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Belgrade Media Report 14 April



Vucic with Schmitt: Implementation of Bonn powers does not contribute to stability (RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic met with the High Representative (HR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Christian Schmidt. Schmitt presented his vision of the reason for use of the Bonn powers. Vucic expressed clear disagreement with the latest decisions and implementation of the Bonn powers for which he opines do not contribute to stability, the statement says. Vucic and Schmidt agreed that preservation of peace in B&H and the entire region is of crucial importance of economic progress of Western Balkans.


Schmidt: I personally want to see Serbia in EU (Tanjug)


The international HR in B&H Christian Schmidt said on Thursday everyone in Europe needed to realize Serbia is a very important country, especially at this time. In an interview for Tanjug after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Schmidt said they had discussed many subjects, but declined to elaborate. "My impression is that all in Europe have to realize that Serbia is a very important country, especially in these times. The application for EU membership is very important. I personally want to see Serbia as a part of the European framework," Schmidt underlined. When asked whether he had explained to Vucic the reasons for using the Bonn powers, Schmidt responded that, for months, he had been pointing to a need to reach an agreement on state property in line with the decisions of the B&H Constitutional Court and the Dayton Agreement, and that he had been in a situation where he had to show a "yellow card", rather than a red one. He explained that this meant that "you stay in the game, but we need to talk about attitudes and perspectives". When asked about Vucic's and Serbia's role in stabilization of the B&H, Schmidt said they definitely had influence, but that B&H citizens and their elected representatives decided about affairs in that country. Schmidt also said he saw no danger of war in the B&H, but noted that work must be done to reduce tensions.


Brnabic: No scenario ruled out for oil supplies problem (Tanjug/Politika)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Wednesday that, for the time being, she did not expect Serbia to be targeted by EU sanctions on Russian-owned companies but that the situation concerning the national oil company NIS, majority-owned by Gazprom Neft, was discussed with the Russian partners on a daily basis, and that other scenarios for solving the issue of oil supplies were under discussion as well. Responding to questions from reporters after the opening of a new Faculty of Organizational Sciences building in Belgrade, Brnabic said she would not rule out a scenario under which NIS would be acquired by Azerbaijan's SOCAR or potential other scenarios. "I would not rule out that scenario or other partners. I would not rule out any scenario. The most important thing is that we are exempted from the sanctions and that oil will continue to flow via the Adriatic Oil Pipeline. There is no problem at this time," she said. Various options are discussed on a daily basis, Brnabic said, but declined to elaborate.


Petkovic and Botsan-Kharchenko on dialogue and repression in Kosovo and Metohija (Politika/Tanjug)


The political-security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the course of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue were the topic of the talks between the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko. The Office stated that Petkovic pointed to the daily implementation of the campaign of pressures and repressions over the Serbs and to the open attempts of Pristina to threaten and abolish all political and citizen rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. He noted that the basic rights of the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija are additionally threatened with the decision of Pristina to ban the implementation of elections of the Republic of Serbia on the territory of the province. He assessed that such a decision was contrary to clear and unambiguous stance of the Quint countries. Speaking about the dialogue Petkovic assessed that Pristina hinders the continuation of the dialogue and brings into question the progress in the normalization of process by refusing to fulfill the reached agreements. He recalled that on 19 April it will be full nine years since Pristina refuses to implement the agreement on the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities, without which there can be no essential progress in the dialogue. He pointed to the violation of the agreement in the sphere of energy and judiciary, on non-cooperation on the issue of missing and disrespect of decrees in the spere of freedom of movement and visits of officials to the province. Petkovic said that Belgrade fulfilled every undertaken obligation from the Brussels agreement and that it will continue to insist on implementation of all reached agreements in the dialogue, especially on establishing the Community of Serb Municipalities. He thanked on the consistent support of Russia to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty and stated that Belgrade remains determined for peaceful resolution of disagreement with Pristina and creating of conditions for secure and prosperous life of people in our southern province. He conveyed that a lasting and sustainable solution must be sought exclusively within UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


Schieb: EU expects Serbia to join sanctions against Russia (N1)


