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Belgrade Media Report 22 March


They prohibit Serbs from voting, belittle Serb Orthodox Church and Belgrade (Vecernje Novosti)

The daily argued that “synchronized attacks” against Belgrade, coming from Podgorica and Pristina lately, on Monday culminated with announcements that Serbs will not be able to exercise their right to vote on April 3 in the territory of Kosovo and in three polling stations in Montenegro – Berane, Sutomore and Budva. Therefore, Serbian citizens will be able to vote only in the Embassy of Serbia in Podgorica and Consulate in Herceg Novi. Because of this, a session of the National Security Council of Serbia will take place on Tuesday (March 22).  


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that attacks from the region against the Serb Orthodox Church and Serbia have been present on a daily basis “with the wish to provoke us and draw Serbia in a conflict” and he added: “I am convinced we will preserve peace and freedom for our people”. Vucic noted that the Ukrainian crisis will only grow bigger and more difficult and warned that it threatens to escalate into something bigger than a conflict of two countries: “We must remain excluded from all of that, so that irresponsible ones from the region do not draw us into something like that”.  


The daily reminded that both Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic and Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti presented messages “in a synchronized manner” over the weekend by saying that Serbia is “small Russia”, “puppet of Kremlin” and that “the Russian world” in the Balkans is “the Serb world”. Kurti even drew parallels between Ukraine and Balkans and claimed that “there is an octopus in the area of former SSSR with the Russian Federation in the centre and its tentacles in Donbas, Krimea” and argued that Serbia is in the centre in the territory of former Yugoslavia while tentacles are Republika Srpska (RS), political entity in Montenegro which refuses to recognize its independence and illegal structures in northern part of Kosovo. “There is the Russian Humanitarian Center 160 kilometers from Pristina. It is the heart of a hybrid war in the Western Balkans and this is not a replacement for a war but a preparation for it”, Kurti claimed.  


At the same time, Djukanovic warned that the Serb Orthodox Church is “a factor of disturbance in Montenegro and region” and noted that pro-Russian forces in Serbia, Montenegro and RS have been organizing rallies of support to Russian President Vladimir Putin and they have been celebrating “accomplishments” of Russian Army: “The centres are in Belgrade and Banja Luka, from where they have been spreading their activities onto Montenegro and entire region”.  

Vucic: Serbia to respond to Pristina and Podgorica; Far-reaching consequences to follow (B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that Serbia would respond to Pristina and Montenegro today. He said at the pre-election rally in Kikinda yesterday that all the effects of the war in Ukraine and everything that is happening in Europe and the world will be discussed at the session of the National Security Council. 


“Both Podgorica and Pristina will receive Belgrade’s response to the ban on voting in the elections” on Tuesday too, he said, referring to a refusal by the Montenegrin foreign ministry to allow organizing Serbia’s elections in Montenegro’s municipalities of Berane, Niksic and Sutomore, and a statement from Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti that voting in Kosovo in Serbia’s elections could only take place if Serbia first recognized Kosovo’s independence. “Podgorica and Pristina will receive (on Tuesday) response from serious and responsible people, but it will now have far-reaching consequences. They thought it was possible to destroy our Serbia with lies, and they waited for an opportunity to provoke a conflict, thinking it was time for new pogroms, the expulsion of our people, the demolition of our country”, Vucic said. 


The decision of the Montenegro’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to reject the request of the Serbian Embassy to open polling stations in Berane, Sutomore and Budva for the elections on April 3 was made without consultations with Prime Minister and most other ministers of Zdravko Krivokapic’s cabinet, RTS reported. The reaction from Krivokapic’s office points out that neither the government, nor the prime minister have ever decided to open or close polling stations in Montenegro where Serbian citizens currently in the country would vote. 


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Minister Djordje Radulovic did not share that decision with the Prime Minister and most of the ministers in the government, it is added. Nothing against Serbia, only following the common practice, minister insists: By the end of the day, Radulovic also made a statement, confirming that no additional places had been approved 

for the Serbian elections. There was a positive answer to Serbia’s request that the vote for the upcoming elections be held in the premises of the embassy and consulate, but not in the additional places that Serbia asked for in Berane, Sutomore and Budva, he said. “In the note with which they addressed our department, it is not explained why, despite the established diplomatic practice, it is necessary to organize voting in additional places. For the sake of explanation, providing additional locations for voting in addition to embassies and consulates, is used only when there is either a large number of voters, or the states are territorially much larger”, Radulovic said. Such a decision is not directed against Serbia, because in the same way - only in their embassies and consulates - citizens of other countries, who are in Montenegro, vote, he pointed out. “After all, is Montenegro so big that if someone wants to use the right to vote, they cannot go to the Serbian Embassy in Podgorica or the Consulate General in Herceg Novi very quickly?”, Radulovic asked. 


Vucic presented bad forecasts for the continuation of the conflict in Ukraine and assessed that he does not rule out much bigger conflicts than the conflicts of only those two countries. 

"We must do our best so that irresponsible people do not drag us into something like that," he concluded. Just to reiterate, tomorrow at 12 o'clock, a session of the National Security Council will be held. Topics will include Albin Kurti's refusal to hold elections in Kosovo and Metohija, threats of sanctions against Serbia and relations with NIS and the supply of oil for the Serbian market. 


He said that talks were ongoing "with our Russian partners, too" to prevent the possibility of what he termed Serbia-bashing because the Petroleum Industry of Serbia's majority owner is a Russian company. "We're looking at how we can overcome that -- offend no-one, hurt no-one, and we have to ensure a future for Serbia and provide safety for every man and every child," Vucic said. He called on everyone in Serbia, even those who he says have only the worst to say about him, to stand with their compatriots and with Serbia. 


EU: We respect Belgrade's constructive approach, we regret Pristina's decision (RTS)


The EU regrets Pristina's refusal to accept the agreement on the participation of Serbian citizens from Kosovo and Metohija in the elections for the Parliament and the President of Serbia on April 3, EU spokesman Peter Stano said in Brussels. "We respect Serbia's constructive approach in seeking a solution, and we regret that no agreement was reached, after Pristina rejected the constructive proposal of the Quinte countries," said Peter Stano. 


The EU spokesman emphasized that Pristina's decision was "contrary to Kosovo's commitments on its European path and contrary to the principle of protecting the rights of citizens, including the rights of minority communities". Stano explained that the EU acted as a mediator in contacts at the highest level in order to find practical solutions based on analogy with the practice of voting in previous elections, but that these efforts failed. "We expect Serbia and Kosovo to refrain from statements and moves that would increase tensions, act responsibly and engage in EU-mediated dialogue negotiations," Stano said, adding that he could not say at this time when a new meeting between Belgrade and Pristina at the highest political level might take place.  


Vucic met with Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (Blic)

President Aleksandar Vucic met today with Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. The meeting is attended by the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic, the president of the Serbian List Goran Rakic, the vice presidents of the Serbian List Igor Simic, Milan Radojicic, Dalibor Jevtic, the BIA director Bratislav Gasic... 


