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Gračanica: Roma language should be preserved and respected (KIM Radio)

Roma language should be preserved and respected, was the message from the debate dubbed ‘My language, the right of my community in my municipality’, organized by Communication for Social Development NGO. The goal of the debate was to review the current situation when it comes to respect of the Law on the Use of Languages in the case of the Roma community.

Members of the Roma community are faced today with discrimination and problems when it comes to institutions, said deputy Mayor of Gračanica/Graçanicë  Sebastijan Serifović, and added that laws in Kosovo are not respected in general regarding the Roma community.

The Language Commissioner Slaviša Mladenović said that his office extends support to all communities, including the Roma community, with regards to languages. “The Office of the (Language) Commissioner strongly supports the idea of popularization of Roma language, preservation of cultural and national identity of Roma, as well as education and literacy of Roma”, stressed Mladenović.
