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Belgrade Media Report 25 March 2022



Vucic published urgent information: Kurti decided to attack Serbia (RTS)


President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, published the latest information via video on his official Instagram profile.


"On the request of Albin Kurti, Biljana Stevanovic was removed from the Kosovo institutions of Serbian judges today. The dismissal of all Serbian commanders and police officers who attended the session of the National Security Council in Belgrade was prepared for the morning," he said. He added that Kurti decided to attack Serbia. "Kurti violated the Brussels agreement, and according to his will and the will of those who protect him, the Brussels agreement no longer exists. Kurti is the one who wants to destroy peace in Kosovo and Metohija. With these decisions, he wants to attack the Serbian people wherever they live," Vucic said. In the end, he warned the countries of Quint and the international community that Serbia wants to preserve peace. "Whatever you do, Serbia will be with its people," Vucic said clearly at the end of his extraordinary address via video on his official Instagram profile.


The decision to suspend the president of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, Ljiljana Stevanovic, was also criticized by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. "Brutal violence against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija continues. Kurti undermines peace and stability every day with his decision, violates international agreements and denies basic human rights to members of our people in Kosovo and Metohija. The Brussels agreement is dead," Brnabic wrote on Twitter.


The Minister of Internal Affairs, Aleksandar Vulin, announced that by expelling Serbs from the institutions in Kosovo and Metohija, Albin Kurti killed the Brussels Agreement, which no longer exists after this decision. He called on the European Union, which is the sponsor of the Brussels Agreement, to immediately convene a meeting in Brussels and stop any violent action directed against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija.


Kosovo Serbs in protest walk over ban on voting in Serbia’s elections (N1, RTS)


Serbs in Kosovo’s divided Mitrovica town gathered on Friday for a protest walk against Pristina’s ban on Serbia’s April 3 elections being held on Kosovo’s territory. Deputy leader of the Serb List, Dalibor Jevtic, said several days ago after meeting Serbia’s President Aleksandar Vucic, that the Serbs would organise peaceful protests on both sides of the Ibar River, dividing Mitrovica to the northern part. Jevtic said the protest would be organised under the ‘No one should deprive us of fundamental human rights in the 21st-century’ slogan.


Special police forces were spotted on several highways in Kosovo and Metohija. It is assumed that the forces increased due to the protests in Kosovska Mitrovica and Gracanica.


Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti said the protests would not contribute to good relations between Kosovo and Serbia, which the European Union aimed at. Kurti said Serbia’s elections in Kosovo were not banned but that no agreement was reached about them. He reiterated that the demand for organising the elections should have been sent directly to Pristina’s Government and not via liaison officer.


However, Vucic said Kurti’s decision to ban the voting in Kosovo on April 3 aimed to humiliate the Serbs and reduce the number of votes for him and SNS party. He said Belgrade’s Government could not directly address Pristina’s authorities because that would have meant a de facto recognition of Kosovo’s independence. Vucic said that the Kosovo Serbs would vote in the towns in Serbia, as they did earlier on the constitutional referendum.


The heads of missions of the Quint countries and the EU Mission in Pristina said they were aware of the planned demonstrations and expressed concern over the possible escalation of violence in Kosovo. "Citizens have the right to peaceful assembly as well as the responsibility to ensure that such gatherings are peaceful and do not become violent. Among our common values ​​are the right to peaceful assembly and to have our voices heard, the rights that law enforcement is responsible for protecting," said a joint statement from the EU Mission and the embassies of Germany, Britain, Italy, the United States and France. The forces of order, as it is emphasized, have the obligation to preserve public order in such a way that "democratic principles of freedom of speech and assembly are not violated," the statement said. Quint ambassadors and the EU also reiterate their call on Belgrade and Pristina to refrain from any rhetoric or activities that could increase tensions.


All prosecutors and judges of Serbian nationality working in Kosovo's courts left their offices this morning after the decision to suspend the president of the Basic Court in Mitrovica, Ljiljana Stevanovic. The president of the municipality of Strpce, Dalibor Jevtic, said that their decision was not to come to work until the decision on the suspension of the president of the court was changed. "Also, all political representatives are suspending their work with a clear request, and that is that the rights of the Serbian people be respected here. To stop the institutional violence against us," said Jevtic, at the protest in Gracanica. Jevtic added that what they are doing in Pristina is they are trying to force the Serbs to leave Kosovo and Metohija.


