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Headlines - 16.10.2015

UNMIK Headlines 15 October

• Mustafa to opposition: Take the debate back to institutions (Indeksonline)
• Veseli: I will not order police intervention in Assembly (Telegrafi)
• Police to enter Assembly if lives of MPs are in danger (dailies)
• Krasniqi: We will prevent tomorrow’s session of the Assembly (Klan Kosova)
• Prosecutor: Police had no arrest warrant for Kurti (Kosova Sot)
• Kurti: I am against Serbia’s rights within Kosovo (RTK)
• Minister Abrashi pelted with eggs (Zeri)
• Thaci: Kosovo one step closer to UNESCO (RTK)
• EU keeps silent, Serbs react over Iber Bridge (Koha)

Headlines - 15.10.2015

UNMIK Headlines 14 October

• Pristina, Belgrade committed to implement all agreements (dailies)
• Thaci: Dinner in Brussels with Serbian side, not easy (Indeksonline)
• Djuric: Serbia is asked to recognize Kosovo (Kosova Sot)
• Police: There was a police invitation for Kurti (Epoka e Re)
• Delawie: Molotov has no place in Kosovo (Zeri)
• Molliqaj: We will block the Assembly and government (Zeri)
• CDHRF calls for accountability for Kurti’s arrest (Kosova Sot)
• Assembly Presidency to decide today on the next plenary session (Koha)
• Special court being set up in secrecy (Koha)
• Selimi: We will receive 2/3 of the votes for UNESCO (Epoka e Re)

Headlines - 14.10.2015

UNMIK Headlines 13 October

• Police, protesters clash in downtown Pristina after Kurti’s arrest (media)
• Mustafa: Violence is unacceptable (Telegrafi)
• 14 police officers and one civilian injured last night (Kosovapress)
• Jahjaga calls on opposition parties to unblock the Assembly (dailies)
• Mustafa and Vucic to meet tonight in Brussels (Epoka e Re)
• “Veseli responsible for overseeing Assembly’s work” (Zeri)

Headlines - 13.10.2015

UNMIK Headlines 12 October

• EU ponders new presence with executive powers even beyond EULEX (Koha)
• Veseli: Politics responsible for current situation (Koha Ditore)
• LDK criticizes Veseli (Zeri)
• Government excludes possibility of early elections (Epoka e Re)
• Kurti: Why all this panic and hysteria from teargas? (Kosova Sot)
• Ymeri: Agreements legalized Serbia in Kosovo (dailies)
• Minister Tahiri warns on reciprocity measures (Epoka e Re)
• Thaci convinced that Kosovo will join UNESCO (Zeri)
• US lobbies for Kosovo but doesn’t get to vote (Zeri)
• Serbian List: We pursue Belgrade’s politics (Koha Ditore)
• The ‘bridge of the incidents’ to be revitalized (Zeri)
• Collaku: Visa liberalization in 2016 (Zeri)

Headlines - 12.10.2015

UNMIK Headlines 10 October

• Six special court witnesses transferred outside Kosovo (Koha Ditore)
• Next Pristina-Belgrade meeting on 13 October (dailies)
• Grenade attack at the house of a police officer in the north (KosovaPress)
• Mustafa: Demarcation can be corrected if we lose territory (Telegrafi)
• Police searches the offices of Vetevendosje MPs (dailies)
• Opposition parties address the citizens through an open letter (dailies)