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Kosovo's independence did not satisfy Albanians (KIM radio)

Although they had the need to become independent, Albanians in Kosovo by declaring their independence did not get what they expected, says the member of the AAK presidency Riza Smaka. Rada Trajkovic believes that the Albanians have not even identified the identity and that they still do not know whether they are for Greater Albania or for independent Kosovo. This, she says, the best is seen through the respect of their own flag. Rada Trajkovic and Riza Smaka were guests in the "Dogovor" TV Show of the Radio Television KiM.

Ten years after the unilateral declaration of independence, Kosovo Albanians are not satisfied with what they gained by their independence. Riza Smaka, a professor of constitutional law and a member of the Alliance's Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, said that Albanians expected more in terms of economic security of the population. Unfortunately, this did not happen, reports KIM radio.

"They are not happy because economic base is not good, level of living, no employment, no place to work, and young people are looking to work, to live."

Due to such situation in the "state" more and more Albanians leave Kosovo, Smaka says.

"At least 100,000 Albanians left Kosovo. Tomorrow, if the door is open through liberalization, in two days, Kosovo will leave at least a hundred of thousand of people, and the Serbs also. Everyone is looking for better," says the professor.

It is obvious that independence did not satisfy Albanians, says European Movement President Rada Trajkovic. This, she says, is best seen in the departure of the Albanian population, to two sides:

"The largest number of young people from the territory of the former Yugoslavia, who are leaving, to fight for extreme fundamentalists, left the region of Kosovo and Metohija because of poverty, money, ideology. On the other hand, another part of young Albanians are going to Europe. This colonization of poor towards Europe is from the hungry ones and, if you like, in many ways oppressed Albanians from their own power. "

Trajkovic believes that, although the Albanians have declared independence from Serbia, they still did not find their identity.

"They have not identified themselves, whether they are fighting for independence and want this symbolism, such as the flag, or want Kosovo as part of a large Albania, so they set up an Albanian flag that they removed some evenings ago, and stole that big Kosovo flag, and in Gjilane, the Kosovo flag was set on fire."

Asked whether the Kosovo Serbs accepted Kosovo's independence, Trajkovic said that they did, but only in terms of obtaining Kosovo's documents, which was carried out with institutional pressures.

"Otherwise, as a determination, as a wish, I think (the authorities in Pristina) cannot expect this to happen. If you have a constant pressure, and to accept from those who continually discriminate you, and the symbols, and the loss of the identity, it really cannot be accepted by the Serbs. It is normal that they cannot accept it," says Rada Trajkovic.

A member of the presidency of the ruling Alliance for the Future of Kosovo Riza Smaka expects Serbia to recognize Kosovo as an independent state soon.

"Serbia should recognize Kosovo; it is a reality. The International Court of Justice has established that Kosovo has declared, in accordance with international law, independence. Some say unilaterally, also Serbia unilaterally declared independence, it did not ask anyone. "

However, Rada Trajkovic does not agree with him.

"I know that if institutional ties such as education and health for Kosovo Serbs disappear, the Serbs will leave and this space will be empty, but will never be recognized as an independent state by the state organs of Serbia. I am fully convinced of this, it is not a myth, this is a fact that we all need to understand and accept. "