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Belgrade Media Report 7 March 2024



Vucic says Brnabic for parliament speaker (N1)


Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leadership decided to put Ana Brnabic in the post of parliament speaker. “Ana Brnabic is the most positive surprise for me. She has progressed the most, fighting strongly and bravely,” Vucic said after a meeting of the SNS Presidency. He said the nomination of Brnabic will be made in the next 7 to 10 days. He said that former parliament speaker Vladimir Orlic would move on. “I believe Orlic will have important duties in some other post,” he said. According to Vucic, Aleksandar Sapic will be nominated for Belgrade mayor again. Vucic spoke to reporters at a news conference sitting next to Milos Vucevic who replaced him as SNS leader.


Brnabic on new post: I have a lot to learn (N1)


Outgoing Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, who has been nominated by the SNS Presidency for Serbian parliament speaker, said the new post will be a huge challenge for her and that she has a lot to learn, the SNS quoted her in a post on Instagram. “This is now a completely different job and I start learning as of this evening,” Brnabic told reporters in Bucharest on Wednesday. We have to keep working so everything in the parliament is formed as soon as possible, this includes the speaker, the committees and everything else, and the government, so we continue working, added Brnabic. She said that being the prime minister and working side by side with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic was the greatest honor for her.


Romania’s support for Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty (Politika/Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said last night in Bucharest that Serbia can count on Romania’s support regarding Kosovo and Metohija and European integration. Speaking to journalists after meeting with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis, Brnabic expressed her belief that Romania’s position regarding respect for Serbia’s territorial integrity and international law will not change. Romania firmly stands by Serbia in the matter of European integration, she reiterated and said that Serbia will continue to work with that country on projects in the field of transport and energy. Timisoara is one of the cities that are the engine of Romania’s development in terms of digitalisation, startups and innovative companies. Vrsac is relatively close, so we want to work more on connecting our schools, universities, science and technology parks, the Prime Minister pointed out.


Brnabic attends EPP congress in Bucharest (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian PM Ana Brnabic attended on Wednesday a European People's Party (EPP) congress in Bucharest, where she also held several important meetings. Before the congress, Brnabic had a cordial encounter with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. On the sidelines of the congress, Brnabic met with Romanian Senate President Nicolae Iionel Ciuca, who is also the leader of the National Liberal Party, as well as with an MP of Germany's Christian Democratic Union Tilman Kuban, and the leader of North Macedonia's VMRO-DPMNE party Hristijan Mickoski. The discussion topic was potential cooperation within the EPP.


Good relations between Serbia, Greece confirmed (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met today, on the second day of the Congress of the European People's Party (EPP) in Bucharest, with Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis. Brnabic and Mitsotakis once again confirmed the good relations between the two countries and mutual cooperation, and there was talk of future cooperation in several areas.


Starovic meets with officials of US administration in Washington (Tanjug/RTV)


State Secretary at the Serbian Ministry of Defence Nemanja Starovic met with officials of the US administration in Washington on Tuesday. Starovic is heading a Ministry of Defence delegation on a visit to the US. As part of preparations for Serbia-US bilateral consultations on defence, Starovic met with the director for the Balkans and Central Europe in the US National Security Council Jeremy Long, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the US Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Stanley Brown and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Gabriel Escobar, who is also Washington's special Western Balkans envoy. Starovic also attended a panel on the US-Serbian defence partnership, hosted in the US Congress by the Serbian embassy in Washington and the Halyard Foundation.


Fico: I see no reason for Slovakia to recognise Kosovo, we would return to KFOR (Tanjug)


In an exclusive interview for Tanjug, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico said on Thursday his country saw no reason to recognise so-called Kosovo. Fico said Slovakia was a small country adhering to the principle that small countries that did not resolve their problems by military means could rely only on international law. "If we also have the courage to say that we see a violation of international law in the case of Ukraine, then we have the courage to say the same in the Kosovo case, too. That is why, if we remain on the platform of respect of international law and standards of how an independent state should emerge, you can rely on us in that case. We see no reason to recognise Kosovo," Fico said. Asked if Slovakia was under pressure due to this stance, Fico responded that he had become accustomed to being criticised for bravely speaking his mind and the truth, rather than what "liberal progressivist" media expected. "In case of any pressure on us, I see no reason for a change of opinion when it comes to recognition of Kosovo," he added. Asked whether Slovakia could return to the KFOR mission, which is important for the security of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Fico said he had discussed the topic with Slovakia's deputy PM and defence minister. "The defence minister confirmed to me that, if Slovakia were to be invited, we are absolutely ready to join the mission and take an active part in it," he said. "Slovakia will gladly return to that mission," he added. Commenting on an EU proposal to include implementation of the Brussels and Ohrid agreements in the framework of accession talks with Serbia, Fico noted that Serbia must count on the Kosovo issue being used as an obstacle in its EU accession negotiations. He also said Serbia and Slovakia were historically close countries but that their friendship could always be improved and advanced further.


