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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 6

• 11 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Hoti government lifts reciprocity measures towards Serbia (media)
• Thaci welcomes removal of reciprocity measures (media)
• Kurti: Lifting reciprocity does service to Serbia (media)
• Osmani criticises decision to lift reciprocity measures (media)
• Lajcak hails government's decision to lift reciprocity measures (media)
• Kosovo's Ex-PM Kurti Stands Firm On Demand For New Elections (RFE)
• Hoti meets Kosnett, briefs him on priorities of the new government (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 5

• Five new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: There will be no territorial exchange (media)
• Hoti: I will be chief negotiator in the dialogue with Serbia (RTK)
• Veseli: New elections in 12 months (media)
• NISMA MP Shala speaks about visit from Haradinaj and Thaci (media)
• Civil society organisations accuse Thaci of two violations (media)
• LVV denies it is staging a protest today (Klan Kosova)
• Dacic rejects reports Serbia will stop Kosovo derecognition efforts (Telegrafi)
• Supreme Court rules against Serb’s war crimes acquittal (Balkan Insight)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 4

• 19 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Former PM: I cannot do the handover to a person I dismissed (media)
• President Thaci: Kurti to release usurped offices as soon as possible (media)
• Osmani: New government doesn't represent the citizens' will (media)
• EP Rapporteur comments on Kosovo government vote (media)
• Thaci responds to allegations of influencing MPs vote (media)
• Ahmeti: Unheard for a president go and convince MPs how to vote (Telegrafi)
• Thaci: I will not go to Brussels for dialogue with Lajcak (T7)
• Lajcak: We expect close cooperation on EU-facilitated dialogue (media)
• British Embassy commends peaceful formation of new government (media)
• Austrian Chancellor: We will continue to support Kosovo (media)
• Albanian PM Rama congratulates new government (media)
• Kusari: High-ranking officials confirmed Thaci is negotiating land swap (T7)
• Latifi: Thaci will sign agreement with Serbia, Hoti govt will implement it (media)
• Serwer: Kosovo’s new government is ill-fated ( Insight)
• Trucks come in from Serbia bearing "Republic of Kosovo" papers (Koha)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 3

• 13 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: New government will have my support (media)
• LDK announces names of its ministers in new eventual government (media)
• Osmani: Transitional govt until new elections, best option (Koha)
• Mustafa: We will have a government with a full mandate tomorrow (media)
• Haziri doesn’t trust the Hoti government (media)
• Source: Some MPs in the coalition will vote against (Lajmi)
• Abazi says LDK agreed to give SL leading posts, including DPM (media)
• Constitutional Court kept no records of sessions on Thaci's decree case (Koha)
• EP rapporteur calls on all parties to respect Court’s decision (media)
• Konjufca: LDK is now group of close interests, Thaci gave them the govt (T7)
• Svecla: Vote on Hoti government tomorrow, very likely to fail (KTV)
• Vetevendosje: Protest are becoming inevitable, but not tomorrow (media)
• New round of Kosovo – Serbia dialogue, maybe in June (RFE)
• EU calls on Kosovo to review decision on reciprocity with Serbia (RFE)
• Grenell to continue to serve as Presidential Envoy for Kosovo-Serbia talks (media)

UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, June 2

• 27 new cases of coronavirus in last 24 hours (media)
• Thaci: New government to assume its responsibilities (media)
• PM's office: Constitutional Court contradicted itself (media)
• Kosovo Assembly presidency to meet tomorrow (media)
• LDK: We have required votes for new government (media)
• LVV demands transcripts of Constitutional Court (media)
• Kosovo’s acting Deputy PM suspects Court’s decision is "falsified" (media)
• Constitutional Court rejects claims its ruling is falsified (Kallxo)
• Nagavci: No-confidence motion, result of appetites for power (KTV)
• President Thaci meets AKR leader Pacolli (media)
• Tunheim: Court made fair decision on President’s decree (Gazeta Express)