Meeting between Vucic and Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija is talking in the Palace of Serbia, where a session of the National Security Council was previously held, at which one of the topics was Albin Kurti's refusal to hold elections in Kosovo and Metohija. 


The conversation between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and the representatives of the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija will last for several hours, because the situation in which the country finds itself is very complicated. "This is a very difficult situation for the country. We will see what will happen at the meeting with the representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija," says the source of Blic. As he further states, President Vucic set aside all other obligations related to the campaign. "Vucic cancelled his presence at three election rallies today," says the interlocutor. 


Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo banned from entering Kosovo (RTS)


Kosovo authorities banned Assistant Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo from entering Kosovo on Monday, the office said. Ivan Vujic was not allowed to enter, “although he is not subject to the provisions of the agreement on official visits and is not obliged to announce his visit”, the office pointed out. On Tuesday, Vujic was supposed to visit Klina and Osojane and hand over aid to a socially vulnerable family of five from the village of Zac. 


"(Kosovo PM) Albin Kurti's intention is to radicalize and further provoke tensions in Kosovo and Metohija, because his only and basic goal is to try to provoke an unbalanced reaction of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and continue to trample on all agreements reached in Brussels, including the one on freedom of movement ", the Office estimates. 


Assistant Director of the Office Ivan Vujic, they add, is not subject to the provisions of the agreement on official visits and is not obliged to announce his visit. "This is not the first time that Pristina has banned representatives and assistant directors of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija from visiting Kosovo and Metohija, thus grossly violating agreements. Nevertheless, Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija and official Belgrade will continue to maintain peace and stability and continue to help their people in Kosovo. and Metohija ", says the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. 


The Patriarch presented an initiative to support refugees from Ukraine, and Vucic promised additional help (RTS)

Last night, President Aleksandar Vucic met with Patriarch Porfirio, who presented his initiative in support of refugees from Ukraine. At the meeting with President Vucic, the Patriarch of Porphyry emphasized that the Serbian Orthodox Church and its believers were largely engaged in helping people from the areas affected by the war. 


Vucic promised additional engagement of the state in order for refugees from Ukraine to receive timely and adequate assistance, the Service for Cooperation with the Media of the President of the Republic announced. 


They also discussed the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and the president informed the patriarch about the latest decisions of the Pristina leadership, the situation in the region, as well as the challenges that Serbia is facing in light of the events in Ukraine. 


The Patriarch of Porphyry informed the President in more detail about the attacks on the Serbian Orthodox Church and its property, especially in Kosovo and Metohija, and emphasized that it is important to preserve the unity of the Serbian people. They agreed that the obligation of the greatest importance is to preserve peace and stability, and in the first place, national and state interests should be taken into account in order to preserve the stable future of the citizens of Serbia.  


Dacic: Serbia to maintain relations with Russia, staying on EU path, too (Happy TV)


A candidate for prime minister nominated by a coalition rallied around the Socialist Party of Serbia, Ivica Dacic, said on March 21 that Serbia had to pursue a balanced foreign policy, looking after the relationship with Russia, while staying on the path to the European Union (EU) as well. When asked about the implications the war in Ukraine might have on Serbia’s foreign policy, Dacic said that Belgrade “should not stand out in every crisis.” “We haven’t caused the war, and we can’t stop it either,” the Socialist leader said in an interview with the Happy TV. 


Serbian minister blasts Lithuanian FM (N1)


Serbian Internal Affairs Minister Aleksandar Vulin blasted Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis, saying on Monday that his threats of sanctions against Serbia unless it imposes sanctions on Russia are “stupid and hypocritical”. Commenting a statement by Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis that the European Union should impose sanctions on countries aiding Russia, Vulin said that Landsbergis forgot that Serbs do not attack friends and do not like blackmail, adding that his words are hypocritical because the EU did not impose sanctions on Russian oil and gas. “If the Lithuanian threats are the language of the EU, then are accession to the EU is even farther off than I thought,” Vulin is quoted as saying in a Ministry press release. Vulin accused Landsbergis of wanting to force Serbia to enter into someone else’s war. “Serbia chooses its friends but the enemies choose it themselves,” he said. 


UNHCR Welcomes Serbian Government’s decision on providing temporary protection to displaced persons from Ukraine (Beta)

UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, welcomed the Serbian government’s decision to provide temporary protection to Ukrainian citizens who were forced to flee their homeland due to Russian aggression. The decision “is a very important step” that will provide protection to all those who are unable to return to their homes, including Ukrainian citizens, third-country nationals and stateless persons from Ukraine, the UNHCR said, news agency Beta reported. 


The decision to provide temporary protection in Serbia to displaced persons coming from Ukraine was made by the government on March 18. It stipulates that temporary protection lasts for one year from the decision was made. According to the decree, refugees from Ukraine and their families in Serbia will have legally guaranteed rights to stay during the period of temporary protection, a document confirming their status, the right to stay, health care, and access to the labour market. They will also be guaranteed free primary and secondary education, the right to legal aid under the conditions prescribed for asylum seekers, the right to freedom of religion, collective accommodation in facilities designated for that purpose and appropriate accommodation for particularly vulnerable persons. The decision also covers foreign citizens who have been granted valid permanent residence or temporary residence in Ukraine and who cannot return to their country.  


According to the estimates of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, there are currently about 3,200 refugees from Ukraine in Serbia. Most of them were accommodated with relatives and friends, “and some managed on their own”, Refugee and Migration Commissioner Vladimir Cucic said to TV N1. More than 13,000 refugees from Ukraine passed through Serbia, but most of them were in transit, he said. 


Presidential candidate: I’m fighting for second round (Blic)


The NADA (HOPE) coalition’s candidate for Serbian president, Milos Jovanovicsaid that his goal was to enter a second round in April’s presidential election, fully aware that it’s not an easy task, but hopeful that it might actually happen. “I am urging Serbian voters to read the biographies of all candidates, think about their lives and political paths, listen to what they plan to support, see how serious and consistent they are and make a final decision. I am here, with a clear vision for the future we’ll all share, and I’m asking them to trust me,” Jovanovic said in an interview with the Blic daily, published on March 21. Milos Jovanovic, the president of the Democratic Party of Serbia, said that the Nada coalition wanted to have as many seats in the parliament as possible, to shape the country’s politics and implement their platform.


Dveri: Era of hollow political stories is over (Beta)


The Dveri movement’s leader, Bosko Obradovic, nominated by the Patriotic Bloc for Restoration of Kingdom of Serbia to run for Serbian presidency, said on March 21 that an era of “hollow political stories” was over, and that Dveri was offering concrete solutions, having a vision of Serbia as a country devoted to families. Speaking at a press conference called to present a modern, urban family residential area, Obradovic said that his movement was offering a new concept of living to Serbian citizens. “It addresses the issues of housing, environmental sustainability, energy security and efficiency and a humane life devoted to families,” Obradovic explained. The Dveri leader said that a modern urban residential area should include a green roof system, shared leisure spaces, mobile gyms in the open, playgrounds, dog parks, electric public transport, mini cultural centres, modern kindergartens, schools and student campuses. 


