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Belgrade Media Report 29 March 2022



Vucic: I think I know what Putin is waiting for - that worries me (TV Happy/B92)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic referred to the events in Ukraine, saying that Serbia wants peace to be achieved as soon as possible, and he expressed his concerns. At the beginning, he referred to Sergey Lavrov’s statement that Belgrade would be a good city for negotiations. “As far as we are concerned, we would like peace to come as soon as possible. We are not interfering, we have taken refuge, if someone thinks that Belgrade is a good place for negotiations, we are here,” Vucic told TV Happy on Monday evening. He stated that he had talked to Lavrov many times, and that he understood things well. “Just like with Ambassador Botsan-Kharchenko and Ukrainian Ambassador Oleksandr Alexandrovich. They understand Serbia and our relations well, and speak Serbian very well. We do not have an ambassador who speaks Ukrainian, for example,” Vucic said. He also referred to today’s story about the arrested sniper who was allegedly caught for killing 40 Ukrainians. He stated that they were scared today when they saw the news of the arrested sniper in the regional media. “It is not a problem when ‘Avaz’ publishes those lies, because they will deny it. But the Croatian and some media in Montenegro will not deny it,” he said. It was pointed out that this female person is in prison in Serbia for drug trafficking. “I wonder if she’s in Zabela or Kramatorsk? I said check her out several times. She’s in our prison. That kind of lie you have to answer all the time, and it’s never worth answering. They hear the denials five times weaker than their lies. You can imagine the damage it does to Serbia and the Serbian people, especially in the West,” he said. Vucic says that it speaks of the unscrupulousness of those who cannot take revenge on Russia, so they are attacking Serbia.


They cannot destroy our economic successes - I do not have the strength to answer to Kurti, Djukanovic...

As he stated, it is important for us to concentrate on the economy. Vucic said that we cannot reply daily to the regional leaders attacking Serbia. “No matter how much they work against Serbia, the only thing they cannot beat are roads, railways, wages and salaries, which will be a thousand and five hundred euros,” respectively, Vucic promised. He pointed out that Bosniaks have suffered a lot, and that he understands their pain, although it is not popular to say that. “And here, even when they exaggerate and are too hasty, we should keep silent and let go. It's better that way. But there are some who are looking to do something against Serbia in every way. And then if I talk about them, I’ll make stars out of them every day, they just want to become important through Serbia and Vucic,” said Vucic.


The situation in Ukraine is the same as in Yugoslavia

Vucic referred to the statement of one opposition leader, who said that it would be bad if we imposed sanctions, and that it would be even worse if we did not impose sanctions on Russia.

“Russian media also quoted a statement when I mentioned Asterix and Obelix. That we are a small tribe that resists. We had a plunderous privatization here, which we are to blame for the leadership we elected. But we also had pressure from abroad, where they asked us to obey and recognize Kosovo, and then everything will be fine. We have been through a lot, and that is why today you have a schizophrenic situation in Serbia. Really, it is not easy for Ukrainians, and it would be normal to understand them. Moreover, one part of our people is wholeheartedly supporting the Ukrainians, because NATO bombed us,” he said. He pointed out that the situation is the same in Ukraine and Yugoslavia, and added that there is no hysteria in Serbia, although there is cheering. “I am satisfied that people in Serbia do not hate anyone. And if there is cheering and bias, there is and because of that I am not particularly happy. But we are Serbs. That’s how we behave,” Vucic said.


Lavrov: There is no place to Nazism among European values (Politika/Novosti/Tanjug)


In the interview to the Serbian media, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said that Russia is familiar with pressures Serbia and other countries in the Balkans have been exposed to in order to support sanctions against Russia. “In this, we see the attempt of America to impose its hegemony in the Balkans,” Lavrov said and noted that Russia is sure that Serbia will continue with its smart choice in this situation. Lavrov argued that Russia never imposes anything by force “which is something the West does through economic and other blackmails. This is not polite, this is not how someone should behave in general or at the international scene”. “Tendency of clerks from Brussels towards autocracy is visible. When the war with sanctions started, they were attracting Montenegro, Macedonia and others to their side with promises that they will accept them in the EU fast. They dragged them into the NATO, tapped them in their back for supporting sanctions and said ‘good job, guys, carry on’. This is a serious problem because it brought in question the reputation of the EU, to which America fully gave the Balkans. America is completely satisfied with anti-Russian aggressive policy carried out by the EU. Let’s just remember of Federica Mogherini who was saying that the presence of Russia in the Balkans is too big. Her successor in the EU Josep Borrell continued saying this”, Lavrov said and argued that those countries which refuse to join sanctions against Russia have the right to call themselves independent states, regardless of how small their territories are. Asked to comment on mercenaries who are coming to Ukraine to fight, in light of the fact that hundreds of citizens of Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) fought in Syria for Islamists because of which nobody publicly criticized Pristina or Sarajevo, Lavrov replied by saying that Russia was one of the countries that have been warning its western partners that there are people in some of the Balkans countries who are recruiting people for the Islamic State and other terrorist organizations but nobody wanted to listen to Russia. Lavrov also reminded that those terrorists, as in line with laws that are currently in force in Croatia, B&H and Kosovo, people of those countries who are coming to fight in Ukraine should stand trials “but there are already double standards so all means are allowed when standing against Russia”. Lavrov claimed that the Ukrainian Army “is full of officers of volunteer battalions who openly advocate Nazi ideas. If we want to follow European values, then I think Nazi practice does not belong in it”. In a situation in which Serbia officially condemned Russian aggression against Ukraine, but did not introduce sanctions against Russia, asked to comment on the fact that Serbia is faced with a choice, Lavrov said that he hopes Serbia will chose wisely. During an interview for Serbian media, Lavrov reiterated that Russia is not an aggressor but Ukraine. Lavrov stressed that Russia is defending the people on Ukrainian territories which are under the control of separatists. Lavrov repeatedly justified Russia’s attack on Ukraine citing NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. “We never impose anything by force. The West is trying to impose its line on Serbia, its interests precisely by force, force of economic pressure, force of threats, blackmails, ultimatums in terms that if you want to join the EU, then you have to take an anti-Russian position,” Lavrov underlined. Lavrov said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic repeatedly spoke on the subject. “He honestly said that Serbia is not a large country, but it has its pride and interests. They are now trying to push those interests aside and turn you into an instrument of Western politics, as has happened with North Macedonia, Montenegro and as one is trying to do with B&H,” Lavrov said. Finally, Lavrov rejected rumors on poor health of Russian President Vladimir Putin and disappearance of Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu as “nonsense” spread by Ukrainian services.


