condemning Russia’s military attack on Ukraine, and another extraordinary session is scheduled for Friday, at which the idea of suspending Russia’s membership should be considered. In a Thursday’s decision the Committee of Ministers CoE condemned in the strongest terms the armed attack on Ukraine by the Russian Federation in violation of international law; “Decided to examine without delay, and in close coordination with the Parliamentary Assembly and the Secretary General, the measures to be taken in response to the serious violation by the Russian Federation of its statutory obligations as a Council of Europe member State; “Urged the Russian Federation to immediately and unconditionally cease its military operations in Ukraine; “Condemned the recognition by the Russian Federation of the Ukrainian region of Donetsk and Luhansk as independent entities; “Reiterated their unwavering commitment to the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders; expressed their support to Ukraine and their solidarity with its people” CoE statement said.


The Committee of Ministers also agreed to hold a further extraordinary meeting on Friday 25 February 2022 with a view to considering measures to be taken, including under Article 8 of the Statute of the CoE. Article 8 said that “Any member of the CoE which has seriously violated Article 3 may be suspended from its rights of representation and requested by the Committee of Ministers to withdraw under Article 7. If such member does not comply with this request, the Committee may decide that it has ceased to be a member of the Council as from such date as the Committee may determine”.


Article 3 said that “Every member of the CoE must accept the principles of the rule of law and of the enjoyment by all persons within its jurisdiction of human rights and fundamental freedoms and collaborate sincerely and effectively in the realization of the aim of the Council”. Article 7 said that “Any member of the CoE may withdraw by formally notifying the Secretary General of its intention to do so. Such withdrawal shall take effect at the end of the financial year in which it is notified, if the notification is given during the first nine months of that financial year. If the notification is given in the last three months of the financial year, it shall take effect at the end of the next financial year”.


Ukrainian ambassador expects strong Serbian support (N1)


Ambassador of Ukraine in Serbia Oleksandr Aleksandrovic said that he respects Serbia’s neutrality, but added “one cannot remain neutral under present circumstances”. “I continue to believe that a strong statement of support to Ukraine will come from Serbia, he said and thanked the media which report the truth – namely that Russia has attacked the Ukraine. “Some other media, however, reported that Ukraine has attacked Russia, and that is a disgrace. God sees everything, everything will pass by, Ukraine will survive, and everything will come out to the light of the day. There is an enormous responsibility here, not just of soldiers but also of all the media” Aleksandrovic said. In a statement to N1 on Thursday morning, ambassador Aleksandrovic described “Russian president Putin as Hitler of the 21st century”. “The argument that this has been done in Russia’s defense would be just ridiculous if it wasn’t sad. How can Russia defend itself on Ukrainian soil?”, he asked. Aleksandrovic said that today “there a great patriotic war that is unfolding, the first one after World War Two. Ukraine will defend itself and we expect the support of the entire world” the ambassador concluded.


Zdravko Ponos: Military Solution is Unacceptable (Twitter)


“The military solution to the Ukrainian crisis is unacceptable due to the suffering of the civilian population and because it represents a violation of the territorial integrity of the UN member state. Serbia went through such a traumatic experience in 1999 and 2008, when we opposed the force that robbed us of Kosovo. This gives us a moral basis so that today, as then, we stand upright and advocate respect for international law, and not the law of the strongest in international relations” ex Chief of Stuff in Serbian Army, opposition main candidate for president, general Zdravko Ponos wrote on his Twitter account.


Right-Wing coalition demands not taking sides (VIP)


It is very important for the Serbian government to refrain from taking any side in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and to prepare a state budget for subsidizing citizens following imminent hike of gas prices, the NADA coalition which comprises the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and Movement for the Renewal of Serbian Kingdom (POKS) has stated.

NADA’s Presidential candidate Milos Jovanovic said that Serbia should worry how to prepare for the upcoming crisis in energy prices.


“Serbia should neither introduce sanctions against Russia and condemn its moves under EU pressure, nor recognize the independence of Luhansk and Donetsk”, Jovanovic said and added that he cannot understand the anger of the West, because NATO violated international law the same way Russia did, when it bombarded Serbia in 1999 because of Kosovo.


Serbian state bodies should grasp real national interest at the present time, and this means getting closer to Russia, deputy president of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Aleksandar Seselj has said.


“Serbia should not even consider joining US and EU sanctions against Russia, as any Serbian participation in sanctions would be nothing short of treason” Seselj said. He underlined the necessity to deepen cooperation with Russia, and create an alliance “in economic, military and in any other sense”, by joining the ODKB military alliance and opening Russian military bases in Serbia.


Roth calls for concrete political moves of EU regarding Western Balkans (N1)


Head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs at the German Bundestag Michael Roth published a tweet in which he called for concrete political moves of the EU regarding the Western Balkans, and stressed that Russian President Vladimir Putin leads the war against Ukraine thus brining in question the Eastern European countries’ right to existence, but that he also targets the European perspective of the Western Balkans. “The EU should finally meet its promise and overcome its disagreement, i.e. start direct accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia for instance, or set the ‘stop’ sign for separatists in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and introduce the visa regime liberalization for Kosovo” Roth stressed. Roth said: “It is necessary to stop separatists in B&H and give visa liberalization to Kosovo. Bulgaria has to finally give up the blockades of accession talks with North Macedonia. However, we no longer fulfil our promises and we are destroying our credibility”.