SRS: Party supports Vucic, putting national interests above its own (Vecernje Novosti)

A deputy to the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) president, Aleksandar Seselj, said that the Radicals decided to support the Serbian Progressive Party leader, Aleksandar Vucic, in the Serbian presidential race, because they were “a nation-building party, knowing when it’s necessary to put national interests above the party’s and personal concerns.” “Vucic is not our candidate, and he’s not an ideal candidate for us either. We are realistic though, and we know that our candidate would not be able to win the presidency, but it is a national interest to have Vucic win in the first round, to prevent a Macedonian, Ukrainian, Belarusian or some other scenario at home. It might lead to serious instabilities, making it possible for Western marionettes to take power in Serbia, like they did on October 5,” Seselj said in an interview with the Vecernje Novosti newspaper, published on March 21. The Radical official said that the party would never introduce sanctions against Russia, and that it was opposed to Serbia’s accession to the European Union (EU), while supporting Euro-Asian integrations and accession to the Collective Security Treaty Organization.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Dodik: No secession of RS is planned, but political struggle for constitutional position; Dodik, RTRS deny Djukanovic’s claims (ATV)

A session of the Executive Committee of SNSD was held on Monday. Following the session, representatives of SNSD stressed that besides improving of living standard of citizens, Republika Srpska (RS) does not have any hidden agenda. Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik also denied claims on plans of the RS for secession. He emphasized that wishes should be separated from abilities. “The RS in constitutional B&H is currently the only possibility”, explained the leader of SNSD. Dodik stressed that their activities did not mention any date concerning independence of the RS. He underlined that claims of President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic are also speculations, adding that the RS does not have intention or plan to “walk Russian soldiers” or to cause any conflicts.  


Responding to the manipulations from diplomatic circles about the alleged secession of the RS, Dodik said that no secession of the RS is planned, but a political struggle for a constitutional position. Dodik said Sarajevo and Tirana are two centres seeking to prevent the spread of alleged Russian influence in the Balkans, adding that Djukanovic is not lagging behind in that either, spreading misinformation that the RS will allegedly declare independence.  


RTRS stressed that the RS is being labelled again with stories about secession, noting that such allegations were published first in the media, and then they reached diplomatic circles. According to RTRS, everything was backed up with dates when the RS could allegedly withdraw the moves leading to secession. Dates that were mentioned were March 13, March 17 and March 21, but since their plans failed, they are now bidding with new dates. RTRS said that now it is being stated that Dodik will set up barricades on the entity line on March 23 or June 28.  


Dodik stressed that a couple of days ago, when a session of the Collegium of the RS National Assembly (RSNA) was taking place, he saw that he had five missed calls from ambassadors all from the EU. "I answered one of them and asked what is this about, why the fuss? He said are you holding a session of the Collegium to hold a session of the RSNA tonight and declare independence. It is some kind of madness, I do not understand what it is about. Now it is clear that this was not true," Dodik said.  


RTRS noted that one is not trying to degrade the RS only in this way. Namely, according to RTRS, a parallel is often drawn between the Ukrainian crisis and B&H, in which Serb cadres are portrayed as rebels, ready for conflict and riots. Serious accusations were also made by Djukanovic, for whom a dysfunctional B&H could be the focus of new problems in the Balkans because, as he stated, the RS is constantly threatening secession. Djukanovic also mentioned the Serbian Orthodox Church as a disruptive factor in the region, and accused Belgrade and Banja Luka of receiving media and financial support from Russia. However, as RTRS said, Djukanovic failed to say who the Russians are financing and where exactly the centres are located. "Montenegro, B&H, meaning the rogue intelligence service run by (B&H OSA Director Osman Mehmedagic) Osmica, Albania, Kosovo and North Macedonia have an organizational assembly in order to allegedly prevent the spread of Russian influence in the Balkans, these centres - one is in Tirana, one in Sarajevo," Dodik emphasized. Other officials of the RS have emphasized that previously initiated processes in B&H are political and not a threat to stability, noting that they will not be resolved by force, and especially not by war.  


RS Minister of Interior Dragan Lukac said that he does not see at this moment that anyone can disrupt security. "Our goal is to maintain peace and security in B&H and all messages from the RS are going in that direction," Lukac pointed out. However, according to RTRS, despite that and the fact that Europe is burdened with numerous problems, all this time the intention to bring political events in B&H in the context of geopolitical circumstances has not been given up. RTRS reminded that politicians from Sarajevo appealed to foreign embassies and international organizations to increase their influence in this area. RTRS pointed out that by placing untruths in the public, which obviously reach certain embassies, one is trying to call for sanctions for the representatives of the RS. In addition to political, one has also been threatening with economic sanctions. Experts believe that the intention of Western structures to establish a stable colonial administration over the Balkan states with the aim of de-Serialization of the Balkans is behind everything.  


Commenting on Djukanovic’s claims that Banja Luka and Belgrade are spreading Russia’s influence in the Balkans and that the RS is constantly threatening with secession, Dodik said that Djukanovic is lying. “The official policy of the RS is the constitutional position within B&H. There are no secessionist or any other activities in this context. I do not hide I would like this to happen, but this is not possible at this moment”, Dodik said and argued that it is Djukanovic who is developing good relations with Russia. Dodik also claimed that Russians showed him a photo of a large villa “they prepared for Djukanovic once he is no longer in Montenegro. Maybe they were joking with me and maybe it is true”. Dodik concluded by saying that he will continue to develop good relations with Russia and that they are not giving up the intention to connect Banja Luka to a natural gas pipeline. 


HDZ B&H's Covic says SDA broke down agreement on changing B&H Election Law because Izetbegovic cannot understand that there is no B&H without Croats; SDA's Izetbegovic says Croats have to realize that they will not dictate life in FB&H with sixth of vote (RTRS)

HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic said that SDA broke down the agreement on changes to the B&H Election Law because SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic cannot understand that there is no B&H without Croats. Covic pointed out SDA did everything to undermine the negotiations and maintain the status quo. Covic said that Croats do not agree to reduce the powers of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoR) only to vital interest. "I will be very open, SDA did everything to maintain the status quo and not to agree on anything. The legitimate representation of the constituent peoples and the position of the constituent peoples in the Constitution of B&H and the FB&H are non-negotiable," Covic underlined.  


RTRS stressed that the catch is that SDA and the parties of the so-called pro-Bosnian bloc not only want to keep the possibility of electing a Croat member of the B&H Presidency, but also a third of the Croat Caucus in the FB&H Parliament.  


Izetbegovic said that Croats have to realize that they will not dictate life in the FB&H with a sixth of the vote. "I am a little angry with Covic for provoking the Bosniak corps practically until the last day. Why Mr. Covic refused to sign the contract with the Islamic Community? Why he played games with (SNSD leader and Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad) Dodik that annoy people," Izetbegovic asked.  


