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Belgrade Media Report 28 February


Vucic: Serbia considers the Russian and Ukrainian people to be fraternal peoples, we respect the norms of international law (RTS, B92)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, said in his address to the public that the days ahead are not easy for us. The National Security Council made conclusions regarding the situation in Ukraine, which will be presented at the Government session in the next 48 hours. Serbia respects the norms of international public law and that is the best way to protect itself and its interests, but it also respects traditional friendships, Vucic pointed out. It is not Serbia’s vital interest to impose sanctions on someone, said the President of Serbia. 


National Security Council Conclusions  


The Republic of Serbia sincerely regrets everything that is happening in Eastern Europe. Russia and Ukraine have always been friendly states for the Republic of Serbia, and the Serbian people consider Russians and Ukrainians as brotherly nations. We perceive the loss of every person's life in Ukraine as a real tragedy.  


The Republic of Serbia is committed to respecting the principles of territorial integrity and political independence of states, as one of the basic principles of international law contained in the United Nations Charter and the Helsinki Final Act (1975), which guarantees the right of states to inviolability of borders.  


Starting from Article 16 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, which stipulates that the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia is based on generally accepted rules and principles of international law, one of the basic principles of the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia is consistent respect for the inviolability of sovereign integrity. While being committed to preserving the sovereignty and integrity of its territory, the Republic of Serbia is also committed to respecting the territorial integrity of other sovereign states and the principle that borders can be changed only in accordance with the rules of international law.  


The Republic of Serbia has always pursued a responsible and principled foreign policy and has paid dearly for its commitment to the principles and rules of international law, including the principle of territorial integrity, because it was exposed not only to measures, but also the aggression of 19 NATO countries. Despite all that, the position of the Republic of Serbia in international relations has always been and remains legally and politically flawless, responsible and principled. Due to its consistency in respecting the principles of international law, no objection can be addressed to the Republic of Serbia.  


In accordance with its current policy of advocating for consistent and principled respect for the principles of international law and the inviolability of borders, the Republic of Serbia provides full and principled support for respect for the principles of territorial integrity of Ukraine.  


The fundamental principle of modern international law is the principle of peaceful settlement of disputes and refraining from the threat and use of armed force against the territorial integrity and political independence of any state and in any manner inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations. Guided by the basic principles on which it bases its foreign policy, the Republic of Serbia considers it very wrong to violate the territorial integrity of any country, including Ukraine.  


Despite the provocations that often come from the countries and entities in the Western Balkans, the Republic of Serbia remains consistent in respecting the principles of its Constitution that its foreign policy is based on generally accepted principles and rules of international law and constantly advocates to preserve peace in the region at all costs. The Republic of Serbia considers that the preservation of peace and stability is of key importance for the progress of its economy, as well as for the biological survival of its citizens. That is why the policy of the Republic of Serbia must be even more careful and lenient towards irresponsible statements and actions coming from the region, because preserving peace is a vital interest of the Serbian people and citizens of the Republic of Serbia.  


Assuming that its primary duty is to devote all its efforts to preserving the peace and well-being of its citizens, the Republic of Serbia will, when considering the need for possible restrictive measures or sanctions against any state, including the Russian Federation, be guided solely by the protection of its citizens. vital economic and political interests. As a country that has experienced Western sanctions in the recent past and whose compatriots in Republika Srpska are suffering sanctions today, the Republic of Serbia believes that it is not in its vital political and economic interest to impose sanctions on any country, including its representatives or economic entities.  


Starting from the principle of military neutrality of the Republic of Serbia, and bearing in mind the fearful pressures to which the state of Serbia is exposed, it is necessary to immediately stop all planning and exercise activities of the Serbian Army and the Ministry of Interior with foreign partners, and that no such activities take place until further notice.  


In accordance with Article 13 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, which provides for the obligation of the Republic of Serbia to protect the interests of its citizens abroad, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will cooperate with other competent state bodies.  


All state bodies and officials of the Republic of Serbia are hereby reminded of their legal obligation to refrain from inciting and helping individuals to take part in the conflicts in Eastern Europe. The competent state authorities will take all measures to prevent the participation of the citizens of the Republic of Serbia, the so-called volunteers, in the conflicts in Eastern Europe and will sanction all citizens who do not comply with the legal prohibitions of Articles 386a and 386b of the Criminal Code.  


The Republic of Serbia shall, of course, provide all kinds of humanitarian aid to the endangered people and population of Ukraine.  


The competent state bodies shall, in accordance with their powers, take all measures to ensure in the time ahead that citizens and the economy are supplied with the necessary amount of energy, oil and oil derivatives, gas, but also food and other necessities for a decent and dignified life.  

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will acquaint the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Serbia abroad with this conclusion and give them instructions to strictly adhere to this conclusion in their actions.  


This conclusion shall be delivered to the General Secretariat of the government of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the General Staff of the Serbian Army, the Security Information Agency, the Military Security Agency and the Military Intelligence Agency. 


The President of Serbia added that there was no hurry in making such a decision. Serbia respects international law. Serbia understands its needs well, Serbia respects traditional friendships, we remember 2015 and 1999. We did not rush to make a decision. We did the best possible thing for our country. He also said that Serbia had participated in many wars and stressed that peace was much needed.  


Commenting on the decision not to impose sanctions on Russia, the president asked: "How do you think we will impose sanctions on Russia overnight?". "To those who did not impose sanctions on us, who did not impose sanctions on Republika Srpska, who kept us in the Security Council. Do you think that you have the right to forget such things in state affairs? Those who are now the biggest guarantor of UN Resolution 1244." We do it and tomorrow there is no more resolution.” 


He emphasized that "it would not be fair if we were not fair to Ukraine, which has never done us any harm and has always supported the integrity of Serbia." He added that it is our job to be fair, to bring an official document, that is our position. The state authorities will take all measures to prevent all volunteers from participating in the conflicts in Eastern Europe. 

The Republic of Serbia will provide humanitarian aid to the population of Ukraine. 


When asked how Serbia will cope with the fact that not everyone will like the decision completely, Vucic emphasized that we will succeed in that, but we will also continue to work. 

"Serbia is on the European path, but Serbia will not rush into hostilities because someone else is asking for it" said President Vucic. 


Serbia respects international norms in order to primarily protect the interests of its citizens, but it has its own vital and national interests. When considering the decision on sanctions against any country, we will deal exclusively with our interests. "At this moment, Serbia will not impose any sanctions on Russia" said the President of Serbia. 


Whoever reads this conclusion will understand how much attention was paid to each word, how much care was taken not to deviate from the truth and norms of international law. We call on the citizens to be united to have one side, and that is Serbia. Let us stand behind our tricolor, eagles and develop the country rapidly, to be as successful as possible in the future. 

Brnabic: Serbia will protect its interests (Prva TV)

The Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabic, said that Serbia would continue to pursue its foreign policy in order to protect its own interests in accordance with international law, regardless of the pressures that would follow, and pointed out that no objection can be addressed to the Republic of Serbia. 


"Our position is not easy, but we will defend it in principle" Brnabic told TV Prva and pointed out that Serbia cannot be asked not to respect its own territorial integrity. She pointed out that Serbia respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine, just as she wants the territorial integrity of Serbia to be respected, and reiterated that she will not impose sanctions on Russia in accordance with her vital interests. She also announced the confirmation of the conclusions of the National Security Council by the Government of Serbia and that the Government will act in accordance with them. She also said that Serbia would represent the same positions before the UN Security Council. 


"Hard days and difficult times are ahead of us, but the most important thing for us is to work on preserving the peace, stability and security, in order to continue to progress" the Prime Minister pointed out, adding that Serbia will continue to talk to everyone. "Every day, the President of Serbia has talks with partners from abroad, we keep our position. It seems to me that no objection can be addressed to the Republic of Serbia" Brnabic concluded. 