Pristina taking advantage of situation to get quasi-independence recognized

By supporting Ukraine, Pristina just wants to take advantage of the situation and gain recognitions of its “quasi-independence”, Lavrov said. In an interview for a group of Serbian media outlets including Tanjug, Lavrov noted that Russia's position on the Kosovo and Metohija issue was known and unchanged. “Our position is known. We have warned of the impermissibility of encouraging Pristina's actions and we have been pushing for the issue to be resolved based on (UN SC) Resolution 1244. The agreement on establishing a community of Serb municipalities was made as early as in 2013, but when we remind our Western colleagues that it has not been implemented, they say nothing,” Lavrov said. He said the EU had demonstrated that its status as a guarantor of the agreement was completely unsustainable, and noted that he was confident the EU would not be pressuring Pristina to implement the agreement. “The US will not exert pressure either. They feel great, they have set up the Bondsteel base and they are ready to forgive Pristina everything,” Lavrov said.


Ukrainian Embassy tells Serbian Minister Ukraine has always stood with Serbia and expects sanctions against Russia (Beta)


The Ukrainian Embassy in Belgrade responded on 28 March to a statement by Serbian Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin with a statement that Kiev had always been on Serbia's side and was counting on Serbia imposing sanctions against Russia and its leadership over their attack on Ukraine. The Ukrainian Embassy's press release affirmed that the country was counting on Serbia not only to condemn the large-scale aggression mounted by the runaway regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin against a sovereign European state, but also to impose sanctions against the aggressor and its leadership. The statement noted that this was necessary in order to stop the Putin regime, which was murdering Ukrainian children, bombing schools, hospitals and maternity wards, and tearing down cities. The embassy told Vulin that Russia had not invaded "certain NATO member states", but that Putin's regime had attacked Ukraine. That is why it is Ukraine itself, which has always been on Serbia's side, that is urging for sanctions against the aggressor state, the embassy's press release underscored, noting that Vulin was for "some reason" not responding to Ukraine, but to other countries. In response to Vulin's statement that "anyone who has hated Russia, hasn't liked Serbia" and that "everything they're doing to Russian children today, they'd do to Serbian children tomorrow," the Embassy noted that the Russian military had killed 143 children in Ukraine since the beginning of Russia's attacks on Ukraine on 24 February, and that those children came from Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, Jewish and other families, adding that 216 children had been wounded.


Serbia, Angola sign four agreements on cooperation (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Nikola Selakovic met with his Angolan counterpart Tete Antonio in Belgrade on Monday. After the meeting, the two countries signed four agreements aimed at boosting their bilateral cooperation. Selakovic noted that they were important documents creating a foundation for deepening the traditional and historical cooperation between Serbia and Angola, which he said would be expanded by many new agreements that were under preparation. Antonio said Angolan reforms had created the conditions for strengthening the bilateral cooperation and an environment that could result in more investments from Serbia. "Serbia is firmly committed to develop cooperation with African states, and for us in Serbia, Angola has a special place in that continent," Selakovic told a press conference with Antonio. He said he meeting had also addressed the great potential for development of cooperation based not only on trade, but also on investments. "Both states stand on the position of strict respect of the rules and principles of international public law as the foundation of maintaining equality and peace around the world," Selakovic said, thanking Antonio for Angola's clear and principled support for Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, for its backing in all international organizations, as well as for its commitment to Serbia's positions and to preservation of territorial integrity. Selakovic said many matters concerning cooperation aimed at boosting bilateral relations were yet to be discussed with the Angolan side. "Our cooperation is reflected not only in political consultations between the two ministries - there is mutual interest in the economy, agriculture, education, trade and, certainly, in the field of defense and security," Selakovic said. Selakovic said he was confident a MoU between the Serbian and Angolan chambers of commerce would help utilize the numerous potentials in the right way and boost the bilateral trade volume. Antonio said the two sides had a responsibility to continue their relationship and "add substance to it so that the relations are not a matter of diplomacy but a relationship between the two peoples". "Our activities are proceeding in that direction," said Antonio, who, like Selakovic, recalled that the meeting had been the third encounter of the two foreign ministers in seven months, and that an Angolan delegation had attended last year's commemorative 60th anniversary meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade. "Angola is a country undergoing a transformation phase, the conditions are in place for cooperation in all domains and the implemented reforms have created a business framework and environment that can bring Serbia more investments," Antonio said. The two ministers signed an agreement on abolishing visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports. They also signed a memorandum on political consultations between the two foreign ministries and a memorandum on cooperation between the Serbian and Angolan diplomatic academies, while officials of the two chambers of commerce inked a MoU.


Stefanovic meets with Dos Santos (Tanjug)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic spoke with Angolan Defense Minister Joao Ernesto dos Santos in Belgrade on Monday. Stefanovic noted that the visit to Serbia by a senior Angolan state and military delegation was very important for development of overall bilateral relations. Stefanovic thanked Angola for its principled support for Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the Serbian Defense Ministry said in a statement. Stefanovic said Dos Santos' second visit to Serbia in less than a year "says enough about the friendship that has been connecting the two countries for several decades". He noted that the visit was important in terms of military-to-military cooperation and cooperation in military technology, military education and military medicine. He also pointed to the significance of regular meetings of a joint committee on defense cooperation, which he said were helping the advancement of bilateral relations and operations of Serbian companies in the Angolan market. Dos Santos said Angola was committed to further advancement of defense cooperation and noted that the country was highly appreciative of its friendly relations with Serbia. He said the achievements of the partnership between the two defense ministries, as well as joint projects in the future, would help the development of overall bilateral relations, the statement said.


