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Belgrade Media Report 12 April 2023



Vucic, Hill discuss situation in Kosovo and Metohija, Belgrade-Pristina dialogue (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic received US Ambassador to Belgrade Christopher Hill on Wednesday to discuss the security situation in Kosovo and Metohija and the position of Serbs there, the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, regional cooperation and bilateral affairs. Vucic said the situation for Serbs living in Kosovo and Metohija was becoming increasingly difficult and that they were being targeted by almost daily attacks, arrests and other forms of pressure, and pointed to a growing disgruntlement of the people over unilateral and illegal moves by the interim bodies of the self-government authorities in Pristina as well as over a lack of an adequate reaction by the international community, the presidential press office said in a statement. Vucic noted that, as in the past, Serbia would continue to resolve all outstanding issues through a responsible policy and dialogue with a view to ensuring a better life to citizens, and added that he expected US support in all efforts aimed at maintaining peace and stability in the region and at reaching, and implementation of, sustainable agreements with Pristina, above all, on the Community of Serb Municipalities. Hill noted that, together with partners from the EU, the US would continue to advocate dialogue that would bring concrete results, and reiterated US support to European integration and development of Serbia and the region. The parties agreed that maintaining peace and stability in the Western Balkans was crucial and added that economic prosperity and connectivity could be enormously helpful in tackling political problems.


Brnabic: International community to do its job and ensure human rights in Kosovo and Metohija (RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic called on yesterday, on the occasion of the wounding of Serb Milan Jovanovic in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the international community to “do its job” and ensure at least basic human rights in Kosovo and Metohija. “We need the international community to: (1) wake up, (2) do its job, i.e. protect and ensure at least basic human rights in Kosovo*, (3) actively help to protect the peace and ensure the stability that Pristina wants to undermine. We need justice,” Brnabic said on Twitter. She asked how it is possible that Serbs in the heart of Europe, in the presence of KFOR/NATO, EULEX and UNMIK, are systematically attacked and harassed every day, their churches looted, cemeteries destroyed, and that not a single person has been accused of these crimes during all that time or processed. Brnabic pointed out that Jovanovic was shot for no reason and that he “narrowly escaped death” and underlined that this was the 38th incident against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija this year alone, and the 276th since Albin Kurti was in power in Pristina. Brnabic called the statement from Pristina that there was no involvement of the police in the shooting, despite the fact that it took place in the illegal base “Bistrica” in Zvecan, cynical, tragic and devastating, and ironically stated that “we should all believe that Milan ambushed himself and I shot himself”. “It is almost as cynical as the case of Azem Kurti, who, unbelievably, was put under house arrest because he shot Serb children while they were holding a Christmas tree”, Brnabic said.


Petkovic: Pristina's police have shown they lied about shooting incident (Tanjug/RTV)


In a reaction to a statement in which Pristina's police eventually admitted to involvement in last night's shooting and wounding of a Kosovo Serb, the Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said Pristina's police had thus shown they had lied about the case. Will Pristina and it so-called interior minister apologise to Milan Jovanovic and will his wounding be condemned by any representative of the international community, Petkovic asked in a Facebook post. After initially denying their involvement in the incident, Pristina's police said four officers had been suspended over the case. "The Kosovo police have just admitted to shooting Serb Milan Jovanovic, showing that they had been lying all day about the Serb who was shot - a family man and a father of three who survived only by sheer luck," Petkovic added. "When we called out the so-called minister to show evidence and footage from the illegal checkpoint at the Bistrica Bridge, he was forced to admit that claims that the Kosovo police did not fire at a Serb from Zvecan were a lie." "Now everyone can see that the ROSU is directly responsible for this wounding. In addition, however much Pristina may be trying to criminalise Milan Jovanovic through its tried and tested recipe, they did not manage to pin anything on him and it is clear they fired at him just because he is a Serb!" Petkovic noted. "It is now clear to everyone the illegal Kosovo police checkpoint must be removed urgently because its sole purpose is to be used for manhandling and torturing Serbs," he added, noting that Belgrade and Serb List had repeatedly warned of this. After this incident, no one can say Albin Kurti's Kosovo police are in the north of Kosovo and Metohija to ensure peace and security, but on the contrary - to terrorise and intimidate Serbs, Petkovic noted.


Drecun: In north of Kosovo and Metohija underway a campaign of violence of provisional institutions in Pristina (Tanjug/RTV)


It is noticeable that there is a systematic and continuous campaign of violence by the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina against the Serb people, not only in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, where it is particularly pronounced, but also south of the Ibar, said the Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun. He stated for Tanjug that this implies institutional violence, such as the unequal treatment of Serbs with Albanians in the judicial authorities, as well as that the Kosovo police administration and special parapolice units, now permanently based in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, also carry out physical violence, harassment, pressure and terror on Serb people. “Recently, especially since Kurti came to power, there have been about 300 ethnically motivated attacks on the Serb people, and the use of firearms is being observed more and more often, when there were also injuries, fortunately without a fatal outcome,” said Drecun. “However, in parallel with this negotiation process in Brussels, Kurti’s regime has a big problem, because it committed itself to the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO), so it wants to avoid it at all costs, since it has a lot of resistance among Albanians and opposition Albanian parties,” stated Drecun. As he notes, the above could be Kurti’s “exit strategy from an unfavorable situation, in order to prevent the creation of ZSO and not to appear guilty in front of his public”. Therefore, one wonders how it is possible that, in parallel with the negotiation process, which should solve all problems in a peaceful political way, it is the USA, Turkey, Germany and Britain that are working most intensively on strengthening the so-called of the Kosovo Security Forces. “These forces are preparing for what actions? Well, they said in the draft - for a possible attack by Serbia and terrorists, who are they but Serbs,” said Drecun. He emphasizes that this is why the Serb List warned, if the aforementioned violence is not stopped, that “they will call on the Serb people for a national uprising, because they cannot defend themselves otherwise, because neither KFOR nor EULEX are responding”. “Here, there was a shooting last night, and they say that it was an individual incident, but when you collect those individual incidents, you see that it is a systematic campaign, that it is the policy that Pristina is leading, and that is why the unity of the Serb people in Kosovo and Metohija, its political representatives of the official Belgrade is necessary,” notes Drecun.