Dacic: Serbia to look after its own interests in Russia Ukraine conflict (Beta)


Serbian Speaker Ivica Dacic said on Feb. 25 that Serbia needed to look exclusively after its own interests with regard to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. “It is not our duty to act according to other people’s expectations. The West expects us to condemn Russia and introduce sanctions against it. Russia probably expects us to acknowledge and praise everything it did and probably recognize what Russia has already recognized” Dacic told reporters in the Palace of Serbia. The speaker underlined that Serbia’s role was not to fight in a war with Russia, or Ukraine, nor to support either of them, but decide what was best for Serbia. “The war hasn't engulfed Serbia. Everything would have been fine if they hadn't decided to try to convince us that it is a blatant violation of international law and territorial integrity, as if we were naive and stupid. As if nothing happened in the territory of the former Yugoslavia and Serbia, and as if condemning Russia now can bring Kosovo back,” Dacic said. Dacic said that a decision to impose sanctions on Russia would harm relations with Russia and China and “cut the branch that Serbia is sitting on and protecting its national interests.” “I believe the decision is the best possible. The European Union might have been happier had we condemned Russia” Dacic said. 


Foreign Minister: Serbia believes that violating Ukraine’s territorial integrity is a big mistake (Beta)


Serbia feels that it is very wrong to violate the territorial integrity of any country, including Ukraine, Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic said on Feb. 26. Selakovic met with the Ukrainian ambassador to Serbia, Oleksandr Aleksandrovich, with whom he shared the official conclusion of the National Security Council, which the Government of Serbia will debate soon. The Serbian foreign minister underlined Serbia’s commitment to dialogue and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, adding that in the eyes of the Serbs the Russians and Ukrainians were brotherly peoples, and that the loss of a single life in Ukraine was a tragedy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs quoted Selakovic as saying that Serbia was prepared to accept refugees from Ukraine, and send humanitarian and medical assistance within its means. 


Selakovic informed the Ukrainian ambassador about the conclusion of the National Security Council (RTS)

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikola Selakovic, met with the Ambassador of Ukraine, Oleksandr Alexandrovich, and informed him about the conclusion of the National Security Council. Selakovic said that the Republic of Serbia provides full and principled support for respecting the principles of Ukraine's territorial integrity, emphasizing that generally accepted principles of protection of international law are the basis of Serbia's foreign policy. According to him, Serbia considers that it is very wrong to violate the territorial integrity of any country, including Ukraine. Selakovic emphasized Serbia's commitment to dialogue and peaceful settlement of disputes, adding that the Serbian people consider Russians and Ukrainians to be fraternal peoples and that we perceive the loss of every life in Ukraine as a tragedy. The Minister emphasized the readiness of Serbia to accept refugees from Ukraine and, in accordance with our capabilities send humanitarian and medical aid. 


Sharp response from Ana Brnabic to Philip Kosnett: Vucic chose international law and peace (B92)


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reacted because of the statement of the American ambassador to Pristina, Philip Kosnett, that Vucic "chose Putin instead of the West". 


“Vucic did not choose Putin in relation to the West, nor does he hide behind anyone, nor did he ever claim that his "hands are tied" to anything. He chose international law and principles, Serbian interests and peace. That is leadership. As for morals - don't start" Brnabic wrote on Twitter. The Prime Minister of Serbia responded to an earlier tweet by the US Ambassador to Pristina, Philip Kosnett in which he said: “So it seems Serbia’s Vucic has chosen Putin over the West - while claiming his hands are tied by public opinion and hiding behind the Church. That’s not leadership; it’s moral cowardice.  EU, U.S. please take note”. 


The American embassy supported Vucic's position regarding Ukraine (Danas)


A tweet of support for the position of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic regarding the Ukrainian crisis was published on the official Twitter profile of the US Embassy in Belgrade. “The United States welcomes the repeated position of Serbia and the President of Serbia on supporting the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which has been violated by illegal and unprovoked attacks by Russia” it was announced on the official Twitter profile of the American Embassy in Belgrade.


Serbia provides full and principled support to the principle of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sincerely regrets the conflict in Eastern Europe, but guided solely by the protection of its own interests, it decides not to impose sanctions on the Russian Federation, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in a public address. 


EP rapporteur for Serbia Bilcik: Serbia’s decision on sanctions will define relations with EU (N1)


European Parliament rapporteur for Serbia Vlado Bilcik MEP said on Friday that the Serbian authorities’ decision not to impose sanctions on Russia following its attack on Ukraine will define the country’s relations with the European Union. “Everyone should understand that Serbia’s choice not to join the European Union sanctions is a defining foreign policy decision for much broader relations between the EU and Serbia” Bilcik said in a Twitter post. 


Putin’s attack against Ukraine is a watershed moment for the Western Balkans, too. Everyone should therefore understand that Serbia’s choice not to join EU sanctions is a defining foreign policy decision for much broader relations between EU and Serbia. 


The European Union is analysing Vucic's assessments regarding Russia's invasion of Ukraine (FoNet)


The European Union is analysing the assessments made by Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic in connection with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Brussels officials confirmed to Radio Free Europe (RFE), stating that they will come out with an official reaction "in time". 


While waiting for the official EU position on Serbia's decision not to harmonize its foreign policy with EU policies by not imposing sanctions on Russia, EU spokesman Peter Stano said in a written response that "in these times of temptation" we must see solidarity and determination, especially among the European countries and our close partners, to show their solidarity. "What is at stake is not only Ukraine, but stability in Europe. Not only the EU, but Europe as a continent - that means security and stability of every country. "EU sanctions are binding for EU member states and countries that decide to comply with these sanctions" Stano said. He pointed out that the countries in the accession process are expected to gradually harmonize with the decisions of the EU in foreign and security policy, and that this also applies to Serbia as a candidate country. 


On February 22, when the EU imposed the first package of sanctions on Russia, the Union said that it expected Serbia to respond positively to the request to harmonize with the EU's foreign policy, reminds RFE. 


Ambassador of Ukraine in Belgrade on the position of Serbia (RTS)

The Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia, Oleksandr Alexandrovich, spoke for RTS about the decision of the Government of Serbia on Ukraine. In a conversation with RTS, the ambassador of Ukraine Alexandrovich, commented on the current events in Ukraine and the conclusions of the National Security Council of the Republic of Serbia. 


"We discussed that the most important thing at the moment is to focus on the organization of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, and that was one of the points in the decision of the Government of Serbia, that is of course, very important for us and we are working on it now. 23 years ago, when you were suffering, we condemned that aggression and provided humanitarian aid to the people of the former Yugoslavia, and I know, I am one hundred percent sure, that both the Government of Serbia and the people of Serbia will help us at this time" said Oleksandr Alexandrovich, Ambassador of Ukraine to Serbia. 


Russian Ambassador on the position of our country: We understand Serbia, we are not asking for anything (Tanjug)


Russia respects Serbia's national interests and understands its position under pressure to impose sanctions on Moscow, says Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko and points out that Moscow does not ask Belgrade for anything, knowing, as he says, the consistency of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and his fundamental position on key issues. 


Botsan-Kharchenko told Tanjug that the West did not care about the interests of others, even though they are countries that are candidates for the EU membership, and that they did not think about Serbia, its people and the possible consequences of imposing sanctions.  


“It is important for them that every country joins their political solution. Russia is used to pressure, but it understands that there is pressure on Serbia and does not ask anything from Serbia, because it is known how our relations have developed in recent years, which are at the level of strategic cooperation and partnership - says Botsan-Kharchenko, commenting on EU, US and Great Britain’s decision to impose sanctions on Russia due to the military operation in Ukraine.  


He points out that there is a confidential and comprehensive dialogue between the presidents of Russia and Serbia, Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic, based on deep mutual respect and trust, and that Serbia has its national interests, about which, as he says, President Vucic spoke several times. 


He adds that Russia has understanding and does not ask for anything from anyone, including Serbia, with which it has extremely friendly relations and cooperation. 


“We respect the Serbian national interest, and it is known, based on our cooperation and Belgrade's behaviour, that Serbia also respects the national interest of Russia. We do not ask or demand anything, knowing the consistency of the President of Serbia and his fundamental position on the key issues of Serbia's development and its behaviour in foreign policy. Based on that, we draw conclusions and we are calm - says the ambassador. 


The ambassador said that Russia bears in mind the further development of relations with Serbia and consistent implementation of everything that Presidents Vucic and Vladimir Putin agreed. “We expect to realize every project and every existing agreement without obstruction for the benefit of Russia and Serbia” he said. 


