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Elections in Kosovo - the coalition "PAN" 34.6 per cent, the Serbian List the fourth force (RTS)

According to preliminary results of Kosovo's Central Elections Commission, a sample of 91 per cent of processed votes, the coalition gathered around Ramush Haradinaj won 34.6 per cent of the vote in the early parliamentary elections in Kosovo.

With 35,252 votes, counted so far, the Serbian List takes the fourth place among the parties, said RTS correspondent from Kosovo.

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić announced yesterday evening that based on the data collected, the Serbian List likely won all 10 mandates.

The highest turnout was recorded in Zubin Potok, where 62 per cent of voters turned out, the second place Ranilug/Ranillug with 53.4 per cent, Pristina and Parteš/Partesh with 52 per cent, and Štrpce/Shtërpcë with 51 per cent.

In Gračanica/Graqanicë and Zvečan/Zveqan voted 43 per cent of voters, in North Mitrovica 34 per cent, in Klokot/Kllokot 48 per cent and Leposavić/Leposaviq 48.69 per cent.

Due to the electoral irregularities, the prosecution in Pristina initiated seven cases and several people have been detained, media in Pristina reported that it was about irregularities south of the Ibar.

The significance of the victory of the Serbian List can be reduced only if all Albanian parties together form a government. At the moment, this is impossible - because of the differences in the programs, because of differences in views on the pressing issues that await Kosovo, reported RTS.

If there is no pressure from the international community, the formation of Kosovo's new government could take a long time. If there is no good will, there is a possibility for new parliamentary elections in Kosovo.