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Belgrade Media Report 7 November



Vucic: Good conversation with the Minister of Azerbaijan on further strengthening of relations between the two countries (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Jejuan Bajramova, and stated that they had a good conversation about further strengthening the exceptional bilateral and traditionally friendly relations of the two countries, including the continuation of cooperation on important infrastructure projects of strategic interest. Vucic and Bajramova stated that bilateral relations are at a very high level, based on traditionally friendly ties, mutual trust and adherence to the basic principles of international law. President Vucic expressed special gratitude for the unequivocal position of the Republic of Azerbaijan regarding the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia.


Conveying the greetings of President Ilham Aliyev, Minister Bajramova expressed his respect for the independent foreign policy of our country, as well as for the excellent results of the Serbian economy.


During the meeting, economic cooperation between the two countries was also discussed, which would certainly be helped by the opening of a regular airline route between Belgrade and Baku. President Vucic and Minister Bajramova also discussed the energy situation. On that occasion, President Vučić pointed out that by building a gas interconnection with Bulgaria, Serbia becomes part of the Southern Gas Corridor and that the contract on the purchase of gas from Azerbaijan will help it to ensure energy security.


President Vucic expressed the hope that President Aliyev will visit Serbia on the occasion of the completion of the work on the Serbia-Bulgaria gas interconnector. On that occasion, a meeting of the Council for the Strategic Partnership of Serbia and Azerbaijan would be held, which would provide new opportunities for realizing the key common interests of the two countries. rights.


Vucic: We appreciate that Romania maintains its stance of respecting the territorial integrity of Serbia (RTS)


The President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, met with the President of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Romania, Alfred-Robert Simonis. Vucic emphasized that we greatly appreciate the fact that Romania, despite the pressures, firmly stands on its position of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. The interlocutors concluded that bilateral relations between Serbia and Romania are characterized by good neighborliness, traditional friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples, the Presidency announced.


Discussing European integration, President Vucic thanked Romania for supporting Serbia's European path. The President of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Romania Simonis said that his country remains firmly in the position of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. The two interlocutors emphasized the importance of the infrastructural connection between Serbia and Romania, which, among other things, requires the construction of a highway between Pancevo and Timisoara, but also work on energy connection, the statement concludes.


PM Brnabic meets with Chinese President, discusses economic cooperation (Beta)


During her ongoing visit to China, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met with Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on Nov. 6 and discussed economic cooperation between their two countries. The day before, Brnabic spoke at the opening ceremony for the 6th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai and expressed her satisfaction over the fact that Serbia is participating in the event for the first time, as a guest of honor. The prime minister has met with representatives of the HBIS Group, which owns the Smederevo iron and steel mill, and has held talks with about promoting Serbian products and tourist destinations on the Chinese market. “We’ve confirmed mutual partnership, support and friendship – both political and economic. Politically speaking, China will never alter its stance on Kosovo and Metohija, while we also fully respect the One China principle,” Brnabic told Serbian reporters in Beijing. In her words, Xi has hinted at the possibility of visiting Serbia in 2024.


Chinese President Xi Jinping said during a Nov. 6 meeting with Prime Minister Brnabic that China supported Serbia’s progress on its independent path of development, and that his country wanted to develop multilateral coordination with Serbia, while protecting international equality and justice together. China and Serbia are “ironclad friends,” who have overcome difficulties together. The bilateral relationship is based on deep history and broad common interests. The two parties share a strong cooperation engine,” China’s president was quoted as saying by the Chinese Media Group (CMG). Xi Jinping also said that the content of the comprehensive strategic partnership is increasingly rich, whereas practical cooperation had been very fruitful as well. The Chinese president underscored that both sides should work hard to build large-scale projects within bilateral cooperation, and to accelerate the implementation of the free-trade agreement between China and Serbia. They should also strengthen cooperation in the domain of research and technological innovation, and tighten their ties in education, sports, tourism and other areas. Serbia and China should also boost cultural communication in order to spread the Chinese-Serbian friendship.


