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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, February 25, 2022

  • Kosovo institutional leaders strongly condemn Russia's assault in Ukraine (media)
  • Osmani: Serbia wants to achieve in Western Balkans what Russia wants in Ukraine (Klan)
  • Kurti: Our thoughts and prayers are with people of Ukraine (media)
  • UK's Johnson compares Russian assault in Ukraine to that of Milosevic's in Kosovo (media)
  • Kosovo Leaders Condemn Russian Attack, Affirm Solidarity With Ukraine (BIRN)
  • Fake news in Kosovo sponsored by Russia and Serbia – part of hybrid war, panelists say (
  • PM Kurti meets KFOR Commander, MG Kajari (media)
  • Kosovo Assembly expected to debate on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue today (Koha)
  • EU Doubles Bosnia Peacekeepers as Global Security ‘Deteriorates’ (BIRN)
  • COVID-19: 189 new cases, three deaths (media)



Kosovo institutional leaders strongly condemn Russia's assault in Ukraine (media)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani held a meeting with the heads of Kosovo institutions to discuss the recent developments in Ukraine following Russia’s military intervention and its implications for the security and stability of Kosovo and the region.

After the meeting, attended by Assembly Speaker Glauk Konjufca, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Donika Gervalla-Schwarz, Minister of Internal Affairs Xhelal Svecla and Defence Minister Armend Mehaj, the heads of institutions of Kosovo issued the following statement:

“The Republic of Kosovo strongly condemns the military aggression and invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation that openly reveals Russia's intention to undermine Ukraine's right to exist as a free, independent and democratic state. The Republic of Kosovo also condemns the illegal recognition of the ‘independence’ of the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk and Donetsk by the Russian Federation.

“The strategy pursued by Moscow to create through military aggression phantom entities within the territory of Ukraine, the massive accumulation of military forces on the borders of Ukraine and the large-scale and unprovoked attack on the Ukrainian cities and villages is one of the most dangerous blows dealt to the international security architecture built after World War II.

“Dictator Putin's revisionist efforts to undermine the fundamental principles embodied in the UN Charter, namely the principle of sovereignty and equality of states, territorial integrity and the right of nations to independently decide upon their own destiny, erodes the foundations of international order.

“Military aggression against Ukraine could not reverse the triumph of the values of freedom and democracy that marked the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, which more than anything else was a prison of nations and oppressor of human freedom.

“Today in Ukraine, not only are the sovereignty and the right to self-determination of a free nation and of an independent state being protected. In Ukraine today, the universal values of peace, democracy and the right of nations to self-determination are also being protected.

“No one knows better than the people of Kosovo the strength of the values of freedom, human dignity and the right to self-determination.

“It was these values and principles that motivated the democratic world to intervene in 1999 to save the people of Kosovo from the danger of extermination by the genocidal regime of Slobodan Milosevic's Serbia.

“Dictator Putin's tendency to refer to the Kosovo case and draw parallels is completely insubstantial, abusive and an attempt to camouflage the lack of any basis and justification for the barbaric attack of his forces against a sovereign state.

“The process of independence of the Republic of Kosovo has been the result of the bloody dissolution of the Yugoslav Federation, the violent abolition of the federal status of Kosovo, the implementation of apartheid policy against the Albanian people for a decade, the liberation war against Milosevic's genocidal regime, international intervention to stop the genocide, the international administration of Kosovo and the internationally mediated negotiation process for determination of Kosovo's final status. Moreover, the legality of Kosovo's independence has been confirmed by the International Court of Justice, as the highest body of international justice.

“The Russian Federation has not only never opposed Serbia's invasion wars and genocidal campaigns in the former Yugoslavia, but has continued to play a negative role by unreservedly supporting destabilizing tendencies and anti-European policies in the Western Balkans, as well as exploiting states and leaders under its control to hinder our region's Euro-Atlantic integration.

“The Republic of Kosovo has consistently faced the efforts of the Russian Federation to undermine its sovereignty and progress, either by blocking membership in international organizations, by arming Serbia, and by building camouflaged military bases in Serbia, near the border with Kosovo, or by orchestrated special and hybrid warfare through propaganda and other forms that Moscow has consistently undertaken against the Republic of Kosovo.

“The Republic of Kosovo expresses its unreserved solidarity and support to Ukraine and its people. We support Ukraine's inalienable right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

“We express our hope and belief that only the determined response of the international community against the military aggression and invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation is crucial to the ending of this aggression.

“The Republic of Kosovo fully supports the reactions of democratic states and international organizations and joins them in taking actions and measures punishing Russia's aggression against Ukraine, including the imposition of sanctions, measures and other acts.

“The Republic of Kosovo will closely coordinate its actions with the freedom-loving states of the region and strategic Euro-Atlantic allies, especially the US and the EU, to strongly oppose the Russian occupation war in Ukraine and to face the effects which can be produced by Moscow's aggression within our region through the friendly states of Russia and non-state actors. Russia's destabilizing tendencies towards the Western Balkans region are already clear and we will oppose them together with our allies.”

