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Belgrade Media Report 19 October 2023



Vucic: Serbia signs record 18 deals in China (Beta/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said in Beijing yesterday that Serbia had signed 18 agreements while participating in a forum of the Belt and Road initiative, describing this as a record number, but stressing that the content and strategic character of the documents were even more important. Vucic also said he had spoken with many leaders, including repeat brief encounters with the leaders of China and Russia. He said that he had had another talk with Kenyan President William Ruto about Kosovo and voiced the conviction that the country would "respect Serbia's territorial integrity and the UN Charter". Vucic announced that he planned to visit several African countries next year. Vucic said the achievements of his visit to China were historic in significance and character and that Serbia had been presented as an independent and successful country. "I believe that what we have achieved in China is historic in significance and character, which will be evident in the years and decades ahead of us. We were able to learn a lot as well as to present Serbia on the world map as a freedom-loving, independent and successful country," Vucic wrote on Instagram.


Xi: Serbia our ironclad friend, we support its sovereignty, territorial integrity (CCTV/Xinhua/Tanjug/RTS/RTV)


Chinese President Xi Jinping said after a meeting with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic Serbia was "an ironclad friend" of China and that bilateral relations between the two countries had withstood changes in the international landscape over recent years and were an exemplar of friendly relations between China and European states. Xi noted that China firmly supported Serbia in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity and stood ready to continue to strengthen strategic synergy with Serbia in order to translate the traditional friendship between the two countries into more fruits of practical cooperation, China's CCTV said, quoting a Xinhua news report. "Bilateral cooperation in areas such as infrastructure and production capacity has yielded fruitful results, and the depth, breadth, quality and efficiency of practical cooperation have been continuously improving. Facing profound changes in the world unseen in a century, the two sides should view the bilateral relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, and firmly support each other's core interests and major concerns, as well as each other's development paths," Xi said.


Vilan: Israel not at war with Palestinians but with Hamas (Beta)


The Israeli Ambassador to Serbia Yahel Vilan stated yesterday during a meeting with the speaker of the Serbian parliament Vladimir Orlic that his country was not in conflict with the Palestinian people, “but with the Hamas terrorist organization and its ideology,” stated the Serbian parliament. The Ambassador informed Orlic in detail about the situation in Israel, which he also discussed with the Israel Friendship Caucus in Serbian parliament. He added that respect for international law was of the utmost importance for Israel. Orlic stated during the meeting with Vilan that Serbia “always wants peace for everyone, as much as for its own people and we call for honoring the United Nations’ resolutions and the agreements reached. What we want for our people – we respect and advocate unreservedly for others, too”.


Petkovic to German Ambassador: Pristina using events from Banjska for additional terror (RTV/Tanjug)


The Head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Petar Petkovic spoke today with German Ambassador Anke Konrad about the current situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and on that occasion he pointed out that Pristina is using the tragic events of 24 September in Banjska for additional terror and confrontation with the Serb people. In the conversation with the Ambassador, Petkovic emphasized that this results in the outflow of the Serb population from their centuries-old hearths, states the announcement. He particularly emphasized that Belgrade has taken numerous steps in order to normalize the situation in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, pointing out that Pristina has not taken the necessary measures that would lead to the calming of tensions and de-escalation, but, on the contrary, is taking additional escalating moves every day with the aim of causing new crises and tensions and ethnic cleansing of the Serb people. He emphasized Belgrade’s invitation, but also the willingness of the Serb List to participate in the local elections in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, conveying to his interlocutor that Pristina, led by the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions Albin Kurti, is hindering and sabotaging that process with various conditions and administrative obstacles because it does not actually want them to implement. Petkovic counted the main examples of the difficult situation of Serbs in the province, including daily arrests and mistreatment, especially drawing attention to the fact that Azem Kurtaj, who shot Serb boys Stefan and Milos Stojanovic from Gotovusa on 6 January of this year, was terminated from house arrest and that he is allowed to defend himself from freedom. “This clearly shows that there are no rights or justice for the Serbs in Kosovo, nor can there be under Albin Kurti’s regime,” said Petkovic. Speaking about the threatened security and political problems faced by the Serbian people in Kosovo and Metohija, Petkovic particularly emphasized the presence of the so-called of the Kosovo Police in the north of Kosovo. Petkovic stressed that Belgrade remains sincerely interested in sitting down at the negotiating table as soon as possible and in reaching a compromise solution in Belgrade-Pristina diaogue, which would create the conditions for lasting stability and peace in the region. In order for that to happen, it is necessary, according to Petkovic, for Pristina to urgently de-escalate the situation on the ground and enable the formation of the Community of Serb Municipalities. He added that the Prime Minister of the provisional Pristina institutions categorically rejects it, before the very eyes of international actors, the statement added.


Obradovic: Opposition should rally into two columns – pro-Western and sovereignist (Beta)


The leader of the Serbian Movement Dveri Bosko Obradovic stated yesterday that the opposition should run in two columns in the forthcoming early elections – pro-Western and sovereignist. Obradovic told Beta that this would contribute to a greater turnout. “The opposition should demonstrate maturity, seriousness and responsibility, by rallying into two clearly profiled ideological columns: one pro-Western and the other sovereignist. The voters will know how to appreciate and support that. The most important thing for all those who are in opposition to the current authorities is to certainly come to the polling stations, vote against the authorities and for either of the two opposition options that is ideologically closer to them,” he pointed out. Obradovic stressed that it was very important that the opposition respect each other and not wage wars. “It is important that we organize in the technical sense, to jointly defend the election results against any manipulation by the authorities, and to call on the electorate to turn out in as great a number as possible in order for the overdue political change to take place. Let them vote for those in the opposition whom they find ideologically closer, i.e. for the policy that they wish to see in the future,” Obradovic stated.