German politician in Bundestag: We have no moral right to criticize, remember Serbia (Tanjug)


A German politician from the AfD stated in the Bundestag that Germany has no moral basis to criticize the violation of international law due so-called Kosovo. Namely, the head of the foreign policy committee of that party, Petr Bystron, said in front of the German envoys on Thursday that Germany lacks a moral basis for criticizing violations of international law when it comes to Russia's attack on Ukraine, because it did the same on the so-called Kosovo.


In a statement to reporters, Bystron said that there was a consensus of all parties in the Bundestag that what Russia was doing was a violation of international law. However, he added that there is a difference in the assessment and "loudness" of the criticism. "We from the AfD are of the opinion that someone can be criticized for non-compliance with the rules only if he adheres to the rules himself. We lack the moral basis to criticize Russia for the same violation" Bystron explained.


The Year of Morocco in Serbia and Serbia in Morocco - strong diplomatic and friendly ties (RTS)


On the occasion of 65 years of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Morocco, Ambassador Mohamed Amin Belhaj announced in an interview with Radio Belgrade 2 a rich cultural program. Speaking about Kosovo and Metohija (KiM), the ambassador says that Morocco does not support separatism and opposes all attempts to endanger the national unity and integrity of states, and therefore Morocco considers Kosovo an integral part of Serbia.


The position of the Kingdom of Morocco on the issue of KiM is a principled position. My country does not support separatism and opposes all attempts to endanger the national unity and integrity of states, so Morocco considers KiM an integral part of Serbia. At the same time, Morocco supports and encourages the political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which is being held in Brussels, in order to find a lasting and peaceful solution to this issue.


Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to visit this picturesque part of Serbia, rich in history and numerous monuments, but I watched a large number of documentaries about the beautiful medieval monasteries that adorn the south of Serbia. I would definitely like to visit Kosovo and Metohija, as soon as the opportunity arises, sad the ambassador.


Serbia’s opposition named another presidential candidate (Beta, N1)


The 'Boris Tadic – Let's Go, People' opposition coalition named Goran Radosavljevic, an economics professor, for a candidate in the April 3 presidential race in Serbia. The coalition, led by former President Boris Tadic and current Social-democrats (SDS) leader, said it would gather the most respectable people from different social strata. It added it would be the „most serious organisation” in the forthcoming elections.


Radosavljevic said the last decade’s economic policy made Serbia one of the European poorest countries with a personal income average 40 percent lower than in the European Union member states.


“On the other hand, the destruction of institutions, abuse of public property and state resources, corruption and crime, illegal businesses and money laundry led to the enriching of a small number of people close to the authorities” he said. He underlined the coalition's goal was to build a strong market economy based on economic freedoms, strengthen the welfare state with inclusive growth and enable citizens to work and live on their earnings.


So far, the leading opposition 'United Serbia' coalition named retired general Zdravko Ponos as its presidential candidate. Other smaller opposition parties and coalitions also published the names of their candidates. At the same time, the current President Aleksandar Vucic still did not say whether he would run for the second term. His coalition partners said they would support him if he decided to be a candidate. Vucic leads all ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) tickets in early general, Belgrade and some local elections.


Selakovic and Osmani: Extremely good and friendly relations between Serbia and Northern Macedonia (RTS)


The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Nikola Selakovic, met in Skopje with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Northern Macedonia, Bujar Osmani, and on that occasion it was mutually stated that the relations between the two countries are extremely good, both in the field of political and economic cooperation.


At the press conference, after the sixth meeting with Minister Osmani, Selakovic expressed special satisfaction with today's signing of the Agreement on the Establishment of Cultural and Information Centres in Skopje and Belgrade.


According to the head of Serbian diplomacy, at today's meeting it was stated that in 2021, the economic and trade exchange reached a historical maximum of 1,120,000,000 euros, which exceeded the level of exchange from the period before the Covid pandemic. Selakovic specified that our export to Northern Macedonia reached 815 million euros, and that last year the export from Northern Macedonia to Serbia increased by 41.7 percent, expressing confidence that further implementation of the "Open Balkans" initiative will lead to further growth between the two countries.


"For us, the Open Balkans initiative is inclusive, and we would like to see the entire Western Balkans within it, but we are convinced that when it starts to give serious results, we will be able to see the interest of others to be part of the team that wins" Selakovic said. He added that in the conversation, special attention was paid to the European integration of our region, emphasizing that Serbia provides full support to Northern Macedonia in that process. Selakovic also expressed satisfaction with the fact that the session of the Joint Committee for the Implementation of the Agreement between Serbia and Montenegro and the Republic of Macedonia on the Protection of National Minorities, 17 years since its signing, was held for the first time. "We also talked about our interest in continuing the practice of holding joint sessions of the governments of Serbia and Northern Macedonia and the need to work on holding the first session of the Joint Committee for Economic Cooperation" Selakovic said.


The dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina was also discussed at the meeting, and Selakovic reiterated the position that Belgrade is committed to dialogue as the only acceptable way to resolve political issues.


