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Saint Vidus Day (Vidovdan) celebration in Kosovo today (KosSev)

KosSev reported Serbs are celebrating the Saint Vidus Day in Kosovo today, and also mark 628th anniversary of the Kosovo battle.

Also, celebration are taking place Serbia-wide with different manifestations. A requiem is being held in Orthodox temples for all fallen soldiers at the battle field.

The central manifestation would take place in Kosovo, at Gazimestan Monument and Gracanica, where Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej would hold liturgy and requiem. This date is one of the most symbolic dates as it marks several crucial events.

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric would also attend the ceremony at Gazimestan Monument.

Kosovo Police prepared a special operational plan, in order to secure public order and guarantee freedom of movement.