Djilas: Vucic “brutally attacking” opposition because he feels threatened (Danas/Beta)


According to Freedom and Justice Party president Dragan Djilas, the renewed attacks launched against him by Progressives, including front-page articles in tabloids, were to be expected. “I’ve said many times that as soon as Aleksandar Vucic feels threatened, he will renew his brutal attacks on all opposition leaders. Because none of us were on the front pages a year ago. And since I’ve been targeted ten times more than others, the change is obvious,” Djilas told Danas. He went on to say that he is not the only victim of the SNS’ smear campaign, but rather that attacks have also been launched against Marinika Tepic, Miroslav Aleksic, Pavle Grbovic and others. Support to Vucic and his SNS has dropped dramatically, Djilas maintained. “We’ve endured ten years; we’ll endure a few months more. After the elections, Serbia will be a stable, safe European country where no one will blackmail people into voting for the regime so they could keep their jobs. Normalcy will find its way back into our lives,” Djilas concluded.


EP adopts Resolution calling for measures against Serbian government over Banjska (N1)


The European Parliament (EP) adopted Thursday a Resolution on the recent developments in the Serbia-Kosovo dialogue, calling on the EU Council and European Commission to impose measures against the Serbian government if it is established that it was directly involved in the 24 September attack in Banjska, northern Kosovo. The information that the Resolution was adopted was posted on the social network X by EP Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik. “We need a full investigation of the Banjska attack and delivery of justice. Belgrade and Pristina must also return to a peaceful and constructive EU-facilitated dialogue,” said Bilcik following the vote on the Resolution. Klemen Groselj MEP explained in an interview with N1’s European correspondent ahead of the Thursday session in Strasbourg that potential measures would not be aimed against the Serbian citizens. “The message is clear – we are not sanctioning the citizens, the sanctions are not against Serbia. First there needs to be an investigation, Serbia needs to fully participate, and the perpetrators, the initiators, the organizers…they will be sanctioned, but only once all the facts are established,” Groselj explained. The Resolution urges the Serbian government to fully cooperate with the investigation of the attack on the Kosovo Police in Banjska, and to extradite to Milan Radoicic, who claimed responsibility for organizing the attack, to the Kosovo authorities. The EU is asked to follow the example of the US and UK, and impose sanctions on Radoicic. The two sides are urged to return to dialogue and to work on de-escalation, adding that the Serbian side should stop its inflammatory rhetoric and aggressive military behavior on the border with Kosovo, it said. The Resolution calls on Kosovo to establish the Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities, in line with the Brussels Agreements of 2013 and 2015, the Kosovo Constitution and the 2015 judgment of the Constitutional Court without further delay. At the same time, it calls for the negative measures the EU has taken against Kosovo to be lifted, but, as Klemen Groselj MEP explained for N1, only once all conditions are met.


Bilcik: Link between Banjska events, Belgrade leadership not established so far (Kosovo Online/FoNet)


A clear link between the events in Banjska and the leadership in Belgrade has not been established so far, so calling for sanctions in a situation where we have an ongoing investigation is not a constructive way forward, nor is criticism towards the EU) facilitators, European Parliament (EP) Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilcik said in an interview with Kosovo Online. “We must continue the dialogue. There is no plan B. We have always said it, I think everybody who is engaged in this issue, who has followed closely the relations between Belgrade and Pristina, knows that dialogue is the only way forward, and any other alternative could be a tragic alternative,” stressed Bilcik. He said all sides must get back to dialogue, that everybody has to be serious about the dialogue and committed to the dialogue, adding that this is especially in the interest of the people living in Kosovo, both the Serbs and the Albanians. “Because otherwise I think we may have a very different picture that none of us is going to like, so dialogue is the only way,” said Bilcik. Regarding the events in Banjska, Bilcik said it is crucial to establish all the facts and to have a clear and credible investigation into what happened, that justice is delivered and lessons learnt. “What happened in Banjska is basically an example of what can happen if politics, dialogue and communication fail us. This is potentially hugely explosive, especially in the Western Balkans, and especially when we talk about relations between Belgrade and Pristina,” cautioned Bilcik. He said that, up until Banjska, many who follow closely the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina were very frustrated with Pristina and with the fact that Pristina was not engaging genuinely when it comes to the delivery of the proposal on the Community of Serb Municipalities. “Since Banjska, I think all eyes are looking also at Belgrade, and this is something we will be addressing in the resolution,” said Bilcik, adding that he does not know what the final version of the resolution contain. Bilcik said restrictive measures will be addressed in the resolution, but explained that his political group in the EP is clearly stating that measures against Serbia should be adopted only if there is a clear link between the events in Banjska and the leadership in Belgrade. So far this has not been established, he emphasized, and noted that the European Parliament will adopt a political resolution, but the decision on any measures towards Belgrade is in the hands of the EU member states and EU Council. “It is too early to say what is going to happen. This is why my essential point is that we needs facts, we need a credible, speedy investigation, delivery of justice, and this has to be done in the best possible manner. Also, time is of the essence,” said Bilcik.