Minister Bujar Osmani said that today's conversation was open and constructive, and that it was stated that the relations between the two countries are friendly and partnership, with a tendency to expand cooperation. Osmani expressed satisfaction with the signing of the agreement on cultural centers, which, according to him, opens space for more intensive cultural exchange. He expressed satisfaction with the achieved level of economic cooperation, noting that there is room for its further expansion. According to him, the Republic of Northern Macedonia gives full support to the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and resolving all open issues in the region through dialogue.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Komsic, Dzaferovic strongly condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (O kanal)


Chairman of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic strongly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They announced that B&H would do everything in its power to help the citizens of Ukraine. “The state of B&H joined the statement of the EU member states on the situation in Ukraine. In line with our possibilities, we will continue to show support to Ukraine” Komsic wrote on social media. Dzaferovic said this was the darkest of the days in the recent history. “I strongly condemn the unprovoked invasion of the Russian Federation over Ukraine, joining the civilized world’s reactions to this dark and disturbing day. I stand with the citizens of Ukraine, with my thoughts and prayers, as they are faced with brutal attacks of Russian military forces” Dzaferovic wrote in his statement. Komsic stated that B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj justifiably condemned Russia's move due to the obligations that B&H undertook by accepting the Stabilization and Association Agreement with B&H.


Komsic: You cannot invade other people's countries because you do not like something (Hayat)


In a statement to Hayat, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic spoke of Russian influence in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and earlier statements by HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic that there is too little Russian influence in B&H. Speaking of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Komsic said "we need to remember our experience when few helped us." "You cannot invade other people's countries because you do not like something. It does not work that way, it leads to chaos. This leads to the principle that the stronger, the tyrant can do everything. You are destroying that little bit of some weak international order and some rules that exist in democratic and decent communication between subjects of international law, i.e. states. I can, so now I will do whatever I want. By force - by force. I really do not care about the destruction and casualties. I do not like what you are doing and now I am going to show you because I have a nuclear bomb and everyone is afraid of me" Komsic said.


Commenting on Covic's earlier statements, Komsic said that he has no dilemma who Covic is and what lines he is leaning on. "I have no doubt that he is also on the Russian leash as (B&H Presidency member and SNSD leader) Milorad Dodik. True, they are small players in this area from the aspect of Russian interests. It is the same story. Just analyze the attitudes of the Russian Ambassador, as much as he cuddles Dodik, so much he cuddles Covic in his statements. Everything is clear" Komsic emphasized.


RS President Cvijanovic: Stances of Komsic and Dzaferovic represent their personal stances that contribute to deeper divisions in B&H (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic assessed that stance of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic, who said that B&H will support Ukraine, represent their personal stances that contribute to deeper divisions in B&H. She reminded that no official stance on the situation in Ukraine was taken and the most important thing is for the RS to remain neutral. Cvijanovic also said: “I think that this is pointless. I think that this is not the time for us to rush and say which option we support. However, these people from the Presidency had the need to present their stance in this way because other international actors asked them to do it. Therefore, the RS should keep stability. It is clear that there is concern all over the world. What I can say when it comes to the RS is that politically-speaking, it is very important that everyone within B&H - a complicated country, multi-national community with disorganized relations – has neutral stance towards any kind of big issues. These are matches of big players, and we play on small fields and we need to take into account our interests and how to protect ourselves and our economy" Cvijanovic underlined. Cvijanovic also said: “As for ugly topics, no war is a good topic. Every war is a bad topic and, of course, we all view it like that, and it is clear the concern is present everywhere in the world”.


Dodik: Alkalaj acts without authorization when joining B&H to EU statement on Russian-Ukrainian crisis; B&H should remain neutral in regard to Ukraine (ATV)


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said on Thursday that B&H Permanent Representative to the UN Sven Alkalaj acted without authorization when he joined B&H to the statement of the EU on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis. According to Dodik, Alkalaj’s act is null and void and it must be considered like it never happened. Dodik also announced talks on Alkalaj’s responsibility in the upcoming period.


Dodik added that Republika Srpska (RS) remains faithful to the B&H Constitution. “B&H is neutral in the Russia-Ukraine crisis, i.e. the armed conflict, in light of the fact that the B&H Presidency did not decide otherwise. The RS remains faithful to the B&H Constitution, and it will not allow for this situation to be used against it” Dodik wrote. According to Dodik, the stance of the political Sarajevo on the crisis in Ukraine has nothing to do with B&H’s official stance.


Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Igor Crnadak strongly criticized SNSD and Dodik by saying that the RS is suffering immense damage because they let Bosniaks handle the foreign policy. Dodik’s Advisor Radovan Kovacevic responded to Crnadak’s claims by saying that the Foreign Policy Strategy of B&H, which reads that B&H should support stances of the EU unless there is another stance of the Presidency of B&H, was developed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of B&H while Crnadak was at its helm and it was adopted by the Presidency of B&H while Mladen Ivanic was the Serb member of the Presidency of B&H. Kovacevic also argued that the RS should stay neutral, just like Switzerland, and he emphasized that everything B&H should do is to call for peace, stopping of the conflict and it should express its support to sustainable and permanent peace.


Alkalaj confirms that at the session of the UN General Assembly, B&H joined the statement of the European Union on the situation in Ukraine. “B&H must take the right side of history because it itself went through a difficult period in the 1990s. B&H has no right to ignore such attacks and situations where an invasion of another's country is taking place. We have a moral reason, but also an obligation under the EU Association Agreement, we must follow the Union's foreign policy” Alkalaj emphasized. Commenting on Dodik’s statement, Alkalaj said: “Dodik probably thinks that the Presidency and B&H originate from him, and I think he should consider that differently. There were some things even before him, and now, because he, due to own interests, does not want to be resented by someone, we cannot remain indifferent to the documents that we signed and stand by”.