German Ambassador Thomas Schieb said on Thursday that Berlin and Brussels expect Serbia to join in imposing EU sanctions against Russia because it is on the road to the Union. “The EU is a community of values. We have common values and a common foreign policy and the issue of joining the EU sanctions is linked to that,” he told the N1 morning show. According to the ambassador, Berlin is very much aware of the fact that Serbia depends on Russia for energy just like Germany and added that “we want to provide support to Serbia knowing what freeing yourself of energy dependency means”. “Everything is in Serbia’s hands. The Euro-integration process was created so that candidate countries implement reforms to speed up their progress towards membership. Germany supports Serbia on that path. The faster it aligns with the common foreign and security policy, the faster Serbia will advance on the road to the EU and we support that Serbia fully,” he said. Schieb said he was gladdened by the high turnout at the 3 April elections. “It’s good that there was no boycott. It’s good to have the opposition in parliament and that is very important for a stable democracy,” he said.


Serbia dedicated to fulfilling global sustainable development goals (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of Environmental Protection Irena Vujovic opened on Wednesday the first National Consultations on the Environment, as part of Serbia’s preparations for participation in the global conference scheduled for June this year “Stockholm+50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All – Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity”. The first National Consultations, organized by the UNDP in association with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and with the support of the government of the Kingdom of Sweden, gathered more than 150 representatives of state institutions, civil sector and the academic community. Vujovic underlined that Serbia is committed to fulfilling global sustainable development goals, and environmental protection is one of the priorities. Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Annika Ben David said that Serbia has been chosen as one of the 59 countries in which the Swedish government supports the consultation process ahead of the Stockholm meeting in June. UND Resident Representative to Serbia Francine Pickup stated that it is worrying to see that not even after 50 years has the world made a satisfactory progress in the field of environmental protection and prevention of climate change. The conference “Stockholm+50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All – Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity” will gather 59 countries of the world, including Serbia, in Sweden’s capital on 2-3 June.


EU grants €12 million to Serbia’s health system for pandemic relief (Tanjug)


Serbian Minister of European Integration and National IPA Coordinator Jadranka Joksimovic signed on Wednesday the Grant Agreement on behalf of Serbia, by which the EU grants €11,968,276 in non-repayable aid from the EU Solidarity Fund for financing emergency activities in the fight against COVID-19 and for implementing other measures for the recovery of the Serbian health system. The Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret previously delivered to Joksimovic the Agreement, which had been signed by European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira on behalf of the EU. The Agreement provides for the settlement of part of the costs incurred during the public health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Joksimovic underlined that the EU’s aid provided by the Agreement signed today is another concrete proof of the long-term support to Serbia in the time of crisis.

She pointed out that the sum allocated to Serbia is bigger than those allocated to some Member States from the same fund. The Minister recalled that this is the second time that Serbia received funds from the EU Solidarity Fund. Giaufret said that this non-repayable aid is one more expression of the Union’s dedication to support to Serbia in the fight against the pandemic. The EU had stood side by side with Serbia since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. We financed cargo flights for the transport of medical materials, health workers and significantly helped Serbia in the purchase of vaccines. Serbia received ambulances and protective masks. In addition, over the past 20 years the EU has invested over €516 million in the health sector of Serbia. The EU financed many hospitals across the country, the Ambassador said. The Ministry of European Integration recalls that, on the basis of a decision of the European Commission from 2021, €530 million were set aside from the EU Solidarity Fund for the needs of the fight against COVID-19 for 17 Member States and three candidate countries.


CoE supports Serbian authorities in fight against money laundering (Beta)


Money laundering, corruption and organized crime remain a challenge for Serbia because of their negative effect on the rule of law and the country's economic development, it was stated during the 13 April conference in Belgrade about Serbia's progress in the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism. According to a statement, the Council of Europe remains committed to supporting the Serbian authorities in building a strong system for the prevention of money laundering. The chief of the Council of Europe's Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper has stressed that economic crime had an erosive effect on democracy and democratic institutions. "Fighting against economic crime means opposing the violation of human rights and abuses that are often the cause of attempts at laundering money obtained through crime and hiding illegal wealth," stated the head of the Council of Europe's Action against Crime Department Hanne Juncher. "The fight against organized crime and its devastating effect on the society, democracy and development has become a clear priority of Sweden's foreign policy, which is expressed in the foreign political statement of the foreign minister before the parliament in February 2022," stated the Swedish Ambassador to Serbia Annika Ben David. She has stated that assistance to Serbia in implementing projects for the prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism was one of the leading initiatives of Sweden's development cooperation in Serbia, and that the Embassy of Sweden was monitoring it with great interest and great hopes.