Sarrazin: Clear agenda needed for calming situation in northern Kosovo (


Germany’s special envoy for the Western Balkans Manuel Sarazzin stated several days before the visit of “European and American officials” to Kosovo and Serbia, that a clear agenda was needed for de-escalating the situation in the north of Kosovo and implementing the Brussels and Ohrid agreements. He told the Pristina-based agency that the envoys’ visit to Pristina and Belgrade would give new momentum to the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, after the “terrorist attack in Banjska on 24 September”, Sarazzin said that Germany and the EU had clear expectations from Serbia – to call to account the perpetrators of the 24 September attack in the north. He also stressed the need for the sides to be more constructive and positive in the dialogue process. “I think we should try to have a de-escalation agenda on the one side. On the other, we firmly believe that it is not a good idea to focus only on de-escalation and that we should try again to implement the Ohrid agreement and give another impulse for returning to overall positive results,” Sarazzin stated.


Demostat: KFOR most trusted by northern Kosovo Serbs, trust in Serbian government declining (Demostat/Beta)


Serbs in northern Kosovo have the most faith in the KFOR Mission, which was thrown into sharp relief after a recent escalation in the village of Banjska, the Demostat research and publication center reported yesterday, citing focus group results. According to Demostat, the Serb community perceives KFOR members as "professional" and "independent", unlike some other international factors, which are often seen as "pro-Albanian". Some residents of northern Kosovo municipalities even cite KFOR as "the only actor" they trust, which stems from losing faith in the Serbian government and in the Serb List, which is allied with Belgrade, according to the findings, while they never expected much from Pristina. Some of the Serbs living in northern Kosovo believe the actions of an armed group that ended in the death of a Kosovo police officer and three Serbs "caused enormous damage to the Serb community".


Ministry denies draft media laws changed overnight (N1)


The Serbian Information and Telecommunications Ministry on Wednesday denied reports that articles “were mysteriously added overnight” to two draft media laws which the government is set to adopt. “The agreement reached at a meeting between the Serbian government, journalist associations and partners from the international community did not stop the avalanche of misinformation that continues to come from part of the media,” the press release said and added that on the news on Nova S, N1 TV and in Wednesday’s issue of Nova daily “we could hear and read that articles of the laws were mysteriously added overnight and that the new media laws are racketeering of the free media and similar”, the press release said. It added that the draft laws are the result of public debates. “Everything published by those media in the past days about articles 112 and 122 is absolutely untrue and everything that those media continue to publish is absolutely untrue,” it said. The Ministry denied that a proposal was made to have the electronic media watchdog REM set the fees for redistribution, saying that the way cable operators work is defined under the law on electronic communications with jurisdiction falling to the RATEL agency. “That fact alone shows that the people commenting the two new laws are not even familiar with their content,” it said. “Those media are claiming that the meeting and final agreement on the draft laws are the product of their pressure and lies even though the meeting was called by the Prime Minister a week earlier,” it added. The Ministry press release comes five days after reports that the two draft media laws were amended drastically. It also did not explain why the new parts of one of the articles were added after the public debate or at whose suggestion. Members of the Working Group that drafted the two laws said that no proposals of the kind written into the draft law were made during the public debate.


Vuletic: Serbia has contract with Gazprom, not interested in Bulgaria’s decision (Beta)


The president of the Assembly of Gas Associations Vojislav Vuletic stated yesterday that Bulgaria’s decision to increase the price of gas transit through the Balkan Stream gas pipeline could not apply to Serbia because Srbijagas had a contract with Gazprom on gas deliveries to the border of Serbia and Bulgaria. “The transit price is not defined by the decision of one country, but is an international price that applies to 1,000 cubic meters (of gas) per 100 kilometers,” Vuletic told Beta. The decree that Bulgaria passed several days ago, and that came into effect immediately, envisages a fee of 10.76 Dollars per 1,000 cubic meters of Russian natural gas delivered via the Balkan Stream gas pipeline over that country’s territory. As the media conveyed, this would secure EUR1.2 billion in profit for Bulgaria and would cover the cost of building its segment of the gas pipeline in one year, while consumers in Serbia would be paying 20 percent more for gas, since it has already been planned for the gas price to rise by 10 percent as of 1 November. Vuletic said that Srbijagas had a contract with Gazprom on gas deliveries to the Bulgaria-Serbia border. In his words, Serbia is not interested in what the Bulgarian parliament is doing, “because Serbia’s obligation is to pay for the gas as stipulated in the contract and receive it at the border”.




PIC SBA warns against any action which could undermine integrity and impartiality of B&H CEC (Dnevni avaz)


Ambassadors of the Ambassadors of the Peace Implementation Council Steering Board of (PIC SBA) issued a statement, saying that with less than 12 months before the 2024 local elections, PIC SBA note that Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) authorities have so far failed to bring the Election Law in line with international standards on transparency and integrity of electoral processes and good practices for democratic elections. “These amendments have been clearly and repeatedly recommended by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, GRECO, and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. The authorities should ensure the 2024 local elections take place with enhanced transparency and integrity. Citizens should be able to trust the electoral systems, the consistent application of procedural safeguards, and the secrecy of the vote. Furthermore, the PIC SBA recognizes the central role played by the Central Election Commission (CEC) and urges all political actors to engage constructively and transparently with this institution, in line with the Dayton Peace Agreement. The PIC SBA also warns against any action which could undermine the integrity and impartiality of the CEC and its members and that would violate its status under the law or impede its ability to meet its legal obligations,” reads the statement.


