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Belgrade Media Report 12 March



Brnabic, government members lay wreath at site of assassination of Djindjic (Beta/RTS/RTV/Tanjug)


Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and Serbian government members laid a wreath today at the site where the then Serbian prime minister Zoran Djindjic was assassinated 21 years ago. The wreath-laying ceremony was attended by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, as well as by ministers Goran Vesic, Jelena Begovic, Mihailo Jovanovic, Danica Grujicic, Jelena Tanaskovic, Tomislav Momirovic, Milos Vucevic, Aleksandar Martinovic, Slavica Djukic Dejanovic, Tomislav Zigmanov and other members of the government. Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic was assassinated on 12 March 2003, in front of the entrance to the Serbian government building in Nemanjina Street in Belgrade. Djindjic was assassinated on 12 March 2003. Several hours into his murder, a state of emergency was declared in Serbia. Members of the so-called Zemun Clan and the Special Operations Unit, an elite unit of the Interior Ministry also known as the Red Berets, were immediately marked as suspects in the crime. In August 2003, an indictment was brought against 44 persons for their involvement in the organized assassination, while the trial began before the Belgrade District Court on 22 December the same year. On 23 May 2007, the court found the accused guilty of the crime, sentencing them to a total of 378 years in prison. The court ruled a 40- year jail term to Special Operations Unit commander Milorad Ulemek aka Legija and his deputy Zvezdan Jovanovic, the latter for pulling the trigger. The political background of the Djindjic assassination remains unsolved until today.


Brnabic: Opposition’s demands vicious circle, they want interim government again (TV Happy/Beta/RTS/RTV)


Ana Brnabic, the Serbian Progressive Party's commissioner for Belgrade and candidate for the speaker of the Serbian parliament, said on 11 March that the new demands from the Serbia Against Violence opposition ticket were the continuation of a "vicious circle" because they again mentioned an interim government. In a post on the X social media platform commenting on the new demands, Brnabic said the opposition had returned to its demands from when it was "resolutely fighting snap parliamentary elections and threatening to blockade the country if they are called." "They wanted urgent parliamentary and Belgrade elections before the end of 2023 -- they got them. They wanted new elections in Belgrade -- they got them. They wanted those elections delayed as long as possible -- they got that, too," Brnabic said. Serbian Progressive Party president Milos Vucevic has said that he had been in favor of holding the election in Belgrade as soon as possible -- on 28 April, so Belgrade would not have an interim body at its helm for too long, but that the politically more "rational" approach of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had been adopted and the latest legally possible date for the election – 2 June, had been selected. "This is the best decision. Any argument for confrontation in society is neutralized and there is a chance to reduce tension among parties. So you want a new election? Let's have a new election. So you want the longest possible time to prepare? Here it is. This was done not to back down, but in the interest of give-and-take and compromise, which our state sorely needs," Vucevic told TV Happy.


Dacic: Opposition representatives looking for alibi for certain defeat in elections in advance (Tanjug)


Leader of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) Ivica Dacic said yesterday that representatives of the opposition are coming up with new nonsensical demands for local elections every day, which is their way of looking for an alibi in advance, for the certain defeat in those elections. "Now they don't even like the date, which by the way is the last possible, according to the law, for the elections to be held again Belgrade. First they demanded elections immediately, and now, 'never, at any cost'. And of course, with the main and essential demand that 'Aleksandar Vucic cannot be named as head of the list', which shows all the hypocrisy, because all their leaders and Kostunica and Tadic have always headed their electoral lists," Dacic told Tanjug. Dacic assessed that the opposition does not want elections, but wants someone from the outside to bring them to power and "reestablish crisis headquarters". "That will never happen again. Serbia is a freedom-loving country, which leads an independent policy, exclusively in the interest of the Serbian people and all citizens of Serbia. The opposition will never understand that and that is why they always lose elections," said Dacic.


