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Belgrade Media Report 23 March 2022



Vucic: World remains silent; It's up to us not to fall prey to Kurti's provocations (B92)


After yesterday's meetings, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he was doing his job, so he prioritized the obligations of the President of the Republic to party and personal interests. When it comes to the ultimatum from Pristina, he points out that it is not all about the vote on April 3, but that there is a double intention: to humiliate Serbs, to deprive them of their rights, and then to reduce votes for him and his list. "This second part is not important, because there will be no differences in votes, but the first one is worrying because they are ready to keep silent about Albin Kurti's intention to cause problems in the region. It was easiest to accept the demands of the Serbs, but what would we do tomorrow?", Vucic asked.


He says that he accepted many conditions, but not that "the Government of Serbia enables the Government of Kosovo", because that would de facto mean recognition of Kosovo's independence. "The world is ready to keep silent about Kurti's intention, it is up to us not to fall prey to these provocations. It is easiest to accept their demands, but what will we do a day later, on April 4, May 10?", he asked.


"I think they understand that in the West as well. It will be difficult for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija as well. They want to drag us into the conflict, saying that we are Russian servants. If you look at the Croatian press today, they write 'Brussels saw through Belgrade's game in Bosnia-Herzegovina'. What kind of game, what are we playing except that we are silent on every nonsense we hear. What has Serbia done? What have we offended anyone with?", he asked.


"I think the Russian and Chinese sides understand everything, but it will be difficult for us, it will be difficult for Serbs for Kosovo and Metohija. The trap is that they are trying to drag us into the conflict, saying that we are Russian servants in the Balkans. Croats say we are provoking in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). What exactly did we do, except that we are silent at every step?", Vucic said for Pink TV.


He says that it is necessary to preserve peace for all people, both in Serbia and the region. "People can vote for those who pretend to be brave, and after two days of pressure they agree to ultimatums. We have to think about what will happen the next day. Serbs from Kosovo told me: 'President, you are the only one who listens to us'. They understand everything, and I am always there to listen to them and help them," Vucic said.


President adds that there is one closed circle - part of the Podgorica regime, Pristina, part of the people in Sarajevo, and Zagreb, who attack Serbia. "Zagreb thought that after the expulsion of Serbs, and their joining the EU, they became the dominant power in the Balkans. But Serbia is still the strongest country in the Balkans, we have economic growth. Today GDP is equal, and I believe we will have a higher growth rate this year. As for Kosovo, our people are right, and everything that the representatives from Kosovo and Metohija said is right. I did not deny that, and I think that everything is going in that direction, and that it is impossible to stop," Vucic said about the intention of the Serbs to quit all institutions that they have officials in.


Vucic: They want to drag us into war; "Serbia won't recognize Kosovo's independence" (B92)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, says that we are asked to recognize the independence of Kosovo so that our citizens can vote in the upcoming elections. Vucic addressed the citizens of Serbia and at the very beginning explained what was discussed at the Security Council session. One of the topics of the Council session, the most important, was the refusal of Albin Kurti and the Pristina authorities to hold elections in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM).


"First, at the session of the Council, we considered everything in the best faith and desire to mitigate all the consequences of the greatest crisis that has gripped the world since World War II. We agreed to buy additional quantities of oil, then milk powder. In the second part of the session and in talks with Serbs from KiM, we talked about the decision of the Albanians not to allow the elections to be held on April 3rd", Vucic said.


Vucic said that part of the meeting focused on the decision by the Kosovo Albanians not to allow polling stations for the April 3 elections. “This is not only about whether the Serbs will be able to vote, nor about which politician would get the most support, but a question of security, the political survival of the Serbs in Kosovo and their very existence,” he said.


"Bislimi and some others said that the Albanians do not want to stop the elections in KiM. Let me just remind you what we did and what we agreed to. We are literally being asked to recognize Kosovo. The essence is who is asking the Kosovo authorities under the auspices of the OSCE. We have accepted countless compromises," said President Vucic.


As he stated, he asked the Serbs to be patient and to "count to ten". He added that Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija surprised him today with somewhat more radical demands. "I will stay with them even if they overvote me. Serbs from KiM almost unanimously demanded not only to resign from all institutions, but also for 435 police officers to leave. I understand them because of the terror they are going through. I asked them what we would do the next day. Fine, we will take on the financial burden, but I am afraid that we could enter a vicious circle of war," he warned.


Vucic stated that some are ready for a conflict, and some are ready to leave. "I asked them to stay to guard our centuries-old hearths. Once they get into it, there is no going back. I asked them for patience, they were fair and said they only trusted me." “This was the first time that we did not harmonize our activities with the Kosovo Serbs. I asked the Kosovo Serbs for patience, called them to think it over and trust my experience,” he said.


He also pointed out that he hoped that Quint would condemn Pristina's behaviour, as well as that some in the region were playing a game in order to drag us into a trap as if we were against Western civilization. "We must avoid that kind of trap. The whole of Pristina and parts of Podgorica, Zagreb and Sarajevo are not conducting a coordinated action by accident," Vucic said.


“I spoke to the Kosovo Serbs, Quint ambassadors, the Russian ambassador in Belgrade and the charges d’affaires of the Chinese embassy,” he said and added that the Council discussed all the political, economic and social aspects of the Ukraine crisis and accompanying problems. Vucic said that the Council handed out tasks to ease the effects of the crisis and secure oil and food reserves.


Dalibor Jevtic: We will have peaceful protests on Friday 


After the president, Dalibor Jevtic, a representative of Serbs from KiM, also addressed the public. "Our situation has never been more difficult. This is institutional violence. If I tell you that we have come to a situation where we do not see a way out, you will understand how far we have come. The decision not to allow elections in KiM is the latest human rights violation, with an aim to provoke our reaction", Jevtic said. As he stated, now they want to deny them another basic human right, and that is the right to vote. 


"Someone wants to put us in an even more difficult position, but also to provoke a reaction, and to put Belgrade in a more difficult position. It is true, we did not agree for the first time on what we think and what the president thinks, but what we agreed on is that we trust only our president and our country, we will fight democratically. Kosovo Serbs would organize peaceful protests on Friday with a clear message that we do not want to have our basic rights denied or become second class citizens. We have had a long and difficult day and that reflects what we as a people are currently going through in KiM," Jevtic said. He said that what happened in Strpce is just one of the problems they are currently facing. "We will continue the talks because we want to make a wise decision. Today, the President clearly showed that he is in favor of peace, even though there were various proposals," Jevtic concluded.


Just to reiterate, President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, held important meetings yesterday. The president attended a session of the National Security Council, after which he met with Serbs from KiM. Vucic also met with the ambassadors of the Quint countries. The meeting with Quint's diplomatic representatives lasted more than two hours.