EUD to RS authorities: Stop with retrograde initiatives and unconstitutional actions that undermine European path of B&H (Dnevni list)


The EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H stated that the EU is calling on the RS authorities to stop with retrograde initiatives and unconstitutional actions that undermine the European path of B&H. The EUD also expressed expectation that all politicians in the country keep the promises given to the citizens regarding getting closer to the EU. At the same time, the EUD reacted to media speculations that Brussels could soon abolish formally non-existent ‘soft’ sanctions against Republika Srpska (RS) authorities, in other words suspension of funds for infrastructure projects worth some 600 million Euros. The EUD confirmed those were the measures the EU took against the RS because of actions of the entity’s leadership. “Conditions for abolition of the suspension are not met yet, nor there are plans to unblock these projects in due course”, stated the EUD, adding that the EU still has at its disposal instruments to actions that seriously undermine the security situation in B&H or the Dayton agreement.


B&H CoM holds 25th regular session in Sarajevo; Law on B&H Courts and Law on B&H CC not on the agenda (N1)


The B&H Council of Ministers (B&H CoM) held its 25th regular session in Sarajevo on Wednesday, during which reform laws were not a part of the agenda. Dizdar reminds that the three most important laws to the B&H public are the Law on Courts, the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, and the Law on Conflict of Interests, adding that at least two of the laws should be adopted at the next session of the B&H CoM. B&H Minister of Justice (HDZ B&H) Davor Bunoza explained that the Law on Courts was already discussed at previous sessions of the B&H CoM, but that there are still details that pose issues such as the location of the headquarters and criminal jurisdictions. Bunoza said that it is possible that the Law on Courts will be a part of the next session of the B&H CoM. B&H Foreign Minister (NiP) Elmedin Konakovic explained that there are still disagreements about criminal jurisdictions, specific language used in regard to business crime and limiting the possibility of creating loopholes and potential abuse of the Law. “There is still some spite on both sides, there are still issues we do not agree about” said Konakovic, stressing that he believes that an agreement will be made. Reporter explains that the only progress regarding the Law on B&H Constitutional Court (B&H CC) was the decision that the law cannot carry that name and will be renamed into the Law on the Status of Foreign Judges. Reporter explained that there are opposing stances within the work group, working on the Law on the Status of Foreign Judges, and that the decision to rename the law was made to avoid having to secure a two thirds parliamentary majority required for changes of the B&H Constitution. Reporter emphasized that he cannot say that the Law on the Status of Foreign Judges is ready at the moment. Konakovic stressed that progress will be made, but that it is very important that this matter is being discussed, despite harsh words from both sides on the matter, adding that everything will be clear by November and that the long process will be worth it. Reporter explains that on 8 November the European Commission will provide an assessment of the progress of candidate countries, with the governments of EU-member countries giving their stance on the progress assessment in December. Reporter concludes that there is no foundation for optimism of the BiH CoM regarding the progress assessment. Konakovic stressed that they agree foreign judges should leave the BiH CC, adding that there is disagreement on when it should happen. “We believe that it should happen when we are at doors of the EU, so that it is additional motive to get there as soon as possible”, explained Konakovic. Deputy Chair of Council of Ministers and member of SNSD Presidency Stasa Kosarac confirmed that RS will stand by their opinion that foreign judges cannot work in the B&H CC and that they will not give up on their position on the issue. “As can be seen by the models presented at the meeting in Istocno Sarajevo, the RS presented a solution, which clearly shows that the RS is part of the solution and not, as people often like to say, a part of the problem or the blockade” said Kosarac.


Dodik’s latest proposal on model of selection of judges in B&H CC sparks reactions (EuroBlic)


At the latest meeting of coalition parties, SNSD leader Milorad Dodik proposed replacement of foreign judges in the Constitutional Court (CC) of B&H by selecting two judges from Republika Srpska (RS), four from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) and the remaining three, who would not be foreigners, should be selected by B&H parliament. Attorney and representative in the House of Representatives (HoR) of B&H Milan Petkovic said that if B&H HoR becomes in charge of selecting three domestic judges, then it would not be considered as transfer of competencies having in mind this was not one of the RS’ competencies anyway. Petkovic argued that such solution would not be in violation of the Constitution and existing laws. “Therefore, the procedure would require both houses of B&H Parliament to adopt a law on B&H CC which would contain provisions of the Constitution that two members are selected by the RS parliament, four by the FB&H HoR and three judges, for example, by B&H HoR. Theoretically speaking, the law could define that those judges would be selected by some other bodies or institutions, having in mind that this has been done by the President of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) so far”, Petkovic argued. The daily reminded that a law that was jointly presented by SNSD and SDS to B&H Parliament in 2015 stipulated that the RSNA is in charge of selection of three judges, i.e. current two plus one instead of a foreigner, while the FB&H HoR is in charge of selection of six judges. The same provision was included in a law that was recently presented to B&H House of Peoples by delegate Zelimir Neskovic (SDS) and the daily wondered why this can be done now while it was rejected in past. Neskovic told the daily that it would be acceptable for the RSNA to select judges from ranks of Serb people while the FB&H HoR selects six judges, i.e. representatives of Bosniak and Croat people, as it was proposed by the law. “However, if the proposal of SDS is not acceptable at all, then I believe that perhaps Croats can find a way for the authentic representatives of Croat people to be represented in an adequate way”, Neskovic said and added that he does not know what happened in the meantime that made Dodik propose that three judges should be selected by B&H parliament. According to unofficial information, the compromise proposal was a result of an agreement with HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic who does not find it suitable for another two judges to be selected by the FB&H HoR because he does not have the power to make an influence on selection of a Croat judge there. PDP Vice President Igor Crnadak reminded that all political parties from the RS already agreed that one of the three judges of B&H CC, after foreigners leave, should be selected by the RSNA and that this needs to be a joint stance in talks on this matter. “According to the existing solution, the RS parliament and FB&H parliament are in charge of selection of judges of B&H CC, so what SNSD just offered is a clear example of transfer of competencies and betrayal of the RS. Where did SNSD come up with the idea to give as a gift to ‘The Troika’, HDZ and foreigners something that belongs to the RS? This is an insane intention backed up by personal interests and it will result in a damage for the RS, because of which it needs to be stopped”, Crnadak concluded.


