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Belgrade Media Report 14 June 2023



New provocation by Pristina in order to avoid implementation of agreement with Belgrade (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said yesterday, regarding the latest events in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, that this is a new provocation in order for the prime minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Albin Kurti to cause an escalation and a new wave of violence and thereby avoided obligations from the Brussels and Ohrid agreements, including the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. In an address to journalists in London, Brnabic appealed to international partners to help Belgrade preserve peace and stability and to continue insisting on the implementation of all agreements. She stated that yesterday she spoke with the Great Britain's special envoy for the Western Balkans, Stuart Peach, about how to improve the situation in the Western Balkans region, and that they also touched on the topic of Kosovo and Metohija. She said that during the talks, it was also said that Kurti not only did not implement the Brussels agreement, but, as she stated, made moves directly contrary to what is stated in this agreement.


Vucic after meeting with Quint representatives: I decided not to say a word, it's better that way (Tanjug/RTS)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that he decided not to say a single word about today's meeting with the representatives of the Quint countries (US, Italy, Germany, France, UK), stating that it is better for everyone that way. "I have made a decision not to say a single word about the meeting with the representatives of the Quint countries and the head of the EU delegation to Serbia. I think it is better that way for everyone," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Vucic discusses situation in Kosovo and Metohija with US senators (Tanjug/RTS/Beta)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke by phone with US Senators Chris Murphy, Jeanne Shaheen and Pete Ricketts on Tuesday. The situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija was the sole topic of the conversation, the presidential press office said in a statement. In a clear and unequivocal manner, Vucic told the senators the arrest of Serb Milun Milenkovic in Kosovska Mitrovica earlier in the day was a provocation and a crime by Pristina's PM Albin Kurti, who he said was trying to start a war at the heart of Europe. Vucic also said Serbia was doing everything in its power to preserve peace but that the extent of torture and persecution against Kosovo Serbs was greater than ever in the past fifteen years. The statement also said the senators had told Vucic they demanded that Serbia exercise restraint and call to peace as this was in the best interest of all in the Western Balkans.


Belgrade will do everything to preserve peace in north of Kosovo and Metohija (Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic said yesterday that official Belgrade will do everything to preserve peace in Kosovo and Metohija, noting that the situation in the northern part of the southern Serbian province is the most difficult up to now. At an extraordinary press conference in the government of Serbia, following the arrest of Serb Milun Milenkovic in Kosovska Mitrovica, Petkovic pointed out that with today’s action, the prime minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina, Albin Kurti, showed that he is only interested in conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija. He stated that Milenkovic was arrested today on Kurti’s order, although neither Kurti nor the interior minister of the provisional institutions of self-government in Pristina Xhelal Svecla have, nor have they shown, evidence for this. Milenkovic was wanted for months by the Kosovo police because he is a fighter for Serbian interests and the rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. During the arrest, Kurti created a state of siege, a large number of armored vehicles entered the northern part of Mitrovica from the southern part, as well as a large number of ROSU members who threw tear gas at the citizens of Severna Mitrovica and aimed at random passers-by, Petkovic announced. According to him, it is a shame for the Kosovo police, who targeted random passers-by who raised their hands. Petkovic emphasised that Milenkovic does not have a criminal record, but has numerous medals that he won as a prominent athlete, and is now the coach of the kick-boxing club in Kosovska Mitrovica, whose membership includes many talented children who are now winning medals. He said that President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic spoke on several occasions today with EU’s special envoy for dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina Miroslav Lajcak and numerous other international officials, in order to influence Kurti to abandon the actions they have for the goal is to expel the Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija. We call on KFOR to react urgently and remove ROSU special forces from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic said and repeated that the goal of the policy led by Kurti is to provoke conflicts in the north of the province. He confirmed that the KFOR commander is coming to Belgrade tomorrow, with whom President Aleksandar Vucic and Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Army General Milan Mojsilovic will talk. It is very important for KFOR to remove the illegally present ROSU forces from the north of Kosovo and Metohija, which obviously aim to occupy the north of our southern province, Petkovic repeated.


Drecun: Pristina has been preparing the ground for yesterday’s arrest for days (RTS)


The Chair of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija Milovan Drecun said today that the ground for yesterday’s arrest, and possibly the next one planned in Pristina, was prepared days ago. “They talked about the fact that there is some kind of civil protection, that there is some kind of Serbian militia, and then he started with the story that the rule of law must be established, that those groups that are allegedly responsible for wounding KFOR soldiers must be arrested or return to Serbia proper,” Drecun told Radio and Television of Serbia (RTS). According to him, KFOR spokesman Andrea Gallieni came out with the thesis that the so-called the Kosovo police must arrest those, as stated, criminal gangs that are responsible, as they say, for injuring KFOR members. “It was completely clear after that statement by the KFOR representative that this kind of action would follow. He also had a list of people who should be arrested, to be allegedly identified, Drecun pointed out. He added that then Kurti announced five points of his plan to de-escalate the situation. However, as he said, the first two points refer to those arrests. He stated that it is expected that Kurti will continue with this action, because if he sticks to that list, then new arrests will continue.


