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Belgrade Media Report 10 March


  • Stefanovic with Giaufret: Serbia remains militarily neutral and at the same time open for cooperation (RTS
  • Dacic: If we quarrel with Russia, Moscow will let Kosovo's independence pass in UN (RTV
  • Opposition candidate: We are on Russia’s side (Beta
  • US diplomat welcomes Serbia’s progress on path to Europe (N1
  • Brussels satisfied with Belgrade's position on the situation in Ukraine (RTS
  • EU sources say no pressure on Serbia, EP condemns arms exports (N1,
  • European Parliament adopts Resolution in which it expressed concern with Orthodox Church’s promotion of Russia in Serbia and RS as protector of family values (Vecernje Novosti
  • Rapporteur: German minister’s visit to Belgrade sends right message (Beta 


Bosnia & Herzegovina

  • EUFOR announces increased level of patrolling on streets of B&H cities (Dnevni avaz
  • Minister Podzic: Citizens need to live normally, NATO and EUFOR are responsible for security of B&H (Dnevni avaz
  • Reactions to intensified presence of EUFOR soldiers and Italian airplane overflights (ATV
  • Komsic meets with NATO Sarajevo HQ Commander, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha; McGaha says NATO is committed to preserving security and protecting BiH's sovereignty and territorial integrity (O kanal
  • US Embassy’s Attaché Tarquinto and EUFOR COM Wessely discuss security situation in B&H (Dnevni avaz
  • Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov walks away from Brcko District anniversary ceremony after Head of EUD Sattler mentions war in Ukraine; EUD: The world can see what is happening in Ukraine (Dnevni avaz
  • EP discusses situation in B&H including sanctions to B&H Presidency member Dodik (Nova BH
  • US Ambassador Murphy meets with B&H Presidency member Dodik to underscore firm US support to B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (BHT1
  • Dodik meets Chinese Ambassador to B&H, they express content with development of cooperation between RS and China (ATV
  • German FM Baerbock to meet B&H officials on Wednesday and Thursday (BHT1
  • Commissioner Varhelyi says B&H Ministry of Finance needs to quickly make available to B&H CEC necessary budget for organizing election procedures; HDZ B&H representatives reiterate that legal requirements for calling elections have not been met (FTV
  • Commissioner Varhelyi calls for holding of elections in October; Sehic says authorities are obliged to provide funding (Oslobodjenje


  • Croatian MEPs urge changes to Bosnia’s election law in European Parliament (Hina
  • Croatian parliament adopts government report on situation in Ukraine (Hina
  • National security committee chair: No immediate danger of war to Croatia (Hina


  • Jokovic: We’ll leave Govt. if it fails to meet our requests (Niksic TV
  • Abazovic: A pro-European government should be formed as soon as possible (Pobjeda
  • Maddocks: Any threat to Montenegro as a NATO member would be an escalation of the war (RTCG
  • Abazovic is meeting with Lajcak in Turkey today (CDM

Republic of North Macedonia 

  • Russian Ambassador to Macedonia: The crisis will not spill over into the Western Balkans (TV Sitel
  • Besimi-Byrnes: Opportunities for deepening economic cooperation with the US (Republika
  • Albania has requested a review of the use of VETO in the Security Council (Radio Tirana
  • Protest erupts in Albania after fuel price rise (ADN
  • Ukraine has shaken EU attitude toward Western Balkan (ADN


Stefanovic with Giaufret: Serbia remains militarily neutral and at the same time open for cooperation (RTS)

Regional cooperation, as a precondition for European integration, is one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities, said Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Nebojsa Stefanovic at a meeting with the head of the European Union Delegation to Serbia, Ambassador Emanuele Giaufret. The EU is willing to strengthen cooperation with Serbia in the field of security, Giaufret pointed out. 


Nebojsa Stefanovic and Emanuele Giaufret discussed issues in the field of regional security, international relations and cooperation in the field of the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy, the Ministry of Defense announced. Stefanovic said that regional cooperation, as a precondition for European integration, is one of Serbia's foreign policy priorities. He pointed out that Serbia is a responsible and credible partner, which, in accordance with its clear political commitment, will remain a military neutral state, at the same time open to cooperation and ready to build partnerships with all countries and international organizations. The Ministry of Defense, Stefanovis said, is constantly working on the improvement and further qualitative development of international relations in the field of defense, in accordance with national interests and foreign policy priorities. The Minister also said that the contribution of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army to the EU's Common Security and Defense Policy is reflected in the participation of the Armed Forces in EU military missions and crisis management operations, the EU Battlegroups Concept, cooperation with the European Defense Agency and its projects. 


Ambassador Giaufret emphasized the importance of stability in the region and support for the European integration of Serbia and all Western Balkan countries. He thanked Serbia for its contribution to the EU's multinational operations, recalling that he had recently had the opportunity to attend the farewell of the team of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army to the EUTM Somalia mission. Giaufret pointed out that there is room for further improvement of cooperation and stronger development of relations between the EU and its members with Serbia. He also stressed that the EU is willing to strengthen co-operation with Serbia in the field of security and safety. 


The ambassador said that Russia's unjustified and unprovoked aggression against Ukraine undermines European and global security and safety. The European Union has risen to the challenge and is counting on Serbia to defend peace and an international order based on rules. 

Dacic: If we quarrel with Russia, Moscow will let Kosovo's independence pass in UN (RTV)


The head of the electoral ticket of the coalition of the Socialist Party of Serbia, Unified Serbia and the Greens of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, assessed on March 9 that, in the event of Serbia "quarrelling" with Russia, Moscow would "let" Kosovo's independence be pass in the UN Security Council. Dacic has reiterated that Serbia honours the principle of territorial integrity, including Ukraine's, but he added that the state helm's undivided stance "at this time" was not to impose sanctions against Russia. "That would mean political suicide for Serbia," Dacic said in an interview to RTV. He reiterated that he was "absolutely" against Serbia's membership in NATO, and in favor of the status of military neutrality, despite it envisaging, as he said, the numerous pressures against Belgrade. While stating that Serbia should never accept Kosovo as independent, Dacic assessed that the policy of withdrawal of recognition (of Kosovo's independence) should be resumed. "For us, it is out of the question to accept unilaterally proclaimed independence under pressure. Serbia must reach a compromise, the dialogue must continue and solutions must be found," Dacic has stated. 