Earlier, Covic told the media: "They set their own conditions and when we recognized these conditions in the FB&H as a possible solution, then they set new conditions on which we remained very firm that the constitutional position of the legislative authorities, the position of the HoP in the FB&H cannot be discussed and that is where we essentially parted." Covic added that there are no formal and legal conditions for holding elections, but that everything that was agreed upon can go into parliamentary procedure.  


BHT1 added that although Croat parties state that there are no conditions for holding elections, the international community (IC) is clear and stated that elections will be held in October. Covic stressed that the BiH Parliament should adopt at least one part of the electoral reform in order to meet the conditions for holding the elections. “It seems to me that a part of what we have agreed upon regarding the election legislation, some of us can put in the parliamentary procedure so that at least that part of the job is done and to create a political and legal environment for organizing elections,” he said.  


Member of HNS and leader of HDZ 1990 Ilija Cvitanovic stated that this part refers to the judgment of the Constitutional Court of B&H on the appeal of Ljubic and the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights that everyone could be allowed to run, on the one hand, and, on the other, to enable Croats to elect their legitimate representatives.  


Izetbegovic expressed optimism that the last step in reaching an agreement will still be reached, but that maximalist goals of Croat parties should be abandoned. He added that Croat parties proposed various cases, but that in the end it always came down to the same goal. 


NiP leader Konakovic: Agreement on election reform was stopped by SDA due to insistence to turn FB&H HoP into body such as RS CoP; SDA’s Colo: Not all solutions are as good as Konakovic says (N1)

N1 carries that there is optimism despite the failure of the last round of negotiations on changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law. Leader of People and Justice (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic, who took part in the negotiations, told N1 that important compromises have been reached in the negotiations, including that every citizen can run for any member of the BiH Presidency and that Caucuses and Houses do not have an ethnic prefix. Konakovic pointed out that at the level of the Federation of B&H (FB&H), HDZ B&H agreed to options that unblock the decision-making processes. Konakovic added that a compromise was also reached on the thing that in his opinion is essentially important and that is for the Constitutional Court (CC) of the FB&H to exclusively decide on a vital national interest. "Ultimately, if something gets stuck, the CC decides... We got unblocking when it comes to the process of appointment of the President and Vice Presidents of the FB&H, unblocking when it comes to the process of appointment of the judges of the CC. Therefore, we got all the things that we as negotiators of the civic option asked for at the beginning. Most of it was on that paper which was stopped," Konakovic underlined. Konakovic claims that the agreement was stopped by SDA due to insistence to turn the FB&H House of Peoples (HoP) into a body such as the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of Peoples (CoP). Konakovic emphasized that none of the negotiators could take this seriously because, as he said, the RS CoP is a body in which apartheid is completely legalized and where there are no constitutional rights for Bosniaks and Croats.  


SDA representatives have confirmed that the FB&H House of Peoples is the reason because of which the talks on electoral reform have failed. However, according to SDA representatives, things are not that simple. SDA's Alma Colo said that not all solutions are as good as Mr. Konakovic says. "He says you would have fifteen people without ethnic prefixes in the state HoP. It was said there that five are elected from the RS in the RS National Assembly (RSNA), five are elected in the Croat Caucus of the FB&H Parliament and five in the Bosniak Caucus of the FB&H Parliament, meaning that only Croats and only Bosniaks can elect five each," Colo said. Colo stressed that there is the process of slowing down the adoption of laws in the FB&H. "On the other hand, we have HDZ B&H's insistence that the 17 delegates in the HoP are elected exclusively from the territories inhabited predominantly by Croats," Colo underlined.  


HDZ B&H representatives stated that they will comment on everything, including the interruption of the negotiation process, after a session of the Presidency of HDZ B&H scheduled for the end of the week. 


SNSD leader Dodik: Election Law should not be amended since there is no consensus on that matter (BN TV)

Addressing media after the SNSD Executive Committee’s session on Monday, SNSD leader and Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Milorad Dodik commented on the talks on the Election Law of B&H. Dodik said that SNSD considers that the Election Law should not be amended, because there is no consensus on that matter. Dodik noted that “all seven or eight” proposals of amendments, submitted by SNSD, have so far been rejected while there has been imposing of “electronic voting, which is speculative and aims to ensure promotion of election candidates primarily favoured by foreigners”. The SNSD leader stressed that SNSD will thus not participate in the support of amending of the Election Law. He added that, nevertheless, SNSD is willing to carry out talks one more time and to see if there is possibility to come to the agreement.  


RTRS reported that SNSD representatives stressed that they expect that the elections will be called and held, regardless of the fact that the negotiations between the parties from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) on changes to the B&H Election Law experienced a fiasco.  


Dodik said that neither he nor anyone from Republika Srpska (RS) was a participant in the failed negotiations on changes to the B&H Election Law, so it is inappropriate to involve him in unresolved Bosniak-Croat problems. Dodik pointed out that all proposals of SNSD that went in the direction of improving the Election Law were rejected, while at the same time SNSD is asked to accept electronic voting. "Then the software for that electronic voting would be given to us by foreigners and then they would bring their people and then we would have completely different results than in the field," Dodik said. Dodik stressed that results of talks in Sarajevo demonstrated where the problem lies and that it is not the RS or Dodik. He added that it was confirmed once again that a foreign factor does not belong in B&H. “This is only evidence that B&H is a failed state”, explained leader of SNSD, adding that general elections scheduled for October will probably be held but will not solve anything. 


Sarovic: SDS believes that general elections should be held in line with current Election Law of B&H (O kanal)

Guest of the central news magazine was SDS leader Mirko Sarovic. As for the latest failure of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) politicians to reach an agreement on the electoral reform, Sarovic said that SDS believes that the general elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) should be held in line with the current Election Law of B&H, stressing that the electoral reform has failed completely. However, Sarovic said that there is possibility that the opposition sends a package of the election process integrity into the parliamentary procedure, which could be a test in B&H Parliament for all those who advocated for this type of reform. He noted that it not suitable for the parties from the ruling coalition at the level of B&H, SDA, HDZ B&H and SNSD, to hold the elections in line with the current Election Law of B&H. Sarovic explained that HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic knows in advance that, in case the elections are held in line with the existing Election Law of B&H, he will not win the position of a member of the Presidency of B&H. At the same time, Sarovic added, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic knows he would be fiercely criticized by Bosniak voters in case he makes any compromise with HDZ B&H because of which “neither of them is willing to make any radical concessions because they know they would lose in such situation”. 


Nesic: Election must be held; Borenovic: Failure of talks on electoral reform was not unexpected (Nezavisne)

DNS leader Nenad Nesic stated that the failed talks on electoral reform prove that the problem lies in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) and not Republika Srpska (RS). “RS must not be held hostage by the FB&H and the unresolved issues within this entity, and citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) cannot not be hostages of unrealistic ambitions of SDA. Elections must be held within the legally prescribed deadline”, said Nesic.  


PDP leader Branislav Borenovic stated that none months of exhausting negotiations led by retrograde political structures resulted in nothing. According to Borenovic, this was not entirely unexpected, because the existing legal framework which is susceptible to corruption perfectly suits the ruling political structures. 