High-level defense cooperation with Italy (RTS)


Serbian Defense Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said today in a meeting with Italian Defense Minister Lorenzo Guerini that cooperation between the two countries in the field of defense is extremely good and follows Serbia’s economic and overall relations with Italy. Stefanovic expressed his gratitude to Minister Guerini, who is on an official visit to Serbia, for Italy’s support for Serbia’s European path, which is reflected not only in words, but also in concrete moves. He emphasized that Italy is one of the largest investors in Serbia, which contributes to the creation of new jobs and a better life for the citizens of our country. According to him, a step forward has been made in the overall military cooperation between Serbia and Italy, and the soldiers of the two countries are cooperating brilliantly in international missions, including those in Lebanon and Somalia. He pointed out that the role of Italian soldiers in KFOR is very important for us, who are also deployed in the protection of the Serbian population and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija. Guerini expressed gratitude to Serbia for its active participation in United Nations and EU operations, which are very important and where the efficiency of cooperation has been shown. He pointed out that the Balkans is a region that is very important for Europe in the strategic sense and that it is also important for preserving the geopolitical balance in Southern Europe. That is why Italy believes that the future of Serbia is in Europe, and Belgrade can certainly count on the strong support of that country, Guerini said.


Cochard: France wants to bring dynamics into Western Balkans’ EU accession (Beta)


French Ambassador to Serbia Pierre Cochard said on 28 March that there’s “a dose of fatigue” in some states of the Western Balkan region in the European integration process, and France wanted to bring more dynamics into it during its chairmanship of the Union. Speaking at the conference “French Presidency of the Council of the European Union,” Cochard underlined the importance of the Western Balkans as a geographical priority for Paris, stating that the independence of Europe depended on the situation of the neighboring states. “We know that some Western Balkan states are tired, and that there’s a dose of fatigue when it comes to European perspective, which is why we want to bring dynamics into the accession negotiation process,” Cochard said. He added there was “a good momentum” late last year, when Serbia opened a new negotiating cluster. The deputy to the German Ambassador in Belgrade Dorothea Gieselmann said that having in mind the crisis in Ukraine, “the spirit of unity and cooperation matters more than ever before”. She underlined that the progress the Western Balkans make in the EU accession process was increasingly important, and that the Berlin Process will remain key to promoting the region’s path to the EU.


New US Ambassador arrives in Belgrade soon, says: Let’s look to the future (Tampa Bay Times/N1)


Christopher Hill, newly appointed US Ambassador to Serbia, said on Monday he would arrive in Belgrade in the next few days, adding his task in the host country would be to find a common language and look to the future. In a column in the Tampa Bay Times, Hill said he was coming to “a country that the United States sees as an important partner and friend”. “My duties in Serbia, in a country with which the United States was in conflict only 23 years ago and where we still have some differences, are to find a common language and look to the future. Tough lessons from the past can guide us, but we should avoid being their captives,” Hill wrote. He added that America has many friends worldwide, and our task, as diplomats, is to take good care of those relations and upgrade them. “The goal of diplomacy is often to convince interlocutors to do something they do not want. Very often, this does not become easier when the dispute becomes public. The relationship with Russia is an obvious example. In these circumstances, the ambassadorial task turns into staying close with friends and allies and ensuring that what you have invested over the years pays off. In diplomacy, the phrase 'choose your battles' is essential so that, when a crisis occurs, we have a reservoir of goodwill to maintain relations through the difficult times to come,” Hill wrote. US President Joseph Biden Hill suggested Hill as the new Ambassador to Serbia.


Scholz: W. Balkans progress to EU necessary to prevent other players’ influence (Beta/N1/Reuters)


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz underlined in Berlin on Monday the need for progress in the European Union's membership negotiations with the Western Balkan countries, adding that further delays would make the region more vulnerable to the influence of other players. He told members of the Bundestag that he had “discussed with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Anderson that it is time to open accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia as soon as possible”. “Any further delay will make the Western Balkans much more susceptible to third-party influence,” Scholz said. He added that a stronger, more resilient and much more independent EU is needed, both internally and externally, and said it was necessary to “make real progress from within”. Reuters reported that the Chancellor added that Europe would end its energy dependence on Russia. Still, such a move would immediately cause a recession and risk hundreds of thousands of jobs and entire industrial sectors. But, he added that “sanctions should not harm European countries more severely than the Russian leadership”, he said.


Lutovac: We’ll use all means to defend the will of the people (Beta)


The Democratic Party (DS) leader Zoran Lutovac, second on the ticket “Marinika Tepic – United for the Victory of Serbia,” said on Monday that he hoped it would never occur to Aleksandar Vucic not to accept the will of the people expressed in the April polls, or to try to rig it. Lutovac said in an interview with Beta that if election rigging were to happen on 3 April, the authorities would face the justified rage of “disenfranchised and humiliated citizens of Serbia”. “I am confident that the citizens would not take election irregularities lightly, and that they are prepared to defend their will with all legal and legitimate means, including non-institutional means,” Lutovac said. In a comment on a large number of voter notifications sent to “phantom tenants,” Lutovac said that “one can expect anything but free and fair elections from the phantom government led by ‘complete idiots’, as referred to by Aleksandar Vucic”. When asked if the coalition his party had joined would have enough controllers to cover all election posts, Lutovac said that the coalition had some 23,000 trained and motivated controllers, prepared to defend each and every vote.