Simonis: Romania supports Serbia on its path to EU, and regarding Kosovo (Beta)


President of Romania’s Chamber of Deputies Alfred Robert Simonis said on Nov. 6 that Romania would support Serbia on its path to the European Union (EU), reiterating his country’s support to Belgrade regarding Kosovo, whose independence it had not recognized. Simonis said after a meeting with the Serbian speaker, Vladimir Orlic, that it’s not a coincidence that his first visit after the appointment as Romania’s speaker was to Serbia, adding that “it’s a step forward in the good relationship that already exists between the two states.” Orlic thanked for Romania’s support to the integrity and sovereignty of Serbia, which he described as “clear, firm and consistent, based on international law, which is exactly what a refusal to recognize the so-called Kosovo actually is.” The Serbian speaker said that he had briefed his Romanian guest on “the terror carried out against the Serbs in Kosovo by Albin Kurti and Pristina.” “We are being responsible, committed to dialogue and peace, but that also implies unwavering respect for our Constitution,” Orlic said, adding that “a recognition of the so-called Kosovo or a seat in the United Nations were not the themes for Serbia, but the expectation is that the other side will demonstrate responsibility when it comes to the commitments it had accepted,” Orlic said.


New Slovak Government respects territorial integrity of Ukraine, Serbia (Beta)


Slovak Foreign Minister Juraj Blanar said in Prague on Nov. 6 that the country's new government respected the territorial integrity of Ukraine just like that of Serbia, where it does not recognize Kosovo as independent because it seceded with the same violation of international law. Speaking at a news conference after meeting with his Czech counterpart Jan Lipavsky, Blanar condemned the act of the Russian Federation as a violation of international law, and said that, for countries like Slovakia, honouring international law was the strongest weapon. He then pointed out that the case of Kosovo was a violation of international law, too, and that this was why Slovakia was "one of the five countries" that did not recognize Kosovo. The Slovak minister said there was no military solution to the conflict in Ukraine, which is why any peace initiative must be supported, whether it come from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, or from Brazil or China. Blanar said his country did not believe prolonging the military conflict would bring a solution, but that the conflict should be "frozen”, and the killing stopped, while a peaceful solution was found at the negotiating table.


Serbian, Yemeni Foreign Ministers support stronger economic ties Serbian (Beta)


Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic met in Belgrade on Nov. 6 with his Yemeni counterpart, Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak, saying after the meeting that “a long tradition of friendship” connected the two countries, but that they should work to develop their economic ties as well. Dacic said that the value of bilateral trade was rather modest the previous year, totalling around five million dollars, while Yemen was interested in cooperation with Serbia in the domains of agriculture, healthcare, culture, education, science, security and defense. Dacic said that the Embassy of Serbia in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, would be responsible for Yemen, which previously had been the task of the Serbian embassy in Kuwait. The Yemeni foreign minister said that he had discussed with Dacic “the moral obligation of the international community to support a ceasefire in Gaza,” where “genocide against Palestinians happens before our eyes.” “We don’t want to see more victims and more civilians targeted. What’s going on in Gaza is unacceptable. We have discussed double standards regarding Kosovo, and they are quite obvious now in Gaza,” the Yemeni minister said.


EC notes little or no progress in Serbia report (RFE)


Radio Free Europe (RFE) said on Tuesday that the latest European Commission progress report says that Serbia is not doing well in terms of rule of law, has not aligned with European Union policies on Russia and has not shut down foreign intervention and manipulation of information.


The report that RFE says it had access to before its public presentation on Wednesday, says that Serbia should invest more effort in the process of normalizing Belgrade-Pristina relations by making compromises and meeting the obligations it accepted in the EU-facilitated Kosovo dialogue. The report notes that Serbia remains engaged in the Kosovo dialogue but needs to show greater commitment.


It says that Serbia and Kosovo are expected to be more constructive to enable the start of negotiations on a comprehensive legally binding agreement to normalize relations which is the fundamental condition on their European paths. Both sides risk losing important opportunities if they don’t achieve progress, the report warns.