Trifunovic: All embassies welcomed Serbia's position on Ukraine, taking into account very specific position in which Serbia finds itself (Nezavisne)


Director of the Institute for National and International Security in Belgrade Darko Trifunovic, asked to comment on Serbia's position that it recognizes the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but will not impose sanctions on Russia, said that Serbia is in a very specific position. "It is clear that Serbia is protecting its territorial integrity and sovereignty and that the issue of Kosovo is very sensitive for us. It was precisely the question of Serbia's interests that dictated that it take such a position, not spoiling relations with the Russian Federation, but protecting the principle of territorial indivisibility and sovereignty" Trifunovic said. He pointed out that he sees no reason why this attitude would cost Serbia the support it has had so far from the West or Germany, which is one of the leading investors in Serbia. "Germany is no longer a relevant factor. It had its own internal problems and was turned to Russia," Trifunovic said, reminding that all embassies, both Russian and American, welcomed Serbia's position, taking into account the very specific position in which Serbia finds itself.  


Asked whether the Russian recognition of two self-proclaimed breakaway regions in Ukraine could result in the recognition of Kosovo by Russia, but also force Serbia to do the same, Trifunovic said that this is a very delicate issue. "Serbia has made it clear that it recognizes the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine, and in that way, that story is completely over for Serbia. On the other hand, the issue of Kosovo is an issue because of which Serbia must be careful because the two vetoes in the Security Council, both Russian and Chinese, guarantee a certain favourable position. We will certainly see the unfolding of events surrounding Kosovo. Serbia is seeking a satisfactory solution. However, there are no such initiatives for now and then there is no answer from the other side" Trifunovic emphasized. 


Vucic: The situation is not naive; I should remind them what they did to Serbia (Tanjug)

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, stated that the situation in Serbia, in connection with the crisis in Ukraine, is not naive at all. Asked whether Serbia will bear the consequences of not imposing sanctions on Russia, as well as to comment on Carl Bildt's tweet that Serbia can say goodbye to the EU, the President of Serbia pointed out that it is a matter of the stronger bullying the weak. 


"I don't remember such a difficult situation, to quote Lausevic, 'A year passes by, but a day never'. "I have aged in the previous three days as much as in the previous decade," Vucic said, commenting on the situation in Ukraine and the pressure on Serbia to impose sanctions on Russia. 


Speaking about the request of the so-called Kosovo to be urgently admitted to NATO, Vucic emphasizes: "I first heard about it a couple of months ago, it is not the idea of ​​the Albanians from Kosovo, it is the idea of ​​their lobbyists in the EU and the USA," President of Serbia said. 


"Why does it matter to them? First, they want to force four EU countries, which are members of NATO, to recognize the independence of the so-called Kosovo. You cannot become a member of NATO if you are not a state. That is a way, but also an excuse for some countries so that they accept that and say we have to because we have no other way out", he explained. 


Vucic cited as another reason the attempt to put our country in a fait accompli situation, because, as he says, someone wants to tell us "only you are left to recognize Kosovo, and you have no choice". 


"I cannot assess at the moment how real the danger is, but it's not naive at all for us. But my message to the citizens is that no matter how many of them recognize Kosovo, and whatever they do, unlike them, Serbia will stick to the public international law, to the UN Charter, respecting the territorial integrity of internationally recognized countries, and that is Serbia, not Kosovo, that is for sure. Which means that regardless of all pressures and blackmail, no matter what anyone thinks, Serbia will preserve its territorial integrity," he said. 


Answering the question of the journalists about the armament of Germany, Vucic says that he does not know exactly whether the investment of 100 billion euros that Germany intends to invest in the army is on an annual or five-year basis, but he points out that it is extremely important. 


"No one can compare with the Germans on that issue, because they have the most developed military industry in Europe and will be the strongest army in Europe. And they shout at us when we invest a few million in armament acquisition", said Vucic, emphasizing that when Germany becomes the strongest military power in Europe, everything will change. 


Speaking about the hybrid war against Serbia, Vucic asked reporters a counter-question: "Why do you think this is not happening? Do you really think that everyone is happy with the success of Serbia?" 


"The hybrid war is being fought because they are not happy with the success of Serbia... From the part of the region that thought they had solved everything, joined the EU and NATO, they thought they crushed Serbia and the Serbian army disappeared. And now, suddenly, Serbia is growing twice as fast according to the Gross Domestic Product, the army is also stronger, and why should they like that? Their behavior is logical," said Vucic in Kragujevac after the launch of the construction of the plant of a German factory. 


He said that it seemed incredible to him that someone, at the time of the war in Ukraine, did not have a focus on that problem, but used everything to attack Serbia. "In at least three countries, they are not dealing with anything other than Serbia. And what do you think, that they will congratulate us for having a better Clinical Center than Zagreb and Ljubljana together?", Vucic inquired. 


"Every lie against Serbia is allowed. But don't forget, Serbia has learned to be trampled upon. Should I remind them of the 24th of March, what you did to Serbia 23 years ago, and that is why we are for the respect of international law and that is why we cannot support the attack on Ukraine", President of Serbia concluded. 


Bildt: Serbia disqualified itself from EU accession (N1)

Carl Bildt, the European Union special envoy for the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, said that Serbia’s official stand on the Russian invasion of Ukraine disqualified it from the EU accession process.Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that official Belgrade would not be imposing sanctions on Russia but that it supports the territorial integrity of Ukraine. “With this stance Serbia de facto disqualified itself from the EU accession process. There should be no room for new EU members not sharing our fundamental values and interests” the former Swedish Prime Minister said in a Twitter post. 


Former Serbian Prime Minister Covic slams USA for violating international resolutions and agreements, claims USA is accusing Russia of what it has been doing worldwide for decades (Vecernje Novosti)

Former Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia Nebojsa Covic said that events in Ukraine are tragic and will leave consequences not only for Ukraine and Russia, but also for the entire Europe. However, Covic noted that US President Joseph Biden, whose position 7,000 kilometres away seems comfortable, should not “relax too much – what goes around, comes around, including decades of encouragement of conflicts, violations of international laws and direct illegal aggressions on sovereign countries, whose resources American elite had their eye on”.  


Covic went on to say that USA and NATO already carried out “illegal aggressions on Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and the list goes on” and argued that it is hypocritical for “the regimes of NATO and USA” to accuse Russia of exactly what they have been doing worldwide. Covic also reminded of 1999 NATO bombardment of Serbia and claimed that USA is using the same “copy-paste principle” and argued that the foundation of everything is USA’s failure to keep its promises and respect agreements. Namely, Covic claimed that this is not the first time USA behaved in this way and he argued that USA has been violating UN Resolution 1244 and Dayton Peace Agreement for decades already: “There is obviously some kind of sense that they are special so laws and rules do not apply on them, that they are above it”.  


Finally, Covic assessed that the decision of Serbia related to Ukraine is the only right one and noted that Europe, on the other hand, will have to decide whether it will be sovereign and independent in making of decisions concerning its future or “it will agree to be a puppet alliance, an American colony, whose decisions are made in Washington”. 


DF Mandic: The Serbian people from Montenegro welcome Vucic's decision! (Novosti)


The Serbian people from Montenegro strongly welcome the decision of the President of Serbia, which in principle protects the territorial integrity, defends the Serbian homeland and preserves the Kosovo oath, said one of the leaders of the Democratic Front (DF), Andrija Mandic. “The political leadership of Serbia has withstood great pressure in the previous days and, in the end, it has not hurt any historical ally and partner of our people. Truly a statesman and in these difficult times a responsible and wise decision. Long live Serbia! Long live Montenegro” Mandic stated on Twitter.  


Kosovo police are stepping up logistics at the Brnjak checkpoint near Zubin Potok (RTS


The Kosovo Police has started setting up containers and logistical equipment for members of the border police in order to, as they claim, "ensure and maintain public order and security at the national level". 


Several trucks loaded with concrete blocks, generators, containers and other equipment arrived at a location a few kilometres from the Brnjak checkpoint. Heavy machinery and bulldozers, accompanied by police, whose operational units are on the spot, are clearing the terrain and setting up concrete walls. 