Dacic: It’s good that Kosovo’s independence is not a dialogue topic (TV Pink/Beta)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday that Belgrade had pledged to implement the principles of the Franco-German plan, but without crossing its red lines, adding that it was good that the dialogue had been conducted on the issues which did not involve Belgrade’s recognition of Kosovo’s independence. “It is good that the dialogue is being conducted so that Serbia cannot stand accused,” Dacic told TV Pink. He also said that Pristina’s representatives “are very nervous,” because they had to create an Community of Serb Municipalities, adding that the fact that the moment for doing it was approaching represented a problem. Speaking about Pristina’s actions, Dacic said that an impression had been created that the Serbs could not hope for a normal life in Kosovo, so that they would move out of their own volition.


Stano: Ohrid agreement a political commitment of both parties (Tanjug/Politika)


EU spokesperson Peter Stano said on Tuesday the Ohrid Agreement was a political commitment of both Belgrade and Pristina and what EU member states and EU institutions expected from the two parties. At a Brussels press briefing, Stano said Belgrade and Pristina had committed to implement all items of the agreement without picking and choosing and that the international reputation and credibility of both parties would be at stake if they decided not to meet their commitments. Asked by an Albanian reporter about the fate of the Ohrid deal after Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Serbia would implement only some parts of an EU proposal on normalisation of Belgrade-Pristina relations, Stano said he would not comment on remarks without the full context, but that both parties had agreed to an immediate start of implementation of all items of the agreement, including its annex. Stano also said EU foreign policy and security chief Josep Borrell had made it clear at the end of last month that agreements reached by the two parties must be implemented.


Vucic, Brnabic, government ministers to meet with political representatives of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija (TV Prva/Tanjug/Politika)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday that President Aleksandar Vucic and the entire government of Serbia, led by Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, will meet with political representatives of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija on Thursday to discuss the political conclusions that need to be reached. "We must see what we will do in the coming period, given that President Vucic had his own conclusions, but when he heard the Serbs and what they were looking for and that their demands were much harsher, he gave up on his proposals, that's why we will see together what proposals and conclusions to make," Petkovic told TV Prva, as reported by Tanjug. Petkovic said that, among other issues, they will discuss what else can be done in terms of socio-economic projects, investment programs of the government of Serbia, which now, he said, allocates the most funds in the last three or four decades. "We have large infrastructural projects and we are looking at ways of further strengthen that," said Petkovic.


NDSS believes military exercise with NATO represents Serbia’s alignment with the West (Tanjug)


The decision of the Serbian government to host a military exercise with 23 NATO countries headed by the US, is damaging and represents a violation of the moratorium on exercises with armies of other countries, estimated the leader of the New Democratic Party of Serbia (New DSS) Milos Jovanovic on Tuesday. The leader of one of the parties of the so called “statehood opposition”, which are opposed to the acceptance of the European proposal for Kosovo and also the possible imposing of sanctions to Russia, estimated that, in the previous months, “there has been a strong foreign-political turnabout of the authorities and the alignment of Serbia with the West”. “Not taking part in military exercises was completely correct, and now it is additionally more significant bearing in mind that the West has become even more directly involved in the military conflict with Russia. “We are demanding of the government to withdraw the decision on the holding of this military exercise and to remain by its non-alignment decisions in the conditions of a major military conflict between the West and Russia”, stated Jovanovic.


NS claims referendum on EU plan only way to defeat Vucic (N1)


The calling of a referendum on “the EU plan for the independence of Kosovo” is the only democratic, legal and non-violent way for the people to reject the policy of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, stated MP of the opposition People’s Party (NS) Stefan Jovanovic on Tuesday. Once a part of the pro-European opposition and today closer to the right-wing opposition parties, the NS had, within a media campaign of several weeks for the calling of a referendum, estimated that “more than 80 percent of the Serbian citizens” were against the European proposal. “Vucic has completely changed his policy towards Kosovo. No one voted for that which he agreed to in Brussels and Ohrid, and that is for Serbia to accept the independence of Kosovo and de facto recognise the self-proclaimed Kosovo as a country. A referendum is the only way to defeat his policy,” Jovanovic told TV N1.