B&H MFA establishes crisis headquarters that monitors situation in Ukraine and undertakes activities related to assisting B&H citizens located in Ukraine; B&H nationals in Ukraine advised to contact B&H Embassies in Hungary, Moscow and Warsaw (BHT1)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has established a crisis headquarters that monitors the situation in Ukraine and undertakes activities related to assisting B&H citizens located in Ukraine. According to the information available to BHT1, 41 B&H citizens are in the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) mission in Ukraine, and the Ministry stated that none of them is endangered. Also, the Embassies in Moscow and Warsaw will be added to the Embassy of B&H in Hungary so that other B&H citizens on the territory of Ukraine can be assisted.


B&H Ambassador to the OSCE Sinisa Bencun stated that the latest instructions on the moves of the OSCE General Staff in Kiev and the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna are waited for. He added that the OSCE Secretary General Helga Schmid made a decision on the evacuation and that it was now up to the General Staff to determine the modalities and methods of evacuation. Bencun said that, based on informal conversations, “we have learned that, in terms of logistics, the evacuation is rather challenging, taking into account that the traffic is congested, and there is great pressure on gas stations. B&H Mission in Vienna is in contact with other countries who have their people in Ukraine. If they potentially decide for a unilateral evacuation of their people, we will inform our Ministry and see if it is an opportunity for us to join”.


B&H Ambassador to Hungary Biljana Gutic Bjelica said that Hungary encourages B&H nationals in Ukraine to organize on own initiative and “if circumstances require that” to leave for Hungary. Gutic Bjelica reminded that B&H nationals do not need visa for Hungary, nor COVID certificates when entering from Ukraine.


The B&H Foreign Ministry has formed a Crisis HQ that monitors the situation in Ukraine and opened a 24/7 telephone line for the B&H nationals in Ukraine, or their family members can provide information on B&H nationals who are in crisis zones. Advisor to the B&H Foreign Minister Tarik Lazovic said that B&H Embassy to Hungary “covers Ukraine, and by decision this morning we added the Embassies in Moscow and Warsaw, which our citizens can contact if they need assistance”. B&H Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that none of B&H citizens who currently reside in Ukraine is exposed to any kind of direct danger.


B&H Foreign Minister Bisera Turkovic stated that some 40 citizens of B&H who work at the OSCE mission in Ukraine will be soon evacuated from that country together with citizens of other countries employed with the OSCE mission.


B&H Ambassador to Russia Zeljko Samardzija said that B&H citizens in Moscow are safe. He added that life in Moscow is normal like nothing is going on. Commenting on the situation in Ukraine, Samardzija said that this kind of outcome was expected and this is no surprise. He added that wars bring no good to anyone, arguing that this could also influence on businesses of B&H citizens.


EUFOR sends 500 additional soldiers to B&H as precautionary measure (O kanal)


Another 500 EUFOR soldiers are arriving in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and will be stationed at the Butmir base near Sarajevo. “Four companies, comprising approximately 500 personnel from EUFOR's reserves stationed outside of B&H will be deployed, as a precautionary measure, in the country over the next two weeks to reinforce existing forces, in order to, more effectively support our B&H partners in maintaining a safe and secure environment” a EUFOR statement said. Their mission will be to demonstrate the EU's determination to maintain stability in B&H. “It is a prudent and proportionate measure which reflects the EU's and EUFOR's unequivocal commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H” a EUFOR statement said. There are 600 troops currently in BiH as part of EUFOR's ALTHEA mission.


The EU military mission’s headquarters in Sarajevo assessed that the security situation in B&H is stable. EUFOR Spokesman Seamus Shannon stated that deteriorated security station at the international level could possibly cause instability in B&H, stressing that deploying the additional forces comes as precaution measure that is being taken with a goal to strengthen stability in B&H. The EUFOR informed on Thursday there is no threat to the peace and stability in B&H, it is certain it is not a coincident that the troops are deployed to B&H now, and reminds of calls for deployment of additional EUFOR troops several months ago, when the European Union (EU) and the EUFOR were of view there was no need for that, noting “something important is definitely happening in that field”.


Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Johann Sattler published a tweet on Thursday stressing that the EU is fully determined to strengthen stability in B&H. “EUFOR assesses there is no current threat to safe and secure environment. As a precautionary measure however we will reinforce presence in B&H with 500 more troops” Sattler twitted.


The Office of the High Representative (OHR) welcomed the decision on deployment of additional EUFOR troops in B&H. High Representative Christian Schmidt stated that the decision shows the commitment of the international community to integrity and stability of the state of B&H and its institutions.


Addressing the media on Thursday, B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic stated: “I was informed about the NATO’s decision that reserves will arrive, around 500 soldiers, and, officially today by the EUFOR Commander (Anton Wessely) in Sarajevo. It was related, and we requested that, to our situation in B&H, but the situation in Ukraine has clearly accelerated that”. Podzic also said on Thursday that due to the situation in Ukraine, he is worried about the "cracks" in NATO. "I hope this will be resolved very soon. I know that your next question will probably be - what does this have to do with the Western Balkans, i.e. with B&H. The only three countries which are currently in the Membership Action Plan, or MAP, are Georgia - and you know very well what happened with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, Ukraine - and you see what is currently happening, and the third country in the MAP is B&H. We should all come to our own conclusions about that" Podzic underlined.


