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Pacolli: Serbia "doesn't have to say it recognized Kosovo" (Deutche Welle, Tanjug, B92)

Kosovo Foreign Minister Behgjet Pacolli said in an interview with Deutsche Welle (in Serbian) that Serbia "does not have to say that it recognizes Kosovo." It only has to "act like that," he said.

Pacolli argued that "the reality is that Serbia can influence the region", that Kosovo has "a long border with Serbia" and that in Pristina they want to have "good relations with Serbia." Pacolli, who spoke Serbian during the interview, replied to the direct question of whether he really expects Serbia to recognize Kosovo "one day" by saying: "I always said that they do not have to say that, but act like that." Tanjug is reporting that the German broadcaster said he pointed out that he "very much believes" in the possibility of normalizing relations, and argued that the Kosovo side has not been reacting to "so-called provocations" for several months now, while Serbian politicians are allowed to visit Kosovo unimpeded. Pacolli also said that he was the last time in Belgrade in 1998 when he met with (President) Slobodan Milosevic. Asked if a new visit could follow, he said that he had already met briefly with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic. "I have nothing against them, we had short meetings, and they were polite. I hope that there will be more and more such meetings. Will I go to Belgrade, it depends on the good will of both the Kosovars and Belgrade," claims Pacoli. Asked about a possible partition of Kosovo, Pacolli referred to the Ahtisaari plan that specified Kosovo could not be partitioned or join another country. "The time when the borders were changed is already over," Pacolli said. Deutsche Welle (DW) said that he did not directly answer when asked whether there was a plan for the creation of a Greater Albania. "Kosovo will have fantastic relations with all the countries in the region, especially with Albania, we have joint government conferences, we are going to adopt common documents, we will allow free movement of people without obstacles, we are all directed towards Europe and we know that one day borders will have no meaning, Pacolli said. See at: is external)