Opposition candidate: We are on Russia’s side (Beta)


The presidential candidate of the National Democratic Alternative (NADA) coalition, Milos Jovanovic, stated on March 9 that "obstacles for Serbia's admission into the EU" were numerous and that "besides the recognition of the secession of Kosovo and Metohija, they include the imposition of sanctions against Russia." Jovanovic, who is the president of the Democratic Party of Serbia, said in an interview to the television ARTE that "no authorities in Serbia should do that." "In the geopolitical sense, and that's no secret, we are on the Russian side for one simple reason, that our national interests are threatened from the West, from NATO, regarding the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, the position of Republika Srpska in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the position of the Serbs in Montenegro. On all these issues, our vital interests are principally, not to mention exclusively – threatened by the western countries," Jovanovic said, adding that "on the other hand, the Russians support us," and that he hoped "Russia would not emerge weakened from this conflict." The NADA coalition consists of the Democratic Party of Serbia, the Movement for the Restoration of the Kingdom of Serbia, led by Vojislav Mihailovic, and 25 citizens' associations. 


US diplomat welcomes Serbia’s progress on path to Europe (N1)


Senior State Department official Victoria Nuland said on Wednesday that Washington welcomed Serbia’s continued progress along its European path. The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs expressed gratitude for Serbia’s support for Ukraine and its commitment to regional stability. “Pleased to speak with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to thank Serbia for its support for Ukraine, ongoing efforts to address the humanitarian crisis, and commitment to regional stability.” Nuland wrote in a Twitter post. “We welcome Serbia’s good relations with neighbors & continued progress along its European path,” she added. Nuland did not specify when she spoke to the Serbian President. 


Brussels satisfied with Belgrade's position on the situation in Ukraine (RTS)


We welcome the clear move made by Serbia by voting for the UN resolution on aggression against Ukraine, an EU official in Brussels, involved in the preparations for the summit of EU leaders in Versailles, where the main topic will be the situation in Ukraine, told RTS


"President Aleksandar Vucic took a clear position by accepting the UN resolution. We are in daily contact with the Serbian authorities, bearing in mind that Serbia is an important factor in the region and that the situation in Ukraine is constantly changing," said the European official, answering a question whether Serbia's decision not to join sanctions against Russia could negatively affect the EU accession process. 


Diplomatic sources in Brussels announce that the Western Balkans will be "part of the leaders' debate on the European response to the request of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia for accelerated accession to the EU." Diplomats expect EU leaders to offer Ukraine various forms of partnership, including possible membership, but without a quick track or "immediate" accession to the EU. EU officials estimate that some of the countries would not look favourable to the accelerated accession process for the Balkan countries, which have been "stuck" for a long time in the accession process. "Member states seeking a quick accession of the Western Balkans to the EU will appeal to the new situation in Europe. This may give new impetus to the accession of the Western Balkans, but those who insist on meeting the criteria will continue to do so regardless of the new geopolitical reality." European sources. 


Ahead of the summit of EU leaders in Versailles at the end of this week, diplomatic circles are again talking more and more about Europe in several gears or "circles" of integration. "Enlargement decisions are not only a matter of geopolitics or solidarity with Ukraine, but also a sensitive issue of EU internal organization, and member states have different views on that," diplomatic sources said.


EU sources say no pressure on Serbia, EP condemns arms exports (N1,


The European Union does not want to pressure Serbia over Ukraine but the European Parliament has drafted a resolution condemning Serbia, Russia and China for exporting weapons to Myanmar. 


N1 was told unofficially in Brussels that the European Union will not pressure Serbia over the situation in Ukraine fearing that pressure would push Belgrade closer to Moscow. An N1 reporter said that the European Parliament does not want to pressure Serbian over the Ukraine war because it does not know what effect pressure would have and whether it would be counter-productive. According to unofficial sources, pressure might come after the April 3 elections in the form of reduced investments primarily by Germany and France. 


At the same time, the European Parliament has drawn up a resolution condemning the violent change of power in Myanmar and the ensuing human rights violations. The resolution also condemns Serbia, Russia and China for supplying weapons to the Myanmar regime, the portal reported adding that the resolution will be put up for debate on Thursday. 


According to, the resolution condemns Serbia for exporting rockets and artillery to Myanmar. It quoted the resolution as saying that “countries like China, Russia and Serbia that deliver weapons to the Myanmar junta are directly responsible for the crimes committed with those weapons”. 


European Parliament adopts Resolution in which it expressed concern with Orthodox Church’s promotion of Russia in Serbia and RS as protector of family values (Vecernje Novosti)

The daily noted that among all other “paranoiac fabrications of the West on the ‘malignant influence of Russia’” in the Western Balkans, the European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday labelled even the Serb Orthodox Church as a promoter of Russia and as a destabilizing factor in the region. Namely, the EP condemned attempts of Russia to take advantage of tensions among ethnic groups in the Western Balkans to try to deepen conflicts and divide communities, which could result in destabilization of the entire region. “The EP is also concerned because of attempts of the Orthodox Church in countries such as Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and especially in its entity Republika Srpska (RS), to promote Russia as a protector of traditional family values and to strengthen ties between the state and Church”, the Proposal of Resolution on Foreign Interference in All Democratic Processes in the EU noted. The Proposal was presented by member of the EP Sandra Kalniete from Latvia. The document was adopted on Wednesday evening and it also expressed concern with the fact that Hungary and Serbia are assisting China and Russia in their geopolitical goals. The document also recommended holding of a meeting with civil society and private sector in the Western Balkans in order to harmonize efforts in fight against misinformation in the region, with an emphasis on research and analysis. The Resolution also called the European External Action Service (EEAS) to define a more proactive stance and focus on development of credibility of the EU in the region. Members of the EP called the European Commission and member countries to secure a better coordination of protection of religious institutions from external interference and also to improve transparency of their financing. 


Rapporteur: German minister’s visit to Belgrade sends right message (Beta)


The German Bundestag’s rapporteur for the western Balkans, Adis Ahmetovic, said that an upcoming visit to Belgrade by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock was sending the right signal, and that stability and a European perspective were of the utmost importance for the western Balkans right now. “The visit to Serbia by Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock is the right signal, in light of the war in Ukraine, too,” Ahmetovic said for Beta. He recalled that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had criticized Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, but that Serbia was also the only European state that had refused to join the West's sanctions against Moscow. “In this particular situation, the stabilization of the region and a European perspective for the western Balkans are of the utmost importance,” says Ahmetovic, a Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) representative in the German parliament and a rapporteur for the western Balkans appointed by the Bundestag’s foreign policy committee. As he put it, it is also necessary to “perform targeted work with six states of the region regarding development perspectives, with a view to their accession to the European Union.” Ahmetovic also suggested that it was necessary to make the prospect of EU membership more specific, and to support talks to normalize relations between Serbia and Kosovo, in which the Union was taking part. “Stable peace in the western Balkans, based on the protection of territorial integrity and overcoming ethnic divides, is key to the future of Europe,” Ahmetovic said. 