The report calls Serbia to investigate the violence against KFOR troops at the protests in May, adding that the priority is restoring the active participation of the Kosovo Serbs in local government, the police and judiciary in northern Kosovo. It said that the withdrawal of the Serbs from Kosovo institutions was in violation of Serbia’s Dialogue obligations.


The European Commission notes that Serbia’s parliament now includes the opposition parties that boycotted elections in 2020 but warns of tension between those parties and the ruling coalition. It says that parliament does not have an annual schedule with sessions called with just 24 warning. It says that oversight of the authorities is weak.


The progress report says that Serbia has made limited progress on freedom of expression but expresses concern over threats, intimidation, hate speech and violence against journalists along with a rise in the number SLAPP suits especially by public officials. Frequent statements by high-ranking officials about investigative journalism creates a challenging environment, it says and adds that media coverage of criminal trials are excessively limited by law.


The report says that the new laws will reinforce the independence of the Regulatory Body for Electronic Media (REM). It expresses concern over political and economic influence over the media and called for urgent measures to counter anti-EU narratives and foreign manipulation of information especially in the context of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.


The report says verbal assaults and slander campaigns by public officials have continued against several civil society organizations. It notes that the Parliament administrative committee failed to note violations of the code of conduct despite verbal assaults by MPs. Those civil society organizations have been under pressure, especially those that took part in protests against the glorification of war criminals, in support of environmental protection and the Serbia Against Violence protests.


The European Commission warns that some political parties and individuals, even at ministerial level, have continued supporting convicted war criminals who, in turn, continued spreading hate speech. The report says that some politicians are denying the Srebrenica genocide with impunity. According to the report, Serbia has not shown true commitment in investigating and trying war crimes and is publicly disputing international war crimes court judgements.


The report expresses concern over the judiciary because of pressure and notes that steps have been taken to reduce political pressure on the judiciary but with no visible reduction of influence on judges and prosecutors.


It notes that Serbia has achieved limited progress in implementing the recommendations made in the previous report on combating corruption. It says that corruption is widespread and remains a cause for concern. It says that strong political will is needed to combat corruption along with a strong response from the judiciary against high-level corruption. It also notes a slight increase in the number of new investigations and sentences in corruption cases at high level with a drop in new indictments. Serbia is called to set up an efficient coordination mechanism for prevention and repression of corruption.


The European Commission also notes limited progress in combating organized crime, especially in preventing migrant smuggling and human trafficking. The report notes slight rise in financial investigations and seizure of assets as well as in new investigations and indictments with a drop in sentences, especially for money laundering. It warns that seizures are not systematically implemented and that pro-active investigations and money flow tracking are still not customary. According to the report, understanding and approach in investigations is better and the police, prosecutors and judges are aware of the importance of consistent tracking of money and the use of circumstantial evidence. It says that Serbia should adapt its approach from focusing on low- and medium-level cases to high-profile cases aimed at breaking up big and international organizations.


The report notes that Serbia has not aligned its foreign policies with those of the EU and that some activities and statements run counter to EU policies. It says that Serbia did not impose restrictive measures against Russia following the invasion of Ukraine and maintains high-level relations with Moscow. It calls official Belgrade to align with EU common foreign and security policies and prevent any attempt to use Serbia’s territory to circumvent restrictive EU measures and foreign intervention and misinformation. The report notes that Serbia has also not fully aligned its visa policies with those of the EU but has introduced visas for some countries whose citizens require visas to enter the EU.


The European Commission says that every agreement that Serbia signs with other countries must be compatible with the Acquis Communitaire with guarantees that Serbia can terminate them when it joins the EU. The annual report, the single most important document for EU candidate countries, notes that Serbia has signed trade agreements with China and other countries that fail to meet EU standards.


