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Albanian and Bosniak local councilors against the erection of the monument to Duke Lazar (KIM Radio)

Local councilors of Mitrovica North Municipality decided, at the extraordinary assembly session, to erect a monument to Duke Lazar Hrebeljanović in Mitrovica North, after what Kosovo Albanian and Kosovo Bosniak councilors left the session, expressing their dissatisfaction that the topic of Duke Lazar was discussed at all.

Official proposal was submitted by the councilor from the ranks of the Serbian List Igor Simić, who explained that there are no monuments of Duke Lazar in Kosovo and that time has come for Serbs to correct this historical injustice.

Emir Azemi, the local councilor from the ranks of the Kosovo Albanian community opposed to erection of the monument in behalf of his and Kosovo Bosniak community and said “we don’t want to be hostages of the historical myths, instead we want to be a role model of a democratic society”, and added that the monument does not present either ethnic or spiritual culture of that town and that they won’t vote for the proposal which is politically motivated.