Chairman Komsic with Ambassador Sattler, EU Member States Ambassadors, discuss B&H’s EU perspective (NAP/FTV)


Chairman of the B&H Presidency Zeljko Komsic held a meeting with Head of the EU Delegation to B&H Ambassador Johann Sattler and Ambassadors of the EU Member States in Sarajevo today (Wednesday). Sattler wrote on X, expressing welcome to Komsic at the EuropeHouse. “Discussed B&H’s EU perspective and opportunities created by candidate status and the need for B&H authorities to deliver on the reform agenda”, wrote Ambassador Sattler. FTV carries that the collocutors talked about the EU perspective of B&H. They discussed possible methods to make the EU path of B&H more concrete and faster, as well as how ruling majorities can provide a response to expectations of citizens and restore their optimism. Interlocutors also talked about a role of the international community in internal political processes in B&H and about support to Euro-Atlantic path of B&H.


Dodik, Cvijanovic meet with Ambassador Reinertsen (ATV)


RS President Milorad Dodik pointed out during a meeting with Ambassador of Norway to B&H Olav Reinertsen held on Wednesday that the rigged and instructed process being conducted against him before the Court of B&H represents political and legal violence by part of the international community with the aim of destroying the constitutional capacity and position of RS. During the meeting, which was also attended by Serb member of the B&H Presidency Zeljka Cvijanovic, Dodik emphasized the commitment of the institutions of the RS to the preservation of peace and stability, as well as consistent respect for the Dayton Agreement and the constitutional position of the two entities and three constituent peoples in B&H. Speaking about the attempt to seize property from the RS, Dodik repeated that this issue was resolved by the Dayton Peace Agreement and that the property belongs to the entities.


Legal experts stated that the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H are violating human rights and freedoms and acting according to non-existent provisions of the Criminal Code (ATV)


Commenting on the trial against RS President Milorad Dodik, legal experts stated that the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H are violating human rights and freedoms and acting according to non-existent provisions of the Criminal Code. Legal experts stressed that the criminal offense which the RS President has been charged with did not even exist at the time he was fulfilling his constitutional obligation, for which he is now being tried. “The non-existent criminal offense of “failing to implement the decisions of the High Representative”, on the basis of which criminal proceedings are being conducted, is not even prescribed by law, because no one but the parliament of B&H can enact and change laws, nor did it exist at the time when the President was performing his constitutional duty by signing the decree, legal representative of the RS Lazar Stjepanovic was quoted as saying. Legal experts from the RS are of the opinion that the process in the Court of B&H is “a hot potato” in the hands of the judiciary, and that this is the result of the fact that everything here is politics.


Dodik: Sarajevo will have more than 96% Muslims, Bosniaks in next 10 to 12 years (RTRS)


RTRS reports that RS President Milorad Dodik wrote on X that the fact about the number of Serbs in Sarajevo is astounding, and that the number of deceased Serbs in “this multi-ethnic capital” is 13 times more than the number of newly born Serbs. Dodik wrote, among other issues, that in year 2022, 23 Serbs were born, whilst 294 of them died, arguing that in the city were at least 160,000 people declared themselves as Serbs and several dozen thousand people as Yugoslavs, it is clear what the demographic picture will look in the coming years. Dodik underlined that the city that stresses itself as “multiethnic and capital city” will in the next 10 to 12 years have more than 96% Muslims, Bosniaks. Dodik also talked about absurdity of the decision of the ‘so-called’ High Representative and article 203a of the Criminal Code of B&H, which stipulates that failure to implement the HR’s decision is a criminal offense. Namely, Dodik said that in case “multiethnic and capital city” becomes 100% mono-ethnic (Muslim), a decision could be imposed on ‘District Sarajevo’, which would include Sarajevo Canton and Istocno Sarajevo in the RS, which would artificially create multi-ethnicity. “Of course, whoever goes against this decision would be criminally persecuted and would end up in jail”, wrote Dodik.


Milanovic says Israel reacted “very brazenly and rudely” to his comment; Vucic has not yet given answers about the attack in Banjska (Hina)


Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said on Wednesday that part of the Israeli administration "reacted very brazenly and rudely" to his earlier statement that Israel "had lost his sympathy" because of the way it responded to the Hamas attack. “When it comes to Palestine, I am in favour of an objective and balanced approach. I said what I said five days ago, and part of the Israeli administration reacted very brazenly and rudely to that,” Milanovic said at a press conference in Tirana after meeting with his Albanian counterpart Bajram Begaj. “I understand them, they are not in an easy situation, but the rules are the same for everyone,” he added. The spokesman for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lior Haiat, said earlier that Milanovic’s statement was “outrageous” and “conspicuous against the backdrop of the messages of support from international leaders who have expressed sympathy for the people of Israel after horrific images of Hamas’ barbaric terror attack were publicized all over the world.” Milanovic emphasized that “20 more people said that after me, and the Irish prime minister before me”. He added: “I have been silent all these years and by being silent I actually approved everything that Israel was doing. Not that I have the right to say, but I have the obligation to say it.” The Croatian president also said that the Palestinian people have the right to their own state, “which should have been respected a long time ago so there would not be many of these tragedies and horrors that we are seeing.” He again criticized the display of the Israeli flag on the building of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. “That was unnecessary, a vast majority of Croatian citizens do not approve of that,” he said. Croatia’s Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) has heightened its state of alert over terrorism after a radical Islamist killed two Swedes in Brussels, and Milanovic said that “this is good, you can never be careful enough, but we must not stop normal life without a good reason.” He said that based on the information at hand, the Brussels attack was carried out by a member of the Islamic State terrorist organization. “We must be aware that not every incident of this kind is related to Palestine. ISIL has never highlighted the Palestinian issue as being important to them, they are interested in an Islamic State,” Milanovic said. “Anyone who does not beat and kill women is a heretic to them, including the Palestinians,” he added, pointing out that both the goal and the methods of that organization are completely unacceptable. On the other hand, “what the fighters for Palestinian freedom supposedly stand for is acceptable, their methods are not”. “I condemned them, and I will condemn them. I also ask that the rules be the same for everyone and that they be applied consistently, and not that the presidents of some countries such as Kosovo end their term in office and go to some kind of semi-prison in The Hague, that Croatian generals hang around The Hague for years. And what about the others?” Milanovic said.


Albania making steady progress without an appropriate response from the EU

On Wednesday, Milanovic began his two-day visit to Albania at the invitation of Albanian President Bajram Begaj. Speaking about the country’s European membership prospects, the Croatian president said that Albania has been making steady progress “in every respect” for the past twenty years. Despite this, “its progress has not been accompanied by adequate institutional reactions and responses from the EU”, Milanovic said, adding that it is absurd that Albania joined NATO together with Croatia in 2009 and has not made much progress on its European path. Begaj said that Croatia is “one of the models” that Albania should follow on its way to the EU. The Albanian president also said that Albania will support Croatia’s bid for non-permanent membership of the Security Council from 2030 to 2031, just as Croatia supported Albania for the period from 2022 to 2023.


Attack in Banjska

Both Presidents referred to the attack by a Serbian paramilitary group on the Kosovo police in Banjska in the north of Kosovo in late September. “After the terrorist attack by Hamas, it becomes more necessary for the EU and NATO to strongly discourage” such actions, Begaj said, adding that “after the terrorist attack in Banjska, things are no longer the same”. Milanovic repeated that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic has not yet given answers about the attack, although there is evidence that the attackers were trained at a military training ground in Serbia. However, he emphasized that he does not support sanctions against Serbia because they “never bring anything” and only help the authorities, just as the sanctions against Russia turned out to be “a fiasco and damaging for us”.


Milanovic: It is unfair Albania joined NATO in 2009, yet it is far from EU (Hina)


It is unfair, illogical and untenable that Albania joined NATO in 2009, and is still in the early stages of EU accession negotiations, Croatian President Zoran Milanovic said in a speech to the Albanian parliament on Wednesday. “We have emphasized on several occasions at bilateral and multilateral forums that we consider it unfair and illogical and even untenable that Albania became a member of NATO in 2009, and that in 2023 it is only in the early stages of the negotiation process with the EU,” Milanovic said. “I congratulate Albania on the extremely great progress made in the last three decades, it is visible at every step. I sincerely hope that these achievements will be fairly evaluated (…) in Brussels and the institutions of the EU”, he pointed out, adding that Croatia “attaches great importance to the stability, security and progress of Southeast Europe and strongly supports the European prospects of this entire region.” Milanovic also expressed the hope that the EU integration process “will be significantly accelerated, which is of great importance for the stability of Southeast Europe.” The Croatian President said that Albania is one of Croatia’s closest friends and a reliable partner “with whom we have many things in common, including common values.” “Our two friendly and allied countries share many historical, cultural, geographical and political ties. As two Mediterranean and Adriatic countries, we are part of a wider area that has been one of the centers of European history for centuries,” said Milanovic. The friendship of the Albanian and Croatian people “goes back a long way”, and was confirmed during the 1991-1995 Homeland War when many Albanians joined the defence of Croatia, the Croatian president stressed. In his speech, Milanovic cited the community of Arbanas in Zadar, singled out the Renaissance sculptor and builder of Albanian roots Andrija Alesij and the Croatian historian Milan Sufflay, one of the founders of Albanian studies, as prominent individuals who connect Croats and Albanians. On Wednesday, Milanovic began his two-day visit to Albania at the invitation of President Bajram Begaj, with whom he met earlier on Wednesday. Before addressing parliament, Milanovic met with Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.


Schengen countries move to reinstate internal border controls over Middle East conflict (HRT)


The escalating conflict in the Middle East is reverberating across Europe as countries tighten security to prevent another wave of terrorist attacks.  After terrorist attacks in France and Belgium, several EU countries are reinstating border controls inside the Schengen Area. Italy has told Slovenia that due to the current situation in Europe and the Middle East, it is introducing controls along its shared border, Slovenia’s Interior Ministry said Wednesday. Following the announcement, it signaled informally that controls could soon be introduced on the Slovenian-Croatian border as well. Although there has been no official confirmation, Slovenia is expected to introduce the controls on Saturday, initially for 10 days, with the possibility of extending the measure. It will apply the same measure to its border with Hungary. Slovenia’s move comes after Italy said it would do the same along its frontier with Slovenia. It is reportedly drafting a letter informing the European Commission of its plans. Asked about the plan, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlic Radman neither confirmed or denied whether Slovenia had informed its neighbor. “Of course, we are in contact with everyone. This situation, the crisis in the Middle East, the military conflict, of course reflects on the security of the European Union and its member states. We saw the brutal murder of two Swedish citizens in Brussels and each country is raising its level of vigilance and caution based on its own national security policy,” he said. Due to migratory pressure, but also the situation in the Middle East, several countries have recently introduced controls or plan to do so at their Schengen borders. Austria, which introduced controls on its border with Slovenia and Hungary in 2015 at the height of the migrant crisis, on Monday informed the European Commission that it plans to reinstate the regime, starting on November 12 and remaining until May 11, 2025. Austria also introduced controls on the border with the Czech Republic on Wednesday. The move came after Germany introduced controls on its borders with the Czech Republic, Poland and Switzerland due to illegal migration. Germany also extended controls on the border with Austria until May of next year, justifying it by increasing tensions in the Middle East. Internal Schengen border controls have also been introduced by Denmark, France, Norway and Sweden.


