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UNMIK Headlines 25 November

EULEX detains Limaj (Zëri)

Zëri reports on the front page that EULEX chose weekend to announce a 30-day detention measure for former KLA commander Fatmir Limaj and his three associates, who are charged with war crimes in the Kleçka case. A trial chamber of the Supreme Court of Kosovo accepted the request of EULEX prosecutor Maurizio Salustro to place the defendants in detention. Limaj’s attorneys said the decision was unlawful and that they will file a complaint against it. In a separate box within the same article, the paper reports that EULEX chief Xavier Bout de Marnhac met Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi, Parliament Speaker Jakup Krasniqi, Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj and Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi on the matter.

Elections in 2013? (Express)

The paper writes that the two leading parties in Kosovo, PDK and LDK, have decided to take the country to parliamentary elections next year. Sources told the paper that the agreement was reached on Friday in a meeting that was also attended by representatives of AAK, AKR and SLS. However, the agreement foresees that election and constitutional reforms should be finalized by March of next year.

“Over the coming months there will be meetings to decide what kind of lists will be used, in how many election zones Kosovo will be split and how the CEC will be composed,” said sources. The paper further notes that the verbal agreement was reached in the presence of ambassadors from the Quint countries.

Hoxhaj: Serbia will recognize Kosovo (Bota Sot)

Bota Sot reports that Kosovo Foreign Minister, Enver Hoxhaj, in an interview for German newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung, said that Serbia one day will recognize Kosovo.

Regarding the announcement from Serbia that it will never recognize independence of Kosovo, Kosovar FM said that with such an approach the path of Serbia to Europe will be forever closed. “Germany has also said it very clear: without good neighborhood with Kosovo there will be no membership in the EU. With acceptance of some agreements Belgrade is slowly accepting the reality of independent Kosovo. We are also talking about the establishment of liaison offices. Serbia will formally recognize independence of Kosovo,” stressed Hoxhaj.

Kostunica: Serbia days away from establishing border with Kosovo (Kosova Sot)

Former Prime Minister of Serbia, Vojislav Kostunica, stated that Serbia is only a few days away from establishment of the border with Kosovo, which according to him, should be prevented by all means. “It is very important in these moments to raise the voice and confront that agreement at any price because one border attracts other borders and blackmails,” said Kostunica.

According to Belgrade’s Blic, PDS leader assessed that Serbia is extremely threatened by establishment of borders within its own territory, because this leads to the separation of Kosovo. Interests of Europe are being put in front of those of Serbia. PDS requests from the Government to give up the European road and to declare Serbia’s political status as neutral.