Conference “Let justice rule the region”, focusing on Chapters 23 and 24, kicks off in Belgrade (Beta)


A two-day regional gathering titled “Let Justice Rule the Region”, focusing on Cluster 1 in negotiations with the EU and held under the auspices of the National Convention on the EU in Serbia, opened in Belgrade on 11 April. Opening the conference, the National Convention on the EU in Serbia coordinator Bojana Selakovic said that the expert conference aimed to focus on the issues under Chapters 23 and 24, part of Cluster 1, which were related to the judiciary and fundamental rights and also justice, freedoms, and security. Serbian EU Integration Minister Tanja Miscevic described cooperation with the civil sector in key areas as very important. She noted that sometimes state and civil sector representatives had different positions, producing arguments in support of different stands in the EU integration process. “The civil society is a balance, they champion reforms and draw our attention to new developments, while the state tries to find realistically feasible solutions,” Miscevic specified. She recalled that the National Conventions in the region had been created based on the Slovak model, adding that they “are very useful in monitoring the negotiating process.” Dutch Ambassador to Serbia Theodorus Antonius Reintjes expressed his country’s strong support for the reform in the rule of law in the Western Balkans. “It is not easy, but things have been moving forward and we are glad to see it happening,” the Ambassador said, adding that the event was a good opportunity for sharing experience. He also noted that communication among experts in the region was very strong. At the opening, the participants were also addressed by the coordinators of the National Conventions on the EU in North Macedonia and Albania, Mileva Gjurovska and Gledis Gjipali, respectively.


Members of Kosovo police who shot Serb man suspended and detained for 48 hours (Tanjug)


The police officer who shot Milan Jovanovic and three others who did not report the case have been detained for 48 hours, and they are suspended from their duties, announced Minister of Internal Affairs of Pristina's provisional institutions Xhelal Svecla. He announced on Facebook that the investigation into the wounding of Milan Jovanovic in an incident near the Bistrica Bridge, on the road between Kosovska Mitrovica and Leposavic, continues and that all those who committed an offense will be punished. "After the interview at the police inspectorate and the prosecutor's decision, four police officers were arrested and placed in 48 hours police detention. Three police officers are suspected of not reporting the case, and one is suspected of having fired a firearm... On recommendation of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo, the Kosovo police suspended them", Svecla wrote. He also added that the preliminary investigation shows that the driver M.J. "allegedly did not stop" after the policeman's signal to do so and that he continued driving towards Zvecan. "After that, the police officer fired a gun at the car, injuring citizen M.J.", he added. After the wounding of Milan Jovanovic, the Kosovo police at first issued a statement denying that the policemen were in any way involved in the shooting and wounding of the Serb, Milan Jovanovic from Zvecan, only to then later in the day come up with a new statement saying that four policemen had been suspended in this case. Jovanovic is still undergoing treatment at the Clinical Hospital Center in Kosovska Mitrovica and as Tanjug has learned, his condition is stable after surgery, and his life is not in danger.




Dodik, Cvijanovic: Return our competences or we decide about independence; No consent for NATO membership (RTRS


Serb member of the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic and Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik addressed a press conference following their meeting in Banja Luka on Tuesday. The officials underlined that the property stays in ownership of the RS, there is no support to B&H’s accession to the NATO or the consent for sanctions to Russia. Cvijanovic and Dodik underlined that this is their answer to “synchronized attacks of the political Sarajevo, foreigners and the opposition.”  RTRS reported that the officials sent a clear message by demanding return of constitutional competences or else, the RS will head into the direction of independence. Dodik said that if the Serbs stay in B&H, they will become a statistical error and he pointed out that only the Serb national state can preserve the identity of the Serb people in the region. Dodik stated: “Our policy is clear - we want you to return our constitutional competences. If not, we will reach a decision and we will become independent in this regard. Like it or not. This is a decisive fight. There is no survival of Serbs in these areas, neither their houses nor chimneys nor children if the RS is not formed as an independent state. We are lost as a nation within B&H.” The reporter mentioned that the foreign policy of B&H is also being misused to detriment of the Serb people. Cvijanovic warned of the practice of issuing instructions from the B&H Ministry of Foreign Affairs without the consent of the B&H Presidency, by saying that she will protect the interests of the Serb people with the mechanism for protection of the entity interests. In her opinion, it is necessary to prevent abuse of stances that are not formed at the session of the Presidency but based on the opinion of cabinets. She announced: “I will insist to put these things in order, even if it means that we return to the phase of complete freezing of relations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidency, and the Presidency is responsible for foreign policy. I demand that everyone behaves in accordance with constitutional competences.” Dodik also said that in accordance with its constitutional competences, the RS keeps a neutral position regarding the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The officials from the RS proposed not to hold military exercises in B&H while the conflict in Ukraine lasts. Dodik added that the Serb people must not remain "voiceless" which is why he is ready to show up before any court with an argument about the wartime events in Srebrenica. He stated: “As the president, I must not allow the people to be silenced, or to impose to the people incorrect historical qualifications, because someone came up with the idea that it was genocide in order to justify some of their interventions, the so-called humanitarian angels who throw bombs, kill small children aged 3-5, and that is something we will never accept and that is why we will not even join the NATO alliance.” According to Dodik, the RS will suspend all forms of cooperation with the NATO, while Serbs working on these issues will be withdrawn from the positions. In addition, Dodik accused US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy of acting under the influence of Bosniaks, against the interest of Serb people. He criticized B&H Minister of Foreign Affairs and People and Justice (NiP) leader Elmedin Konakovic for acting irresponsibly, particularly because he said that NATO membership is among the main foreign policy goals of B&H. Dodik specified his comment by saying that the documents related to NATO only defined B&H’s cooperation with NATO, which does not prejudge membership.