Serbia Supports New UN Resolution on Ukraine (VIP)


UN General Assembly enacted a new non-obligatory resolution that demanded of Russia to immediately stop the war in Ukraine, and Serbian representative also supported this document. The resolution demanded enabling the delivery of humanitarian aid to those most endangered in Ukraine, and Russia received criticism over horrible humanitarian situation. The resolution was supported by 140 countries, 38 abstained from voting, while Russia, Syria, North Korea, Eritrea and Belarus were against it.


Ukrainian Embassy: Dacic's statement on Ukraine immoral political manipulation (Beta)


The Ukrainian embassy in Serbia released a statement on March 24 saying that Socialist Party of Serbia leader Ivica Dacic's statement that there was no dilemma that Serbia was on Russia's side in the Ukrainian crisis was immoral political manipulation. "We are confident that this politician is allowing his imagination to run wild. What is true is that the Serbian people, who having a long tradition of fighting for freedom, cannot a priori support the actions of the enraged regime of (Russian President Vladimir) Putin who is a modern reincarnation of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime," the Ukrainian embassy said in a statement.

The embassy finds "absolutely immoral attempts to force upon ordinary people in Serbia support for the murder of Ukrainian children, bombing of schools, hospitals and maternity hospitals and demolishing cities and in this way tarnish the honor and dignity of the brotherly and freedom-loving Serbian people." "The Serbian people have clearly set their vector of movement. The people of a state that is a candidate for EU membership cannot support those who are continuing the acts of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Pol Pot and in this way annulling the ideals of the European community," the embassy said.


Speaking about the situation in Ukraine on March 23, Dacic said on Happy TV that there was no dilemma whether Serbia was on Russia's side and that, according to the latest opinion poll, six percent of citizens were on Ukraine's side and forty percent on Russia's side, while the rest had no opinion.


Ambassador Nincic: Serbia is committed to peace, stability and preservation of territorial integrity (RTS)


Permanent Representative of Serbia to the OSCE and other international organizations, Ambassador Roksanda Nincic, participated in the 1364th session of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna, where she pointed out that the trauma of illegal military aggression by NATO forces is still present, but that Serbia is committed to peace, stability, non-selective preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty. In her address, Ambassador Roksanda Nincic reminded that on this day 23 years ago, NATO, without the approval of the United Nations Security Council (UN), started aggression against FR Yugoslavia, emphasizing that this act violated the UN Charter, Helsinki Final Act and violated international legal order.


Nincic said that the forces of 19 countries carried out about 2,300 air strikes, including attacks with cluster bombs and depleted uranium ammunition on 995 civilian objects. "148 residential buildings and 62 bridges were destroyed, while 300 schools, 20 hospitals, 176 cultural heritage buildings, as well as heating and waterworks across the country were severely damaged. During the 78 days of relentless campaign, about 2,500 civilians were killed, including 89 children." Nincic pointed out, emphasizing that each of their names is a symbol of shame for those responsible for this senseless act. Ambassador Nincic reminded that the youngest victim, Bojana Tosovic from Merdar, was only 11 months old, remembering two-year-old Marko Simic from Novi Pazar, who died in her father's arms, and three-year-old Milica Rakic, who was killed in the bathroom during a cluster bomb attack on Batajnica.


The ambassador referred to the fact that humanitarian law prohibits acts of violence, attacks and reprisals against civilian facilities, reminding that the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic in Visegradska Street and the maternity hospital of the Dragisa Misovic Medical Center were damaged in Belgrade, as well as hospitals and medical centers in Cuprija, Aleksinac. Raska, Prokuplje, Cacak, Mitrovica, Leposavic and Pristina.


Nincic stated that 15 civilians were killed and 44 wounded in the attack on the passenger train in the Grdelica gorge, reminding that NATO characterized this mass murder as an "accident". She pointed out that NATO bombed a bridge full of people returning from Sunday's service in Varvarin, killing 10 and wounding 17, and that cluster bombs were dropped on a crowded open market in Nis when 15 were killed and wounded. 16 civilians.