Serb List leader Rakic assaulted by Kosovo Serb protesters (Nova)


The leader of the Serb List Goran Rakic was assaulted by angry protesters in Mitrovica North on Tuesday, the portal said. Kosovo Serbs gathered earlier in the day to demand the release of two men arrested on suspicion of instigating clashes between local Serbs and KFOR last week. They gathered in front of a building where the Serb List leaders were, chanting insults against them and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic. Witnesses told that Rakic was approached by a crowd and assaulted for about a minute. “They pulled his lapels and physically assaulted him but I didn’t see that he was hit,” one of the witnesses said. The portal said that it was told by other witnesses that Serb List official Igor Simic managed to get away from the crowd.


Lajcak briefs North Atlantic Council on developments in Kosovo (N1)


EU Special Representative Miroslav Lajcak briefed the North Atlantic Council on recent developments in northern Kosovo and the EU’s current diplomatic efforts, a NATO press release said on Tuesday. “The excellent, long-standing cooperation between NATO and the EU in the region continues to make a difference,” it quoted Deputy NATO Secretary General Mircea Geoana as saying. He said that NATO Headquarters, KFOR, the EU and OSCE have been trying to de-escalate the situation in northern Kosovo and bring both sides to the negotiation table, within the framework of the EU-led Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. “NATO has been committed to stability in the Western Balkans for decades; our KFOR mission on the ground, with well over 4,000 troops is the strongest demonstration of this commitment,” he said. The press release said that NATO continues to support the EU-facilitated dialogue as the only way to lasting peace and security in Kosovo and stability across the region.


Stano: Lajcak’s visit shows Pristina, Belgrade still on opposite sides (Beta)


EU spokesman Peter Stano said on Tuesday that last week's visit by EU special representative Miroslav Lajcak to Pristina and Belgrade had confirmed that the two sides still had essentially opposite stances on many issues and that consultations on the next steps that would be taken were in progress. Stano told Beta that the talks that Lajcak and U.S. envoy Gabriel Escobar had led had been extremely difficult, especially in Pristina. He added that Lajcak had briefed EU High Representative Josep Borrell and that they were now informing the Member States, while consultations on the next steps were in progress. Stano recalled that the EU had called on Pristina and Belgrade to be constructive and ready to compromise, adding that positive steps were needed especially on the Kosovo side to alleviate tensions in the north of Kosovo. If the sides do not react, the EU is ready to take decisive measures that will affect our relationship, Stano said. He stressed that a 3 June declaration in which the EU said that it expected both Kosovo and Serbia to engage in dialogue was still in effect and that this included "beginning work on establishing the Community/Association of Serb-majority Municipalities without further delay or preconditions".


Serbia committed to further improvement of cooperation between BSEC member states (Tanjug)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic presided over the 46th meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the member states of the Organisation of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) yesterday. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey Hakan Fidan was among the first to address. This is his first participation in a multilateral gathering since taking office. Also, Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, and of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov took part in the meeting, while other members of the Organisation were represented at the level of deputy ministers. During the 46th session of the Council, all decisions adopted during the six-month presidency of the Republic of Serbia were confirmed and the activities of our representatives that contributed to the revitalisation of certain mechanisms of this important regional forum were praised. In the final evaluations at the meeting, Dacic, among other things, wished the Republic of Turkey much success during the presidency of the BSEC in the next six-month period, from 1 July 2023. He said that Serbia, within BSEC, as a reliable and active partner, will remain committed to improving mutual cooperation, the lives of our citizens and the development of our countries, recognizing that our organisation and the Black Sea region, today burdened with difficult challenges, have the capacity and modalities to they also participate in solving them.


EULEX mandate extended, Barbano new Head of Mission (Beta)


The Council of the EU appointed Pietro Barbano new Head of Mission for the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) and extended the mission’s mandate until 14 June 2025, said the EU. Barbano will replace Lars-Gunnar Wigemark as Head of Mission. Barbano is a Major General in the Italian Carabinieri and the current Director of the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units in Vicenza, Italy, said the press release. His mandate as head of EULEX Kosovo will run from 26 June 2023 until 14 June 2025. The decision to appoint Barbano was taken by the EU member states in the Political and Security Committee. The Council said that, in addition to continuing to implement its tasks, the mission would also assist the law enforcement authorities of Kosovo in developing their capacities to exchange information with regional and international counterparts in the field of legal assistance and cooperation in criminal matters.




US Embassy hosts 5th meeting of experts on B&H property to discuss regulating of water resources of B&H (BHT1)


The US Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) hosted the fifth consultative meeting of experts on B&H property, during which they discussed the possibility of regulating the water resources of B&H within the framework of regulating B&H property. They discussed different models of ownership and usage of water resources, as well as water management and protection of water resources. The expert group was formed by the OHR and the Peace Implementation Council with the goal to offer expert opinion and information to aid the B&H Parliament in solving the issue of state property in B&H. OHR’s statement reads: “The experts discussed various modalities of ownership and use of waters in B&H and compared them to other countries, as well as the management and protection of waters. The Working Group, formed by the OHR with support from the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board, aims to produce expert opinions and information to facilitate the B&H Parliamentary Assembly’s work in resolving the state property issue. An acceptable and sustainable resolution of the apportionment of property between the State and other levels of government is the first objective of the 5+2 agenda. It has been a longstanding obligation of the B&H authorities”.