Lompar: Vucic-Brnabic regime abolishes Serbian statehood in Kosovo (Beta)


A professor at the Faculty of Philology Milo Lompar said on Monday that Belgrade’ reaction to a decision by the authorities in Pristina not to allow voters in Kosovo to cast their ballots in Serbia’s vote on 3 April was a symphony of false patriotism, blaming the Serbian government for political betrayal of Kosovo and Metohija as well. Lompar said in a comment for Beta that the response by the “Vucic-Brnabic regime” to the latest act of violence against the Serbs in Kosovo was hypocritical and not unexpected. “The media clamor over the ban is supposed to compensate for the Vucic-Brnabic regime’s role as accomplices in the political betrayal of Kosovo and Metohija. Well-documented books exist to show that the Brussels agreement in 2013 and the Washington deal in 2020 revoked almost completely the substance of Serbian statehood in Kosovo and Metohija,” Lompar explained. The professor added that, among other things, the Serbian police, too, was abolished, after it had operated from 1999 to 2012. Together with a civilian protection force, which has also been disbanded, the police had nearly 2,000 members. “The Serbian judiciary, too, was abolished, after it had worked under Serbian laws until 2012. The Serbian election system was replaced with that of Kosovo. The transfer of control over the telecommunications and energy systems was initiated. Serbia has accepted the obligation not to prevent the co-called Kosovo from joining the European Union, even though under the Treaty of Lisbon only states can join the Union,” the professor explained.


Report: 80 percent of electoral lists in Serbia deny Srebrenica genocide (FoNet/N1)


A list of the convicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj and nine people linked to the 1990s war in Kosovo emerged as candidates or supporters of election lists for Serbia's April vote, a report by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights (YIHR) titled “Attitudes Toward War Criminals in the Election Campaign”, told the ‘Elections Under Magnifying Glass’ conference on Monday. The joint initiative ‘Elections Under Magnifying Glass’ gathers 30 civil society organizations, which have united in monitoring the election process. “Election campaigns deliberately confirm populist attitudes and mislead the public regarding verdicts of international and domestic war crimes courts,” YIHR’s Marko Milosavljevic said. He cited the remark of the presidential candidate of the United for Serbia’s Victory retired general Zdravko Ponos who said that Ratko Mladic, the wartime military leader of the Bosnian Serbs, convicted of life imprisonment by the Hague Tribunal for genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the laws and customs of war, was a “tragic person” who nevertheless carried out some “brilliant military actions” during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Milosavljevic described statements by leaders and candidates from the ultranationalist Serbian Radical Party, the coalition of NADA (Hope) and the Sovereignists, as a “banal denial” of the Srebrenica genocide. “We also note the denial of genocide on its interpretation as a ‘horrible crime’ by the ruling coalition of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS). The United for Serbia’s Victory and the Ajmo, ljudi (Let’s Go, People) coalition rely on the declaration of Serbian parliament,” Milosavljevic said, adding that Radomir Lazovic from the coalition Moramo (We Must) interprets the declaration as a recognition of the genocide by Serbia. Ivana Stevanovic from the Slavko Curuvija Foundation warned that the media were under massive pressure in the current campaign. “Those are financial pressures through the unfair distribution of money for co-financing, corrupt pressures based on ‘deals’ of media owners with the authorities and security pressures because journalists face threats, attacks and intimidation,” she said. Speaking about one of the results of negotiations on election conditions between the government and the opposition, which banned functionary campaign, Stevanovic said it resulted in nothing. “The President of Serbia should not appear (in the media) as part of an official campaign, but we are witnessing that he is present in public every day. Last week, he had six interviews and longer speeches, not to mention short stories in the news programs. All the agreements before the elections with the opposition, with MEPs’ mediation, resulted in nothing,” Stevanovic said.

Uros Jovanovic from the Civic Initiatives said the organization recorded an alarming number of violations of freedom of expression, assembly and association during the monitoring of the election campaign so far. “There was the greatest threat to freedom of expression and association with cases of verbal and physical attacks,” he said. Milos Djajic from the Academy of Women’s Leadership warned that women in the campaign faced discrimination and unequal conditions because, according to him, they had fewer resources than their male counterparts. He said that women also faced violence in the campaign and political speeches.




Dzaferovic and EU ambassadors about aggression of Russia against Ukraine (Nova BH


Chair of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Sefik Dzaferovic talked with ambassadors of the EU and G-7 countries in B&H about the aggression of Russia against Ukraine. Ambassadors called on competent institutions of B&H to conduct restrictive measures against institutions and other subjects of Russia as stipulated by the EU acts B&H joined. Dzaferovic stated that he will submit this demand in a written form to the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM).  The Ambassadors thanked B&H for endorsing the UN General Assembly resolution on Russia. Dzaferovic once again condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine, reiterated his support to Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and expressed his dedication to the stances of the EU and G7 countries on the situation in Ukraine. He also expressed support to the demands of EU and G7 member countries for immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine.


Dodik: B&H Presidency has not discussed restrictive measures against Russia (Srna


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Milorad Dodik told Srna on Monday that the Presidency of B&H did not discuss the introduction of restrictive measures against Russia, reminding that the other two members – Zeljko Komsic and Sefik Dzaferovic – even refused to discuss the Ukrainian crisis in the Presidency. Commenting on Dzaferovic’s statement that the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H will be asked to implement restrictive measures against Russia, Dodik stated: “According to the Constitution, foreign policy is the B&H Presidency’s competence, and not of the CoM, which Bosniak member Dzaferovic is trying to suggest.” Dodik emphasized that B&H will remain neutral on the issue of the conflict in Ukraine, and that is a position that will not change. “We from Republika Srpska (RS) will certainly not change our position on that issue," he concluded.