Podzic, said this is a full-scale attack on Ukraine, taking by surprise many, because the view was the conflict would ensue only in Donetsk and Luhansk region, but it is clear that Russia wants to connect this part with Crimea, and this is a somewhat a message to the European Union (EU) and EU officials that the war “cannot be waged’’ with pleas and sanctions. “In regard to the scale of the attack, we definitely see this is a full-scale attack, a big attack, and a high intensity attack. The goals, unfortunately, are very radical, so, my assessment is that Europe should think now about own defense” said Podzic.


Chairman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija said that additional EUFOR troops were not invited, that the B&H Presidency is in charge of foreign policy, and the Presidency did not discuss the issue. “I think there was no need for additional deployment of EUFOR personnel in B&H. No one among citizens in B&H think about armed conflicts and misunderstandings, because citizens of B&H know the best what it looks like when you have conflicts and misunderstandings. What is encouraging in the letter sent by the EUFOR Commander is EUFOR’s assessment that there is currently no security of political threat in B&H, that would cause insecurity among the citizens” said Tegeltija.


Tegeltija stated that he understood from B&H Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic's statement that someone had asked for it, and that it required a decision of the Presidency, which was not the case. Tegeltija said that the B&H CoM will not take an official position regarding Ukraine until that stance is determined by the B&H Presidency. Tegeltija assessed that the presentation of individual views on the events in Ukraine, without the official position of the B&H Presidency, represents the personal position of an individual or his political party, and not the position of B&H or its citizens. Tegeltija called on everyone in B&H to refrain from unnecessary comments and to wait for the official positions of the Presidency and to make it binding on all institutions. Tegeltija stated that B&H Presidency is in charge of foreign policy and it confirms unanimous stances on all foreign-political issues, reminding that B&H Presidency has not so far taken the official stance regarding the situation in Ukraine.




Parliamentary committee condemns aggression against Ukraine with a declaration (HRT)


The Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Policy unanimously adopted a Declaration on Ukraine, which strongly condemns Russia's unprovoked aggression against its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence. The Declaration also states that Croatian Parliament calls on Russia to immediately stop the military attack and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory. Parliament also condemns the recognition of the self-proclaimed regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, because this act represents a gross violation of Ukraine's sovereignty and undermines the foundations of international order. It also states that it gives full support to the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. Parliament expresses full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people and calls on the Croatian government to provide humanitarian and technical assistance. Committee Chairman Gari Cappelli said they were aware of the economic consequences of the conflict on the Croatian economy, especially tourism, given that many Ukrainians spend their summers in Croatia, which could cost the budget 350 million euros.

Unofficially it is estimated that Croatia will receive several thousand refugees from Ukraine.


Croatian President condemns aggression on Ukraine, NATO should not expand eastward (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday harshly condemned the Russian aggression on Ukraine and convened an urgent meeting with senior army and intelligence officials, the Office of the President said in a press release. According to the press release, Milanovic also discussed the developments with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Milanovic said that the attacks by Russian armed forces were unacceptable acts of violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty, calling on Russia to cease the military attacks. “Being a member of the NATO alliance and the European Union, Croatia will act in compliance with its duties,” he said. The military commanders and intelligence and security officials informed Milanovic of the current developments and possible scenarios in Ukraine.


Milanovic recently said that NATO should not expand eastward to include Ukraine and that the European security structures should also respect the Russian interests. He also announced the withdrawal of Croatian troops from countries adjacent to Ukraine in the event of further escalation of tensions, and underscored that he would not give his consent to the deployment of Croatian troops in Ukraine.


Croatian PM talks with his Ukrainian counterpart (Hina)


Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic spoke on the phone with his Ukrainian counterpart Denys Shmyhal on Thursday evening before an emergency EU summit, expressing support and solidarity after Russia's attack on his country.


“I just spoke to Prime Minister Shmyhal, who is in Kyiv and who described the horrible situation in the country, where special forces are attacking Kyiv and other parts of the country. Ukraine expects solidarity from the EU and NATO” Plenkovic said in Brussels upon arriving at the summit. Croatia stands ready to accept part of the people who want to leave Ukrainian territory given the big experience it has in that from the 1991-95 war” he added.

The EU leaders met tonight to discuss a new, much harsher set of sanctions against Russia than the one adopted yesterday.


Croatia plans to send up to 10 Soldiers to NATO's Rapid Response Force (Hina)


The Croatian government has adopted a draft decision on deploying up to 10 Croatian soldiers in the NATO Response Force (NRF), the defense ministry stated on Thursday when Russia started invading Ukraine. The draft decision has been forwarded to President Zoran Milanovic, the supreme commander of the armed forces, for adoption, the press release reads.


According to Defence Minister Mario Banozic, Croatian troops will be part of the "Very High Readiness Joint Task Force" (VJTF) within the alliance's Response Force. That means that they will be ready within a few days. During the Prague summit in 2002, NATO decided on the establishment of its Response Force, and the Wales summit in 2014 decided on the set-up of VJTF.




Djukanovic starts consultations on PM-designate (CDM)


Today, President Milo Djukanovic should start consultations with the representatives of caucuses, after which it will be known who the prime minister-designate for the composition of the minority government is, CDM has learned. The person mentioned as a potential prime minister is the URA leader Dritan Abazovic. It is unknown who will be in the minority government, because the SNP’s executive committee is yet to decide whether it will be part of that government or not.


According to CDM, representatives of the Democratic Front (DF) as well as the Democrats have been invited to the consultations.