Dveri, Oath-Keepers from Alliance (Beta/RTV)


The parties Oath-Keepers and Dveri (Doors) on 13 April officially announced the start of their cooperation, precipitated, as they have stated, by the internal and external challenges that Serbia is facing, and they called for a nationwide concentration of statehood supporting forces. The President of the Oath-Keepers party Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski told reporters in the Media Center in Belgrade that the cooperation represented the formation of a joint platform and that the goal was not a coalition or the joining of caucuses, but solely an association of political forces rallied around the same values. The President of the Dveri Movement Bosko Obradovic has stated that Djurdjevic Stamenkovski and he had a combined result of nine percent in the presidential election, and that they represented "a serious political force" rallied around a topic on which they have a shared stance. "Bearing in mind that the current authorities are changing Serbia's foreign political course, taking the side of NATO and against Russia, acknowledging that, over the course of several months, sanctions were imposed against Belarus and votes were cast against Russia three times in the U.N., deeming it possible that the next step would be the imposition of sanctions against Russia, we declare that it was and always will be 'Not In Our Name' and that the absolute majority of citizens of Serbia are against this," Obradovic stated.




Dodik says RS law on immovable property will certainly come in effect on Thursday as it will be published in RS Official Gazette, all bodies in RS will have obligation to act accordingly (RTRS/ATV)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik, asked to comment on Christian Schmidt’s latest decision to suspend the application of the Republika Srpska (RS) law on immovable property, stated that the law will certainly come in effect on Thursday and the RS Official Gazette will publish the law, stressing that all bodies in the RS will have obligation to act accordingly. He stressed that no decision of an individual, particularly Schmidt’s decision, can stop the application of this law. He said that he expects that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H will be engaged in this case as well, but that he is aware that this is not an easy battle. Dodik noted that he cannot predict what Schmidt has in mind as further steps, but that it is obvious that he does everything what Sarajevo tells him to do. He stressed that Schmidt is not the HR and whatever he does is legally groundless, but his activities are based on force. Dodik stated that Schmidt’s statement that the property should be under the competence of B&H is a lie and he should be ashamed of such lies. “The issue of property is resolved in a way written in the Geneva and New York documents, which read that B&H is formed of the two entities, the territories of which account 51 percent for the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and 49 percent for the RS. They also read through constitutional articles that everything that is not explicitly given to B&H in line with the Constitution of B&H actually belongs to the entities. Not a single word in these documents mentions that the property is under the competence of B&H, and then (former HR) Paddy Ashdown comes and bans the disposal with the RS property admitting that this is the RS’ property”, Dodik reminded. He said that B&H has got some property through succession, but according to B&H’s laws this property located abroad was supposed to be distributed between the RS and the FB&H. Dodik stressed that he damns all Serbs who accept that joint institutions in B&H decide on the issue of property that belongs to the RS, noting that unfortunately there are traitors among the RS politicians. In a statement for ATV on Wednesday, Dodik said: “The same Constitutional Court decided that the Brcko District’s property belongs to the Brcko District; the FB&H’s property belongs to the FB&H, only property of the RS is an issue. It, of course, will not stop at that. They have now attacked forests, agricultural land, they will probably continue with waters, streets, roads and many other things, all with the intention to regulate that allegedly at the level of B&H, they consider a central place.” Dodik also stated that Schmidt will not stop Dodik in his plans. Dodik was quoted as saying: “Our official gazette will announce it. It takes effect. It is the obligation of all RS bodies to act accordingly. No decision of an individual, especially one like Schmidt, can stop and will not stop it. I did not come here to have a good time.”


Tegeltija condemns HR Schmidt’s decision on RS Law on Immovable Property (AJB)