Schmidt and B&H CEC members discuss organization of general elections (FTV


The President and members of the B&H Central Election Commission (CEC) held their first meeting with High Representative in B&H Christian Schmidt. They spoke of activities that the CEC implements regarding organization of general elections this year, and emphasis was placed on the fact that the B&H CEC has not been yet provided with funds for implementing powers under its jurisdiction – which includes organization and implementation of elections. The collocutors also discussed acting of other B&H institutions in regards to providing financial funds to organize general elections. CEC member Jovan Kalaba stated that the meeting with Schmidt was only one, in a series of informational meetings, with different officials, and Schmidt said that he would continue to monitor the situation in B&H. He also noted that he would try to help solve the issue of financing of elections. Kalaba said that Schmidt did not make any concrete announcements regarding what might happen if state institutions fail to provide funds for elections. According to Kalaba, it will be difficult to organize the elections if the state budget is not adopted soon. He noted that B&H CEC is not an NGO that can receive funds form anyone. “Only the Council of Ministers can give us money. The money exists, but when it will be provided is a question for local political stakeholders,” said Kalaba. He reminded that B&H CEC faced a similar situation two years ago, when funds for organization of local elections were problematic too. Asked if Schmidt could impose a decision on temporary financing of B&H CEC, Kalaba said that he does not believe that this would be a realistic option.


Cvijanovic: Manipulation with votes from abroad unacceptable and should be penalized (RTRS


Referring to the recent statements of SDA leader Bakir Izetbegovic that Austria can significantly influence the balance of power in B&H in the upcoming elections, RS President Zeljka Cvijanovic said that manipulation of votes from abroad is unacceptable and it should be penalized. RTRS stressed that the tour of Austria served to the SDA leader to motivate the Bosniak diaspora to take part in the next elections in as many numbers as possible. RTRS noted that Izetbegovic puts his hopes related to strengthening of the position in the RS precisely in the voters from abroad, telling them that it will be complicated, but that they should not be discouraged. RTRS underlined that even the fact that seven months before the elections there is no consensus in the Federation of B&H on changes to the electoral legislation and that their holding is hanging by a thread obviously did not stop Izetbegovic from developing a strategy for changing the electoral will of the citizens. "We must support our people in the RS. Huge work can be done in these elections. Registration starts in May. It will be complicated. Do not be discouraged. Austria itself can change the balance of power. And then, on October 2, comes the game. They have been humiliating us for thirty years. For martyr's blood, for all insults, we will answer with a pencil. There is a game going on and you need to give a goal at that game. And goals from a distance are the most beautiful," Izetbegovic was quoted as saying. Cvijanovic stressed that the current laws allow B&H politicians to encourage and promote their platforms among potential foreign voters, but that manipulations are unacceptable. "The messages we receive from Bosniak politicians are continuously bad and this has been going on for years... What irritates in all this, but also worries is the fact that you never have foreigners who declare themselves in some way or condemn something that is promoting a concept that is not Dayton (concept), and that is definitely not a Dayton concept that is in the program or heart of that SDA platform," Cvijanovic underlined.


Zovko: If elections in B&H are held, they will be absolutely illegitimate (Dnevni list


Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from Croatia Zeljana Zovko (HDZ) said that when it comes to changes to the Law on Elections of B&H, it is crucial that both sides agree. According to Zovko, in the Federation of B&H it is the Croat and the Bosniak side, where Croats showed extreme readiness for giving in and compromise. “Five out of six negotiators, namely all except on –SDA, accepted what was offered. The elections, even if they are held, will be absolutely illegitimate and will be the elections that will not respect and acknowledge international and judgments of the Constitutional Court of B&H,” said MEP Zovko.


Croat representatives will insist on new round of talks on electoral reform, but if it fails they will file lawsuit with ECHR (Vecernji list


The daily argues that it is necessary to start a new round of talks on electoral reform as soon as possible, since B&H Constitutional Court annulled two articles of B&H Election Law and declared them unconstitutional, which is why it will not be possible to implement election results. The EU is ready to take the role of mediator in this new round. The daily reminds that the EU Council recently adopted new conclusions on B&H, and the EU Strategic Compass emphasizes the significance of equality of the constituent peoples. Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic stated that the EU Council conclusions very clearly indicate that the EU is ready to put a new effort and engage B&H political leaders in order to achieve an agreement on electoral reform. Therefore, comments the daily, Croat representatives need to keep insisting on implementation of the B&H Constitutional Court ruling which refers to the need to secure legitimate representation of peoples. According to the daily, if all else fails, Croat negotiators are ready to go to Strasburg and demand the rights of Croats before the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR). Chairman of the Main Council of the Croat People’s Assembly (HNS) Bozo Ljubic stated that a lawsuit before the ECHR is an option. However, he added, he wishes to believe that an agreement of local political leaders is still possible. Ljubic explained that Croat representatives were considering this option before, but after the Mostar agreement from 2020, they believed that it would not be necessary. The daily notes that Croat political representatives obviously still believe that it will be possible to find a compromise together with Bosniak partners and harmonize the inter-ethnic relations, especially in the Federation of B&H. Thereby, legitimate representation in line with the ruling of B&H Constitutional Court represents the right way to achieve this goal. The daily also notes that the main principle for the process of negotiation is the principle of the constituent status of peoples which has now been endorsed in an official document of the EU. Namely, the EU Strategic Document as an official guideline for EU’s foreign policy clearly refers to the constituent status and thus this principle which is the guarantee for the equality of Croats has now been officially endorsed by the EU institutions. Reference to the constituent status was included in the document upon Croatia’s request, and by insisting on this reference, Croatia reiterated its dedication to B&H as a country in which individual rights are as protected as collective rights. The daily concludes that Croat political representatives gathered around HNS are constructive, they offer solutions and call for dialogue, showing that they want to implement rulings of B&H Constitutional Court and ECHR and thus create conditions to relax the political situation.