US Embassy: Elections have to take place in time (Dnevni avaz)

Answering daily’s inquiry regarding the negotiations on electoral reform, US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that they did everything they could. Statement explains that there was a package of reforms, which would enable implementation of ECHR judgements and enable all citizens in B&H to be able to run for the highest posts in the country and increase level of transparency and integrity of election process. “Unfortunately, SDA and HDZ have not reached a compromise, necessary for finalizing of this agreement. It is now up to leaders of this country, to build on these foundations and to find courage to reach compromises which they failed to reach so far and they have to be accepted in the Parliament. Free and fair elections are the main democratic right of all citizens. USA believe that this year’s elections have to be held in time”, reads Embassy’s statement. 


In addition, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy stated that the refusal to accept reasonable changes that would improve the functionality of the institutions in the Federation of B&H has made it impossible to achieve a balanced response to ensure authority functioning. Murphy was disappointed by the failed talks. The Venice Commission’s opinion on this matter reads: “The role of the HoP is only negative, as a house for veto, where members see the defense of the interests of their people as their exclusive task, without participating in the success of the legislative process. It therefore seems that it could be better to move the use of the veto on the basis of vital interests to the HoR and to abolish the HoP.” 


OSCE Mission to B&H: It is priority now that B&H CoM adopts decisions on allocation of funds needed to organize elections (FTV)

Commenting on the latest failure to reach an agreement on the electoral reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), the OSCE Mission to B&H said that it is priority now that B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) adopts decisions on allocation of funds needed to organize the elections. “We will continue to support and work on the adoption of the necessary changes. I also look forward to the elections in October, which should be organized in accordance with the international obligations of B&H as the OSCE member state”, Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec said. Kavalec said that as an OSCE participating state, B&H, together with all other states, has committed itself to respecting the democratic rights of its citizens, "and one of those rights is B&H's obligation to hold democratic elections at regular intervals." Kavalec expressed disappointment with the fact that political leaders in B&H have failed to reach agreement on the necessary amendments to the Election Law of B&H. She stressed that the OSCE will continue to actively work in the field of electoral reform in B&H, adding that she looks forward to the elections in October which should be organized in accordance with the international obligations of B&H as the OSCE member state. 


Money for holding of elections 2022 in B&H not secured yet which is why holding of elections may be called into question (Nova BH)

Nova BH reminded that another round of negotiations on the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law failed and most likely, the general elections 2022 will be called in line with the existing rules. However, Nova BH warned that the money for holding of the elections was not secured yet which is why holding of the elections may be called into question. Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec said that they are looking forward to the elections in October that should be organized in line with international obligations of B&H as a member state of the OSCE. She underlined that now, the most important thing is that the B&H Council of Ministers reaches decisions on allocation of money necessary to organize elections. Leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic said that there are no conditions to organize the elections primarily due to failure to implement a verdict in Strasbourg and due to all other issues. The reporter noted that some assess Covic’ statements as announcements on boycott or blockade of the elections. Leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic stated that if HDZ B&H does not want to take part in the elections, the party can boycott the elections but it cannot try to obstruct the election process through opposing to adoption of budget.  


The reporter explained that the key for holding of the elections is money that will be missing without adoption of the budget. Asked to comment on this issue, former member of the B&H Central Election commission (CEC) Vehid Sehic said that budget funds belong to all citizens of B&H and this is not the money of political subjects, but they were authorized to manage the money in the benefit of citizens of B&H.  


The reporter argued that the B&H CEC behaves like they already have the money which is not the case right now; they prepare acts, they work on improvement of software so that everything is ready for the beginning of May and reaching a decision to call the elections. President of the B&H CEC Zeljko Bakalar said that the issue of money is present from the last election cycle and they will solve this problem in parallel while they work, i.e. after they call the elections. The money for holding of the elections must be secured 15 days after calling the elections and judging by statements of international officials, it seems that we will see a scenario according to which the elections will be held but the money will not be secured from this year’s budget. 


Strategic Compass for EU adopted; It mentions B&H, i.e. equality of three constituent peoples in B&H (Vecernji list)

During a meeting of EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs and EU Ministers of Defense in Brussels on Monday, attendees adopted the Strategic Compass for the EU that defines the defense vision of the EU in the next five to ten years. The reporter noted that many find this the beginning of formation of an army of the EU. According to HRT1, Croatia insisted that the document mentions Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and for the first time ever, a document of the Council of the EU mentions equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H. The reporter noted that according to diplomatic sources, it was not easy to include this sentence in the aforementioned document as some countries opposed but Croatia insisted. B&H was mentioned in the part of the Strategic Compass for the EU that speaks about the position, i.e. surrounding of the EU and the document supported territorial integrity and sovereignty of B&H. RTS reports that the ‘Strategic Compass’ calls for the formation of a joint EU force of 5,000 troops to react quickly in conflict zones, a joint investment in EU military capabilities to operate on land, at sea, in the cyber domain and in space. Upon Croatia’s initiative, the Strategic Compass reads it is of special interest of the EU to support sovereignty, single and territorial integrity of B&H on basis of principles of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens and constituent peoples, as it is written in the Constitution of B&H, and in the reform process on its European path. 


EU Spokesman Stano: Russian Ambassador to B&H Kalabukhov behaves inappropriately and his statements represent interfering in internal issues of state (O kanal)

O Kanal reminds that Russian Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Igor Kalabukhov has said earlier regarding the possible NATO membership of B&H that Russia has shown on the example of Ukraine what it expects. Spokesperson for the European Union (EU) Peter Stano stated on Monday that Kalabukhov behaves inappropriately and his statements represent interfering in internal issues of a state. Stano added that B&H citizens are the only ones to decide where their country belongs to and which partnerships it will seek. “It is inacceptable to send threats from outside to try to influence such decisions. We call on Russia to meet the international obligations, stop undermining stability and security in Europe and immediately stop unlawful aggression on Ukraine”, Stano stressed. 




Plenkovic: Upon Croatian initiative, European Council should hold discussion on situation in B&H (HRT1)

Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic stated on Monday that the Strategic Compass for the EU is the key and the long-term document on strategic security that should be adopted in Brussels on Thursday. Plenkovic added that upon his initiative, the European Council should hold a discussion on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Thursday. Plenkovic stated that the Strategic Compass for the EU is the activity of the Croatian Government, the Croatian diplomacy arguing that this should also be a signal for political parties in B&H on how to reach an agreement. In his opinion, this should be useful not just for Croats but also for the other two peoples in B&H. Plenkovic added that this was a very demanding job and that they were working on this. Plenkovic urged to decrease the rhetoric in B&H probably referring to the latest statements of leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic. He explained that there is a part of the aforementioned document that mentions B&H adding that as Croatia insisted, references on the constituent peoples were included. 


Croatian FM Grlic Radman: EU must be more present in the region, especially in B&H, avoid over-spilling of Ukraine crisis (Vecernji list)

Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman stated on Monday that the EU should be more present in the Western Balkans, especially in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), where the election reform is necessary to secure equality of three peoples. Speaking prior to meeting of EU Foreign Ministers, Grlic Radman said that this the key for security of B&H. The Croatian Foreign Minister also said that he will stress the need to avoid over-spilling of the crisis from Ukraine to the Western Balkans. 