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


EUFOR announces increased level of patrolling on streets of B&H cities (Dnevni avaz)

EUFOR issued a statement on Wednesday announcing the increased level of patrolling on the streets of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) cities. “After the arrival of 500 reserves citizens of B&H can expect to see an increased level of patrolling by EUFOR, including in lightly armored vehicles and on foot, to reassure the public of EUFOR’s ongoing determination to support our B&H partners”, reads the statement.   


Minister Podzic: Citizens need to live normally, NATO and EUFOR are responsible for security of B&H (Dnevni avaz)

In statement to the daily, Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Defense Sifet Podzic commented the situation caused by Russian aggression on Ukraine and impacts on B&H, saying that B&H citizens do not have reason to be overly concerned, but it is necessary to be cautious. He noted that according to Annexes 1A and 1B of the Dayton Agreement, NATO is responsible for security in B&H and according to Berlin Plus Agreement from 2004, European forces have the same obligation. Stressing that the situation in B&H has been aggravated for several months, Podzic added: “It is irresponsible to say otherwise if state institutions are not functioning for six seven months and they are not holding sessions and reaching decisions in such critical moments. If we saw celebration of January 9, raging of nationalist groups in Janja, Gacko, Doboj and then counter-even in Buzim, we cannot say that the situation is regular. However, it is not concerning, because NATO and EUFOR are responsible for security in B&H”. Noting that EUFOR already strengthened their presence and raised airplanes above B&H, the Minister said that citizens need to continue to live normally. However, he called for caution and noted that we already went through this situation once, noting that President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy and people of Ukraine are an excellent example. Asked if he believes that it is possible to accelerate accession procedures for the EU and NATO membership of B&H, Podzic noted that EU and NATO are B&H’s foreign-political goals and noted that B&H Presidency submitted a request for accelerate EU procedure and as for NATO “we are on the final step”. “It is not up to us to decide when we will join one or the other organization, but there is a possibility that this could be in an accelerated manner”, said Podzic. Podzic also noted that stability of B&H institutions including B&H Armed Forces has been undermined by the economic situation. He argues that because of poor financial situation there is an increase in request for leaving of military service. 


Reactions to intensified presence of EUFOR soldiers and Italian airplane overflights (ATV)

ATV noted that citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) noticed intensified presence of EUFOR soldiers in B&H these days while the EUFOR itself announced that we can expect additional patrolling in the upcoming period. According to ATV, the announced Italian airplane overflights disturbed citizens of Banja Luka and the Krajina area.  


Commenting on this issue, Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik assessed on Tuesday that the overflights of the Italian military plane over Banja Luka and the entire Krajina represents grave violation of B&H borders, and that “this is another evidence that B&H is an international protectorate”. Dodik added that this raises a question on what the airplane is doing above Krajina and for whom and for what purpose it collects data. The B&H Presidency, as he pointed out, was not informed about this, and it is not known to him whether anyone in B&H was aware that this would happen. The reporter noted that the EUFOR made people – who still did not recover from the 1990s – concerned.  


Speaking about this issue, RSNA MP Srdjan Mazalica (SNSD) stated that raising tensions is convenient for the other two members of the B&H Presidency (Sefik Dzaferovic and Zeljko Komsic). Mazalica said that he seriously doubts that Dzaferovic and Komsic will raise the question – jointly with Dodik – on why the Italian military airplane is flying over Banja Luka and the Krajina area. RSNA MP Dusko Ivic (DNS) stated that in his opinion, B&H is far from any danger of emerging a conflict in the country, adding that there is no other solution for B&H but talks and coexistence. Ivic argued that demonstration of force of the EUFOR in B&H is not a good message and they do not support this. ATV reported that this does not bother leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic or politicians in the other entity (Federation of B&H (FB&H)) who were advocating this for a while. Borenovic said that he is not interested in this topic as planes used to overfly B&H territory before and they will continue to do it in the future. Borenovic reminded that this is part of some missions to which B&H previously gave its consent and he expressed hope that in this case, it will end on some training overflights. Member of ‘Our Party (NS)’ Predrag Kojovic welcomed the aforementioned activity in B&H arguing that this is good and calming for citizens in B&H and that it will serve as a prevention measure against possible incidents. Head of the Serb Caucus in the B&H House of Representatives and leader of the ‘United Srpska’ Nenad Stevandic also commented on this issue and he said that “forces that advocate preservation of peace - if they truly represent that - will not bother them.” Stevandic said that arrival of soldiers within EUFOR mission does not represent a problem to anyone since there is no intention that anyone is attacked or endangered. Stevandic warned on Wednesday that there is a great possibility of incidents caused by different provocations which might cause a nervous and unprepared response from Republika Srpska (RS). He noted that this could be used as an excuse to undermine the constitutional status and integrity of the RS. “I therefore ask all citizens, Bosniaks and Croats, and especially Serbs, to preserve our composure, civil peace and democratic order by respecting each other like in the best of times and traditions of our coexistence in this area”, said Stevandic. He added that he is not bothered by the increased presence of the EUFOR.  


Komsic meets with NATO Sarajevo HQ Commander, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha; McGaha says NATO is committed to preserving security and protecting BiH's sovereignty and territorial integrity (O kanal)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Chairman Zeljko Komsic met with NATO Sarajevo HQ Commander, Brigadier General Pamela McGaha in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Komsic and McGaha discussed the current political and security situation in B&H and at the international level, in the context of the war in Ukraine and risks of escalating conflicts in B&H and other Western Balkan countries. Komsic and McGaha welcomed B&H's cooperation with the NATO headquarters in Sarajevo and NATO Member States, and concluded that this cooperation must be even stronger in the future, in order for B&H to meet all preconditions for full membership in the North Atlantic Alliance. McGaha pointed out that NATO is committed to preserving security and protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. 


US Embassy’s Attaché Tarquinto and EUFOR COM Wessely discuss security situation in B&H (Dnevni avaz)

Military Attaché at the US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Brigadier Michael Tarquinto met on Wednesday with the EUFOR Commander, Major General Anton Wessely.  The officials discussed the security situation in B&H, mutual areas of support to B&H Armed Forces and potentials for increasing of the support in various activities. According to the statement published on Embassy’s Facebook, the officials also discussed deploying of additional forces, which is aimed at strengthening of EUFOR’s dedication to stability in B&H and establishing of safe environment for all B&H citizens. 