Ponos says: Just another photo op (RTV)


The National Security Council session was called only “to take photographs”, stated on Tuesday Zdravko Ponos, the presidential candidate of the coalition United for the Victory of Serbia. The problem created by the fact that Kosovo will not allow the organizing of voting at the Serbian elections can certainly not be resolved by the Serbian Army Chief-of-Staff, the director of the Security Information Agency and other council members, he said for RTV. “To them Kosovo is a matter of campaign, and to me of a deep identity. My whole homeland, I was raised on that Kosovo myth”, said Ponos, who is originally from Kninska Krajina, a part of Croatia which was up to the mid-1990s inhabited by a large number of ethnic Serbs. He said that that there could be no discussion with Kosovo on the recognition of its independence by Serbia, but that there could and should be talk about “that which live requires”.


Leader of the Movement of Free Citizens (PSG), Pavle Grbovic, pointed out, however, that among the participants of Vucic’s meeting with the Kosovo Serbs, Milan Radoicic was again also present; Radoicic is “under suspicion of being the head of an organized criminal group – because of which he is under American sanctions – as well as involvement in the assassination of (Serb politician from Kosovo) Oliver Ivanovic, which is proof of the unbreakable bond of the regime with organized crime”. “Radoicic is not the representative of the Serbs from Kosovo, but rather a striking fist of the criminal wing of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) in Kosovo which calls itself the Serb List. It is clear that he is a collocutor of the authorities in Belgrade exclusively by the will of Vucic who, for the sake of staying in power, does not refrain from openly cooperating with persons from the criminal milieu”, stated Grbovic in a written statement.


Minister of Internal Affairs Vulin: Serbia will never join anti-Russian hysteria (Tanjug)


“Serbia will never join the “anti-Russian hysteria”, Minister of Internal Affairs Aleksandar Vulin said on Tuesday during a meeting with Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko. “Serbia, led by Aleksandar Vucic, is the only country in Europe that has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation”, Vulin said, according to the ministry’s statement. “Serbia will never be part of the anti-Russian hysteria in which the property of Russian citizens and the property of the Russian Federation is taken away, just as it will not ban the Russian media, nor will it expel Russian children from schools and delete Russian writers and scientists from school textbooks”, Vulin was quoted as saying. “Serbia will never forget that the Russian Federation, with its veto in the UN Security Council in 2015, after the agreement between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Aleksandar Vucic, prevented the adoption of a resolution according to which the Serbian people would be declared the first genocidal people in world history”, Vulin said.


Stano: There are no sanctions against Serbia, we are working on clarification (RTS)


EU spokesman Peter Stano said that the EU, by imposing sanctions against Russia and Belarus, did not target Serbia or its energy sector, and that talks are currently underway between Brussels and Belgrade, which should "clarify all Serbia's concerns regarding implementation and the consequences of restrictive measures".


"There are no EU sanctions against Serbia and no plans for any sanctions against Serbia. EU sanctions in connection with the Russian invasion of Ukraine target two countries that are obviously responsible for that, namely Russia and Belarus, as well as a number of individuals and companies. "We are currently in contact with the Serbian authorities to clarify all their concerns regarding the implementation and consequences of restrictive measures," Stano told Tanjug.


Asked by Tanjug whether the EU has in mind the consequences that sanctions imposed on Russia may have on certain sectors in Serbia, including trade in fossil fuels, and how this will be resolved or compensated, Stano said that the EU is already working to strengthen support for the Western Balkans. in the field of energy security by providing funds for investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, construction and rehabilitation of the Trans-Balkan Electricity Corridor. "We are doing all this to reduce dependence on fossil fuels and help partners better integrate the energy network and access energy from multiple sources," Stano explains.


Brussels reminds that the beginning of works on the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector in January 2022, for which the EU provided a grant of almost 50 million euros, is an important "joint step of the EU and Serbia" towards securing and diversifying Serbia's gas supply. "We are in close contact with the Secretariat of the Energy Community, we are monitoring the situation of prices, but also security of supply in the region. We are working with all our partners in the Western Balkans to mitigate the impact of war on their economy and society," Stano told Tanjug. In Brussels, they note that the EU is the largest and most transparent donor and trade partner of Serbia and that it provides it with the most support in development, for which three billion euros of non-refundable funds have been allocated in 13 years.


Liberation Movement: Vucic preparing nationalization of oil and gas company NIS which will jeopardize Russia’s support to Serbia’s interests (Beta)


Liberation Movement leader Mladjan Djordjevic on March 22 said that President Aleksandar Vucic, beyond his constitutional powers, had initiated the nationalization of oil and gas company NIS, majority-owned by Russian energy corporation Gazprom. “With this move, Serbia would jeopardize the Russian Federation’s support to our national interests, primarily to U.N. Security Council Resolution 1244, and also the survival of Republika Srpska,” Djordjevic said in a statement, adding that Vucic could make this public after the April 3 elections. According to Djordjevic, nationalization of NIS represented “only a step towards further economic sanctions against Russia,” adding that British oil and gas company Shell was involved in the transaction. “Making Brits majority owners of NIS after nationalizing it from Gazprom is the price for the support of the West to Vucic to remain in power,” Djordjevic said. He added that as of recently Shell had been engaged in the production of lithium batteries, noting that “another attack on Serbia’s environment can be expected.”


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Covic: Izetbegovic is responsible for blockades in Election Law talks, only regulating election of B&H HoP and B&H Presidency required by rulings of B&H CC and ECHR and it is also condition for EU candidate status (N1)


President of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic hosted a meeting with journalists on Tuesday and discussed the negotiations on the B&H Election Law. He stated that President of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic is blocking the process of negotiations. Covic said that HDZ B&H is ready for concessions and denied that he insisted on the division of votes based on the elector model. Izetbegovic commented on the negotiations, saying that a different elector model was proposed in Neum and it was acceptable to him. Covic denied this and said that he did not demand anything and the international community created a summary of the negotiations in the past nine months and offered that on Saturday as a solution. Izetbegovic said that a model was found not to block the appointment of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) President and FB&H Government, as well as the FB&H Constitutional Court (FB&H CC) anymore.


Covic explained that the main obstacle was the discussion on competences of the FB&H House of People (FB&H HoP), where SDA proposed it to have the same competences as the Republika Srpska (RS) Council of People (RS CoP). He explained that this would be a radical change to the B&H Constitution and the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA), as well as the Washington Agreement which defined the FB&H.


President of ‘Justice and People’ (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic said that he supports the lowering of competences of the FB&H HoP, but not based on the model of the RS CoP. He reminded that RS Vice President Ramiz Salkic said once that the RS CoP needs to be given competences similar to the FB&H HoP in order to ensure the survival of Bosniaks in the RS, as without it they will disappear. Konakovic said that suddenly SDA proposes the RS CoP model for the FB&H as a good solution.