MEPs’ warning messages: Come to senses, prevent eradication of Montenegrins as a separate nation and creation of a mini-Belarus in heart of Europe (CdM)


Last night only warnings could be heard in the European Parliament regarding the situation in Montenegro. Some of the European parliamentarians called on the EU to come to senses and act urgently because, as they say, there is political chaos in Montenegro, and the identity of Montenegrins as a separate nation is being suppressed. The European parliamentarian from Croatia Tomislav Sokol warned that they are witnessing the erasure of Montenegrins’ identity as a separate nation. “Let’s be open, because we are on the verge of creating a mini-Belarus in the heart of Europe, under the control of Vucic and Russia. Please, come to your senses and prevent it before it’s too late”, said Sokol. He underlined that the political crisis in Montenegro was caused by anti-European forces trying to form a pro-Serbian and pro-Russian government, just a sequence of political chaos that has lasted since the 2020 election until today. According to him, the formation of a government in which there would be radical pro-Serbian and pro-Russian forces would represent the cementing of that process with the census, which would be the last step in the deconstruction of independent Montenegro. “I’m afraid that Mr. Spajic doesn’t have the strength to resist on his own and that’s why we need to help him,” he said. The rapporteur of the European Parliament for relations with Montenegro Tonino Picula, who is also the author of the Report, submitted an amendment stating that the population census should be held when the political deadlock in the country ends. Picula said that they were not talking about boycotting the census, but supporting the census as a contribution to the development policy of each country. “What we are proposing is that the census should not be used as a political tool to polarize society. Removing the blockades would be a constructive prerequisite for its maintenance in a transparent manner without political interference”, said Picula. European Commissioner for Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi said last night that Montenegro was considered the country that had made the most progress on the EU path, but in recent years it had lost focus and missed certain opportunities. “We lost precious time and we agree with this House that Montenegro must move forward, and that is only possible if this period of political unpredictability is stopped”, said Varhelyi.


EP passes Resolution on Montenegro: Amendments proposing census postponement adopted as well (CdM)


At the session, the members of the European Parliament (MEPs) adopted the Resolution on Montenegro, and the amendments proposing the postponement of the census were also adopted. In the amendments related to the census, among other things, it is stated that Montenegro should conduct the long overdue population and housing census in accordance with international and EU standards and as soon as the political deadlock in the country ends. It is added that this important issue should not be used as another excuse to strengthen the polarization of society. A total of 529 MEPs voted in favour of the Resolution, 51 were against and 53 abstained. MEP and rapporteur for Montenegro Tonino Picula said last night in the EP during the discussion on the Report that Montenegro had opened all chapters, but that none had been closed in the previous 6 years, He added that Montenegro was still formally a leader in integration. “All other countries have progressed, while Montenegro is missing its opportunities”, Picula pointed out. The political situation in Montenegro is, it seems, constantly burdened by blockades and the political scene is dominated by confrontations. He also highlighted the role of the Serbian Orthodox Church, “which, unfortunately, is an active political factor in Montenegro and is often used as a means of external interference in domestic political processes”, stated Picula. He praised the fact that Montenegro was fully aligned with the EU’s foreign policy. “And in terms of the sanctions against Russia, we certainly appreciate that as well. We also welcome the appointment of three judges of the Constitutional Court as a step towards solving the constitutional crisis”, Picula added.


Sehovic: SD decides to boycott census, there’s obvious intent to fake data (CdM)


The Presidency and the Executive Committee of the Social Democrats of Montenegro (SD) at the sessions held today made a decision to boycott the population census, scheduled for the period from 1 to 15 November 2023, SD leader Damir Sehovic has announced. “As our request to postpone the census for a period of only a few months, which is essentially necessary to ensure credibility and establish adequate control of the entire process, was not seriously considered, let alone adopted, we had no choice but to definitely start boycott and to invite citizens not to participate in this – we are certainly not exaggerating when we say – fraud, behind which is hidden a harmful political agenda with unfathomable consequences for this society”, said Sehovic. It should be said quite openly, adds Sehovic, that there is an absolutely undisguised intention to falsify the data.


