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Amnesty International: Kosovo and Serbia did not cooperate in finding people who have gone missing (Independent Balkan News Agency)

According to Amnesty International, human rights around the world are at risk due to politicians who use “toxic and inhumane” rhetoric against ethnic or religious minorities, with the scope of strengthening their position in power.

In the annual report called “Situation of Human Rights in the World”, this organization says that over 1600 people remain missing since the last war in Kosovo.

This organization says that no new massive graves have been found in neither Serbia, nor Kosovo in 2016, while stressing that cooperation agreements between the two sides have not been implemented.

“The Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian community have continued to suffer institutional discrimination, especially in terms of access to sustainable solutions for accommodation and employment”, the report says.

In the part on Kosovo, Amnesty International also says that the Special Prosecutor’s Office in Kosovo has had insufficient staff during 2016, while mentioning the creation of the Special Chambers in Hague for the prosecution of former members of Kosovo Liberation Army.

“Progress in the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, brokered by the European Union, has remained limited”, the report says.

Stopping on the global aspect, the secretary general of Amnesty International, Salil Shetty, said that trend of divisive policies is illustrated by the “poisoning rhetoric” of Donald Trump’s campaign.

Shety said that other world political leaders too have spread fear and division through their rhetoric.

“In 2016, governments have not reacted against war crimes, they have made agreements which harm the right to seek asylum, they have passed laws that violate freedom of speech, they have justified torture and they have extended police powers”, Shetty said.

Amnesty International report includes a study of 159 countries and territories, in an effort to show how people suffer from conflicts, displacements, discrimination or oppression.