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UNMIK Headlines 25 June

Headlines - 25.06.2015

Government to endorse special court draft-law on Friday (Koha)
The Kosovo Government has drafted an agenda for Friday, according to which they will gather for an extraordinary meeting to discuss and endorse the draft-law on the special court.  The Kosovo Assembly is then expected to adopt the draft law on the same day.  Meanwhile, officials from the Office of the Prime Minister said on Wednesday that the Ministry of Justice has not yet submitted documents that should be attached to the draft law. Justice Minister Hajredin Kuci said he would not undertake any action prior to the constitutional amendments, saying that any other action would constitute a violation of legal proceedings. Kuci also said that the draft law for the legal and financial aid for the potential indictees of the special court will be sponsored at the same time.

Either Kosovo or UN Security Council to establish special court (RTK)
Citing an unnamed source in Washington, RTK reports that establishment of the special court is inevitable and that it will be done either by Kosovo’s law-makers or the United Nations Security Council. “An affirmative vote [by the Kosovo Assembly] on the special court would avoid a situation where some not-very supportive countries to the statehood of Kosovo would establish this court through the Security Council,” the source said. He also added that the United States have already warned Kosovo authorities that they would not block a proposal by Russia or some other country to establish the special court at the Security Council, if Kosovo authorities fail to establish it themselves.

Thaci, Mustafa to meet parliamentary groups ahead of special court vote (RTK)
Leaders of the two largest political parties in Kosovo, Hashim Thaci from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Isa Mustafa from the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) are expected to meet their respective parliamentary groups today ahead of the Kosovo Assembly’s vote on the establishment of the specialist chambers. The meetings are aimed at confirming that the parties will have sufficient votes from their MPs to pass the motion on Friday.

KLA veterans to protest on Friday against special court (Telegrafi)
Head of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) veterans association, Xhavit Jashari, said in an interview for RTV21 that they find the establishment of the specialist chambers unacceptable and will call a protest on Friday to oppose the move. He said court undermines Kosovo’s sovereignty.

O’Connell: Association to be established based on Kosovo laws (Kosova Sot)
The British Ambassador to Kosovo, Ruairi O’Connell stressed the importance of the continuing of the process of normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia said that  the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be established based on Kosovo laws.

Police raids several NGOs as part of anti-terrorism measures (Kosova Sot)
Kosovo Police yesterday raided the offices of five non-governmental organisations in Pristina and Prizren. The Special Prosecution of Kosovo said the operation was carried out on suspicions of money laundering and financing of terrorism.

Concerns over border demarcation with Montenegro (Koha)
Some residents of the regions along the border between Kosovo and Montenegro said on Wednesday in Pristina that “there will be war” if the Kosovo government accepts the border demarcation as presented recently by the Republic of Montenegro. During a roundtable held in Pristina, the residents said such a demarcation would violate over 12,000 hectares of land in the municipalities of Peja/Pec, Istog and Decan. One of the conclusions of the roundtable was that if there is no agreement on the border demarcation, the issue would be sent to the Court of Arbitration.