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Self-Determination: We will continue overturning trucks (RTK2)

It has been long known that supporters of the ‘Self-Determination’ movement are against the distribution of Serbian products in Kosovo. Their activities have escalated from placing ‘Boycott Serbian products’ logos on traffic lights in Pristina, the only municipality run by a ‘Self-Determination’ movement, to overturning Serbia trucks.

In line with their announcement, ten days ago, when they overturned the first truck near Podujevo/Podujevë, ‘Self-Determination’ activists have repeated their action two days ago and said that they have their political reasons for doing so and that they will continue with the interception of trucks.

“These acts are not directed against the Serbian community in Kosovo, but against the Serbian hegemony in Kosovo, be it political, economic or military. We will continue with such actions as long as Serbia doesn’t change its stand towards Kosovo, and our activists have been careful, as in previous cases, to ensure no one gets injured,” said Adonis Tahiri from ‘Self-Determination’ to RTK2.

Kosovo police communicated that no one has been detained so far in relation to this incident. In the meantime an incident was condemned by the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija.