High Representative (HR) in B&H Christian Schmidt invoked the Bonn Powers on Tuesday and suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property. Chairperson of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Zoran Tegeltija has condemned Schmidt’s decision, and commented on announced new sanctions if the decision is not implemented. Addressing the media, Tegeltija said: “I think this is absolutely wrong, and every absence of a dialogue is leading B&H towards an increasing crisis. As for sanctions on me or any other individual, they are objectively possible and realistic. Of course, the UK’s sanctions to block the property of (RS President) Zeljka Cvijanovic and Milorad Dodik in the UK causes nothing else but laughter of people in the whole country. All of you and everyone in B&H know who has property in London. Whether Christian Schmidt will try to impose sanctions on me or anyone else, I do not know. But, I said there were those even before Christian Schmidt. They also did some things, they also tried to impose laws. They have left and the RS remained.” According to Tegeltija, the sanctions imposed against Dodik and Cvijanovic are diverting of attention from key issues in B&H. Tegeltija believes that the sanctions imposed by the UK are not the way to solve problems. “I am sure that the sanctions imposed by Great Britain against Mr. Dodik and President Cvijanovic are the result of domestic policies and domestic needs implemented by foreigners. It is quite certain that the sanctions are directed against the RS institutions”, commented Tegeltija. Tegeltija also stated that Schmidt's decision represents a precedent and expressed hope that no one in the RS - the ruling coalition or the opposition - is ready to accept this decision. He assessed that the issue of property is a red line for the RS and its people, because once the property is usurped - nothing will be left and the RS will be turned into an empty shell that will not be able to decide on its development or anything else. Tegeltija stated: “I do not see any MP who wants to be an MP and that the High, that Christian Schmidt, or someone else if they get the mandate of the High Representative, annuls those decisions. From the messages I have seen from some leaders of political parties, I think that there will be enough strength and courage in the RS to oppose this, this policy that Christian Schmidt is trying to set.”


Viskovic: RS has constitutional right to dispose of its property (ATV)


Reactions of RS officials to decision by HR in B&H Christian Schmidt to annul the RS Law on Immovable Property continued on Wednesday, primarily of the ruling majority officials. ATV reports that the key message conveyed by representatives of the RS institutions was that the RS has constitutional right to dispose of its property freely, Schmidt’s decision is a brutal attack on the RS to adopt laws on its territory, no one can take away from the RS what belongs to it, and it is clear that is an order of political Sarajevo. All officials reiterated they do not recognize Christian Schmidt as legally appointed HR, deeming him an ordinary citizen who came to B&H from Germany. RS Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic said the RS has constitutional right to dispose of its property, the issue was resolved by signing of the Dayton Peace Accords (DPA) and “no illegal decision made by illegally appointed foreign clerk” can change that fact. “For as long as any of non-elected officials from anywhere in the world, not only Europe, can come to a country and repeal a law, impose a law, it is a clear fact that B&H is not sovereign, it is a protectorate. That is something impossible to implement. It is not a matter of someone’s wish or will, or someone’s caprice to argue with someone whether they will or not,” said Viskovic for the media. Viskovic said that Schmidt’s decision shows that B&H is a not a sovereign state but a protectorate, adding that foreigners behave like they are a protected species in B&H. He wondered if Schmidt had in mind that his decision will endanger investments in the RS. Viskovic stated that the RS authorities will defend itself at every step and take protective measures, but that he would not recommend anyone to test the patience of those who are brought to the verge. Viskovic said that Schmidt's decision related to the RS Law on Immovable Property will not be applied. "We will defend ourselves at all times and take protective measures. No matter how strong we are or in the opinion of some others weak, we will not give up, we will not raise the white flag and say here you go, do whatever you have intended to do," Viskovic said. Viskovic also said he is not afraid of sanctions. Viskovic stated: “I am not one of those people who are scared in life, therefore no one made me do anything. I do it exclusively out of patriotic intentions. I believe that by doing my job I can contribute to the well-being of my citizens and my people and I will behave that way. Sanctions to anyone at any time, whether it applied to the RS or the region, the environment, are not a solution and are not a good message.”


RS MPs comment on HR’s decision on RS Law on Immovable Property (ATV)