Russian Ambassador Kalabukhov walks away from Brcko District anniversary ceremony after Head of EUD Sattler mentions war in Ukraine; EUD: The world can see what is happening in Ukraine (Dnevni avaz)

Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov walked out of the ceremony marking the 22nd anniversary of Brcko District in protest during the speech of Head of EU Delegation Johann Sattler. Namely, Sattler also mentioned the war in Ukraine, describing the attack against Ukraine by Russian President Vladimir Putin as a shameful act of aggression which is condemned by the democratic world. The Embassy of the Russian Federation in BiH issued a statement on Wednesday, thanking the Brcko District authorities for their hospitality on the occasion of the 22nd anniversary of the District, stating that they were revolted by the fact that Sattler did not respect this hospitality. According to Embassy, Sattler “made statements in unacceptable and provocative formulations that had nothing to do with the mentioned topic”. “Unfortunately, we were forced to leave the event in such circumstances”, the diplomatic mission said. The EU Delegation responded to this statement. “The world can see what is happening in Ukraine and what that is. A war waged by an aggressor, by a perpetrator, by Russia. Walking away from an event because your actions were called out is not going to change that. Lies and misinformation will not change that”, the EU Delegation stated. 


EP discusses situation in B&H including sanctions to B&H Presidency member Dodik (Nova BH)

The European Parliament (EP) discussed on Tuesday evening the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), including possible sanctions to Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik due to his relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Addressing the MEPs, European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi warned that security of the Western Balkans is more important than it has ever been before, and assessed that B&H demonstrated European commitment, in the current crisis. Varhelyi welcomed the fact that B&H joined EU measures against Russia. Varhelyi also called for unblocking of the state institutions of B&H, warning that major infrastructural projects could be blocked otherwise.  


MEPs warned that unity of the EU is needed more than ever in order to prevent spreading of the crisis on the whole region. According to a number of MEPs, it is high time to impose sanctions on Dodik. MEP Tineke Strik assessed that the EU is actually lagging behind in terms of imposing sanctions to Dodik, due to his separatist aspirations. Strik noted that Dodik’s continuous “flirtation with Putin” shows his lack of interest in democracy. MEP Tanja Fajon presented an opinion that the war in Ukraine represents danger for B&H, and expressed fear that “Putin’s mercenaries” could use the situation to start a war in B&H. Fajon warned there might be no consensus in this regard. MEP Romeo Franz said: “Putin’s biggest ally in the Balkans is Dodik. We have been asking for sanctions against him for a long time, some countries have blocked this and gave him funds and this is shameful”. MEP Andreas Schieder emphasized the need for a greater engagement of the EU in passing sanctions. “Hungary and Croatia need to engage, too.” Meanwhile, Croatian MEPs once again brought up the issue of the electoral reform in B&H. MEP Tomislav Sokol noted: “To ensure stability in that state, the priority is set on overcoming political crisis in which illegitimate representatives are imposed on Croats, as constituent people.” MEP Tonino Picula warned that outvoting of one of the constituent people’s will is evident abuse of the system “which obviously does not protect everyone’s constitutional rights”. MEP Fabio Massimo Castaldo said that B&H is faced with the worst crisis since the war ended and he reminded that a monument to Ratko Mladic, who is responsible for genocide, was placed: “It is not enough only to send 500 soldiers and threaten with imposing of sanctions”. Castaldo argued that it is necessary to carefully reconsider the architecture of B&H otherwise Moscow will easily create another front in the heart of Europe. 


US Ambassador Murphy meets with B&H Presidency member Dodik to underscore firm US support to B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity (BHT1)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency member Milorad Dodik emphasized on Wednesday that the policy of Republika Srpska (RS) and its representatives is to respect the original Dayton Peace Agreement and the Constitution. During the meeting with US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy, Dodik pointed out that problems arise when “they try to diminish the competencies of the RS - clearly defined by the Constitution”. Dodik received the US Ambassador in an inaugural visit in Sarajevo on Wednesday, and on that occasion, opinions were exchanged on the current political situation in B&H and the region. “Ambassador Murphy met with B&H Presidency member Dodik to underscore firm US support for B&H’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and for B&H’s place in the Euro-Atlantic community of nations”, reads the statement published on Twitter account of the US Embassy in B&H. Murphy also stressed the importance of functional, efficient state-level institutions in which leaders participate in good faith, as well as US support for functional, efficient, and accountable entities that focus on providing citizens with a democratic and prosperous future. Dodik expressed support to further integration of B&H and the Western Balkans in the EU as well as respect for the decision of the RS National Assembly on military neutrality. Dodik stated that respecting the original Dayton Peace Agreement is the policy of the RS and its officials. He emphasized that problems occur when there are attempts to reduce the competences of the RS which are clearly defined by the Constitution. 


Dodik meets Chinese Ambassador to B&H, they express content with development of cooperation between RS and China (ATV)

Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik met Chinese Ambassador to B&H Xi JiPing in the building of the Chinese Embassy on Wednesday. During the meeting, the two officials expressed content with development of cooperation between Republika Srpska (RS) and China that is visible in the latest capital projects in the RS. In this regard, they mentioned finalization of construction works on the hospital in Doboj and the beginning of construction works on the Banja Luka-Prijedor Highway. According to the Cabinet of the Serb member of the B&H Presidency Dodik, the two officials also discussed strengthening of cooperation in the cultural sector between the RS and China. The Ambassador informed Dodik that Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated his upcoming birthday. 


German FM Baerbock to meet B&H officials on Wednesday and Thursday (BHT1)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock will visit Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Wednesday and Thursday and meet with members of the B&H Presidency and with B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs Bisera Turkovic. The focus of political talks will be the current political and security-political situation in Europe and the internal political situation in BiH. Among other things, Baerbock will meet with members of the Collegium of both Houses of the B&H Parliament, as well as with mayors and representatives of civil society. A meeting with High Representative Christian Schmidt is also planned. After visiting B&H, Baerbock will travel to Serbia and then to Moldova. Baerbock will be accompanied by newly appointed German Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin, and the focus of the political meetings will be on the current political and security issue in Europe, as well as the political situation in B&H. 


Commissioner Varhelyi says B&H Ministry of Finance needs to quickly make available to B&H CEC necessary budget for organizing election procedures; HDZ B&H representatives reiterate that legal requirements for calling elections have not been met (FTV)

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Tuesday, among other things, discussed the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The MEPs stressed that last year in B&H was lost. Addressing the European Parliament, European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said that the B&H Ministry of Finance needs to quickly make available to the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) the necessary budget for organizing election procedures. Varhelyi stressed that free and fair elections have to be held in B&H in October as intended. Members of the B&H CEC have also indicated that funds for organizing election procedures are needed as soon as possible. B&H CEC President Zeljko Bakalar emphasized that the CEC is now in a stalemate in terms of securing the necessary funds for the elections, pointing out that the B&H Ministry of Finance is not reacting in any way. Bakalar pointed out that the B&H Election Law precisely defines that the elections are held on the first Sunday of October in an election year.  