"Citing the need to improve the working conditions of Brnjak border police officers who are working in poor conditions, the Kosovo Police sent logistical equipment and containers to serve the border police officers, in order to ensure the safety of citizens and the public security" Pristina police said. 


“Members of the Kosovo Police carried out a unilateral and illegal action in the north of Kosovo and Metohija which is contrary to the valid agreements, and its only goal is dangerous provocation and destabilization of the situation on the ground” the Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced. “At 80 meters from the administrative crossing Brnjak, they brought heavy mechanization and manpower, under the pretext of some strengthening of the police checkpoint at the crossing. This directly violates the agreement on military-technical cooperation from Kumanovo, signed between the Yugoslav Army and KFOR, which stipulates that the belt of one kilometre from the administrative line is treated as a green zone where only KFOR is allowed, and no other law enforcement agencies of the so-called Kosovo” it is stated in the announcement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. 


As it is stated, the only point where the presence of the Kosovo police is allowed is at the administrative point, and that was agreed through the agreement on integrated management of crossings. It is noted that this principle was violated when members of the Kosovo Police tried to hermetically close the administrative line that is not under their jurisdiction and when they cut water pipes, telephone wires, demonstrating force and prevented people from reaching their homes and property by roads.  


Also, the presence of the Kosovo Police from the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica is not allowed in the north of the province without the approval of the Regional Directorate of Police North, which KP members violate almost every time during such actions. 


"Such unilateral and irresponsible actions of Pristina have one goal, and that is to provoke a new destabilization of the situation on the ground in a very sensitive security moment that the whole world is facing, incursions of Kurti's forces in the north of the province and provoke Serbs to an unbalanced reaction" which is the scenario desired by Pristina" the statement said. 


It is added that such a scenario will not work, because it is the Serbs who know the price of peace and do not fall prey to the provocations of Kurti's forces, to whom conflicts and the conquest of the north are the greatest obsession. 


"Therefore, we remind Pristina once again not to provoke Belgrade and Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija and not to endanger peace and security by violating the agreement, because in that case all responsibility lies with Pristina, but also with the international community which is obliged to ensure peace and stability in Kosovo and Metohija" it was concluded in the announcement of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija.  


Vucic on the provocations of Pristina: We are monitoring the situation, but we do not want to agree to their game (RTS)

The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, pointed out, in connection with setting up containers and reinforcing members of the Kosovo Police at administrative crossings, that he was following everything, but that he did not want to agree to a game of provocations. 


Aleksandar Vucic said that he talked about the moves of Pristina with the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army, General Milan Mojsilovic. He said that the Kosovo police set up containers more than a kilometre away from Brnjak so that they could monitor Gazivode. "We are following this. We do not want to agree to their game of provocations. They are not some mighty force, but we must avoid provocations, run away from all that, because we are able to build clinical centers, build our economy, to progress faster than others. "We need peace the most, so that’s why we keep quiet" Vucic said. As he said, he knows every detail and emphasized that the state will try and continue to be more lenient in order to preserve peace, because we are growing the fastest in peace. That, he says, is a signpost for the future. "Peace and stability, that is what is most important for us" Vucic said. 


Vulin with the president of Interpol on Pristina's request for membership (RTS)

Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin pointed out in Dubai, in a conversation with the President of Interpol and the Inspector General in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the United Arab Emirates Ahmed Naser Al-Raisi, that Serbia will continue to give full support to the work of that international police organization. 


Vulin thanked Al-Raisi for understanding Serbia's position on the requests of the temporary institutions of the self-government in Pristina for membership in Interpol.  


"The position of the United Arab Emirates at the session of the General Assembly in Dubai in 2018 was of great importance for preventing the politicization of Interpol and a precedent that would have unforeseeable consequences for all member states of the organization" Vulin said. He emphasized that the temporary institutions of self-government in Pristina must not be a member of any international organization, especially not those that have information on crime and organized criminal groups. "Thanks to President Aleksandar Vucic, the Republic of Serbia is pursuing an independent policy and was among the first in the world to recognize your vision and leadership, which is why we have given full support to your candidacy at Interpol" Vulin pointed out. He said that Serbia is a reliable and strong partner in the efforts to modernize the work of Interpol and its bodies and prevent its politicization. 


The Minister once again acquainted Al-Raisi with all the arguments of Serbia, which strongly opposes any request of Pristina for membership in Interpol, because that would be contrary to international law, but also to the very meaning of the existence of that international police organization.  


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik: B&H has no united foreign policy due to SDA (RTRS, Oslobodjenje)

Serb member of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik said that B&H does not have a joint stance in terms of foreign policy. He told Srna that B&H only has a failed foreign policy which is led by SDA through its officials in the Council of Ministers (CoM), namely B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. Dodik stated that SDA and Turkovic promote hatred towards Serbs and Republika Srpska (RS), as well as everything that has a civilizational character. He also stated that BiH Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned into the tool of political manipulation. Dodik assessed that Turkovic poses herself as the creator of the foreign policy of B&H, despite the fact that this is the competence of the B&H Presidency. He stressed that Turkovic and her ministry violate the constitution by expressing personal stances as foreign policy. Dodik added that B&H is neutral in the Ukrainian crisis and assessed that the decision of B&H Ambassador to UN Sven Alkalaj, who joined the EU decision without the approval of BiH Presidency, is not valid. He said that the RS will remain loyal to B&H Constitution and it will not allow for this situation to be misused.  


Turkovic published a statement on her Facebook profile and rejected claims that her moves are in violation with provisions of state institutions and B&H’s official policy. Turkovic added that she, as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H, is working in line with the Constitution, laws and strategic documents. Turkovic also used the opportunity to convey a message to Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik that B&H is older than daily-political manipulations and misinformation. “Instead of condemning violence and war, you are trying – obviously in someone’s interest – to relativize a clear stance of B&H and I am sure that is also the stance of all of its citizens against wars and conflicts anywhere in the world, including Ukraine” Turkovic wrote. 


RS President Cvijanovic: RS has neutral stance regarding conflict in Ukraine (ATV)

Republika Srpska (RS) President Zeljka Cvijanovic (SNSD) stated on Saturday that the RS has neutral stance regarding the conflict in Ukraine, adding that the RS does not want to contribute to disorder on the international stage – especially not to disorder in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). She added that any other allegations are nothing but brutal lies and that bringing the situation in B&H in connection with the conflict in Ukraine are “purposely invented lies.”  


ATV reminded that some of the RS politicians from PDP have taken side of Ukraine and thus joined Bosniak political leaders who condemned Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, reporting that PDP leader Branislav Borenovic was photographed standing near the flag of Ukraine at a recent conference on preservation of stability and development of democracy in Europe that was held in the US. 


Turkovic: B&H will follow EU’s position on Ukrainian crisis (Nova BH)

An extraordinary meeting was held between Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Bisera Turkovic and the Ambassadors of the EU Member States to B&H and the Head of the EU Delegation (Johann Sattler). Turkovic said B&H would follow the EU's position on Ukrainian crisis. Sattler informed Turkovic about official stances of the EU and measures that have been undertaken with regard to the situation in Ukraine. Participants of the meeting also called to urgent stopping of the violence and war activities in Ukraine and they expressed their support to sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. 


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic calls for end to conflict in Ukraine, calling it invasion (O kanal)

Leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and President of the Croat People's Assembly (HNS) Dragan Covic called for an end to the conflict in Ukraine, calling it an invasion. Covic said "peace is the collective and permanent commitment of our country." Covic stressed "we are completely following the conclusions of the European Commission, which are also supported in the positions of the Croat People's Assembly and HDZ B&H."  

O Kanal reminded that Covic's failure to condemn Russia because of the aggression against Ukraine provoked many reactions. Some said that it is shameful and worrying that Covic cannot clearly condemn Putin's aggression. 


HNS condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (N1)

The Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) issued a statement on Friday, clearly condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Disturbing scenes of concern, suffering and destruction are reminders of the importance of peace and stability in Southeast Europe, which is still healing from the devastation of the war of the last century”, the HNS B&H wrote. “Peace and stability of B&H and the entire region, especially at this moment, must be indisputable and completely protected from all threats”, the statement said. The HNS B&H expressed full support to the institutions of the European Union in their activities on the issue, emphasizing that this invasion requires “a strong response from the European Union and the international community”. 