N1 notes that it is unclear how the mechanism of vital national interest was defined in the proposal for the new FB&H HoP. Konakovic claims that it was reduced, while Izetbegovic claims that the proposal was to remove the FB&H CC from this process. Covic said that the international community brought a paper and read it out to the B&H officials. He said that since the mechanism was implemented 20 years ago, it was invoked nine times in the FB&H. Covic said that four times it was invoked by Croats and four by Bosniaks. Covic and Izetbegovic did not reach an agreement on the Central Election Commission B&H (B&H CEC). Covic claims that the B&H CEC is illegitimate and there are no formal conditions for the conducting of elections. The international community believes that the B&H CEC was legally appointed.


Covic demanded adoption of amendments to the Election Law of B&H that were agreed during the talks recently held in Sarajevo. This would imply adoption of elector model for election of members of B&H Presidency in the FB&H and election of delegates in the FB&H HoP. This would not include reduction of competences of this House of the FB&H Parliament. The leader of HDZ B&H claims that it would enable implementation of rulings of courts. He explained that otherwise, there are no conditions to hold elections in B&H. Covic also accused Izetbegovic of all blockades in the FB&H. Covic stated that all elements of model of changes of election legislation discussed at talks in Sarajevo will be published soon. Covic also said that reduction of competences of the FB&H HoP is out of question, adding that it needs to remain legislative body in the FB&H. “This cannot be a subject of a discussion”, stressed the HDZ B&H leader. However, reduction of competences of the FB&H HoP was SDA’s condition to accept discussed model of electoral legislation reform. On the other hand, leader of SDA Izetbegovic stated that all peoples have right to be adequately protected, but cannot have blockade mechanisms at their disposal.


Addressing media in Sarajevo on Tuesday, Covic also said that the time is running out and the chances of amending the Election Law are decreasing. Covic noted that the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) and the HDZ B&H Presidency will discuss further steps on Friday in case part of the amendments are not adopted in the B&H Parliament.


Covic said that only the election of the B&H HoP and the B&H Presidency is required to be regulated in the amendments, based on rulings of the B&H Constitutional Court (CC), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and it is also a condition for the EU candidate status. “Everything else regarding improvement of the election integrity was added”, the HDZ B&H leader stressed. He added that the political leaders in B&H themselves decided to work on integrity of the election process in terms of amending the Election Law. Covic expressed hope that an agreement to amend the Election Law of B&H will be reached and announced new meetings with representatives of Bosniak and Serb parties as well as with representatives of the international community.


US Ambassador Murphy meets B&H HoP Speaker Covic, they agree on importance of finding of solution for electoral reform (Vecernji list)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) stated that US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy met with Speaker of the House of Peoples (HoP) of B&H Dragan Covic. The Embassy stated that there is an urgent need for functioning of B&H institutions which would move B&H on the Euro-Atlantic path. The Office of Speaker Covic noted that Covic pointed out the importance of European perspective of B&H and strengthening of cooperation with the NATO in general. “As a representative of Croat people in B&H, I deem that the membership in the EU and NATO are two key foreign policy priorities”, Covic noted. Murphy and Covic also pointed out that the final solution for the electoral reform must be found. “Constituent status of the three peoples and legitimate political representation are the foundations of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA)”, the press statement noted. Murphy and Covic also concluded at their meeting that safety and stability of B&H are one of the key priorities of joint activities.


HDZ B&H’s Pendes: It is somebody’s national interest to take all political rights away from Croat people in B&H (Dnevni list)


It is somebody’s national interest to take all political rights away from Croat people in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) said the delegate in the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) Marina Pendes (HDZ BiH), and added that HDZ B&H and HNS (Croat People’s Assembly) made many concessions and accepted the international community’s proposals, stressing that the electoral reform negotiations failed because SDA did not want to accept the reality and wanted to change the Dayton structure of B&H. Pendes said she does not understand how taking away the political rights of Croats can be somebody’s national interest, thus violating what was agreed in the Washington and the Dayton agreements. “We believe there are no conditions to hold the elections. HNS will have answer to these questions, and what the answer will be, we will know soon”, added Pendes.


SDA’s Colo: HDZ B&H wants to strengthen role of HoP and at the same time remove election of Croats from the Cantons where they do not enjoy the status of majority (Hayat)


Leader of HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Dragan Covic addressed a press conference on Tuesday aftermath of failed negotiations on changing of the B&H Election Law. Covic underlined that House of Peoples (HoP) must remain a legislative body of B&H and the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and there could be no talks about this which they said a thousand times before. The reporter noted that thus, Covic is saying that anything can change but not HoP. According to Hayat, there is a demand to reduce competences of the HoP only to the Vital National Interest on one hand while on the other hand, there are efforts to strengthen the HoP in terms of making it an instrument for conditioning and blockades.


Member of SDA team for negotiations about changing the B&H Election Law Alma Colo said that this kind of a stance of HDZ B&H is contrary to the opinion of the Venice Commission, adding that HDZ B&H wants to strengthen the role of the HoP and at the same time, remove election of Croats from the Cantons where they do not enjoy the status of majority. She argued that the electoral model of election of members of the B&H Presidency was prepared upon a request of HDZ B&H in order to make Croats play a dominant role in election of a member of the B&H Presidency. According to Colo, Covic proposed two constituencies and the Venice Commission stated that there can be no two constituencies based at ethnic principle. Covic said that they have nothing to do with the electoral model and that this is not a proposal of HDZ B&H. According to Covic, two constituencies are the proposal of the HDZ B&H.


NIP leader Konakovic says several good proposals were made during talks on electoral reform, slams SDA and HDZ BiH by saying their goal from start was not to agree on anything (Dnevni avaz)


NIP leader Elmedin Konakovic was the guest of Avaz TV and he commented on the talks on electoral reform. Konakovic argued that there were several good proposals and he added that some of those stipulated that every citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) can run for a member of the Presidency of B&H regardless of their ethnic affiliation. “The essence of elections would be that both Zeljko Komsic and Dragan Covic can sit together in the Presidency, that Sejdic, Finci and Edin Forto too can be candidates, that a Serb from Sarajevo can be a candidate as well as a Bosniak from Republika Srpska (RS)”, Konakovic said and noted that the other important proposal was the one suggesting abolition of ethnic prefix for caucuses in houses of peoples. However, Konakovic claimed that there was almost no chance to reach an agreement because he got an impression that the goal of SDA and HDZ B&H from the start was to see the failure of the talks. “I got an impression that this was a synergy of SDA and HDZ B&H from the very beginning and that they have been working in a harmonized manner not to reach an agreement”, Konakovic said.


