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SDP: Serbs part of the government in order to improve relations with Albanians (RTK2)

Civic Initiative SDP – Oliver Ivanovic has condemned the statement of the British Ambassador to Pristina, Ian Cliff, that Serbs have recognized Kosovo’s independence by being part of the Kosovo government, and communicated that Serbs decided to be part of those institutions in order to improve relations with Albanians.

“Kosovo Serbs would never participate in elections that would mean recognition of the so-called Republic of Kosovo, nor would SDP nominate its candidates for it, and we are sure that members of the CI Srpska wouldn’t do it either. Serbs have entered Kosovo institutions in order to try to develop good relations with Albanians,” SDP communicated.

SDP communiqué further states that autonomous province of Vojvodina also has the parliament and the government, and is part of Serbia ‘as in case of Kosovo and Metohija’, and such statements are detrimental for development of cooperation and trust between Serbs and Albanians.

“With wrong and detrimental statements, such is the one of the British Ambassador, a fragile peace in Kosovo and Meothija is being destabilized and participation of Serbs in Kosovo institutions is brought into question,” reads the statement.