EUSR Sattler: EU wants B&H to harmonize its foreign policy with EU foreign policy and take EU’s stance on Ukraine (Nezavisne)

The daily carries an interview with Head of EU Delegation and EU Special Representative Johann Sattler who spoke about the Ukrainian crisis. Sattler described it as a barbaric attack against a sovereign state, and an unprecedented attack against international law and European security. He noted that the reaction of the most senior EU leadership and heads of EU member states has been clear – they all condemn what is happening and expressing solidarity with Ukraine. Also, noted Sattler, the EU responded with harsh sanctions against the side which caused the crisis, i.e. the Russian Federation.  


Asked which stance Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency should take, considering the complicated internal relations in B&H, Sattler stated: “The EU wants B&H to stand with the EU! Your country applied for EU membership and you are therefore expected to harmonize your foreign policy with the EU foreign policy. We therefore demand from B&H to join the EU position”. Sattler said that the EU does not currently expect the crisis to spill over to B&H and Western Balkans, but underlined that careful planning is necessary. He explained that this is one of the reasons why the number of EUFOR soldiers in B&H has been almost doubled. “I believe this is the right signal at the right time. We made this decision as precaution because we do not see any immediate threat, but the signal came at the right time” said Sattler. 


SDS Main Board: Dodik to present his stance about Ukrainian-Russian conflict in B&H Presidency; Sarovic: SDS respects territorial integrity of Ukraine but it opposes sanctions; Radovic: Authorities to find ways to address economic consequences of conflict (BN TV)

The SDS Main Board held a session in Banja Luka on Sunday and discussed among other things, consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict on Republika Srpska (RS) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). According to SDS, Serb member of the B&H Presidency and leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik can - if he wants - present his stance about this topic at the right place and that is the B&H Presidency where the B&H foreign policy is drafted and not in some other cabinets.  


Leader of SDS Mirko Sarovic called on Dodik to present his standpoint in the B&H Presidency adding that this is what the Serb member of the B&H Presidency is expected to do which he failed and now, we witness comments and criticism in relation to things that happened due to the lack of work of their representative.  


SDS stated that this party has a clear stance about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and that is respect for territorial integrity of Ukraine but at the same time, they oppose introduction of any sanctions. SDS expects from authorities to be clear about the latest world crisis and they should do their job instead of pointing fingers at others, said Sarovic, referring to stances of B&H Presidency without the Serb member of this institution. Sarovic underlined that changing of borders cannot be solved via force, via wars or in some other way, adding that they do not support any sanctions including the ones imposed to SDS, their political opponents, the ones that were previously imposed to Russia and the ones that were imposed these days. Sarovic stressed that nothing can be solved via sanctions. Sarovic added: “It is more important for us to mind our own business, to think through and to have our own opinion, not being anyone’s target, these are global issues and we should take care not to be swept away, we should take care of not taking any side because if all this goes, we will get the worst of this.” According to members of SDS, the conflict will certainly influence lives of people in B&H.  


In this regard, Deputy President of SDS Milan Radovic said that authorities must figure out ways on how to address economic consequences of the conflict – in terms of increase of prices of energy sources and grains which will certainly influence the living standard of citizens. Radovic argued that citizens are concerned adding that the right solution must be found within the economic system. In his opinion, there is room to help the most jeopardized categories and those are pensioners and workers who receive minimum salaries. 


B&H officials claim that international community is considering sending NATO troops to B&H (N1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) officials confirmed for N1 that the evacuation of B&H citizens who asked for help is underway. Advisor to B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Tarik Lazovic said that embassies that are covering the area of Ukraine are active 24 hours and are doing everything to reach B&H citizens and help them with information on how to safely leave Ukraine. Resident Representative of B&H in the Council of Europe (CoE) Ivan Orlic supported the suspension of Russia from this institution. He said that he voted in accordance with the instructions of Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic and Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic. Orlic added that the decision was made in accordance with the decision of the B&H Presidency on the Ukraine crisis made in 2014. He said that there are moments in life where all pluralisms of opinions in the B&H Presidency cannot be satisfied, but there are moments when one cannot sit on two chairs. MP of ‘Our Party’ (NS) in the B&H Parliament Damir Arnaut told N1 that German authorities recognized the threat that the recent events can pose to the region. He said that during meetings of NS officials with German officials in Berlin, opinions that NATO troops need to be distributed in B&H could be heard. Arnaut reminded that the presence of EUFOR in B&H was doubled as well, which is a clear signal for Russia and other countries that B&H is western territory. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg confirmed this, saying that NATO will provide support for Georgia, Moldavia and B&H. Spokesman of SNSD Radovan Kovacevic said that drawing parallels between Ukraine and B&H is malicious. Media speculates that Russia will try to cause the destabilization of the region in order to draw focus from Ukraine. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic denied these claims, saying that they will try to stop participation of Serbian citizens in the conflicts in western Europe. B&H authorities have no information about B&H citizens travelling to fight in Ukraine. 


MEP von Cramon-Taubadel says EU member states think about possible impact of Ukrainian conflict on security situation and stability in B&H (Face TV)


Guest of Face TV was member of the European Parliament Viola von Cramon-Taubadel (Alliance 90/The Greens). She confirmed that the EU member states do think about possible impact of armed conflicts in Ukraine on the security situation and stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and the rest of the Western Balkans. She reminded that the German Minister of Foreign Affairs will visit B&H next week, adding that the Western Balkans and B&H and its statehood in particular are considered high priority by everyone in the European Parliament and the German authorities. She pointed out that everyone in the EU is aware of the situation in B&H and they are assessing all risks to see who wants to profit or provoke, hence reinforcement to EUFOR on the ground and discussion about putting Serb member of the Presidency of B&H Milorad Dodik on the sanction list due to high corruption.  


According to von Cramon-Taubadel, silence of main B&H political leaders, namely Dodik, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic and SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic, is irritating because everyone should choose the right side and condemn Russia’s invasion and aggression on Ukraine and those who align themselves with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia will be perceived as a problem. She noted that Putin is at the moment “the enemy of peaceful Europe and if you align with the enemy, we have a problem” and those who are silent now will have to answer whether or not they want to seek further integration into the EU.  


She agreed with reporter’s assertion that armed conflicts in Ukraine and ongoing political crisis in B&H should prompt the EU to accelerate the enlargement process and allow the countries in the Western Balkans to join the EU in urgent procedure, adding that Albania and North Macedonia should be allowed to start negotiations over the EU membership immediately because this is long overdue and Bulgaria’s veto is unacceptable. However, she claims that it would be good to have merit-based process and strict criteria because the EU has to make sure that all political requirements are met before any country is granted the EU membership. She added that the accession to the EU is indeed the best solution in terms of security and prevention of foreign interference but the EU has to keep its promises, for example the EU should grant visa-free regime to Kosovo and make sure that B&H stays on the right track to the EU membership.  


Asked about Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic’s frequent criticism of her, von Cramon-Taubadel said that she did not expect Vucic would react to her recent post on Twitter but it is good that he is reacting to something posted by any MEP although she did not want to become famous in Serbia. She explained that she is actually pro-Serbian and she has nothing personal against Vucic or any Serbian citizens but she has certain principles and she believes that MEPs should speak up against any violation of the rule of law and democratic principles or oppression of the opposition and the media. She stressed that she is doing exactly this, not just in Serbia’s case but when it comes to every other country as well. She stated that many generations of Germans were made aware of their past through education and visits to concentration camps from the World War II and she wishes the EU can help with reconciliation after tragic recent history in the Western Balkans but this requires from all sides to be ready for the whole process. She deems that no one should be telling the people in the Western Balkans what to think but they have to face the facts and speak the truth. She noted that besides her, many other German officials were befuddled and irritated by Vucic because he did not clearly condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. 