The senior officials of RS said the most recent decision by illegally appointed HR is an overture for open interference with the B&H Constitutional Court’s (CC) work that has shown on several occasions “it is not immune to pressures by foreign factor”. The reporter notes that those who aspire to hold most senior positions in the RS are the silent ones, and goes on to say that there is almost no reaction to Christian Schmidt’s decision by PDP Vice President Jelena Trivic and SDS leader Mirko Sarovic. ATV reports that representatives at the RS parliament were asked on Wednesday about their opinion on the issue, and all agreed it is a violation of the DPA. NDP leader Dragan Cavic said for the media, B&H is currently the only country in the world “with the foreign protectorate, and the only country in history of conflicts in the last 100 years, where there is non-appointed foreign representative who imposes laws and decisions, completely contrary to all customs and norms in the country he came from. It is absolutely unacceptable”. Head of RS SDS Caucus Miladin Stanic said: “We are absolutely against imposing any laws, sanctions. We are for the destiny of the RS to be decided primarily by Serb people, and the destiny of B&H to be decided by three constituent peoples and the remaining citizens of B&H, and not by someone from outside”. RS DNS representative Aleksandar Glavas said the RS’ property belongs only to the RS, and “no self-declared tourist from Germany can abolish laws for us in the RS parliament. We are the highest legislative body of the citizens of the RS, and we decide on our property that is clearly defined by the DPA. Therefore, every attack on the property of the RS is an attack on all its citizens”. RS parliament deputy speaker Denis Sulic said the property was given to the RS under the DPA, and “no decision, including fictional Bonn decision can change that decision we have in the Dayton in the B&H Constitution”. RS SNSD’s representative Srdjan Mazalica (SNSD) stated that the decision of High Representative will not be published in the Official Gazette of the RS. He added that the RS has necessary mechanisms to implement the RS Law on Immovable Property.


RS opposition is against imposing of decisions and use of Bonn powers (FTV)


FTV carried that the decision of HR Christian Schmidt to use the Bonn powers for suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities sparked a series of reactions in the RS. The opposition is against imposing of decisions and the use of Bonn powers. According to the opposition, the property on the territory of the RS belongs to that entity. Representative in the RS parliament Nebojsa Vukanovic from SDS Caucus noted that he is against foreigners imposed decisions, and he would want B&H to be “a truly sovereign and independent country, rather than an international community’s protectorate”. RS SDS’ representative in the RS Nedeljko Glamocak presented an opinion that this HR’s decision was unnecessary. “Honestly, it serves no purpose. SNSD and its coalition partners, mostly the SDA and HDZ B&H, have been in power for 20 years and have been dealing with resolving this property law problem for 20 years. And they did not resolve it because it was not in their interest, because it is not their goal, because it was good for them to politically undermine it”, Glamocak noted. DNS leader Nenad Nesic assessed that non-democratic and anti-Dayton move by Schmidt requires unanimous reply of all political parties in the RS, because the RS’ survival and preservation of its Dayton position is in question. SDS leader Mirko Sarovic said messages of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic are of great importance, but it would also be good, in the light of new crisis, to hear the opinion of Croatian President Zoran Milanovic, and stressed it would be most important to hear opinions in B&H. Sarovic also said he fears that, after Schmidt’s decision to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property, there will be even bigger crisis in B&H.


RS Attorney General Govedarica: Schmidt cannot abolish constitutional categories (ATV)


RS Attorney General Milimir Govedarica said Christian Schmidt cannot abolish constitutional categories and it is clear it is an order from Sarajevo. “First of all, we think he did not even understand the law, and the problem is that he does not understand that with own reason, but he understands it with reason of 'political Sarajevo',” said Govedarica.


HR Schmidt on reactions from RS: This is marathon, I am patient (AJB)


During his visit to Brcko, HR Christian Schmidt commented on reaction from RS on his decision to suspend the RS Law on Immovable Property. “To say, these comments coming from the RS are speaking for themselves. Who wants to do the best for the people in the RS, need to consider their own position and change them. I am patient, this is a marathon, a long race, but we all want things to develop in a peaceful atmosphere and to have positive developments”, said Schmidt. Schmidt reminded of the adopted Law on Temporary Prohibition of Disposal of State Property of B&H, i.e. its amendments. Schmidt specified that, in order to avoid abuse, it is the state of B&H that makes decisions on the disposal of its property, not the entities. Commenting on the fact that he visited Brcko District a day after he suspended the given law as well as that he will meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Schmidt said: “All these meetings that I had in Brcko and that I have in Belgrade are planned in advance. I am talking and I have talked to all political leaders in neighboring countries, regardless of whether it is Andrej Plenkovic or Aleksandar Vucic.”


US Embassy: With its unilateral and unconstitutional actions, the RS authorities practically forced international community to react (BHT1)


BHT1 reminds that HR in B&H Christian Schmidt invoked the Bonn Powers on Tuesday and suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property. The US Embassy to B&H underlined that with its unilateral and unconstitutional actions, the RS authorities practically forced the internationally community to react in abovementioned manner.