Dodik: Property issue resolved by Dayton Peace Agreement (Srna/RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik commented for Srna on the meeting of “the alleged” experts on state property held in premises of the US Embassy to B&H in Sarajevo by saying that the property issue was solved in the Dayton Peace Agreement (DPA). According to Dodik, the RS finds that this issue is a done deal. Speaking about the meeting, Dodik said that this is brutal interference in internal issues and recognition that B&H is a colony. He argued that no one authorized or demanded the US Embassy to deal with this or some other internal issue, adding that “the OHR is beheaded and illegal because the post of the High Representative (HR) is still empty and it was not annulled in the meantime”. Dodik underlined that no proposal on this issue coming from addresses that are not authorized and invited to deal with internal issues in the RS will be considered. Dodik argued that this issue may be just a way for the US Ambassador to B&H Michael Murphy to kill boredom in Sarajevo, adding that they were waging the civil war in the 1990s because of this. Dodik concluded by saying: “The RS did not lose over 20,000 of its best sons, who defended their houses and property, just to let (leader of SDA Bakir) Izetbegovic, Murphy and (HR Christian) Schmidt sell off its land 30 years after the war.”


Two-day conference 'Implementation of B&H CC’s decisions' begins; B&H CC President Galic: It is worrisome that 67 decisions of B&H CC have not been implemented (Nova BH)


A two-day conference titled 'Implementation of Constitutional Court of B&H’s decisions' has begun on the Mountain of Jahorina on Tuesday. The reporter notes that a significant number of the B&H Constitutional Court’s (CC) decisions have not been implemented for years, especially decisions related to protection of constitutionality, which have political and legal consequences, and although non-execution is a criminal offence, no one has ever been held accountable. The reporter goes on to say that the B&H CC is often targeted by politicians for its decisions, and most recently B&H CC Vice President Zlatko Knezevic was also a target. Several months ago, the RS parliament, called on Knezevic to withdraw from the B&H CC which would delegitimize the court’s work, following which Knezevic took a sick leave. Addressing media on Tuesday, B&H CC President Valerija Galic said: “I can only say that Vice President Knezevic took a sick leave following those developments, although regardless of that he had health issues. He ended his sick leave and is currently working. I expect him to be at the next plenary session in July’’. Galic also said that the call for Knezevic’s withdrawal is considered as one in series of pressures on the B&H CC, and although the B&H CC’s decisions should be final, authorities “treat them as a buffet’’ and do not implement decisions they do not like, whilst the B&H Prosecutor’s Office fails to react. “In their responses on reasons for not conducting investigations, the (B&H) Prosecutor’s Office most often stated there is no evidence for reasonable grounds that the criminal offense was committed’’, said Galic. The reporter notes that law envisages prison sentence ranging from six months to five years for non-execution of decisions, and goes on to say that B&H Chief Prosecutor Milanko Kajganic, who participated in the conference, could not give any statements due to disciplinary procedure being launched against him for his statements in the media (Disciplinary procedure was launched against Kajganic following his appearance on RTRS, where Kajganic while talking about changes in the B&H Criminal Code that prohibit genocide denial, said that discussion about whether genocide did or did not happen in Srebrenica is not a criminal offense). Addressing the media, Kajganic said: “Until I receive a decision from the Office of Disciplinary Counsel whether that interview was problematic for any reasons, I will not give any statements because I do not know what the position of the Disciplinary Counsel on the said issue is.” The reporter notes that, on the other hand, President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) Halil Lagumdzija said what is realistic to expect in case B&H CC’s decisions are not implemented. Addressing the media, Lagumdzija said: “It is difficult to indict and sentence a member of the Parliament for having own opinion and refusing to vote for a specific proposal. But persons like a chair of a body in an assembly, a secretary general or people in the (B&H) Council of Minister, that is not disputable, and we have the responsibility in that regard.” Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler also stressed the importance of adherence to the B&H CC’s decisions. “In every democratic society you need to have a final instance, an arbitrator, and those are neither politicians, nor executive or legislative authorities, but the judiciary. In B&H, the Constitutional Court is the highest-instance court, and it is very important to respect decisions of that court’’, said Sattler. The reporter notes that the B&H CC “is an endless inspiration’’ for secession narrative, often brought into focus by RS President Milorad Dodik, and reminds that when calling on Knezevic to withdraw from the B&H CC, the RSNA also adopted accompanying documents on, as stated, “anti-Dayton activities of the B&H CC’’. Additionally, many politicians almost daily convey messages that the B&H CC’s decisions will not be respected. During the conference, Galic criticized the work of the B&H Prosecutors Office for not sanctioning those who do not abide by the decisions made by the B&H CC, as 67 decisions from the appellate jurisdiction were not implemented, especially decisions that have significant political impact and deal with protecting B&H constitutionality. She stated: “In 11 cases, the Prosecutors Office sent us notices of not conducting investigations, while in other cases we did not receive information about the actions taken by the Prosecutors Office.” Kajganic responded by stating that most cases could not be investigated due to the lack of evidence and reminded that they had two indictments, out of which one was a conviction.


