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Belgrade Media Report 28 March


Brnabic: Serbia's policy will not be shaped by desires of big powers (Politika)

Serbia's policy will not be shaped by the desires of big powers, Serbian Prime Minister and Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) deputy leader Ana Brnabic said on Monday. Speaking to Politika, Brnabic said there was real reason to be optimistic about Serbian citizens choosing a path to the future in the 3 April elections - rather than a return to the past - and giving trust to a team with a clear and specific plan for the future. "I know that decisions have been made in the past so as to make them something the big powers liked, but Serbia is no longer that kind of country," Brnabic said in response to a question whether Serbia was able to resist pressure, or a decision on introducing sanctions on Russia was more likely. When asked about the upcoming elections, she said the SNS had achieved concrete results in the past years, including "635 Euro (average monthly) wages, the Clinical Centre of Serbia, the Dedinje 2 cardiovascular hospital, the Novi Sad-Belgrade high-speed rail line, the Cacak bypass, the Institute for Development of Artificial Intelligence, the Genome Sequencing Centre". "Those are actions that speak more and louder than a thousand words," Brnabic said. She said the government would do everything in its power to ensure the fallout from the situation in Ukraine affected Serbian citizens as little as possible. Asked to comment on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the fact that, for the first time ever, the Serb population there will not be able to vote in the territory of the province and is facing threats by Albin Kurti, Brnabic said Friday's protests by Kosovo Serbs had demonstrated their unity, uniqueness, courage and determination in their intent to express their views and protect their rights. Asked about the likelihood of a historic Belgrade-Pristina agreement being reached, Brnabic responded that she was afraid that Kurti's every new move was making an agreement more distant and that this was detrimental to all.

Vucic: We appreciate Angola's support for Serbia's territorial integrity (RTS/Tanjug)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic on Monday spoke with Angolan Foreign Minister Tete Antonio and Defense Minister Joao Ernesto dos Santos about strengthening the bilateral cooperation, in particular in the economy, defense and agriculture. Vucic noted that Serbia extremely appreciated Angola's support for its territorial integrity and sovereignty, the presidential press office said in a statement. "Serbia is fully committed to finding a long-term, lasting and sustainable solution to the Kosovo issue, with full respect of the principles of international law," Vucic said. Antonio reiterated Angola maintained a principled position on the issue of Serbia's sovereignty and said it would remain unchanged. He said he was pleased with the progress achieved by Serbia and noted the years-long friendship between the two countries.

"Angola's first diplomats after the country gained independence were educated in Serbia. We will sign a document on abolishing visas between Serbia and Angola for holders of diplomatic and official passports, as well as several bilateral documents, including a MoU between the chambers of commerce and a MoU between the diplomatic academies," Antonio said. During the meeting, the officials also discussed the strengthening of economic cooperation between the two countries. Vucic said there was substantial interest among Serbian companies in making a return to the Angolan market. Antonio called on Serbian investors to invest in the Angolan food industry, including in coffee production and processing, to help Angola become the world's fourth-largest coffee producer in the world again. Vucic said there was ample potential for boosting defense and security cooperation and added that Angola was a strategic partner of Serbia as well as a major and promising market for the Serbian defense industry. During the meeting, Antonio presented to Vucic a letter from Angolan President Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco, who thanked his Serbian counterpart for the Order of the Republic of Serbia and announced that he would visit Serbia after the Angolan elections in August this year.

Vucic: Kosovo Albanian police would shoot Serbs if they vote (RTS)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS) on Friday that the Kosovo Albanian special police would shoot Serbs if they organized voting in Kosovo.

“The Serbs would probably retaliate or not but there would be dozens if not hundreds of dead. The intention of Kurti is to try to get technical recognition of the independence of Kosovo, that is the Serbian government recognizing the Kosovo government,” Vucic said. He said that Kurti does not want him to win the 50,000 Kosovo Serb votes that he claims he would win so that Vucic wouldn’t sit across the table from him. “The important thing is to avoid conflicts and we will never recognize Kosovo as independent,” Vucic said. Commenting his claim on Thursday that the Kosovo government intended to replace all Serb police commanders, Vucic said that did not happen because of pressure from the Quint. “They know that the Serbs would leave all institutions creating a situation in which it’s just a question of time before a major incident happens. Who needs that if not Kurti. The West does not or at least I hope it doesn’t,” Vucic said. Vucic said he does not expect the authorities in Pristina to change their decision on the vote, adding that voting will be organized for the Kosovo Serbs at polling stations in Serbia proper.

Vucic: Serbia is nobody’s servant (TV Prva/Politika)

"Serbia is nobody's servant and does not carry out anyone's orders, neither Russia's, nor America's, nor anyone else's," said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, when asked whether Serbia will impose sanctions on Russia. "We have done what is in the interest of our country, but you must keep in mind that Serbia condemned the attack on Ukraine, that it acted in accordance with international public law, seriously and responsibly," Vucic told TV Prva on Sunday. Serbia is an independent and sovereign country. Serbia has an experience that many do not have, and that is the experience from the 1990s, he added.  "I ask the liars from the Guardian, when you attacked Serbia, was it aggression, when you attacked a sovereign country? We treat the attack on Serbia and the attack on Ukraine in the same way in the formal-legal sense. What was it like when you attacked innocent Serbia without a UN decision? 19 thugs gathered to attack one country," Vucic said. Vucic says that when he watches Russian channels, he hears the same vocabulary that, as if someone was joking, NATO used in the aggression against Serbia. "Today, Russians repeat the same words, whether jokingly or in reality. So, as they used to say a ‘humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo,’ the Russians say a ‘humanitarian catastrophe in Donbas.’ It's like playing with Americans in their vocabulary. Thus, they said ‘we are preventing genocide in Kosovo’, the Russians are saying ‘we are preventing genocide in Donbas’. It’s as if they took the temple from everything that the Americans and the Europeans said about the issue of Kosovo and now they’re speaking in the same way," he said. Vucic said that he was concerned by US President Joseph Biden's remarks about preparing for "decades of war" as great economic trouble could ensue. Vucic said that if "the price of oil surges to USD200," the world faced "a disaster", which would be "intolerable". On the other hand, he added, Europe is experiencing problems with food prices, but "there will be no problems in Serbia".