Opposition: Belgrade polls on 28 April – unacceptable mockery of democracy (Beta)


A member of the Presidency of the Freedom and Justice Party Branko Miljus argued on 6 March that a report that Belgrade polls would be repeated on 28 April, with a school break, Easter and May Day holidays combined, and before the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations were implemented, “is a test for Serbian citizens and the opposition to show if they are ready to oppose this unacceptable mockery of democracy”. The opposition party quoted Miljus as saying "that this is undermining the basic idea of elections - to enable as many people as possible to vote". Miljus also said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic “has issued a public order” to ministers and the directors of public enterprises to join the campaign. As a result, Predrag Sarenac, the chief of staff of the Belgrade Greenery CEO, “is already blackmailing the public company’s workers to collect secure votes for the ruling Progressives, violating not only domestic laws, but also the ODIHR priority recommendation that intimidation and pressure on voters must be prevented”. Miljus has warned that “it is clear that Vucic's regime is trying to quickly deceive both the citizens and the international community”.


Bundestag MP: Vucic, Brnabic shouldn’t think they can “play tricks” on us again (N1)


Member of the German Bundestag Josip Juratovic sent a message to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and outgoing Prime Minister Ana Brnabic that they should not think they can play tricks on EU representatives again. Juratovic said this in connection with the Serbian opposition parties’ fears that the Belgrade elections will be held in April and that there will be no time to improve the electoral conditions. “I know about that fear, it is justified. I would not recommend it to Vucic or Brnabic to think they can play tricks on us again, like when the elections were held before the Christmas and New Year holidays… This time we will be watching everything very closely. After all, they are the ones who said they were ready to improve the electoral conditions,” said Juratovic. He added that international community representatives will discuss this with the Serbian authorities, that it will take time to prepare the elections well and that they should then “be held at the same time as the local elections, with the same rules that will also apply to Belgrade”. Juratovic stressed that “all democrats across Europe, maybe even across the world” will be watching the Serbian authorities, and added that Serbia has many wrong friends who do not want to see Serbia join the EU. “These are mostly friends of the incumbent government. But Serbia’s true friends want a Serbia with democratic values and you have many friends all over Europe and they have now shown their power,” said Juratovic. Asked whether the EU will send an observation mission for the Belgrade elections, Juratovic said that depends on Serbia. “We are ready to help, the EU is always ready to provide any kind of assistance, but Serbia must want it… I also think that the opposition has achieved a huge success. Running an election campaign and going through what the opposition went through… All credit to them, they were a positive surprise. I think the EU has recognized this and that it will stand at the disposal of all democratic forces in Serbia. I think that democracy has been strengthened in Serbia and that Vucic will have to accept that as a fact,” he said. Juratovic said Germany is Serbia’s ally but that Aleksandar Vucic and the incumbent government are not Serbia.


Kosovo Police, Customs Service raid pharmacies in N. Kosovo (KoSSev/N1)


The Kosovo Police and Customs Service on Thursday raided a pharmacy in Kosovska Mitrovica and one in Zvecan, sources confirmed for KoSSev. The Oreol pharmacy in Kosovska Mitrovica pharmacy and the pharmacy in Zvecan, which is located in the vicinity of the local health center, were searched by the members of the Kosovo Customs Service, assisted by the Kosovo Police Region North Directorate, KoSSev said. The raids were conducted on suspicion of smuggling of medical product, reported KoSSev. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija condemned the Thursday raids of pharmacies in Kosovska Mitrovica and Zvecan. The Office said this was “a new escalatory action of the Pristina authorities aimed at making life impossible for the Serbs in northern Kosovo and forcing them to leave their homes by depriving them of their basic means of living – the Dinar, medicine and staple”.