Borrell says EU is afraid that Russia will not stop in Ukraine; stresses that EU has to remain vigilant on impact of crisis in Western Balkans and look at what is happening (AJB)


Following the fourth meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Ministers, Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell said that "everybody perceives that we are in unprecedented times, that we are living a historic moment." "And I know that the word historic is often overused and abused, but this is certainly a historic moment. For two reasons. First, because it is the first time since the end of World War II that a military power invades another sovereign state in violation of the international rules. And, secondly, because Europeans have been reacting in a way that has surprised a lot of people – to start with the Russians themselves – and it is often said that the most important advances in the European construction are made through crisis, during the crisis or due to the crisis, and I believe that maybe we are in one of these moments, when a crisis allows us to advance, to move forward. And another taboo has fallen these days, the taboo that the European Union cannot use its resources to provide arms to a country that is being aggressed by another. Yes, these are unprecedented times. Because the war is back in our borders. That is why it is a defining moment for European history, a page of history has been turned and we have been working around the clock during these days. And I am proud to see that the European Union has been able to show its capacity to deliver, to help its neighbors with the idea of urgency. This is good, to be able to deliver with the idea of urgency when one of our neighbors and partners is being invaded by Russia" Borrell underlined.  


Borrell stressed that the EU Foreign Affairs Council has been giving its assessment, its support, its political agreement for a package of support to the Ukrainian armed forces. "For new sanctions, for diplomatic engagements in order to isolate Russia, for measures to support Ukraine and the region, and measures to counter disinformation. Since there is a fully-fledged war in Ukraine, and we want to do everything to support Ukraine, we have decided to use our capacities to provide arms, lethal arms, lethal assistance to the Ukrainian army for a value of EUR 450 million support package and EUR 50 million more for the non-lethal supplies – such as fuel and protective equipment. All this will be covered by our European Peace Facility and inter-governmental fund. This is the first time in history that we will be doing that. Everybody agreed – or at least did not obstruct – this decision," Borrell emphasized. He added that the EU Defense Ministers will meet on Monday in order to coordinate how to convert this financing into material and how this material is being transported to the front line, to the Ukrainian armed forces fighting against the Russian invasion. "On sanctions, we have agreed to increase the number of people and entities that are going to be subject to restrictive measures. This includes Russian oligarchs and businessmen, whose listing carries huge economic impact, and political figures who hold key roles on Putin’s system in Russia - both the ones who disseminate propaganda and military. In addition, we have decided to close the European Union airspace to the Russian aircrafts. Not a single Russian aircraft will be able to land or to take off from the European Union airfields," Borrell pointed out. He confirmed that a certain number of Russian banks are being excluded from SWIFT. "Such a measure has to be taken in coordination with other countries - it is difficult to take this kind of measure alone – and we reached an agreement to take out of SWIFT a certain number of Russian banks and impose restrictive measures that will paralyze the assets of the Russian Central Bank. More than half or about a half of the financial reserves of the Russian Central Bank will be frozen thanks to this measure. Because they are held in banks of the G7 countries, and this represents, more or less, half of the reserves of the Russian government. This will be frozen, and this is going to be affecting a lot of the financial system of Russia. As I said, this is being done in coordination with our international partners with the clear message that Russians who enable the invasion of Ukraine will have to pay a very high price for this action," Borrell underlined.  


Borrell stressed that third line of work of the EU Foreign Ministers Sunday was to engage in diplomatic efforts. "They are already producing results, as you have seen in the vote at the United Nations Security Council, no one supporting Russia – and work in order to make the widest possible international condemnation and isolation of Russia. Russia will be isolated by the international community," Borrell said, adding that the Council of Europe has already suspended Russia’s right of vote. He stressed that discussions in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are ongoing and that there will be an important at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. "We will continue on that line," Borrell noted. Borrell said that the EU is worried for what might happen in the whole region. "We are afraid that Russia will not stop in Ukraine. The Russian influence can start working in the debate neighbor countries, Moldova and Georgia, and will also have an impact in the Western Balkans. We need to pay lot of attention to what is happening there. I am planning to visit Moldova in the same way that I visited Ukraine on the first days of this year. We have to remain vigilant on the impact of the crisis in the Western Balkans and look at what is happening, at the positions, at the alignment with our foreign policy of the countries in the Western Balkans which are candidates for membership in the EU. To conclude, this is a defining moment for the European Union to demonstrate strategic and global leadership in a united manner. To act united and quickly. This is also an occasion to think about what the EU is and what we want the EU to be, because the challenges that we are going to face as Europeans will increase. We have to be prepared for that, for us and for the future generations. We say often that the European Union was born in the aftermath of World War II, because we wanted to get peace and prosperity. And we got peace and prosperity. The European Union is a peace project. We want to continue fighting for peace, for us and humankind. We want to keep peace in Europe, but we have to be prepared to defend this peace. What is happening in Ukraine will be an awakening moment for the people who believe that, only united, Europeans will be able to face the challenges of the future" Borrell concluded.  




Milanovic, Plenkovic criticize Russia’s invasion of Ukraine (Hina)

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on the current situation in Ukraine. He stated that the Russian activity in Ukraine cannot affect the security in the Western Balkans. Milanovic said that the speculation on possible military influence of Russia in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is nonsense. He assessed that these things need to be clarified and it is possible that these claims refer to Serb member of B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik. Milanovic wondered how exactly Russia would provide support for Dodik in this regard. He reminded that Russian planes cannot fly over NATO countries and they cannot arrive to the region. Milanovic assessed that these things create tension unnecessarily.  


Milanovic also said that the imposed sanctions could not stop the Russian army. He added that he was in contact with Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and that Croatia is not in danger because it is a war that is not on our borders, but close to them. Plenkovic said that this attack by Russia represents the annulment of all values on which the international order is based, as well as a violation of all principles of international law.  


Plenkovic said that Russian aggression was unacceptable and that Russian President Vladimir Putin had tried to correct the mistakes of his predecessors and send a message to the West. He stated that there will be immediate consequences that will be reflected in two crises - one will be the rise in energy prices, and the other will be the refugee crisis, which can be seen in the convoys of people fleeing from Ukraine to Central European countries.  


Reflecting on the situation in which Ukraine is helpless and lacks much military support, Plenkovic said he had talked with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who said that he would stay with his people and fight. He said the Ukrainian appeal for help was very similar to Croatia's 1991 appeal. Plenkovic commented that a third package of sanctions will be introduced, which will be much stricter, but also that it will not affect Croatia as much because its gas supply system will function normally.  


Asked by media whether he thinks Serbia could reach for a certain territory in the region, Plenkovic replied that he does not think Serbia is the only one. 


Plenkovic: Croatia on right side of history (Hina)


By supporting the attacked Ukraine, Croatia is "on the right side of history" and "on the right side of values," Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Sunday. "Croatia is on the right side of history, on the right side of values, on the right side of international law, on the right side of humanity. It's very important that at this moment such a clear message prevails also in the Croatian public" he told the press. 


Plenković said that he, the cabinet and his HDZ party had a "consistent line" on this issue, adding "not everyone has been... so clear." "We see that we were right the whole time, while some others were wrong. It's very important that this be viewed in the political context... Things should be viewed a little more clearly, with a little more perspective and experience. Not everyone sees that." 


Plenkovic was likely referring to President Zoran Milanovic's calling him "a Ukrainian agent." He said that at the moment Croatian-Russian relations, "to put it mildly," were not good. As for the impact of the sanctions against Russia on energy supply, Plenkovic said Croatia's gas supply was not in jeopardy as it does not depend on import from Russia like other EU member states because it built an LNG terminal in the northern Adriatic. 


He reiterated that Russia carried out a "cold, brutal invasion" of Ukraine which has "huge repercussions on the foundations of the international order." "Like other countries, we have to make decisions so as to oppose such behaviour which is not only totally unprovoked, but violates every foundation of the security order in Europe as well as the world." Plenkovic said the government would set up a task force for the reception of Ukrainian refugees. 



Plenkovic: Croatian Government will adopt package of measures to oppose Russian aggression on Ukraine (AJB)

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic Sunday announced that an extraordinary session of the Croatian Government will be held on Monday. Plenkovic stressed that the Croatian Government will adopt a package of measures to oppose Russian aggression on Ukraine. Plenkovic also announced the possibility of sending weapons to Ukraine. "The government has made a political decision that we will ban Russian airlines from flying our airspace. We will also make certain decisions in support of Ukraine, which is a victim of aggression, which will be related to defense cooperation, primarily protective equipment and certain other equipment in order to respond to their request" Plenkovic underlined. 