International community criticizes draft amendments to Law on HJPC (O Kanal)


A month after B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) unanimously adopted draft amendments to the Law on High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council (HJPC) of B&H, the law has not yet been sent in the parliamentary procedure. Few days after the adoption, representatives of the international community in B&H have criticized B&H CoM for adopting such a “retrograde” law and warned the heads of the Caucuses in the House of Peoples (HoP) and the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H, stressing that the adopted amendments differ from the version which was positively assessed by the Venice Commission and the EC. They called on B&H Parliament to return to the text of draft amendments that was previously assessed as harmonized. The Peace Implementation Council Steering Board has also called at their recent session for the urgent adoption of integrity amendments to Law on HJPC, as well as new laws on the HJPC, courts, and the prevention of conflict of interest of B&H, which need to be “in full compliance with EU standards”. Commenting on the issue, Head of the SDP B&H Caucus in B&H HoR Sasa Magazinovic said that criticism of the international community will be taken in regard during the debate on the draft amendments to the Law on HJPC in the parliament for sure, the same as the fact that the adoption of this law is one 14 priorities set out in the EC’s Opinion for B&H membership in the EU. Transparency International B&H’s Ivana Korajlic has warned that the draft amendments to the Law on HJPC adopted by the B&H CoM will have negative reflections on transparency and the issue of verification of property of judges and prosecutors. She reminded that a similar situation was seen with the amendments to the public procurement law as the B&H CoM amended several important mechanisms that define which cases can be called the conflict of interest of the HJPC members, which information from property cards of judges and prosecutors are published and the process of verification of accuracy of data presented in their property cards. Korajlic warned that these are crucial elements that define the integrity of judges and prosecutors. She said that the draft amendments to the Law on HJPC represent only temporary changes as it is stipulated that new law will be created a year after the adoption of the draft amendments in the Parliament.


Brammertz says in his address before UN SC that genocide denial and glorification of war criminals in B&H still causes great concerns (O Kanal)


Chief International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) Prosecutor Serge Brammertz said in his address before the UN Security Council on Tuesday that the genocide denial and glorification of war criminals in B&H still causes great concerns. Speaking about the recent IRMCT’s ruling in the Stanisic-Simatovic case, Brammertz reminded that it was established that former Serbian State Security officials Jovica Stanisic and Franko Simatovic are criminally responsible as the members of a joint criminal enterprise for a larger number of crimes in B&H, but that they shared the intention with other Serbian, Croatian Serb and Bosnian Serb leaders to ethnically cleanse non-Serbs from large areas of Croatia and B&H. Brammertz also said that the international community is determined to bring war criminals to trial and it should be equally committed to promoting the truth after those trials are completed. “Over thirty years of work, we were able to successfully prosecute senior political, military and police officials from all sides of the conflicts. We demonstrated that accountability for the most serious international crimes is possible, while also leaving as our legacy a record of what happened”, Brammertz stressed.


First projection: Who could get a seat in parliament (CdM)


Europe Now Movement (PES) won the most seats in Sunday’s parliamentary elections – 24. This party is entering the state parliament for the first time. It should be noted that its list holder Milojko Spajic is announced to be PM if a new government is formed. The coalition Together – For the Future That Belongs to You, which consists of DPS, SD, DUA and LP, won 21 seats. Bosniak Party, which achieved a great result in the elections, will have 6 MPs in the new Parliament convocation. Bravely Counts – Democrats and URA won 13 seats, as well as the For the Future of Montenegro coalition. The SNP-Demos list won 2 seats. HGI is getting back to parliament and will have one MP, just like the Albanian Alliance. The Albanian Forum won 2 seats. There will be no Movement for Changes in parliament since it has not passed the census. According to the current state of affairs, the Social Democratic Party (SDP) won’t be present in parliament, either. There are many new people, especially with the fact that PES got its parliamentary status for the first time. Also, the composition of the DPS caucus has significantly changed.


Is there a hope and new govt or new elections are the most likely option? (CdM)


Having in mind the current situation, the extraordinary parliamentary elections have just finished so that we don’t forget how it is to vote, as the new ones are likely to be organized soon. It’s what we may conclude after hearing the political actors who got seats in parliament. Everyone is the winner, and it won’t be possible to form a government without them. Europe Now (PES) says that both URA and DPS won’t be parts of the government. On the other hand, the DPS says that there’s no stable and European government without them. The Leader of URA Dritan Abazovic also notes that the government can’t be formed without them even though PES says that after the Do Kwon affair, they won’t create a coalition with them. For the Future of Montenegro also wants to be a part of the government because, as they claim, they’ve deserved it after sacrificing themselves – they contributed to the overthrow of the DPS and were not a part of the previous two governments. Bosniaks claim there won’t be possible to form a European and stable government without them. Based on the current situation, either everybody is going to enter the government or nobody. And it’s not possible for everybody to enter it, so the new elections are the most likely option. Maybe the solution would be to introduce a new legal norm – to have elections every 6 months. We’re a rich country, money’s not a problem. Although the negotiations over the formation of the new government haven’t started yet, the public has already started speculating what they may look like.


Popovic: More likely that political instability will continue and worsen than that a stable government will be formed (Vijesti)