Vucic: Brussels agreement no longer exists (B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic commented on Friday for B92 the situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the protests of Serbs. "These were the biggest demonstrations organized by Serbs. I am happy that they did it in a dignified and peaceful way," he said. He added that he sees great tension among our people. "When people from the south ask to leave the institutions, it shows how much tension there is," he said. "These people are worried and they are rightly worried," he added. "We know that Kurti is behind the dismissal of the judge, we know that he was preparing the dismissals, but he abandoned that thought under the pressure of Quint countries," he said. "Albin Kurti says they are doing everything in agreement with NATO. When we signed the Brussels agreement, we said that Serbian judges should be integrated into the judiciary, Kurti cannot now violate the Brussels agreement because he does not like the fact that she was at the meeting in Belgrade," he said. "Kurti can't replace the judges, nor the police," he said. Vucic said that Serbs did not leave the institutions and that they would talk in seven days. "We have countless questions, not to mention that if there were no Serbian police officers, what kind of chaos would occur and what kind of incident could happen. I wonder why someone made the decision not to vote there," he said. "I understand that Kurti wants something else, he wants recognition. We accepted that the liaison officer wrote a letter to allow the vote, and Quint accepted that along with Brussels, but Kurti said 'no' and that he only wants recognition," Vucic explained. He said that it was obvious that the Brussels agreement no longer existed because they had ruined everything that had been agreed from Pristina. "I am not happy about that because we kept peace for them for 9 years and saved the Serbs in Kosovo and we did not lose any of our vital interests. I think that Belgrade was the most honest in relation to the agreement because we never saw Brussels' decisive action in its implementation", he added. "The essence of the agreement, and that is the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) - you do not raise this issue because most EU countries have recognized independence and are looking at how to put pressure on Serbia to do the same," he said. "Only we are losing with this, but that's fine. We are giving up 50.000 votes in that way, but that is better than endangering peace in any way," he said. "Many in Kosovo have had an incomparably more realistic approach than Kurti, some people cannot understand that. Additionally, you now have Ukraine. When you have that, Albanians think that it is an ideal opportunity to further stigmatize Serbs, ask for support for joining NATO. Certainly, Kurti has someone's support in that," Vucic said. "Kosovo is their child, they created it by leading aggression against this country and they think they have the right to do that and that is normal and they are honest about it, just as I am honest when I say that I would be ashamed of it. Our position is changing every day, not in our position on the conflict in Ukraine, but relations, prices of products, raw materials are changing," he said. "When the prices of oil, gas, coal, steel, food rise, then circumstances change." Vucic said that we have our own country and we take care of it, and when asked whether the non-imposition of sanctions sends a message, he said that any decision would be called into question. "If we were imposing sanctions, you would ask why, when we are not imposing, you are asking why," he said. "We try not to take risks. The other side of the coin is to exclude the moral and emotional part, to disregard the fact who was on our side... My question is what we will do in the UN Security Council when the question of Kosovo and Metohija is raised, at what price we will get gas, how to tell those who did not impose sanctions on us - we will impose it on you," he said. "I think we have made the fairest and best decision for us", he said. "I believe that I know Putin better than 99% of the world's leaders and I can understand what is on his mind. I think that the West surprised him at the beginning and that he is now in a situation where he has nowhere to go and that he surprises the West more and has to fight", he said. Vucic explained that Serbia did not act politically but in accordance with the norms of international law. "They say there is no more sitting on two chairs, and I say that we only have one chair - the chair of Serbia," he explained. He emphasized that Serbia must exclusively protect its interests. "We will not endanger peace and stability, that is one of the things I blame Milosevic for. I would never put the country in front of me, but I would bear the consequences myself," Vucic pointed out.

Stefanovic finishes visit to Serbian peacekeepers in Lebanon (Politika/RTS)

Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic, who has finished his visit to members of the Serbian Armed Forces participating in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), said that in the conversation with the mission leadership, he heard nothing but praise for Serbian soldiers, he heard that they were dedicated, exceptionally well trained and professional, but he emphasized that their unity and standing together was particularly important to him. “I tried to see in a short time what life was like for our soldiers in four UNIFIL bases in Lebanon," said Stefanovic. He is proud that our boys and girls represent Serbia in a dignified manner and contribute to building up Serbia’s reputation in the world. During the visit, he talked to members of the Serbian Armed Forces who are participating in UNIFIL, one of the largest United Nations missions with more than 10,000 soldiers from 46 countries. It currently has 177 members of the Serbian Armed Forces, the majority of whom are members of the infantry company in Sector East and the force protection platoon in Sector West. Besides them, Stefanovic also visited Serbian officers serving as staff officers in the Mission’s Headquarters in Naqoura, in the Sector East Headquarters and the Spanish Battalion Headquarters. He also met with the mission leadership – UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander, Major General Aroldo Lazaro Saenz, Sector East Commander, Brigadier General Ramon Armada Vazquez, Sector West Commander Brigadier General Massimiliano Stecca, and the Italian Battalion Commander Claudio Guaschino.

