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"The OSCE and UNMIK violate property rights" (KIM radio, RTK2, TV Most)

The OSCE mission by occupying a part of the estate of Miloš Živković from Leskovac threatens elemental property rights, states attorney of Mr Živković, Dobrica Lazić.

Miloš Živković from Leskovac, as he says, is the owner of the estate of 2 hectares in the industrial zone in Kosovo Polje/Fushë Kosovë, which, he says, is occupied since 2000. The largest part of the estate is occupied by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo.

Živković says that this organization is not using the property since March this year, and that private companies are usurpers currently.

"No matter that private usurpers are on the property, UNMIK does not permit access to the property because they believe that the property is in their disposal," said Živković.

Živković has filed a lawsuit against the OSCE before the Municipal Court in Pristina because, as he claims, they violate property rights, which is contrary to the essence of the OSCE and UNMIK.

"In all of our discussions with the OSCE, they have claimed to have immunity before the courts in Kosovo, which is not logical. I think they have immunity for other things, but that it's not the case when it comes to private property. It remains for the courts to decide," said Živković.

On the other hand, Edita Buçaj, Deputy Spokesman of the OSCE, in a written statement to the RTV KIM said that the OSCE mission in Kosovo used the aforementioned location with the UNMIK's authorization from 2000 to March 2016.

"For us this case is not new, because Mr Živković was presenting these requirements since 2009. We met with Mr. Živković and we informed him, given that the land is publicly owned, that he has to follow proper procedure, through the Special chamber of the Supreme Court dealing with issues of privatization, in order to determine the credibility of his claim for ownership. Živković until now did not do it," says Buçaj.