University professor Milan Popovic, commenting on the low turnout in the parliamentary elections, said that he does not think that the ruling and opposition political class in Montenegro will at all perceive "this red or any card" given to them by the citizens. "The record low turnout is a red card basically speaking. In some normal democracies, for example in the USA, the turnout in the most important presidential elections is from 45 to 55 percent, but we do not live in the USA and a normal democracy, but in a hybrid regime. I think it's even worse than that hybrid regime...", said Popovic. He added that the contributions and statements of those who received mandates are "very illustrative". "There are two main elements. First the winners, triumph and so on. And secondly, a European government cannot be formed without us. My impression is that they are on strong drugs compared to the reality in which the majority of the Montenegrin population lives". He also stated that the structure of abstainers is interesting and that he accepts the hypothesis that the majority of abstainers are those who are not party members. Answering the question whether Montenegro will get a stable government or whether it is entering a new uncertainty, Popovic answered: "Based on the results, I assume that there is a high probability that the political instability will be prolonged and even worse, before a stable government will be formed." He also stated that the contribution of the international factor will "continue to be prolonged and significant". "But in my opinion, that contribution will continue to be a negative contribution to chaos and instability," said Popovic. Rome-based journalist and Vijesti columnist Zeljko Pantelic said that we finally had elections that were not historic. "It was a regular, normal election, where for the first time citizens voted for someone, not against someone," Pantelic said. He stated that during the elections for the president of the state, the citizens "may not have had enough, but they simply realized that these elections were not that important or that important", Pantelic said. He also assessed that this is a combination of circumstances that could be an indicator that Montenegro is slowly entering political normality "and that it is quite normal that we have 50 to 60 percent of voters who came out to vote". Popovic pointed out that he is sure that the ruling political class and the opposition does not perceive the problem of low voter turnout at all and that they do not perceive it that way in their love of power, egoism, selfishness... "They are worried about other things. "Citizens have shown their power, but it is negative and not such that it can significantly influence the further development of the political situation," said Popovic.


Kovachevski responsible for constitutional revision, offers Mickoski PM post in the interest of of their implementation (MIA)


In the interest of implementing the constitutional amendments, Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski has offered VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski the PM post in the caretaker government, government sources said on Tuesday, although this position was previously agreed to be assumed by an ethnic Albanian. "PM Kovachevski believes he should remain in the post until the end of the process of constitutional amendments, but in the interest of the Euro-integration process, he is prepared to cede the PM post to Mickoski in the caretaker government, in addition to five ministries, so that he implements the process to its end," say the government sources. DSM and VMRO-DPMNE have conceptual and procedural differences regarding the constitutional changes, but last week's leaders' meeting did not focus on their content but the deadlines for their implementation. According to the government sources, Kovachevski found the speed in their implementation as the crucial aspect, considering the circumstances and the timelines set by the EU. The PM believes that a leaders' meeting cannot decide on aspects beyond the Negotiating Framework, since all 27 member-states take this decision through consensus. One of the demands that VMRO-DPMNE set at the leaders' meeting is a delayed enforcement of the constitutional amendments, but the Negotiating Framework reads they should be implemented upon completion of the screening process and represent a prerequisite for the second Intergovernmental Conference and opening of negotiating clusters. In this context, Kovachevski believes the inclination of Union members over the enlargement process should be utilized, say the government sources. They add that the parliamentary procedure of adopting the constitutional amendments requires a minimum of three-and-a-half months, whereas the objective is to complete them in time and to speed up the negotiating process and the Euro-integration accession in general, enabling networking with European markets, economic growth, more investments, exports, new jobs. On Thursday, say the government sources, an EU member-state and another country will adopt resolutions supporting North Macedonia's Union accession while reaffirming the Macedonian language and identity. As reported by media, one is Germany, the second being the United States. The government finds it exceptionally important to resume the dialogue with the opposition for unity over the constitutional amendments and will wait a few days for VMRO-DPMNE to delegate its representatives in the working group. However, the government sources say the opposition party is currently not inclined to taking part in the working group discussions, while adding that each MP is not only a member of the party but also a representative of the people, weighing over 9,000 votes, and therefore should think individually about North Macedonia's future.


Osmani: Relevant reasons to oppose constitutional changes have been overcome, only political calculations left (MIA)