Demostat: EP prepared to send election observation mission, no inter-party dialogue (Beta)


The European Parliament (EP) is prepared to send an observation mission for the December 17 elections in Serbia, but there will be no inter-party dialogue on the improvement of electoral conditions in Serbia, the Demostat research and publishing center learned from sources in the EP. Demostat sources said that, in recent months and following “signals” that elections would be held in December, some MEPs informally consulted with political actors in Serbia on ways “to improve the work of the future Serbian Parliament,” but said “there would be no official dialogue because there is no time.” On the other hand, the EP is prepared to send an observation mission “to oversee the election day in Serbia” on December 17. They explained that this can be done “only if official Belgrade sends an official letter to the European Parliament asking it to appoint a mission that would observe the elections, on the ground, that is, at polling stations in Serbia.” MEPs Vladimir Bilcik and Matjaz Nemec paid a two-day visit to Serbia in June and had talks with representatives of the government and opposition. Since 2019, the European Parliament has mediated the talks on electoral conditions between the government and the opposition in Serbia.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Isak’s Statement on Arrest of Dodik Sparks Reactions in the RS (RTRS)


RTRS brings reactions in Republika Srpska (RS) to the recent statement of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Minister of Interior Ramo Isak on arrest of RS President Milorad Dodik, reporting that as soon as the trial of Dodik began, stories on his arrest emerged in the FB&H. To remind, Isak said that the FB&H Police Administration will arrest Dodik if the Court of B&H issues such an order.


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Minister of Security Nenad Nesic reacted by saying that no one will arrest Dodik. RTRS reported that even if the Court of B&H issues such an order, judiciary police is in charge to react, while police agencies can carry out actions upon orders of the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H and the SIPA is its main service. Even if the Prosecutor’s Office of B&H orders Dodik’s arrest, the FB&H Ministry of Interior (MoI) cannot act at the territory of the RS and the RS MoI is obliged to protect the RS President. Nesic explained that Dodik is not under competence of the FB&H MoI and thus, what Isak says is nothing but populism. Nesic said that he understands Isak wants to achieve some political goals.


Minister of Interior of RS Sinisa Karan stated that the statement of Isak that RS President ‘will be arrested if the Court of B&H requests it from the FB&H police’ is stupid and one more attempt to join the quasi-judicial, quasi-prosecutorial and quasi-criminal farce. According to Karan, the constitutional competence of the RS President constitutes a criminal offense. “(Christian) Schmidt is the ‘street’. Therefore, the ‘street’ adopts a paper that is a law, and then institutions imposed by earlier ‘Schmidts’ – the Court and the Prosecutor’s Office – work in line with the paper and try people”, said Karan. As for Isak’s statement, Karan said it is not enough to say it is stupid, adding it is destabilizing from the security point of view coming from the Minister of Interior.


Head of Cabinet of the RS President Danijel Dragicevic told ‘Srna’ news agency that there is a clear border in terms of jurisdiction of all entity institutions of the RS and the FB&H, especially of the Ministries of Interior, which every police officer should know, especially someone who is the FB&H Interior Minister. Dragicevic said that ‘we’ are clear about appetites and wishes of FB&H Interior Minister Ramo Isak and wishes of majority in the FB&H who would like to make arrests in the RS, especially arrest RS President Milorad Dodik “however those wishes will never materialize”. Dragicevic stated, among other issues, it is obvious that Isak is trying to bring back the story about the police reform ad transfer of competences from the entity to the B&H level to the table. He went on to say that Isak should first read the Dayton agreement and then the jurisdiction of the Ministry he is in charge of, and jurisdiction of the cantonal Ministries, and then make public statements “because with these kind of statements he only shows ignorance and lack of knowledge”. Dragicevic added that Isak has enough work in the entity where he lives and works, and that Isak should leave the RS and its President alone.


Prosecutor’s Office of RS suspends investigation vs. Dodik, Viskovic (


Prosecutor’s Office of Republika Srpska (RS) suspended the investigation against RS President Milorad Dodik and Prime Minister Radovan Viskovic. The criminal report against the two of them was filed because of failure to report criminal offenses within the RS Government. The report was filed by Banja Luka attorney, Dario Sandic due to their statements from beginning of 2023, when they said that there are people employed in the Government who never come to job, and they receive salaries. The report stressed that the report was filed because they were obligated to report their findings to the Prosecutor’s Office. Article reads that’ made an inquiry to Banja Luka District Prosecutor’s Office, where the report was filed, but they shifted the responsibility onto Prosecutor’s Office of RS, which failed to respond to inquiry regarding suspension of the investigation.