Explosive device lobbed at Serb-owned hospitality establishment in Kosovo and Metohija (RTS)


An explosive device was lobbed at a Serb-owned hospitality establishment in the Ranilug municipality near Kosovska Kamenica last night and the blast caused material damage. The establishment was closed at the time of the explosion, RTS reported. The owner alerted the police, which have launched an investigation into the incident, qualifying it as a case of causing general danger. The explosive device is suspected to have been a hand grenade.




B&H CoM unanimously adopts new text of Proposal of Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in B&H Institutions, and it will submit it to B&H Parliament in urgent procedure (FTV)


At an extraordinary telephone session held on Wednesday, the Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Council of Ministers (CoM) unanimously adopted the new text of the Proposal of Law on the Prevention of Conflict of Interest in Institutions of B&H and it will submit it to the B&H parliament in an urgent procedure. This law is one of the conditions that B&H is required to fulfill on the EU path. The adoption of this law, proposed by the B&H Ministry of Justice, fulfills one of 14 priorities in the area of the rule of law in the European integration process of B&H. The aim of the law is to prevent conflicts of interest in the performance of public duties in institutions at the B&H level, that is, to remove private influences on decision-making, to strengthen integrity, objectivity, independence, impartiality and transparency in the performance of public duties, to prevent and fight against corruption, and to strengthen citizens' trust in institutions of B&H. The proposed law, in addition to a broadly defined conflict of interest in accordance with European standards, specifies the obligations and responsibilities of public office holders, incompatibilities in the performance of another function or job by introducing clear and unique rules that limit the performance of multiple functions or jobs. The proposed law contains, among other things, provisions on the duty to submit a report on the financial status and assets of public office holders and their close relatives, verification of said data and public publication of the register of public office holders and their assets, as well as provisions on the establishment of an independent seven-member commission for deciding on conflicts of interest in institutions at the B&H level. The CoM published a press release, which reads that, in accordance with the provisions of this law, the holder of a public office in institutions at the level of B&H is obliged to submit to the committee within 30 days from the day of assuming public office a report on the financial situation and assets for himself and his close relatives, in accordance with the situation on the day of election or appointment, and thereafter on an annual basis, no later than 31 March of the current year for the previous year. “Data from the public register of assets of holders of public office, their close relatives and related persons in institutions at the level of B&H will be published on the official website of the commission, in accordance with the current regulations on the protection of personal data”, reads the CoM’s statement. EU Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi commended the adoption of the Proposal Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests by the Council of Ministers (CoM) of B&H. Varhelyi said that he and Chair of B&H CoM Borjana Kristo discussed progress of B&H on the path to the EU. “I welcome the adoption of the Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interests by B&H CoM. Reforms must continue”, Varhelyi added. Minister of Foreign Affairs of B&H Elmedin Konakovic will meet Varhelyi on Thursday in Brussels. News portal reminded that a session of B&H Parliament was scheduled for Monday and the EU is expected to make a decision on launching of talks with B&H on 21 or 22 March.


Becirovic meets Sattler and Ambassadors of EU member states accredited in B&H (Hayat)


On the occasion of the upcoming decision of the European Council on the opening of accession negotiations with B&H, B&H Presidency member Denis Becirovic met with Head of the EU Delegation (EUD) to B&H Johann Sattler and ambassadors of EU member states accredited in B&H in Sarajevo on Wednesday. Becirovic stated that everyone hopes that on 21 March, the European Council will make a good decision and enable B&H to open negotiations for joining the EU. Becirovic noted that steps forward have been made and global awareness of the need for membership has been strengthened. Becirovic added that the Presidency of B&H implemented all obligations that were before this body, but that the Council of Ministers (CoM) and the parliament of B&H also worked well. Becirovic stressed that in 2023, the foreign policy of B&H and the EU was fully harmonized. Becirovic pointed out that positive decision of the European Council for B&H to start negotiations for EU membership would be an incentive and encouragement, but also a very strong message to the entire region of the Western Balkans. “I persistently point out that B&H's path to full membership in the EU has no alternative. Opening negotiations with the EU is not joining the EU. This is an opportunity for B&H, for its citizens, to harmonize our legislation with the EU legal acquis. This is an important moment for B&H, and this can be a positive turning point for our country. We must not miss this opportunity. Over eighty percent of B&H citizens want our country to be in the EU. This is the interest of both B&H and the EU, so it is a mutual interest. I believe that at this moment we have reason for optimism. In the past months, I spoke with numerous leaders of key European countries, with prime ministers, presidents, ministers and so on, and especially after my visits to Brussels, Berlin, Paris and other important centers, I want to believe that the outcome will be positive,” Becirovic said.