The constitutional amendments are necessary in order to keep pace in this exceptionally significant historical moment, and we mustn’t miss our chance. We barely managed to move away from historical issues and the historical commission, as the pillar of the relations with Bulgaria, and to human rights – a field where we are the strongest, and now someone seeks to block this path so that we can go back to the historical commission, said Minister of Foreign Affairs Bujar Osmani at a press conference Tuesday. “We won’t have another chance in the next decades, if we miss this opportunity as we did 20 years ago when we were together with Croatia and Slovenia. If we had gotten a recommendation then, we would’ve been a member of the EU today, alongside Slovenia and Croatia. If we don’t accept, the consequences will be serious and we will isolate ourselves completely, and this will be reflected in the economy and the living standard. Albania will start to move forward, while we remain isolated together with Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. This is the group that we will be in after November,” said Osmani. The Foreign Minister said after the press conference held after the meeting between Kovachevski and Mickoski it became apparent that there is no longer any serious political party who sees the constitutional amendments as problematic. “Which is why,” he added, “I believe that the relevant reasons to oppose the constitutional amendments have been overcome, and now we only have political issues and calculations left.” “The issue of delayed entry into force of the amendment only applies if there are amendments in the normative section of the Constitution, but these amendments don’t result in legislation, they’re more about politics and symbolism to show that all citizens of all communities, regardless of their size, are being treated the same. If we accept delayed entry into force we show the member-states that we won’t treat the Bulgarians the same as the Turks, Albanians, Serbians, Vlachs, until our EU membership. Which is why this is illogical,” said Osmani. The Foreign Minister stressed that if the opposition supports the constitutional amendments that enter into force before the Second Intergovernmental Conference, DUI is prepared to leave all its posts in the government on the very same day. “We only have one condition for this – on the day when this plan is adopted, an investigation to be launched of the political parties, starting from the leaders and all members of public functions, with the presence of experts from the international community who will monitor the process throughout and provide objectivity, so that the abuse and accusations from the political parties regarding corruption and crime can end. The investigation should apply to current and former officials. If this fails, we have a plan B, which should be realized by the end of the year,” stressed Osmani. According to Osmani, the constitutional amendments are in the interest of the country because they move us away from the other trajectory – the historical commission, adding that because of ego trips and partisan calculations two million people are being held hostage. “This can’t be allowed to happen, this is why I said yesterday there will be constitutional amendments either with or without him, and there are alternative plans for this. Just the EU negotiations will crush us in the field of abuse of institutions for partisan goals. Everything has been tried so far, there is goodwill, but there is no courage for the implementation of legislation. The opening of chapters 23 and 24 have shown to be the most successful model. Which is why we insist, let’s begin the negotiations and open chapters 23 and 24, and then after that it doesn’t matter who is in power. Brussels will monitor and control the process,” said Osmani. In answer to a journalist’s question, Osmani said he expects numerous difficulties in the implementation of the initiative of seven EU foreign ministers over a change in the decision-making process on the Union's common foreign and security policy. “A consensus is necessary in order to change the process of voting in the EU. This means that the member states will have to give up on their right to vote and veto on their own, in order to enable qualified majority. I expect a lot of difficulties on that path,” stressed Osmani. The Foreign Minister stressed the EU accession process should be a two-way street and added that the EU can’t just reform itself, while leaving the Western Balkans behind without a predictable European future, because this harms the EU’s credibility in the region. “There is no vacuum in geopolitics. If you aren’t there, someone else will be. Which is why we launched and lobbied for the idea – closer integration before membership, which means the candidate member states become a part of EU policies, funds and instruments, as the process progresses. This is not an alternative model, membership remains as the end goal, but instead of focusing on the end goal, we ask to join the policies as we fulfill the criteria. We have prepared a non-paper on this model, and I am lobbying for it in the EU,” said Osmani and added he expects to see progress regarding the initiative over the summer. “This plan,” he added, “is more credible and more realistic in terms of its implementation than the change in the process of decision-making in the EU.”


Pendarovski: VMRO-DPMNE demand for delayed enforcement of constitutional amendments is unrealistic (MIA)


A shift in the general picture regarding the constitutional revision is taking place, considering that the main opposition party VMRO-DPMNE did not even want to discuss about the possibility of changing the Constitution before, said President Stevo Pendarovski on Tuesday. President Pendarovski told a joint press conference with visiting Slovenian counterpart Natasa Pirc Musar that the change of the opposition's stance was evident after the leaders' meeting, while assessing VMRO-DPMNE's demand for delayed enforcement of the constitutional amendments as unrealistic, since the EU Council conclusions are crystal clear - constitutional revision followed by second Intergovernmental Conference and opening of clusters. "The main demand is that the small Bulgarian national minority is incorporated in the Constitution. A leaders' meeting took place recently between the highest representatives of the ruling authorities and the opposition, with the leader of the largest opposition party expressing readiness to join the government and vote for the constitutional amendments, while setting other prerequisites that are not settled for the time being. However, this is a significant shift in the behavior of the opposition, which is crucial for the two-thirds majority in Parliament," Pendarovski told reporters. He added his surprise when hearing that the main opposition party would want to join the government by heading five departments and voting from that position. On the statements of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski and VMRO-DPMNE's Hristijan Mickoski after the meeting and who accepted what, the President said if one closely followed both statements, "both parties are right". "The PM is right when claiming there has been a drastic shift in the stance of the opposition party, which had not accepted to even vote on the implementation of constitutional changes under Bulgarian dictate, while repeating that MPs have no mandate for this. On the other hand, the opposition is right when it comes to the prerequisites it set at the meeting," said Pendarovski. Regarding one of the conditions - the delayed enforcement of the constitutional amendments up until the completion of the ratification process of North Macedonia's EU accession protocol - the President said this was absolutely unrealistic. "I would like to see the same thing as well, but the Council conclusions are crystal clear - the constitutional amendments must be made by the end of the screening process, in order to move by automatism to the second Intergovernmental Conference and opening of negotiating clusters. These conclusions incorporate Bulgaria's position as well. The opposition's demand requires new conclusions, which is entirely unrealistic. I hope this is not an excuse only for the purpose of avoiding the constitutional revision process," underlined Pendarovski.


President Pendarovski welcomes Slovenian counterpart Natasa Pirc Musar (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski welcomed Tuesday the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Natasa Pirc Musar, who is on official visit to North Macedonia. The Slovenian President was welcomed with the highest state and military honors during an official ceremony in the President’s Office. Pendarovski and Pirc Musar will have a tête-à-tête meeting, and the countries’ delegations will hold a plenary meeting. As part of the visit, the two presidents will lay wreaths at the grave of revolutionary Goce Delchev in Skopje-based church "St.Spas".