Cvijanovic, Dodik react to Becirovic’s request with Prosecutor’s Office re state property: Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has nothing to do with this issue that is solved long time ago (RTRS)


Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic reacted to a request of Bosniak member of the B&H Presidency Denis Becirovic to the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H for criminal liability of leadership of the RS regarding registration of state property. Cvijanovic reacted on Tuesday by saying that the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H has nothing to do with the property because this issue was solved in the Dayton. According to Cvijanovic, this issue is not on the agenda because it was solved a long time ago. She explained that this issue was solved in Dayton and in the Constitution of B&H a long time ago and she added that Becirovic and US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy should know this. Cvijanovic asked if the RS is illegally registering its property as Becirovic claims, then why international officials requested from RS authorities to give up on military barracks and other facilities for the benefit of the B&H Armed Forces. Cvijanovic added: “Does not this confirm that this is property of the RS?” RS President Milorad Dodik also reacted by saying that the RS will be persuasive in fight for preservation of the property and that RS authorities will not accept decisions of the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H – where foreigners sit – as well as decisions of High Representative Christian Schmidt – that according to Dodik, abolish the right to property. In their opinion, interventions of the CC of B&H and Schmidt to the law on property cannot change the fact that the RS and not B&H is the owner of its property. Addressing a press conference, Dodik said: “We listen Becirovic saying: ‘No one will take away our property’. This is switch of arguments. Property belongs to the RS. We are not taking anything away from anyone. We created the RS, and the property belongs to the RS. This is why I am ready to fight until the end for the issue of property.”


US Embassy: United States will not remain idle if Milorad Dodik acts to spark another conflict in B&H (Dnevni list)


US Embassy to B&H issued a statement reacting to newest secession threats of the RS President Milorad Dodik, as well as his threats to terminate every cooperation with NATO. “Milorad Dodik’s separatist rhetoric and threats to secede from B&H are anti-Dayton, irresponsible, dangerous, and detrimental to the integration of B&H into Euro-Atlantic institutions. There is no right under B&H’s constitution for an entity or any other sub-state unit to secede, and the United States will not remain idle if Milorad Dodik acts to spark another conflict in B&H. The United States, as it has for almost 30 years, will act to protect B&H’s territorial integrity, sovereignty, and multi-ethnic character. Milorad Dodik’s rhetoric and threats are an attempt to distract from the real problems facing RS’s residents:  the government’s ongoing campaign to take away fundamental freedoms; failure to address rising prices for food, housing, and transportation; and continued efforts to mortgage RS’s future through irresponsible government borrowing”, reads Embassy’s statement. “As for Milorad Dodik’s threat that he will cease cooperation with NATO, we would remind him that the 2005 Law on Defense obligates state-level authorities to conduct required activities for the accession of B&H to NATO. This includes sustaining a robust partnership and cooperation with NATO.  Milorad Dodik has no authority to unilaterally suspend or amend this or any other law”, reads Embassy’s statement.


Dodik: Murphy turns US Embassy in Sarajevo into opposition party (Srna/RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik reacted to the press release of the US Embassy to B&H saying that press releases of the US Embassy to B&H used to be read with great attention because they used to address the public providing strong arguments and messages, the way embassies of big forces do it. Dodik added: “However, US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy made an opposition party out of the US Embassy in Sarajevo with the task to comment on statements of representatives of the ruling parties.” According to Dodik, constant reactions on a daily basis made Murphy humiliate the state that he represents. In a statement for Srna, Dodik underlined that Murphy is not authorized to interpret the Constitution of B&H or the Dayton Agreement, arguing that Murphy or anyone else cannot say which provision prohibits secession from B&H. Dodik emphasized that without the consent of the RS, there will be no cooperation with anyone including the NATO if this is contrary to interests of the RS.


OHR: Entities do not have right to secession and exist only based on Constitution of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


In statement to the daily, the Office of High Representative (OHR) commented the recent statements of RS President Milorad Dodik. The OHR stated that B&H is a sovereign country, composed of two entities. “Regardless of the amount of media noise that RS President Milorad Dodik produces, the facts remain the same: B&H is an integral, sovereign country, composed of two entities. Entities do not have a right to secession from B&H and they legally exist only based on Constitution of B&H”, reads OHR’s statement.


EUD: Dodik needs to work on improving of quality of life in the country (Dnevni avaz)


In statement to the daily, the EU Delegation to B&H stated that threats of the RS President Milorad Dodik with secession are unacceptable, groundless, unrealistic and contribute to creating of environment of mistrust and tensions. “We appeal to President Dodik to instead of this, work on improving of quality of life in this country and to discard barren rhetoric of division and diverting of attention that blocks B&H in achieving of its significant potential. RS President Milorad Dodik signed the coalition agreement to work on European integration of B&H and he publicly obligated himself to the process of the EU accession, as the most important strategic goal for the country, including the RS as its component. We appeal to him to keep the promises he gave”, reads the statement of the EUD.