Dodik: RS and FB&H did what was up to us, we expect from the EU much more than one positive report (RTRS)


Republika Srpska (RS) President Milorad Dodik posted on X on Wednesday that democratically elected representatives of peoples exclusively, have the final word in B&H and “in this way we show that we can be a part of the European community, as a sovereign and independent country”. He added: “A stable, Dayton, constitutional and independent B&H is necessary to the region and the EU and together with partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) we are waiting for a positive response. The date is approaching, and it is up to Europe to show that forces dominate in it, which stand for the enlargement process, and which will sincerely welcome everything that he have done so far within a short period of time, or the opponents of the enlargement will win. We have made impossible possible – we have reached joint solutions. These are not Serb, Croat or Bosniak solutions, but the solutions of the RS and the FB&H, which are deeply built into the European path of B&H.” Dodik further said that the story about imposing is anti-European, and it undermines stability and progress of B&H. Dodik added: “Others did not decide on the European path, nor they can do this. This is the only thing that all of us in B&H agree about. The RS and the FB&H are ready, and we make it clear that we expect from the EU much more than one positive report. The date is a crucial word. We in the FB&H and the RS did what was up to us, and we continue with the same pace to finish what has left to be done. It is all up to Europe now.”


Konakovic visits Hungary; Hungary expresses support to EU path of B&H (Nova BH)


B&H Foreign Affairs Minister Elmedin Konakovic is in an official visit to Budapest, Hungary, where he met Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto. On Wednesday, the two foreign ministers signed the Action Plan on Transfer of Knowledge in the EU Accession Process. This will be help for B&H on its path towards the EU, and Hungary will share its experiences. Konakovic said the signing of the Action Plan and the official visit to Hungary are additional proof that B&H and Hungary maintain good relations. He said it is good that B&H has a lot of friends on its path towards the EU, because, as Konakovic pointed out, this coming phase will be a difficult one, and all the help is greatly appreciated. We cannot do this alone, Konakovic added. The EU negotiations process is complex and knowledge and experience of countries that are already EU member states is always welcome. “It means a lot from someone that has already gone through all of that, someone that has experiences, even similar experiences from its history, they can certainly help, and you (Hungary) are certainly one of the countries that has offered us such form of support in a swift, active and most professional way,” the B&H FM stated. Szijjarto emphasized that his country is committed to the effort of finally starting the EU negotiations with B&H. He reminded that Hungary will take over presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 July. One of Hungary’s goals will be to accelerate the process of integration of the Western Balkans countries to the EU. Szijjarto pointed out that they know very well how important stability of this region is, and he said that stability cannot be achieved without stability of B&H. He promised Hungary will continue to provide all forms of help and support to B&H on its EU path. Konakovic also met with Hungarian Minister for European Affairs of Hungary Janos Boka in Budapest on Wednesday. Konakovic informed Boka about the reform process in B&H and that B&H is in key phase of the European path, expressing hope that the EU institutions will recognize the progress and adopt decision of opening of the accession negotiations. Boka emphasized that B&H has done more now than years before, and that the EU should recognize the progress.


Trial of Dodik and Lukic continues (ATV)


