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 Dialogue at a crossroad (Kosova Sot)

The paper says in its front-page editorial that political calculations of Kosovo parties may very well put the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia in a dead-end. The opposition parties have received assurances from Vetevendosje that it will support the forming of their government but it has certain conditions regarding the dialogue with Belgrade. However, the paper writes that in order to secure necessary numbers at the Assembly, Kosovo politicians have no problems in accepting difficult conditions. “A concession government could prove problematic for certain important processes, like the Brussels dialogue. In fact, this would be the first precedent of a clash with international community”, warns the paper.

One thing should be clear, adds the paper, and that is that Kosovo cannot risk damaging relations with the EU and US “for the sake of momentary calculations”. Talks with Serbia have no alternative and these should be among the priorities of the future government of Kosovo, particularly in light of recent developments in Mitrovica.