The Democrats say that they have not received an official written invitation for consultations with the President Djukanovic, as has been the practice so far. “The only thing that arrived was the phone call to our employee yesterday afternoon and the information that the consultations will be held this morning. Whatever the calls may be, we are not going to fake talks for the sake of form and we are not changing the electoral will of the citizens of Montenegro” the Democrats say.


The leaders of the Democratic Front (DF), Andrija Mandic, Nebojsa Medojevic and Milan Knezevic, have said that they will not attend the consultations to which they have been invited by the President Djukanovic. They point out that the deep crisis of the legitimacy of the political system can only be resolved by forming a government within the same parliamentary majority that won the elections or by agreeing to organize early parliamentary elections.


We are waiting for the position of the SNP; I would like them to be part of the government (CDM)


The leader of the Civic Movement URA, Dritan Abazovic, said that, when it comes to the minority government, they are still waiting for the position of the Socialist People's Party (SNP). As he announced, URA will respect the position of the SNP, whatever it may be on the issue of the minority government.


After the lecture he gave at the Faculty of Economics, Abazovic said that he would like the SNP to be part of the European government and part of the wagon that should lead to reconciliation. He expects that the SNP will have an answer about the minority government by the end of this week: "I expect that position to crystallize, whatever it may be, as far as we are concerned, we will respect it." "When it comes to personal solutions, until we determine who would make the majority, it is not serious to say names and put them in an awkward situation" Abazovic said. If a solution is not reached, as he pointed out, early elections should have been held.


Commenting on the roadblocks organized by the DF across the country, Abazovic said "let the people see and know who preserves the legal order, and who is a real and who is a fake European". "Everything is a democratic statement, only without incidents. I would not panic, we will see how it will go tonight" Abazovic said. He also claims that no one gave anything to his brother, and that he is opening a clinic, because he is a successful geneticist, who is not interested in politics.


Kascelan: DPS has capacity to gather and lead sovereigntist bloc (Pobjeda)


Strong, European and civil Montenegro has no alternative and this idea must be supra-party, supra-national and supra-religious, and the fact that the SDP decided to tacitly form a coalition with the Democrats in Cetinje does not diminish the need for all other sovereigntist parties and movements to cooperate, says Cetinje mayor Aleksandar Kascelan for Pobjeda.


He also points out that we constantly forget that the DPS did not go into opposition because it drastically lost the support of the citizens, but because of the political combinatorics of its opponents. “The DPS has the capacity to gather and lead a sovereigntist bloc, and everyone is welcome who cares about Montenegro, with or without the SDP” Kascelan says. “Political discourse is often burdened with harsh words, sometimes disagreements and antagonisms. I am convinced, however, that political actors, at the local and national levels, must talk, cooperate and seek the best solutions for citizens” he adds. “We must not allow the essence – the interest of citizens to live a life worthy of a man – to be forgotten because of political goals or arrogance” Kascelan stresses.


Bulajic won’t schedule parliamentary session, he seeks agreement from parliamentary majority (CDM)


Acting Speaker of Parliament Strahinja Bulajic has stated that he will not schedule a parliamentary session for 3 March, as requested by representatives of the opposition and the Black on White coalition. He wants the parliamentary majority to agree, and in case there is no agreement, he is ready, he says, to schedule a parliamentary session which will be the result of a democratic agreement on the date of early parliamentary elections and the election of a technical government to prepare such elections. 


DF blocks 17 roads throughout Montenegro (CDM)


People carrying tricolours and singing songs glorifying the Russian aggression against Ukraine started a protest organized by the Democratic Front (DF). The blockade of 17 roads throughout Montenegro started at 6:30 p.m. One of the DF leaders, Andrija Mandic, said that his party colleague Strahinja Bulajic would use everything at his disposal to make the parliamentary majority constitute a new government not allow the DPS to steal their victory. If the DPS tries to do this, Mandic warns that they will block Parliament as well.


Mihailo writes to Biden: New Montenegrin govt. violates Constitution and discriminates against Orthodox Montenegrins (Pobjeda)


Montenegrin Metropolitan Mihailo briefed US President Joseph Biden on brutal violations of Montenegrin religious rights, Montenegrin Constitution and laws, and discrimination against Montenegrin Orthodox believers over the “state religion” concept the new Montenegrin government is trying to establish, starting from the elections held on 30 August 2020, through the Church of Serbia and official Belgrade.


On 1 February, the head of the Montenegrin Orthodox Church, Mihailo, sent a letter to the President of the United States to inform him about the difficult situation in which the clergy of this religious community and believing Orthodox Montenegrins are brought. “The transformation of the Serbian Church into the state Church of Montenegro through establishing its supremacy within the Orthodox population is contrary to the provisions of the current Law on Freedom of Religion, the belief and the legal status of religious communities” Metropolitan Mihailo’s letter says, among other things.


Djukanovic at the invitation of Stoltenberg at the extraordinary summit of NATO heads of state and government (CDM


Today, at the invitation of NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic will take part in an extraordinary summit of NATO heads of state and government, which will discuss the situation in Ukraine. The summit will be held in the form of a video conference.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski condemns Russia of open military aggression against Ukraine (Republika)


I condemn the act of open military aggression by Russia against Ukraine. War is the worst way to settle misunderstandings and the aggression against Ukraine is a threat to European and world peace, says Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski. The government is closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine. The security situation in our country is stable and at this moment there is no direct threat to the security of Macedonia. In addition to the security situation, the government is closely monitoring the changes in world economic trends that have been destabilized by the new situation. The Government, as before, will act maximally responsibly and in the best interest of protecting the domestic economy and the financial situation of the citizens.