The trial of RS President Milorad Dodik and Acting Director of the Official Gazette of the RS Milos Lukic resumed before the Court of B&H on Wednesday. The two processes were merged again at the request of defense. The Court of B&H denied a motion for recusal of judge Sena Uzunovic. Witness Dragan Kremenovic, the officer of the Banja Luka office of the State Investigation and Protection Agency of B&H (SIPA) testified at the hearing. Addressing the press conference in Istocno Sarajevo after the hearing, Dodik stated that the process against him is staged and has a goal to prevent him from political activity. He stated that he will not allow that the constitutional rights of the RS are brought in question. Dodik assessed that his defense team “leads a battle against foreigners, who try to impose an absolute colonial rule”, which will weaken B&H as the right to sovereign decision-making through judicial system stipulated by the Constitution of B&H is being usurped. He reminded that the Constitution of B&H does not stipulate the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H, but they were imposed by a decision of foreigners. “All judges and prosecutors at the Court and Prosecutor’s Office of B&H have passed triage of foreigners through the OHR and other embassies, and only those who were assessed positively can work as judges and prosecutors in order to serve interests of foreigners in this area”, Dodik said. He stressed that there are attempts to change the constitutional order in B&H in favor of centralization and unitarization, noting that the RS is against this. Dodik added that Bosniak politicians have accepted such a vassal position hoping that they will succeed, for the sake of a political solution, to push out the Serb and Croat people through staged court processes. Lukic told the press that he was not sure if Kremenovic was the witnesses of the defense or the prosecution at the hearing, stressing that the impression was that he testified in favor of defense after successful work of attorneys Goran Bubic and Miljkan Pucar. He said that he is sure that the defense will fully “unmask this political process” in the further course of the trial. "The political process that is being conducted before the Court of B&H will eventually backfire on those who set it up," said Dodik. He pointed out that the Court and the Prosecutor's Office of B&H were misused for political purposes. "I am a citizen of RS and B&H. I feel attacked and insecure in B&H because it is an abuse of an institution that does not exist in accordance with the Constitution, namely the Court and the Prosecutor's Office, which serve political and other interests that are not in the interest of the people who live here. This is about putting legally elected people in a position to answer to people who were not elected democratically and do not answer to the people," said Dodik. Lukic stated that in Germany the occupation was abolished four years after the war, and in our country the German occupation has been going on for 28 years. "The B&H Prosecutor's Office invited the witness to confirm whether their signatures were his. It is not clear whether the witness who testified today was a witness for the defense or the prosecution. He testified for us on our behalf. I am sure that in the continuation of the proceedings, our lawyers will completely debunk this political process, which is another proof of schmitocracy," said Lukic.


Peskov: Serbs are our brothers and sisters, heroic people, especially Serbs who live in RS (RTRS)


RTRS reported that spokesman for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov stated during the World Youth Festival in Sochi (Russia): “Serbs are our brothers and sisters. Serbs are a heroic people. They should be applauded. Especially Serbs from RS”. He also said the RS is not a state, but an entity, and that Serbs are a people everyone should respect. Peskov also reminded that Russian President Vladimir Putin recently met with RS President Milorad Dodik and that Putin fully supported Dodik. “Despite the undisguised and enormous pressure, the Serbs are still standing on their feet, and we Russians will always be with them,” Peskov said.


HR Schmidt meets PM Plenkovic: Priority is opening of accession talks (Dnevni avaz)


High Representative Christian Schmidt met with the Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. The meeting was held on the sidelines of EPP Congress in Bucharest. Following the meeting Plenkovic posted on X: “Meeting with High Representative Christian Schmidt, with whom we continue quality dialogue and cooperation. Our joint priority is for B&H to get as soon as possible the support for opening of the accession talks. European path is crucial for stability and prosperity.”


EPP Congress takes places in Bucharest, Plenkovic calls for opening of accession negotiations between B&H and EU (Vecernji list)


Leaders of the European People’s Party (EPP) met at a congress in Bucharest on Wednesday prior to June elections for the European Parliament (EP). According to the daily, the EPP also talked about B&H’s progress towards the EU and there were calls to EU Member States to approve beginning of the accession negotiations at the forthcoming session of the European Council. Participants of the conference included HDZ B&H leader Dragan Covic, Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers Borjana Kristo and Croatia Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Covic wrote on X that he was pleased to meet EP President Roberta Metsola and MEP Zeljana Zovko “at this key moment for the European path of B&H”. According to Covic, the incumbent B&H CoM, led by Chairwoman Kristo, continues to carry out a reform agenda in order to get closer to the EU future. Daily also wrote that Kristo addressed the EPP. Croatian PM Plenkovic addressed the Croatian media and said he will endorse EC President Ursula Von der Leyen for another term as the EC President, saying that von der Leyen strongly supported Croatia’s efforts to join the Eurozone and the Schengen zone. Plenkovic stressed he dedicated most of his time to B&H and the forthcoming discussion about opening of the accession negotiations in March. “We want that Brussels, on basis of achievements B&H has made in last two and half months, takes a political decision on opening of the negotiations”, stressed Plenkovic, adding it is about “a big diplomatic initiative of friends of B&H”. Plenkovic described the visit of Von der Leyen, Dutch PM Mark Rutte and his visit to Sarajevo several weeks ago, as well as visits of Foreign Ministers of Germany, Italy and Austria, as “a big diplomatic initiative of many friends of B&H”. Plenkovic said he is convinced the EC will come up with a positive solution for B&H, on basis of which heads of states and government could make a political decision. The Croatian PM further said he is especially pleased B&H adopted the law on anti-money laundering, law on data protection, national plan of reforms, that B&H has started making agreement with Frontex, expressing hope a consensus will be reached regarding the elections law “that is capital importance for the whole country”. Plenkovic met with Von der Leyen, President of Germany’s CDU party Friedrich Merz and Finnish PM Petteri Orpo.