Popovic: No constitutional obstacles to electing Brnabic parliament speaker (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Justice Minister Maja Popovic dismissed on Monday as untrue and malicious claims that there are constitutional obstacles to Ana Brnabic's candidacy for, and election as, new parliament speaker. Popovic was responding to law professor Tanasije Marinkovic, who has said that Brnabic, as PM, could not be an MP at the same time, let alone parliament speaker, and that she should immediately resign as MP. Popovic said such a "perverse" interpretation of the law jeopardised the constitutionally guaranteed right of all eligible Serbian citizens to be elected MPs. "Consciously or not, Professor Marinkovic is neglecting the fact that the term of the government of Serbia, which is currently headed by Ana Brnabic, has ended following the 1 November 2023 dissolution of the parliament, as prescribed by Article 128 of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, and that the government has since been in the so-called caretaker capacity - in which it can only conduct affairs defined by law, as prescribed by Article 128, Paragraph 4 of the Constitution - and will remain so until the election of a new government," Popovic said in a statement released by the Ministry of Justice. Undeniably, a member of a government that is in its regular, full capacity cannot be an MP at the same time, which is not the case with Brnabic, who is heading a government whose term has ended, Popovic said.


Dacic and Botsan-Kharchenko talk topics of mutual interest for two countries (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic yesterday received Russian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Botsan-Kharchenko, with whom he discussed the most important topics of mutual interest, as well as further international cooperation. According to the Foreign Ministry, Dacic once again expressed his gratitude for the strong and consistent support of the Russian Federation to Serbia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.


Stano: Implementation of commitments by Belgrade, Pristina a priority (Tanjug/Beta)


European Commission spokesperson Peter Stano said on Monday not much work had been done on implementation of commitments in the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue and noted that implementation by both sides in good faith was a priority for the EU. "We never pre-announce the agendas of any upcoming meetings in the framework of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, be it at the chief negotiators level or high level," Stano said at a Brussels press briefing. "But I can say only one thing - unfortunately, there was not much work done on the implementation due to the positions of both sides, so our main priority is that they start to implement in good faith what they committed to," he added. "The most pressing priority is to make sure that the implementation starts as soon as possible," Stano said, adding that the EU could not comment on procedures. Asked about the Banjska case, he said the position of the EU remained the same. "We are waiting for the final official report from the investigation and then we will see how to ensure accountability. Until now, we have not seen such a report here in Brussels," he added.


Improving position of Serbian national minority in Albania (Tanjug/RTV)


Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of coordinating activities and measures in the field of relations between the Republic of Serbia and the diaspora Djordje Milicevic met in Tirana yesterday with Albanian Commissioner for Protection against Discrimination Robert Gajda. The Minister particularly pointed to the position of the Albanian national minority in Serbia and emphasised the wish that the Serbs in Albania have an equal status. He stated that, thanks to the Open Balkans Initiative, citizens of both countries can travel with an identity card only, adding that a single labour market was opened a few days ago, so that all citizens of Albania have the same legal status concerning employment in Serbia as citizens of Serbia and the same will apply to citizens of Serbia in Albania. Earlier this morning, Milicevic visited the Monastery of St. John in the town of Elbasan, where he paid homage to the relics of Serbian ruler Jovan Vladimir. Yesterday, the Minister also visited the town of Fir in the south of Albania, where he met with representatives of the "Jedinstvo" Association of Serbs and toured the works on the construction of new school premises, where children of Serbian origin will be able to study their mother tongue, culture and traditions.


Lucic: As largest company in Kosovo and Metohija, Telekom Srbija a problem for Pristina (TV Prva)


Telekom Srbija CEO Vladimir Lucic said on Tuesday Pristina was trying to shut down his company's operations in Kosovo and Metohija because it had a problem with Telekom Srbija as the largest firm in Serbia's southern province. The situation is better now, but Pristina is periodically trying to put Telekom Srbija under pressure, Lucic told TV Prva. "First they tried to shut us down in August and, when that failed, they started to harass us and tried to force us to pay some high fine from the past as well as to take away some cable operators from us. But we managed to reject those attacks, too, with assistance from the international community. So things are stable now. However, we are always cautious because whenever we thwart one form of pressure, Kurti's administration usually comes up with something else," he said.