Defense Minister Petrovska and US Ambassador Byrnes jointly addressed the war in Ukraine (Republika)


Defense Ambassador Slavjanka Petrovska and US Ambassador to Macedonia Kate Byrnes addressed the Russian attack on Ukraine today during an event marking the end of joint training between Macedonian and American special forces. Ambassador Byrnes said that the events in Ukraine show why it is important that European countries develop their defense skills. She said that the US continues to seek constructive, diplomatic solutions that will protect the right of every country to choose its own path and allegiances. Minister Petrovska said that Macedonia stands with Ukraine and calls on Russia to stop its military operations, that threaten European security.


Nikoloski: Military aggression is unacceptable, we fully support the territorial integrity of Ukraine (Republika)


VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski said that the largest party in Macedonia fully supporters the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. “We consider that a military aggression is unacceptable. Diplomacy must prevail over the military options”, Nikoloski said in a TV interview. He added that the position of the party is aligned with the European People’s Party, where VMRO-DPMNE is a member.


Russia prepares its own sanctions against the West; Macedonia will also be targeted (Republika)


Russia announced that it will respond with sanctions against the US, the EU and other countries who introduces sanctions against Russia, over its attack on Ukraine. Macedonia is among the countries that subscribed to the EU sanctions and will face Russian sanctions.


Valentina Matviyenko, President of the Upper House of the Russian Duma, said that the Russian sanctions will not be fully identical to those imposed on it, but will target points of weakness in the West. Matviyenko added that Europe is punishing itself with the sanctions, mainly with its ban on the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline project, as it will increase the price of gas in Europe.


New demand from Sofia: Bulgarians insist that everywhere is stated that Tsar Samuil was Bulgarian ruler (Pressing TV)


The joint Macedonian-Bulgarian commission on historical and educational issues is set to hold a new round of talks in Sofia on Thursday and Friday. It seems that the members of the Macedonian team of the commission went to Bulgaria via Kumanovo and Kriva Palanka and could not use the services of the new airline, because it should officially start operating very soon, analyses Pressing TV.


After the unsuccessful last, 16th meeting, in Skopje, in December last year, it has already become uncertain what agenda the members of the Commission will discuss. As our representatives said at the time, they failed to bridge the gap in approach and understanding of the role of history and historical education in modern societies and building good relations free from the politicization of history.


From what is known so far, the Commission managed to reach an agreement on Saints Cyril and Methodius, as well as Saints Clement and Naum, but it is still uncertain whether, after the initial positive results, Tsar Samuil is finally included on the agenda. Because, his name is found among the resolved, then among the unresolved figures. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bujar Osmani, in one of his appearances in the media, listed him among those persons for whom an agreement has already been reached.


So far, no protocol has been published for any person from which the content and formulation can be seen, which will be used in both textbooks and history. Hence the dilemma, for example, how will Tsar Samuel be taught and honoured?


The head of the Bulgarian team of the Commission, Angel Dimitrov, recently, in an interview with Sofia-based “Trud”, when asked to explain the reasons for the disputes over Tsar Samuil, said: Yes, the protocol said that he was a Bulgarian ruler, a continuation of the Bulgarian imperial tradition. When it came time to put it in textbooks, our colleagues ran away from that commitment – it was not for textbooks, but only for political use. These double standards are a reflection of one of their methodologies.


On the other hand, in December 2020, two years ago, the first man of the Macedonian part of the Commission, Dragi Gjorgiev, when it comes to Tsar Samuil said: On our part, we offered during the presentation of Tsar Samuil in the textbooks, the students to have two perspectives of that Samuil state: that he is the successor of the medieval Bulgarian empire, but also that there are theses that it is an independent empire. The Bulgarian side insisted that it be just an empire that inherits the tradition of the first Bulgarian empire. We got stuck here, they only insisted on their view.


What has changed in the meantime, when the agreement was reached and what is the exact formulation for Tsar Samuil, as Minister Osmani claims, is still unknown. Will we have Tsar Samuil for textbooks, for political use or for textbooks and for political use” Pressing TV asks in the analysis.


Proposal to make the Bulgarian demands part of Macedonia’s EU accession process is unacceptable to VMRO-DPMNE (Republika)


If Bulgaria succeeds to make its demands part of Macedonia’s EU accession process, that will be the start of a hellish period where we will constantly be under pressure, said VMRO-DPMNE Vice President Aleksandar Nikoloski. Earlier this year, Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov indicated that his counterpart in Skopje Dimitar Kovacevski has accepted that at least one of the major Bulgarian demands – that of naming the Bulgarian minority in the Macedonian Constitution – is made part of the EU accession process.


If this happens, the endgame will be that we either accept that we were Bulgarians until 1945 and that we speak a dialect of the Bulgarian language, or we will not advance to the EU. We will not accept that, said Nikoloski on behalf of VMRO-DPMNE.


The SDSM – DUI coalition does not have the votes in Parliament to amend the Constitution and as VMRO refuses to give them the votes, Kovacevski and Petkov have apparently agreed to put the issue before the EU – and any future Government would be bound to accept the Bulgarian demands or be blocked by the EU.


Zaev’s pawns are prepared to sign treaties that directly undermine the uniqueness of the Macedonian nation and language. That is outside the realm of reality. We are a nation that is different from all other Balkan nations and we speak a unique language. The Macedonian state has a political and historic continuity, starting with the 19th century and the period of national awakening, through the uprisings of Kresna and Razlovci, crowned by the Ilinden Uprising and continued the struggle through the Balkan wars and the First World War up to ASNOM and NOB, and the 1991 independence referendum, Nikoloski said.