"The headquarters of the Serbian Radio and Television in Belgrade was deliberately hit by a projectile on April 16, killing 16 employees. This was, of course, a clear violation of all recognized norms on security and physical protection of journalists," said the Serbian ambassador to the OSCE.


Up to 15 tons of depleted uranium ammunition dumped 


Ambassador Nincic also said that the destruction of the oil refinery and chemical plants in densely populated places around Belgrade caused long-term and irreparable environmental damage, which, as she stated, violated Article 35 of the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention. She also pointed out the violation of Article 54 of the Additional Protocol to the Geneva Convention, pointing out that NATO dropped carbographite bombs on five Serbian power plants, which disabled 70 percent of the country's electricity network. Nincic stated that up to 15 tons of depleted uranium ammunition were dumped on FR Yugoslavia, emphasizing that the use of such ammunition leads to permanent severe health consequences and pollutes the environment over a long period of time.


The ambassador said that the use of cluster munitions and other explosive weapons poses a serious danger to civilians decades after use, but also that unexploded ordnance can have serious socio-economic consequences. "Despite enormous demining efforts, including significant international assistance, unexploded cluster munitions continue to pose a serious threat to an area of ​​more than 1,000,000 square meters, followed by unexploded ordnance and landmines in ground and waterways at 150 locations in central Serbia" stated Nincic.


The ambassador concluded her address by stating that the trauma of this illegal military aggression is still present, but that Serbia is committed to peace, stability, indiscriminate preservation of territorial integrity and sovereignty and diplomatic resolution of all conflicts and disputes in the OSCE area.


Bosnia and Herzegovina 


Komsic: No One in B&H Wants to Draw Serbia into Conflict (FTV)


No on in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) wants to draw Serbia into a conflict, member of B&H presidency Zeljko Komsic has stated. “It takes next to nothing to start a conflict. War and conflict do not require two parties, one crazy enough is sufficient to spark it, but no one has such intensions in B&H, no one wants to draw Serbia into any kind of conflict”, Komsic said. He said this while commenting the statement of Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic who said that countries of the Region, including Sarajevo, want to draw Serbia into a conflict.


B&H HoP: Initiative to send request to EU institutions for accelerated procedure to grant B&H candidate status adopted; SNSD and HDZ B&H fail to support proposal of Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest and changes to Law on HJPC as well as initiative for B&H HoP to take position in regard to Ukraine (FTV)


Commenting on the session of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) House of Peoples (HoP) held on Thursday the reporter notes that, in addition to the economy, the B&H’s European path also divided the delegates, with all of them being simultaneously for and against it. FTV reports that the conclusion to send a request to the European Union (EU) institutions for an accelerated procedure to grant B&H a candidate status was adopted.


Addressing the session, Speaker of the B&H HoP Dragan Covic (HDZ B&H) said: “I deeply believe that is the path for us to become more serious and then to put as our priorities, without any encouragement from someone outside, everything we need so that we master the European standards, and open for B&H this integration process”. The reporter comments that, after this, the necessary laws were left to be discussed on another occasion. The reporter notes that without the abovementioned laws there is no possibility for B&H to be granted the status of the EU candidate, or to make any progress on its European path, and goes on to say that HDZ B&H and SNSD also opposed the initiative for the B&H HoP to take position in regard to Ukraine. Commenting on this, delegate at the B&H HoP Denis Becirovic (SDP B&H) said for the media: “It has been shown today that Russia’s regime led by (Russian President Vladimir) Putin and the Russian Duma has more supporters in the HoP than the European Parliament”. Delegate at the B&H HoP Zlatko Miletic said they were balancing “between the EU and not to potentially offend the Russian Federation”. Delegate at the B&H HoP Nikola Spiric (SNSD) said the EU membership “is not a blitzkrieg, but a path, and that is clear. Therefore, it is impossible that SDA has one majority in HoR and other in the HoP to guarantee it paves the road towards the EU. They should take responsibility together with us”.