Negotiations to form pre-election coalitions are underway (HRT)


With the parliamentary elections in Croatia set to be held in April or May, opposition parties are working to form coalition agreements with like-minded counterparts. On Tuesday ten center-left parties gathered around the SDP, formed a pre-election coalition. Over the next ten days or so the ten parties in question will discuss what their key strategies are in order to secure a positive result at the elections. SDP leader Pedja Grbin was asked whether or not he expects there to be any problems in drafting the election slates: “There are always problems in drafting election slates, but it is entirely clear what our goal is. I believe that all of us will be able to set aside our egos and interests, whether party or personal, and agree on what will be able to function, and ultimately what will be best for Croatian citizens.” The coalition includes parties on the political left that are far from sharing political opinions. One key example of this is the Fokus Party, which falls under the banner of classical and economic liberalism, and the far left Worker's Front, which still harbors sympathies for the former communist regime. Worker's Front MP Katarina Peovic: “We don't have to hide from the fact that we have gathered around a bare minimum in terms of common ground, and this isn't the first time.” One party on the political left that has not signed on to the coalition, is Mozemo! which will run alone at the elections in all but the fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth electoral districts - where they will run with the SDP. However, the party of Zagreb Mayor Tomislav Tomasevic has not ruled out the possibility of a post-election coalition in forming a new government. However, this then leaves the question of who would have the right to appoint the prime minister. Senior Mozemo! official Sandra Bencic: “The party that garners the most votes will appoint the prime minister-designate, that's clear. It remains to be seen which party that will be.” Another party from the left that is not part of the coalition, is the Social Democrats, which is comprised of former members of the SDP that broke ranks with Grbin in 2021. However, party president Davorko Vidovic has welcomed this gathering of left leaning parties. On the center-right, the Homeland Movement, led by Ivan Penava, is fine tuning their campaign program. According to Penava his party's primary message to voters is that the Homeland Movement will not tolerate unregulated and uncontrolled illegal migration. Additionally, if it wins the election, it would rescind the Istanbul Convention. He further noted that while they are entirely in favour of punishing domestic violence, they will not bend the knee to gender ideology. He also made it clear today what his party's post-election plans are: “I absolutely have no intention of tying myself or the Homeland Movement to the name Andrej Plenkovic, however, insomuch as we would de-ratify the Istanbul Convention and stop illegal migration, everyone with the exception of Mozemo! and the SDSS, are acceptable to us.” However, two of the bigger center-right opposition parties, the Homeland Movement and MOST, have no plans of forming a pre-election coalition. MOST MP Nikola Grmoja explains why: “If you want to cooperate with someone, then you don't attack them. These are empty stories. It's clear that they don't want to cooperate with us. They have their own calculus, which is to draw voters away from us under the guise that they want unity and we do not.” For its part, the HDZ remains outwardly confident of its success. Deputy party president and the incumbent Deputy Prime Minister and Veterans' Affairs Minister Tomo Medved has no doubts about the strength of his party. As to rumors that party president and prime minister, Andrej Plenkovic, will move on to a job in one of Europe's many institutions after the elections, Medved had this to say: “I am convinced that the president of the HDZ and the incumbent and I believe future prime minister, Andrej Plenkovic, will win a third mandate. We continue to be ready to accept this challenge, with the annotation, that we are always a step ahead.” The HDZ has already made public who will top their election slates in all eleven electoral units, with Medved leading the slate in the seventh electoral district, which covers the entirety of the Lika-Senj and Karlovac counties, as well as the central, southern and western part of Sisak-Moslavina county, the northern part of Zadar county, and the northern and eastern part of Primorje-Gorski Kotar county.