SDA calls on HR to react and annul some other RS parliament’s decisions (Nova BH)


Nova BH reminds that HR in B&H Christian Schmidt invoked the Bonn Powers on Tuesday and suspended the RS Law on Immovable Property. SDA has called on the HR to react and annul some other decisions of the RS parliament. "We call on the HR, in accordance with his mandate, to act in the same way with all laws and decisions that are not in accordance with the Dayton Agreement, and which were adopted by the RS parliament in the past period," SDA said in a statement. SDA representative in B&H House of Representatives (HoR) Adil Osmanovic welcomed Schmidt’s decision and said this reaction must not remain the only one, considering the many unconstitutional laws which were passed earlier by the RS parliament. Osmanovic stated: “We expect that the HR, in accordance with the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), as the supreme interpreter of its implementation, will approach the annulment of other laws and decisions passed by the RS parliament, which are contrary to the B&H Constitution, in the same way.”


Komsic: Schmidt’s use of Bonn powers expected, it is important as it shows Schmidt’s position is there for reason (O Kanal)


Croat member of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic commented on the decision of High Representative Christian Schmidt on suspension of the RS Law on Immovable Property Used for the Functioning of Authorities. Komsic welcomed this decision as important because it shows that Schmidt’s position is there for a reason.  “It was logical to me. I would like to remind that Schmidt should have abolished other laws, which the RS parliament adopted and published in other fields, too,” added Komsic. Asked if use of Bonn powers was expected, Komsic replied that he expected that Schmidt would use them “otherwise his stay in B&H would be meaningless”. Komsic added that the OHR is a part of the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA), and it would make no sense if Schmidt was not doing the job he was authorized by the DPA. According to Komsic, Schmidt obviously obtained the support of some members of the Peace Implementation Council (PIC) to use the Bonn powers. With regard to Schmidt’s decision, Komsic perceives it as Schmidt’s warning to the RS authorities. “We will see how things will develop,” he added. Commenting on the meeting of Schmidt and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, Komsic presented an opinion that Schmidt will meet with Vucic to obtain his support for these moves and to ask Vucic to try to make Dodik come to his senses “if that is possible”. Komsic warned that the RS authorities tried to register the state property as the RS’ property and that this would have later been used as grounds to secede.


Russian Embassy’s comment on HR’ decision sparks reactions among Bosniaks (Dnevni avaz/Oslobodjenje)


SBB B&H representative in B&H House of Representatives Edita Djapo reacted to the statement of Russian Embassy to B&H in which they are condemning the decision of HR Christian Schmidt to use the Bonn powers. “Russian Federation is the aggressor, who is murdering, destroying, bombarding, raping and exhausting the innocent citizens of Ukraine. Russian Federation attacked Ukraine and for years they have been executing attacks on B&H, systematically endangering our path toward EU and NATO”, said Djapo. She noted that a country which is the aggressor, cannot advocate peace which these open threats to B&H are showing. “This is why the Russian Ambassador, after such statements and threats, truly needs to be declared persona non grata and Russian Federation needs to be excluded from Peace Implementation Council (PIC)”, ends Djapo. Our Party (NS) called on PIC to expel Russia from the membership. “Considering the fact that there is a general consensus within the international community about B&H, its competencies and international path, to which only Russia objects, then it is only Russia and its representatives in B&H, most notably Ambassador Igor Kalabukhov, who can be sources of destabilization”, reads NS statement. NiP also commented HR Schmidt’s use of Bonn powers, as well as UK and US sanctions because of undermining of state and corruption, stating that this clearly proves that international community finally recognized anti-state actors and processes.


OSCE Ambassadors: Elections in B&H must be held on time (Dnevni list)


After their recent visit to Sarajevo, Ambassadors of France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA to the OSCE wrote a joint column in which they said they are more resolute than ever to provide support to democratic institutions in B&H and sovereignty and territorial integrity of B&H. The Ambassadors wrote, among other issues, that they see challenges and opportunities in B&H, which require continuous engagement of the OSCE and the countries they represent. The Ambassadors stressed that after meeting numerous representatives of the authority and NGOs in B&H, they are encouraged with dynamics of the stakeholders from the civil society, but at the same time they are concerned about the fact that leaders, from the whole political specter, undermine B&H democratic institutions. Ambassadors believe that obstructions of the timely elections by political leaders in B&H, the way it is stipulated by the B&H Constitution and Dayton agreement, would represent violation of basic democratic rights of citizens. They also believe that it is an imperative to secure and put at disposal funds for implementation of the most basic right and obligation of every democracy – the right of vote. The Ambassadors fully expect that the elections take place on time, with full financing and full support of B&H political leaders. Also, they see promising potential in a draft package of provisions on strengthening the integrity. It was also stated that in order to get out of the current political blockade and strengthen quality and functionality of institutions’ management all over the country, it is necessary that B&H adopts thorough democratic reforms in order to progress on its path of the European integration.


