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Veseli invites Djuric to live in Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, said during the “Building Albanian-Serb ties” conference held in Mitrovica that communication between Serbs and Albanians is the only way towards relaxation of the relations. Veseli stated that no major inter-ethnic problem occurred ever since Kosovo declared its independence in 2008,
“Let us discuss to establsish communication and possibilities not only for politicians but for the citizens as well. We have a very small number of Serbs that have left Kosovo while in Gracanica and Strpce villages, they are integrated thank to the Serb politicians in the government of Kosovo, who communicated with Albanians and together, we managed this stable situation. There is not a single inter-ethnic incident, excluding Mitrovica North,” said Veseli. He further called on the Representative of the Office for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, Marko Djuric, to move and live in Kosovo.