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Gorani: A/CSM Vucic’s short-term victory (Tanjug)

The Association/Community of Serb municipalities is victory of the Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian politics, however it’s a short-term victory, says Kosovo analyst Dukadjin Gorani.

According to Gorani, A/CSM idea was good but is slowly turning into a very poor practice because ‘it destroys possibility for creation of a multiethnic environment in Kosovo’. He also claims that Belgrade never had this as a goal. Realization of the A/CSM, according to Gorani, would in a way acknowledge that Serbs would live as a distant community that won’t cohabitate with Albanians, instead they would leave in their own political and cultural space.

“Kosovo is not Bosnia, either demographically or geographically, and Bosnian model is impossible here. Zajednica (A/CSM) can’t turn into the ‘Republic of Srpska’, since it is not geographically possible. What could happen is deepening of ethnic divisions that would, in the end, be detrimental for Serbian community,” argues Gorani. He concluded that if the creation of the A/CSM  would be bad precedent for the future of Kosovo, because ethnic division would be constitutionally recognize and this kind of divisions are destructive for a multicultural society.