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Kosovo, ISIS’s “recruitment field” (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that it is natural to be concerned if recent events in Paris could occur in Kosovo. This question is legitimate, she notes, knowing that so far, 300 Kosovars have joined the “Islamic State” and its branches in the Middle East. “So there are sufficient elements for concern, because they are among us and brain washing did not happen within a night. This was a strategy planned for years and those who currently hide under “the real Islam” are present at mosques, institutions, schools, universities, KSF, Police, media…” writes Xharra. However, she considers that attacks as the ones in Paris, would not happen to Kosovo, at least not for now, not because that ISIS members in Kosovo are less dangerous but because they have a strategy. “As long as Kosovo continues to be a perfect environment for recruitment and an easy corridor to penetrate to Europe, there is no reason to fear ISIS. “The “Islamic state” in Kosovo is not recruiting the children and grandchildren of emigrants, as it is happening in Europe, but a young generation which has secular indigenous parents who do not consider religion as part of their identity. “Sheikhs from Saudi Arabia or governmental and non-governmental organizations from the East are currently satisfied with Kosovars who give up pro-western interests in order to spread their religious ideology until the change of Kosovo’s Constitution, from a secular, to an “Islamic State.”