RS Justice Minister Milos Bukejlovic stated on Monday that a criminal offense that RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic are charged with is not legally prescribed as a criminal offense, but it is imposed by a decision of “foreign national Christian Schmidt who facedly presents himself as the High Representative.” Lukic stressed that Schmidt is not the High Representative, adding that even the appointment by the UN Security Council would not give him the competences to impose laws in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) because only B&H Parliament has such competences. Bukejlovic stressed that the IC should be dissatisfied with such acting of Schmidt since this is about undermining the constitutional organization of B&H, limiting its sovereignty, and attempting to introduce colonial administration. He argues that the issued and confirmed indictment against Dodik and Lukic is a legal absurdity. Bukejlovic explained: “Criminal responsibility cannot be established based on the fact that the RS President signed the decree and proclaimed the law.”


B&H Defense Minister Helez meets Defense Minister of the Netherlands Ollongren in Sarajevo; They discuss Euro-Atlantic integration and security situation in the region and the world (


Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Defense Minister Zukan Helez has held a meeting with Defense Minister of the Netherlands Kajsa Ollongren in Sarajevo on Monday. Helez said that they mostly talked about the topics which refer to the EU and NATO paths of B&H, and the topics which refer to the security situation in the world. Helez added: “I thanked the Minister for the coming of 200 members of the armed forces of the Netherlands. This is one important contingent which contributes to peace.” Helez also said that the EC should start negotiations with B&H and he added: “We have condemned the Russian aggression on Ukraine. I have clearly said that I am against the things that Hamas did and that I am against the things that Israeli army does to civilians in Gaza. A hospital and a school cannot be a legitimate military target.” Ollengren said that she and Helez talked about bilateral cooperation of B&H and the Netherlands and about the NATO path. She added: “We discussed the most EUFOR related issues where we have one Dutch platoon deployed within the operation ALTHEA. We also talked about the war in Ukraine where we witness the war which has been lasting for over 600 days and I have expressed our support to Ukraine in two areas - training of the personnel and suppling Ukrainian armed forces with ammunition.” She also said that they talked about the security situation in Middle East and that she condemns the attack of Hamas on the territory of Israel, but that she also expressed concern over the humanitarian situation in Gaza. She concluded: “We also talked about the bilateral situation, the security situation in your country and the region, the ways how to strengthen the cooperation and B&H Armed Forces. Today I will visit Dutch troops, that are a part of the operation ALTHEA, and we shall learn about their experiences first-hand.”


FB&H PM Niksic meets French Ambassador Delmas; France supports EU integration of B&H (Dnevni avaz)


Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FB&H) Prime Minister Nermin Niksic met with French Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), Francois Delmas on Monday. The meeting focused on a discussion on issues concerning the EU path of B&H, reforms processes, as well as the current security and political situation. Niksic informed the Ambassador about meeting of obligations and priorities in the process of the EU accession. The statement issued by FB&H Government reads that Delmas expressed full support of France to B&H’s EU path and further improvement of bilateral cooperation, as well as solving of the important issues under FB&H competence. He reminded that France supported awarding the status of the EU candidate for B&H and underlined support of his country to the enlargement process. “My team is standing at disposal, ready to work together on all issues that are important for our two countries. I want us to continue to strengthen relations in all sectors and let me stress out that you have a friend in the French Embassy,” said Ambassador Delmas.




Energy tops agenda of PM’s visit to Azerbaijan (HRT)


Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic is on an official visit to Azerbaijan that is focusing on energy. One of the top items on the agenda is the proposed Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline and connecting Croatia to one of its branches so that it could receive natural gas from Azerbaijan via Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The idea of building an Adriatic-Ionian gas pipeline has been around for more than a decade. Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic and Economy Minister Davor Filipovic recently discussed the plan with Azerbaijan's president last January at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Croatia has had a strategic energy partnership with Azerbaijan since 2013.