FTV failed to get an answer from the B&H Ministry of Finance to its inquiry about the funds necessary for organizing election procedures, reminding that in order for the B&H general elections to be held on time, funds for their implementation have to be secured by May. Representatives of HDZ B&H, whose member is B&H Minister of Finance Vjekoslav Bevanda, have reiterated that the legal requirements for calling elections have not been met. HDZ B&H MP in the B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Nikola Lovrinovic said that changes to the B&H Election Law should have happened. "Decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) have to be implemented. You yourself are aware and we have said it a million times in public that they have not been implemented, that the CC explicitly said that. Efforts are being made to make that happen, there is still time and we ask that the Election Law be changed in accordance with the decision of the CC, and of course of the Court in Strasbourg. Then the preconditions are created for the elections to be conducted legally," Lovrinovic underlined. 


Commissioner Varhelyi calls for holding of elections in October; Sehic says authorities are obliged to provide funding (Oslobodjenje)

Daily carried parts of address of European Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varhelyi before the European Parliament during the discussion on Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). “Fair, free and inclusive elections must take place in October, as scheduled. The Ministry of Finance needs swiftly to put the required budget at the disposal of the Central Electoral Commission to organize the electoral procedures”, said Commissioner. He added that a lot of hope and efforts have been put in the ongoing talks on the electoral and constitutional reform, but a solution is not yet there and it should be found urgently and without any further delay. He stressed that B&H is crucial for the Western Balkans and instead of internal conflicts it needs to focus on EU agenda. “When I met B&H political leadership for the first time in 2020, we discussed what needed to be done for the candidate status for the country. The agreement on the elections in Mostar after 12 years of blockage was a breakthrough and gave a fresh impetus after years of standstill. Unfortunately, 2021 was a lost year for B&H. Although it was not an election year, we have seen no real progress on the EU path and on the implementation of the 14 key priorities. Indeed, we have seen growing political divisions throughout the country at different levels. These divisions were aggravated even further with the non-recognition of the new High Representative and with the boycotting of State institutions. The continued boycott of decision-making at different levels - Presidency, Council of Ministers - could jeopardize significant investments, including investments coming from the Economic and Investment Plan. As I have stressed several times to representatives of Republika Srpska (RS), there is a need for urgent steps to deescalate tensions, to avoid further rhetoric and to ensure the swift return to State institutions and ensure their full functioning”, said Commissioner Varhelyi.  


Representative of Coalition ‘Pod Lupom’, Vehid Sehic said that the indisputable fact is that B&H Central Election Commission needs to reach a decision on holding of elections, which according to the Election Law of B&H are to take place first Sunday in October. He underlined that authorities in B&H are obliged to provide funds for the elections, adding that preventing B&H citizens to exercise their passive and active voting rights, presents violation of the Constitution. He noted that perhaps the international community will secure funds for the elections. 




Croatian MEPs urge changes to Bosnia’s election law in European Parliament (Hina)


The EU Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi on Tuesday "informed the European Parliament on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and called for agreement on Bosnia's election law, while Croatian MEPs urged the amendment of that legislation soon," Croatian state agency Hina said on Wednesday. 


The developments in B&H was one of the topics on the agenda of the European Parliament on Tuesday in Strasbourg, and during the discussion “MEPs agreed that the war in Ukraine had also made the situation in B&H more complicated,” Hina reported. 


Last week, the EU increased its military presence in B&H from 600 to 1,100 personnel by sending reserves from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia to “prevent potential instability there following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.” Last Saturday, France announced training flights over B&H in light of the deteriorating international security situation. 


“Thirty years after the bloody breakup of Yugoslavia, with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the war is back on European soil. Once again, we are witnessing extreme human suffering, with many lives lost and millions fleeing Ukraine,” Varhelyi told MEPs. 


“The last weeks and the changing geopolitical constellations have brought the need for peace back on the top of our agenda. This also means that the stability and security of the Western Balkans have never been so important as they are today… A lot of hope and efforts have been put in the ongoing talks on the reforms of election law and the constitutional, but a solution is not yet there. It should be found urgently and without any further delay,” he added. 


“Fair, free and inclusive elections must take place in October, as scheduled,” Varhelyi said. 


He called on Bosnian Serb representatives to take steps “to de-escalate tensions, to avoid further rhetoric and to ensure the swift return to state institutions and ensure their full functioning.” 


Croatian MEP Tonino Picula of the S&D group said that the so-called “outvoting” of one of the three peoples “is a direct abuse of the system”. MEP Zeljana Zovko (EPP) recalled that the city of Mostar was now an example of political example “after its citizens had not been able to elect their representatives for 12 years,” without clarifying. 


“Let us make B&H and its election law successful and give people a chance to exercise their voting rights,” she said. MEP Tomislav Sokol (EPP) said that the urgent amendment of the election law was “a precondition for the stability of B&H.” He elaborated that the matter of the protection of ethnic Croats in B&H concerns the preservation of fundamental European values including the rule of law, and it also represented a key to stability of that part of Europe. 


German Green MEP Romeo Franz said that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s aggression against Ukraine is an attack on Europe and the European values. “Putin wants to push B&H back to the past and his biggest ally is (Bosnian Serb leader) Milorad Dodik,” Franz said during the debate. 


Croatian parliament adopts government report on situation in Ukraine (Hina)


The Croatian parliament on Wednesday adopted the prime minister's report on the situation in Ukraine, which strongly condemned the Russian invasion and praised the Ukrainian military and people for their heroic resistance. Also adopted were government measures relating to the humanitarian, healthcare, financial, banking, energy, transport, defence and other sectors, and the government was called upon to consider the proposals put forward by MPs. 


In the report, presented last week, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic expressed full support for the Ukrainian people “who are dying for European values”. “Supporting Ukraine and respecting the courage of Ukrainians not to flee before tanks, not to give in to blackmail, not to bow down their heads, to be inspired by love of their country as the Croats were in the 1991-95 war, let us stand together with Ukraine and Ukrainians today. Glory to Ukraine!” Plenkovic said. 


National security committee chair: No immediate danger of war to Croatia (Hina)


The chair of the parliamentary Home Policy and National Security Committee said on Wednesday there was no immediate danger of war to Croatia and invited the prime minister to inform the public about Croatia's energy and food supplies. 


“We endorsed the reports by SOA and VSOA on their work in 2021, with particular attention to the things happening around Croatia and the repercussions of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. It’s important that there is no immediate military or war danger to Croatia and I hope it stays so,” Sinisa Hajdas-Doncic told the press after the committee discussed the reports by the Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) and the Military Security and Intelligence Agency (VSOA). He said SOA and VSOA did a very good job and cared about external and cyber security in a satisfactory way. As for military security, Croatia is a member of NATO, which is also an obligation, and we are absolutely safe, he added. We can raise the issue of energy and food security, Hajdas-Doncic said. 