Milanovic: Talks on Bosnia’s election law hampered by ‘unitarisation attempts’ (Hina)


"Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said that the talks on electoral reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina had failed because of Bosniak attempts to unitarise the country, adding that there could be no justification for holding elections that would not ensure legitimate representation of the Croats," state agency Hina said on Monday. 


“Unless the Croats in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) are ensured legitimate representation through elections, such elections have no political or democratic justification,” Milanovic said in a written statement carried by the Mostar-based news website Dnevnik


Another round of US- and EU-mediated talks on electoral reform between the Bosnian Croat and Bosniak parties failed on Sunday. The leader of the Croat HDZ B&H party, Dragan Covic, blamed it on the head of the predominantly Bosniak Party of Democratic Action (SDA), Bakir Izetbegovic, who in turn said that the HDZ leader was “provoking the Bosniaks”. 


Milanovic said that the failure of the talks was the result of ignorance of the substance of the Dayton peace agreement, failure to respect the equality of the country’s three constituent peoples, and refusal to accept the legitimate representation of the Croats in state bodies. 


“Through their political activity, and in recent months by systematically destroying any possible compromise or agreement on amending the election law, they are actually working on the unitarisation of B&H” to the country’s detriment, Milanovic said. 


Croatian politicians consider attempts at unitarisation of the country by the Bosniak parties to be equally harmful to B&H as secessionist moves by the Bosnian Serb parties. General elections are due in October this year, but Croatian officials from Croatia and B&H believe there is no legal basis for that because parts of the election law have been contested by the B&H Constitutional Court. 




Montenegrin Foreign Minister denies allegations that the ministry he heads banned Serbian citizens from voting in Serbia's elections (CDM)


Minister Djordje Radulovic explains that no one has banned the holding of elections, but only the places that have been provided for that have been confirmed, emphasizing that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded positively to Serbia's request. 


"On the occasion of the statement of the Democratic Front, which, in a way, indirectly accuses the Foreign Ministry and me personally of interfering in the election process in Serbia - simply put, the claim cannot be further from the truth. I want to clarify that in accordance with international law and conventions, voting is organized in the premises of embassies and consulates. This time as well, at the request of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia, the MFA responded positively. However, the note in which they addressed our department did not explain why it is necessary to organize voting in other places, in addition to the established diplomatic practice", Radulovic said. 


As he said, for the sake of explanations, providing additional locations for voting in addition to embassies and consulates, is used only when there is either a large number of voters, or it is a matter of territorially much larger countries. 


This decision is not directed against anyone, because in the same way, in their embassies and consulates, citizens of other countries vote - Croatia, USA, Ukraine, Russia and many others, whose national law allows voting abroad. It is exclusively a matter of respecting international norms and practices. After all, Montenegro is not so big that, if the right to vote is used, one cannot get to the Serbian Embassy in Podgorica or the Consulate General in Herceg Novi very quickly? Populism and political mongering are exactly what Montenegro does not need, but peacefulness, composure and reconciliation", said Radulovic. As he claims, behind every "why" there is no antagonism towards anyone, but a logical, understandable and easily explainable "that is why". 


"Nobody has banned the elections, only the seats provided for that have been confirmed. On that line, if there are justified and practical reasons for opening additional polling stations, Serbian diplomatic representatives in our country would present it to the Ministry, which has not been done in the original address, we would certainly consider this request further. 


"Regarding the statement of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, I regret that at a time when war events are taking place in the east of our continent, he is even considering 'far-reaching consequences' in the region. Montenegro, as its smallest country, has a special sensibility for the stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans," Radulovic said. 


He states that, when it comes to the announcement of the cabinet of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic, even after 17 months, in this case, ignorance of the procedures was shown once again, since no session of the Government can be scheduled regarding such technical decisions. 


"On the other hand, the session of the Government should be finally scheduled due to the decisions on which the European future of our country depends, regardless of the possible fear of some members of the Government that the decision to introduce restrictive measures would negatively affect their results in the elections in Berane," Radulovic said. 


Last night, Prime Minister Krivokapic's office said that the decision to reject the request of the Serbian Embassy to open polling stations in Berane, Sutomore and Budva, in anticipation of the upcoming elections scheduled for April 3 in Serbia, was made by the Ministry and Minister Djordje Radulovic, adding that this decision is not in agreement with the Prime Minister and most other ministers in the Montenegrin government. 


Earlier, the Democratic Front called on the outgoing government of Zdravko Krivokapic not to reconsider, but to change the shameful decision to ban the opening of polling stations in Budva, Berane and Sutomore, so that all Serbian citizens in Montenegro could exercise their right to vote. 


"Otherwise, this will be just another in a series of embarrassments for Zdravko Krivokapic and Dritan Abazovic, who became famous for their anti-Serbian decisions to such an extent that they would be envied by Milo Djukanovic and Dusko Markovic, even from the "best" period of their anti-Serbism", DF said. 


The Podgorica based portal also announced yesterday that Krivokapic's government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs rejected the request of the Serbian Embassy to open polling stations in Berane, Sutomore and Budva, where Serbian citizens residing in Montenegro could vote in the upcoming presidential, parliamentary and local elections, scheduled for April 3. 


Djukanovic: Kremlin’s decision to classify us as enemies anti-historical; political crisis in Montenegro a product of Greater Serbia and Russian destruction (CDM)


Do you think that it is possible for the Ukrainian crisis to spill over into the Western Balkans, as suggested by Mr. Lavrov and NATO personnel? What could be the cause of the new Balkan war? 


Djukanovic: Even before Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, during my visit to friendly Greece, I publicly expressed fears that the Ukrainian crisis could affect the Balkans as well. Now that war has broken out, that danger is growing. You have recalled that the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs and NATO representatives warn about that. 


Unfortunately, throughout the history of the Balkans, it has never been a problem to find a reason for a new war. In addition to the unresolved issues left over from the time of the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the fertile ground for destruction is the stagnation in the European integration of the entire region in recent years. This encourages and strengthens retrograde forces that do not see the future of our countries in the European Union. 


We have had a political crisis in Montenegro for 5-6 years, pressed by the Greater Serbia and Russian destruction, which has no end in sight. Opponents of its European and Euro-Atlantic path, meanwhile, have turned from the opposition into part of the government, and are undermining the institutions of the system from within. To make the irony bigger, it was done not only by politics, that is, nationalist engagement of the Serbian Orthodox Church, which is a disruptive factor in Montenegro and in the region, but also with the support of some Western partners who have not seen and still do not see enough destruction of third parties wrapped in slogans about democratic progress. 


You said in an interview during your recent visit to Athens that “there are harmful ideologies that are aggressively trying to infiltrate the Western Balkans”, warning that “we must be extremely careful to protect ourselves from hybrid wars and cyber-attacks”. Who are those who promote such ideologies and political practices? I guess you mean the attempted coup against you in 2016, with the support of Russia. 


