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School classes begin with a story about pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo (B92)

School classes throughout Serbia this morning started with a story about the pogrom of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija on 17 March 2004.

Following the screening of a movie about the pogrom in the ‘Banovic Strahinja’ primary school in Belgrade pupils asked questions such as: ‘Was anyone held accountable for what happened?”, “How many Serbs returned?”, “Has anything been rebuilt?”, “What did the great powers say about it?”

Serbian Minister for Labor Aleksandar Vulin, who was visiting the school, said that torching and killings did not happen by accident and without organization. “The pogrom started and ended on someone’s command and it’s about time we learn who this person was”, said Vulin, and added that one of the biggest objections, regarding the Special War Crimes Court that will shed light on crimes committed by the Kosovo Liberation Army, is that the March pogrom is not a matter of interest for this court.