SDP B&H leader Niksic says regardless of negotiations on electoral reform general elections in B&H will be held (FTV)


Guest of FTV was SDP Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) leader Nermin Niksic. Commenting on the session of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) held on Thursday, Niksic said the session was contradictory, with the initiative for request to the European Union (EU) institutions for accelerated procedure for granting B&H candidate status, after which not adopting three key laws for that, i.e. the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC), the Law on Conflict of Interests, and the Law on Public Procurement, noting the said laws are not disputable in regard to violating “vital national interests” advocated by ruling political parties.


Asked why that was the case, Niksic said it is a “demonstration of power” and an attempt to “blackmail for other things”, and added that some are clearly against B&H’s EU path. He reminded that SDA ensured eight votes, i.e. absolute majority to the Croat and Serb Caucuses at the B&H HoP. Asked to comment on voting against the Law on Excise Duties, Niksic reminded that all initiatives were proposed by the opposition at the B&H House of Representatives (HoR), noting no efforts are being made by the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) to “lead B&H towards the EU”, nor there is a concrete plan for that.


Asked if he was invited to participate in the negotiations with the delegation of the European Commission (EC) as SDP B&H leader, Niskic answered negative. He reminded of the invitation on Monday by the EC for the pro-Bosnian political parties, i.e. SDP B&H, SDA, NiP and SBB, for the video presentation from Brussels in relation to preparation for the meeting with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell; after asking about ‘Our Party’, DF and NES B&H, “they said there will be more groups and more meetings, when we said we will not participate if other political parties are not invited”, and the said political parties were invited and their representatives attended the meeting. He went on to say that he, DF leader Zeljko Komsic and NS leader Edin Forto were invited to attend the meeting the following day, however not with leaders of the political parties that participated in the negotiations in Neum. Asked to comment on that, Niksic said talks are welcome, but “we stressed on several occasions we do not accept asymmetric solutions’’, noting “what we requested from the IC representatives (…) do not advocate, support, persuade us to accept something that does not exist in any of the European country. We are ready for every solution that will support the European standards”.


Niksic also reminded they refused to discuss electoral reform until the issue of blocking institutions of B&H and the issue of illegal and unconstitutional decisions by the Republika Srpska (RS) National Assembly (RSNA) are resolved; after some progress was made, i.e. B&H HoR and the B&H HoP’s sessions were held, and the EU initiated talks on sanctions which was sufficient basis “for SDP to participate in the talks. Objectively speaking, we should not have been there, because people made some progress and it was OK for them to try to see if they have necessary majority”. Asked if SNSD leader Milorad Dodik was the one to stop the blockade of the institutions of B&H, Niksic said it is important for the B&H Parliament and the B&H CoM to work constructively.


Asked if electoral reform “in the current arrangement” has been finished, Niksic answered affirmative. He underlined the general elections in B&H will be held, noting that everyone can boycott the elections, but no one has the right to block them. Asked if he is concerned by HDZ B&H’s announcement of potential boycott of the elections, Niksic said boycott of the election is a legitimate form of political struggle. “From the standpoint of SDP, civic and left political parties, we ask only to implement European standards (…) I cannot accept that officials from the IC come here, who ignore those standards and principles saying they will support everything we agree on” said Niksic.


Asked if it is possible to reconcile the ethnic and the civic at the moment, Niksic said it is possible, noting majority of the citizens are ready for that. “Unfortunately, politicians who lead are looking for the opportunity in the radicalization of relations in B&H to keep their mandates. I deeply believe that neither electoral nor constitutional reform are problem in B&H. The problem here is political crime, corruption, and that is what blocks our system” said Nilksic and added if the European standards are to be implemented in B&H, those who obstruct the progress will be prosecuted.


Asked if SDA truly supports civic option, Niksic said that SDA represents Bosniaks, however, when “it suits them, they support civic principles”, and the opposition refused to create a bloc with SDA to oppose HDZ B&H and SNSD.