Former Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs Kovac condemns Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, points out importance of membership in NATO (Oslobodjenje


In an interview to the daily, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Croatia Miro Kovac commented on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and said that Russian President Vladimir Putin made an unacceptable move by attacking neighbouring Ukraine and violating its sovereignty. Kovac added that speculations on this possibility have existed for a long time already but nobody wanted to believe in it. Kovac argued that, in retrospective, Ukraine should have been helped years ago by dispatching peacekeeping forces in its territory. “Now we have what we have. Ukraine is not a member of NATO and has to defend itself on its own. The role of the NATO Alliance as a defense organization of political West is primarily important for its member states, especially those in eastern Europe”, Kovac argued.  


Asked whether the EU and NATO can become a new regional platform of political unity in the Balkans so that those countries can free themselves from influence of Russia and China, Kovac reminded that he has been saying for years that the EU and NATO must be key players in the European continent and take care of European security. Kovac added that the political West, with USA and EU as the most important members, will have to reach a new agreement on distribution of tasks and such agreement should be demonstrated on the example of the Western Balkans. “NATO and EU must have an efficient and integrated cooperation” Kovac said.  


Commenting on stances of Croatia and Serbia on the war in Ukraine, Kovac said that Serbia will have to make a decision on its own but he added that Serbia, as the EU candidate, should show solidarity with EU countries. As for Croatia, Kovac said that its stance is clear – military attack of Russia on Ukraine has been strongly condemned and violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty was assessed as unacceptable.  


Asked to comment on the possible impact of Ukrainian situation on the Balkans, Kovac claimed that, in case Putin conquers Ukraine then this could encourage other forces to launch similar operations “for example, China in Taiwan. Therefore, the message of political West, especially of the EU for so called Western Balkans must be the following: There must be no military attacks on independent states or violation of their sovereignty and any kind of attempt to do that will be prevented even by force if needed”. 


Coalition partners support government measures against Russia, aid for Ukraine (Hina)


Stjepan Curaj, leader of the Croatian People's Party (HNS), a junior member of the ruling coalition, said the coalition partners supported the government at a meeting on Monday regarding sanctions against Russia and sending aid to Ukraine. 


The prime minister informed the coalition partners about the government’s plans regarding sanctions against Russia and received their support, Curaj told reporters after the meeting. Aid for Ukraine, both humanitarian and other, will be discussed in a closed cabinet session, Curaj said, without specifying what Croatia intends to send to Ukraine. “We will send everything they have asked for and what we can send while taking account of the capabilities of our own armed forces” he said. 


The Croatian ruling coalition and parliamentary opposition parties have taken a united view in condemning the Russian military invasion of Ukraine, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said on Monday. After the adoption by consensus of the Declaration on Ukraine in the Croatian Parliament, the leaders of the parliamentary opposition have been presented with measures of aid and solidarity with Ukraine and plans to accommodate refugees, implement restrictive measures, ensure energy supply and financial stability in Croatia, Plenkovic wrote on Twitter


First Croatian volunteers arrive to join the Ukrainian Army (TCN)


The fighting continues in Ukraine, and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has made it clear that they will not lay down their arms. He also called for volunteers in Europe to join the defense of the country, and the first Croatian volunteers have reportedly arrived on Ukrainian soil. 


Fighting has been going on in Ukraine for three days since Russia invaded to "carry out the demilitarization and denazification" of the neighboring country. And while Ukrainian forces are fighting fiercely in several cities, Croats will soon join them. 


The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that they will not lay down their arms and the Ukrainian army will continue to contain the Russian invasion in Kyiv. Additionally, in a televised statement, he urged volunteers in Europe to join the fight, who would be given weapons. 


The first Croatian volunteers are going to the battlefield in Ukraine to fight on the side of the Ukrainian army, Dnevnik Nova TV writes. As they have reported, a larger group of volunteers should join the Ukrainian army in a few days, and they have military experience from before and are full of desire to help the Ukrainian army. Croats are not the only ones who will help Ukraine. Numerous countries have announced they are sending weapons, but also financial aid. On the other hand, ordinary citizens have made it clear what they think of Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to go to war. 


Protests against the Russian invasion took place in many European cities this Saturday, especially many citizens at the protests in the countries bordering Russia. Solidarity with Ukraine has been expressed around the world. In Zagreb, hundreds demonstrated against the Russian aggression that has so far claimed the lives of nearly 4619 Ukrainians. 


Croatia begins taking in Ukrainian refugees (HRT)


According to the United Nations some 380 thousand people have already fled Ukraine. Croatia is in the process of adopting a decision to form a working group that will deal with taking in refugees from Ukraine, a handful of which have already arrived in Croatia. Refugee reception centers are already up and running in Zagreb and Osijek. 


Speaking to reporters on Sunday, the head of the Osijek-Baranja County Civil Protection Directorate, Mato Lukic, said that facilities in Osijek have been brought online, with room for some one hundred refugees: "As you can see, we set up beds and throughout the day we will organize food as needed." 




Abazovic left for London, Ukraine conflict accelerated processes over the formation of a new govt (CDM)


Deputy Prime Minister and the Leader of the Civic Movement URA, Dritan Abazovic, left for London, the CDM portal has learned. Although the reason behind his trip is unknown, CDM unofficially learns that Abazovic is going to have several important meetings mostly linked to the current political crisis in Montenegro, particularly having in mind the Ukraine conflict. 


Previously, the MP of the Civic Movement URA, Milos Konatar said that the conditions have been met for the President of Montenegro to give a mandate to Abazovic as soon as possible. "By giving Abazovic a mandate, we will bring this procedure to an end. I think that the talks so far have been going well and that there is a good degree of agreement on the government's protests. "The new European government must do everything to make Montenegro the first next member of the EU" Konatar told reporters. According to him, they conveyed the view that Montenegro does not have time to wait and that it is time for the final phase of the new European government. 


Konatar emphasized that the unexpected situation in Europe is forcing us to speed up this process of forming a new government and expects, as he says, that the security sector will gain the importance necessary to preserve security in Montenegro, as a NATO member and values. which it shares with Eurozone partners. "The future government must be clear when it comes to events in Ukraine. URA supports the sovereign and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We condemn everything that happens. "It cannot be acceptable to anyone normal for conflicts to be resolved by war, for one country to endanger the sovereignty of another," he said. 


This, Konatar added, is a warning that Montenegro must improve and build our relationship with the EU and NATO partners. "Now we see how much the European future has no alternative. "Now we can see how important the Security Sector is for Montenegro," he concluded. "URA has never and will not contribute to the polarization of Montenegro. The interests of this country are of first-class importance, and everyone who cares about this country must gather on these foundations" Jelusic said. 


BS President Ervin Ibrahimovic, after the consultations with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on the prime minister-designate, said that tt is acceptable for the Bosniak party for Dritan Abazovic to be the mandatary for the composition of the government. “I believe that we are in the final phase of forming the vade, because March 4 is the deadline, said BS President Ervin Ibrahimovic after tonight's consultations with Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on the prime minister-designate”. "For the BS, it is important to constitute the government, departments, but above all, the program goals and interests of the citizens. Democratization of society on the European path, to keep the ethnic distance at the European level. "Finally, to open the institutions of the state and continue the path that was stopped by this government" Ibrahimovic told reporters. 


MFA: Montenegro has joined the European Council's restrictive measures against Russia; Bilchik: Putin's attempt to weaken the EU failed (CDM)


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) announced that Montenegro has joined all the restrictive measures of the European Council against Russia. "Montenegro condemns Russia's decision to violate the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by recognizing the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk and by an illegal act of aggression against Ukraine." "We have joined all the restrictive measures of the European Council against Russia" the Foreign Ministry said on Twitter


The chairman of the European Parliament's delegation for cooperation with Montenegro, Vladimir Bilchik, also reacted to the statement of the Foreign Ministry, saying that if Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to divide the European Union, he did not succeed. "his crazy escalation will only strengthen EU unity in support to brave Ukrainians." It is crucial that the EU partners in the Western Balkans are fully involved. "The Kremlin should not see any chance to weaken the European front against the aggressors" Bilchik said on his Twitter account.  