Djukanovic: I think that today both those ideologies and their promoters can be clearly seen. It is not seen only by those who do not want to see it. The attempted coup in Montenegro in 2016, which we resisted without anyone’s help, was only a hint of the Ukrainian horrors we are witnessing. (…) At the same time, the Metropolitan of the Church of Serbia in Montenegro states that “events in Ukraine are the consequences of atheism” and that “Montenegro is projected to be a small Ukraine.” 


How would you comment on the Kremlin’s decision to include Montenegro on the list of enemy countries, and what could be the results of that decision? 


Djukanovic: Just as the anti-historical act is Russia’s attack on Ukraine, so is the Kremlin’s anti-historical decision to classify Montenegro as Russia’s enemy. To be today against the war that Russia is waging against the independent European state of Ukraine, against one of the nations closest to Russia, is a matter not only of parts and national dignity, but also of common sense. Montenegro has never been, nor is it, the enemy of Russia, but it is against such anti-civilization illegal violent behaviour. 


We are witnessing that certain countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine) are rushing to apply for EU and NATO membership. Do you consider these moves timely? 


Djukanovic: It is understandable that circumstances always dictate certain moves and intentions, certain policies, especially when a country is in the middle of a war, like Ukraine. The fear of the countries you mentioned is understandable, as it may happen to them tomorrow, so they are trying to find salvation on the accelerated path to EU and NATO membership. However, unfounded expectations and hopes are never a good ally in politics. I am afraid that is unrealistic at the moment. It is also realistic that the Brussels administration and member states take a more responsible and serious view of the importance of the enlargement policy, which until a few years ago proved to be one of the best EU policies. 


You are the longest-serving head of state in the Balkans. Based on your extensive experience, how do you see the end of the war in Ukraine? 


Djukanovic: I am sure that at this moment, neither those who started this war, nor those who are forced to defend themselves, have an answer to that question. The experience of longevity in politics does not help here, because we have simply not had an example similar to the Ukrainian war in recent European history. 


You knew and worked with Milosevic. Do you find any similarities with Putin in terms of exercising power? 


Djukanovic: Exercising power at all times brings with it certain similarities, regardless of the system or the size of the country. If war is a continuation of politics by other means, then this is especially evident in war situations. Someone recalled these days that what happened with the sending of tanks and the siege of Vukovar and Sarajevo in the early 1990s is completely the same as today’s situation in Kiev, Kharkov and Mariupol in Ukraine. It is as if the cult of the leader is the same one that Milosevic enjoyed. The historical goals are similar, motivated by the solution of the national question, which starts from ethnic and religious affiliation. Also, there’s a total control of the media, only today it is at a much higher level because technologies have advanced significantly in the meantime. The reason for the war is completely identical manipulation of the endangerment of compatriots in the neighbourhood. 


Popa: We expect strong implementation of sanctions against Russia by the Montenegrin authorities (Pobjeda)


Now is the time for Montenegro to redouble its efforts and gather all pro-European forces, make progress in necessary reforms and enable the country to progress on the path of EU integration, said the head of the European Union Delegation to Montenegro, Ambassador Oana-Cristina Popa. She points out that it is very important for the countries of the region to harmonize with the EU sanctions against Russian propaganda tools. 


The outgoing Government of Montenegro has proven the clero-nationalist character and complete commitment to Serbian and Russian interests in numerous decisions during these years, it has worked to the detriment of Montenegro in all areas. This is evidenced by the fact that we are the only NATO member country that has not imposed sanctions on Russia. How could such a government have the support of European partners? 


Popa: The decision on who should be part of the government and what the majority should be is a matter of Montenegrin national competence and it is not up to the EU to determine or comment on it. The European Union welcomes Montenegro's compliance with EU sanctions and a clear stance in favor of respect for international law and stability in Europe. Montenegro has publicly expressed support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, condemned Russia's invasion, called for an immediate end to hostilities and shown solidarity with the Ukrainian people. The EU greatly appreciates Montenegro's consistent 100% compliance with EU foreign and security policy. The implementation of restrictive measures is the responsibility of the national authorities and we expect their strong implementation by the Montenegrin authorities. 


Can the war in Ukraine influence the members of the European Union to see, in the new situation on the eastern fringes of the continent, the need to revise and renew the common foreign policy, including a new attitude towards the Balkan gap on the map of a united Europe? 


Popa: The Western Balkans is a strategic priority for the EU and continues to be at the top of our agenda. During a visit to the region last week, EU High Representative and European Commission Vice President Josep Borrell announced that he would submit proposals to strengthen security and defense in the region. His message to the entire Western Balkans is very clear - this is a sobering moment for Europe, when we all need to work together to inject new energy into the enlargement process, in order to bind this region firmly to the European Union. 


We will continue and strengthen our support for the Western Balkans, the European perspective of our friends and allies, and the prosperous future of all citizens of the region. We are also looking for ways to increase our support in areas such as cyber security and strategic communications, including the fight against misinformation. To that end, it is very important that the countries of the region comply with EU sanctions against Russian propaganda tools. 


Montenegro is in one of the most difficult political and social periods. The current Deputy Prime Minister of the outgoing Government, Dritan Abazovic, was given a mandate to form a new one. Democrats are organizing protests, and the DF is blocking, claiming that it is a matter of changing the electoral will. At the same time, the Speaker of Parliament is meeting with Russian intelligence during the Russian aggression on Ukraine? Where does that lead Montenegro? 


Popa: We call on all political parties to focus and cooperate in order to make progress in reforms from the European agenda, in the spirit of constructiveness and in the interest of Montenegrin citizens. The formation of the government is the responsibility of political actors and institutions in Montenegro itself, in accordance with the constitutional and legal framework of Montenegro. We believe this will happen without undue delay. The EU expects every government in Montenegro to act in line with citizens' expectations to make progress in the EU accession process. 


The Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church Joanikije stated on Sunday that we are seeing "the consequences of atheism" in Ukraine and that Montenegro is "projected to be a small Ukraine". A few days earlier, the European Parliament adopted a report that openly mentions Russian influence through the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro. Why did it take Brussels so long to discover the mission of the Church of Serbia in destabilizing Montenegro when it was so obvious? 


Popa: We will not comment on public statements of church dignitaries. What is happening in Ukraine is an act of unprecedented aggression by the Russian leadership against a sovereign, independent country. By its unprovoked and unjustified military actions, Russia is grossly violating international law and undermining European and global security and stability.  


The crisis in Ukraine is causing shocks on the stock exchanges and rising prices of all food products. However, Parliament Speaker Bulajic will not convene a parliamentary session to pass a law on excise duties and limit rising fuel prices. Do you think that this is also proof that in Montenegro the party interest is always ahead of the public one? 


Popa: Today, when the entire democratic world is united against Russia's unprovoked aggression against Ukraine, it is clear that the EU and Montenegro have a common interest. We need a stable Montenegro with us. Montenegro is the country that has made the most progress in the EU accession negotiations. This crisis and Montenegro's support for respect for international law and stability in Europe have brought us even closer. Now is the time for Montenegro to redouble its efforts and bring together all pro-European forces, make progress on necessary reforms and enable the country to make progress on the path to EU integration. 