Konakovic also noted that, although HDZ B&H has been pointing out the election of B&H Presidency members as one of the key problems, it seemed to him that this is yet another deceit of this party and he argued that HDZ B&H used the story on the election of B&H Presidency members to homogenize Croat voters and destroy pluralism. “SDA, on the other hand, knows that no other party but HDZ B&H has the coalition capacity and that (no other party) would again sit with them at the same table after all those affairs”, Konakovic claimed. Konakovic argued that, at one point during the talks, SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic offered a model for elections on a paper and it outlined the third entity: “Izetbegovic came to the talks without a stance and without a proposal. When (former US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew) Palmer asked him why he came without a proposal, he drew rectangles and dots on a piece of white paper, which represented giving of electoral votes to municipalities. (Speaker of the HoR of B&H Denis) Zvizdic (NIP) replied to this by saying ‘Are you aware that you just outlined the third entity?’. This all happened at 2 AM and there are witnesses who can confirm the authenticity of what I said. There, this was the approach of the leader who is supposed to solve problems”. Konakovic also claimed that Izetbegovic exploited the talks on the electoral reform to try to score ‘petty political points’ and added: “He told me in my face that a party is more important than people and state”. Finally, Konakovic claimed that the coalition capacity with Izetbegovic is very small because “one cannot honestly agree on anything with him. One can only mathematically distribute positions”.


Radoncic on failed talks on electoral reform: I do not understand why Bosniaks are criticizing benevolent international mediators, it is a pity that DF and SDP abandoned negotiations, Croats cannot be reduced to status of ethnic minority (Dnevni avaz)


Leader of the second largest Bosniak party SBB, Fahrudin Radoncic spoke for BHT1 on Tuesday and he commented the failed talks on electoral reform held last week. Radoncic explained that significant progress in talks was achieved last week, compared to the previous round of talks held in Neum. He noted that the matters of Constitution are too complex and complicated, and that it would be too ambitious to expect four or five political leaders to solve the issue of constitutional reform. He explained that the leaders of political parties were expected to agree on some basic principles which would be further discussed by the leaderships of the parties and members of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Parliament. Radoncic underlined that there is a wrong perception that five political leaders needed to sign a document and that the constitutional reform would be adopted just like that.


Asked if he agrees with the general conclusion that the talks have completely failed, Radoncic said that this is true because of the stance that either everything will be agreed, or nothing will be agreed at all. He also noted that he does not understand why SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic turned something that could have been perceived as his victory into a defeat. Radoncic also commented criticism against international mediators - Managing Director at European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst, former US Special Envoy for Electoral Reform in B&H Matthew Palmer and US Special Envoy for Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar. According to Radoncic, there is no reason to criticize them because they are benevolent negotiators. “Why are Bosniaks creating enemies for themselves in Washington and Brussels? These people, as time as proven, did not root for anyone. We must extend our hand if we want to be helped. We are no insulting the American election method with electors, but we did not insult American soldiers or ammunition when we needed to liberate this country and prevent new genocides. These are irresponsible policies, irresponsible public servants and irresponsible public statements”, said Radoncic.


Asked to comment the role of the opposition parties in the talks on electoral reform and the fact that some of them decided to abandon the talks, Radoncic said that he wished SDP and DF stayed in the negotiations. He noted that he himself talked about SDP as leaders of the opposition. According to Radoncic, SDP and DF should have appeared in the meetings and face HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic to represent the stances of the opposition parties. Instead, the opposition opinion was represented by himself and NiP leader Elmedin Konakovic, Radoncic explained. He noted that he and Konakovic did a great job at that, even without the help of the left-wing parties. Radoncic commented that it would be interesting to see how B&H Presidency member Zeljko Komsic (DF) would behave in negotiations on electoral reform in the same room with Covic. He underlined that there is nothing wrong with negotiating, but it is not fair to abandon negotiations and then go on to criticize. Inset ‘Croats cannot be an ethnic minority’ – Radoncic said that great progress was achieved during the talks on the issue of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples. He explained that they discussed the mechanism for protection of vital national interests and a catalogue of possible issues which fall under this category. Radoncic said that the problem occurred because of the catalogue item of “other issues”, because it was unclear if this could be used for political blockades in the future. He noted that the FB&H and B&H Constitutions stipulate a two-tier parliament, and Croat representatives presented very clear arguments why they insist on preservation of the role of the FB&H House of Peoples. According to Radoncic, Croat representatives explained that they can easily be outvoted in the FB&H Government and FB&H House of Representatives, which is why the FB&H House of Peoples represents the last line of defense for them. Radoncic said that radical reduction of competencies of the FB&H House of Peoples would reduce Croats to the status of ethnic minority, and Croat representatives cannot be expected to accept this.


Dodik on failure of talks on electoral reform: Muslims do not want to provide any rights to Croats (ATV)


Leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik said on Tuesday that obviously talks on changes of the Election Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) faced fiasco and that Muslims in B&H do not want to provide rights to Croats. Reporter commented that during talks on electoral changes, SDA pushed representatives of Croats to edge. According to ATV, HDZ B&H was prepared to accept everything, but there were disputes regarding election of members of B&H Presidency and delegates in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) House of Peoples (HoP). Dodik underlined that it is becoming more certain that there is no solution for problems in the FB&H, primarily due to the attempt of one people to dominate. “Muslims in B&H do not want to provide any rights to Croats. This is message to us, Serbs to be careful and not to allow to be careless that could result in losing of our rights and our position”, said Dodik. He added that ambition of Muslims is to degrade collective rights, namely constituent rights of peoples.


Sarovic: No more room for HDZ B&H, SDA to reach agreement about changing of B&H Election Law (RTRS)


Reporter noted that Republika Srpska (RS) opposition cares little for the issues on the election law and they are concerned about the ensuring of funds for the conducting of general elections in October. President of SDS Mirko Sarovic reminded that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) budget for 2022 was not adopted yet. He assessed that all eyes are turned to High Representative Christian Schmidt and behind the scenes the possibility of Schmidt imposing the budget in B&H is being prepared in case there is no agreement among B&H officials. According to ATV, SDS hopes that elections will be held. Sarovic stated that whether elections will be held will depend on whether HDZ B&H will be persistent to prevent adoption of B&H budget. “If there is no budget, there will be no general elections. I believe that scenario has been prepared for Christian Schmidt to impose budget of B&H institutions. You know that this is some new problem”, explained Sarovic. Sarovic also assessed on Tuesday that there is no more room for HDZ B&H and SDA to reach an agreement about changing of the B&H Election Law. Sarovic added that this is why holding of the elections in October 2022 is called into question. According to Sarovic, the current B&H Election Law is not convenient for leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic because he knows that a member of the B&H Presidency will be leader of DF Zeljko Komsic which is why he will do everything to avoid holding of the elections. Sarovic assessed that leader of SDA Bakir Izetbegovic does not want to risk and undermine trust of his voters in the Federation of B&H and be declared a traitor. According to Sarovic, SDS is ready to take part in the elections with the existing B&H Election Law that is badly-drafted, it is missing a reform character and enables abuse of the will of citizens.