Postal Savings Bank sets up makeshift branches near administrative crossings between Serbia, Kosovo (Beta)


During the weekend, the Postal Savings Bank installed four makeshift branches in the immediate vicinity of Jarinje, Brnjak, Koncuj and Merdare administrative crossings to facilitate easier withdrawals in Dinars for clients from Kosovo. The Office for Kosovo and Metohija explained that the new branches were set up in the closest possible locations to the administrative crossings, and that it was the only feasible option given the circumstances. This technical solution is "just temporary", until regular payment transactions resumed in the Serb communities in Kosovo, the Office went on to explain in a release. Under a regulation by the central bank of Kosovo, which came into force on 1 February, the only currency to be used in payment transactions in Kosovo is the Euro, which practically means that Belgrade cannot pay out pensions or execute social and other transfers in Dinars.


Only two days for campaign to remove heads of northern Kosovo municipalities (Beta)


The Central Electoral Commission of Kosovo decided on 11 March to shorten the duration of a campaign to remove the heads of the municipalities of Mitrovica North, Zvecan, Leposavic and Zubin Potok to just two days – 19 and 20 April, with a conclusion at 7 am on 21 April. In the same session, the Commission decided to open submissions for accreditation for domestic and international observers to non-governmental organizations and media outlets on 1 April, and close it on 15 April. The Commission decided that the voting on removing the heads of the four northern Kosovo municipalities would be held on 21 April, while voting by post for registered voters residing outside Kosovo will take place from 12 and 20 April. The Commission considered and passed a EUR233,204 budget to organize the process of voting.




Ambassador Murphy emphasizes importance of decision to open accession negotiations with B&H (O Kanal)


The US Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) Michael Murphy asked about B&H’s path to join the EU, in particular if he is optimistic about the EU opening the accession negotiations with B&H, explained that he cannot predict the future but he is generally highly optimistic and important progress has been made since the formation of current convocation of B&H authorities “I think there is very strong geopolitical argument for the EU to make a decision to open the accession negotiations with B&H. The U.S. does not have a seat at that table so we are not involved in the decision-making process, but we would obviously welcome that decision”, Murphy stated. He pointed out that claims how the decision to open the negotiations with B&H without setting the exact date for this will reflect poorly on the EU or suggest the EU is lacking commitment towards B&H are a political spin by Republika Srpska (RS) President and SNSD leader Milorad Dodik but these claims are false and disingenuous because all potential candidates for the EU membership go through already established process where they are first granted the candidate status, after which the decision to open the accession negotiations is made and there is additional work to be done, including setting the exact date. He noted that contrary to Dodik’s claims, the decision to open the negotiations with B&H will be of tremendous importance and it will very clearly signal to the people in B&H that “the path to the future lies through Brussels, not Moscow”.


Dodik: Law on Court of B&H has not been harmonized and it will be adopted when solutions that the Serb side agrees with are part of it (RTRS)


RS President Milorad Dodik posted on X on Monday: “All political representatives in B&H have took upon themselves an obligation to meet together what is expected from us on the path to the EU. This included adoption of decisions which are harmonized and confirmed by all participants in a way that we agreed and through bodies which were formed for this purpose. Each departing from this is an attempt of undermining of agreed solutions. B&H has been imprisoned and fully dysfunctional. For years, representatives of Bosniaks preferred to talk with international community representatives, expecting that they would pass solutions and do their job, instead of talking to us.” Dodik also said that the RS is firmly committed to creation of an ambience in which foreign interference is unacceptable and an agreement is a ground of everything. He added: “All adopted laws show this, which could not come to life without the approval of the RS. It is the most important for us that the RS has preserved full autonomy within its frameworks. Agreed solutions have undermined plans to arrogant and fake persons such as (HR Christian) Schmidt and (US Ambassador Michael) Murphy and showed that the agreement can be reached.” Dodik stressed that the Law on the Court of B&H has not been harmonized and it will be adopted when solutions that the Serb side agrees with are a part of it. He added: “Someone is trying to take advantage of a European story to introduce some new competencies of the Appellate Court through a back door. This is not going to happen. Law will be respected at the B&H level and the Court of B&H will apply only the laws adopted by the B&H Parliamentary Assembly in accordance with the B&H Constitution.” Dodik concluded that the time has come to become a part of the EU, and this will be confirmation of independence and sovereignty of B&H with all European heritage, which means that nobody, fake or real one, or anybody’s representative can be above the parliament and pass decisions instead of elected representatives of peoples in B&H.


