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UNMIK Headlines 11 December

Partial implementation of IBM (Koha Ditore)

In a front-page report, Kosovo and Serbia officials tried to leave the impression that they are implementing the integrated border management agreement by carrying out slight changes on the field. However, no other IBM agreement criteria are being implemented besides placing containers closer together.

On 10 December, Kosovo and Serbia failed to accommodate their officers in one single building. Kosovo officials in Merdare did not communicate with their Serbian colleagues, as they were told to do through the chain of command.

Thaçi: IBM opened border with Serbia (dailies)

Several dailies quoted Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi saying that, “it is a good day for the Republic of Kosovo and for the region because the implementation of the IBM has begun in practice and this is the day of ‘de jure and de facto’ opening the border between the state of Kosovo and the state of Serbia. This is a European standard in line with the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Kosovo. The implementation in the other two customs points will begin on 31 December. Meanwhile, we will continue our other engagements.” 

EU without consensus for SAA with Kosovo (Koha Ditore)

Although EU foreign ministers are expected to approve conclusions today for all countries of the region, including Kosovo, there is no consensus between member states regarding the evaluation of the European Commission in the Feasibility Study, which states that there are no legal obstacles for a SAA agreement with Kosovo. Kosovo will be requested to fulfill set criteria before a decision is taken for the start of negotiations; it will also be requested to provide specific evidence in the fight against corruption. 

Parties without consensus on election reform (dailies)

Leaders of Kosovo’s main political parties failed to reach a consensus on finalizing election reforms following yesterday’s meeting attended by representatives of Quint countries called by LDK leader Isa Mustafa.

PDK leader Hashim Thaçi is reported to have presented a proposal for Kosovo to be split into six election zones. Though the party in principle favours the model of open lists, the idea needs to be discussed further.

Meanwhile, the second largest party, LDK, ruled out the possibility of heading towards new elections without the reform first being concluded. Mustafa said he was hopeful that outstanding issues will be resolved. “We don’t have many contradictory stances with either Kurti or Thaçi on election zones, lists, and the election threshold,” he stated.

Vetëvendosje leader Albin Kurti, however, proposed one election zone for Kosovo and open lists. He said the election reform should not necessarily be implemented but that administration as a whole must be improved.

Bildt: Progress in dialogue – greater than expected (Express)

Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt said that progress in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is better than expected but it still needs to be seen how agreements will be implemented. “I am encouraged but we will have to see the implementation on the ground today,” said Bidlt before a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.

Jahjaga annual speech, Thaçi to report on meeting with Dacic (Koha Ditore)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga will deliver her annual speech at the Kosovo Parliament on 12 December. On the same day, Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi will brief MPs on his latest meeting with Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic. 

Thaçi, Kuçi, Çitaku report to Jahjaga (Kosova Sot)

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga met with Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi yesterday, who was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuçi and Minister of European Integrations, Vlora Çitaku. PM Thaçi informed the President on his meeting in Brussels with Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dacic on the dynamics of the dialogue and implementation of the agreements.

Jahjaga hailed the start of the implementation of IBM, considering it a step towards the normalization of the relations between Kosovo and Serbia. She considered that this is an achievement for the citizens of both countries.

Jacobson: Kurti threatened Albright (Epoka e Re)

US Ambassador in Kosovo Tracey Jacobson stated that her country cannot establish normal relations with Vetëvendosje unless it ends its violent tactics.

In an interview for TV Klan Kosova, the US diplomat spoke for the first time about the content of a letter that head Vetëvendosje Albin Kurti had sent to former Secretary of State Madeline Albright. According to Jacobson, Kurti threatened Albright, who is a great friend of Kosovo.

“With Vetëvendosje, we have contacts in different levels. People cannot agree about different issues, but we don’t agree with their violent tactics. I have seen the letter that Mr. Kurti sent former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright, in which he threatened my former boss that he will take his people to the streets if she visits Kosovo,” said Jacobson.