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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 12, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Kurti with video address for Serb community in the issue of the Dinar (media)
• Central Bank: The Dinar has not been banned (media)
• New graffiti signed by Northern Brigade in the north of Kosovo (media)
• Protest for Dinar can escalate the situation, municipal officials say (Koha)
• Serwer: Serbia is the problem, Serbs the solution (media)
• Biserko: Vucic under pressure, especially because of Banjska (media)
• Seven persons investigated for maintaining illegal structures in Dukagjin (media)
• Osmani congratulates new President of Finland (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• Petkovic: The Serbs in Kosovo will not accept 'meaningless lies' and propaganda of Albin Kurti (Tanjug)
• Pensioners in the north of Kosovo call for a public rally, SL shares its support (KoSSev, TV Most)
• Diocese: We have a duty to raise our voice against terror; appeal to Serbs to show courage, national unity, and patience (KoSSev)
• NGOs respond to statements by Albin Kurti's party (media)
• Derikravic announced a hunger strike, demanding that TAK return more than 310,000 euros of “illegally seized VAT” (KoSSev)
• How many more times residents of Miroce village must seek intervention? (KoSSev)
• New graffiti in the north: “When the army returns to Kosovo, the Northern Brigade lives” (KoSSev)
• Seven Serbs under investigation after the closure of the PA of the municipalities of Pec, Klina and Istok (Kosovo Online)
• After the Security Council session (KoSSev)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 9, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • UN Security Council session on situation in Kosovo (media)
  • Gashi: Banjska showed Serbia orchestrated, and funded the attack (Paparaci)
  • Bislimi meets MPs from German Bundestag (media)
  • Serbian reporter Radomir Dimic arrives in Kosovo (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 8, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti: Dinar is not banned but euro is legal currency (AFP, media)
Bislimi: Serbia intends to create artificial tension (RTK)
Murati: We cannot allow billions of Serbian dinars to enter without authorization (Koha)
Customs: We do not allow importation of dinars without CBK’s authorization (RTK)
Pisonero: Dialogue framework is clear, Kosovo and Serbia know their obligations (media)
German minister answers to Vucic about why Germany is arming Kosovo (Koha)
Rohde: We have special relationship with Kosovo, friends like us should be listened to (Reporteri)
Gervalla in Italy: Kosovo is ready for CoE membership (RTK)
Haxhiu meets with British Minister of Justice, support for Kosovo reconfirmed (RTK)
Serwer: Pristina authorities should be more careful with Serbs (RTK)

Serbian Language Media:

Dacic: The UN SC session an opportunity for Serbia to present its arguments, pressure on Guyana (Tanjug)
Office for KiM: Continuing harassment and intimidation of Serbs in Gorazdevac (Tanjug, Danas, Radio Mitrovica sever)
Serbian List: Kurti does not give up intimidation; the international community must react more harshly (Tanjug, KiM radio)
Radio Gorazdevac: Action by KP in Gorazdevac Post of Serbia, one computer seized (KoSSev)
NBS to N1: Pristina turned away Dinar cash transport (N1)
Vucic to Pistorius: ready to accept OSCE/ODIHR recommendations (N1)
Petkovic said the stopped NBS vehicle at Jarinje was another attack by Kurti on the Serbs (Tanjug, media)
Zaklin Nastic: Pristina authorities trying to expel the few Serbs who remained in Kosovo (Tanjug, Adria, Kosovo Online)

International Media:

Kosovo anticipates reviving ties with Serbia in 2024: Kurti (, AFP)
Running Through Fear: Kosovar Women Jog In Groups For Safety (RFE)
Serbia Denies Budget Discrimination Against Albanian Minority (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 7, 2024

Albanian Language Media:
• Ziadeh: Restraint and constructive engagement to resolve outstanding issues (media)
• Kurti: Transition period needed for regulation on cash payment operations (media)
• Hovenier: Kosovo government should postpone enforcement of regulation (media)
• UN Security Council to hold session on Kosovo on Thursday (media)
• Rohde: We’re not criticizing the regulation, but the manner of enforcement (media)
• Abbott: A transition period is needed for the Dinar (media)
• Von Cramon: Current decision on Dinar came very unexpected (Gazeta Express)
• Belgian Presidency of EU Council: Implementation of agreements crucial to consider application (Koha)
• Bislimi reacts to Serbia cutting budget to Albanian National Council (media)
Serbian Language Media:
• UNMIK chief calls for resolving outstanding issues through dialogue (Tanjug, media)
• UNSC session on Kosovo to be held on Thursday (Kosovo Online)
• French Ambassador: Quint requests suspension of decision on dinar, establishment of ZSO (Tanjug)
• Zakharova reacts to Pristina’s decision on abolishing dinar (Tanjug, media)
• Rohde: We are not criticizing CBK decision, but manner of its implementation (Kosovo Online)
• SNF: Working meeting of Serb political representatives held in Mitrovica North (Radio KIM)
• Independent Media Commission to reinstate Arena sport channels (KoSSev)
• Signboard “Republic of Kosovo” placed on Zubin Potok municipal building (KoSSev, N1, media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 6, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

Kurti meets German Minister of Defense, Boris Pistorius (RTK)
Kurti gathers accredited ambassadors in Kosovo, discuss CBK Regulation (media)
Kurti handed to ambassadors documents to present factual situation (media)
Lajcak: I am closely following developments related to new CBK Regulation (media)
Kadiu to EU: Since when legality and constitutionality are worrying and contribute to escalation(Albanian Post)
Rama: Kosovo has right to implement Constitution (RTK)
Bislimi called again for removal of EU measures against Kosovo (Koha)
Gervalla presents Kosovo's successes to EU and WB ministers (RTK)
Germany to increase number of KFOR soldiers in coming months (Albanian Post)

Serbian Language Media:

Vucic: “Kurti is going for open ethnic cleansing of Serbs” (Kosovo Online, media)
Serbia submits request for extraordinary UNSC session over Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
Dacic: Request for urgent UNSC session due to overall situation in Kosovo (Tanjug, media)
UN received Serbia’s request to convene extraordinary UNSC session (Kosovo Online)
Dacic: We want EU integration, recognition of Kosovo unacceptable (media)
Rector Arsic: Abolishing dinar jeopardizes survival of University, but also of Serbs (Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
Lajcak: I am closely monitoring developments regarding CBK decision (Kosovo Online)
Indictment raised against two Serbs for hooliganism in northern Kosovo (N1, BETA, Kosovo Online, KoSSev)
German DefMin: Progress in Kosovo-Serbia relations needed (N1)

nternational Media:

Germany vows security support amid Kosovo-Serbia tensions (Deutsche Welle) 
Kosovo Court Acquits Serb of Wartime Assault (Balkan Insight)
Kosovo Prosecution only Partially Investigated the Over 53-Million-Euro Extra Payment for Motorway (Prishtina Insight)
Kosovo Government Faces Backlash Over Media Licensing Draft Law (Prishtina Insight)