Asked if he believes there is possibility that High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt will impose Election Law, as potentially agreed five days ago, Niksic answered negative, noting no agreement was reached with the exception of asymmetric solution, electoral voting in the Federation of B&H and direct voting in the RS. “I doubt the HR will impose that, because it means regressing, not implementing rulings of the Court in Strasburg. However, if we fail to adopt amendments to the Election Law that would impose protection of electoral process integrity, I truly hope it could be done by the HR,” said Niksic.


President of ECHR to visit B&H and discuss implementation of Sejdic-Finci ruling, while at the same time four EU member states criticize reference to constituent status of peoples in B&H in text of Strategic Compass document (Glas Srpske)


President of the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) Robert Spano will visit Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) on Friday. He is expected to meet B&H officials including the members of B&H Constitutional Court, and it is expected that the main topic will be B&H’s failure to implement the ECHR ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case and other ECHR rulings. The daily reminds that ECHR ruled in several cases that B&H must remove discriminatory provisions from the Constitution and Election Law so that citizens who do not identify as Serb, Croat or Bosniak can also run for office in B&H Presidency and B&H House of Peoples. At the same time, four EU member states – the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and Luxemburg – expressed their opinion that the concept of constituent peoples in B&H is discriminatory. The countries also voiced their regrets because of the reference to the constituent concept in the EU Strategic Compass document.


Member of B&H House of Representatives (B&H HoR) Snjezana Novakovic Bursac (SNSD) stated that Spano’s visit had been repeatedly postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. She explained that B&H has certain obligations, and the visit will be an opportunity to inform Spano about what has or has not been done in the context of electoral reform. Novakovic Bursac underlined that the electoral reform has not been agreed because of the inability of political partners in the Federation of B&H to reach an agreement. According to her, it is not possible to talk only about implementation of the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ ruling because all other rulings need to be implemented too. “We, as a complex country, need to strive to achieve solutions which will reflect the ethnic composition too. Solutions are possible, but the Bosniak establishment stands in the way”, said Novakovic-Bursac. She noted that the model used in Belgium is a good example with similar principles and rules. According to her, all smart countries adapt their legislative framework to the real situation and the historical background of relations. However, Novakovic Bursac noted, there are people in B&H who refuse to accept both the reality and the historical background.


The daily reminds that a delegation of the Dutch Parliament will visit B&H Parliament on Friday. The Dutch Parliamentarians are expected to meet with members of B&H Parliament’s Joint Commission for EU Integration, and it is expected that the issues of electoral reform and ECHR rulings will be discussed too. Joint Commission member Lazar Prodanovic (SNSD) stated that some people to not know how B&H can function. He emphasized that the ruling in the ‘Sejdic-Finci’ case does not deal with the concept of constituent peoples, but the need to give all citizens the right to be elected.


B&H Presidency Chairman Dzaferovic attends multiple meetings with EU officials in Brussels; Dzaferovic askes for EU’s help explaining that even though tensions reduced B&H is still not functioning properly because its institutions are blocked (N1)


The two-day meeting of the European Council began on Thursday in Brussels. Western leaders sent a clear message from this meeting – they sent unified support to Ukraine. Amongst other things, the meeting will discuss the political crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The meeting should also be attended by US President Joseph Biden.


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic travelled to Brussels where he attended multiple meetings with EU officials. On Friday, Dzaferovic is set to meet President of the European Commission Ursula Von der Leyen. Dzaferovic started his Brussels visit on Wednesday, and he will end the three-day visit on Friday. In the first two days, he met with members of all political groups in the European Parliament (EP) and President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola. In his comment on the visit, Dzaferovic said he wanted to visit Brussels as soon as he assumed the duty of B&H Presidency Chairman so he could inform his interlocutors in Brussels about the current situation in B&H. He primarily spoke of the security situation in B&H, and Dzaferovic asked for EU’s help – explaining that even though the tensions reduced in B&H, the country is still not functioning properly because its institutions are blocked. Dzaferovic emphasized that those that block B&H institutions are directly violating the Dayton Peace Agreement.