B&H Ambassador to USA Vujic informs Escobar that failed negotiations on B&H Election Law can have consequences for functioning of entire B&H if elections do not take place (RTRS)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Ambassador to USA Bojan Vujic met with US Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar on Tuesday. Vujic told Escobar that failed negotiations on the B&H Election Law in the Federation of B&H (FB&H) can have consequences for the functioning of the entire B&H if elections do not take place. He highlighted that Republika Srpska (RS) is dedicated to the conducting of elections in October and that RS officials advocate the respect of political and constitutional equality of all three peoples with constituent status. Srna carries that Vujic and Escobar discussed the false information stating that the RS will begin the process of secession on Saint Vitus Day, June 28. Escobar said that the USA has no information on these malicious activities and that the US administration knows for a fact that the RS is not preparing secession.


B&H HoR Speaker Zvizdic and German Envoy Sarrazin discuss situation in B&H, Sarrazin says elections must be held (Nezavisne)


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Representatives Speaker Denis Zvizdic held an online meeting with German Special Envoy for Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin on Tuesday. Sarrazin stated that elections must be held and warned that any delay or boycott would be harmful for B&H’s path to EU membership. Zvizdic and Sarrazin agreed that the policy of secession is completely unacceptable and that such policies must be stopped. Zvizdic noted that it is very important that B&H gets the status of EU candidate. Sarrazin underlined that stability and European perspective of Western Balkans are very important and that the future of the Western Balkans belongs to the EU.


EU Delegation: Elections must be held in October (Dnevni avaz)


Following four days of talks, the latest round of negotiations on electoral and limited constitutional reform ended on Sunday without any concrete results. Following the failed talks, HDZ Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Dragan Covic stated that there are no conditions to hold the General Elections in October. Asked to comment such claims, EU Delegation to B&H told the daily that Managing Director at European External Action Service Angelina Eichhorst clearly stated in her address to media on Sunday that the EU will not give up on B&H. “The EU will continue providing support to B&H in promoting prosperity, stability and future of the country in the EU. However, as Mrs. Eichhorst noted on Sunday, although we want the progress on the European path, we cannot want it more than the local political leadership. For now, there will be no attempts to facilitate the agreement of political parties. As stipulated by the Constitution of B&H, the elections must be held in October 2022. We call on all political parties to respect the Constitution of B&H, and to make sure that the elections in October 2022 are the freest and fairest in the history of B&H by adopting the package of reforms which strengthen the integrity of the election process while there is still enough time”, the EU Delegation stated.




Croatian President Milanovic on election reform negotiations: SDA, the Sarajevo carsija, negotiates 'per la finta' for a few days and then breaks it all down (HRT1)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on the last round of negotiations on changes to the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Election Law which experienced failure. "Again, the same story - predictable as waking a bear from hibernation. SDA, the Sarajevo “carsija”, negotiates 'per la finta' for a few days and then breaks it all down. Other representatives of Bosniak parties are more constructive. Croats demand stolen rights, and Serbs, representatives of Serbs, can be talked to. And Sarajevo civic, unitarian parties, (DF leader Zeljko) Komsic and the others, who do not want to take part in the negotiations because that is not their level, they are a higher category of evolution - so these are savages who negotiate as representatives of Croats, Serbs and Bosniaks - but then every now and then they throw a smoke bomb at them from Sarajevo and say they are disgusted by it all and that it is ghettoization of B&H, the creation of a sectarian state. But it is not so and the EU will realize that because Croatia will do its best to make the EU understands that," Milanovic underlined. Milanovic also said that Croatia is neither preparing an aggression on B&H nor trying to break it apart and he added that Serbia and Russia are not doing that either because they simply cannot do it: “We have been enduring hogwash coming from Brussels for months”. Milanovic added that equality of the three people in B&H is the Croatian interest in B&H and noted that this is very important for peace. “Should Ukraine be granted the status of EU candidate, then Bosnia deserved it a long time ago. If Brussels fails to understand the situation enough, then diplomacy needs to explain it”, Milanovic said.


Croatian PM Plenkovic: Strategic Compass will be good for Croats, all three peoples in B&H (Vecernji list)


Croatia has been fighting for years against opposition coming from certain EU Member States, who were against the principle of constituent peoples when mentioning Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), and that this particularly bothered The Netherlands and Germany. However, adds the daily, Croatia has made a decisive move. Namely, Croatian Prime Minister (PM) Andrej Plenkovic explained that the EU Foreign Ministers and the EU Defense Ministers adopted the Strategic Compass, a vision of the defense development of the EU, a document that includes the constituent peoples in B&H at Croatia’s insistence. According to PM Plenkovic, the Strategic Compass was worked on for two years and will be adopted by heads of governments of the EU Member States tomorrow. “The phone was working this weekend and we managed to do it and I believe it is very good for the Croats, and for all three peoples in B&H”, said PM Plenkovic. According to the daily, constituent peoples plus the formula of one state and two entities is a regular message sent by the US officials, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whilst on the other hand there were always arguments about it in the EU document. According to daily, this bothered parts of the EU Member States’ administrations after judgments passed by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Daily stresses that the judgments were obviously timed and mediated by then composition of the OHR and that there was conflict of interest as well since current Head of OHR’s Legal Department Francisco Javier Leon Diaz was legal representative of Sejdic and Finci before the ECHR, who was back then an OHR employee. Plenkovic also called to finding a solution so that general elections in B&H can be held and he emphasized that Croatia wants to see a fair outcome for all three peoples in B&H. “I urge everyone, with or without mediation of the international community, to find a solution that would enable holding of elections”, Plenkovic added. Plenkovic especially pointed out the importance of preservation of stability in the region in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and explained that it would not be good if destabilization happened in any of Croatia’s neighbouring countries.


Croatian President Milanovic welcomes fact that EU FAC included reference on constituent peoples and all that is prescribed by B&H Constitution in text of document concerning security aspect of EU (HRT)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic commented on Tuesday the news that came from Brussels on Monday that at the proposal of Croatia, the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) included a reference on the constituent peoples and all that is prescribed by the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) in the text of the document concerning the security aspect of the EU. Milanovic said that he is glad that the Croatian diplomacy for the first time left Brussels undefeated, adding that he knows how much effort they had to make to achieve so little. Milanovic said that the only ones opposing Strategic Compass were Germany, The Netherlands and Sweden.


