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Brasseur: Council of Europe is not giving up on Dick Marty’s report (IRS)

The Council of Europe has not given up on establishing truth about allegations of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly Rapporteur Dick Marty on trafficking in human organs in Kosovo, stated President of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly Anne Brasseur in Belgrade, where she gave a lecture on Council of Europe to students of the School of Political Sciences.

According to her, it is important to establish truth on the missing and the Council of Europe continues to work towards that goal. Brasseur pointed out that the Council of Europe treats Kosovo in accordance with UN Resolution 1244, and that Kosovo is not member of the Council of Europe.

When it comes to the fight against corruption, Brasseur assessed that Serbia has made progress, but still has a lot to do. She said that Serbia should ensure freedom of expression and protection of journalists, and to solve the issue of media ownership. Brasseur will meet with Serbia’s leaders on Tuesday, and then pay visit to Novi Sad. She will stay in Serbia until March 11.