The premier and the economy minister should clearly tell citizens about Croatia’s reserves of gas, oil, wheat, corn and food in general, and if Croatia can handle further disruptions to world energy and food supply chains and for how long, he added. Those are the key security issues today, he said, adding that states must fight to be energy sufficient and have alternative food supply routes. 


Speaking of the situation in the Balkans, Hajdas-Doncic said there was no major security risk. 

We must observe what is happening in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia, but there is no immediate danger for now and we hope it stays so, he added. He warned about an increase in cyber-attacks, but said the services had developed their systems and could successfully deal with those challenges. Hajdas-Doncic said it was necessary to invest more in protecting national security data in cyber space, adding that SOA and VSOA are dealing with those challenges. 




Jokovic: We’ll leave Govt. if it fails to meet our requests (Niksic TV)


In an interview for Niksic TV, SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic, reacting to criticism over the party’s decision to enter into negotiations on forming a minority government, has said it is not a coalition with the DPS, nor is the Democratic Party of Socialists returning to power. 


As he points out, the key principles that the SNP will stand for in the new government are the signing of the Fundamental Agreement, the census, and the correction of the voter list. When asked how to reach those decisions if they need the support of the Democratic Party of Socialists, he emphasizes: 


“The government is to sign the Fundamental Agreement and the one who is not in the government is not in charge. We will not be part of the government that does not specify the deadlines for the implementation of these and other burning problems in Montenegro. Do you think that Vladimir Jokovic and the SNP, who fought against the DPS for more than two decades, now that they have been defeated, would say – come back? We can leave that government at any time if it does not meet our demands and goals. But you must know, the DPS does not have the strength to overthrow that government. Some other parties must vote for it. If the DPS overthrows us because of the Law on Lustration, let it be that way, it will show its real face”, Jokovic has stressed. 


Abazovic: A pro-European government should be formed as soon as possible (Pobjeda)


The mandatary for the composition of the new government, Dritan Abazovic, said in a statement for Pobjeda that a pro-European government should be formed as soon as possible. 

"It is an absolute priority. "Especially in the context of current events and the disturbed security situation in Europe due to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, which is the request of our international partners" Abazovic told Pobjeda. 


The prime minister-designate once again welcomed the readiness of the Socialist People's Party to enter the minority government, stating that this was an extremely important decision. 

"I think that the decision of the SNP is a big step towards reconciliation in Montenegro, because for almost 30 years no one could convince them to be part of the government," said Abazovic. He said that he expected that everything would be over quickly, because those are "the expectations of our international partners and allies." "It is necessary to unblock the Assembly, limit fuel prices and, of course, make a decision on aid for Ukraine. We don't have time to wait" Abazovic said. 


Speaking about the government's priorities, he said that the government will continue with regular activities through its European agenda, but also deal with financial sustainability in the light of new global developments. "It is necessary to adopt measures for financial sustainability and stability, and it is possible that in the next six months it will be necessary to think in the direction of the budget rebalance," said Abazovic. 


Speaking about the part of the harmonized platform, which mentions the regulation of relations with the religious communities of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Serbian Orthodox Church, Abazovic said that the two religious communities must be discussed because they feel discriminated against, which is not good for a democratic society. 

"The Fundamental agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church, which will be signed, must be in accordance with the Constitution and the law, and such a document - if it is not legal – it cannot be passed by the government secretariat for legislation. Its constitutionality and legality are taken for granted and there are no dilemmas", categorically stated Abazovic. 


The platform for the formation of the European government states that the key goals are the harmonization of foreign, security and defense policy with the EU and NATO, support for the draft resolution on Russia's aggression against Ukraine, judicial reform, electoral reform, regulation of relations with the SOC and CPC in accordance with the Constitution. and by law, the census law by consensus of all signatories. The document states that starting from the need to resolve the political and institutional crisis in Montenegro, the process of European integration should be accelerated, overt national, ethnic, religious, political and social divisions should be overcome, and bearing in mind the threatening situation for peace and security in Europe caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the signatories of the platform agree that the 43rd Montenegrin government will continue to strengthen Montenegro as a European, civil, secular and anti-fascist state, with consistent respect for the Montenegrin Constitution and international obligations. 


Every member of the government must have a clear position on Russia's aggression 


Asked whether he expects a clear position of all members of the government on Russian aggression in the context of unclear positions of SNP President Vladimir Jokovic on the events in Ukraine, Abazovic answered in the affirmative. "I respect personal thoughts and emotions, but we know exactly what the government's main policy is. That is the European agenda, and every member of the government must have a clear position on that" said Abazovic. 


Maddocks: Any threat to Montenegro as a NATO member would be an escalation of the war (RTCG)


Montenegro and the Balkans are not in immediate danger in the same way as Ukraine was, and any threat to NATO members, such as Montenegro, would be a great escalation of the existing war, said the British Ambassador to Podgorica, Karen Maddocks. She said that Montenegro has the right to be vigilant because Russia poses a threat to the countries in this region, especially in the hybrid sense. 


"Montenegro is a country that is subject to influences outside the borders. "The best defense is to build a resilient state with strong institutions, and by that, I mean independent media, active civil society, police and the judiciary, and a functioning Assembly," Maddocks said. 

Montenegro's accession to the European Union (EU) would send a strong message about the country's future and the values ​​it cherishes. "But even without EU membership, Montenegro can protect itself, by strengthening the rule of law, by strengthening institutions. "The United Kingdom is not in the EU either, but we have strong institutions," said Maddocks. 


Speaking about the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, Maddocks said that Moscow's invasion of Ukraine was "an unprovoked attack on a sovereign country." She believes that strong sanctions against Moscow do not stop Russia's aggression against the neighboring country. 

She also said that sanctions against Russia are already yielding economic results. "Russia's invasion is an unprovoked attack on a sovereign state. "The thoughts of my people are with the Ukrainian people who have shown strength and courage, despite the violent violation of their peaceful lives," Maddocks said. She reminds that we must hold Russia responsible for its actions, while the sanctions that were imposed, as she pointed out, are the strictest so far. 

"In addition, we have done a lot to prepare Ukraine for its defense. "We trained 22,000 soldiers, provided 2,000 anti-tank missiles and pledged 400 million pounds," Maddocks said. 


Sanctions, says Maddox, are already having an economic impact. "We can see that in Russia, but unfortunately, as we tighten sanctions, that does not stop the invasion and we still see obvious violations of human rights, including the bombing of the hospital," the ambassador said. Both Europe and the world, she said, are united in an unprecedented way when it comes to condemning actions by Russian President Vladimir Putin. "Montenegro, as a NATO state, also acted in accordance with the decisions of NATO allies and the EU. "Your government has announced very quick harmonization with EU sanctions, it is important that they are adequately implemented," said Maddocks.  