Osmani: Serbia wants to achieve in Western Balkans what Russia wants in Ukraine (Klan)

President of Kosovo Vjosa Osmani said in an interview with Klan Kosova that Kosovo is in full and continuous coordination with international partners regarding the events unfolding in Ukraine warning however that the crisis there could spill to the region. She said Belgrade authorities want to achieve in the Balkans what Russia is trying to achieve in Ukraine.

"We have seen this with the recent actions in Montenegro, where there have been coordinated Russian-Serbian actions, we have seen it with the Russian-Serbian tendencies to disintegrate Bosnia and Herzegovina, we have seen it with continuous tendencies of escalating the situation in northern Kosovo, including with what happened in September and October when Serbia brought out weapons bought in Russia and some in China, along the border with Kosovo, with the Russian ambassador coming to bless those Serb forces to enter Kosovo," Osmani said. She continued: "This shows not only a clear tendency but a clear plan that they have with the Western Balkans, viewing our countries as unfinished, considering that sooner or later they can return them under their regime. The same is what dictator Putin is aiming for, who now says that it was a mistake to recognise Finland's independence, displaying hegemonic intentions, which lead us back to the 1920s."

Osmani said it is well known that Serbia will support Russia on Ukraine. "Despite Serbia's claims that it is neutral, in fact Serbia is clearly siding with Russia and its actions support this," she said, adding that the opening of Russia humanitarian centres in Serbia, which she said are in fact military centres are proof of Russia's influence.

Osmani underlined that what is happening in Ukraine is not only about the country but rather, "a battle between the values of freedom and democracy and autocracy." She said the people of Kosovo are clearly aligned with the values of democracy and the right of people to live freely.

She assured the citizens of Kosovo that security institutions are prepared to respond in situations of a possible "aggression" from Serbia but that this doesn't mean that Kosovo does not need the support of international partners. Osmani said that if Kosovo is attacked, the Kosovo Security Force will have mandate to act throughout the territory of Kosovo. She also said that the coordination between Kosovo institutions and the United States was never higher.

"If Serbia thinks of attacking Kosovo, they know full well that they will not only encounter the Kosovo army and police but also NATO because NATO troops have full mandate to protect every inch of the Republic of Kosovo's borders, especially in the north."

Kurti: Our thoughts and prayers are with people of Ukraine (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti took to Twitter to voice support for the international community in condemning the Russian military assault in Ukraine.

"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is a wake up call that the path of autocracy is war and destruction. We fully support NATO & EU in condemning Russia’s aggression and call for vigilance and soberness in the WB6 region. Our eyes, ears, thoughts and prayers are with people of Ukraine," he wrote.

UK's Johnson compares Russian assault in Ukraine to that of Milosevic's in Kosovo (media)

United Kingdom's Prime Minister Boris Johnson spoke about the Russian assault on Ukraine and compared it to that of Slobodan Milosevic on Kosovo.

He told MPs: "I think one of the most fascinating things about what Putin is doing is how close an analogy there is between his actions and those of Slobodan Milosevic."

Johnson continued: “Exactly the same nonsense being peddled about the mystical union between Kosovo and Belgrade, between Kyiv and Moscow, exactly the same aggression and remember that Slobodan Milosevic died on trial.”

Kosovo Leaders Condemn Russian Attack, Affirm Solidarity With Ukraine (BIRN)

The President of Kosovo, Vjosa Osmani, said the people of her country support the Ukrainian people as they face an unprovoked war as a result of Russian aggression.

Russian forces early Thursday launched a major military offensive in Ukraine from multiple points, with rocket attacks and explosions reported in many major cities, including the capital, Kyiv.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the invasion could be the beginning of a great war on the European continent.

“We will work with our allies to stop any destabilization of our region. Russian hegemony will not triumph. Freedom and democracy will win,” Osmani posted on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, called the Russian attack on Ukraine the largest act of military aggression since the end of World War II.

“The Russian invasion that is taking place in Ukraine, is the largest military aggression, not only in Europe, since the end of the Second World War,” he said.

“In these sad moments for the whole Europe, we stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and stand together with the EU, NATO, the US, and the UK for state sovereignty, territorial integrity, the country’s independence and the right of self-determination for the people of Ukraine,” Kurti further stated.

Russia’s attack on Ukraine was also condemned by the Assembly of Kosovo, the country’s parliament,  at the beginning of Thursday’s session.

Glauk Konjufca, Speaker of the Assembly, said the Assembly condemned Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“In consultation with the parliamentary groups of the Assembly and on behalf of the deputies, the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo  strongly condemns Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine,” said Konjufca.

Russia’s attack has also been condemned by the leaders of Albania, North Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

There has been no reaction from Serbia, whose president, Aleksandar Vucic, convened a meeting of the National Security Council on Thursday.