Other RS officials also oppose B&H CoM’s discussion on Law on Court of B&H without RS’ consent (ATV)


RS officials reacted to the announcement of Chairwoman of the B&H Council of Ministers (CoM) Borjana Kristo, who sent a letter to European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Oliver Varhelyi informing him that several documents crucial for the fulfilment of reform obligations – including the Laws on the Court of B&H – will be discussed at the CoM’s next session scheduled for Tuesday. The RS officials pointed out that this law cannot be adopted without the consent from the RS. According to the RS, the RS officials’ message is clear, which is that the Law on the Court of B&H will not go to the CoM until it is harmonized. The stumbling block is still the seat of the Appellate Division of the Court of B&H, which the RS officials insist on being in Banja Luka. The RS officials’ message is also that the RS will not sacrifice its ethnic interests for the sake of B&H's European path. B&H Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Stasa Kosarac assessed that, if the Court of B&H is already in Sarajevo, the Appellate Division should, logically, be in Banja Luka, while ‘The Troika’ partners from the Federation of B&H (FB&H) insist that this Division is located in Istocno Sarajevo. “I find that additional efforts should be made to harmonize the Law on the Court of B&H in order to take into account the facts and interests of the RS. I am asking why someone from the FB&H is bothered that the seat of the Appellate Division is in Banja Luka. To be completely frank, our goal is precisely for the seat of such important institutions to be as far away from Sarajevo as possible”, added Kosarac. RS Minister of Scientific-Technological Development and Higher Education Zeljko Budimir said that one of the most important issues is the issue of the Appellate Division of that court, “which can only be in Banja Luka”. He added: “It is clear why. If you look at B&H as a state union, it is clear that if the Court is in Sarajevo, it is logical to have the Appellate Division in Banja Luka.” The Ministers from RS say they will vote for the law if what they are asking for is acknowledged, which is the independence of the Appellate Division, i.e. preventing the influence of foreigners. "If it does not get the green light from the RS, this law cannot pass," emphasized B&H Minister of Security Nenad Nesic.


HR Schmidt will give B&H politicians time by Eid to adopt necessary changes to Election Law or he will impose it; Detailed decision ready (Dnevni avaz)


Dnevni avaz reminded that at the end of the last year, High Representative Christian Schmidt gave a deadline of “two to three weeks” to B&H officials to reach agreement on technical changes to B&H Election Law, announcing that if this does not happen, he will impose the changes. The daily goes on and reminds that this Schmidt’s warning prompted meetings of representatives of the state coalition, where instead of meeting of Schmidt’s condition, B&H politicians used the chance to include into this issue their own political and ethnic goals. For instance, Dragan Covic and HDZ stressed that any change of Election Law has to address the issue of a method of election of B&H Presidency members. Some other politicians wanted to change Schmidt’s solutions and suggested that instead of direct scanning of ballots, the ballots are scanned by members of polling station committees after closing down of the polling stations. The author comments that it is clear that many politicians do not want to give up on possibility of abuses. Weeks have passed and no agreement was reached. However, the daily learns that Schmidt is patient and determined to give politicians a chance, but considering the fact that it takes at least six months for the law to come in force, Schmidt is willing to wait until Eid (presumable Eid al-Fitr i.e. April 10) and unless B&H officials adopt necessary changes by then, Schmidt will impose the changes. Therefore, the author concluded, it is likely that this year we will have first, true, fair elections and precise picture about extent of earlier election thefts. Inset ‘Introducing of technology’- reads that Schmidt already prepared a very detailed decision, which will stipulate introducing of technology (scanners, video surveillance), depoliticization of members of the polling stations committees, but also ban for running in elections for persons convicted of war crimes, methods for financing of parties and series of other details.