Peach: I am disappointed that Pristina rejected the election proposal (Politika/Vijesti)

UK Prime Minister's Special Envoy for the Western Balkans Stuart Peach says that he is disappointed that the Pristina authorities rejected "the proposal for a compromise solution in order to facilitate voting for Kosovo Serbs in the territory of Kosovo during the upcoming elections in Serbia". "While it is clear that Kosovo has a sovereign right to decide whether such a vote will take place, not taking the opportunity to reach a practical solution offered in this case calls into question Kosovo's commitment to the fundamental values ​​of inclusiveness and democratic rights for all citizens," Peach said in an interview with Podgorica's Vijesti. Asked which solution he sees as the most certain in the dispute between Belgrade and Pristina over the status of Kosovo, the former commander of the KFOR air force says that it can only be achieved through dialogue. "There is only one way for Serbia and Kosovo to reach an agreement on the normalization of relations, and that is through dialogue mediated by the EU. The United Kingdom has supported this process all the time and I personally, as an envoy, work closely with EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak, who is in charge of dialogue," said Peach. He added that the two sides must cooperate in order to reach a comprehensive, final, legally binding and sustainable agreement, which, he said, must also be acceptable to the international community. Speaking about the Open Balkans initiative, he said Britain supports initiatives aimed at supporting regional cooperation, economic integration and open markets. "It's important that the new processes complement the existing initiatives instead of clashing with them, as well as being inclusive and open to all six countries of the Western Balkans, under equal conditions," Peach said. Uniting markets will have a positive impact on the economic development of the region and will make it more attractive for foreign investments, he stressed. "The common regional market initiative is a mechanism essential for further regional economic integration, which goes hand in hand with the European perspective of the region," Peach said. When it comes to Montenegro, Peach suggested that the first activity of the new government is to convince its citizens and the international community that it remains committed to Euro-Atlantic values. While, as he said, Russia's invasion of Ukraine has shaken Europe, the need for stable rule and wise leadership, in line with Euro-Atlantic and NATO values, is more important than ever.

Lavrov to Serbian reporters: Belgrade should continue smart choices (Novosti)

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told Serbian journalists in Moscow that the Kremlin is sure that official Belgrade will continue its smart choices over the war in Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Minister said that Moscow respects the Serbian people and its commitment to traditional friendships. “We are certain that they will continue taking the smart choice in this situation,” he said. According to Lavrov, pressure is being brought to bear on Serbia over Ukraine. “We see the United States trying to impose its hegemony in the Balkans,” Novosti quoted him as saying. He said that the goal of the sanctions imposed by the West is to suppress Russia strategically. “The only surprising thing at this stage is the explosion of primitive Rusophobia which the western leaders are actively fanning,” he said, adding that there is no isolation of Russia. “That is only mentioned by people who have mentally resigned themselves to the dictatorship of the West,” he added. “The West is trying to isolate the Russian Federation through the math of the results of the UN vote. We know the blackmail those countries are exposed to. To us that only means one thing – the US is afraid of isolation,” he said. Lavrov said that Moscow wants an agreement on Ukraine to include demilitarization and de-Nazification. “Look at how Russian prisoners are being treated by the people in Nazi battalion Azov,” he said. Lavrov said on Monday peace talks with Ukraine could also be held in Belgrade and that, besides Istanbul - already set as the location for the next meeting in the negotiations - Moscow was ready to consider other locations as well, including the Serbian capital. Lavrov was responding to a question from Serbian reporters about Belgrade as a potential perfect place for talks to end the war. "With its status, as a city and point of view, Belgrade is fully appropriate for any talks and at all levels," Lavrov said. He said a place for talks must be acceptable to both negotiating teams. "We have had direct talks in Belarus three times and then we had a break because there was no possibility for talks due to technical reasons. An agreement has now been made to hold a meeting in Istanbul. That reflects the geographic point where the possibilities of the two countries matched," Lavrov said, reiterating that Moscow was also ready to consider other locations for talks, including Belgrade.

CRTA asks Ministry to shed light on voting notice issue (Beta)

The Serbian democracy watchdog mission CRTA urged the Ministry of State Administration and Local Government on 27 March to explain the situation surrounding voting notices. CRTA noted that it was responding to public reports by citizens that voting notices ahead of the 3 April election were arriving at their home addresses in the name of deceased persons or persons they did not know. The press release asked that the cases be cleared up urgently to prevent further deterioration of the people's trust in the election process. CRTA warned that silence by the responsible institutions in these situations, especially just seven days before voting day, can only deepen doubts in the integrity of the election process. CRTA underscored that 20 percent of citizens mistakenly believe that they can only vote with the notice. The observer mission recalled that it had sent a request to the Ministry even before the elections were called to allow voters to review who was registered to vote at their home address on the Ministry website. CRTA said it had also proposed an independent audit of the voting roll according to international standards, in order to ascertain the state of the electoral roll, which is the first step to its definitive regulation.



Pilipson says Russia’s announcement of counter-measures to sanctions imposed against it is justified, rejects claims that it is trying to destabilize B&H (Oslobodjenje

In an interview to the daily, Director of the 4th European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Yury Pilipson was asked to comment Russia’s warning on response to those who voted for imposing of sanctions against Russia. Pilipson argued that countries whose population counts for more than a half of the world’s population did not support sanctions against Russia and he also argued that “one-sided restrictions imposed against Russia have no perspective and are illegal from the point of view of international laws. These cannot affect our position”. Pilipson argued that Russia’s response with counter-measures is absolutely justified.