Kurti: We expect to discuss with the new Government of Montenegro the correction of delimitation errors (CDM)


Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that the issue of delimitation will be resolved with the new government of Montenegro and thus correct the mistake made by the previous governments of Kosovo by donating 8,200 hectares. 


During a visit to the Dzemail Mustafa primary school in Pristina, he said talks on the issue were not possible with the previous Montenegrin government, which he described as a "government with pro-Russian elements". "We hope that Montenegro will soon have a new government, with which we will be able to talk, to deal with this issue, unlike the previous government, which had pro-Russian elements inside and Belgrade, and of course there were no conditions for such an agreement," said Kurti. He announced the possibility of holding a joint session with the Government of Montenegro, as was the case with the governments of Albania and Northern Macedonia.  


The Prime Minister in the technical mandate, Zdravko Krivokapic, said that the statement of the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, who said that he expected "to discuss with the new Government of Montenegro the correction of delimitation errors", is an inadmissible provocation. "I consider the statement of Mr. Kurti, which announces dangerous aspirations to violate the territorial integrity of Montenegro, an inadmissible provocation. It is interesting that there is no reaction from the President of Montenegro and the unconstitutional Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic ", Krivokapic stated on Twitter


North Macedonia 


Foreign Minister Osmani meets with EU counterparts to discuss Macedonia’s stalled EU accession (Republika)


Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani attends a morning meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Brussels, to which he was invited by Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias. The meeting will be focused on Macedonia, whose EU accession process remains stuck, currently due to the Bulgarian veto.  


Osmani met on Monday in Brussels with members of the Macedonia Friends group in the European Parliament and thanked the EP for its support and constructive approach in the process of Macedonia’s EU accession, reflected through a number of initiatives and resolutions. The Macedonia Friends group is an informal group composed of MEPs from different political backgrounds, which is conceived as a kind of forum to provide support to Macedonia in its European aspirations and strong support on its European path. The president of this group is the MEP from Slovenia, Irena Joveva


PM Petkov: Bulgaria will support Macedonia’s EU path, but only after its demands are met (Republika)


Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov told the Greek Kathimerini paper that his country will support Macedonia in its EU accession process, but only after all issues, such as greater minority rights for Bulgarians, are resolved. The key Bulgarian demand right now is that Macedonia amends its Constitution and names the Bulgarian community in the preamble. 

“We are in favor of the European perspective of (Northern) Macedonia, as well as Albania. But there are some things that need to be resolved first, such as respecting the rights of Bulgarians in (Northern) Macedonia, with guarantees within the framework of the constitution. We have a road map and very good communication with the government of (Northern) Macedonia, and we hope to move forward quickly” Petkov said. 




Lulzim Basha resigns from DP leadership (ADN)

The Democrat leader Lulzim Basha has resigned from the leadership of the Democratic Party. The decision came after convening this Monday afternoon in the blue headquarters the Parliamentary Group, the headship and the College of Chairmen. 


"I do not want to dwell on what happened and how, who was right and who was wrong. Unfortunately, the attempt to keep the DP united failed. Democrats and I faced numerous charges and today the DP is experiencing a deep crisis. For this reason and to help the DP to put aside the divisions, aware of the weight I received, I resign from the post of chairman of the Democratic Party in order to help re-establish the DP", said Basha. 


The chairwoman of the Socialist Movement for Integration (SMI), Monika Kryemadhi has stressed this Monday that Lulzim Basha's resignation was expected. According to Kryemadhi, who once was his closes ally, Lulzim Basha recently did not have even the support of MPs. This reaction of Kryemadhi came after Basha left DP's helm. 


"The resignation must be seen from two perspectives, the first is that every drag of Basha at the head of the DP did not unify the DP. I continue to remain stoic that free voting gives a solution to the situation in which the DP finds itself. If the DP is not complete the opposition will be difficult. It is not a novelty in political life. I was waiting for him because DP MPs were no longer supporting him. The result of March 6 was very funny. For other economic and financial interests or blackmail are what make Basha definitely need a pot position to not go through the procedures either with the Belgian case or with that Muse in the US” said Kryemadhi. 

British Embassy reaction after Lulzim Basha's resignation (ADN)


The British Embassy has reacted after the decision of Lulzim Basha to resign from the leadership of the Democratic Party (DP). In its reaction, the British Embassy encourages a free and fair internal electoral process, to allow the DP to move forward, in support of Albania's Euro-Atlantic future. 


"We respect the decision of Lulzim Basha to resign as Chairman of the Democratic Party. We already encourage a free and fair internal electoral process, to allow the DP to move forward, in support of Albania's Euro-Atlantic future. Every democracy needs a strong opposition, which holds the government accountable and offers the best possible alternative to the citizens. All political parties must promote and elect representatives with the highest ethical and professional standards” " declared the British Embassy. 


US Embassy praises Basha's decision to give up (ADN)

After the resignation of Lulzim Basha, the American embassy in Tirana reacted. In its reaction, the American Embassy praises the act of Lulzim Basha's resignation, describing it as a leading sign. According to the US Embassy, the decision will determine the path for the Democratic Party to move forward towards the future, will strengthen Albania's special relationship with the United States. In response, the US Embassy emphasizes that a strong opposition that can be ready to lead is essential to democracy. 


“"After the resignation of Lulzim Basha, the American embassy in Tirana reacted. In its reaction, the American Embassy praises the act of Lulzim Basha's resignation, describing it as a leading sign. According to the US Embassy, the decision will determine the path for the Democratic Party to move forward towards the future, will strengthen Albania's special relationship with the United States. In response, the US Embassy emphasizes that a strong opposition that can be ready to lead is essential to a democracy” stated the Embassy. 


Soreca: There have been cyber-attacks and public misinformation from Moscow in Albania as well (Radio Tirana)


The head of the European Union delegation in Albania, Luigi Soreca, in his last days as the chief diplomat of the union in Tirana, said during an interview for the Italian radio show on radio Rai 1, that there have been cases of Russian cyber-attacks. and attempts at public misinformation by Moscow in Albania, but they do not even compare with the cases in Serbia or Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). 


Asked by well-known Italian journalist about the recent dynamics in the Balkans after the start of the war in Ukraine, Soreca underlined the fact that it is clear that Moscow is seeking to be more involved in the Western Balkans. As this is not currently possible militarily, it is operating through cyber and misinformation campaigns. "European leaders have rightly emphasized Russia's involvement in the region," Soreca said. "Moscow aims to interrupt a process of rapprochement of the countries of the region with the EU and Euro-Atlantic structures." 


Meanwhile, he also thinks that the recent tensions in eastern Europe may affect this fact. Therefore, the West has increased its attention to the phenomena of cybercrime and misinformation. "Beyond the fact that even in Albania, according to him, there have been such events, they are much lower in number than in Serbia or B&H.