Russian Embassy on Sweden’s accession to NATO: Reaction of some B&H officials is sad, NATO is not guarantor of security in B&H (Glas Srpske)


The Embassy of Russia to B&H issued a statement on the occasion of Sweden’s accession to NATO, noting that the guarantor preserving security and stability of B&H is not NATO, but the agreement reached within the Dayton Peace Accords and based on equality of the two entities and three constituent peoples. The Embassy emphasized that admitting new countries to NATO does not increase their security but creates new risks of escalation and drags new members into rivalry with Russia which is incited by the political representatives of the West. According to the Russian Embassy, the reaction of some B&H politicians to Sweden’s accession to NATO is sad. “We would like to remind our partners from B&H that since the breakup of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, instead of contributing to the process of strengthening peace and mutual trust between formerly opposing sides, the NATO has been systematically expanding into the East. NATO is not doing that only with the countries which are former members of the Warsaw Pact, but also former Soviet republics”, the Embassy noted.


Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community warns that Dodik’s actions might lead to secession of RS and possible violent conflict in B&H (


The US Office of Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) published the 2024 Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community which warns that RS President Milorad Dodik might move towards secession in 2024. “The Western Balkans probably will face an increased risk of localized interethnic violence during 2024. Nationalist leaders are likely to exacerbate tension for their political advantage and outside actors will reinforce and exploit ethnic differences to increase or protect their regional influence or thwart greater Balkan integration into the EU or Euro–Atlantic institutions”, warns the report. As for B&H, the report warns that Dodik is taking provocative steps to neutralize international oversight in B&H and secure de facto secession for the RS. The US Intelligence Community fears that his action could prompt leaders of the Bosniak population to bolster their own capacity to protect their interests and possibly lead to violent conflicts that could overwhelm peacekeeping forces of the EUFOR.


Parliament does not dismiss Andrija Mandic (CdM)


The parliament of Montenegro did not dismiss parliament speaker Andrija Mandic. A total of 44 MPs were against his dismissal. The initiative for Mandic’s dismissal was submitted by the Democratic Party of Socialists, with the explanation that he was not worthy to hold that office. Europe Now Movement (PES) originally requested that this item be removed from the agenda, but today at the session they withdrew that request. The debate was marked by sharp polemics, and the opposition cited numerous reasons why, in their view, Mandic had to be dismissed. PES MPs did not participate in the debate, which is why the opposition called them names on several occasions. At the session, statements were heard that Mandic was actually the real leader of PES and the parliamentary majority. Mandic, responding to the accusations, said: I am the way I am. He stressed that he was not the leader of PES or the parliamentary majority. Mandic added that everyone in the ruling majority was trying to make Montenegro the first and next member of the EU.


Mandic: The will of the majority has not changed, we will continue with what we started (MINA)


The will of the majority in Montenegro has not changed and the government can continue with everything it has started, said parliament speaker Andrija Mandic, adding that the debate in the parliament is proof of the vitality of democracy in the country. Yesterday, the Assembly rejected the proposal for Mandic's dismissal by the majority of deputies. Mandic told journalists after the parliamentary session that the opposition has the right to demand verification, but that the will of the majority has not changed. "It is a message that is important. We can continue with everything we started as a parliamentary majority, especially the government, and keep the promises made to the citizens", said Mandic. He stated that today the story heard from the opposition was predominantly about the past. "I think that after 30 August 2020, political life will begin to function properly in Montenegro, where politicians can clearly communicate what their policies and programs offer citizens," he said. Mandic pointed out that he is the main object of the opposition's attack. He assessed that the parliament did a good job. "There was also the merit of the opposition, but first of all the parliamentary majority. We appeared in Brussels with those results, received great praise and firm promises that we are once again the leader of European integration in the region, and we just need to continue working like that," said Mandic. Mandic pointed out that the statement about the initiative for his dismissal is proof of the vitality of democracy in Montenegro and that there was no obstruction to prevent the deputies from speaking about it. He said that he believes that soon there will be inquiry committees that will deal with topics that have not been resolved by the judiciary. Asked whether the NSD will support the entry of the Bosniak Party (BS) into the government, bearing in mind that the MPs of that party voted for his dismissal, Mandic said that the BS and the Bosniak population in the NSD and him recognize the politics and people who are allegedly fighters against the Bosniak national community. He added that he showed great tolerance. "We in Montenegro have to be the best with each other. Where the differences were greatest, it was precisely between the population that voted for NSD and BS. We are lending a hand so that those chasms that existed can be overcome," said Mandic. He stated that they expect to receive similar messages from Bosniak politicians. "Until now, we do not see them behaving like that, but very actively repeating platitudes announced by the DPS. They have a strong alliance with the DPS, and we will see whether the strength will emerge in Bosniak politics to work together with politicians from the Serbian people. "I'm sure the Serbs would like that," Mandic said.