Pirc Musar voiced hope on Tuesday that the politicians in North Macedonia will show wisdom and implement the constitutional amendments, which are a condition for the holding of the Second Intergovernmental Conference. At a joint press conference with her host, President Stevo Pendarovski, Pirc Musar said the EU path is not easy, stressing that Slovenia too had to change its Constitution on the path to membership. “Slovenia went through this process, and it wasn’t easy for us. Slovenia too had to change the Constitution and back then we also heard talk about how this is bad for the Slovenian people, how the Slovenian language would be lost. We amended an article in the Constitution which allowed foreigners to buy and own property. There were heated political debates over it, but we succeeded, because the Slovenian politicians knew we had to be united when realizing European projects. I hope the politicians will realize how important it is to be united and to make five-six steps forward and realize what is good for the Macedonian people. I sincerely hope you will demonstrate sufficient political wisdom and amend the Constitution,” said Pirc Musar. Pirc Musar also underscored the EU’s obligations towards North Macedonia and that the Union should also do its part of the job, and aid North Macedonia in the process. The Slovenian President stressed she believes and knows that North Macedonia has the potential to join the Union. She added that the new geopolitical environment and Ukraine and Moldova’s candidate status won’t result in North Macedonia being relegated to the background when it comes to the Euro-integrations. “Regarding the accession of Ukraine and Moldova, every country has a right to aspire and join the EU, but as the President of Slovenia, I guarantee you that North Macedonia won’t disappear from the debates, it will always be at the center of our attention. Slovenia will always support and aid your country,” stressed Pirc Musar.


Kovachevski - Pirc Musar: Strong partnership with Slovenia affirmed, full support for N. Macedonia’s EU integration process (MIA)


The progress of North Macedonia’s Euro-integration process and Slovenia’s support as a bilateral partner of the country in the process of implementing reforms, was in the focus of Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski’s meeting Tuesday with Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar, who is on official visit to the country. As part of the Macedonian delegation, the meeting was also attended by Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Ljupcho Nikolovski, Minister of Education and Science Jeton Shaqiri and the Minister of Information Society and Administration, Azir Aliu. “North Macedonia finds itself at a decisive moment in its history which calls for leadership and unity of all political stakeholders in Parliament,” said PM Kovachevski at the meeting, expressing hope that this time too, the country will stand on the right side of history with the support of the country’s strategic partners and longstanding friends, including Slovenia. According to a government press release, Kovachevski also highlighted the fact North Macedonia and Slovenia are friendly countries, without open disputes and bilateral relations based on traditional, longstanding friendship. Both parties highlighted North Macedonia’s great progress on a regional level, where the country is recognized as a credible partner of the EU and NATO in securing regional peace and security. The Slovenian President, Pirc Musar, said that North Macedonia can count on Slovenia’s support because the country, and the countries of the Western Balkans, belong in the big European family.


Initiative for change of EU decision-making process relates to enlargement as well, says Pirc-Musar (MIA)


Slovenian President Natasa Pirc Musar said Tuesday the initiative raised by seven EU member-states, including Slovenia, over a change in the decision-making process on the Union's common foreign and security policy, relates to the enlargement process as well. "Slovenia is one of the seven countries that want certain issues to be taken through a qualified majority not consensus. As far as I know, this relates to the enlargement process as well, and this can facilitate the process for a country that wants to join the EU," President Pirc Musar told reporters at a joint press conference with host Stevo Pendarovski. Pirc Musar added that blockades within the EU are sometimes a consequence of bad decisions that do not move things in the desired direction, especially those related to the region of the Western Balkans. "Slovenia will continue to support the practice of decisions not adopted through 100-percent consensus," she noted. Foreign ministers of seven EU member-states have advocated for the use of qualified majority voting (QMV) in taking decisions related to the Union's common foreign and security policy, Brussels-based web portal Politico has reported. The initiative is advocated by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, Belgian FM Hadja Lahbib, Luxembourg FM Jean Asselborn, Netherlands FM Wopke Hoekstra, Romanian FM Bogdan Aurescu, Slovenian FM Tanja Fajon, and Spanish FM Jose Manuel Albares Bueno, who propose a pragmatic approach, focusing only on questions of EU Foreign and Security Policy and utilizing provisions already built into the Treaty on EU (TEU) in a more flexible way that can work for everyone. "We want to move beyond old dividing lines between those in favor of more majority decision-making and those opposed to it. We are not advocating for treaty changes, nor do we envision drawn out academic debate," reads the initiative. The FMs propose greater use of “constructive abstentions", which still allows a decision to pass — namely, by not objecting to it, and thus not stopping the other 26 members from moving forward. "We saw just how effective 'constructive abstentions' can be last October, when the Foreign Affairs Council voted on the new EU training mission for the Ukrainian military. We want to build on this emerging trend - and we commit ourselves to systematically scrutinizing our own positions with a view to switching from a vote against to a constructive abstention," reads the proposal. The seven FMs also propose that the QMV be put to a practical test, with certain EU foreign policy areas already allowing for decision-making by qualified majority, based on article 31 (2) of TEU. "If, for example, the Council has unanimously decided to set up a civilian EU mission, the operative terms of that mission could then be decided by QMV. We could similarly apply QMV when deciding on the basis of common EU positions in international human rights forums," say the ministers. In addition, they suggest adapting the way decisions are taken in areas that do not require formal voting, but consensus applies in practice, nonetheless. According to the petitioners, an EU that produces solid, tangible results is needed, but also enhancement of its capacity to deliver in times of crisis.


President Pendarovski meets with UNDP Regional Director Zivkovic (MIA)


President Stevo Pendarovski met Tuesday with Ivana Zivkovic, Assistant Secretary-General, and Director of the Regional Bureau for Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). At the meeting, according to the President’s Office, Pendarovski and Zivkovic welcomed the continued and constructive cooperation between North Macedonia and the UNDP and spoke about the support and role of the United Nations in the implementation of the country’s strategic goals. “To that end, the UNDP’s activities on climate change and the green agenda were welcomed, as well as their engagement in areas related to social development and gender equality, democratic governance and improvement of local governance. Additionally, the excellent cooperation in the drafting of the Development Framework MKD2030 was also highlighted at the meeting,” said the President’s Office in a press release.