Knezevic: Izetbegovic is main culprit for collapse of electoral reform talks (Vecernji list)


Dr. Domagoj Knezevic, advisor to Croatian Foreign Minister Gordan Grlic Radman, said that SDA President Bakir Izetbegovic is the main culprit for collapse of the electoral reform talks and that the main aim of that obstruction is to turn the Croats into ethnic minority. According to Knezevic, changes to the Law on Elections of B&H is without a doubt the key to relaxing the Bosniak-Croat relations and stabilization of the political situation. According to him, the Bosniak votes elected anti-Croat member of the Presidency of B&H on three occasions, whilst the FB&H government was formed twice without inclusion of relevant political representatives of Croats. Knezevic went on to say that, unfortunately, SDA believes that the Euro-Atlantic path of B&H is possible despite the election engineering and imposition of Croat political representatives. “However, I must stress there are relevant Bosniak politicians who understand how such a policy is detrimental to B&H”, added Knezevic.


Milanovic talks about Serbia's armament (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Wednesday Serbia's decision to buy a Chinese anti-missile system was incomprehensible to him and that such weapons "cost but don't make a difference," calling on Serbia to choose "very clearly" where it belongs. "I don't know who will attack them," he told the press in Rijeka. "They are not a NATO member, they don't want that. They have lost a patron overnight. It's a very traumatic awakening... and now they are buying some Chinese systems which are probably copies of Russian systems, probably a class weaker... That's incomprehensible." Serbia recently received a Chinese anti-missile system and the West fears that the amassing of weapons in the Western Balkans at the height of the war in Ukraine could threaten peace and stability in the region. "Croatia won't attack them, America won't attack them. If it attacks them, that (anti-missile system) is of no use at all," said Milanovic. Such weapons "cost but don't make a difference," he said, adding that he does not understand such a policy. "I'm not condemning them. I'm looking in surprise." "Will Russia attack them? No. America? That's of no use. Croatia? It won't," Milanovic said, calling on Serbia to choose sides.

In 2020, US officials warned Belgrade against purchasing HQ-22 anti-aircraft systems, saying that if Serbia really wants to join the European Union and other Western alliances, it must align its military equipment with Western standards. "Serbia must choose, but it's very clear where it belongs," Milanovic said, recalling that Serbia recently supported ousting Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. "I'm glad that my neighbor has opened his eyes and if he will finally be a member of the Western community of peoples and states," he said, but added that he does not "want to spite Russia" by saying so.


Jokovic: Signing the Fundamental Agreement is one of our conditions (CdM)


The leader of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) Vladimir Jokovic said in an interview for Serbian national television, that both Serbs and the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) will survive. Jokovic, whose party will most likely get six ministerial and one vice-presidential seats in the minority government, also said that he would "do" the signing of the Fundamental Agreement with the Serbian Orthodox Church. "Signing the Fundamental Agreement is one of our conditions and I will be really proud that we will do it. I don't think it will be a salvation for Serbs, but I think it is unfair that two other traditional religious communities signed those agreements with Montenegro, why the SPC would not do the same," he pointed out. Jokovic claims that it is acceptable to all constituents of the future government to hold the census this year. The vice president of the SNP Dragan Ivanovic confirmed that the party will have six departments in the new government. Their ministers will, among other things, manage education, the economy, but also health. As Ivanovic said, the composition of the minority government will be announced today or tomorrow.


Konjevic: Relations with CPC and SPC, census and Open Balkans will be voted on by a two-thirds majority in the government (Antena M)


SDP leader Rasko Konjevic said in an interview with Niksic TV that the main condition of his party for joining the minority government is a clear agreement on program determinants, goals, priorities and the way of decision-making in the government.


