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Serbia's friend anybody who does not recognise Kosovo (RTS)

The countries that have not recognized Kosovo are facing major pressures so as to agree to the admission of Kosovo into UNESCO, Serbia's Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Tuesday.

On the other hand, several big countries have already voiced their principled opposition to the non-principled stands of the leading western countries that are co-sponsoring Kosovo's UNESCO membership request, Dacic said in a live broadcast on Radio-Television of Serbia (RTS).

“These are Russia, China, Cuba, Spain, Argentina and Brazil,” the Serbian foreign minister said, underscoring that there are still many countries that oppose Kosovo's membership, as they consider this to be the unnecessary politicization of UNESCO.

"We are working around the clock, we are in contact with our friends who suffer enormous pressures," said Dacic, adding that he would like to thank Italy particularly, which was not the sponsor of the Kosovo's request.

However, Dacic pointed out that the latest request of Kosovo's was just a consequence of what happened over the last few decades, adding that it was certain that Pristina in the future will want to join the international organization with the support of Western countries.

Dacic said that it was possible that Kosovo will apply for membership in the Council of Europe, if admitted into UNESCO, but that it would not be as simple because majority support would be necessary for it.

Speaking about the possibility of Kosovo to get a chair at the United Nations, Dacic said that all hopes relate to the right of veto, adding that the countries, friends of Serbia, were under increased pressure to refrain or not to be present during the voting in large organizations.

"However, anyone who votes against Kosovo is our friend, because it shows how much it risks," underlines Dacic.

Commenting on the draft of the platform for Chapter 35, Dacic pointed out that he was certain that there will be changes. He added that he was most interested whether the EU forgot chapter 32.

"We are surprised by this approach, because Serbia proved to be a credible partner with whom it can be talked. If something does not change in the EU negotiating platform, that will not be acceptable to us", said Dacic.

He said that nothing would be accepted, what was not agreed in Brussels, adding that all the important topics should be discussed in Brussels due to the fact that a dialogue was on-going there.