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Islamic states not listening Erdogan over Kosovo (Politika)

“Erdogan’s statement is a shot at empty space” said Politika’s source from the diplomatic circles while commenting a critic of a Turkish President addressed to Islamic states that didn’t recognize Kosovo.

In a concluding address to participants of the 13th summit of the Organization for Islamic Cooperation that took place in Istanbul ten days ago, Recep Tayyip Erdogan called the states to take quick diplomatic steps and recognize the statehood of the self-declared independence of Kosovo. “Among 56 states there are still some that didn’t recognize Kosovo and we are very concerned about it”, said Erdogan.

Official Belgrade did not comment publicly the statement of a Turkish president, however the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has invited the Turkish Ambassador to Serbia Mehmet Kemal Bozaj to whom they conveyed a verbal protest of Belgrade due to a repeated excess of the Turkish President.

The paper learned that Turkish Ambassador reportedly explained that Erdogan had to touch upon Kosovo issue in his address, which is a problematic one, since Turkey has taken over the chairmanship over the Organization, and it was more about expressing his dissatisfaction with the fact that some Islamic states did not recognize Kosovo, than about a call to those states to recognize Kosovo’s independence.