Pilipson said that, unfortunately, even some politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) joined anti-Russian campaign “although there are examples of fully adequate perception of the situation, for example that coming from Republika Srpska (RS)”. The journalist reminded that there were individual requests for Russia to be excluded from the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) both because of invasion of Ukraine and because of its stance on B&H and asked Pilipson to explain why Russia “with its undoubted support to secessionism of (Serb member of the Presidency of B&H) Milorad Dodik, because of which the PIC has been constantly noting dissenting opinions of Russia, is determined in its efforts to support destabilization of the country”. Pilipson replied by saying that Russia is one of biggest witnesses of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA) and he assessed as absurd the claims that Russia’s activities related to protection of constitutional foundations of B&H are aimed at destabilization of the country. Pilipson also said that the PIC Steering Board (SB) has nothing to do with the situation in Ukraine but the PIC SB has been distancing itself from its direct tasks: “We can see abuse of this multilateral body by our partners in the PIC. As the result, it turned into a tool for demonizing of everything Serb in your multiethnic country. We cannot support this line which only undermines the situation.” The journalist noted that Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov recently claimed that mercenaries are being recruited in Kosovo, Albania and B&H to go to Donbas and destabilize Russia but all three countries strongly rejected such claims. The journalist added that Russia, however, “never rejected unhidden ambition to destabilize the Western Balkans” and asked Pilipson to state what does Russia want from B&H. Pilipson replied by suggesting the journalist to once again carefully read Lavrov’s statement on mercenaries, as he said that Russia received such information and is currently checking it. As for the policy of Russia in the Western Balkans, Pilipson argued that Russia’s goal is to contribute to strengthening of peace, security and stability in line with international agreements and he claimed that there is no hidden agenda in Russia’s approach. As for the recent statements of Embassies of Russia to B&H and North Macedonia in which they warned “or rather threatened” media because of their reporting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Pilipson said that it is wrong to interpret such statements as threats because diplomats are carrying out their duties in line with the Vienna Convention from 1961 in the context of tasks which stipulate protection of interests of their own country. Pilipson went on to say that media present one-sided ‘Russia-phobic’ contents and materials are presented in a provocative manner in order to encourage aggression on Russia and its people.

International community disappointed with work of B&H parliaments (Nova BH

EU Special Representative (EUSR) in B&H Johann Sattler stated on Friday that he is disappointed by the Thursday’s session of the Houses of Peoples (HoP) of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and B&H, where the delegates failed to adopt laws that would mean progress of B&H on the EU path. Sattler tweeted: “Disappointing day in B&H parliaments yesterday. Demands for EU candidate status while voting down key rule of law reforms. Failure to align with EU measures against Russia. And hollowed out smoking ban which does not really apply. Another day of missed opportunities.” Sattler said that such behavior rightfully upsets the international community, given the fact that B&H leaders seek for EU doors to be opened for this country, but at the same time, they refuse to adopt key rule of law reforms. Sattler said that ruling parties’ officials verbally advocate the European integration, while simultaneously avoiding to undertake any concrete steps. Sattler commented on the session of the B&H House of Peoples (HoP) held on Thursday, with the Law on the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) and the Law on Conflict of Interests on its agenda, when majority of the delegates voted against the said laws to be discussed under urgent procedure. B&H HoP adopted the HDZ B&H’s initiative for the B&H parliament to send a request to the European Commission (EC) to consider granting B&H a candidate status, but it did not accept SDP B&H’s proposal to condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. The US Embassy to B&H has issued a statement that some political parties in B&H are not sincere in regard to the country’s European path. “The US welcome a coordinated action by political parties to achieve the EU candidate status. Political parties that called for an accelerated membership path, on the same day they voted down the key EU reforms are not sincere, and are not serious about improving lives of the people they claim to represent’’, reads the statement by the US Embassy. Hayat covered the US Embassy to B&H and noted that this statement was a reaction to the session of the B&H House of Peoples, where proposals of reform laws in several areas were rejected. The Head of the OSCE Mission to B&H Kathleen Kavalec stated that voting of B&H House of Peoples on Thursday was surprising and disappointing. She added that the OSCE Mission to B&H along with other international institutions advocates adoption of the law on conflict of interest as well as for improvement of B&H HJPC.

Covic comments on B&H HoP’s session: Only reason not to vote for reform laws was the fact these laws were proposed by the opposition (FTV

HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic justified on Friday why the HDZ B&H overturned the procedure when it came to the law on preventing conflicts of interest, but also why he voted against harmonizing the position with the EU on the war in Ukraine. Covic stated: “Problems arise when you have opposition parties that regularly use, of course that is their task, to supplement or create the agenda at will, and we in principle reject any amendments to the agenda that come from opposition parties.” Covic commented: “Below the level, that on the suffering of people in Ukraine, instead of caring for them, someone is running a light election campaign. Of course, we responded to that the way we responded. We have clearly said what we think about the aggression in Ukraine, we have clearly said what we think about the whole war and even about sanctions when it comes to Russia, and there are no dilemmas. I think that we have publicly stated this several times, that we will follow all other measures that will be adopted by the EU.”