"We spoke about continuing economic and energy cooperation. We agreed that a meeting of our joint economic committee, last held in Croatia in 2021, would be held early next year in Azerbaijan so that we can consider all possible opportunities for cooperation,” said Plenkovic.


Azerbaijan is a major producer of oil and gas. Since Russia's aggression on Ukraine, its profile as an energy supplier has increased significantly. The EU signed a strategic partnership with Azerbaijan last year, pledging to double Azerbaijan’s natural gas exports to the EU by 2027.




Mandic: I don’t work for anyone else’s account, but exclusively for my people (CDM)


“The census will be conducted on 30 November and Montenegro will finally receive the data it badly needs. Due to certain votes that emphasize additional delays, we must be clear that there will be no further delay”, announced Parliament Speaker and one of the leaders of the For the Future of Montenegro coalition, Andrija Mandic.


He said that three years had been lost in various political upheavals and a period of political instability. “We have a lot of work ahead of us. The system that we have to clean from crime and corruption has existed for three decades, and even then, it was inherited from the former communist government, which was known for the extent of its state apparatus”, said Mandic for the Belgrade-based Politika. This, he says, is the biggest struggle that Montenegro as a society faces.


The special task of the Parliament, he believes, is the election of the judge of the Constitutional Court, the election of the members of the Judicial Council, the election of the Supreme State Prosecutor, but also the continuation of the reform of the electoral legislation and the Law on Parliament, which has been announced for many years.


“If we carry out all this, it would be a great achievement for this Parliament convocation to do such an important job. The Parliament of Montenegro, as the mother of all authorities in our country, has many important obligations, and as its Speaker, I will do my best to solve the accumulated urgent problems in an urgent manner, while we will always strive to create an atmosphere of absolute consensus regarding the strategic ones”, said Mandic.


Milatovic: Slovenia’s strong support for acceleration of our country’s EU path, Brdo-Brioni Process summit next year in Montenegro (CDM)


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic began his official visit to Slovenia with a meeting with the President of the country, Natasa Pirc Musar, at Brdo near Kranj. He was received with the highest state honours. The two officials assessed that the relations between Montenegro and Slovenia are excellent and based on the principles of friendship, openness and mutual support.


“Our relations are characterized by the historical closeness and sincere friendship of the citizens of two countries that, not so long ago, were part of the same country, the former Yugoslavia, and have maintained a sense of closeness and trust to this day. It is on these solid foundations that we are developing constructive cooperation in all bilateral fields, which is strengthened by the alliance within NATO. We will never forget that Slovenia was the first country to open its embassy in Podgorica, after the restoration of Montenegrin statehood, and we are grateful for your continued commitment and support for the achievement of Montenegrin foreign policy goals”, said Milatovic.


He thanked Slovenia for affirming the EU perspective of the Western Balkans – which is the only guarantor of the region’s stability. At the suggestion of Slovenia, Montenegro received approval to organize the next summit of the Brdo-Brioni Process in our country. At the same time, it was also agreed that next year Montenegro would host a large economic forum between the two countries.


Markovic: I am thinking about forming a new party (


“Although it is good that Montenegro finally got a government, it is a question of the capacity of that government – whether it will return the country to a European and pro-Western course”, the former prime minister of Montenegro Dusko Markovic told Gradska RTV. He added that PM Milojko Spajic should be given a chance to implement the European agenda, despite the obstacles faced both on the internal and external political levels. He announced the possible formation of a new party.


“It’s good that Montenegro finally got a government, no matter what its character is”, said Markovic. However, he added, the way in which it was elected is not in favor of a democratic and politically organized state. Therefore, he believes that Montenegro is seriously threatened today. It is a bad message that the new government does not include representatives of all the less numerous peoples, because they are the integral part of Montenegro. However, Markovic believes it is good that some Albanian parties are still part of it. Montenegro needs political consolidation, emphasized Markovic and added that he was thinking about the formation of a new party. “I haven’t made a decision about it, but I’m thinking about it. Not only about me forming a party, but what all needs to be done in the European and civic bloc in order to consolidate and for Montenegro to get out of this permanent risk of an abyss that is open to its future”, said Markovic. He is convinced that the West will not leave Montenegro in the lurch, but it is up to the Montenegrin, independence-supporting and pro-Western forces to win this battle themselves.