Dzaferovic criticized the Republika Srpska (RS) authorities, saying they are trying to destabilize B&H. He added that the situation is quite concerning. Dzaferovic asked for EU’s help in solving problems in B&H, but he also urged the EU officials to give a candidate status to B&H, so the country could be stabilized as soon as possible. “I believe, in this moment, when there is a political crisis within B&H, which was intensified with the Russian Federation’s aggression in Ukraine, I believe that the European Union should recognize that moment, and grant the candidate status to B&H. That would be very important, and an important message from Brussels to the citizens of B&H”, Dzaferovic underlined in a statement. He said this move by the EU would significantly calm the overall political situation in B&H. Dzaferovic confirmed for N1 that after this visit, he will visit Brussels next week as well, when he plans to meet President of the European Council Charles Michel.


FTV reports that Dzaferovic has met with Metsola to discuss the current security and political situation in B&H in the context of implications of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine for the Western Balkans and B&H. Dzaferovic and Metsola also discussed the EP’s support to B&H with the focus on the most recent activities in which the EP requested the Council of the European Union to impose sanctions against the RS authorities over unilateral actions against the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA). In his statement for the media after the meeting, Dzaferovic said: “I assessed it was necessary for me to come here and draw attention of the officials, the most responsible people in the EU, to these issues. In my view, at the moment it is most important to unblock the institutions, annul all conclusions adopted by the RS National Assembly that attack the constitutional order of B&H, strengthen the EUFOR in B&H, strengthen the OHR (Office of the High Representative), and hold elections as prescribed by the Election Law’’.


Stoltenberg: NATO leaders agreed to reinforce support for Bosnia and Georgia (N1)


NATO allies agreed to provide additional support to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) and Georgia in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and increased threats to those two countries, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said during Thursday’s press conference.


“We have just finished an extraordinary summit of NATO leaders to address the biggest threat to our security in a generation: President Putin’s war against Ukraine. Today, NATO leaders agreed that we must and will provide further support to Ukraine. We will continue to impose unprecedented costs on Russia. And we will reinforce Allied deterrence and defence,” Stoltenberg said.


“At the same time, we have a responsibility to ensure the conflict does not escalate further. Because this would be even more dangerous and more devastating. Allies agreed that we must also increase our support for other partners at risk from Russian threats and interference.

Including Georgia, and B&H. Working together, and with the European Union, we must help them uphold their sovereignty and strengthen their resilience,” he added.


The Secretary-General pointed out that leaders approved four new NATO battlegroups stationed in Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia. These groups will be deployed are in addition to the four already in the Baltic countries and Poland. That totals eight multinational NATO battlegroups, from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea.


“Across Europe, there are one hundred thousand US troops supporting NATO efforts. And European Allies and Canada have also stepped up. We have 40,000 forces under direct NATO command, mostly in the eastern part of the Alliance. Backed by major air and naval power. Including an unprecedented five carrier strike groups from the High North to the Mediterranean,” Stoltenberg pointed out. According to him, NATO leaders agreed to reset the deterrence and defence for the longer term and to face a new security reality.


“On land, we will have substantially more forces in the eastern part of the Alliance, at higher readiness. With more prepositioned equipment and supplies. In the air, we will deploy more jets, and strengthen our integrated air and missile defence. At sea, we will have carrier strike groups, submarines and significant numbers of combat ships on a persistent basis,” the Secretary-General said, adding that allies also agreed to strengthen their cyber defences.


He added that allied leaders called on China to refrain from supporting Russia’s war effort pointing out that this country must not provide economic or military support for the Russian invasion. Instead, Beijing should use its significant influence on Russia and promote an immediate, peaceful resolution, he said. Allies also agreed that Belarus must stop acting as an accomplice to the Russian invasion. Stoltenberg concluded that NATO leaders reaffirmed our strong commitment to NATO’s Open-Door policy, under Article 10 of the Washington Treaty.




Milanovic: Serbia going through identity crisis (Hina)


The West should offer Serbia a clear western perspective and that would be an opportunity which Serbia should not miss, but it is up to her to decide, Croatian president Zoran Milanovic said in Brussels. Following the meetings of top representatives of NATO country members, Milanovic said that summit participants discussed the Western Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina as a threatened country, and also Moldova, Georgia, but that there was no mention of Serbia and Kosovo. “Elections will be held in Serbia in a few days’ time and I am under the impression that the country has been going through an identity crisis for a long while and that it has a hard time understanding that they are just a footnote to Russia after all”, Milanovic said. He added that this is important for NATO and the EU, because Serbia is negotiating its membership in the European Union. “It is important that it remains a stable country with a clear western perspective. This should be offered to them in clearer terms, hoping that they will understand it, but that is certainly an opportunity that should not be missed”, Milanovic told journalists after the summit.