Borenovic: Borrell confirms B&H has joined sanctions against Russia (BN TV)


EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell confirmed that B&H joined sanctions against Russia, after PDP demanded official information on introduction of sanctions against Russia. PDP representatives underlined that while the RS authorities claim B&H has not introduced sanctions against Russia, authorities at B&H level are silent in this regard. Leader of PDP Branislav Borenovic addressed press conference on Monday and stated that it is clear from Borrell’s response to PDP’s question when sanctions were introduced by B&H. He emphasized that the EU passed 10 packages of sanctions against Russia that were ground for some 53 decisions of the EU Council and statements of the EU High Representative related to introduction of sanctions against Russia. He added that B&H joined every of these decisions. BNTV reports that packages of sanctions introduced by the EU refer to restriction of economic relations with Donetsk and Luhansk region, sanctions against individuals and legal entities in Russia, ban to import of goods from Russia and export of goods to Russia, measures affecting the banking sector, energy and economy sector of Russia etc. Borenovic underlined that Serbia is only country that has not introduced sanctions against Russia. “Borrell confirmed this in his statements. We were saying that too and now we have documents proving it”, explained Borenovic. The PDP leader also stated that B&H should have been neutral in regard to this issue. Borenovic noted that he has supporting arguments, mainly the confirmation from Borrell. According to Borenovic, B&H has endorsed concrete measures against thousands of people and hundreds of entities in Russia. The PDP leader stressed that the authorities in B&H led by SNSD and SNSD leader Dodik have joined these sanctions. “It is obvious that Dodik is lying. He is presenting untruths. He is playing the people, and that is obvious based on a response I received from Mr. Borrell in which he confirmed that B&H has joined the sanctions against Russia”, the PDP leader noted. He concluded that, by joining the sanctions against Russia, the percentage of B&H’s compliance with the EU foreign and security policy increased from the previous 30 percent to over 80 percent. Borenovic also said that for last 12 months he has been demanding competent state institutions to provide concrete evidence whether B&H joined sanctions against Russia. Borenovic underlined that since he did not get the answer from B&H institutions, he demanded the official response from Borrell. “Unlike silent ruling domestic elites, Borrell delivered the response within the period of several days. It is concrete and talks about official documents of the EU related to joining of B&H to sanctions of the EU against Russia”, concluded Borenovic. Borenovic explained that he had no reason to contact the Russian Embassy to B&H and ask for confirmation but in response to his recent inquiry, Borrell confirmed that B&H has joined 10 packages of sanctions against Russia.


Russian Embassy denies that B&H introduced sanctions against Russia (RTRS)


Russian Embassy to B&H issued a statement, stressed that they highly appreciate a principled stance of the RS leadership who oppose implementation of decisions at the state level, which could potentially inflict damage to bilateral relations with Russia. They stressed that on several occasion they presented their stance toward speculation regarding issues on alleged introducing of anti-Russian sanctions by side of B&H. “We deem that without a necessary decision at the level of B&H Presidency, any steps of certain diplomats and politicians in this direction are invalid. Therefore, the fact of “raising of hand” at one of international platforms, on which the agreement was not reached based on the consensus of three constituent peoples, is contradictory to main principles of Dayton Peace Agreement and cannot be considered as introducing of sanctions”, reads the statement. The statement further reminds that Russia is open for constructive cooperation with BiH, based on principles of pragmatism: “This is why we call on our partners not to listen to some representatives, even the high ones”.


Dodik, Cvijanovic deny Borenovic’s claims about joining sanctions against Russia (O Kanal)


RS President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik and Chairwoman and Serb member of the B&H Presidency and SNSD Vice-President Zeljka Cvijanovic addressed a joint press conference on Tuesday. On this occasion, Dodik and Cvijanovic commented a number of current issues in B&H. Among other things, Dodik denied PDP leader Branislav Borenovic’s claims that B&H has joined sanctions against Russia. Dodik said that Borenovic presented lies and added that B&H is being asked to side with the West in this regard. “We will not follow the European policy in the form of sanctions”, the RS President underscored. Dodik stated that the RS actually stopped B&H and relevant bodies at B&H level from joining introducing of sanctions against Russia although certain B&H ambassadors, most notably B&H Ambassador to the UN Sven Alkalaj, did act irresponsibly and voted in favor sanctions on B&H’s behalf at various forums, conferences and similar events without any authorization of consent from relevant B&H institutions. Cvijanovic agreed with Dodik and said that relevant B&H bodies did not adopt the decision for B&H to join in on sanctions. Cvijanovic added that during her visit to Brussels, Borrell told her that B&H did join certain sanctions against Russia but then asked her when exactly B&H will join introducing of sanctions.


Covic: Negotiations process is completed and we have partners for forming of FB&H government (Oslobodjenje)


HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic stated that he considers that the process of negotiations has been completed and they have partners for forming of the Federation of B&H (FB&H) government. He noted that there will be no need for any new negotiations on the authority formation in the FB&H. “We completed the negotiations, we have partners, and we need to implement this partnership through forming of the FB&H government”, Covic said. He stated that he hopes that the process of the authority formation in the FB&H will be completed in the following seven to ten days and that then all that remains is several cantons to be solved in the same way. “After this a huge job follows, to try in next six months, to do what some advocate that the High Representative will do now. High Representatives can enact decisions, they are short-term decisions, only representatives of three constituent peoples and all those who are legitimately elected, can change electoral legislation in B&H parliaments, eventually adopt limited changes Constitution and create an ambient so we would never again deal with this matter”, said Covic.