Montenegro's progress towards the EU was praised (CdM)


The President of the Committee for European Integration Ivan Vukovic and the Deputy President of the Committee, Jovan Subotic, met with the delegation of the Group for Interparliamentary Cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries of the Parliament of Lithuania, led by Valdas Rakutis, President of the Interparliamentary Group and members Audronis Azubalis and Zenonas Streikus, the Assembly announced. At the meeting, the European perspective of Montenegro was discussed, emphasizing that this visit is an opportunity for Lithuania to give our country an additional incentive towards full membership in the EU. "Discussing the European integration of Montenegro, the President of the Committee introduced the interlocutors to the current political situation in the country. In order to fulfill the temporary benchmarks for Chapters 23 and 24, the chairman of the Committee expressed the expectation that the constructive cooperation of the Assembly and the government will be additionally affirmed in the coming period so that negotiations on membership enter the final phase. In this context, the members of the Board pointed out the importance of the political moment in Europe and emphasized the importance of continuous support from European partners", the announcement says. The President of the Interparliamentary Group, Valdas Rakutis, said that this meeting is an opportunity to express strong support for Montenegro in its further efforts on the way to full membership. He praised the progress of the country Montenegro and concluded that inter-parliamentary cooperation is important in order to achieve success in the further process of European integration.


Milatovic traveled to the Vatican: He will meet with the Pope and the State Secretary of the Holy See (CdM)


The President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic travelled to the Vatican at the invitation of Pope Francis, where he will pay an official visit to the Holy See today and tomorrow, the President's Office announced. According to reports, Milatovic will have a meeting with Pope Francis in the Apostolic Palace tomorrow. "During his stay in the Vatican, the President will also meet with the State Secretary of the Holy See, Cardinal Pietro Parolin," the announcement added.


Parliament to discuss Electoral Code amendments at Thursday’s session (MIA)


The draft amendments of the Electoral Code which, in addition to implementing the OSCE/ODIHR recommendations, further specify the provisions related to the registration of voters by removing the limits on the basis of expired identification documents and clarify the procedure for the registration of persons that will turn 18 between the two election rounds, will be discussed by lawmakers in the parliament at a session Thursday. A transitional provision in the amendment is set to allow voters whose ID cards or passports expired 9 months before the elections to vote at the elections. The draft amendments of the Electoral Code have been submitted by MPs Arber Ademi (DUI), Martin Kostovski (SDSM) and Nikola Micevski (VMRO-DPMNE). The motion for the amendments states that the goal is to improve the electoral process and ensure an equal, democratic and a free right to vote. “With the draft amendments, the recommendations of OSCE/ODIHR noted in the final reports for previous elections in the country are being implemented. Namely, recommendations related to the legislation, the appeal procedure and the complaint procedure for the protection of the right to vote; election observation; voter registration; election campaign; financing of the campaign; media reporting in the electoral process. These recommendations and their implementation aim to improve the process of holding elections in the country and support the efforts for their complete alignment with the OSCE commitments and other international commitments and standards for democratic elections,” states the motion.


Kucova Airbase, Minister Balluku: If it is deemed reasonable, NATO will decide on the training of Ukrainian soldiers (Radio Tirana)


After the end of the meeting of the deputy government, Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Energy Belinda Balluku responded to journalists' inquiries regarding the possibility of Ukrainian troops training at the NATO base in Kucova. Deputy Prime Minister Balluku emphasized, "The Kucova air base is an asset constructed in the Republic of Albania, but it is an asset belonging to the Atlantic Alliance. Undoubtedly, in full coordination with NATO, if deemed necessary and reasonable, we will be ready to support, assist, and train the Ukrainian military." As for the capabilities, Balluku stressed, "I assure you that the Kuçova base meets all the requirements and modern standards of other NATO bases." Additionally, the Deputy Prime Minister presented the decisions made today at the weekly government meeting. She announced that there will be an agreement with Germany for the reconstruction of public buildings. "Today, we made a decision regarding hospitals and medical clinics, proposed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy. The aim is to extend the lifespan of these facilities. An agreement between the government and GIZ for water supply has been approved, providing 1.5 million euros to this sector," added Balluku. “Another agreement was reached between the Council of Ministers and the Albanian Development Fund for the renovation of old buildings. This agreement is crucial as it will impact the reconstruction of schools destroyed by the 2019 earthquake. An allocation of 3.5 million Euros will be made, including engineering services for all facilities covered by this agreement,” stated Balluku. “Another important point is the improvement of VKM for the approval of electricity regulations that are not subject to concession. We have decided to streamline these processes by allowing applications to be submitted for preliminary studies,” explained Balluku.