North Macedonia


Mickoski claims DUI 'caught stealing' turns to nationalism, Osmani says DUI 'majority will of Albanians' (MIA)


VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski in Radovish called on "Macedonian citizens not to fall for DUI leader Ali Ahmeti's nationalist provocations" after Ahmeti in the village of Sopot this weekend opened a Museum of the UCK, showcasing a map of Greater Albania as well as photos of him and commanders in UCK uniforms and insignia. "Citizens should beware in the coming period, because DUI, whenever they are caught stealing or robbing, they immediately turn to nationalism and chauvinism," Mickoski said. "The bigger the nationalist provocations the more you should be aware that once again some tender bid is decided in private and Macedonian citizens are being robbed again," the largest opposition party head said.


Meanwhile, asked to comment on VMRO-DPMNE's recent comments that DUI would not be part of the government after the elections, Foreign Minister and DUI member Bujar Osmani said that it was "not the first time that DUI has been asked to go into opposition." "This way of creating interethnic hatred to score political points is too risky for a multiethnic state such as ours. I can tell VMRO that as long as there is DUI and as long as Ali Ahmeti is there, Albanians will not have a hair on their head missing. All their threats are worthless," Osmani said.


In response to a reporter's question why he was speaking of interethnic tensions when only DUI had been mentioned and not Albanians in general, Osmani said it was DUI that represented the majority of the Albanians. "Mentioning DUI is mentioning the majority will of the Albanians. DUI represents the Albanians. They did not fall from the sky. People chose them to represent the Albanians. The majority of the Albanians is with DUI. Any attempt to create interethnic hatred so they can then play the emotion card with the Macedonians, I think is highly risky for the state," Osmani said.


Osmani: OSCE Ministerial Council biggest event in country (MIA)


The OSCE Ministerial Council, set to take place in Skopje on November 30-December 1, will be the biggest event in the country, both in scope and substance, Foreign Minister and OSCE Chairman-in-Office Bujar Osmani told a press briefing on Monday. The event, to be held at the Boris Trajkovski sports hall, will bring together 76 delegations and 1,000 guests from OSCE member-states and partners. Although invited, it is still uncertain if the Russian FM will come due to the closed airspace for Russian airplanes in North Macedonia and neighboring countries.


Osmani said that for the first time on record, OSCE is in an existential crisis because of the declining trust among member-states since the aggression against Ukraine. "There is no chairmanship for 2024, although it should be designated two years in advance. Countries are divided on the issue," said Osmani and voiced expectation that the decision would be made in Skopje. In addition, the organization is also facing the problem of not having approved a budget. "The decision on OSCE's future will be made in this very hall. The event is an opportunity for dialogue among ministers of the biggest countries in the world on issues important for the OSCE region. Skopje will be the center of the world," said Osmani.


Over 200 people will be engaged in the event organization, along with 200 Army members as drivers of the delegations. A charter flight will bring some delegations from Brussels, while others will arrive with their own aircraft. The event will start with an informal dinner on November 29, followed by the two-day official part of the Ministerial Council.




Rama pays a working visit to Italy (Radio Tirana)


The Prime Minister was received in a state ceremony at the Palazzo Chigi in Rome by the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. The two prime ministers held a meeting with closed doors, at the end of which they also had a communication with the media. Rama is accompanied on this visit by 3 cabinet ministers, the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Igli Hasani, the Minister of Defense Niko Peleshi, the Minister of the Interior Taulant Balla.