Geer: Next European integration steps up to country's political stakeholders (MIA)


EU Ambassador David Geer said on Wednesday there is strong support for North Macedonia's European future and expressed hope that the country will move forward with the adoption of constitutional amendments and implementation of reforms. In response to a reporter's question, Ambassador Geer said the next steps on the European integration path should be made by political stakeholders in the country, and not the European Council or member-states. "There is strong support for North Macedonia's European future, not only from EU institutions, but also from EU member-states. As you know, the European proposal that was agreed upon last July was an opportunity to open accession negotiations. On the other hand, it provided an opportunity for the country to move forward and adopt constitutional amendments. We sincerely hope that North Macedonia will be able to move forward by adopting constitutional amendments and implementing reforms, which are essential on your European path. The next steps very much depend on you, on this country and politicians, and not on the European Council or members-states individually," said Geer. When asked to comment on the expiration of the statute of limitations in the "Target-Fortress" case, the EU Ambassador failed to comment but noted that the European Commission’s position has not changed regarding the Criminal Code amendments. He also reminded that the Commission expressed concern about the implications over impunity and the use of the EU flag procedure in that context. "I believe that the European Commission has already been clear about amendments to the Criminal Code, and its attitude has not changed. We very closely follow all judicial decisions that follow the amendments. We will be making our assessment and comment as the situation develops," Geer said.


Petrovska – Ford: North Macedonia a credible ally investing in national and collective defense (MIA)


North Macedonia is a credible ally that invests in the national and collective defense, concluded Defense Minister Slavjanka Petrovska and NATO’s Defense Planning Director, Karl Ford, alongside his team, at a regular bilateral consultation between North Macedonia and the NATO alliance on Wednesday. According to the Ministry of Defense, at the meeting Minister Petrovska noted that North Macedonia is a committed and active NATO ally which is providing a meaningful contribution to the collective security. “With the contribution of the NATO multinational forces in Latvia, Romania, and Bulgaria, the Macedonian Army is strengthening the collective security and the security of every citizen of the Alliance. We remain committed to regional security, and we are working towards it through our participation in the NATO mission in Kosovo – KFOR,” said the Minister. The Defense Minister added that North Macedonia will continue to invest in its Army, as proven by the fact it will allocate 2 percent of its GDP to defense, one-third of which, she said, will be used for modernization and equipping. Defense Planning Director Ford welcomed North Macedonia’s contribution to collective security, especially within the frameworks of NATO’s multinational forces in the eastern flank. “During the bilateral consultations, which were led by State Secretary Vladimir Anchev on Tuesday and Wednesday, talks were held over the progress in the implementation of the assigned NATO capability targets in several areas such as defense policy, finances, ground forces, logistics, air forces, special forces, stabilization and reconstruction capacities, as well as civil preparedness,” said the Ministry of Defense in a press release.


Kovachevski: Election date to be agreed by all parties, not only two (MIA)


The date for elections should be agreed by all political parties, and not only two, said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovachevski in answer to media questions Wednesday. He added that the working groups of the parties should be the ones to agree on the election date and other related details. “The date for elections is subject to a discussion between all political parties, not only two political parties. Both the Electoral Code and the holding of elections is carried out in line with the law and Constitution,” The Prime Minister did not answer if the elections could be held on 8 May, as proposed by the opposition. He said there should be meetings between the parties where the working groups of the political parties can reach a general agreement. “Now we are talking about details of the elections. The question of early elections is no longer on the table,” said Kovachevski, adding that the public will be informed once they agree on the details. The Prime Minister voiced satisfaction over the working group tasked with drafting the amendments to the Electoral Code in line with the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations but remarked that VMRO-DPMNE did not participate in it.


Begaj: Croatia supports EU enlargement. Direct airline Tirana-Zagreb, impact on economy and tourism (Radio Tirana)


President Bajram Begaj has declared that Croatia will support the EU expansion process. In his speech at the joint press conference with his Croatian counterpart, Begaj said that during the meeting he held with Milanovic, increased attention was paid to the intensification of economic and trade cooperation. Begaj reiterated the need for better relations between Croatia and Albania, for the benefit of both countries and the region. "This process is a strategic necessity. I expressed the belief that Croatia will strongly support the enlargement process. Albania is a reliable partner of the EU in the framework of foreign policy and strategy. Also, within the framework of excellent political cooperation, we paid special attention to the intensification of economic and commercial cooperation. The data show an optimistic trend, but a joint effort is needed to encourage commercial and economic exchanges between the two countries. I reiterated the need for better communication between the two countries, for the benefit of the two countries and the region. The establishment of a direct air line Tirana-Zagreb and the interconnection of passenger transport between the main ports of the two countries, will have an economic impact in the field of tourism. I estimated that thanks to the experience of the Croatian expertise in the field of tourism, energy, infrastructure, more can be done to promote investments in these fields. I welcomed the two recently reached agreements, that of health and social security. I also expressed gratitude for the support that Croatia gave to the Albanian candidacy for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council for 2024-2026 and I confirmed Albania's support for Croatia's candidacy to the UNSC for 2030-2031. Albania and Croatia have a record for the treatment of minorities, a model that should be followed by other countries in the region.


Begaj with the Croatian counterpart: Attacks in the north of Kosovo should be condemned; Dialogue, the only way out (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj, at the press conference with his Croatian counterpart Zoran Milanovic, evaluated the relations and cooperation between the two countries. He thanked Croatia, which according to him has been and continues to be a strong advocate of Albania towards its aspiration to become part of the EU. He said that our country is a reliable partner of the EU in foreign policy and in the field of security. "Albania remains a reliable partner of the EU, especially in foreign policy and security", said Begaj. During his speech, Begaj also focused on the recent tensions in the north of Kosovo, while adding that the only way for expansion is the continuation of the dialogue and the normalization of relations, until mutual recognition between Serbia and Kosovo. "The attacks in the north of Kosovo should be condemned. I underlined the need to increase pressures and take responsibility for increasing peace. I greatly appreciated Croatia's support for Kosovo. Dialogue remains the only way to normalize relations between them, until mutual recognition", Begaj said.