Pendarovski: We cannot let truth about Holocaust of Macedonian Jews be falsified (MIA)


We cannot allow the truth about the Holocaust of the Macedonian Jews be falsified because any compromise with the truth opens up a possibility of repeating crimes; anti-Semitism is not and has never been a Macedonian phenomenon but we have to educate our youth about the evil of anti-Semitism and the danger of xenophobia, President Stevo Pendarovski said in his address at the event at the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews of Macedonia commemorating the deported Macedonian Jews. "On this day, 81 years ago, Jews from Skopje, Bitola and Shtip were forcibly taken from their homes and transported to the Skopje Monopol building," Pendarovski said, adding that "the planned and implemented action of the Bulgarian fascist occupier was not an isolated act, but an integral part of the Nazi plan established at the Wannsee Conference for the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Question'." This plan, Pendarovski said, was to annihilate the entire Jewish population from Europe, including the Jews from the territory of the then occupied Macedonia. In the Treblinka gas chambers, he said, in just 13 months from August 1942 to September 1943, around 900,000 people were killed, among them 98 percent of the Macedonian Jews, who were also a third of the total Macedonian victims of World War II. "Nowhere in Europe was the 'Final Solution to the Jewish Question' implemented more effectively than in the then occupied Macedonia," President Pendarovski said. Noting that Nazi concentration camp survivors' testimonies were blood-curdling and their languages lacked the words to describe the horrors, he said there were no testimonies from the Macedonian Jews deported to Treblinka, however, because only hours after their arrival, they were taken to the gas chambers and no one survived. "Their names, 7,144 of them, meticulously recorded by the fascists, are written under the three cremation urns from Treblinka. We have no right to forget, because forgetting is the second death," Pendarovski said. "But our memory cannot be selective. By preserving the memories of the victims, we cannnot allow for the perpetrators to be celebrated and for their accomplices be rehabilitated. Because in that way we would participate in what Primo Levi said was a war against memory and the falsification of history. We cannot let the truth about the Holocaust of the Macedonian Jews be falsified because any compromise with the truth opens up a possibility of repeating crimes," Pendarovski said. Anti-Semitism never was a Macedonian phenomenon, given the centuries of respect for diversity and coexistence between different ethnic and religious communities in the region, he said. "There is no stronger proof of this than the fact that a large number of the surviving Macedonian Jews, those who were saved and avoided deportation, actively joined the national liberation and anti-fascist fight of the Macedonian people. Some of them were partisans, national heroes, and participants in the state-forming ASNOM session. The surviving Jewish community contributed to the construction of the free Macedonian state," Pendarovski said, adding: "Though small in number today, the Jewish community in North Macedonia is highly respected." He said young generations need to be educated about the evils of anti-Semitism and xenophobia, which are also obligations that the country undertook at the Malmö International Forum on Holocaust Remembrance. "Although it is not easy or pleasant to explore this abyss of evil, we still need to, so as not to allow criminals have the last word," the President said. At the commemoration, Gal Genossar's "The Monopol" (2023) short film based on a true story about a Macedonian Jewish family was shown.  Commemoration attendees included president of the Macedonian Jewish community Pepo Levi, Israeli Ambassador Simona Frankel, and German Federal Government Special Representative for the Countries of the Western Balkans Manuel Sarrazin. Earlier in the day, the 81st anniversary of the deportation of Macedonian Jews to the Nazi camp Treblinka was commemorated by flower-laying ceremonies at the monument of the 7,144 deported Macedonian Jews in the courtyard of the former Skopje Monopol. Those who laid flowers included President Pendarovski, Caretaker Prime Minister Talat Xhaferi, members of parliament and ambassadors.