Government silent on possible cabinet reshuffle (HRT


The government has so-far declined to comment on increased media speculation about changes to Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic's cabinet. Should there be a reshuffle, it would be the second during the Plenkovic era after the one in 2019. The fresh speculation was prompted by the recent arrest of former construction minister Darko Horvat, who resigned after being detained on suspicion of abuse of office in his previous role as economy minister. Speculation intensified after EU Funds and Regional Development Minister Natasa Tramisak confirmed to the media that she had received threats, without previously informing the prime minister or Interior Minister Davor Bozinovic. Speculation also revolves around potential changes in the departments of labor and economy as well as defence, agriculture and health. Labor Minister Josip Aladrovic and Deputy Prime Minister Boris Milosevic might also be replaced soon due to their suspected involvement in abuse of office. At the same time, opposition parties in parliament seem more inclined to an early election than to a simple reshuffle. "This government cannot function in this way. A cabinet reshuffle cannot fix these problems. The only way out of this situation is through new elections and by giving the choice back to our citizens so they can decide who will lead this country in the coming period," said SDP President Pedja Grbin. Sandra Bencic of the Green-Left Bloc agreed, saying the situation cannot be saved through a cabinet reshuffle. "Since 2016, we have seen that the governments of Andrej Plenkovic are not stable. Ministers are changed and reshuffled mainly due to corruption investigations. This is something that will not change. Nothing has changed with this government in the last year and a half. It has become quite clear that the HDZ cannot, due to corruption and clientelism in its own party, maintain a stable government," Bencic said. Dario Hrebak, leader of the HSLS, a junior partner in the ruling coalition, said after internal consultations on Sunday that the HSLS proposed a government reshuffle so that the government could focus on key problems for the benefit of economic and overall stability; namely adopting the euro and joining the Schengen area. The leadership of the ruling HDZ is scheduled to meet in the city of Karlovac on Tuesday.


Moscow protests over Croatian FM’s insulting language (Hina


Russia has lodged a strong protest with Croatia after Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic-Radman called Russian President Vladimir Putin a war criminal, the Russian Embassy in Zagreb said in a statement. Insulting language and unfounded accusations against the President of the Russian Federation are absolutely unacceptable, the statement said. Russia also protested because Grlic-Radman had referred to the Russian government as a regime and wished that it would not stay in power for long. Such irresponsible behavior of a representative of the Croatian leadership is destroying the tissue of Russian-Croatian relations, which are marking 30 years this year, the statement said. The government in Zagreb was called upon to refrain from triggering negative consequences for relations between the two countries. In conclusion, the Embassy stressed the need for adherence to the universal rules of international communication and diplomatic etiquette. Last Wednesday, speaking in an interview with state radio, Grlic-Radman said Putin was a war criminal and expressed hope that “the Russian autocratic regime” would not last for long.


URA celebrates too early: Ulcinj’s DPS, DUA and FORCA have thin majority (CdM


In the days before the local elections in Ulcinj, Omer Barjaktari, a close associate of Dritan Abazovic, said that the grand coalition of five parties, in which URA also participates, would win at least 17 seats, as needed for a majority in the Ulcinj assembly. They won 14. However, that did not stop URA leader Dritan Abazovic from declaring an “absolute victory” on election night. This “absolute victory” usually means absolute power. But URA could easily lose power in Ulcinj. Absolute power is not gained by declaring it, while you lack three mandates for it, but by winning it in the elections. Preliminary results of the local elections said that Abazovic’s grand coalition would win 15 seats. With two Democrat mandates, it would be enough for power. It seems that on election night, URA started prematurely with celebrating, torch-lighting, declaring victory and using some big words. The final 14 seats won by Abazovic do not allow a coalition with the Democrats. Especially since SD, his coalition partner that won two mandates, excluded the coalition with the Democrats on election night, announcing that they were ready to form a coalition only with state-building and pro-European parties. Post-election mathematics speaks differently from Abazovic, who, apart from the “absolute victory” for which he lacks three mandates, proclaimed Omer Barjaktari mayor in advance. The DPS-BS coalition won six seats. The DUA-DS coalition six. Forca – five. In total, that is 17. That is the majority enough for power. In theory, it is possible for Forca to make a post-election alliance with the great Djeka-Abazovic + 3 smaller coalition parties. However, in relation to the previous local elections, that coalition cut off practically 40% of Forca’s votes. A post-election alliance with Abazovic, which has almost halved its electorate, would be the quickest way to further marginalize Forca. A comparison with the results of the 2018 Ulcinj elections shows that the DPS and the Bosniak Party had nine mandates four years ago – the DPS eight and the BS one. Now, in total, they have seven. Forca dropped from eight to five. Social Democrats up to three from two. URA had only two mandates in 2018, and that party can be satisfied with its growth in Ulcinj. However, URA in Ulcinj was not only interested in growth, but in “absolute power”. Abazovic made a huge effort to conquer his hometown – Ulcinj. From the standpoint of democracy and electoral regularity, he invested a lot more than in the controversial effort of the ANB and the police, whose black jeeps and limousines circled the city all day, as a clear demonstration of power. He succeeded – but almost. The real election winner is Mehmet Zenka and his DUA-Democratic Alliance in Montenegro coalition. In the 2018 elections, the DUA won three seats. Now, with a coalition partner, there are twice as many. The result of that coalition, along with the fact that there was no fall of the DPS, which was loudly announced by the URA, prevented Abazovic from taking power in Ulcinj. Apparently, the southernmost coastal municipality will be ruled by the same coalition that won power in 2018.


Abazovic: During the week we will know who will be in the minority government, personally I have nothing against SD and SDP joining (CdM


Prime Minister-designate Dritan Abazovic is satisfied with the results of the local elections in Ulcinj and Berane, and we will know who will be in the minority government during the week, he says. "We won 14 seats. The second list got six. Do you know how many mandates URA had in 2018? Two. Will another coalition be formed? Good luck. Citizens did not vote for only one option. All possibilities are on the table," said Abazovic, answering the questions of the journalists after the conference of the Council for Foreign Investors. In Ulcinj, DPS, Forca and DUA can mathematically form the government. Abazovic points out that this combinatorics is not exclusive. "And it can happen that we have a stable government in which our coalition would participate. That would be more logical, but I don't mind if they find a common language. I will behave constructively," says Abazovic. He is also satisfied with the results of the elections in Berane. "The SNP defended the result, showed everyone that the solid object is there, and the DPS experienced the expected debacle. The message of all elections is that citizens now have more freedom, all combinatorics are possible," pointed out Abazovic. In Berane, 55% of the votes were won by parties that oppose the minority government. That is great for Abazovic. "That's great. So far, it has been narrative that 98 percent of the population is against the minority government. Now 55 percent falls to Berane, and 100 percent in Ulcinj is for the minority government. "Last night, several narratives were destroyed - the narrative of the protest, betrayal of the people's will, for the DPS to return, to control something," said Abazovic.