Abazovic is meeting with Lajcak in Turkey today (CDM)


The Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro in the technical mandate, Dritan Abazovic, is staying in the Republic of Turkey, where he will participate in the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, which will be held from March 11 to 13, at the invitation of Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. Ahead of the Antalya Diplomatic Forum, Abazovic will have an official meeting today with Miroslav Lajcak, the EU special envoy for the Western Balkans. "The Antalya Diplomatic Forum will be an opportunity for Montenegro, in the context of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, to express its unequivocal position of solidarity with Ukraine, which is fully compatible with NATO and the EU, as strategic partners of our country," Abazovic's office said.  


North Macedonia 


Russian Ambassador to Macedonia: The crisis will not spill over into the Western Balkans (TV Sitel)


Russian Ambassador Sergey Bazdnikin says that there is no threat of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis spilling over into the Western Balkans region and that Macedonia should not fear for its security. Russia treats Macedonia as it has always treated it: with equality, mutual respect and taking care of mutual interests, Bazdnikin said in an interview with TV Sitel


The ambassador also said that it is impossible for the crisis to spread to the Western Balkans, because the actions are taking place in Ukraine. He blamed the international community, saying “the supply of weapons to Ukraine is a direct threat to the security of Europe, including the Western Balkans.” Those weapons could fall, he said, into the hands of terrorists and various criminal groups in the region and be used for their own purposes. He said the list of enemy countries was issued by the Russian government following the unfriendly actions against the Russia. 


Besimi-Byrnes: Opportunities for deepening economic cooperation with the US (Republika)


Finance Minister Fatmir Besimi met Wednesday with the US Ambassador Kate Marie Byrnes and discussed ways of deepening the economic cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and the United States of America, the economic consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war, as well as current infrastructure projects. 


The Ministry of Finance added that at the meeting minister Besimi informed about the budget law. The Government, as before, will act as responsibly as possible and in the best interest for the protection of the domestic economy and the financial condition of the citizens. We are closely following the developments and developing appropriate scenarios for possible outcomes, Besimi said. He also informed the ambassador about the set of measures that will be implemented in the coming period in order to improve the standard of the population and the competitiveness of the domestic economy. Minister Besimi expressed his gratitude to the US Government for its continued support to our government in implementing activities aimed at economic growth and stability, as well as strengthening the democratic practices of the institutions. 


Ambassador Byrnes reaffirmed her commitment to further US support as a strategic partnership and said that the rule of law and the fight against corruption will be key factors in improving the business climate and achieving strategic goals for faster, sustainable and inclusive growth. 



Albania has requested a review of the use of VETO in the Security Council (Radio Tirana)


Albania has requested a review of the use of VETO in the Security Council. At the meeting for the interactive and open discussion on the Security Council reform, the Representative of Albania Arjan Spase supported the view of the majority of the UN countries for an indisputable need of the Council, in order to reflect the geopolitical realities of 21st century in relation to its main responsibility: maintaining global peace and security. Referring to this function, the Albanian representative reminded that the practice of veto exercised by Russia shows more than ever that its restrictions are more than necessary. 


"On February 25, the Security Council voted on a draft resolution on Russia's act of aggression against Ukraine, presented by Albania and the United States. 11 members of the Security Council voted in favor, and only one country voted against, vetoing it, while 81 UN members co-sponsored it. The Security Council couldn't condemn Russia's illegal acts effectively for the flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, which is the obligation to refrain from threatening or using force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. 


Referring especially to this situation, Albania has stated that the veto mechanism should be considered a key element of the Security Council reform, to guarantee the effectiveness of the latter in addressing threats to peace and security. 


"Like many other members of the UN, as a signatory to the Code of Conduct, Albania supports restrictions on the use of vetoes in cases of mass atrocities, genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, as presented by the Responsibility, Coherence and Transparency Group.  We are also in line with the initiative of France and Mexico presented in the "Political Declaration on the suspension of the veto in case of mass atrocities", calling on the permanent members to voluntarily refrain from using the veto in case of genocide, crime against humanity and large-scale war crimes”. 


At the same reform meeting, Albania referred to the equal regional distribution of Security Council members. The proposal made in this discussion by Albania is to add a permanent member from Eastern Europe to the Security Council. 


The Security Council has 5 permanent members under the UN Charter, one of whom is Russia. Recent events have shown that it has not only acted as an aggressor against another country, but has blocked the Security Council's binding decisions on armed conflicts or crimes against humanity. 


Protest erupts in Albania after fuel price rise (ADN)

Protest against soaring fuel price rise took place this Wednesday evening in Albania in front of the Prime Ministry building. Hundreds raise their voice against a new record high in fuel prices last week where a litter of fuel reached from ALL 199 to 260. With billboards urging the decrease of the fuel price, demonstrators called Prime Minister to intervene in the market as prices skyrocket in less than a week after Russia invaded Ukraine. They required government's intervention in order to normalize the marked or compensate the citizens in this case. The protest started at 17:00 pm while Premier and a part of his government are in Dubai to participate in the Expo 2020. 


Prime Minister Edi Rama has published Thursday a video on Facebook, and said that the health system faced the weight of the COVID pandemic, and that thanks to the commitment and self-sacrifice of the staff, this challenge was overcome. On a short statement, PM Rama also focused on the energy crisis as a result of the war in Ukraine, for which he emphasized that this crisis will also be dealt with. 

Ukraine has shaken EU attitude toward Western Balkan (ADN)

“The fact is that the recent Russian military aggression in independent and sovereign Ukraine has shaken the foreign affairs’ sphere completely, including the EU attitude toward the Western Balkan region. The EU will have to pay even more attention on the influences of other global players in the region,” has said the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Policy of National Assembly of Slovenia, Monika Gregorcic


In an exclusive interview with ADN after her visit to Albania during which she held intensive talks with her counterpart Mimi Kodheli, and other officials dealing with foreign policy, the Slovenian top MP said that in her opinion the so-called EU fatigue towards enlargement will need to be replaced and the approach of flexibility and agility will have to be recognized more. “This region is according to all statements in the EU’s geostrategic interest.” 


The Chairwoman of the parliamentarian foreign policy of Slovenia was glad that the bilateral relations between Slovenia and Albania are friendly, with no open issues, but she hastened to admit that there is much potential to intensify them on all levels. “The development projects could be a good starting point, on the other hand the exchange of specific goods (medicines for example) and services (especially tourism, which has many multiplicative effects) could be of mutual benefit. Let us not forget that the people are always the most reliable bridge between the states, and they cooperate quite successfully,” she said. Regarding the parliamentary diplomacy she believed it has the potential to build trust, to understand each other better and to facilitate further contact between the countries. 