NATO Summit in 2027 in Tirana? Begaj: We are hopeful that all 32 member countries will say "Yes" (Radio Tirana)


The President of the Republic Bajram Begaj has commented on Albania's diplomatic commitment, making significant strides to position itself as a key factor in ensuring security and peace throughout our region. In an exclusive interview, President Begaj said, "The Prime Minister has stated it, and I've also heard it in the meetings I've attended, that it is Albania's generous offer to host the NATO Summit in 2027. I sincerely hope that all 32 NATO member countries will raise their hands, and that Tirana becomes the host of this crucial summit." Furthermore, he stated that all summits and diplomatic engagements undertaken by Albania "reflect the success of Albania's foreign policy." President Begaj recalled that for the first time in October of last year, the EU-Western Balkans Summit was organized outside the European Union. "Of course, there was initially some scepticism regarding the security and performance that would ensure the success of this summit. The successful hosting of this summit, alongside other recent summits, accompanied by important visits from heads of states, demonstrates that Albanian diplomacy is highly active," Begaj was quoted as saying. Albanian President, Bajram Begaj announced that the Porto Romano naval base is already on NATO's agenda. After the meeting with the NATO commander, General Christopher Cavoli, Begaj said that it is in NATO's plans that the Porto Romano naval base is defined as a support base for the Alliance and that it is already expected to receive political approval. "This topic also had its place in our discussion and the opening ceremony of the Kucova tactical Airbase was highly appreciated, which for us [Albania] is a strategic investment, while for NATO it is a strengthening of capacities in the region, and of course NATO is a political – military organizer, which the strength is not only in the army, but politics too. Being in that region, NATO gave the full message that it is a Defense organization and through Defense it protects the democratic values ​​of what it represents. It was also discussed about the other major objective that Albania has for providing the Alliance with a naval base, and Porto Romano has been evaluated by the Operational Command of Naples and is definitely in NATO's plans to be defined as a support base. It is no longer our desire, but it has been included in NATO's conceptual plans to obtain its political approval because it is understood that it is evaluated from the point of view of military strategy first and then the political decision is made," declared the President of the Republic.


Nikolla receives the US diplomat; US commitment to strengthening Albania's democratic institutions (Radio Tirana)


The speaker of the Assembly of Albania Lindita Nikolla met with the Charge d'Affaires of the US Embassy to Tirana ​​David Wisner. During the meeting, the contribution of the Assembly to the strengthening of the strategic partnership between Albania and the United States and the deepening of reforms was discussed. Nikolla underlined that the Assembly is working for the advancement of the reform in the Justice system, the fight against corruption and the consolidation of democratic institutions. Nikolla also informed Wisner about the efforts to restore the activity of the Assembly to normality, about the development of the parliamentary debate during the plenary sessions, so that the public and the citizens are better acquainted with the content of the legislation that is reviewed and approved in the Assembly. Wisner pointed out that the US and Albania's partners will continue to support Albania in the consolidation of democracy, the strengthening of the rule of law, the fight against corruption and Euro-Atlantic integration, as well as appreciate the commitment of Albanian institutions in the country's progress. Parliament is very important for Albania. Regarding the meeting, the US Embassy in Tirana stated that Wisner met with Nikolla to underline the commitment of the United States to strengthening Albania's democratic institutions, as well as to the rule of law, and its anti-corruption efforts as it progresses along its Euro-Atlantic integration. "A fully functional parliament, where elected representatives work constructively on behalf of the people, is crucial to accomplishing all of these objectives," says the announcement of the US Embassy in Tirana on social networks.