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Insurance companies ready for lowering vehicle insurance taxes (RTK2)

An agreement has been reached in Brussels, through the EU mediation, on lowering vehicle insurance taxes at crossings between Serbia and Kosovo, said the director of the insurance company ‘Siguria’ Rahim Pacolli to RTK2. He added that insurance companies in Kosovo have been granted the green light few days ago and that Kosovo side is ready to sign the agreement.

“The meeting will take place in the course of this month, whereas implementation of the agreement would start as of 1 January, when new vehicle insurance policies would come into force,” said Pacolli and added that monthly insurance tax would range around EUR 50, depending on the type of the vehicle.

Pacolli explained that new agreement provides opening of the European Bureau’ Office in Pristina, where citizens would be able to obtain the vehicle insurance and the green card. He added that in case of an accident participants will be entitled to a police report on their mother tongue.

Pacolli announced that positive shifts are expected with regards to vehicle insurance taxes and with other states that didn’t recognize Kosovo.