Djukanovic: Montenegro stands in solidarity with Ukraine, it’s a security threat, both NATO and EU values have to be preserved (CDM)


Montenegro fully stands in solidarity with all NATO Allies, EU member states and demonstrates full solidarity with Ukraine and its people, the President of Montenegro, Milo Djukanovic, said following the extraordinary virtual summit of NATO Heads of State which discussed the situation in Ukraine. 


According to the President, NATO will strongly commit to helping Ukraine to defend its freedom and the lives of its people, to re-establish its sovereignty and ensure a normal life. 

“It was confirmed today that NATO was ready to defend all Allies. In addition, NATO is decisive to impose the most severe package of sanctions that one country has ever seen, that is, full blocking sanctions on payments, some of the largest infrastructural projects… the sanctions that would impose severe cost on the Russian subjects, the economy, and unfortunately, the Russian people who are going to pay a “bitter price” for violence which Russia irresponsibly committed against Ukraine.” Djukanovic also notes it’s good that the NATO Alliance “sees that this entire situation is not the crisis referring to Ukraine but the European security”. 


Konjevic: It is important that all parties clearly define their attitude towards the tragic Ukrainian events (CDM)


By expressing or denying support for the SDP Resolution, on the occasion of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the political and value attitude of all parliamentary subjects towards dramatic events in Ukraine will be completely clear, SDP President Rasko Konjevic believes. He points out that the whole world is shaken and horrified these days, since a brutal act of aggression against one sovereign country is happening in front of the eyes of the entire world public. "We are witnessing the biggest European and global security crisis since the end of World War II, after which nothing in international relations and the state of the global security architecture will be the same" he stressed. 


According to him, the repercussions of all this on Europe and the region of the Western Balkans to which we belong don’t even have to be emphasized. "That is why it is important that all political entities in Montenegro clearly define their political attitude towards the tragic events in Ukraine." The draft resolution on the occasion of the Russian aggression on Ukraine will be submitted to the procedure with the signatures of support of those deputies and subjects who have a clear attitude towards this issue" says Konjevic.  


URA: Russia's military aggression against Ukraine for harsher condemnation (CDM)


Once again, we express solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine and regret the suffering of a large number of civilians. Our thoughts are with their families. At the same time, we send our support to the citizens who oppose the aggression and express their disagreement with Putin's decisions by protesting throughout Russia, the URA movement reports. 


"Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine is for the strongest condemnation, and resorting to war as a means of resolving disputes is inadmissible, unjustified and worrying," the URA GP states. Therefore, they reiterate their call for respect for the Charter of the United Nations, international law, territorial integrity and the sovereignty of Ukraine. "We reiterate our commitment to European security and stability, the value system and joint cooperation. "We stand strongly with our partners from the European Union and NATO and we believe that together we will contribute to finding a solution to overcome this situation and contribute to preserving peace and stability" said the URA GP.  


GP New Left: Impose full sanctions on Russia, provide all necessary military and financial assistance to Ukraine (CDM)


GP New Left expresses support for the Ukrainian people and strongly condemns Russia's aggression against Ukraine. We call on NATO, the USA and EU countries to impose complete sanctions and isolate Russia, and to provide all necessary military and financial assistance to Ukraine and the Ukrainian people as soon as possible, said the president of the New Left GP, Sasa Mijovic


"We also call on them to impose complete sanctions on countries that have not condemned Russia's aggression against Ukraine." At this moment, this is very important because the events in Ukraine can be an encouragement to some countries to try to copy the Russian scenario to the Balkans or some other region" he emphasized. According to him, the current events in Ukraine are a great test for NATO, the United States and Europe, and the survival of the NATO pact, as well as the European Union, will depend on their response to Russia. 

The current situation, he is clear, also requires an answer to the question of whether a country can be called a force at all if its foreign policy depends on Russian gas? 


"We remind you that America and Europe must sacrifice a little of their comfort if they want to be the world's leading powers and preserve world peace. Putin threw a glove in the face of all of us, it remains to be seen what our answer will be. Today, Ukraine was attacked, which country is next in line" concluded Mijovic.  


North Macedonia 


Mickoski distances himself from Russophiles in party, demands declaration of support for Ukraine (Nezavisen vesnik)


Ever since the first VMRO-DPMNE statement called the Russian invasion "the latest escalation of the conflict between Ukraine and the Russian Federation" leader Hristian Mickoski turned his back on the party's Russophile wing, expressing full support for Ukraine's war and support. "Macedonia is a country created by the zeal for freedom and justice and that is why we should support Ukraine. "A declaration of peace in Ukraine and protection of its integrity should be adopted in the Assembly" Mickoski said.  


Zaev: I strongly condemn the aggression against Ukraine, the whole democratic world is on the side of peace (Libertas)


Former Prime Minister Zoran Zaev condemned the aggression against Ukraine via Facebook and called for support for the country's leadership and the Ukrainian people to prevail in defense. "Every day we live with the Ukrainian people. We give support, we sympathize, we share their pain and their courage. They are our heroes, and we are their supporters. All of us, Northern Macedonia, NATO, the EU, the entire democratic world, standing on the side of peace, dialogue and security. They are facing dangerous military and non-civilizational aggressors” Zaev wrote. 


Government: Banned flight for Russian planes over Macedonian territory! (Libertas)


At yesterday's 18th session, the Government of the Republic of Northern Macedonia decided to join the recommendations of the EU and the member states that have already made such a decision, to introduce a ban on entry into the airspace of the territory of Northern Macedonia for airlines from the Russian Federation. Humanitarian and emergency flights are exempted from this decision. The Government instructed the State-Owned JSC to provide air navigation services M-NAV to initiate the procedure for implementation of this decision and to inform the European Aviation Authorities about the ban on entry into the airspace of Northern Macedonia for air carriers registered in The Russian Federation said in a statement from the Macedonian government. 


Sela: Open Balkans risks becoming Putin’s Trojan horse (Libertas)


The leader of the Alliance for Albanians, Zijadin Sela, believes that the Open Balkans risks becoming Putin's Trojan horse in the Balkans, and supports his claim with the thesis that "Serbia cooperates so openly politically and economically with the Russian aggressor."  Apart from Belarus, Serbia was the only European country that did not support the resolution submitted by Albania and the United States to the UN Security Council to stop the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Sela said commenting on the crisis in Ukraine.




Kurti and Rama express solidarity with Ukraine (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, have expressed solidarity with Ukraine and its people. The two leaders are attending the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Investment Summit, which is being held in London. Kurti said he expressed his admiration for the Ukrainian people and the president of this state, Volodymyr Zelensky, for, as he said, "their courage" against Russian aggression. EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso and EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi also condemned the Russian occupation of Ukraine. 


Xhacka: Resolution proposed by Albania & USA, condemning the attack on Ukraine had been adopted (Radio Tirana)


Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka announced that a resolution condemning the attack on Ukraine had been adopted, calling it an "aggression against the UN Charter and world peace." 

"Strong approval of the resolution proposed by Albania & USA. The Special Emergency Session of the United Nations General Assembly was supported by 11 members of the UN. Once again Russia was isolated. The world will not be silent" Xhaçka wrote Twitter


Russia vetoed a US-Albanian resolution condemning Moscow for invading Ukraine. "We urge Russia to soften its rhetoric" said US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, referring to the announcement of the deployment of forces on nuclear alert. This is the first UN special emergency session of the General Assembly since 1982. 


Meta: I encourage civil society to pursue humanitarian assistance (Radio Tirana)


The President of the country Ilir Meta has once again expressed the solidarity of Albania towards Ukraine in their fight against the Russian invaders. Through a Facebook post, the head of state writes that he encourages the Albanian society to continue with the humanitarian aid. "Albania side by side with Ukraine, in full solidarity with the efforts of a people who are fighting heroically to defend their freedom at all costs! I encourage civil society to pursue humanitarian assistance. Stand with Ukraine! Stop Russian aggression!" writes Meta.