Russia expels Montenegro diplomat (CDM)


Russia has announced that it declared a Montenegro diplomat a persona non-grata and that at issue is a measure of reciprocity. The Russian foreign ministry has stated that it called Montenegrin ambassador in Moscow Milorad Scepanovic to hand him over a note on declaring undesirable an employee of the embassy in Moscow. It has described this measure as response to the expulsion of a Russian diplomat from Montenegro. On March 4, Montenegro declared a Russian diplomat a persona non grata following assessment of relevant Montenegrin security bodies regarding his activities there, which were thought to be contrary to the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations.


Montenegro also blocked Belarus' accession to the World Trade Organization (CDM)


A group of countries, including Montenegro, has blocked Belarus for full membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO), Reuters reports. In a document submitted to the World Trade Organization (WTO), the group stated that it strongly condemns Russia's unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine, which was made possible by Belarus. Russia, which calls its actions in Ukraine a "special operation", reportedly used "Belarusian territory to launch its attack". "We condemn Belarus for its complicity in Russia's aggression, which is not in line with the values ​​and principles of the World Trade Organization," the document reads. For these reasons, a group of countries concluded that "Belarus is not eligible for WTO membership." "We will not further consider her application to join," the document said.

Members of the group also include Albania, Australia, Britain, Canada, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, North Macedonia, Norway, South Korea and Ukraine.


Djukanovic: Institutions on which commitment to NATO depends don’t function in Montenegro (CDM)


“Montenegro is a responsible member of NATO and so far, we have not missed any of the obligations of one member of the Alliance, we have our soldiers in NATO and there is no doubt that we will continue to fulfil additional obligations to strengthen NATO, especially in the east wing Alliances”, President of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic has said after the extraordinary NATO Summit in Brussels on the Russian aggression against Ukraine. He has emphasized that today’s summit is an opportunity to draw attention to the fact that the Western Balkans is under attack from Russian imperial pretensions, and that the Western Balkans has already been attacked through many years of hybrid and malignant Russian doctrine of destruction.


The Montenegrin President has pointed out that the fact that this is the second NATO Summit with the participation of all heads of state and government of member states and heads of state and governments of important NATO partners speaks of high mobility within NATO and also of a high degree of determination to stand in the way of the aggression that the Russian Federation has undertaken against Ukraine.


“Today’s summit has actually confirmed the strong support for Ukraine and the readiness of all members of the Alliance to provide the requested support from Ukraine through various aspects by providing assistance to continue successfully resisting aggression. Also recalled was the determination of the Alliance to fully protect its space as well as the unconditional respect for what Article 5 of the Washington Treaty on the Protection of the Euro-Atlantic Area is”, President Djukanovic has stressed. According to him, the readiness to bring the partner countries, which are candidates for membership in the Alliance, to a special regime of attention, was repeated. President Djukanovic has said he drew attention to the fact that NATO and the EU should show more determination in protecting that part of Southeast Europe.


Vuksic: Russia has crossed the red line of interference in Montenegrin political circumstances (CDM)


The director of the National Security Agency (ANB), Dejan Vuksic, said that in Montenegro there is a danger of foreign services interfering in political circumstances, and some have crossed the red line. He is thinking specifically of Russia. He also said that the ANB recognizes the constant threats that are present regarding the national interests of Montenegro.


"The ANB, as part of the NATO system, is carrying out all activities. The current moment is critical. Regardless of the situation in Ukraine, the ANB recognizes the constant threats that are present in the national interests of Montenegro. We recognize the interest of great powers and states, and at the same time the presence of security services of another state. We pay special attention to counterintelligence activities and the presence of foreign services in Montenegro. Every country, partner or not, has the right to delegate diplomats to Montenegro. This also applies to the representatives of their services. The agency is most interested in whether the so-called red line is being crossed," said Vuksic. According to him, the "red line" was crossed by non-partner countries. When asked by journalists if he meant Russia, Vuksic answered in the affirmative.