The President of North Macedonia, Stevo Pendarovski, also condemned the Russian attack, calling it a violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and a threat to European stability.

Montenegrin President Milo Djukanovic on Twitter joined EU calls for Russia to end hostilities and withdraw its forces from Ukraine.

Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic said it was an unprovoked attack and a grave violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty and international law.

The chairman of the Tripartite Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zeljko Komsic, said Bosnia will provide support to Ukraine, within  its capabilities.

Russia’s attack has been condemned by US President Joe Biden, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, French President Emmanuel Macron, the UK’s Boris Johnson and many other European leaders.

Ahead of the attack in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week that Moscow recognized the independence of two Russian-supported breakaway regions in Ukraine; Donetsk and Luhansk.

This has also been condemned by the West.

Fake news in Kosovo sponsored by Russia and Serbia – part of hybrid war, panelists say (

Externally-sponsored fake news are being employed in Kosovo as well, said panelists at a debate.

Sefer Isufi, a colonel with the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), said that a hybrid war, a fake news war happened in Kosovo and came from Serbia and Russia. He noted that the KSF has been trying to prevent fake information and focus on the consequences such a hybrid war can carry. "Russian circles have carried out hybrid war operations in Kosovo through Serbia,” he said.

Kreshnik Gashi,'s editor-in-chief, said that Kosovo should improve the way it addresses fake news. "We are facing problems with fake news circulating in Kosovo."

At the same time, Vetevendosje MP Haki Abazi said that hybrid war is a war tactic and that the same was applied in the case of Ukraine. "Traditionally, the wars have also been waged through the media. The U.S. Embassy reacted a few weeks ago to certain information of the Russian propaganda."

PM Kurti meets KFOR Commander, MG Kajari (media)

Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti met yesterday the Commander of KFOR, Major General Ferenc Kajari. The meeting was also attended by Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla and Defence Minister Armend Mehaj.

Kurti is said to have expressed, on behalf of the citizens of Kosovo, appreciation to KFOR's continuous role in maintaining peace and stability and reconfirmed commitment for close cooperation. "The prime minister briefed the commander about the meeting of the [Kosovo] Security Council held last night and the conclusions from the meeting regarding close cooperation and coordination with NATO, the European Union, United States, and United Kingdom," a press release issued by Kosovo PM's Office states.

Kosovo Assembly expected to debate on Kosovo-Serbia dialogue today (Koha)

The parliamentary debate about the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue is expected to take place today at the Assembly of Kosovo. The debate was previously scheduled for yesterday but was postponed due to the absence of Deputy Prime Minister and chief negotiator, Besnik Bislimi.

The head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, Besnik Tahiri, requested for the postponement following discussions with the deputy speaker of the Assembly and parliamentary groups.

EU Doubles Bosnia Peacekeepers as Global Security ‘Deteriorates’ (BIRN)

The NATO and EU-led peacekeeping force in Bosnia, EUFOR, will deploy four more companies with some 500 troops to Bosnia and Herzegovina, “as a precautionary measure” to ensure “a safe and secure environment” in the country.

“The deterioration of the security situation internationally has the potential to spread instability to Bosnia and Herzegovina,” EUFOR said on Thursday.

“The deployment of these forces is a precautionary measure to strengthen stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina by positioning sufficient, capable forces in-country to support the BiH Government efforts to maintain a safe and secure environment,” it added.

This decision was made in the past days, and was not directly caused by Russian military operations in Ukraine on Thursday, Western officials told BIRN, speaking on condition of anonymity.

They said the reinforcements were linked with a broader deterioration in security on the global scene, caused not only by the crisis in Ukraine but also Russia’s influence In the Balkan region, particularly in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity, Republika Srpska, as well as Montenegro and Serbia.

“It is obvious what is happening in the world right now,” EUFOR spokesman Cpt Seamus Shannon told BIRN. However, he added: “There is currently no threat to the safe and secure environment” in Bosnia.

“It is a prudent and proportionate measure which reflects the EU’s and EUFOR’s unequivocal commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Bosnia,” the EUFOR statement added.

EUFOR has been deployed in Bosnia since 2004. Its initial strength was around 7,000 troops. This was reduced to 1,600 in 2017 and then to 600. The additional 500 troops will effectively almost double EUFOR’s presence.

Western officials told BIRN that EUFOR could bring in another 2,000 or more troops at relatively short notice – which EU foreign ministers mulled at the Foreign Affairs Council, FAC, on Monday. That meeting was focused on both Ukraine and the Western Balkans.

The companies to be deployed in Bosnia will come from Austria, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, the EUFOR statement said.

COVID-19: 189 new cases, three deaths (media)

189 new cases with COVID-19 and three deaths from the virus were recorded in the last 24 hours in Kosovo, the Ministry of Health said in a statement. 247 persons recovered from the virus during this time. There are 2,996 active cases with COVID-19 in Kosovo.