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Do not keep your mouth shut (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of this daily notes that accumulation of dissatisfaction during the  past two governments, “Thaci 1 and 2,” have created an explosive situation. At that time, continues the editorial,  the attention was intentionally withdrawn from internal economic and social problems to the international relations, dialogue with Serbia, recognitions etc. and now, this ticking bomb could cause serious consequences for the stability of Kosovo.  “There is no section that is not involved either in strikes or protests, complains for better conditions, just governance, efficient management or meritocracy…

Formally, the powers are divided, however in practice, a group of politicians are openly challenging the law. They act as they please and unfortunately their shoulders are very often being taped by some irresponsible internationals that are in Kosovo to help on establishment of the rule of law,” writes this daily.

Kosova Sot further calls on intellectuals of Kosovo, to join the criticizing voices and propose exit strategies. “The intellectual strata which has suffered as much as the majority of the society under the regime of the corrupted and illiterate leadership, should wake up, show courage and speak up, because Kosovo population can regain hope for a better life only by fighting evil in all possible segments,” concludes this daily.