Comor: High Representative is actually sending message to SDP and HDZ that they should not reach an agreement because he will intervene (Dnevni list)


Representative in the FB&H House of Representatives Eldar Comor (SDA) said that formation of new FB&H government has been blocked by the people who, according to the FB&H Constitution, had the obligation to have talks and agree on formation of the government. Namely, the election winners and those who have representatives in the FB&H leadership – SDA, SDP and HDZ B&H. According to Comor, the talks among the three parties would be the first phase of the authority formation, whilst the second option would be to change the (FB&H) Constitution that would enable the Government formation. The third option, according to Comor, that is in his opinion ‘somewhere far away’, is to have early election. Commenting on last week’s address by the High Representative (HR), Comor said that on one side we have a message that parties should reach an agreement, whilst on the other side we have the HR who says, ‘you reach an agreement, or I will intervene’. Comor further noted that we also have SDP and HDZ, who do not want to reach an agreement and who encourage the HR to change the Constitution, adding that the HR, with his behaviour, is actually sending message to SDP and HDZ that they should not reach an agreement because he will intervene.


Abazovic: We’re far from Greek scenario, we’re building EU block together with Democrats (CdM)


Outgoing PM Dritan Abazovic says that Montenegro is far from bankruptcy and the Greek scenario, and that we currently have €270m in the state budget. He expects a record tourist season, and still sees the workforce as a problem. He does not rule out the possibility that his party, the URA Civic Movement, will run in the parliamentary elections scheduled for 11 June 2023 in a coalition with the Democrats. They will try, he says, to increase the GDP of Montenegro. “The year that involved a major global crisis is behind us, and for Montenegro, in economic terms, it was never better. It is the best indicator of everything. There are few countries where the price of energy has not increased, wages have increased, foreign direct investments have increased, GDP has increased… We are far from the Greek scenario, I would rather say that we are closer to the scenario that is immanent”, Abazovic points out. According to him, by joining the Open Balkans, the workforce problem solving would be improved. The parliamentary elections, he says, will be more relaxed than those in 2020. “No matter who wins, I don’t see anything controversial. It is important that we have a stable government and a credible opposition, DPS cannot be a credible opposition. We will see what is to follow, how long it will take to form the new government and how long it will last,” says Abazovic. He does not regret any of his decisions. “I’m just sorry that not all people have my pace. People are too slow, indecisive. I think that things in Montenegro must happen faster”, Abazovic concludes.


New parliament and new govt can solve institutional agony (RSE/CdM)


The president of the Association of Lawyers and university professor Branislav Radulovic says that Montenegro is going through an institutional agony that can only be resolved by a new convocation of parliament and a new government. “I absolutely agree with the university professors and lawyers who, in their interpretation of the article of the Constitution that refers to the dissolution of the parliament, announced that the parliament can act only in those activities that are ongoing and only in those activities that are necessary,” Radulovic has told RSE. He points out that comparative legal solutions in the region, in Croatia or Serbia, support the conclusion that any new legislative activity is not in the spirit of the constitutional article on the dissolution of the parliament. When it comes to PM Dritan Abazovic’s initiative to postpone the parliamentary elections, i.e. for future President Jakov Milatovic to revoke the decision of President Milo Djukanovic and set a new election date through a political agreement with the parliamentary majority, Radulovic says that this is a classic political initiative. He stresses that Montenegro has been in a kind of institutional agony for a long time. The outgoing government, the dissolved parliament, the transition in the position of the president of the state… All this, he points out, is a very unfavourable situation for the functioning of the state and from the aspect of citizens’ interests. “For this reason, the only solution is to return to a strict interpretation of the Constitution and constitutional procedure and enable everything to return to a natural, normal and constitutional state through a regular election process,” concludes Radulovic.


Podgorica Mayor from Europe Now, Podgorica Assembly speaker from DF (CdM)


Negotiations on the formation of power in Podgorica have been completed, CdM learns. At the insistence of the representatives of the Europe Now movement Jakov Milatovic, who was the list holder for the Podgorica election, and in the meantime won the presidential elections, and Olivera Injac, the candidate for the mayor of Podgorica, Europe Now accepted all DF’s demands. This means that they will manage the largest part of the City of Podgorica system, including half of the Secretariat (including Finance, Communal Affairs and Urban Planning), the most important companies (Podgorica Public Cleaning Services, Podgorica Water and Sewerage, Podgorica Landfill company, Podgorica Green Markets and Bazaars, Podgorica Burial Services), Podgorica chief administrator, etc.


Kovacevski met with James Rubin to discuss steps to fight Russian misinformation (MIA)


The fight against disinformation, the manipulation of information as well as other threats in the information space of the Western Balkans spread by third countries were discussed during the meeting on Tuesday between Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and the delegation led by James Rubin, Special Envoy and Coordinator of the US State Department's Global Engagement Center. The meeting was also attended by the US Ambassador Angela Aggeler, First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi, Minister of Information Society and Administration Azir Aliu and Minister of Local Self-Government Risto Penov, the government said in a press release. The focus of the meeting was strengthening support for initiatives in countering disinformation and how both sides can cooperate to collectively counter threats in the information space of the Western Balkans. The need for networking of all partners and stakeholders both at the national and regional level was emphasized. “The government remains committed in countering disinformation and continuously establishes partnerships in this global battle, with strategic partners, with independent fact-checking services, with domestic institutions, and media organizations. Only with a joint and comprehensive approach of all stakeholders in society we will be able to tackle harmful disinformation,” Kovachevski said.