HNS welcomes initiative of Croatian diplomacy in Brussels which ensured confirmation of equality of three constituent peoples in B&H in EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defense (HRT)


The Croat People's Assembly (HNS) of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has welcomed the initiative of the Croatian diplomacy in Brussels which ensured the confirmation of the equality of the three constituent peoples in B&H in the EU Strategic Compass for Security and Defense. Head of HDZ Caucus in the Croatian Parliament Branko Bacic said that Croatia's position is that constituent status and equality of the Croat people in B&H must be reflected in electoral legislation "so that Croats and other constituent peoples are legitimately represented and so that there is no outvoting where representative of one people is elected by another people."


Plenkovic: On Thursday, at my initiative, the European Council will discuss B&H (Hina)


The Prime Minister and HDZ leader, Andrej Plenkovic, said that the issue of accepting refugees from Ukraine, numbering just over 8,600, was discussed at a session of the highest party bodies on Monday, and said that Croatia would make every effort to help those people.


“On Wednesday, I will convene a meeting with all prefects to once again coordinate activities with them in the field, ensure quality health care, social protection, and inclusion in the labor market, preschool education and schools. We will make every effort to help the people left without everything as much as possible,” said Andrej Plenkovic.


“Croatia is ready for the refugee crisis, it is one of the countries with vast experience. 30 years ago, Croatia had not only refugees from its own country, but also refugees from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Hundreds of people were staying in the Republic of Croatia at the same time, and at that time we were not in the position we are today. Now a similar situation is experienced by the countries that directly border Ukraine, and we see how large the number of people who have left Ukraine so far is,” said the Prime Minister. He pointed out that, based on experience and engagement, three days after the Russian aggression against Ukraine began, they formed a working group that includes all components - civil protection and the Red Cross. “Everyone is maximally engaged and so far everything is going according to the expectations we had when we formed this group,2 he said, adding that it is led by Minister Davor Božinović.


When asked about the financing of the reception of refugees, Plenkovic said that they had already had that discussion in Versailles. “The fact is that it is a huge number of people, it is not known how long they will be out of their country, that this type of financial cost, will be able to be endured by all countries to some extent with their own funds, but if it is very long, and a lot, some common European solutions will certainly be sought,” he pointed out.


Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Prime Minister Plenkovic also referred to the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H).

“The Strategic Compass is a document that is a kind of continuation of the documents called - European Security Strategies, which began about 20 years ago. The document has been in the works for two years and will be adopted by EU heads of government on Thursday. There is one part that concerns Southeast Europe, B&H. At the insistence of the Republic of Croatia, references to constituent peoples were included. It was not simple or easy, we worked on it for a long time and we succeeded. I think it is very good and useful for Croats in B&H, but also for all three nations in B&H,” said Plenkovic, adding that on his initiative, a debate on B&H will be held at the European Council on Thursday.


He also pointed out that he did not talk about it with President Zoran Milanovic because it was "an initiative of the Government, me, the Minister. We did it as we think is best. I assume his advisers briefed him," he said.


“I think we must preserve the stability of Southeast Europe in these circumstances of Russian aggression against Ukraine. It would not be good at all if there was destabilization in one of our neighboring countries. This is clear to everyone and we will do everything we can to make security and stability the number one issue. It is good for our economies, financial stability, tourist season and mutual relations. Everyone is aware that the area of Southeast Europe must now be kept stable by the strong and great commitment of the European Union and our partners,” he said.


Milanovic: Price of Ukraine war paid by the weakest, world did not support Croatia (Hina)


President Zoran Milanovic said on Tuesday that the weakest and poorest are paying the price of the war in Ukraine while at the same he recalled that there was no support from the world when Croatia experienced its "Calvary."


The president and supreme commander of the armed forces participated in a ceremony in the eastern town of Vinkovci marking the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Croatian Army Guards Armoured Mechanised Brigade. Addressing the troops, President Milanovic spoke about the war in Ukraine and then recalled the 1991-1995 Homeland War.


"The war is raging in Ukraine. One large country has attacked another, smaller one. And often as it occurs in history, we have learned little and the weakest and poorest are paying the price," Milanovic said, underscoring the absence of support from the world when Croatia was attacked.


"When Croatia experienced its Calvary and horror, there was no support from the world except international recognition which came too late, much less any weapons. Everything your predecessors achieved, they did completely on their own without anyone's help and amid obstruction," said Milanovic.


He said that Croatia has for years been proving that "our path was difficult, with errors, bloody but above all fair, just, justified and with the aim that was supported by a vast majority of the Croatian people." The army and a military career are above all a vocation, a way of life like few other professions. Many professions, he continued, mean earning a living and paying the bills while the army is something else.  "Our homeland, the Republic of Croatia, is above all of that. We are here to defend it together if need be. You should always be aware that your first and main duty is to defend the Croatian homeland," Milanovic told the ceremony.


Croatian and Chinese Parliament Speakers: China active in efforts to stop war in Ukraine (Hina)


China has been involved in activities and initiatives to help stop the war in Ukraine and prevent a huge humanitarian crisis, Croatian Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic said on Tuesday after his video-conference with Li Zhanshu, Chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee. According to a press release issued by the Croatian parliament, China supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and Li informed the Sabor Speaker about his country's activities aimed at stopping the conflicts and halting the humanitarian crisis.


Jandrokovic was quoted as saying that Croatia unequivocally supports the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine and he highlighted the importance of the withdrawal of Russia's forces from the country. "Croatia respects the strategic, economic and foreign affairs-related role of China and the influence of that country on peace and stability in the world," said Jandrokovic.


The two parliaments' speakers agreed that the completion of Peljesac Bridge, which is expected to be inaugurated this summer, is a symbol of successful cooperation between Croatia and China whose companies are engaged in the construction of the bridge. Li pointed out Croatia as the first European Union member state to hire a Chinese company to implement an EU-funded project of strategic infrastructure.  He described Croatia as one of China's greatest friends in the European Union. Jandrokovic said that Croatia also attaches great importance to efforts to boost its economic relations with China, and in this context he mentioned the example of the Senj wind park.


Jandrokovic expressed hope that upon the end of the COVID-19 pandemic Chinese visitors would start arriving in Croatia again. Both officials expressed an interest in the strengthening of political and economic cooperation and highlighted the importance of parliamentary diplomacy and cooperation within the China+16 and the Road and Belt Initiative.




Radulovic: Citizens of Serbia will be able to vote in Berane, Sutomore and Budva (RTCG)


Citizens of Serbia residing in Montenegro will be able to vote in the upcoming elections on April 3 in Berane, Sutomore and Budva, Minister of Foreign Affairs Djordje Radulovic told RTCG. He reminds that Serbia addressed a note asking for additional three or four polling stations in addition to embassies and consulates. He explains that the rule and practice is that voting is done in diplomatic and consular missions.


