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Statement by the Office for KIM: We will not allow abolishment of University (KIM radio, TV Most, KoSSev)

"On the occasion of speculation and false rumours related to the University of Pristina in Kosovska Mitrovica, which were unsigned and released through certain media in Pristina, the Office for KiM announces the following:

State University of Pristina with temporary seat in Kosovska Mitrovica is one of the foundations on which rests the survival and future of our people in Kosovo and Metohija. The Serbian government and the people of Kosovo and Metohija will not allow anyone, now or in the future, its reduction, abolishment of individual faculties, revocation or drowning into the institutions of the self-proclaimed so-called. Republic of Kosovo.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Office for KiM will continue financial and institutional support in the future for the growth and development of the University. In this regard, we are pleased to announce that soon will be open the new building of the Faculty of Medicine in Kosovska Mitrovica. We will not give a classroom, a single bench, or a job!
Also, there will be no steps undertaken, in relation to the reorganization of the University and individual faculties, without consultation and full participation of the academic community," says the announcement.