Petrovska-Rubin: North Macedonia and the US jointly counter disinformation (MIA)


Defence Minister Slavjanka Petrovska met on Tuesday with the Special Envoy and Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center James Rubin and discussed the negative impact of disinformation, especially considering the security situation in the region and Russian aggression against Ukraine, as well as the ways in which the Ministry of Defense is developing its capabilities to tackle disinformation. “Hybrid threats, including disinformation, aim to reduce our social resilience and cause internal divisions and citizens' mistrust in institutions and their effectiveness. Therefore, we must have a joint approach that unites the efforts of all stakeholders in society in facing this challenge,” Petrovska said. According to the Ministry of Defence, Petrovska welcomed the openness of the Global Engagement Center for close cooperation with the institutions in North Macedonia. Petrovska said that the increased level of misinformation related to the support that North Macedonia provides for the defence of Ukraine is clearly visible, just as it was evident in relation to full membership in NATO. In regard to the ministry’s institutional capacities, Petrovska said that the defence works continuously and systematically in the development of the capabilities to tackle disinformation and that there is visible progress in the organization of the system. “The Ministry is a leader in terms of active transparency, because in this way the media, through access to all information, can independently comprehend and convey the truth. We are aware of the harmfulness of misinformation and that is why I am pleased that together we will find solutions to this serious challenge,” she added. Special Envoy James Rubin welcomed North Macedonia's efforts to develop the capacities tackle disinformation and expressed the willingness of the US State Department's Global Engagement Center to support our country with technical expertise and experience. He added that the information and digital revolution should serve the purpose of spreading democracy and truth, and not be misused to undermine democracy and global security. “A common approach and cooperation is the best way to successfully counter threats in the information space,” Rubin underlined. They also discussed the development of the Regional Center for Public Relations, which is a NATO - Partner Center, and is in the process of receiving institutional accreditation by the Alliance and will function as a NATO School for Public Relations, reads the press release.


Rubin: If misinformation is spread, it will be difficult to have a normal political debate on constitutional amendments (MIA)


One of the things I discussed today with the government officials in the country are the ways in which the United States can help the government with its analytical capabilities and technical assistance in tackling the spread of disinformation, James Rubin, Special Envoy and Coordinator of the US State Department's Global Engagement Center said on Tuesday. Rubin said that during the meetings with Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski, First Deputy PM Artan Grubi and government ministers, they discussed the ways of recognizing and identifying the problem of spreading disinformation and finding answers. “Those answers cannot come from just one country, but from many countries together, because the information is liquid and spreads throughout the information space. The solution will be much more successful if many countries stand together and jointly behind those policies and practices,” Rubin said. He emphasized that the country now faces a decision on the constitutional amendments, after it was forced to make very tough decisions in the past, even changing its name in order to become a member of NATO, pointing out that he hopes that the government will have the necessary political leadership to take the necessary steps to take the country into the EU. According to him, it is legitimate for someone to express own opinion and disagree with such decisions, but if misinformation and propaganda are spread, then it will be very difficult to conduct a normal political debate on issues such as changing the Constitution. “I am sure that there are those in the region and in the Kremlin who do not want to see progress on this issue and want to prevent North Macedonia from progressing towards European institutions and are thinking of how to cause problems,” Rubin said, expressing hope that the government in cooperation with the United States will be able to develop a comprehensive approach, infrastructure and laws to deal with the disinformation spreaders. Rubin announced that he will soon visit Bulgaria, which, although it is a member of NATO and an ally of the United States, has, "a lot of polluters" who spread various stories, manipulations, and sometimes even lies. He noted that the Western Balkans is a place where the problem of disinformation is real, and that is precisely why one of his first trips since taking office as a Special Envoy and Coordinator of the Global Engagement Center three months ago is precisely a visit to the region. Rubin pointed out Russia as the main source of that disinformation, which is then spread and promoted throughout the region, including in the country, through a hub in Serbia. “It is a challenge that is hard to recognize, but there are promising signs. It is that this government recognizes them as a threat and wants to work with us to identify them and to create institutional capacities to deal with this problem,” Rubin said. According to him, the Western Balkans went through a process of transformation from conflicts, wars and poverty to a period of normalization of relations between the countries of the region, and for further progress, the normalization of relations between Pristina and Belgrade would be crucial. “It requires difficult decisions from political leaders. They have made some difficult decisions, but they will have to make other difficult decisions as well. Leadership is measured by results, and I would suggest that they make those tough decisions so that people can benefit from being part of Europe and fully integrated into European institutions, NATO, the EU, the Council of Europe,” Rubin noted. He underlined that it will take a long time for the people in the region to forgive and forget, but they will have to learn to live together and feel the benefits of modern Europe, for which difficult decisions will have to be made on normalization, but also to deal with the intoxication that comes with the spread of disinformation poisoning normal states. “There are hopeful things for normalization and a better future for the region, but that hopeful future can be poisoned by misinformation, which can cause divisions between people,” Rubin said. The goal of Russia, as he underlined, is to cause divisions between states and peoples by spreading lies and propaganda and presenting things in "black and white" so that people cannot see clearly the aggressor and the victim in the Russian aggression against Ukraine, emphasizing that it is not a war of the Russian people, but of the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. “Responsible governments do not allow their countries to be spreaders of poison. Information poisoning is pollution, and it must be cleaned up, Rubin said. According to him, the spread of misinformation in the information space cannot be completely prevented, but institutional ways must be found to limit it. “I must say that the problem of disinformation is a big problem, because Russia and China have been engaged for a long time and spend a lot of money in the information sphere. I have no illusions that this is a problem that can be easily solved. It is a major challenge, a real threat,” Rubin said. He pointed out that the Global Engagement Center (GEC) is a new institution established by the US Administration, because it recognized that the fight against disinformation is a big challenge, for which it does not yet has all the answers. Rubin said that the West must face it and find ways to deal with this threat, as it faces climate change, terrorism, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, pointing out that new phenomena require new solutions. “We are working on new solutions, policies and practices. We are working with the government here, we are working with the EU, on policies and practices that will not only enable us to better respond to these disinformation and information manipulations when they happen, but also to their sources. These are mainly authoritarian regimes that see the information sphere as a place for competition and confrontation with us,” Rubin added.