"If you are looking for something that is a precedent and is not common, you need to give some explanation why it is so. Last night, after my statement, which was extremely conciliatory and called for reason, rationality and reconciliation, the diplomatic representative of the Serbian Embassy was in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and submitted additional explanations stating that they want it because of the large number of displaced persons who participate in the elections in Serbia, which are from Kosovo. They supplemented and sent a note, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded positively with a note, so I don't see anything disputable in that, As I said, tensions and tones are rising around these things that we don't need in Montenegro or in the region at the moment" explains Radulovic.


He adds that polling stations are open as they were in 2017, but Montenegro is not the only country that will approve polling stations outside embassies and consulates. "Austria and Switzerland also approved voting for Serbia in schools this year, beyond their official diplomatic and consular missions, so if Austria and Switzerland could allow it, of course with some even larger countries like the United States, I don't see why Montenegro wouldn't approve that and we should end this story, which really does not deserve such a tone and such tensions", states Radulovic.


The European path can be drastically slowed down, sanctions will be implemented on the first day after the elections in Berane 


He points out that he is disappointed that the Government did not impose sanctions on Russia. "Montenegro is declaratively harmonizing with the Common Foreign and Security Policy, which is the task of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is something that is leading us to EU membership at the moment, but the implementation of these measures in accordance with the Law on Restrictive Measures must be adopted by the Government. I am disappointed that so far, we have not had the political wisdom on the part of individual members of the Government to implement these restrictive measures in practice. I repeat, I understand that the elections in Berane are very important for certain members of the Government, but we will all agree that the European future of the country, the European future of all of us, is much more important than any local elections" states Radulovic.


Radulovic, as he said, fully understands "that we are all a little nervous, both in the region and on the European continent because of the war in Ukraine, as well as because of the elections that should take place in Montenegro and in the region." "I think, according to our good old custom, we made a lot of noise about nothing. I fully understand that we are all a little nervous in the region and on the European continent because of the war in Ukraine, as well as the elections that are to take place in Montenegro and the region, but still worried about the willingness to raise tensions and use tones that may not be appropriate, concluded Radulovic.


Stano: Montenegro to work hard to implement sanctions against Russia (RTCG)


Spokesman for the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Peter Stano said that the EU was aware of the response of the Montenegrin Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Serbian Embassy, ​​and that they understood in Brussels that Serbs in Montenegro would be able to vote in embassies and consulates. "We are familiar with the response of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro to the Embassy of Serbia. "We understood that Serbs in Montenegro will be able to exercise their right to vote in the premises of diplomatic missions of Serbia in Montenegro," Stano said.


When it comes to harmonizing sanctions with Russia, Stano said that the EU expects Montenegro to "work hard" in implementing these decisions. He said that Montenegro has a balance of results on 100% harmonization with the EU foreign policy, that it supported the vote in the UN condemning the Russian invasion, and also expressed the will to harmonize with the sanctions. "We appreciate Montenegro's achievements in harmonization, and we expect that in accordance with Montenegrin principles and aspirations, it will continue to work hard in terms of implementing all decisions and declarations made regarding Russia's aggression against Ukraine and EU decisions in that regard," said Stano.


Asked about the procedures and possible deadlines for compliance with EU restrictive measures, Stano said that when the EU adopts sanctions or restrictive measures, qualified countries are called upon to comply with them, during a certain period, which is usually a few days or weeks, depending on circumstances. "Now is the few days, during which countries have the opportunity to express their will to reconcile. "Northern Macedonia and Albania are 100% harmonized with all recent decisions, which the EU appreciates," Stano said.


He emphasized that Serbia has so far decided not to comply with all declarations, positions and decisions, and that they expect Serbia, as a candidate country, to gradually comply with EU decisions and positions in foreign and security policy. "During the previous weeks, Serbia agreed with some decisions that date back to 2014-2015. years related e.g. to Crimea, so we hope and expect that Serbia will gradually harmonize with all these decisions", says Stano.


An EC spokesman also points out that sanctions are not a matter of economic interest, elections, but moral attitude. "EU sanctions are there to prevent Putin from financing continued aggression against an independent, sovereign country and its people. That is something we are trying to explain to our partners in the Western Balkans and around the world," Stano concluded.


Maddocks: The Government's decision to postpone sanctions on Russia is disappointing (RTCG)


The decision of the Government to postpone the vote on sanctions against Russia is disappointing, British Ambassador Karen Maddocks told TVCG. She said that it should not be disputable for the Government, but an issue that unites political authorities. "Parts of the current Montenegrin government have shown in their statements a strong commitment to NATO values and accession to the European Union, but this commitment must be supported by action," Maddocks concluded.


Djukanovic: The new government will not be able to make any decision without us (Portal Analitika)


The President of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Milo Djukanovic, said last night, from Berane, the party's final convention on the eve of Sunday's local elections, that the new government will not be able to make any decision without the DPS. "The good news is that the clero-nationalist government has lost confidence. "Whatever the new government is, the important factors will be the parties and no decision can be made without us," Djukanovic said. He added that he was sure that the new government "will not last longer than a year". "We will reach the moment when the DPS and its partners will be the center of Montenegrin politics," Djukanovic added. The example of Montenegro, as he said, showed that a change of government does not have to be good. "It turned out that with the change of government, we got the worst, what most citizens could not imagine even in their worst dreams," he stressed.


In Djukanovic's opinion, the DPS was not infallible either - that party, as he pointed out, allowed itself certain weaknesses and contributed to the change of government on August 30, 2020. However, this time, he believes, there is no room for weakness. "Knowing who is our alternative, we must not allow ourselves to be weak. When you show them your weaknesses - you question everything. There is only one responsible household in the country, and that is the DPS with its partners", concluded Djukanovic.


Abazovic: Only those parties that affirm Montenegro's European path will be in the government (Gradski Portal)


The government will be formed in the best way and everyone is welcome in it, Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic told Gradski Portal. He says he does not see a problem in the fact that SNP leader Vladimir Jokovic recently stated that there is no place for SDP and SD in the new government. "Earlier, we stated who can and who cannot be in the Government for reasons that are generally known. Others can, but not with the conditions and blackmail for positions, which should not be put in front of the state and national interest of Montenegro. "If any party wants to put personal interests first, and tries to push Montenegro into the canal, it cannot expect the support of this prime minister," says Abazovic.


According to him, there will be only parties in the government that affirm Montenegro's European path. "I would not divide the parties into sovereignist and other ones, into those from this or that bloc, but into those who see the European perspective of Montenegro and those who want to jeopardize that European perspective for personal interest. All those who saw this first perspective, saw Montenegro well, progress and its European path and want to contribute to the affirmation of that path, are welcome. Whoever wants to push the country further into the abyss due to his personal interest, will have to explain it to the citizens and will not be able to hide behind the allegedly sovereignist option", says Abazovic.