Cudic slams SNSD, HDZ B&H for rejecting laws needed for obtaining of candidate status, slams Dzaferovic for not informing collocutors in Brussels about it (Dnevni list

Chair of the Main Board of Our Party Sabina Cudic, who is attending the summit of European liberals in Brussels, said that she took an advantage of her visit to Brussels to draw attention to pro-Russian influence B&H is faced with, to inform them about contacts Milorad Dodik had with (Russian Foreign Minister) Sergey Lavrov and (Russian President) Vladimir Putin last year and also to draw their attention to blocking of B&H’s European path by SNSD and HDZ B&H “which we witnesses on Thursday in the Parliament of B&H”. Cudic reminded in a statement that they key laws needed for obtaining of the candidate status were rejected in B&H parliament on Thursday. Cudic explained that HDZ B&H and SDA are members of the leading group of political parties in the EPP, comprised of European people’s parties, and argued: “The EPP members have not been informed that HDZ B&H, their member, yesterday (Thursday) rejected key laws for the European path of B&H. I would have expected from (SDA’s) Sefik Dzaferovic, who also visited Brussels on Thursday and met with the President of the European Parliament, to point on destructive forces in B&H and demand sanctions to be imposed within their group. This is not about Europe having bad intentions, but B&H assumes that it is in the focus of attention and that everyone is familiar with details of B&H Constitution. This is not the case, this interest does not come out of nowhere, but it comes as a result of painstaking diplomatic work, which does not exist in the field.”

Ruling coalition’s leaders convene in Banja Luka; Dodik comments on conclusion on B&H at NATO Summit saying that the RS will not succumb to pressure to impose sanctions against Russia or anyone else and will remain neutral in regard to Ukraine (ATV

SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, SP leader Petar Djokic, DEMOS leader Nedeljko Cubrilovic and NPS leader Darko Banjac held a meeting in Banja Luka on Friday. ATV reports that, addressing the media after the meeting, Dodik said it was a coalition’s operational meeting, aimed at discussing the economic situation in the RS and measures to be implemented in that regard. Dodik also commented on the NATO Summit held in Brussels on Thursday, at which, according to Dodik, it was said B&H should be treated as a country to be assisted in terms of protection from potential aggression by Russia. ATV reports that Dodik said B&H is not threatened by anyone, and particularly not by Russia and there are no indications that could happen, due to which the conclusion from the NATO Summit is a “political opinion”. “People who are on behalf of that Alliance, as well as those who are not, those who are here on behalf of the EU, like EUFOR, were clearly saying B&H does not have security challenges, and that B&H is not threatened by any escalation of any violence. After those statement, they have never given statements that would be different, so I wonder where (does it come from), if that is not only a need to additionally, in a way, draw attention to that situation here. There was absolutely no need for such conclusion,” said Dodik. ATV reports that Dodik said the RS will not succumb to any pressures, particularly those to accept imposing sanctions against Russia or anyone else; the RS respects internationally recognized borders of Ukraine. “In regard to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, the RS remains neutral. As such, i.e. neutral, it cannot choose any side. What we want to say and what we have persistently saying is that the war should be stopped as soon as possible. All those, on any of the sides, who committed any crime should be brought to justice and held accountable for that”, said Dodik. Dodik also said B&H and the RS have not adopted any decision in relation to the conflict in Ukraine “since we have not been deciding nor adopting any official position on that, which means the position is neutral. Everything contrary to that, that could be heard in the public, was related to earlier conflicts, adopted in 2014, and not related to the current situation”.

EU Council adopts ‘Strategic Compass’ which calls for non-discrimination of citizens and constituent peoples in B&H; Netherlands and three other countries express discontent with fact discriminatory concept of constituent peoples was included in this document (O Kanal

The European Council adopted on Friday conclusions about B&H at the suggestion of Croatia. The conclusions call on B&H leaders to show strong dedication to quick finalization of constitutional and election reform. It was said that the EU is ready for additional engagement regarding this issue. The Council also adopted the document titled ‘Strategic Compass’, which gives the EU framework in the area of defense and security and where there was special focus on Western Balkans and B&H, noted the presenter. At the insistence of Croatia, the concept of constituent peoples in B&H was highlighted in the document, that the Netherlands did not agree with. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated: “We believe that this is very good, that the whole EU recognized the constitutional architecture of B&H in this way and that this fact, along with these conclusions that Croatia also suggested and the Council adopted today, will help to encourage leaders in B&H in this final phase, when we are all making effort to achieve political consensus about limited constitutional reform and Election Law reform in B&H. I appeal here, first of all, to leaders of Bosniak, as well as Croat political parties on the territory of the FB&H to make an effort to achieve a compromise.” Upon insisting of Croatia, this document was amended with an article reading that it is of special interest of the EU to support sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of B&H, grounded on the principle of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens and constituent peoples as written in the Constitution of B&H, as well as the process of reforms on the EU path. The government of the Netherlands stated earlier that it commends the decision of the EU to adopt ‘Strategic Compass’ document. However, it regrets the fact that the text of this document was changed so that it contains terms that refer to discriminatory concept of constituent peoples. They explained that any law deepening ethnic divisions in B&H should not be adopted. Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany expressed support to this statement. Plenkovic underlined that whether someone likes or not concept of constituent peoples, it does not change the fact this concept is ground of B&H Constitution. Plenkovic stated: “What is of special value at the highest level, the EU is ready to continue to engage and give its political weight to reach a compromise in the days ahead in a dialogue with leaders, in this particular case primarily on the territory of the FB&H, of Croat and Bosniak political parties, and in that way, from the aspect of Croats in B&H and the position we have, it is that all three constituent peoples are equal, of course with the Others, and that it is possible for Croats to elect their representatives to the highest bodies of B&H.” Plenkovic also said: “My role here today, as the Croatian Prime Minister, is first to relax tensions between Croats and Bosniaks, renew partnership and alliance, bring all leaders - I said it to Mr. (SDA leader Bakir) Izetbegovic and all our interlocutors when we were in Sarajevo in December - to reach that agreement, to regain trust. Only when that is made, everyone will honor it. But that agreement must be just. The agreement cannot be remaining on what we are now on, so that Croats feel they are marginalized, that another people in the FB&H elects their representatives, that a representative of Croats in the Presidency cannot invoke vital national interest of Croats. That is not normal.”