Albania will help Italy cope with the flow of immigrants coming to the European Union for political or economic asylum. Prime Minister Edi Rama and the head of the Italian government, Giorgia Meloni, signed on Monday the cooperation protocol for the fight against illegal trafficking and the reception of refugees. In a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni in Rome, Rama said that, "Albania is not an EU country, but it is E.(European). We are in Europe, we are a European country, but we miss the U(Union) but in the meantime this does not prevent us from being and seeing the world as Europeans. Another thing that I want to stress out is that we would not make this agreement with any other EU country or state, with all due respect because there is a big difference, a historical-cultural difference and also emotional one that connects Albania with Italy and Albanians with Italians".


"I don't believe that we won't be able in the years to come, to foresee what lies ahead, to pay the debt we owe to Italy, the Italian people and the Italian institutions, what they have done for us from the first day we reached the shores on this side of the seacoast to find support and have a better life", said Rama.


Anyway, Rama added: as I have said on other occasions, if Italy calls, Albania responds. I cannot and do not want to judge the political merit of the decisions, but it is up to us to respond, be always present to help, to give a helping hand and in this case, it means to help a little to manage a situation, a situation that is difficult for Italy and the truth is that geography has turned into what is called a curse for Italy because when you enter Italy, you hear that you have entered Europe and the EU, but when it comes to managing this entry as the EU, we know very well how things develop and on this of course, we do not have the strength and capacity to be the solution, but I think we have the duty, the commitment, the obligation and a capacity to offer help".


The head of the government reiterated that, "this cooperation protocol is a product, so to speak, of a long discussion to do well. It's not a solution to something we do, because we have to do it at all costs, but we do believe in it. Albania has a history of hospitality, Albania is the only European country where more Jews were during the Second World War. Albania is a country where thousands of Italians, after the capitulation of Italy in the Second World War, found protection by the Albanians and were not left under the current or what is called at the mercy of fate against the Germans".


"We have helped all the people against Milosevic's ethnic cleansing, then Albania has given shelter to thousands of Afghan girls and women, so to speak, our part of the strategic alliance within NATO and this is another indicator. We could not leave all those who believed in the new world in the hands of those murderers of Afghanistan. We have given the opportunity to survive to almost thousands of Iranians and as I say, we cannot resolve the problems, but we can give a help," Rama emphasized in his speech.


After the media conference, Prime Minister Edi Rama and the Prime Minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni signed a protocol between the Government of the Italian Republic and the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania to strengthen cooperation in the field of migration.


Although it is a candidate country, Albania actually behaves like a member country of the European Union. With these words, the prime minister of Italy, Giorgia Meloni, evaluated Albania's approach towards the values and standards of the European Union. In a joint conference with Prime Minister Edi Rama in Rome, Meloni said that Italy is proud of Albania's behaviour, as Italy remains one of its main supporters for EU membership. "I am very satisfied with the work we have done with my friend Edi Rama. Albania is a candidate for joining the EU, but Albania conducts and has an approach as if it is actually an EU country. One of the reasons that Italy and I are very proud of, is that Italy is one of the main protagonists of support for Albania's entry into the EU. I believe that the Western Balkans is a European country and from the beginning we have supported this European union. On the basis of this cooperation, other initiatives can be born. This could be a new page of a strategic cooperation", said Meloni.


"Strong Balkan 23", the Special Forces of the region continue with the joint training in Albania (Radio Tirana)


The Albanian Armed Forces and those of the region continue the joint exercise "Strong Balkan 23", which aims to increase the level of readiness and skills of the Special Forces in the Balkan region. Albanian Defense Minister, Niko Peleshi stated that the purpose of this exercise is to improve cooperation in difficult operations between the special forces of the eight Balkan countries. "The "Strong Balkan 23" exercise continues to increase the stand by level and capabilities of the Special Forces in the Balkans region. The troops are developing joint tactics, to learn from each other's experiences and to improve their cooperation in difficult operations," Peleshi underscores.


The exercise "Strong Balkan 23" takes place for the first time in Albania. Special Forces from 8 Balkan countries participate in this exercise. The Special Forces will simultaneously increase professional level, tactical, operational and strategic training, to face the complex challenges presented by today's security environment, during this training.