I have nothing against SD and SDP joining 

He believes that Montenegro, after the local elections, is closer to forming a minority government. "I believe the situation is much clearer now. If someone doesn't want a minority, European government, let's go to the polls. We are ready," says Abazovic. Asked when he can be expected to present the composition of the government, and whether there will definitely be no place for the Social Democratic Party and the Social Democrats, Abazovic said that he would hold another series of talks after the local elections, but would not go through any exclusion system. "Those parties that are signatories to the memorandum will be the backbone of that government." I don't mind if anyone else can continue to do that, but they must know that they can't trade it, or they justify themselves with great patriotism. We will see during this week who will be in the government. He expects that we will finally get a new government, because this situation is unsustainable said Abazovic.


Krivokapic on local elections: Great defeat of the constituents of the minority government (RTCG


The results of the elections in Berane and Ulcinj are a great defeat for those who represent the constituents of the minority government, Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapic said in a statement for TVCG. Commenting on the statement of the mandate holder and leader of the Civic Movement URA Dritan Abazovic, who said that Montenegro, after the local elections in Berane and Ulcinj, is one step closer to forming a minority government, Krivokapic said that politicians can always turn defeat into victory. "I think this is a great defeat for those who represent the constituents of the minority government and that it does not give them the right to have local elections be a measure of the minority government," he told TVCG. He reiterated that the minority government is unconstitutional, agreed in the wrong way, conceived without principles and, as Krivokapic says, represents a fraud of the electoral will of the citizens from 30 August 2020. "You cannot return to power someone who has retired politically, because of someone's agreements. The biggest benefit since 30 August is the freedom that has happened, and in order to nurture that in the future, the best way is for us all to go to the polls. That is the fairest, the only democratic one, and let the winner be the one who wins the most mandates", Krivokapic concluded. He also said that he had no comment on the result of the elections in Ulicnj, while he believed that the electoral list "Berane now" showed potential. "Berane now", which we supported, managed to prove that it has greater potential than any other constituent of the DF. That the DPS finally experienced what was predicted, one big defeat," said Krivokapic.


Joanikije hosted refugees from Ukraine in Bar (CdM


The Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije hosted families of refugees from Ukraine in the Cathedral of St. John Vladimir in Bar due to the armed conflict that is currently taking place in that country, reports the portal of the Metropolitanate of Montenegro and the Littoral. As they stated, in the conversation with the refugees from Ukraine, Joanikije expressed regret over the suffering that the people there are going through. "And he expressed his prayerful desire for the conflict to end as soon as possible. The Most Reverend Metropolitan assured them that they have their true brothers and sisters in our nation, and that the Church will do everything in its power to make their stay in Montenegro pleasant, until the conditions for their return to their homes are met," they stated from the MCP. The Metropolitan presented the families with icons of St. Basil of Ostrog, and the youngest among them also received appropriate packages.


Petition of the Embassy of Ukraine: Rename the street where the Russian Embassy in Podgorica is located (CdM


The Embassy of Ukraine in Podgorica called on the citizens to sign a petition for the renaming of Velisa Mugosa Street, which houses the Russian Embassy in Podgorica, to Ukraina Street. "Show solidarity with the people of Ukraine by renaming Velisa Mugosa Street, which is the seat of the Russian ambassador to Montenegro, to Ukrainska ulica." "Some European countries have already changed the names of the addresses of Russian embassies," the Ukrainian Embassy said on Twitter.


Lavrov: Russia is introducing visas for hostile countries, including Montenegro (CdM/TASS


Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Russian President Vladimir Putin will sign a decree restricting the entry of citizens of "hostile countries" into Russia in response to Western sanctions, including Montenegro. "A decree on retaliatory measures of a visa nature is being prepared, which will restrict the entry into Russia of the citizens of "hostile countries", said Lavrov. The Russian government has previously approved a list of states and territories that "carry out hostile actions against Russia, its companies and citizens," TASS reported. The list includes the United States and Canada, all EU countries, Great Britain, Ukraine, Montenegro, Switzerland, Albania, Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Northern Macedonia, as well as Japan, South Korea, Australia, Micronesia, New Zealand, Singapore and Taiwan. TASS previously stated that the countries on the list imposed or joined sanctions against Russia.


Macedonia expels five Russian diplomats; Moscow announces "adequate response" (Republika/Nezavisen


Five diplomats from the Russian embassy in the country have been declared persona non grata. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed Monday the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the country Sergei Baznikin about this and handed him a diplomatic note, which pointed out five employees of the Embassy of the Russian Federation as undesirable in the country. According to the information received from the competent authorities, the above-mentioned persons were carrying out activities that are contrary to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and will have to leave the territory of the Republic of Macedonia in the next five days, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russia will respond to the decision of Northern Macedonia to expel five Russian diplomats, Russian media reported today, citing sources at the Russian Embassy in Skopje. "There will be an adequate response," the source said. Last year, the Foreign Ministry declared two Russian diplomats persona non grata, one in May and the other in August, and expelled them from the country. In both cases, Russia reacted with reciprocal measures, ie expelling Macedonian diplomats from Moscow.