HDZ B&H and HNS welcome text of Strategic Compass and conclusions by European Council; Covic says it is opportunity continue with negotiations and implement what has already been agreed (AJB

HDZ B&H and the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) respectively held sessions on Friday and they welcomed the text of ‘Strategic’ Compass adopted in Brussels that emphasizes equality of the citizens and constituent peoples in B&H in accordance with the B&H Constitution. HDZ B&H and the HNS also commented the conclusions of the European Council from the discussion on B&H in which B&H leaders are called on to reach an agreement on electoral reform.

Addressing media on Friday, HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic said: “I think there is still room for talks, concrete agreements. I have never said they have failed, but it is true they are absolutely over in this format and they have failed to bring results. Now, we should see our responsibility in regard to conclusions by the European Council, and, if you will, in regard to ‘Strategic Compass’”. AJB reports that HDZ B&H and the HNS deem of extreme importance the fact that ‘Strategic Compass’ mentions constituent peoples and their equality, and this, as well as the conclusions by the European Council is, according to them, a success of the Croatian diplomacy, a success of Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, but also a success of their efforts made within the European People's Party. According to Covic, the invitation from the EU to continue negotiations on electoral reform, and the EU’s willingness to help with that, is the opportunity to continue with the negotiations and implement what is already agreed. Covic reiterated that reducing the mandate of the House of Peoples (HoPs) cannot be discussed, but everything already agreed in relation to the B&H Election Law can be implemented, and there will be effort to refer it to the parliamentary procedure as a “technical process”. Covic said the “door is not wide open”, but there is still a chance to adopt the said amendments. Covic stated at the press conference: “The EU reiterates its commitment to the European perspective of B&H, the Western Balkans. That is why we had a conclusion yesterday in the B&H HoP where we unanimously accepted it about our accelerated candidate path. They also sent us a very clear message, that the EU remains ready to continue its engagement at the highest level in this direction, so that all these conclusions can be realized. This practically means that a very clear possibility has been left for another round of meetings with representatives of certain political parties in B&H to be organized at the highest level.” Covic said that when it comes to the Croat side, they agreed to many compromises, which he believes is very good, but emphasized that anything further would be unacceptable, as the B&H Constitution would be affected by any more changes. “We cannot touch the B&H Constitution, and the FB&H Constitution”, Covic said during a press conference. He explains that those changes would refer to constituent status of peoples and their legitimate representation. “Those things cannot be negotiated”, he stressed. Covic said talks must be continued and B&H leaders must show commitment to solving this issue. He said domestic leaders must also consider the opinions stated during the European Council meeting, at which prolonged political crisis in B&H was discussed. The leader of HSS Mario Karamatic stated: “If our colleagues from the Bosniak parties change their mind, we are still willing to sign the Election Law and go to the parliamentary procedure with it. If they do not change their mind, this protectorate obviously cannot function in this way. The last sessions of the FB&H parliament and the state parliaments and the Council of Ministers show that.” Karamatic is still of the opinion that B&H should be organized as a union of three republics or entities, including civic ones. He is convinced this would finally make B&H a functional state.

Mazalica: ‘Strategic Compass’ is good for Croats, but also for position of RS in case of changes of Constitution and electoral reform; Ambassador Kalabukhov comments on ‘Strategic Compass’ (RTRS

RS MP Committee for European Integration Srdjan Mazalica (SNSD) said that decision of the EU leaders to adopt document ‘Strategic Compass’ that mentions constituent peoples in B&H is good for Croats, but also for position of the RS in regards to possible changes of the Constitution of B&H and electoral reform. The reporter noted that abovementioned document recognizes constituent status of peoples in B&H as key element of stability of B&H. According to RTRS, this is direct message, primarily to Bosniak politicians in Sarajevo that civic state is just a dream and nothing else. Mazalica underlined that principle of constituent status of peoples is something recognized and respected by the EU. He added that consequently no one in the EU will be able anymore to demand abolition of this principle as something retrograde. Reporter noted that the Netherlands and three other countries expressed discontent with the fact term constitutional peoples was included in ‘Strategic Compass’ document. Russian Ambassador to B&H Igor Kalabukhov stated that this represents flagrant meddling in internal issues of B&H and undermining of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). Ambassador Kalabukhov cited statement of the Government of the Netherlands reading that this country regrets the fact text of ‘Strategic Compass’ was amended to include reference on discriminating concept of constituent peoples. “Is not this open meddling in internal issues of sovereign country”, wondered the Russian Ambassador to B&H. Reporter commented that ‘Strategic Compass’ is turning point in relations between the EU and B&H, because key fact that B&H is created of two entities and three constituent peoples has been finally recognized.

Komsic holds meeting with Delegation of Committee for European Affairs of Netherlands; Komsic’s cabinet announces after meeting: Concept of constituent peoples is unacceptable and elections must be held (FTV

It was announced from the Cabinet of the Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic, after the meeting with the Delegation of the Committee for European Affairs of the Netherlands, that the concept of constituent peoples is unacceptable, and the elections must be held. The Delegation expressed concern over the announcement of the blockade of the elections, and pointed out that elections should be held. It was stated that some representatives of the international community in B&H must be more precise when talking about the opposition of certain policies to the adoption of reform laws in order to more clearly determine the political responsibility for the current blockades.