According to her, there is a strong support of the idea that the EU enlargement process and integration processes should continue with both Albania and North Macedonia countries simultaneously. “The results of silent diplomacy will prevail in the end,” Madame Gregorcic thought. 


The Slovenian deputy leading the foreign policy committee of Parliament was on her first visit to Albania but she confessed that she was impressed by the beauty of the landscape and the hospitality of the people. “The rapid development of the capital is obvious. Let me conclude that Albania is geographically part of Europe and hopefully it will soon be part of the European Union as well,” noted the Chair of the Committee on Foreign Policy of National Assembly of Slovenia, Monika Gregorcic in the following interview: 


In the first place, it is a pleasure Madame Chairwoman to have this interview with you. And it becomes more particular that we are talking after your visit to Albania. So please could you make a review of the activities you have had during your stay in Tirana? 


Firstly, let me underline that I was happy that our delegation was treated with great hospitality, and we were welcomed in a friendly atmosphere by the Committee on foreign Policy and especially its Madam chair Mimi Kodheli. We were very pleased to meet the majority of stakeholders in the field of foreign policy and EU affairs in Albania. During our stay in Tirana, we had the opportunity to meet and have fruitful discussion with Mme Megi Fino, the deputy minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the speaker of the parliament Mme Lindita Nikolla and with members of the Committee on Foreign Policy and later also with members of the Committee on European Integration. 


I am glad that I had the opportunity to assure to all my colleagues that Slovenia, even after its successful presidency of the Council of EU will continue to be very vocal about fulfilling its priority regarding integration process the Western Balkans countries. It is of my great contentment that Slovene message was received with great sympathy and gratitude. 


Let me touch upon the bilateral relations between Albania and Slovenia and in this frame it is of great interest for your assessment on them… 


I’m glad that the bilateral relations between the states are friendly, with no open issues, however there is much potential to intensify them on all levels. 


But besides the political atmosphere, what could you tell our readers about the economic relationship between the two countries and how could parliamentary diplomacy contribute to using the untapped resources for economic cooperation? 


As you mentioned there is quite a potential to increase the economic cooperation. The development projects could be a good starting point, on the other hand the exchange of specific goods (medicines for example) and services (especially tourism, which has many multiplicative effects) could be of mutual benefit. Let us not forget that the people are always the most reliable bridge between the states, and they cooperate quite successfully. Regarding the parliamentary diplomacy I believe it has the potential to build trust, to understand each other better and to facilitate further contact between the countries. 


As the Committee you chair covers EU affairs, Madame Gregorcic it is an opportunity for ADN to learn which will be the future of the launching of the accession talks of Albania with the Union? Do you think that the progress of them should continue indefinitely being linked with the Bulgarian veto on North Macedonia? 


There is a strong support of the idea that the EU enlargement process and integration processes should continue with both countries simultaneously. We believe this is of the strategic interest of the EU especially in such turbulent times we are facing now. However, I believe that all sides, including the EU member states, should invest more to overcome the current stall in accession process and I am convinced that the results of silent diplomacy will prevail in the end. 


As a follow up do you think that the so-called EU fatigue towards enlargement can create ‘fatigue’ even in the WB countries, and in this sense doesn’t seem a bit strange the concern of Brussels over other countries’ interest/interference in this region? 


The fact is that the recent Russian military aggression in independent and sovereign Ukraine has shaken the foreign affairs’ sphere completely, including the EU attitude toward the Western Balkan region. The EU will have to pay even more attention on the influences of other global players in the region. In my opinion the so-called EU fatigue towards enlargement will need to be replaced and the approach of flexibility and agility will have to be recognized more. This region is according to all statements in the EU’s geostrategic interest. 


In the meantime, the Conference on the Future of Europe is coming to an end and its target to reshape the Union and the ‘old continent’ is being framed. What role is the Slovenian parliament playing in this framework and secondly, what are your expectations for the results of this a year and a half- event? 


Slovenia was the presiding country of the Council of the EU in the middle of the CoFE process. During this 6-month time we had the opportunity and the responsibility to actively contribute to the framing of the ideas and concepts of our common future. Our main goal was to encourage citizens to rethink the core European ideas and present them on EU fora. We paid special attention on younger generation and how to include them into the debate about our future Europe. I hope that the results of CoFE will provide cogent directions for further development. 


As a country close to the Western Balkans, how does Slovenia assess the situation in the region, particularly in the light of what is happening between Russia and Ukraine with the latter having been attacked by Russian troops?  


Slovenia is very much aware of the historical background of the region. We know particularly well how sensitive the relations between the nations are and how burdensome the recent history is. Therefore, a possible escalation of the tensions in Bosnia in Herzegovina should not be overlooked. The Dayton Peace Agreement brought peace but 26 years later we can see that it hasn’t provided the basis for prosperity of the state. Poverty, brain drain, and corruption have negative impact on the society, so the growth of nationalist rhetoric can be spotted. 


Do you think that the initiative on the Open Balkans can be profitable for the region as three countries (Kosovo, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina) have not accepted to be part of it seeing the threat of Belgrade to take forward its plan of Greater Serbia? 


Open Balkan initiative can be a welcoming additional contribution to intensify the cooperation among the Western Balkan countries and their people. I believe it already has shown positive impact especially during the pandemic. But more importantly, it might also be understood a role model for upgrading the multi ethnical relations. From that point of view, I see the potential for WB states to their way towards prosperity. 


Given the seriousness of the migration problem and your expertise in this field, what role can parliamentary diplomacy play not only in the frame of the EU but with other countries like those of the Western Balkans in this aspect? 


Migrations are a worldwide issue. Their roots are diverse, but the consequences are the same and due to different reasons people leave their homes, territories, homeland… 


Regarding the EU common foreign, security and defence policy the countries of the Western Balkans have already proven to be reliable partners. That region was exposed the most in 2015 and most of the countries contributed substantially to regulating migrant flows. That should not be forgotten. But the migration is still an important task to be tackled by the EU. So, the EU member states are very much aware of the necessity of updating the Pact of Migration and Asylum. 


Some steps have been made during Slovenian presidency, but in this sensitive matter it is necessary to find the consensus among the member states and the balance between the security and the solidarity. 


To conclude Madame Monika Gregorcic, is this the first time that you visit Albania? In any case, which are your evaluations of Albania and its people, its history, culture and status in the region and Europe? 


It is my first visit to Albania, and I am impressed by the beauty of the landscape (the capital Tirana with the mountains in the background reminds me to Slovenian landscape) and by the hospitality of the people. The rapid development of the capital is obvious. Let me conclude that Albania is geographically part of Europe and hopefully it will soon be part of the European Union as well.