However, the statement of the prime minister-designate that the composition of the government will be announced after the local elections in Berane, which should show the real "power" of the SNP and the response of voters to the decision of the party leadership to negotiate entry in to new government. "The prime minister has finished his work. We are waiting for the elections in Berane to end, and I think that then the parties, which show some kind of indecisiveness, will make decisions", he says.


North Macedonia 


Government approves entry of thousands of troops, hundreds of military vehicles and helicopters, for planned NATO war games (Republika)


The Macedonian Government yesterday approved the entry of the troops that will take part in Swift Response – 22, part of the Defender Europe 22 series of exercises of the US army and various NATO allies. Over 4,000 soldiers from the US, UK, France, Italy, Montenegro and Albania will take part in the exercise, practicing airborne assault. The approval is for the entry of 850 military and civilian vehicles, eight planes, 24 helicopters and five drones, as well as various armaments.


Northern Macedonia towards Bulgaria: Russian aggression affects both you and us (MIA)


“Russian aggression affects both you in the Republic of Bulgaria and us in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, so we must unite to consolidate the region,” said Macedonian Foreign Minister in Macedonian Bujar Osmani in response to a question from Bulgarian MEP Alexander Yordanov, who wanted to know. why bilateral issues would be resolved more easily once negotiations begin than to be resolved now. “We need a common future in the region, and in these unpredictable times, the challenges are common to both us and you.”


In the afternoon Osmani, addressed the MEPs, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee, and received their unequivocal support for the start of membership negotiations with the EU immediately, MIA reported.

Osmani reminded MEPs how long Northern Macedonia has been in the waiting room, the degree of coherence with the necessary EU reforms, as well as Macedonia’s unwavering support for sanctions against Russia over the war against Ukraine, BTA reported.

He warned, among other things, that a new postponement of these talks would not only have implications for EU confidence in the country and the region, but could also have an impact on the security situation at a time when Russia is trying to interfere and influence the internal situations of the EU allies. He also reminded that Moscow had once tried to interfere in the internal affairs during the Prespa Treaty, producing a number of fake news.

“Our European aspirations must finally be taken seriously, Northern Macedonia with its civic and political wisdom avoided all wars in the former Yugoslavia and later, in 2001, showed that it does not want aggression, that it knows how to create peace, coexistence, respect for human rights and the rights of minorities. And we do not intend to stop the war for the acquisition of European values, Osmani told MEPs.

The Minister also shared with them the results of the latest public opinion polls in northern Macedonia, which clearly show a decline in citizens’ enthusiasm for the EU.

“The figures you have shared are alarming, and I believe that, as the EU, we have a huge responsibility to restore confidence,” said Green MP Tineke Strick.

Almost without exception, the MEPs present demanded an immediate green light for the start of talks with northern Macedonia, as well as with Albania, and some also called on the member state, which is blocking the talks due to bilateral issues.

Strick called on the Bulgarian government to immediately approve the start of negotiations, while Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman David McAllister addressed Sofia without mentioning her by name.

“The time has finally come to start membership negotiations with this country that has been waiting for so many years, we are making promises after promises and now we are calling on our dear member state to finally give the green light,” McAllister said before closing the meeting.

The Bulgarian MEPs themselves at these two meetings showed a more constructive attitude than usual. The provocative far-right MEP Angel Djambazki, who never misses an opportunity to make burning statements about northern Macedonia, had technical problems this time and failed to get involved.

Socialist MEP Elena Yoncheva asked the minister to say whether Bulgarians in northern Macedonia would be included in the constitution and whether there was “strong political will” to do so.


Given that negotiations between Skopje and Sofia are still ongoing, Osmani did not provide an answer to this question, but told Bulgarian MEPs that it is time for both sides to turn to the future.

Osmani also said that if negotiations do not begin in the coming weeks, political enthusiasm will suffer, but not the European aspirations of northern Macedonia.

“That is why we need a solution in the coming weeks under the French Presidency, more than ever there is an understanding that enlargement is above all a security policy, not just a matter of trust, but of consolidating security in the region and the continent,” he said.




Athens, Balla meets with Tsipras: Grateful for the important role of the SYRIZA Party in support of WB European integration (Radio Tirana)


The Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party Taulant Balla, who is on an official visit to Greece, had a meeting with Alexis Tsipras, Chairman of SYRIZA.


During the meeting, Balla and Tsipras discussed the close cooperation between the two parliamentary groups, where they stressed that this cooperation will continue to be aimed at strengthening good relations between Albania and Greece. "We are grateful for the important role of the SYRIZA Party in supporting the European integration process of the Western Balkans", said Balla. Balla also praised the role of Mr. Tsipras during his time as Prime Minister in the measures taken towards the facilitation and full integration of our Albanian community in Greece.


During his stay in Athens, Balla held a meeting with the MP of the Movement for Change Party, at the same time as the Chairman of the International Socialist, George Papandreou. During the meeting, Balla and Papandreou discussed the cooperation between the parties and the two parliamentary groups in order to strengthen relations between Albania and Greece, the essential role of the Parliament and the parliamentary group of the Movement for Change Party in order to advance issues of interest to the Albanian community in Greece and the process of integration into the European Union of the Western Balkans.


EU / French Minister: Positive signals for unblocking Bulgarian veto (Radio Tirana)


At the press conference held after the meeting of the 27 Ministers of European Affairs in Brussels, the French Minister for European Affairs, Clement Beaune, answered the question of ABC regarding the announcement made in the European Parliament by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of North Macedonia , Bujar Osmani, according to whom, Bulgaria and North Macedonia are very close to finding an agreement that would unblock the deadlock created due to bilateral issues at the historical, cultural and linguistic level.


Minister Baune said: "It is true that there are echoes and positive signals on the discussions on bilateral issues that have been discussed and are being discussed between Bulgaria and North Macedonia. I was visiting Bulgaria at the beginning of the French presidency, shortly after the confirmation of the new government in Bulgaria. I have recently been in contact with the Bulgarian authorities and with the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Petkov.


There is a very serious commitment, both from Skopje and Sofia, to find a solution to the bilateral issues that have caused obstacles. I cannot prejudge the process, but I confirm these positive signals. If these efforts are crowned in the coming weeks, then it will be up to the French presidency to proceed with the next stages. Hopefully this happens. But I cannot tell you today that we can start membership negotiations.


Blinken: We welcome the Afghans who arrived from Albania to the USA (Radio Tirana)


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has announced that 212 Afghans departing from Albania have arrived in the United States. Through a post on social networks, Blinken says that they now have a new home, while thanking Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and the Albanian people for the hospitality. "Happy to share that 212 Afghans arrived this morning from Albania to the U.S., their new home. To our newest neighbours: We welcome you and wish you the best in this new chapter. My special thanks to Foreign Minister Olta Xhacka and the Albanian people for hosting Afghan guests,' writes Blinken.