Agreement on the formation of the government to be public

It all needs to be put on paper, he says. "And that document should be public. "We have no reason to hide it, because citizens need to know what the priorities are, how the government will work, decide who the constituents are and what are the basic value definitions on which the government will be based." He also said that the document would be much better than the one on which the previous government relied. He did not want to comment excessively on the change in the SNP's position on their participation in the government, but he emphasized that there could be no agreement if everyone remained firm in their positions. He says that, according to the conversations they had with the leader of the Socialist People’s Party (SNP) Vladimir Jokovic, he knew that the SNP would not stick to that position. "I don't know why they emphasized it so much in public. I also don't know why they emphasize certain issues when they know very well what we discussed during the dialogue regarding the formation of the government. It is especially not good to get some messages through the presentation of SNP representatives in the media of other countries. It turns out that we receive messages from the SNP outside the borders of our country", says Konjevic referring to Jokovic's interview for Serbian national television.


Three important issues - Regulation of relations with the CPC and the SPC, the Open Balkans and the census

He adds that three very important issues for the new government have crystallized. It is a question of regulating the relations between the state and religious communities, then the question of the regional initiative Open Balkans and the question of the census. As for the Open Balkans, some are member states, some are not, I think that the citizens do not know all the consequences for Montenegro if it were part of that initiative. We believe that a dialogue should be initiated there, and we will do that if we are in the government from the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs. If we have the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government, we will point out the negative consequences of that initiative, we will certainly point out things that are positive, but we will also emphasize that we already have those positive things. If the initiative is very important to the SNP, they should seek the position of foreign minister. They did not do that," says Konjevic.


CPC and SPC - there is no favoritism or minimization at any time

When it comes to defining relations with religious communities, Konjevic says, that will be part of the Agreement. "It will be resolved in a principled way. Everything that regulates the state's relations with religious communities must be in accordance with the Constitution and laws. The state has not regulated these relations with the Montenegrin Orthodox Church (CPC) and the SPC, and the wording in the Agreement neither favors nor minimizes any religious community. Because the role of the state is to be equal towards religious communities, and towards the CPC and the SPC. "The state does not have regulated relations with those two churches, and it is our obligation to regulate that," he said.


If Jokovic wants a census, he will have to convince the DPS

In order to organize the Census, the law on the census must be adopted. "No one is against the census, because the census is a legal obligation, but it must be in line with international standards. The law on the census, which is determined by the government, must receive the support of the political entity that supports the government, and that is the DPS. Therefore, in order to fulfill the wish of the SNP and Mr. Jokovic, it is necessary to convince the DPS to support that legal text. I believe that every law that benefits the citizens will have the support of the DPS", says Konjevic. These issues will be voted on by a two-thirds majority of all members in the government. According to Konjevic, all three issues in the government will be decided by a two-thirds majority of all members. "Precisely in order to affirm dialogue through such a way of decision-making, to reach the widest possible agreement on these issues, because for such three very sensitive topics, the government must have the widest possible agreement." In that way, no one, not even the SNP, can impose their position," he said.


Radev supports separating North Macedonia and Albania from EU enlargement group (Republika)


Bulgarian Prime Minister Rumen Radev said that his country will allow Albania to open its EU accession talks but remains a “no” on North Macedonia. Radev said that Macedonia still has not implemented the demands from the Bulgarian package named 4+1 and blamed the former PM Zoran Zaev and PM Dimitar Kovacevski governments of wasting time while they tried to find alternative ways to pressure Bulgaria to lift the veto. This means we will need more time, Macedonia will need more time, to implement the package, Radev said. The announcements from Bulgaria of another veto have pushed Albania to demand that it is taken out of the de-facto enlargement group with Macedonia. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama explicitly made this request. During a round table in Skopje, Professor Marko Kmezic from the University in Graz said that there are now announcements from Germany that they would agree to this option – that Albania advances alone while Macedonia remains stuck until it meets all Bulgarian demands.

Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiril Petkov is openly more lenient toward Macedonia, but he faces pressure from Radev and from two of his four coalition partners – the Bulgarian Socialist Party and the ITN party – who remain hardline on the issue.


Kovacevski blames Russia for disinformation in the media (Republika/Die Presse)


In an interview with Austrian daily Die Presse, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said that the disinformation that is placed in our country in the context of current political developments comes from third countries that do not want this country to progress and develop. This is clearly funded by Russia. That is why EU membership is our strategic goal. It offers freedom of critical thinking, social justice and economic prosperity. People in Macedonia and the region want that,” Kovacevski told Die Presse.