Izetbegovic addresses EU and Croatian officials in response to Covic’s letter (FTV

SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic sent a letter to leaders of the EU and Croatia in a response to the recent letter sent by leader of HDZ B&H Dragan Covic in which Covic presented his stances on causes of failure of talks on changes to B&H Election Law. Izetbegovic underlined that Covic clearly threatened that due to inability to achieve his political goals, activities on administrative reorganization of B&H will be launched. The SDA leader stressed that the administrative reorganization announced by Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) would be implemented through reviving of so-called Croat Community Herzeg-Bosnia (HZHB). FTV reminds that in his letter Covic threatened with blockade of general elections in B&H that are set to be held in October. Izetbegovic stated in his letter that boycott of elections is a democratic choice, while blockade represents an illegal and unconstitutional acting. Izetbegovic’s letter also reads that policy grounded on ethnic principles exclusively, that is a segregation in its essence, has been advocated exclusively by Covic and his partner leader of SNSD Milorad Dodik, who has been placed at the US’ black list for undermining of the DPA and corruption. It also reads that Covic’s letter is full of untrue claims and arbitrary interpretations such as a claim on attempts to create a unitary B&H and Bosniak national state. Izetbegovic emphasized that during the last talks on the electoral reform, significant progress was made and it can be ground for continuation of talks in the future. Izetbegovic has sent the letter to, among others, EC President Ursula Von der Leyen, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, European Council President Charles Michel, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsoli, AFET Chair David McAllister, Managing Director for Europe and Central Asia at the EU External Action Service (EEAS) Angelina Eichhorst, High Representative Christian Schmidt and PIC Steering Board Ambassadors.


PM pushes for election reform in B&H (HRT

The EU has recognized B&H's constitutional architecture, and the conclusions adopted by the European Council at Croatia's initiative should be an impetus to Croat and Bosniak leaders to reach a deal on electoral reform, Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic from Brussels. On Friday, the European Council endorsed the Strategic Compass, a document on the European Union's defence vision in the coming years. "I must say that EU's Strategic Compass is a document provides the policy framework for the EU's defence and security in the context of the global challenges we will be facing over the next seven to B&H, the equality of the constituent peoples in B&H along with, of course all citizens, is emphasized," said Plenkovic. The Strategic Compass, which was accepted by Foreign and European Ministers earlier this week, reads that it is "of particular interest to support the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of B&H, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens and constituent peoples as enshrined in the constitution." The European Union reaffirmed its commitment to the European perspective of B&H and the Western Balkans, and urged the country's leaders to complete necessary electoral and constitutional reforms.

Ambassador: B&H media invent allegations on Croatia pushing for polls' postponement (Hina

Croatian Ambassador to B&H Ivan Sabolic on Friday denied allegations by some local media outlets about Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic having lobbied during the European Council's meeting for the deferment of B&Hs general elections. The allegations that Plenkovic advocated the postponement of the elections, which are expected to be held in October, and that the European Council dismissed that possibility were first presented by the Klix news portal, and after that some other local media outlets disseminated them. Bosnian presidency member Zeljko Komsic immediately joined the comments that this failed attempt by Croatia's officials to defer the polls is an important and clear message to B&H's authorities. This prompted Ambassador Sabolic to issue a statement in which he denied the invented allegations. The story about the refusal of the alleged Croatian proposal is made up with the obvious aim of downplaying the recognized and well-accepted constructive efforts of PM Plenkovic and the Croatian government to speed up a political agreement on the limited constitutional reform and the reform of the electoral law of B&H, said the diplomat. Sabolic recalled the Strategic Compass, adopted by the EU, fully recognized B&H's constitutional architecture and that at Croatia's initiative, the EU reiterated its readiness to make additional engagement in a bid to help local politician to reach agreement on B&H's new electoral law. The European Council, which held a two-day summit meeting in Brussels, also discussed "the prolonged political crisis in B&H", read the Council's conclusions. The European Union, which "reiterates its commitment to the European perspective of B&H and the Western Balkans," calls on leaders in B&H "to demonstrate a strong commitment to finalize swiftly the constitutional and electoral reform, vital for stability and full functionality of the country, as well as to support all other priority reforms set out in the Commission’s Opinion to obtain a candidate status". "The EU stands ready to continue its high-level engagement in this regard," the European Council says in its conclusions. As for the Strategic Compass, the document reads that it is "of particular interest to support the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of B&H, based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens and constituent peoples as enshrined in the B&H constitution".


Abazovic announces fast agreement regarding new Montenegrin government (CdM


There was a possibility that there would be a certain move forward in the formation of the new minority Montenegrin government already on Monday, as soon as local elections in two municipalities were over, the Prime Minister-designate of the future government Dritan Abazovic said. “I think that certain parties have had a wish to calculate with the local elections. This is not something unexpected, this is not something unknown. I have no problem with this”, Abazovic said. He emphasized that he would not accept any blackmailing and wishes for someone else to be in his office, but he did not specify who he referred to. Abazovic said that he was very optimistic and ready to listen to the ideas of all participants in the process. “If Montenegro needs a European government, we can have it by tomorrow [on Monday]. If someone does not want European government, but to push this country into a channel, then this person should identify themselves with name and surname and there would be no problem”, Abazovic said.

URA won the most mandate in Ulcinj, coalition around DPS won in Berane  (RTCG

First results of elections in Montenegro: Coalition "Yes for Berane and Montenegro!" / DPS, BS, SD, LP / won eight seats in the local elections in Berane, according to the data of Democratic Montenegro on 85% of the counted ballots. It is followed by the Socialist People's Party with seven mandates, "For the Future of Berane" and the Democrats with six, "Berane Now" four, Real Montenegro two and United Montenegro one mandate. There were eight electoral lists in the election race in Berane, and 23,535 voters had the right to vote, who voted at 56 polling stations. In the elections in Ulcinj, according to preliminary data from the coalition "For a New Beginning" / URA, DP, SD, SDP and AA /, that list won 15 seats. According to those data, the list of the coalition of DPS and the Bosniak Party won six seats, Forca and DUA five seats each, and Democratic Montenegro two seats. According to the same data, the coalition "For a New Beginning" won 4,757 votes, DPS and BS 2,103, DUA 1,824, Forca 1,598 and Demokrate 821 votes. Five electoral lists participated in Ulcinj, and 20,392 voters voted at 38 polling stations.