If Kovacevski accepts Bulgarian demands to enter the negotiating framework, then it could lead to deprivation of identity (Republika)


The dispute with Bulgaria is a result of the short-sightedness and amateurism of the Zaevism and now it is the main obstacle on Macedonia’s path to the European Union. Unfortunately, the policy of the Zaevism continues in the behaviour of Dimitar Kovacevski, said VMRO-DPMNE.


Kovacevski rejects the hand extended by the opposition to build national unity. This shows that the government is preparing a much broader and more dangerous action than the inclusion of the Bulgarian minority in the constitution. There is a well-founded fear that this could encroach on Macedonian history, language and identity and lead to deprivation of identity. If Kovacevski’s government accepts the Declaration of the Bulgarian Parliament to become part of the negotiating framework, then there is no waiting for nationalization or endless negotiations. This must be prevented. VMRO-DPMNE calls on the citizens, intellectual and social groups to unite and prevent this solution which is to the direct detriment of Macedonia and the Macedonian identity. VMRO-DPMNE stands for a dignified solution that will guarantee the Macedonian national interests.


If the Bulgarian Prime Minister seeks guarantees from Kovacevski, then VMRO-DPMNE, as well as the people, seeks guarantees from Kovacevski that will refer to the very centuries-old history of the Macedonian people, its tradition, guarantees for the Macedonian language, culture, but above all that it will not be absurd obstacles on the European path of Macedonia that have nothing to do with European values and criteria. If Kovacevski is already giving guarantees to official Sofia, then he should give the Macedonian guarantees first and to represent them before Brussels, said the opposition party.




Meta in a press conference/ We condemn the Russian attack on Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Ilir Meta gave a press conference on Ukraine. He condemned the Russian attack on Ukraine and added that Albania is positioned on the side of the US and the EU in this situation. Meta said Russia should return to the path of dialogue as soon as possible. "This unjustifiable escalation constitutes a serious violation of international law and undermines it. We express deep sorrow for the loser in this attack. We express full solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The Republic of Albania, as a NATO member, joins the alliance's call to Russia to abandon this language of violence and return to the path of dialogue. Albania stands in unison with NATO and the EU,” said Meta.


Kim meets Rama: US and Albania will coordinate actions against Russia (Radio Tirana)


US Ambassador Yuri Kim discussed with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister Olta Xhacka about Russia's attack on Ukraine. Ms. Kim writes that the US and Albania will coordinate their actions against Russia, being also in line with NATO. "US Ambassador to Tirana Yuri Kim discussed today with Prime Minister Edi Rama and Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka, the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The US and Albania are united with others around the world to "The United States and Albania will continue to coordinate closely with NATO and the UN Security Council to hold Russia accountable for its flagrant aggression against Ukraine and for global peace and security" writes Kim.


The US and Albania submit to the Security Council a draft resolution condemning Russia (Radio Tirana)


The UN Security Council will vote on Friday on a draft resolution condemning Russia's attack on Ukraine and calling for the withdrawal of Russian troops, a move that is unlikely to be approved due to Moscow's veto, diplomatic sources said. The tough draft resolution, proposed by the United States and Albania, is based on Article 7 of the UN Charter, which provides for "action by air, naval or land forces" to maintain international peace and security.


But it is unlikely to be approved because of Russia's veto power as a permanent member of the Council, diplomats said. However, an unnamed US official said that from Washington's point of view, Moscow's expected use of the veto would indicate Russia's "isolation". Russia's deputy ambassador to the UN, Dmitry Polyanskiy, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council in February, confirmed to AFP that the vote would take place on Friday.


A vote on a similar document is expected to follow at the UN General Assembly, where resolutions are not binding and 193 of its members have no veto power. According to the draft resolution, seen by the AFP agency, the Security Council will condemn "in the harshest terms the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in violation of Article 2, paragraph 4 of the Charter of the United Nations", according to which none of the member states should not attack other countries.


If passed, the draft resolution would also require Russia to "immediately cease the use of force against Ukraine" and "immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw its military forces from Ukrainian territory to return them within its borders internationally recognized”.


The United States and Albania, a non-permanent member of the council, hope to garner as many pro votes as possible among the 15 member states, according to diplomats. In 2014, following the annexation of Crimea by Russia, a draft resolution condemning Moscow received 13 votes in favor. China abstained while Russia exercised its veto. The document was then sent to the UN General Assembly where it received 100 votes in favor. Eleven seats voted against, 58 abstained, while the rest of the members did not take part in the vote.


Rama announces an extraordinary conference, after the invasion that Russia made of Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


Rama announces an extraordinary conference, after the invasion that Russia made of Ukraine Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced an extraordinary conference, after the invasion that Russia made of Ukraine, a war which today has entered its second day. The head of the Albanian government says that after the extraordinary NATO summit, an extraordinary press conference will be held in the evening.


"After the NATO Extraordinary Summit that will be held during the day, we will hold an extraordinary press conference in the evening, depending on the end of the Summit", Rama wrote on Facebook, while posting the photo made viral, where a person is seen holding a banner with the words: "I am Russian, forgive me for what happened." Rama has previously condemned the attack in Ukraine: "We join NATO and EU allies in strongly condemning Russia's aggression. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainian people."