The joint meeting of the two governments, Albania-Kosovo is cancelled, Rama: I asked Kurti for a close meeting tomorrow, but he refused (Radio Tirana)


The joint meeting of the two governments, Albania-Kosovo, planned to take place in Djakovica on Wednesday has been cancelled. The news was announced by Prime Minister Edi Rama in a media conference, where he stated that due to the deterioration of Kosovo's relations with the Euro-Atlantic community, the meeting cannot take place according to the established format. The Prime Minister emphasized that, after consultations with the head of European diplomacy, Josep Borrell, he asked the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, to hold a meeting in Djakovica the next day in a narrower format but emphasized that this request was rejected by Kurti. "I have informed Prime Minister Kurti that under the conditions of the deterioration of Kosovo's relations with the entire Euro-Atlantic community, this meeting cannot be held in the anticipated format. After speaking with the head of European diplomacy, Borrell, I asked Albin to meet tomorrow in Djakovica in a closer format, namely with the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and those of Defense, to discuss this situation that dramatically divides Kosovo with the Euro-Atlantic community. We did not have an agreement with Kurti. He requested that the meeting be held and that we discuss this there, but this is not possible," said Rama. While justifying the decision taken, Rama said that Albania does not operate in isolation, as he emphasized that "there is no chance" of moving from the axis of the Euro-Atlantic community. Once again, Rama said that he does not agree with Kurti's decisions regarding the management of the situation after the tensions in the north of Kosovo, adding that Albania supports the proposals of the Western allies. "We have a problem because Albania is not a UFO (Alien Country), it does not operate in isolation. Albania's relationship with Kosovo is a fraternal relationship, but Albania is a state, an inseparable part of the Euro-Atlantic community, it is a member of NATO and there is no chance that Albania will move from the axis of the Euro-Atlantic community for that, moreover I have said that we think 100% as our allies think in this case. When some of the partners told Albin not to hold the elections in the north, I was 100% with Albin that the elections should be held because the boycott of the Serbs could not acquire the status of a fatal instrument for the Republic of Kosovo. But today, not only do we not share the opinion on the way it is being acted, but we are 100% against the way it is being acted," said the Prime Minister Rama.


Kosovo accuses Albania of unilaterally cancelling govts' meeting (ADN)


Government of Kosovo has stated that the joint meeting with Albania was unilaterally canceled by the latter. In a statement for the local media, the spokesperson of the Kosovar government, Perparim Kryeziu, said that the bilateral meetings could be held on any other possible day. "Bilateral meetings could be held every other day. We are quite close to each other as countries. It wouldn't be the first time we would meet in the same day. But it is the first time that a joint meeting is canceled unilaterally", Kosovo government's spokesman said in his statement. According to him, it is the citizens who will lose the most from not signing the agreements. "The joint meetings are great organizational undertakings, which were preceded by a great deal of work by the ministries to prepare that day. Tomorrow, 13 new agreements would have to be signed. They were intended to bring our economies, our systems of justice, education, culture, etc. closer together. It is the citizens who will lose the most. Unfortunately, the cancellation of the meeting by Prime Minister Rama canceled the opportunity to sign them", said Kryeziu. On his part, Prime Minister Edi Rama appeared at a press conference confirming the cancellation of the joint meeting. Rama stated that the joint meeting could not be held at a time when "Kosovo is burning in international reputation" and therefore requested a close meeting with Kurti.


Rama warns Kosovo to be sanctioned for recent move (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama has warned in a media conference that coercive measures may be taken against the state of Kosovo. After the cancellation of the meetings between the two governments, Rama said that tensions in the North are leading Kosovo to break with the Euro-Atlantic community. "I have asked Albini Kurti to meet tomorrow in Djakovica in a closer format, namely with the foreign and defense ministers to discuss exactly this situation, which is dramatically dividing Kosovo with the Euro community -Atlantic at an unimaginable point, where the latter has put the finger on the button that will set in motion the plan of sanctions against the state created by them. Unfortunately, and with great regret I have to say that we did not have an agreement with Prime Minister Kurti on a change of format, he requested that the meeting be held normally and then we discuss about this as well, but this is not possible because it is not a moment to create a false picture of what actually happens in the reality of Kosovo today", stressed Rama.


PM: World-Class experts wrote draft for Association in North Kosovo (ADN)


Prime Minister Edi Rama said in a media conference that the draft proposed by him for the association in the North of Kosovo was written by world-class experts. Rama said that the association for the four municipalities would lead to a solution of the situation and Kosovo would not be in these conditions, risking sanctions by US or EU. "America today is in maximum irritation with the government of Kosovo. Why is this story of confrontation needed? It is needed for internal politics. The goal is one, the recognition of Kosovo and asking for forgiveness from Serbia for the crimes it has committed. The difference between Albin and me is that he asks for these in the beginning, this is how it happened in the history of humanity. The Chancellor of Germany did not get down on his knees to apologize in 45, but much later. It doesn't matter what Albini Kurti says, but I am horrified by this course, an internal electoral tactic, there is nothing else in my opinion," noted Rama.