Skopje and Sofia have come closer, but are still far from an agreement (MIA

Foreign Minister Bujar Osmani says that there is some convergence of views with Bulgaria, but, as he emphasizes, not to the position of saying that a common language has been found to overcome differences. He points out that it is important to find a solution that both sides will be equally satisfied and dissatisfied with so that the process of integration of the country in the EU can continue. And that is extremely important now, especially in the context of new geopolitical developments and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. He stressed that at the last meeting with the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov he discussed the political process, and all the details of the issue, all its aspects. "At each meeting there is some progress or some convergence of views, but I still cannot say that we are in a position to say that we have found a common language to overcome the differences," Osmani said at a regular press briefing. Our position is within the Resolution adopted by the Macedonian Parliament. There, emphasizes Osmani, the contours or lines through which we can move are clearly drawn. "There is no point that is different from the issues that we have presented to you so far within the then 5 + 1 package or now as we call the political package of issues. "Before those decisions are formalized, we will first come to inform the public, the MPs, whether they have any remarks regarding that decision and then, of course, to start implementing all those steps," Osmani said in response to a journalist question. The Minister of Foreign Affairs believes that in the next period, as the prospects for finding a solution increase, provocations will occur in both societies from people who, as he pointed out, have built entire careers on this issue. According to him, such are the last views expressed by the chairman of the Bulgarian part of the Joint Macedonian-Bulgarian Commission for Historical and Educational Affairs Angel Dimitrov. Osmani did not rule out the possibility that if the first intergovernmental conferences with Macedonia and Albania are not held in June and the start of membership negotiations, Tirana will lobby and demand the separation of the two countries in the integration process. "If such a separation occurs, i.e. Albania continues the integration, and we do not, it will complicate our position." Because - first it will create a perception among the European public that the process in the region is moving, now everyone is alerted that it is blocked and everyone is trying to find a solution, and for us they will not move. And second, we would remain isolated and still under a lot of pressure to make tougher compromises. So, it is in our interest to start negotiations with Albania together, because then we have a regional dynamic, more attention, and geopolitical weight of the process than individually, although then the country will always move at the speed with which it progresses, said Osmani. Separation, the foreign minister stressed, would be in Albania's short-term interest.

I also point out to my colleagues in Albania, but also to the member states that in the long run Albania will lose from that division, because in 2019 the situation was reversed. Today we may be in a worse situation because of the relationship with Bulgaria, but we do not know if in a year it will be the other way around, Osmani said, adding that it still remains their right to seek secession from North Macedonia.


Xhacka: Albania and US at forefront of condemning Russian aggression (Radio Tirana


The Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Olta Xhacka held a meeting on Friday with the US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. During the meeting, Xhacka stressed that "Albania and the United States have been and will continue to be at the forefront of condemning Russian aggression in the UN Security Council and everywhere in defense of international values, principles, norms and rules." Xhacka said that "we will continue to work to ensure accountability".


Rama receives Abdixhik: Friendly conversation with the chairman of LDK! (Radio Tirana

Prime Minister Edi Rama held a meeting with a delegation from the Assembly of Kosovo, headed by the Chairman of the LDK Lumir Abdixhiku. "We had the pleasure to have a very open and friendly conversation today with the reformist chairman of LDK, Lumir Abdixhiku and the delegation from Pristina," wrote Mr. Rama on this occasion on social networks. On his part, Mr. Abdixhiku writes that "meetings with the Albanian Prime Minister are always special. Even today was no different. Edi and I talked about cross-party cooperation; for the affairs of our parties ahead, but above all, we talked about the necessary need for close coordination of policies between the two countries - especially in the current period that the region is going through. Albania, a NATO country, more than our neighbour, has a lot to give to Kosovo; and Kosovo, a country aspiring to NATO, has much to gain from Albania. Therefore, the political representatives of the two countries have a patriotic obligation to maintain this communication and this relationship at the highest levels, closer and clearer", writes Abdixhiku.

Ambassador of North Macedonia: The two Balkan countries have achieved stability! (Radio Tirana

The Ambassador of North Macedonia to Albania Dancho Markovski, in a statement to the media said that the two countries, Albania and Northern Macedonia, are already generating stability and that the EU should accept them as members. Regarding Bulgaria's position regarding the veto on EU integration, the Ambassador said that they are working on this issue.

"All this gives hope that we expect to solve the problems with Bulgaria," Markovski said. "For the Albanian public, I would like to state that we are working on this issue and this means weekly meetings between joint groups. I would like to remind that so far four meetings have been held between the two prime ministers. In a word, we are trying to build trust "This means that the agreement that will be reached will last even longer," he added. "We have travelled together with friendly Albania during these years. What I request, as an ambassador from the EU to acknowledge that Albania and the Republic of North Macedonia generate stability," said Markovski. Regarding the war situation in Ukraine, Markovski said that this does not constitute an obstacle to EU membership. "On the contrary! We expect a political signal from Brussels and Washington and other big cities. The situation in Ukraine has shown that building stability is important, especially when we talk about the Balkans, I think they will agree with me. The Balkans are quite divided and the countries of the Balkans are located on the borders of the EU and in a way they also protect the borders of the EU. This statement was made by the Ambassador of North Macedonia to Albania Dancho Markovski.