Petkov announced "good news" for lifting the Bulgarian blockade (Libertas


The lifting of the Bulgarian blockade looks real in the coming period. At least that is what the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov says. He told a news conference that "good news is expected soon for lifting the Bulgarian veto on Macedonia and starting the process of accession to the European Union, which was pointed out as particularly important in the context of what is happening in Ukraine". Yesterday, Petkov hosted three prime ministers from NATO's southeast wing - Dimitar Kovacevski from Macedonia, Zdravko Krivokapic from Montenegro and Nicolae Chuka - to discuss the war in Ukraine and its consequences for the region, as well as the beginning of negotiations with the EU of Macedonia and Albania. According to Petkov, it has now become officially clear what was previously unofficially stated - that the lifting of the Bulgarian blockade comes through the progress of the Historical Commission. Petkov said progress had been made on important historical figures in the talks. "The Historical Commission informed me about some important historical figures and their treatment. We have made progress on those issues, in a very constructive and realistic way, which opens the possibility for us to speed up our negotiations. "Of course, I and my coalition partners will have to receive a full report from the Commission first, but as soon as we receive a report, it will go very quickly," Petkov said. "I am optimistic about the whole process, I am optimistic that we will achieve everything we have planned with Dimitar as soon as possible." "Northern Macedonia has a place in the European family as soon as possible, and our government is committed to achieving this result as soon as possible. There are several milestones that need to be clarified, including the protection of minority rights. "We are working in close coordination with European partners who in many cases serve as a third party in the negotiation process and we are waiting for a concrete formulation to be included in the negotiation agreement," said Petkov. "Our relationship has improved a lot in the last three months, precisely because we talked so much," he added. The four prime ministers agreed that their countries would work together in the fields of energy and infrastructure, food production and the fight against corruption. After their meeting, which came at the initiative of Petkov, they told the media that their main goal from now on will be to change the direction of gas supply - the goal is to shift from north to south, which emerged as a necessary action after the military invasion of Russia on Ukraine. "In times of crisis, it is important to be together, to coordinate not only at the level of the EU and NATO, but also with future members. My dream is to coordinate the Balkans on all topics. "With economic unification we can become the fastest growing region," Petkov said after the meeting with Chuka, Kovacevski and Krivokapic.


Scholz: EU negotiations with Skopje and Tirana should start as soon as possible (Libertas


Talks on Albania and Northern Macedonia joining the EU should begin as soon as possible, as any delay would make the Western Balkans vulnerable to external influence. This was stated today by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. "It is clear to both Germany and Sweden that the EU must continue with institutional reforms to enable it to expand," Scholz told a news conference after meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson. He said both the Swedish Prime Minister and he had agreed that negotiations with Albania and northern Macedonia should begin "as soon as possible". Scholz and Andersson also called for a fairer distribution of refugees from Ukraine. The German Chancellor said that so far more than 300,000 refugees from Ukraine have arrived in Germany, but that other countries should now show solidarity.


Meta decrees agreements with Kosovo on social security and border crossing rules (Radio Tirana


Albanian President Ilir Meta has decreed 3 laws. It is about 2 agreements between Kosovo and Albania, one for social security and the other for the rules of the local border traffic regime. “The third law is the agreement between Albania and the European Union for the participation of the Republic of Albania in the Creative Europe program (2021-2027).” The Social Security Agreement was signed after the joint meeting of the two governments in the city of Elbasan. Under the agreement, citizens of both countries will be able to benefit from maternity benefits; from the benefits received in case of accidents at work for those who are employed, as well as for old age, disability or family pensions in both countries. The agreement enables the export of pensions and the merging of periods, in order to ensure a more dignified pension for all persons who have had the opportunity to work on both sides of the border. Negotiations between Albania and Kosovo started in 2020 and went through two rounds. They concluded the process of drafting and approving the agreement in the field of social security on 18-19 November, in Pristina. The agreement will enter into force in the third month after the parties make mutual notification of its ratification.


Soreca: Political co-operation remains key to EU integration (Radio Tirana


Political cooperation remains the key word of senior EU officials for Albanian politics. The EU Ambassador in Tirana Luigi Soreca, in his last speech before leaving Albania, called for the unification of the political parties. He underlined that his departure does not change anything on Albania's path to the EU. "They have to find political cooperation, for what is the priority, which is integration. Political debate should be right here. We will bring experts to Albania to prepare the Albanian team. My departure will not change anything from the full commitment of the delegation. I have travelled all over Albania. I did thousands of miles. I can be the person who has travelled the most in Albania, and everywhere I have noticed that people have realized that the priority is EU integration. The time for the wedding has already come. The rings are ready. Member countries know what they want. They want membership negotiations to be opened. I will return to Albania, maybe with another task. But first I will return as an ordinary citizen, like Luigi Soreca," said the outgoing EU ambassador in Tirana.


Mazi: Albania has met all the requirements to start membership talks (Radio Tirana


Albania's chief negotiator with the EU Zef Mazi stated that Albania has met all the requirements to start membership talks. In his speech at the roundtable on "Albania's challenges during the negotiations with the European Union," at the National Council for European Integration (KKIE), Mazi greeted the EU Ambassador in Tirana Luigi Soreca at the end of his term. Mazi focused on the most effective way to make the EU take the decision and move forward adding that, it is clear that we cannot select, where and in which part of our system we will use this or that type of standard. We have neither said, nor will we say - we will have Albanian standards here in Albania. We cannot make this selection because we have decided to do otherwise. We cannot and will not fall below the level of achieving the highest standard of acceptance of responsibilities. We have demonstrated this and we will continue to demonstrate it, to be consistent with ourselves. The big question of this century we have entered is whether the dedicated people of Albania will join by following the "speed lane", or will be left where it is, at the door, waiting for Godona! I want to believe, in these difficult times, that it is imperative that we get absorbed in the EU camp really quickly, despite the ambiguity, the broad, loose definition of the word 'fast'. I very much hope that the scales will tilt in the direction of what is right to be done - justice to us and to the promises of the EU. This is a battle of the minds of the citizens, our way of life and determination. The union should have been clear about this already. "The EU is a society where only individual merit is the criterion for advancement, membership, this is the mantra!," stressed Mazi.