According to the first man of the ANB, he said everything he said in general, and not about the specific case of the Russian diplomat Viktor Antipin and the functionary of the Democratic Front, Strahinja Bulajic. He said it was untrue that he made the decision to expel Russian diplomat Viktor Antipin under pressure from CIA and MI6 agents. "There is no one who is allowed to call me and ask me for something, be it one way or another," Vuksic points out.


It is a notorious untruth, he says, that he was promoted by the Serbian Orthodox Church. "The claim that I was promoted by the church or that I was blackmailed by the DF is a notorious untruth. Someone who says so is obviously not afraid of God. Apart from the fact that I am completely apolitical, and that I was never interested in politics, at that time, I think it was July 2020, certain political and non-political structures approached me to be the holder of the list. These were some friends from Grblja and Kotor, absolutely not from the church ", claims Vuksic. Asked whether some priests cross the red line and cooperate with foreign services, and whether some of them endanger national interests, Vuksic said that all persons who in any way show an indication of unconstitutional action are under the monitoring of the ANB.


North Macedonia 


Kovacevski told Scholz: The war has shown how important EU enlargement is (Nezavisen vesnik)


The war in Ukraine has shown that EU enlargement with the Western Balkans is not only a matter of enlargement but also of geostrategic positioning in the region, and Northern Macedonia has fully met the conditions for starting negotiations with the EU and the citizens of the country expect Brussels to fulfil its part of the obligation. This was stated by Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski, who during his working visit to Brussels met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, as part of a meeting of the North Atlantic Council within the extraordinary Summit of NATO Heads of State and Government.


According to the government's press service, Prime Minister Kovachevski briefed Chancellor Scholz on the progress of the dialogue with Bulgaria, which aims to unblock the process of convening the first intergovernmental conference between Northern Macedonia and Brussels to start EU membership talks in the country. The two interlocutors at the meeting expressed great satisfaction with the continuous development of friendly relations which are reflected in economic cooperation and trade. The two heads of government also stressed the shared views on Russia's military aggression in Ukraine, with Prime Minister Kovacevski stressing that Northern Macedonia has joined EU sanctions on Russia in full compliance with Brussels' foreign and security policy, reads the press release.


Kovacevski-Petkov: We have reasons for optimism (Nezavisen Vesnik)


On the sidelines of the NATO-Brussels Extraordinary Summit, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski met with his Bulgarian counterpart Kiril Petkov. The two Prime Ministers, as Kovacevski wrote on Facebook, expressed mutual satisfaction with the dynamics of bilateral cooperation between North Macedonia and Bulgaria through the working groups that are being implemented in the current period, as well as the signed agreements and memoranda of cooperation in several areas of common interest.


"We assessed that we are taking serious steps forward with the full harmonization of the foreign and security policy of Northern Macedonia with the EU policies, which deepens the relations between the two countries and raises the level of political dialogue." "We have reasons for optimism from the promotion of the cooperation between the two countries, which accelerates the process of European integration of Northern Macedonia," Kovacevski wrote on Facebook.




After the NATO summit, the Foreign Minister leaves for New York for the important summit with his counterparts (Radio Tirana)


After the NATO summit, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka, left for New York, where on Friday she will participate in the high-level meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the "Friendship Group on Responsibility / Accountability ", referring to the Russian aggression in Ukraine.


Following the denunciation of the UN General Assembly for the acts committed by Russia, as a violation of the principles of the UN Charter as well as the continuation of the mechanisms set up by the International Community, to hold the perpetrators accountable of war crimes for serious human rights violations and abuses, Albania, Colombia, Denmark, the Marshall Islands, the Netherlands and Ukraine co-founded this cross-regional forum, which will be dedicated to securing responsibility for international crimes committed in Ukraine. The "Responsibility / Accountability Friendship Group" will be positioned in New York and Geneva and aims to exchange information between states, international organizations, institutions and civil society, optimizing the process of accountability and justice but also the commitment of states small in the process.