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Serbian List requests 7 percent of Serbs in the executive authorities of Kosovo (RTK2)

President of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic, expects creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities, provided by the Brussels Agreement, to be on the agenda soon after the constitution of the Kosovo government. Jablanovic said to RTK2 that Serbian List has some conditions for becoming the part of the Kosovo government.

“Conditions of the Serbian List are not against anyone,” said Jablanovic and explained that those conditions are meant to contribute to better life of Serbs in Kosovo. He went on to say that those conditions had to do with the creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities, organized and sustainable return of internally displaced Serbs, return of the Serbian Orthodox Church property along with protection of shrines and monasteries, and economic development, which, according to him, is impossible if the so far privatizations in majority Serb settlements are not annulled.

He went on to say that Serbian List expects to be an equal partner in the future Kosovo government, and if that doesn’t happen it won’t be part of it. “If there is a will on the side of partners to honor conditions of the Serbian List, we’ll be happy to become part of it. If there is no such will, the Serbian List, in the end, is ready to remain out of the process of creation of the government. Being part of the government only for the sake of ministerial posts is neither our intention nor the goal. We expect to be an equal partner in the future government and not to have less posts than Serbs used to have so far in the executive bodies.”

Jablanovic didn’t want to speculate on division of posts, however he said Serbian List will request 7 percent of Serbs in all ministries and executive bodies of Kosovo.

He added that cooperation of the Serbian List with Hashim Thaci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and Isa Mustafa’s Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) is good and correct.
