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Increased participation of citizens in the process of creation of ZSO needed (TV Most)

Kontakt plus Radio in cooperation with the NGO Center for Women’s Development, from Mitrovica North, works on the implementation of the project ‘My Stance’ aimed at increased participation of residents in northern Kosovo in the process of designing the strategic documents related to the creation and work of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities in Kosovo (A/CSO).

Through public debates and media programs organizers are trying to comprise a list of problems which, according to the residents and experts, the A/CSM should be dealing with. They will also try to identify proposals, initiatives and new ideas coming from the local levels.

Editor-in-chief of the Kontakt plus Radio Željko Tvrdišić argues that authorities are ready to listen to the voice of people as far as media would exercise the pressure on them, whereas Sanja Lazarević from the Center for Women’s Development says that recent research of public opinion in northern Kosovo shows that residents are not takin part that much in the public or political life in general, hence they are particularly not active when it comes to the A/CSM, which appears to be completely unclear to the general public.