Pendarovski: I haven't had a constructive conversation with Radev in last two years (Sitel TV)


President Stevo Pendarovski said late Tuesday that he has no contact with the Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and that the last time he met him was last year at the Mini Summit on Energy in Sofia. President Pendarovski told Sitel TV that in the past two years he did not have a single constructive conversation with Radev, stressing that, in his opinion, there is no climate of good neighborliness. “For the past two years, Bulgaria has had a series of provocations towards us and has come up with arguments for our blockade of the EU, which has never existed in the history of the EU. No country has blocked another country by saying "You are not who you think you are." To talk about identity politics and say that I am not Macedonian and that only if I change all the textbooks will I be able to progress towards Europe... We can fake meetings, but in the last two years I have practically not had a single constructive conversation with Radev,” Pendarovski said. Regarding his statements that caused a reaction in Sofia, Pendarovski said that the reaction of the citizens in this country is more important to him than the reaction from Sofia. The opening of the Bulgarian clubs in the country, according to Pendarovski, is one of the possible reasons for the increase of dissatisfaction among the citizens with the French proposal. “There was a period when the disapproval decreased. Unfortunately, it started to increase again. I think, but it requires more time and deeper analyses, but I think and am convinced that the organized intention of Bulgaria to provoke by opening of the so-called clubs of the Bulgarians in Macedonia contributed to that increasing the objection again,” Pendarovski said.


Begaj meets Escobar, Kosovo, Russian aggression in Ukraine and cyber-attacks were on the table (Radio Tirana)


During the meeting between President Bajram Begaj and the US Special Envoy, Gabriel Escobar were discussed a number of issues of key importance for region. Begaj underlined the role of the US in guaranteeing peace and security in the region, while also referring to Escobar's commitment during the negotiations process between Kosovo and Serbia, mediated by the EU. The normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, cantered on their mutual recognition, is a process with a great regional impact, both in terms of security and its sustainable development, Begaj underscored. Regional challenges and threats, after the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, were of great importance during the talks between the two. Thanks to the new geopolitical approach from the European Union too, there is increased attention in the region today, underlined Begaj Referring to the special attention received over the cyber security and hybrid threats issues Begaj expressed his gratitude for the support and assistance of specialized US agencies, considering it of vital and decisive importance for increasing both Albania's cyber capacities and capabilities. The US ambassador to Tirana, Yuri Kim took part in the meeting too.


May 14 elections/ Escobar meets with Begaj, Rama and Xhacka ODIHR recommendations are in order of the day (Radio Tirana)


The US special Envoy, Gabriel Escobar met with President Bajram Begaj, Prime Minister Edi Rama and Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Olta Xhacka. According to the US Embassy in Tirana, Escobar's meetings with Albanian main state representatives, laid stress on the importance of the 14 May local elections and the need to implement the recommendations of the OSCE-ODIHR Mr. Escobar also requested that the mayoral candidates fulfil the law requirements and citizens expectations. The US Special Envoy, Escobar underscored the importance of the upcoming local elections in Albania, the need to implement ODIHR recommendations and the need for political parties and political leaders to ensure that candidates meet the law requirements and the of Albanian citizens expectations in terms of their integrity. Mr. Escobar discussed on the US-Albania cooperation on regional and global priorities, including the rejection of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, US Embassy in Tirana states.


Tirana gathers American ambassadors in the region to reinforce fight against Russian and Chinese disinformation (Radio Tirana)


Tirana will gather all the ambassadors of the United States in the region, for a meeting with the special envoy and coordinator of the Center for Global Engagement, James Rubin. The announcement was made by the State Department, specifying that the meeting will be held during the 4-day tour in three states of the region. The US Department of State highlights on the agenda for Tirana, and specifically on the meeting with the US ambassadors in the region. The same topic is expected to be discussed in Shkup/Skopje, North Macedonia with governmental officials, while Tirana will be regional capital to gather all the ambassadors of the United States accredited in the region.


Albania-Kosovo/ Kushi: Preservation of the Albanian language in the diaspora and increasing the quality of education (Radio Tirana)


The Minister of Education and Sports, Evis Kushi held a meeting with the parliamentary committee for Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo and the Committee for Education and Public Information of the Assembly of Albania. The meeting discussed the progress of the agreements concluded within the framework of inter-institutional cooperation in the field of education and sports between our two countries. Kushi said that, "we appreciated the joint work for the Unique Primer, the diaspora texts, the Albanian Encyclopaedia, the admissions of students to our universities, as well as the projects in the field of scientific research". "Together we will continue the intensive work to overcome the challenges of the time, preserve the Albanian language in the diaspora and increase the quality of education, to form the next generations with the new skills of the 21st century", said Kushi. The Commission for Education, Science, Technology, Innovation, Culture, Youth and Sports of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo is conducting a visit to Albania, with the aim of strengthening cooperation and exchange of institutional experiences with Albania.